#Like YES you BEAST. you're a GROWN MAN
bonebabbles · 8 months
so how was quiet rain disowning clear sky. is it what you hoped it would be
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I wish it could last. I want to stay in the moment where she gets pissed off at Gray Wing sucking his brother's toes and tosses him out of the den for an eternity, and then spend the next one in the moment where she rejects Clear Sky's shitty "apology" where he says she HAS to forgive him as his mother and she disowns his murderous ass on the spot
If I stay in these moments forever I'll never have to get to the part where she forgives both of these clowns
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chaikachi · 1 year
The Little Prince, The Rose, & The Aviator
AKA We just got confirmation that Oscar's main allusion is in fact The Little Prince so I wanted to gather all evidence that supports it in show thus far.
cross-posted from twitter
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A brief summary for those who aren't familiar:
The Little Prince is a story about a young boy that travels to many worlds & meets many people. It is told out of chronological order from the perspective of an airplane pilot that the prince meets close to the end of his journey.
It explores themes around childhood and growing up, love, loss, friendship, loneliness, and hope, among other things. All ideas very prevalent in RWBY.
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Part 1: The Little Prince
The first theme I want to touch on is that struggle of trying not to lose yourself as you grow up.
"Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is exhausting for children to have to provide explanations over and over again."
Oscar is the youngest of the group, and yet he is one of the characters most often shown trying to reason with the adults in the room.
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Yes, we've mainly seen it with Hazel, Ironwood, and Oz... but while the rest of RWBYJNR are also 'just kids', he spends so much energy trying to reason with them and mediate conflicts there as well. All while still being the youngest of the bunch.
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Another way this shows itself is in Oscar's resistance to merging with Oz. The merge is a very clear metaphor for how the people you meet and the things you experience can often change you. And how, when you're a kid, it all feels like its completely out of your control.
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Speaking of the hoverbike scene, I want to shift to a different part of The Little Prince. The infamous moment with the fox and what it is to be 'tamed'. To be tamed is to create ties with others. To become important to them and for them to be important to you.
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When Oscar is having a talk with Oz in v8 about how he finally felt like himself, the person he wanted to be, and felt like he was finally "part of the team"... There is a fox plushie lying on the ground as he passes by.
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But we see that Oscar was right to feel this way later on.
Because just as he was "only a little boy like a hundred thousand other little boys" when he first met everyone... he had since been tamed, and tamed his friends in turn. And they fought tooth and nail to bring him back when he was captured by Salem.
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Part 2: The Aviator & the Rose
In RWBY, most characters have a main allusion that is central to their arc and then secondary allusions for what roles they fill in relation to other characters. (Ex. Yang's main allusion is Goldilocks, but when thrown into the plot, she also becomes the Beauty to Blake's Beast, just as Blake was once the Beauty to Adam's Beast).
If we apply that metric to other characters here, we know that Ozpin's main allusion is The Wizard of Oz and Ruby is Little Red Riding Hood... so when placed within Oscar's story structure of The Little Prince, they become The Aviator and The (Ruby) Rose, respectively.
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The aviator is a man that struggles to hold onto his childlike wonder. He tries, but he lives in a world of grown-ups so it becomes difficult with time. The little prince - much like Oscar with Ozpin - helps him remember some of the things that he's forgotten.
When the little prince meets him, the aviator is grumbly after crash landing his plane in the desert & is trying to fix it before he runs out of water.
Funny then, that when Oscar is crash landing a plane it is Oz that instructs him on how to do it.
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When the aviator explains his circumstances, the prince laughs and exclaims that he "fell from the sky too". Which is an interesting tie in to the canon RWBY fairytale mentioned in Before the Fall, The Boy Who Fell From The Sky...
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...as well as another fairytale we've seen mentioned in the show proper: The Girl Who Fell Through The World. A tale that was first talked about by Oscar, later expanded upon by Ozpin, and finally lived by Ruby Rose herself. (Yes her team also experienced it but it's very strongly emphasized Ruby and Alyx were paralleling each other in ways the others were not).
One thing about the little prince and the aviator is that by the end of their journey when it's time to say farewell, it's quite clear they've tamed each other as well. So much time spent by the pilot wishing to fix his plane and get out of the desert, but when it's finally time to say farewell, he does not want to go. This is not something we've gotten in show yet, but I'm willing to guess is going to be the basis for when the war is won and Oz is finally set free. Leaving the two of them to finally have to say goodbye.
And I realized I couldn't bear the thought of never hearing that laugh again. For me it was like a spring of resh water in the desert. "Little fellow, I want to hear you laugh again..."
Moving onto the Rose.
In the story, the little prince is enamored by her as soon as he sees her for the first time. As he gets to know her, she is described as many things. Some that fit Ruby well (miraculous, naïve) and some that she subverts (vain, self-centered).
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Ruby might not be caught up on physical appearance, but she is convinced that she's the only one in all the world that can do what she has to do. It's a childish way of looking at things, and to believe you can't accept help from others is - in its own way - selfish.
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In the book, the rose asks the little prince to tend to her. She's very needy with her demands and while the prince loves her dearly, it is a strained relationship. In RWBY, Oscar sees Ruby wilting very early on and decides to tend to her without waiting for her to ask. Of which we have... SO MANY EXAMPLES AND I DON'T HAVE A HIGH ENOUGH IMAGE LIMIT TO POST THEM ALL SO YOU GET 2.
Not pictured here, but still worthy of note: Oscar mediating when Ruby is being undermined in v8, Oscar talking the responsibility of telling Ironwood the truth in V7, the "food always makes me feel better" / "I made you a casserole because you were sad" scenes. The List Goes On.
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Part 3: Other Easter Eggs & Evidence
There are also other fun little pieces that drive home just how much these characters allude to the book as well as the inspiration it's had on the show in general.
The first thing the little prince asks the aviator for is a drawing of a sheep that he can take home with him so that it can eat up the sprouts of baobab trees before they overgrow his entire planet and destroy it (and his rose) in the process...
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The tree in the Ever After has maple leaves, but the shape of its trunk is very clearly not a maple. When compared to these illustrations, it seems to have pulled inspiration from baobabs... and what does the tree in the Ever After do?
Its roots consume the rose.
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One of the lessons that's brought up repeatedly in the book is that:
"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.”
This is brought up in a few different ways:
The little prince left his rose back home, so when he looks to the night sky, separated from her, he says:
"The stars are beautiful because of a flower you don’t see . . ."
When Ruby is in the Ever After, with no one to tend to her, she is in a town filled with paper stars.
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It is brought up again in reference to the desert, which we have a wonderful tie-in now thanks to the animatic shared at RTX recently:
“What makes the desert beautiful,” the little prince said, “is that it hides a well somewhere . . .”
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And again by the aviator in reference to the little prince himself.
What makes the little prince special is his loyalty to a flower. Ruby Rose, who inspired Oscar to keep fighting, who reminded him he was brave, and who's mission he has worn on his literal shoulders.
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Two other lines in that passage I've highlighted I also want to mention.
"As the little prince was falling asleep, I picked him up in my arms, and started walking again. I was moved. It was as if I was carrying a fragile treasure."
This line about the little prince being a treasure (treasure is an rg song truthers rise up 🙌)
And the emphasis on lamps being symbolic of the Little Prince himself which... we've seen for Oscar A LOT.
"What moves me so deeply about this sleeping little prince is his loyalty to a flower - the image of a rose shining within him like the flame within a lamp, even when he's asleep... (...) Lamps must be protected: A gust of wind can blow them out..."
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Also Ruby has been referred to as a "spark" by Oz before and when Oscar is worrying over Ruby at Brunswick farms, Maria tells him to "keep that fire fed" which is exactly what lamp lighters do. Just very deliberate use of that imagery here.
It ALSO ties into earlier in the novel where, among the little prince's many travels meeting plenty of confusing adults he doesn't understand, he encounters a lamplighter. And of all those that confused him, he found he could at least relate to this one and see value in his work.
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There is also a matter of how the prince's first appearance is at sunrise:
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That he is cited to live on a planet "scarcely bigger than himself" and "being in need of a friend". How we see Oscar very alone on his farm back in Mistral, just like the prince, only tending to his daily chores by himself, we never even see his aunt.
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And while there are a few other bits and pieces i'm surely forgetting, the last big one I want to talk about is how both the beginning and end of the book start with a venomous snake.
The aviator shows us a drawing of a boa constrictor eating a wild beast...
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...versus Oscar's first appearance coming immediately after he wakes from a nightmare of Tyrian, a venomous scorpion faunus, being sent to capture his rose.
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And the story ends with the little prince in a desert getting bit by a venomous snake that sends him back to his rose and away from the aviator... thank goodness RWBY loves to subvert its fairytale origins, amiright?
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"(The little prince) fell gently the way a tree falls, there wasn't even a sound..."
tl;dr Oscar is for sure The Little Prince, Ruby has always been his rose, RG canon, Tryian vs. Oscar in the desert real and #GREENLIGHTVOLUME10 SO WE CAN SEE IT HAPPEN ALREADY >:OOOO
Thank you for reading 💕
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moongirldreamer · 4 months
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Lighthouse keeper!Eddie x siren!reader
Happy Eddiversary to those who celebrate (this is so late lol)
words: 1k
cw: none i don't think.
a/n: besties this is my first ever fic please be nice to me I tried my best.
Thank you to my friend @theold-ultraviolence Irma i wouldn't have come up with this au or written any of it, if it wasn't for you and our Self Indulgence Sundays. Thank you for nudging me i love you <3
Lightkeeper!Eddie headcannons
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August 17 1824
It's been a week since the mysterious lass appeared on my doorstep. Two more till the supply dingy visits, it's been strange, readapting to living with a person but we’ve fallen into a routine. I've found a smile on my face many a time as I'm working. Her voice carries on the wind, it's almost as if it’s blowing it directly to me. 
Eddie hardly counted the sailors he’d met and slept next to people, not civilized people at least, forced to wash with salt water to preserve the limited supply of fresh water. He spent many a night with a makeshift mask over his face to hopefully block out the scent of sweat and the sea but when she arrived, he found he didn't mind it, almost like he missed it. 
The keeper's house contained 2 rooms as the tending was intended to be a 2-man job, he never realized how empty the small space was until she occupied it. Grown used to the loneliness the sea brings he forgot that the ocean also gives, and she had given him a beautiful gift. He tried to be the perfect housemate before he went off to his tending. He left coffee already brewed in a small metal pot for her to reheat when she woke, fetched a bucket of water for her from the cistern and left a note on the kitchen table : back at sunset. Will cook dinner- E
Morning work was easy enough; take inventory, rain fell last night meaning the cistern had to be woken up with chalk and a good mixing and then any odd maintenance works the buildings needed. He would always know when she was awake no matter how far he wandered from their quarters, her voice seemed to carry on the wind straight to him. Often time he found himself singing along, whistling is a bad omen on ships he remembers this even on land. He knew quite a few sea shanties, picked up a few local songs while he was on the mainland, but she often sings songs he's never heard before and sometimes he thinks in a language he can't understand.
At noon he returns to a simple meal tack and stew she so proudly displays to him half burnt and over salted, but he grins and eats it anyway. She told him in the first week with misty eyes
“I don't want to be a burden, let me….. Let me cook lunch at least you work so hard let me help you” lip trembling and how could he deny her.
“The poor thing” he thought “could make anything taste like salt water and gruel” but he eats anyway.
“Thank you darling, what would i do without you?"
“You're welcome" grinning she looks down at her plate before shyly muttering
"if you're not too busy, would you like to join me on a walk at sunset?"
"OfCourse, anything for you" he smirks leaving her with a kiss on her hairline.
Sunset at the lighthouse made it seem like the sky and sea were competing for your attention, seeing which could glimmer brighter, but Eddies attention was elsewhere. He was enchanted by how her beauty seemed to be enhanced in the golden light.
"Open your hand" she blinks up at him one her fists closed tightly. Wordlessly he gives her his palm and she places an oyster shell, no longer than his pinkie, in it
He grins "an oyster?"
"Yes, my mother told me they were a sign of good fortune"
"Huh I only know them as dinner"
She laughs, mouth opening to give him a clever word or two when she suddenly goes stiff looking over his shoulder. 
"What is it?" he spins to look at what could've possibly rattled her, and behind him on a boulder is a seagull, a bit unremarkable too no missing limbs or gnarled features.
So, he laughs” You're scared of that little thing?”
“Yes, they're retched beasts of the sky with no manners” she grips his bicep keeping him between her and the bird.
“Y’know on the ships they say they’re the souls of drowned sailors, so we treat them kindly just like our human shipmates” he laughs as she moves her glare from the gull over to him.
“I think they should be chum” she says, squinting at the bird, almost daring it to attack.
In a sudden move the gull swoops over their heads missing hers by a centimeter and continuing out to sea.
"Did you see that! that that monster nearly killed me"
"Maybe you need this more than i do" he dropped the oyster back into her palm
"What? no, no i want you to have it, besides you'll need it if you're going to try befriending those creatures"
He chuckled, the sound like warm honey in the cool sea breeze. "Alright, if you insist. But I promise, no more gull attacks on my watch."
Shakily she grabbed his arm again as they continued their walk down the shoreline.
"Do you ever miss it? sailing? "
"Hmm, sometimes" he sends a wistful look out at the water the sun spilling over it as the last of it slips below the horizon.
"it was my life, the only thing I was good at" he grins, but it's sad round the edges.
"but i needed the change, it was getting too repetitive"
"so you decided to tend a lighthouse? the same job day in day out" her eyebrows pull together eyes squinting in confusion
another smile this one woven with affection "well I'd travelled a while but i needed to return to the sea almost- almost as if something was"
"Was calling you back" her tone changes, her voice becomes layered whispers singing and screaming. her eyes gleam, a secret understanding.
"Yes like-like it was calling me" he steps towards her without thinking, mechanically putting one foot in front of the other, eyes locked on hers until he feels wet? Looking down he realizes his boots are drenched, shin length in the waves his brows furrow.
"What are you doing?" asks melodic laugh behind him and he turns to see her, face lit up with the last of the afternoon glee and a smile.
"Think I wanted to go for a swim" the end lifts like a question, he looks back down to his feet barely visible in the water
"But it's getting dark, we should head back" again her voice changes and he moves without remembering, until they're back to their quarters and she bids him goodnight.
That night as he refills the oil and cleans the lense at the top of the lighthouse out in the distance on a cluster of rocks he sees a figure bathed in darkness. He can only make out a humanoid figure with their hair whipping in the cold sea air behind them. Leaning over the railing to squint into the darkness his blood runs cold as a wail crosses the distance, then a soft whisper, as if it was said over his shoulder, of his name.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 5 months
What's your opinion about "Maybe you're not what I need but you're everything I've always wanted" with your Konig interpretation? I have so many mixed feelings about it. This line it's been in my mind and I'd like to know because I love your stories, I always feel my heart bleeding in the best way possible
Yes I’m thinking about a toxic/unrequited love scenario, a mismatch of two completely different souls… ❤️‍🔥
Some brief lust and excitement brought you on a date with him, and he was so excited he only looked at his hands when he talked. His nose was runny because of allergy season, and his jokes were awful, his rehearsed little nods a little too enthusiastic when it was your turn to talk.
In other words: he was a hot mess, bangable only when gagged, and you weren’t sure if you should just let him fuck you and be done with it… or if you should kindly let him down and excuse yourself before things got any worse.
His muscles and his height really worked for him though, and you ended up in his bed. Ended up riding him until he looked like he was about to fall in love with you, and you just wanted to put a bag over his head... That’s way too much desperation for your taste, but unfortunately, you’re wrong if you think this man is stupid. He sees that tiny disgusted glint in your eye; he knows that look of female yuck and pity all too well.
He wants to hate you for it, but can’t, so he exacts his revenge in other ways... Lies that he’s seeing other women on the side when you discreetly ask about it—since when did you agree on having an actual relationship? Sure, he’s up for it, if you are… He just needs to cut off some ties…
You only pull away in shame; that creepy ogre has been shagging other girls while you’ve devoted yourself solely to him, maybe playing hard to get, sure, indecisive whether you should call this thing off or not. The sex is good, his tired puppy eyes kind of cute, the awkward cuddles something you’ve now grown used to. But his recent casual statement makes you nearly choke on your own heart.
Here you thought he was your adoring beast, your cruel outcast, your own big little pet, needy for some pussy, love and attention… Turns out you’ve been played the fool, and König only asks if you want it from the back like yesterday.
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   Hello! So my little rant from the other day inspired a concept for a whole new fic and I just couldn't resist writing it! I have no idea what to call this which is why I'm posting it here before a03. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. (I was thinking sins of the father but i think there's already a Quaritch and Spider fic with that name)
Anyway the premise is that the recoms were grown on Pandora instead of Earth. Instead of just killing them it's decided that they'll just keep them comatose in their pods. Until a system failure wakes them up. Spider is only seven in this fic.
Edit: I have since named this fic. It's called Visited on the Son (thank you @nilnether for helping me pick the name) and you can find it on Ao3 here
 He always felt calm in the tank room under the blue glow of the synthetic amniotic fluid. The only sounds came from the steady heartbeats of the sleeping Na’vi and the idol chatter of his best friend Kiri as she talked to her comatose mother. Spider sat, staring up at his father floating peacefully in his pod. He placed his hand on the glass, as if his touch could make the man wake up. But he never would. He wasn’t allowed to wake up.
     “I went to the village today,” the seven year old said in a hush. “Me and my friends made bracelets! Until their sa’nu made me come back here. I don’t like here very much sempu. It’s….cold. But at least Kiri came back with me for a little bit. Until she has to go back home, to her family…..”
     The door burst open making both children jump. “Miles!” Spider shrank in fear as his foster father stormed up to him. Mr. McCosker grabbed Spider’s arm, yanking him to his feet so hard he thought his arm would rip from its socket. “Did you go to the village without permission again!” The little boy whimpered, trying to avoid the man screaming in his face. “Answer me!” Nash shook him.
       “Yes,” Spider cried.
       “How many times do I have to tell you! No one wants you there!”
       “I want him there,” Kiri yelled, “and so do my brothers!”
        Spider smiled despite the tears in his eyes. Nash growled, “well the adults don’t want him there. And you know better than to just run off…”
        “But you were busy,” Spider said timidly, “I just wanted to play…”
         Nash roughly pulled on his arm again making Spider yelp, “oh you just wanted to play,” his foster father mocked, “you can play by yourself! Do you have any idea the trouble you cause every time you do this!” Nash spun him around to face his sempu. “You're just like your father. A wicked little beast. Why they even bother keeping these things alive is beyond me. It’s a waste of time and resources. Just like you.” Spider’s bottom lip trembled but he didn’t shed a tear. He was used to Mr.McCosker’s angry rants. “Now come on! I hope you like your room because you're gonna be spending a lot of time in there thinking about what you did. And you can forget about dinner….” 
       Spider locked eyes with Kiri as he was dragged from the room. He waved, giving her a sad smile, mouthing bye. He knew she wanted to fight for him. They’d been through this all before and so she knew that Spider would rather she stay out of it. Still she smoldered with rage, fist clenched at her sides. Spider spared one last glance at his father’s tank before being completely taken from the room. Bye sempu. 
       That night as Spider tried and failed to sleep with his painfully empty stomach an alarm sounded through all of Hell’s Gate having the entire base up and moving in moments. Spider covered his ears burying himself under his blankets as red lights flashed. This had never happened before. What is this? What should I do? He could faintly hear his foster parents through the noise, Mr.McCosker stomping through the apartment and out the door, Mrs. McCosker pacing the living room as she made a call. But Spider didn’t want to go to them. He didn’t want to be anywhere near them.
     He focused his attention through the small window above his bed. The floodlights were on outside as people ran back and forth. He knew deep down that something was seriously wrong. But it couldn’t be too bad if his foster parents hadn’t come to get him. They wouldn’t just leave him behind, right? Eywa help me, he silently prayed.
     The first thing he was aware of was the heaviness of his own breathing. Then came the sound of his heart beating slow and steady. Next was the feeling of floating. Finally as his senses returned he opened his eyes to a mix of soft shimmering blue light and harsh flashing red. What in the fuck, Miles thought as he took it all in. He was in a tank. He raised his fist to beat on the glass, making him see his body for the first time.
      Ain’t this a bitch. He was na’vi now. Which only meant one thing. Focus he willed himself. First order of business was getting out of the tank. He’d deal with the rest later. Miles placed his hand on the glass, getting a scene of its thickness. Too thick to break. He looked towards his feet then above his head finding exactly what he’d hoped. An escape hatch. A few good twists was all it took for him to spill out of the container onto the linoleum floor of the labs.
      His eyes roved his surroundings. The computers blared a message of system failure. No doubt the reason he woke up. To his right was the exit. To his left a row of familiar faces all wide eyed and banging on their tanks for release. Miles stumbled as he rose on unsteady alien legs. He persevered making his way to the other tanks, freeing his team one by one. “What’s going on boss,” Lyle said.
      “Isn’t it obvious? We died. And now we're back.”
       Lyle rolled his eyes, “I get that but this…”
       “We weren’t supposed to wake up,” Z said, staring at the computer screen, “and if we’re only waking up because of a computer glitch….” She let the implication hang in the air as they all sprung into action, dressing in whatever clothes the avatars had left behind, making weapons from broken chair legs and glass shards, each looping a na’vi breathing mask around their neck.
       “Alright people,” Miles said when they were ready, “for our sins in our past life we have been brought back as the enemy. In enemy territory no less. We don’t know what things look like past those doors so be ready for anything. Head on a swivel,” his team nodded, “alright. Let’s move out.” They made their way down the red lit hall in formation, Miles leading them. Aside from the alarm it was eerily quiet. All the personnel must have been off somewhere dealing with the system failure.
         It only took a few quick glances for Miles to know exactly where he was. Hell’s Gate. Home sweet home. He knew this place like the back of his hand. He led his team not to the control center but to the living quarters. They’d surely be able to take some hostages there, grill them for more information. How long had it been? Who was in command? What happened to the R.D.A. His team's survival hinged on these answers.
        The hallway of apartments was deserted, doors left ajar from hasty exits. They searched the rooms one by one, not a soul in sight. “Maybe we should just run while we have the chance,” said Lyle, “we don’t need masks to breathe out there anymore. We can survive…”
        “I’m not runnin’ like a coward,” Miles growled. He needed to know what happened. Not only in the war but also to…
        They entered the final apartment on the right hand side of the hall. Just like all the others the place had been fled in a hurry, all the doors left open. Except for one. Miles raised his fist signaling, hold tight on me. Cautiously he opened the door to find a child’s room. The furniture was small, made for a toddler but the few articles of clothing strewn about the room suggested a child in the age range of six to eight. Miles’ eyes zeroed in on a form, too big for its little bed, curled up in its sheets. “Prager,” he called, “kill that alarm would y’a.” Prager nodded, expertly having the wires of the screaming red light out and severed in seconds plunging them into blissful silence. 
         Who could leave a child behind like this, Miles thought as the form shifted. Big brown eyes peaked out at him, wide and curious, not an ounce of fear. Miles dropped down to the kids level, “hi there,” he said gently reaching out to pull the cover back.
         “You're awake,” the child said in an awed hush.
          That made Miles still, “you know me?”
          The kid nodded under the covers, “they said you’d never wake up.”
          “Who said that?”
           “Jake, Norm, the McCoskers. Everyone. They said you were too bad to wake up. So if you're awake does that mean you're not bad anymore? Or was I bad enough to be put to sleep…”
          A chill went up Miles' spine, “why would they put you to sleep? You're just a kid.”
         “Because I’m bad. The McCosker’s tell me all the time. And Mrs.Sully says I’m a demon's son…
         Miles sucked in a breath. Mrs.Sully. Jake’s little na’vi girlfriend, the one that made him turn traitor. He knew exactly who would draw her hatred enough to damn a son for their father’s sins. A dangerous hope flaired to life but he fought to push it down. It’s not him. They would have sent him back to Earth. “Can you sit up please so I can get a look at you,” he coaxed the boy. 
        He complied, wrapping the sheets around his shoulders. The boy reached out a little hand touching Miles face, “your real. You really woke up sempu.”
      Miles hardly knew any na’vi but he knew that word for sure. He studied the boy in front of him knowing in his gut that he was his. He had his father’s brow and nose. His mother’s cheeks, her smile. Most importantly their son had the brown eyes of Miles’ lover, the woman he knew without a doubt was dead. She’d never leave her son behind like this. Wouldn’t let this little boy's long, dry, blond hair, start to mat in places. The kid's stomach rumbled. She wouldn’t let him go hungry. “Miles?”
         He nodded, “yeah, but people only use that name when I’m bad. Most people call me Spider.”
        Miles hid his scowl, masking it with a huff of a laugh, “why do they call you that?”
        Spider perked up, giving him a sunny smile that melted his father’s heart, “because I like to climb!”  Miles chuckled for real at his son’s clear enthusiasm. It’s just a nickname, he reasoned with himself. It would be easier than having two Miles’.
        Spider’s smile slipped as his stomach growled again, making him wrap his arms around himself. Miles scowled. “Who’s closest to the kitchen,” he called.
        “Me,” Mansk answered.
         “Grab somethin’ for my boy to eat would y’a…”
         “But…The McCosker’s will get mad at me. I’m in trouble for leaving and if I…”
         “Who are the McCosker’s,” Miles asked with an undertone of malice. Who ever they were he already hated them.
         Spider averted his gaze, mumbling, “they’re my foster parents…”
         Miles lifted the boy’s little head looking him square in the eye, “well daddy’s back now. And I say you're gonna eat.” Mansk entered with a sandwich cut in half. “Come here.” Spider watched curiously as his father stood but clearly panicked when the man picked him up, sitting on the bed and settling Spider on his lap in one swift movement. Miles took note of his son’s clear distress. He was rigid in his arms, blank faced. The father bounced his son on his knee trying to calm him down. Mansk handed the sandwich to Miles who then offered a bite to Spider. Hesitantly he took it.
         “Good boy,” Miles said gently, rubbing his son’s back. Whether it was the praise or the touch Spider slightly relaxed. “Is it good?” Spider gave a small happy nod. Miles smiled back. “Good. Now what do you say to uncle Mansk?”
        Spider turned to the recom, “thank you.” 
        He sounded so sweet that the hardened soldiers in the room couldn’t help but melt. “You're welcome,” Mansk said. 
        “Spider,” Miles called, drawing his son’s attention, “how old are you now.”
        “Seven,” he answered absentmindedly, enjoying his meal.
         Seven. Making it roughly six years since the war. “A big boy,” Miles bounced his son again, eliciting a little giggle from the boy that made his father grin, his heart warming. “You know when you were little I was in charge around here. Do you know who’s in charge now?”
        “Jake,” Spider said without a care. The rest of the room quietly took in this information. If that traitor was running things now then they’d have to play their cards right if they wanted to get out of this one alive. 
        “He’s quite the fighter. I know we couldn’t take him, or his army,” Miles said keeping his tone light hearted for his son’s sake. His team was smart enough to catch on to what he really meant. Spider nodded his agreement. “Say, why’d Jake keep us asleep?” Miles said while tucking his son’s hair behind his ear so he wouldn’t accidentally eat it as he devoured his food.
       Spider shrugged, “I heard him say once that only a coward would kill a man in his sleep. That’s why I guess.”
       Miles could respect that. If Jake was honorable enough to not strike when they were most vulnerable, Miles was willing to bet that Jake would at least put them through some sort of trial before executing them. And that would open up a whole world of possibilities. “That was mighty kind of him. I’d sure like to thank him for keeping us all alive and thrivin’.”
      Spider’s eyes lit up, “you do?”
      Miles nodded, “sure I do!” His team displayed a mix of emotions as his real intentions set it. They were surrendering. 
        Jake led the recoms like dogs on a leash, their hands bound and bodies tied together in a line, avatars keeping them on track with loaded guns. “Quite the trek gettin’ to your little village,” Miles said.
       Jake scowled, “don’t talk to me.”
       “What’s the matter Jake? We can’t have a nice conversation together?” Jake pointedly ignored him. “You all really let my boy walk all the way to the village by himself?”
       “He’s not your son,” Jake hissed.
        “I beg to differ. You can’t call him a demon’s son then turn around and say he doesn’t belong to me.” Jake smoldered with rage but stayed quiet. “Unless you're saying that I am not in fact Miles Quaritch, in which case me and my team can’t be held accountable for the actions of our genetic predecessors…”
      “Of course your Quaritch,” Jake snapped, “that body is nothing but a blank slate. It’d sleep forever without some kind of driver…”
     “So that means I’m Miles Quaritch, father of Miles “Spider” Socorro….” Jake growled, walking faster, harshly tugging on his leads to make the recoms do the same. The recoms all snickered. “I should thank you though Jake for not slandering me in front of my son. He knows I’m “bad” but doesn’t seem to know how bad…”
      “It wasn’t intentional. How the hell are you supposed to tell a kid his father is responsible for the deaths of hundreds.”
      “Fair.” They quieted as they approached the village. The Omatikaya lined the walkway screaming and hissing as the recoms were led to the heart of the village. Their tsahik Mo’at waited there with her daughter at her side, Neytiri’s teeth bared and snarling. Miles inclined his head to her as the recoms were lined up, “Mrs. Sully.”
      “Demon!” Neytiri lunged at him, knife in hand.
       “Daughter,” her mother held up her hand, placating Neytiri. She backed down but still stood ready to strike. Mo’at fixed them with a hard stare that even Miles felt uneasy under. She walked around them picking at their ears and tails, analyzing them coldly. Once she was satisfied she stood before them, the entire village waiting with bated breath for her verdict. To the shock of all, the tsahik laughed. “Ah, the great mother knows what she’s doing. You demons who so brutally destroyed our home and slaughtered our people. With no respect for the great balance! Eywa has made you one of us so you could connect and feel the devastation you brought among the people!” The villagers all screamed their agreements. “I can think of no greater punishment than to make you learn our ways. Make you understand and feel what you have done until you are so remorseful that you weep at the foot of the Tree of Souls and beg the great mother for forgiveness!” The village roared.
       Miles stood there in shock. He’d expected to have to plead his case. Argue that his team were clones of their predecessors. That they couldn’t be held accountable for what they’d done. “So…your not gonna execute us?”
       Mo’at looked at him in confusion, not understanding his words. Jake said, “Na’vi don’t do executions. They banish their criminals to the ash lands. But I’d tried to convince Mo’at to make an exception for you.”
      Miles grinned, “well it looks like you failed…” Mo’at raped him with her walking stick right between his eyes making Miles stumble back. 
     “Do not think you are getting off easy! If you want to live then you will learn our ways. If you refuse I have no issue banishing you from this land. Then your fate will truly lie with Eywa.”
     “Yes ma’am.” Miles bowed his head to her, the other recoms following suit. 
     “You will come back here tomorrow and every day after until your insanity is cured,” they nodded their agreement, “good. Now away with you!” The clan jeered and hissed as Jake led them back towards Hell’s Gate.
      When they were well away from the village Miles spoke, “well, now that that’s settled, let’s talk about my boy…”
       Jake scowled, “no..”
       “I want back custody…”
        “Absolutely not!”
        “Tell me Jake, what happened last night?” Jake paused. Knowing exactly where this was going he stayed silent. “I know Hells Gate better than anyone. If anything goes haywire the systems automatically reroute power to keep the control room and the cafeteria powered and oxygenated. That’s what happened last night and those damn McCoskers left Spider behind to die! How long do you think it would’ve taken for the living quarters to run out of oxygen….”
       Jake sighed, “Where having a meeting with the McCoskers when we get back…”
       “And I want to be there..”
       “He’s my son! They sure as hell don’t want him! Do you want him Jake?” He shifted uncomfortably, choosing not to answer. “How about you? Do you want my kid,” Miles asked Norm. Norm also stayed quiet. “Is there a single person on that base that could give my son a lovin’ home…”
       “We’re going to work something out…”
        “Yeah you're gonna give me my kid.” Jake clenched his jaw, choosing to ignore Miles for the rest of the walk.
         “We don’t want him anymore,” Nash said, “he’s too wild. We’re having our own baby soon…and now that his father’s back…”
         “Quaritch can’t have Spider,” Jake said.
          “Why not? We’re not executing him, we’re not really imprisoning him and he wants the kid. I say let him have his little bastard…”
          “Don’t call him that!” Jake yelled, fighting to maintain some level of calm.
           Norm gave his friend a sympathetic smile, “we can’t let Spider stay with Nash and Mary anymore. Not after last night…” Nash didn’t even seem guilty over leaving a child to die, “….and remember the last time we had to find a placement for Spider…” Jake most certainly did. No one had been willing to take the boy. They’d had to twist Nash’s arm just to accept Spider in the first place, which was now blowing up in their faces in spectacular fashion. 
          “I don’t want Quaritch to win here…”
          “It’s not about that Jake. It’s what’s best for Spider..”
          “How could that monster be what’s best for him!”
           “It’s better than nothing!” Jake scoffed, “We’ll watch Quaritch like a hawk. If anything happens to Spider we’ll take him away in a second…”
          “Oh come on now,” the man in question finally said, “i’m a lot of things but do you really think I’d hurt my own child!”
         “We wouldn’t be having this conversation otherwise,” Jake snapped.
          “You put Spider in the custody of two people who left him to die! Who let him starve! What else have they been doing right under your nose?” Jake had the decency to look guilty.
         Nash waved him off, “let him have his kid Jake. It’ll be enough punishment for him.” Jake had to stop Quaritch from lunging across the table to throttle Nash, the recom turning purple from how incensed he was.
       “Fine!” Jack shouted if only to stop Quaritch from committing murder, “you can take custody of Spider! But if you hurt him I swear…”
       “Pff..” Quaritch shook him off, “please. I couldn’t do any worse than you.”
        The recoms were locked into the avatar quarters for the night. Not that they minded. It finally gave them a chance to speak openly after their first chaotic day in their new bodies. “So we’re really just gonna go along with all this boss,” Prager asked.
        Miles nodded, “the R.D.A is gone. For now at least. We hang tight, learn the savages way, worm our way into the rebels' operations. We’ll be sitting real pretty when the company makes their comeback.” Everyone grinned, a few cheering for their new found mission. Miles couldn’t help but smile back, “alright now get some shut eye. We got a long day tomorrow.” The others nodded agreements before settling into bed. Miles did the same. He smiled to himself thinking about tomorrow. First they’d have their silly ass lessons in the village. But then they’d start renovations on Miles' apartment from back in the day, getting it all ready for Spider to move in. A home for me and my son. He couldn’t wait.
Hope you liked it! I do know how I'm ending this fic already but if you have any ideas for bonding/learning moments that you'd like to see I'll be happy to write them.💞  
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merakiui · 1 year
Kawjwjdhjdbdj…. Halloween Twst…
Any thoughts on the dorm’s costumes serving as plot inspirations? Like wandering spirit!Heartslabyul taking you as a live sacrifice but instead of killing you like you thought they take you as a breeding toy <3
OHHHH to be a breeding toy for spooky Heartslabyul lads..... orz if I remember correctly, they're something like gravediggers, yes? Can you imagine in a Victorian setting your lover dies young and while attending their burial you catch sight of strangely dressed men out of the corner of your eye!!! You see them each time you go to visit your lover's grave and leave a fresh bouquet because, for some odd reason, the flowers wither much too quickly. By the sixth visit, you're certain you're being stalked because you keep seeing them. First it's a pair with orange and navy hair. Then it's another much taller man with orange hair. Then a man with green hair. By the end of the week, you encounter a short man with red hair and he's the first of the lot to approach you. You're never seen or heard from again after that. :) (but it's okay because you're spending your afterlife getting railed all the time!!! Everyone wins!)
Or being the captive royal the Savanaclaw pirates have kidnapped from the kingdom in hopes of holding you for ransom. >:) but of course Jack gets too attached to you right away; he's just trying to help you and he promises that, as much as he doesn't agree with Leona's method of doing things, he himself won't hurt you. Jack's an honest pirate...who is now too attached to give you up when the kingdom's willing to pay the amount in order to have you back safe and sound. Ruggie's no different either. At first you were annoying and troublesome when you struggled and tried escaping, but he's grown to like you. Much like Jack, he isn't willing to give you up, not even for the ransom. Instead, he can make a pretty Madol selling the extravagant clothes you're wearing. :) Leona won't complain. You'd look much nicer in one of his shirts or in nothing at all. <3
Or Octavinelle being failed experiments of yours who you were trying to turn human after catching them in your fishing nets. Now they're something of an abomination who you've wrapped tight in plenty of bandages and harnesses to keep limbs and skin from rotting off. Though they once hated you for meddling with their natural biology, they've grown terribly affectionate in the time they've spent with you, obsessively so. In return, you have to allow them to try to turn you into a mer. It's only fair they get to mess with your anatomy after you've done the same to them.
Or maybe you're a beast hunter looking to claim the bounty on a certain werewolf's head! >:) Kalim isn't very elusive; it's Jamil who makes sure he keeps out of the eyes of humans and hunters alike. When you step into their territory, it's Jamil who swiftly captures you. For attempting to take Kalim's life, you'll pay for it with your own...or so Jamil tells you before Kalim laughs the threat away and tells him he ought to be kinder to the guest. Kalim grows to adore you even if you were originally here to kill him. And if you're capable of having pups, he might just have to knock you up to keep you here permanently. Jamil finds he quite likes the idea of forcing domesticity on you, and if you're so heavily pregnant with his pups you won't be able to escape. >:)
Or being trapped in a marriage with vampire king Vil!!!! Maybe you're a stubborn human who refuses to be turned into a vampire and so it's Rook who takes care in preparing your meals. You're served lots of meat-based dishes because Rook is a skilled hunter. If he's not hunting with his bare hands, he's raising his bow and piercing creatures with a precise arrow. Epel provides you with companionship when Vil becomes too frustrated to stand you. He tries convincing you to just let Vil turn you; it'll be much easier for everyone if you just submit to your fate. Of course Epel's still nowhere near as ancient as Vil or Rook, and so he can often be swept up in immature whims, especially when the scent of your blood is so very tempting to a hungry vampire like him...
Headless horseman Idia is still so babygirl... he's scary when he's chasing you on horseback, but then you take the pumpkin head off his suit of armor and you meet the babygirl within!!! <3 You're the first human who is daring enough to look him in the eyes (and also not run in fear from him after seeing his face), and he likes how warm and kind you are, even if he tries to insist that humans are so lame and he'd never want the companionship of one. But he's been lonely for too long and you were so willing to befriend him. Maybe he should just keep you for himself forever...
They say a frightening horned creature dwells deep within the mountains. In order to avoid incurring its wrath, the village offers you as the annual sacrifice. You prepare yourself for death, but it turns out that it isn't just one long. It's a group of them, all living together in a very big cave. Almost like a family... Malleus, Lilia, Sebek, and Silver all fall for you in their own ways. You're so precious and sweet, and eventually you realize they aren't the feared monsters the village portrayed them as. They're actually quite nice to you when they're slyly vilifying humans in order to get you to stay and trust them for all of eternity. :)
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Werewolf! Michael myers RZ Halloween NSFW Alphabet
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Note: I wanted to do an NSFW Alphabet for the Werewolf Tall Mickey for a while now. This gif is giving me them Tall Myers vibes.
18+ Minors DNI
A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex?)
Panting like crazy, he's been through so much fucking he's panting like a dog who ran a long way. He starts to clean himself like a dog licking your juices off his balls, which leads him to clean your back, which you don't mind. He then asks if you want food, which you replied with a yes to that. Eating in bed with making sure you're doing well after the fucking he did to your body, He'll lift you up to take a hot shower before bed.
B = Bodypart (Their Favorite Bodypart of their body and also their Partner's)
The giant is a Werewolf. His arms had a lot of strength to them to decapitated a victim, and the jaws he has, he would be breaking bones and crushing wind pipes with his large fangs.
You and your small frame to him perfect to him. He loves your soft lips that are so comfortable against his. He melts when you try to reach his face to cress it
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
He has a breeding kink, and he's staying in deep till he fills you up real good.
D =Dirty secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants to see you in loose lingerie, which he will try carefully to take it off in a creative way every time. A way of teasing you till be gets down to the night of breeding sex
E = Experience (How experienced are they?)
He had none if you lived in a Sanatorium for 15 years, and you mostly did art in your room. You can only imagine it was when he got out he had seen Victims doing it, especially in his old abandoned house. He may have seen some videos online when you were at work.
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Missionary, easy position to learn, and to see your face scrunched up in the amount of pleasure you're in. Cowgirl, you can ride and bounce on top while he watches you ride on his beast and play with yourself. Doggie Style, do I have to say why he loves this position? He'll put you into this position for a little rough fucking from behind. Mating Press, his breeding kink kicks in when he's ready to release his load into your warm womb. He'll stay in that position as a plug to keep his semen inside you.
G = Goofy (Are they more Serious in the moment, or are they humorous, ect?)
This time means I want to make you feel amazing in the moment, so he doesn't want the mode spoiled by something goofy during the act he'll become grouchy which will take forever to get him back in the mood.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the Carpet match the Drapes, ect?)
On top he has lovely long locks, he had grown out when he was in Smith's Grove with some stuble on his face, down below, it's a little forest, but a quick trim down there it looks better. When he goes wolf, looking a bit like an Old English SheepDog due to his long hair, and his abdomen is completely covered by his long wolf hair.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect..)
He's definitely wanting to give you a lot of kisses while praising your body during what he calls sometimes, "Breeding time," which is every time when you both have sex. Having him holding you in his arm in between rounds, he's careful not to be laying his whole body on you. Definitely saying sweet nothings in your ears during the round.
J = Jack/Jill off (Masturbation headcannon)
He doesn't do it often, but if that urge creeps on him, he's going to take care of it. He can turn you on by how he would show how he strokes, starts at the base of his shaft stopping halfway, then strokes fast at his tip. Making a wet sound from it, he will do that when he fingers you.
K = Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
Breeding, praising of any kind, Cockwarming, and size differents kink
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do )
This man wants to rut in the bedroom cause it's more comfortable for sexy time.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
A touched starving man gets turned on by suggested touches on his body. He would be thinking about you with a heavy pregnant belly with swollen breasts for you and his pups that makes him go into breeding mode.
N = No (Something that they wouldn't do, turns offs)
Definitely, no mentioning Smith's Grove or Sister
Won't turn you into a Werewolf if you ask him. He loves you this way.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skills ect)
Definitely giving you some oral, eating you out like a straving beast. Michael definitely enjoys a good oral treatment on his disco stick (He'll pound you real good as a Thank you.)
69 is his favorite. He's eating you out while you're giving him head.
P = Pace (Are they Fast and Rough? Slow and Sensual? Ect.)
Does start slow before picking up the pace and going to pound town. He doesn't want to go too rough on you, but he can't help it. He loves you so much. He'll go soft the next round
Q = Quickies (Their opinions on Quickies rather than proper sex, how often, ect)
Depending on how he feels, he would not be interested one day. The next, he's got you bending over the couch or counter and give you one. He'll be giving you more when he is done hunting.
R = Risks (Are they game to experiment, do they take any risks, ect
Out of curiosity or just getting horny when out in the woods, he would want to go down on you in the woods. Like a wolf in the wild, he will do the dirty with you on a blanket (so your back isn't pricked by branches just so you're comfortable while in pleasure Town) He might want to fuck you when he's in his Werewolf forme, his huge dick on you looks like it can't fit in and would tear your holes into one big hole (and a trip to the ER)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last?)
Will go all night if he's back home early or he's having a day off, around 10 or 12 rounds, depending on how much energy he has that day. Morning sex is a big Yes for him.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
You probably have a vibrator you have in your dresser that you would use before you met Michael. You take it out to use it when he's not home and needy of him. He finds it useless cause why would you use it if he can give you endless hours of pleasure from him.
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease)
His form of teasing is showing you is the for mentioned of stroking his cock, and fingering while stroking his tip making a luded sound from it. Cockwarming is another form of teasing from him he'll be in you for a while till he's ready.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make?)
Loud Panting, grunts, and moans in his gruff voice, Hella hot.
W = Wildcard (Random Head cannons)
When you first met, Michael wasn't comfortable with you on seeing his face. He would wear his wore out mask or his Jack o lantern one. When is he ready for you to see his face he'll let you do the honor of taking off his mask.
Michael would, on occasion, pick wild flowers when he's out for you. He would come home with a big boutique of wild flowers he found in the woods.
He would make you a mask as another form of his love for you.
Michael may not look like it, but he deep down he wants to hear the sounds of little feet on the floor one day. He would wonder when the day will come you tell him that you want a baby.
X = X-ray (What's going on in their pants?)
Human: A good size, 7 inches with good girth
Werewolf: Hidden underneath his shaggy fur is a near 10 inches cock with big girth and knot (he won't put all of it in but started half before going in fully when you get used to his size)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive depends on his mood. He would be cranky one day the next day he's horny and uses his look when he wants to rut.
Z = Zzzz.. (..how quickly they fall asleep afterwards?)
After a shower and some leftovers, you cuddle up with your man clean clothes and dried you'll drift off to sleep. He'll follow suit when you're asleep and you're doing good after the pounding you got from him.
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illarian-rambling · 5 months
Thanks for the tag @phoenixradiant!
OC Interview
I've been seeing people do two characters at once, so I'll do Sepo and Izjik as a pair :)
Are you named after anyone?
Izjik: "My name is a common one where I'm from, but I don't think I was named after anyone specific, no."
Sepo: "If I was, my mother croaked before she could tell me."
When was the last time you cried?
Izjik: "I dropped a bag of hammers on my foot at work the other day and spirits, they probably heard be about ten miles over!"
Sepo: "I don't cry."
Izjik: "Yes the fuck you do? Broody bastard. I saw you tearing up when we went and saw that new band. You cried last time you had to deal with the bounty guild because the guild leader makes you so damn angry. I know for a fact you get weepy every time you get so much as three drinks in you."
Sepo: "...no comment. Bitch."
Do you have kids?
Sepo: "You'd fucking think we do looking after Twenari. And she's not even half the trouble Djek is - and he's a grown-ass man."
Izjik: "Cut him some slack, he's like nineteen. But yeah, two kids pretty much. I've even been to a PTA meeting! That makes me certified parental material!"
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sepo: "Nooo, never..."
Izjik: "Low hanging fruit, my guy. I'm usually not sarcastic, though - it's not my style."
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Izjik: "If they're going to try to kill and eat me."
Sepo: "Ditto. Then I move on to what makes them annoying."
Izjik: "You're so negative, you know that? My second impression is their hands. You can tell a lot about a person based on their hands."
What is your eye color?
Izjik: "Kind of a blue gray? Slate, Twenari calls it."
Sepo: "Sirens all have eyes of black."
Izjik: "And a good thing to, given how stupid big your pupils are."
Sepo: "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Izjik: "If you had blue eyes, you'd look kinda silly is what I mean."
Scary movies or happy endings?
Sepo: "Scary, though it takes a lot to phase me."
Izjik: "Bullshit, you jump every time the camera angle changes. I like scary too, but with happy endings. Things can get bad, yeah, but it's always good to see folks making it out in the end."
Any special talents?
Izjik: "I can do a one-handed pushup!"
Sepo: "That's because one of your hands hardly works."
Izjik: "You're just a hater because you can't do one. That can be your special talent - being a hater."
Sepo: "Yes, fine, let's brush over my musical composition abilities and skills in veterinary medicine. My true special talent is being a hater."
Izjik: "Damn straight."
Where were you born?
Izjik: "The enclave of Edeme’eneha, deep in the N'Diki swamp. I think it was a lovely place to grow up, all in all. I really miss it sometimes."
Sepo: "I was born in a brothel basement in the Ulahdrian capital city of Seluthena, the largest metropolis beneath the waves. I... I also miss it sometimes."
Do you have any pets?
Izjik: "Nah. I never really got the concept of an animal you don't eat."
Sepo: "Landhorse is more of a business partner. She gets me where I need to be, and in exchange, I give her food, shelter, and pet her sweet nose from time to time. She's the best of horses, a gentlewoman among beasts."
What sort of sports do you play?
Izjik: "Does fighting for fun count? There's this bar I like where I can always get into a scrap if I'm looking for one. I think people have started placing bets every time I walk in."
Sepo: "I would go on cross-country camping trips when I was a teen in the Saryimastra Seat. That involved swimming for a few days at least, so I suppose it could be a sport. I found it very relaxing, escaping from all the noise and fuss of the temple. Sometimes Saius would go with me, but usually, I'd go off on my own."
How tall are you?
Izjik: "Tall enough to skin my fist on your teeth, lanky ass!"
Sepo: "You are five foot two. I'm six foot five. I really don't think you are."
What was your favorite subject in school?
Izjik: "I never went, but I liked learning how to set snares during my apprenticeship. It was the only thing I'd sit still for. Looking back, maybe that's why Dzako had me learn so many."
Sepo: "My education was rather... propaganda-filled. Most of the history I enjoyed learning turned out to be false. A lot of the books I read were horribly censored, though I didn't know it at the time. I suppose music. You can twist the words and intentions of music to whatever aims you wish, but the heart of it is always pure."
What is your dream job?
Izjik: "I mean, whatever gets me paid and let's me work outside. I heard Twenari talking once about these people called potion hunters? Apparently, they hunt magical plants and animals for alchemists to use in their work. That sounds like a hell of a lot of fun!"
Sepo: "I've... This is going to sound stupid, but I've always wanted to compose my own songs. In Ulahdris, music was strictly regulated and created by the church. But here on the surface? It's chaos. Any asshole with a kazoo can play whatever he wants. I... Oh, it's all nonsense anyways. I'm fine doing what I need to in order to survive."
Izjik: "You've gotta let yourself live a little, Sepo. I'd love to hear your music!"
Sepo: "Truly? Then... Then perhaps someday, I'll work up the courage."
World's most married platonic soulmates, for real. I'll tag @kaylinalexanderbooks @mk-writes-stuff @sleepyowlwrites @corinneglass and anyone else who wants to play :)
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iydiamartinx · 3 months
𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝘅 | 𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌
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Pairing: Poly!Azriel x OC x Lucien
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❝ 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘴 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘶𝘴 𝘧𝘢𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦.
𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘥𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘶𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘺. ❞
— 𝐜. 𝐬. 𝐥𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐬
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NOTHING REALLY CHANGED after Feyre's departure. Val ended up rejoining Hilda after another week of staying in her family's manor. If she thought she was different before she even first left their home, her time with the mercenary had only alienated her from the high society more.
Those people lived in gilded cages of beauty, rules, and expectations. Val had broken out of that cage when they lost everything. She suffered during her time in poverty, but she gained something that she would never give up, her freedom. To survive, she became a wolf, wild and free, and she wasn't about to willingly lock herself in a cage to appease some birds.
Only a week with her family and she had already been expected to find a man. It didn't matter if she wasn't ready to marry, what mattered was that she was of age, and it was what was required of her. Even her father, despite knowing exactly why she refused, was inclined to agree, so before that could happen, she once again left.
It wasn't hard to track down Hilda now that she knew the mercenary's routes, and while the older woman would never admit it, she'd grown fond of the fierce younger girl. Valda had kept to her word, and never once did she complain. No matter how hard Hilda pushed her, she always got back up, and that earned her the mercenary's respect.
Val had learned many things during time with her gruff travel partner, one of which was Hilda's fondness for taverns and ale.
Once upon a time, Val would've had the time of her life in a place like this. She would've been atop the tables singing and dancing to drinking songs, but that was another life. She wasn't that person anymore.
Instead, she sat quietly next to Hilda, nursing a single mug of ale as she watched as the drunken patrons stumbled in and out of the establishment, laughing jovially with others. At the same time, courtiers prowled around the room, looking to make some coin off of the drunken men.
"Lighten up, girl!" Hilda laughed. Her cheeks were rosy from the alcohol she drank and all the laughing she'd done as she talked with a few other mercenaries she knew.
Val merely just smiled, taking another sip of her ale before standing up. "I'll be right back."
Hilda waved her off distractedly, barely noticing as Val silently slipped away.
She began making her way back to the inn she and Hilda had been staying in for the night when she heard a smack and high-pitched nicker of pain.
Val paused.
She could feel her heart speeding up as she debated whether or not she should follow the noise, but when she heard another pained whine, her decision was already made and what she found had her seeing red.
A burly, unkempt man was whipping probably the most beautiful horse she had ever seen. Even in the dim lighting, she could see the blood reflected on the dark horse's flank. What this man was doing was barbaric.
Before she even realized what she was doing, she was storming over. Burning hot fury rushed through her veins, which was soon iced over with something much colder and darker. "Hey!" She barked.
"What ye want, girl?" The man slurred. His glazed eyes trailed over her form appreciatively.
Val fought back the bile that rose in her throat as she curled her lip in disgust, "Leave that poor horse alone."
He let out a barking laugh, taking a stumbling step closer to Val. "Do ye know who I am, girly? I was a knight for the queen, and this beast made me lose everything!"
"The keyword being 'was.' You were a knight, and now you're nothing but a drunken fool," Val scoffed.
"Why you lit—"
Val stepped back before he could slap her, yet it also gave her an idea. Albeit a very foolish and idiotic idea that could potentially end up with her dead, but it was an idea nonetheless.
"I'll fight you for the horse," She blurted out, "If I win, I keep the horse. If I lose—"
"—Then I get your pretty body for the night," He grinned, revealing a row of yellowed rotting teeth.
More disgust rolled through her, and as disgusted as she was, she nodded. "Deal," She breathed. She wasn't just fighting for the horse now. She was fighting for herself.
Moving surprisingly fast for a drunken man, he caught Val off guard as he landed a heavy punch right to her stomach. The air left her lungs, and she wheezed for a breath, barely dodging the second punch he sent her way.
The man let out a low chuckle, sadistic amusement shining in his eyes. He was getting off on the pain he caused. As he lunged at her again, Val once again clumsily dodged back. She knew she couldn't avoid him forever. She had to figure out a way to end it.
Val surprised him when she ducked under his incoming punch before throwing out her own counter one. Pain burst through her knuckles as she connected with his cheekbone. She left him a bright red spot that would undoubtedly bruise by morning, but the hit barely phased him. Even drunk, it was clear that this man was an experienced fighter.
A dark chuckle escaped his lips. Her defiance didn't even deter him; in fact, it encouraged him to prowl closer.
Val tried to throw another punch, but to her horror, he caught her fist. A sharp cry escaped her lips as he squeezed. Her bones ground against each other painfully, and she was so focused on that, she didn't see as his other hand swung out and backhanded her.
The force of the hit was so strong it sent Val sprawling to the ground, spitting out a glob of blood and saliva.
"Ask me nicely, and I might just be gentle," He smirked as he reached down to pull her up by her hair. Much to her disgust she could see a bulge beginning to form through his stained trousers.
Val glared up at him defiantly, and she hissed, "Fuck you!"
He just chuckled, "I was hoping ye would say that. I like 'em feisty, and I'm gonna look forward to breaking ye."
He shoved Val's face back in the mud. She groaned as her head hit the ground hard. Panic began to deepen as she heard the rustling of clothes. She couldn't see what was going on, but suddenly there was a loud neigh, and the man let out a scream as he stumbled back.
"You stupid beast!" He snarled.
Copper and dirt were all she could taste. Pain radiated through her body, but she gritted her teeth as she forced herself to stand up and fight. A pained nicker came from the horse as the man's attention was focused on it instead of her.
Val knew she wouldn't—couldn't beat him in a fair fight. One of Hilda's very first lessons came back to her, 'Fuck honor. It doesn't exist. Honor is what will get you killed. When you fight, you fight to survive, which means doing whatever it takes.'
Val couldn't give a rat's ass about playing fair because Hilda was right. Playing fair would be what would give her a fate worse than death. She scanned her surroundings, looking for anything that might give her an advantage and a slight glint in the light caught her light.
Slyly, Val inched her way over and grasped the bottle of rum that was thrown carelessly to the ground. She guessed it belonged to the man, but she honestly didn't care enough to dwell on that fact.
He was so distracted by hurling abuse and obscenities at the stallion that he didn't notice Val sneaking up behind him. As hard as she could, she swung the bottle, and it connected with the side of his head, shattering.
His whole body stilled for a second before he dropped to the ground, out cold.
"I win," She spat, wiping away the blood from her mouth before staggering to the frightened and angered horse.
The second she got too close, he let out a warning knicker, stamping his feet. Val instantly stopped. She eyed him warily but fearlessly. She kept her movements slow as she once again began stepping forward.
"I won't hurt you," She cooed.
Her hand reached out, and at first, the horse flinched. Throwing his head away with a slight chuff. Val stopped and gently shushed him, and she only moved when he calmed. Slowly but surely, he began to settle and eventually let Val lightly stroke his neck.
"No one will ever hurt you again, but we need to leave before the man wakes up."
Intelligence shone in the stallion's eyes, and while he eyed her with distrust, he seemed to understand what she was saying because when she reached out to grab the rope, he surprisingly let her lead him away.
The inn she and Hilda were staying in for the night had a stable for the horses of their guests, so that was where Val took him. She tried to check on his wounds, but he snapped his teeth at her, and Val sighed before putting him into the stable beside her current mare. She would need Hilda's help to treat his wounds, and while she didn't like it, she would have to wait until tomorrow when Hilda would be sober.
There was already food and water set up for the horses, so she didn't have to worry about that; he could eat and drink as he pleased. Val, on the other hand, trudged back to her room, knowing she would feel even worse in the morning.
She was right.
When she shuffled down to meet Hilda for breakfast the next day, the Mercenary took one look at her and raised an eyebrow when she took in Val's bruised-up state.
"What in the hell happened to you?"
Val just let out a groan as she took a seat and reached for a stale bread roll. She took a bite before launching into what had happened.
"So you're telling me you fought a man, nearly to the death...for a horse?!" Hilda blinked, incredulity filling her gaze.
"That's exactly what I'm telling you," Val nodded, wincing at the action when a sharp pain shot through her head.
"Just how drunk were you, girl?"
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Hilda, after breakfast, had thankfully agreed to help the stallion Val had rescued, but he certainly didn't make it easy.
He was aggressive and distrustful. He allowed Val to come close and pet him, but the second Hilda or either of them got close to his wounded flank, he would try and bite them.
After nearly an hour of trying, the two of them managed to get a bridle around his head and secure him enough that he couldn't bite or rear up and kick them.
It was only then that Hilda was able to begin tending to his wounds. The second she saw them, Hilda's face had darkened with anger.
She placed a hand on Val's shoulder, "You did good, girl. If I ever see that piece of shite, I'll kill him myself." She slightly squeezed Val's shoulder, causing her to wince. "You still have a long way to go. You have the spirit, but now we've got to work on building some more muscle to toughen you up."
Hilda let go of Val and grabbed a clean washcloth to wipe away the blood while Val moved to the stallion's front to stroke his neck, murmuring reassuring words to him every time he shifted uncomfortably.
"You going to keep him?" Hilda questioned after eyeing Val for a few moments.
She shrugged, "I'm not sure. He doesn't deserve to be caged."
Oddly, Val related to the horse a bit. She felt an instant kinship with him.
"No, he doesn't. He's been through enough," Hilda agreed. "But if you let him go, there's no guarantee that he'll survive. He's spirited, but he's not wild."
Val looked back to the horse and found that his dark eyes were already watching her.
Hilda could see the decision already made up on Val's face. "He'll need a name."
She tilted her head. "What should I call you?" She mused, "Alastor?"
Almost as if he understood her, he let out a displeased huff.
"No...okay, how about Nycteus?" If it was possible, it looked like his dark eyes glared at her. So, he didn't like that either.
Val sighed as doubts began to creep in. Maybe, she shouldn't keep him. Who's to say he would even warm up to her enough that he would let him ride her? He had been abused, and he was traumatized, yet there was no denying the fact that meeting him almost felt like destiny.
Val paused. Destiny...
"Destan," She said. He leaned into her touch, and Val went back to stroking him. "His name is Destan."
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8 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓….
After the lasttime she was here, Feyre wasn't sure if she would ever be back. Yet, now here she was, once again sitting across from her sisters in her family's manor. The very same one Tamlin had gifted them. Tamlin.
Many things had changed since then, one of them being that she no longer knew what to think about the High Lord of the Spring, her once betrothed. Another was that the last time she had seen her sisters, she'd been a fragile mortal. Now, she was much more. She felt as if her unsuspecting sisters had just let a predator into her home. Powerful and untamed, that was what she was.
Feyre studied her two sisters. Elain looked lovely as ever, and then there was Nesta. She looked older, not in her face, which was as cold and stunning as before, but in her eyes. She held the same look Val had when Feyre had seen her last.
Thinking of Val, Feyre's eyes did a quick scan of the room, but she already knew the one sister she desired most to speak with wasn't here.
"Where is Val?" Feyre questioned, breaking the tense silence that had encompassed the room.
At the moment, it felt like the only safe thing to say, yet clearly, it was the wrong thing, as Nesta's lips thinned and her face hardened in displeasure. There was also a flash of anger that went through her cold blue eyes, so quick Feyre almost believed she had just imagined it.
Elain, while she didn't look as upset as Nesta did. She looked extremely uncomfortable, wringing her hands together and altogether avoiding eye contact. Just what had happened between her sisters? And why wasn't Val around?
"She's out," That was all Nesta said, and she left no more room to question that topic any further.
Feyre swallowed uncomfortably. The hope of addressing what she wanted to talk about to Val all but dissipated. The chances of convincing Nesta into helping were slim, and while there was slight hope for Elain into maybe being swayed to her side, the chances were greater that she'd side with Nesta. She usually did.
"And father?"
"In Neva," Nesta answered, naming one of the largest cities on the continent. "Trading with some merchants from the other half of the world. And attending a summit about the threat above the wall. A threat I wonder if you've come back to warn us about."
Elain lifted her teacup. "Whatever the reason, Feyre, we are happy to see you. Alive. We thought you were—"
Before Elain could go on, Feyre pulled her hood back. There was no easy way to say it, and she just wanted to get the first step over with.
All that was heard was Elain's teacup rattling in its saucer as she saw the undeniable fae-ish features that Feyre now possessed.
The room fell into a tense, eerie silence. Nesta and Elain could only stare at Feyre in barely concealed horror, or was that fear? Feyre couldn't tell.  
"I was dead," She explained hoarsely. "I was dead, and then I was reborn—remade."
Elain's hands shook violently as she set her teacup down on the table. Amber liquid splashed over the side, pooling in the saucer. At her movement, Nesta shifted, angling herself—ever so slightly, so she was between Elain and Feyre.
Feyre's eyes looked into Nesta's pleadingly, "I need you to listen."
And they did, reluctantly.
Feyre told them everything, from the trials she faced Under The Mountain. Amarantha. Her death and transformed rebirth. She told them all she could bear before finally explaining what she needed from them and the house. She gave them only a general idea of what was to be done, afraid that if she gave them anymore, the slight chance of convincing them to help would completely be lost.
After Feyre was finished talking, the three of them fell into another silence. Both Nesta and Elain could only look at Feyre with wide, stunned eyes.
Finally, it was Elain who spoke, "You—you want other High Fae to come...here. And the Queens of the Realm."
Feyre slowly nodded.
"Find somewhere else," Was all Nesta said. Her tone curt and dismissive. 
Feyre sighed, preparing for the oncoming argument. She tried to plead, to beg Nesta to see her side of things, but her elder sister remained firm. If Val were here, she could've convinced Nesta, but alas, she wasn't, and the best she had gotten was swaying Elain enough that she managed to persuade Nesta to at least consider it by meeting up with Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel.
Nesta wasn't happy, but she grudgingly agreed to meet with them. Elain gave Feyre a small hesitant smile before getting up to send the servants away.
Feyre sighed in relief; hope wasn't lost. She still had a chance to convince her sisters to help. If only Val were here.
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Hours later, between Elain's charm and some bribing, the servants had left the house. The sisters moved to the dining room, the most spacious area in the home.
Rhys's brows lifted as he entered, scanning the silent house. "You'd think they'd been told plague had befallen the house."
Feyre let the other two in before shutting the door against the bitter cold. "My sister Elain can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles."
Cassian let out a low whistle as he turned in place, taking in the grand entry hall.
"Your father must be a fine merchant," Cassian said. "I've seen castles with less wealth."
She swallowed thickly. Tamlin had been the one to gift her family this house and wealth.
Feyre saw Rhys studying her, a silent question written across his face. "My father is away on business—and attending a meeting in Neva about the threat of Prythian," She explained.
"Prythian?" Cassian questioned, twisting to face Feyre and Rhys. "Not Hybern?"
"It's possible my sisters were mistaken—your lands are foreign to them. They merely said 'above the wall.' I assumed they thought it was Prythian." Feyre shrugged.
Azriel walked forward, his steps as silent as a panther. "If humans are aware of the threat, rallying against it, then that might give us an advantage when contacting the queens."
"I thought you had three sisters. Where is the third?" Rhys questioned, having noticed from the shadows of where he, Cassian, and Azriel had been hiding that there were only three Archeron sisters, including Feyre.
Feyre's eyebrows furrowed, and she shook her head. Frustration and worry evident on her face. "I don't know, Nesta won't say, and Elain refuses to even look at me when I mention her."
Sensing the distress, Rhys offered Feyre a subtle yet understanding nod as he monitored for her to lead the way, "I'm sure she's alright. Come, let's make this introduction."
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The introductions went as well as expected. Yet, everything after that only seemed to go downhill.
Nesta listened to Feyre explaining what they needed. This time in even more detail, but even after all of that, Nesta remained firm in her decision. She had already lost two sisters. She wasn't going to lose Elain as well.
"No, find somewhere else," She glared. The presence of the other Fae males made her even more hostile and on edge.
Indecision warred across Elain's face as she looked between her two sisters, "Nesta, perhaps—"
"They shouldn't be here!" Nesta snarled. Her hands twitched as if she was going to bang them on the table, but she just curled them into fists. "You've already put us in danger by showing up and all of you need to leave! You are not welcome!"
Feyre flinched at the anger in Nesta's eyes and had to resist curling into herself at Nesta's words, each of them hitting their marks like an arrow. Nesta wouldn't be budged, not even by Elain's words.
"Ignore her..." A new voice drawled out.
Nesta went utterly still, her whole expression shuttering. If Feyre had been standing, her knees would've buckled from the sheer relief she felt surge through her as she heard that familiar voice.
Feyre's head whipped towards the entrance so fast that she felt a brief pinch in her neck, but she ignored it as her eyes landed on the figure leaning against the door jamb, one foot crossed over the other.
"...You and your friends are always welcome, my darling sister."
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links-in-time · 2 months
Twilight Warriors 5
Decided to do a non smutty chapter.
😯 Yes I know!
But please stick with it. I wanted some character development and a little bit of back story for Wars and Twilight and that's hard to do if their mouths are occupied for one reason or another.
This chapter doesn't have any warnings, but it is part of an 🔞 series so read at your own discretion.
Warriors decided he hated dungeons. He decided he hated them about five minutes after entering his very first temple ruin and a giant spider fell on top of him, pinning him to the ground. In the narrow corridor there was very little room for the boys to manoeuvre around in. Time was the closest and an instant later Wars saw the tip of Time's golden side arm jutting out of the monsters head. Time and Twilight helped to heave the beast off Warriors and pulled him to his feet. If the rest of the dungeon was going to be this tight and dimly lit, it was going to be a very long day.
Legend, Four, Wind and Hyrule were practically buzzing with excitement at that thought. Sky and Twilight seemed to have resigned themselves to their situation and were going to tackle it one thing at a time, without over thinking their predicament too much. Wild was almost as bewildered as the Captain, but seemed to have some experience at solving the sometimes insane puzzles which blocked their progress through the ruins.
With his expertise lying in large scale battles with multiple enemies, Warriors decided to leave this particular part of their journey to the experts in 'dungeon crawling', as they called it.
"Come on Captain, lighten up. I'm sure there'll be something for you to fight as soon as we hit the next chamber!" Hyrule called to him from the front of the group.
He sounded so goddess damned cheerful it reminded Wars of Mask during the war. The boy was always itching for a fight. To put on one of his masks and charge the enemy force with some crazy power at his command. Now his little brother was all grown up. Grown up and their defacto leader on this quest. It had taken a while for Wars to connect the dots from his little brother from another time, to Time. To be fair to himself, Time hardly looked anything like his younger self.
The markings on his face had been a clue, but Wars hadn't wanted to give himself false hope. However, one night around the campfire they had been trading stories as usual and the topic of masks had cropped up. After scaring Wars nearly half to death, he had finally seen the path between his mischievous little brother from the war, to the man he knew and loved in the present. Turns out that Time never fully grew out of his prankish streak. Something that both warmed his heart, and made his eyes roll at the same time.
"Hey, you okay Cap?" Twilight asked, falling into step with his companion. "You've been pretty quiet all day."
"Have I? Not much for me to contribute I guess. Soon as we find a puzzle or an enemy we have to best by talking at it, I'll be your man!" Wars jested, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.
"You sure you're okay? We could find somewhere safe and wait for the others?" Twilight suggested.
"No, it's fine. I don't want to leave them any more than you do. I'm just, not used to this. That's all," Wars insisted, trying his best to sound convincing. "Besides, this is the first place we've found which has a tangible link to Dark. All the local reports say the monsters have been coming from this ruin. So either he's here, or he left another portal behind somewhere in this dungeon."
Their conversation came to an end as Legend unlocked the next door. The nine of them walked through into a large chamber lined with columns and statues, and another door at the far end leading out of it. Great. Not the final chamber then.
"What now Four? This is your dungeon after all," Time sighed, trying his best not to sound impatient.
"Last time the four of us turned off the flames by pressing the four switches together," Four replied, examining the room with a cold stare.
"What flames?" Wild asked, but he quickly got his reply.
As though in answer, the statues lining the walls immediately let out a burst of bright orange flame, spanning the width of the room. Almost in unison, the nine boys took a large step backwards, away from the roiling flames before them.
"Right, flames. Switches, okay." Wild stammered.
Four quickly showed the others where the four switches were and Wild helped shoot at the farthest one beyond their reach. With the first set of statues deactivated the Chain moved forwards tentatively. However, when Four told them to halt and wait for the next bout of flames to appear, nothing happened. For a heartstopping moment he thought the trap might be defunct, that they could move forwards unhindered. He should really know better than to wish for such luck.
With a crash, the door behind them slammed shut and the door ahead slid open. A torrent of monsters quickly scrambled their way into the room, most holding bows, trained on their prey.
"At last, something I can handle!" Wars chuckled to himself, drawing his sword.
He quickly tried to put some distance between himself and his brothers, but the chamber was still farily narrow. They could only really stand four or five abreast at best. Not great when a swarm of bokos and some kind of large red beetle with tentacles for legs, was trying to cut them off from each other. Wars decided he'd ask about them later, after he's killed them all.
"Wild you have some bombs on you?!" Four shouted, from the front of the group.
"You know I do!"
That was the last thing Wars remembered before all hell broke lose. Rather than tackling the problem logically and to his mind, safely. Four and their resident wild child, decided to deal with the situation in a different manner. Leaving Wars and Twilight in their current predicament.
"That you Cap?" Twilight wheezed, only succeeding in drawing more dust into his lungs.
"Yeah, I'm here Twi. You alright?" Wars coughed in reply.
"Just about. Le'me see if I can roll onto my back."
Wars heard some strained noises amid Twilight's shuffling. Then the tell-tale sound of Twilight digging through his bag. Good, at least that hadn't been crushed. A moment later, a lantern flickered into life, illuminating their tiny new world. Twilight was covered head to toe in grey dust, a trickle of blood framing the right side of his face. Wars tried to reach out to touch it but found he couldn't move his left arm. Turning his head he found it trapped beneath a piece of carved masonry, a bit of one of the statues he thought.
"Don't move. I've got you," Twilight insisted, in his easy going manner.
Wars felt more reassured than he should have when Twilight shifted over towards him. Looking up at the roof of their tiny prison of stone, Wars could see cracks running through every piece of rock above their heads.
"Be very, very careful what you touch right now Twi." Warriors warned in a hushed voice, the back of his mouth caked in the same dust covering Twilight. "One wrong move could bring this whole thing down on top of us."
"Got it." Twi nodded.
After a few moments he managed to carefully lift the stone off Wars' arm and set it to one side. Wars slowly sat up and tested his arm. It felt like nothing more than a bruise, perhaps a fracture at worst. But at least it wasn't broken.
"How's it feel?" Twi asked, indicating Warriors arm.
"Could be worse. It's not broken. I might try splinting it just in case." Wars replied, already pulling his bag into his lap to search for his medical supplies. "How's your head? You're bleeding."
"Just a bump, my head's fine. I've got a potion for your arm if you'd prefer?" Twi suggested.
"How many do you have at the moment?"
"Four, I've been trying to keep them stocked up since that day."
"Well at least you learnt something from the experience!" Wars sighed.
"Hey, you want the potion or not?!" Twi asked, feeling a little defensive.
"Sorry yes, that would be great. Besides, there's not enough light or space in here for me to work properly anyway," said Wars, as he took the bottle from Twilight.
"Nah, I've seen you patch up the lot of us in worse situations than this. I bet you could do stitches with your eyes shut these days!"
"Kind of you to say, but I don't think I'll try it any time soon. Legend already hates needles as it is. I doubt he'd look too kindly at me if I tried stitching him up without looking!"
Wars chuckled a little, taking a few slow sips of the glittering red potion. He tucked his knees into a more comfortable sitting position and put his bag down by his side. After he finished off the potion, Wars handed the bottle back to Twi. He could already feel it working. The familiar magic coursing through his veins, knitting bone and muscle back together and healing the surface bruising to his arm.
Everything was so quiet. Inside their little cave were the soft sounds of their own breathing and heart beats hammering in their ears. Beyond the stone above them there was nothing. The columns and statues which had collapsed in the blasts, only rested a few inches above their heads.
"Looks like we might be in here for a while, until the others can dig us out of here. You going to be okay?" Wars asked, giving his companion a discerning look.
"I'll be alright. I'll just try not to think about it too much. Small spaces are one thing. Small spaces I can't get out of... Well, I'll try not to think about it."
Silence descended over the pair as they waited for rescue in what ever form it might take. Wars didn't mind small spaces, he had spent his youth in a box room with one bed and a sibling to share it with. Then in the army he'd been squeezed into barracks with dozens of other men and women. Space was a luxury he'd learned to do without. But Twilight, Twilight was used to mountainous regions and vast fields rimmed by forest trails. Wars could only imagine how hard it must be for the Rancher to sit still and be patient in such a cramped place.
"Tell me what you're thinking," Wars uttered, when the silence and the pained expression on Twilight's face was too much for him to bare.
"I was thinking about my home," Twilight sighed, a little of the tension leaving his face.
"Ordon?" Wars asked.
"Before that. See, not many people know this, but I didn't grow up in Ordon. I tried my best to make it my home. And it was the place I found the most peace in my life. But I only lived there for a year and a half before the Twilight beasts attacked."
"Where did you live before that?" Wars questioned with a frown.
"A place that doesn't exist anymore. A border city between Hyrule and the desert. It... I... It vanished. I was the only survivor." Twilight's voice peatered out, as his gaze dropped to the floor.
"I'm sorry Twi, I had no idea."
"S'alright. You couldn't have known. Heck, hardly anyone back home knew about it either. After I lost my home I wandered Hyrule trying to disappear myself. I found Ordon instead. Rusl and Uli took me in and Ilia helped me find my way. I thought I might have found some peace, some escape from the darkness. But it ended up finding me anyway." Twilight explained, his gaze still fixed on the lamp in front of him.
"Seems that's the way for us Hero types. The moment we get a moments peace the Goddesses see fit to shatter it." Wars sighed, fiddling with the corner of his tunic.
"What about you, I know you were a soldier. But what about before that? Where'd you grow up?" Twilight asked, lifting his gaze to look at Wars.
"On the edges of Castle Town. I'm afraid my story isn't as tragic or exciting as yours though Twi." Wars tried to deflect Twilight's question.
"Tell me anyway," Twilight insisted softly.
"Well," Wars said, letting out a deep sigh. "We didn't just live on the edge of town, we lived on the margins too. My father was a drunk and my mother worked making textiles. My father used to beat my sister and my mother when his temper would get the better of him. As soon as I was big enough to put myself between them and his fists, that's exactly what I did. Got plenty of bruises and belt slaps for it. But I never felt sorry for myself. I'd rather take on his drunken ire, than let him take it out on them. I ended up enrolling in the army at fifteen."
"Fifteen?! Bit young weren't you?!" Twi bulked at the idea of a skinny fifteen year old Link thrusting himself into the world of drills and steel.
"That's what the recruitment agent said." Wars nodded. "But I asked to show them what I could do and I must have impressed someone because the next day I got my summons to the barracks. My first paycheck went to renting a room for my mother and sister. I didn't care what happened to my father. Even when one of our old neighbours told us that he'd passed, I felt no loss. I didn't cry or mourn him. All he'd done was help bring me into the world, he hadn't tried to make it a kind place for me."
"I'm sorry. I remember the guilt and the loss I felt after I lost my family. I don't think I ever quite got over it."
"At least you had people around you who cared for you and loved you like one of their own. The army may be a great place to build bonds of friendship, but it's a hard place to find love."
Twilight quirked an eyebrow.
"You never found anyone among your fellow soldiers?" He asked, Wars snorted a laugh.
"There were a couple while I was going through training. A girl who came from the same side of the city as me. We bonded over terrible parents. When I was assigned my first posting, there was a guy who fell head over heels for me. I broke his heart when I couldn't commit. Broke mine too, but I just wasn't ready."
Wars looked over at his companion, staring back at him.
"Sorry, you probably don't want to hear about my past daliances."
"S'okay. I only really had one before you," Twilight shrugged.
"Midna?" Wars asked in a small voice.
"Yeah, Midna." Twi echoed, dropping his gaze once more.
"You really loved her didn't you?" Wars asked tentatively, ready to beat a hasty retreat if Twi wasn't willing to talk.
"I didn't know it until it was too late. Maybe if I'd understood my feelings sooner, maybe I wouldn't have just stood there..."
He paused, trailing off into his own thoughts. Wars waited, he didn't want to interrupt Twilight if he decided to continue speaking.
"If I could take anything back. Could go back and change what I did, it would be that moment. I would at least say goodbye."
"You never said goodbye?" Wars breathed, shock plain on his face. Twilight shook his head.
"I didn't realise what she was going to do. I just... I was a fool." Twi uttered, his words getting caught in his throat.
"Hey, you're not a fool. Alright. You've changed since then too. I remember that night you and Sky were trying to cheer me up. And you certainly did that and then some!" Wars remarked.
"Hmm, it took a lil prompting from you to get the Goron rolling though. Don't think I would have said anything if you hadn't first Cap." Twilight admitted, gently shaking his head.
"Well, I'm so very glad you did. You've made this whole journey a lot more bareable Twi," Wars insisted, the truth of his words plainly written in his smile. "I love the others dearly, like family. But how I feel about you. It's a kind of love I didn't think heroes were allowed."
"I know what you mean. It's like, I know you can more than handle yourself in a fight, but I'm still scared to lose you. Because, I don't want this feeling to end." Twilight spoke quickly, afraid he wouldn't get the right words out otherwise.
"I feel the same way. I'd be devastated if any of the boys... If we lost anyone. But if I lost you now, I don't know what I'd do." Wars echoed Twilight's thoughts and both found each others gaze for a moment.
"Then we watch each other's backs, and we make the most of the peace we get in between the bouts of storm. Right?" Twilight declared, daring to raise his voice for a moment.
"Right. Business as usual for us heroes then!" Wars chuckled.
"Haha, yeah, I guess so!" Twi huffed with a laugh.
Wars smiled and braced himself on his good arm as he leaned towards Twilight. He closed his eyes and pressed a soft kiss to Twi's lips. He tasted of dust and sweat, but the gentle contact eased his mind. Twilight returned the kiss, and cupped Wars' cheeks with his hands. Twi kissed him again, a little firmer, before drawing away to rest his forehead on Wars'.
Just as Twi was about to open his mouth to speak, they heard something. A scratching, scraping noise. Like metal against earth. It was difficult to tell what direction the noise was coming from, and both Wars and Twilight's eyes were on the rocks above them. Which is why when Sky broke through the ground beneath them, they both jumped out of their skins.
"Woh! Easy! It's just me, it's Sky!" The chosen hero quickly tried to reassure his brothers. Talking as though he were trying to soothe a scared loftwibg.
Sky was filthy, covered in more dirt than Twilight, but he beamed from ear to ear. As recognition dawned on Wars and Twi's faces they relaxed. Letting go of each other's hands, which they seemed to have grabbed on instinct. Sky just smiled sweetly at them and made no comment. After getting over the shock, Warriors noticed the strange gloves the Skyloftian was wearing. They were bulky and long curved claws protruded out of them.
"Sky!" Twilight breathed, "Spirits! How did you get in here?!"
"I dug a tunnel under the rubble. Sorry it took me a while, these mits can dig through pretty much anything but the floor in here is pretty tough. I came as fast as I could. We were all just hoping you hadn't been crushed. I'm so glad you're both alright."
Wars couldn't help but smile at the relieved expression on Sky's face. He made a mental note not to ever let Sky play cards with Wind. That was a victory he was well prepared to rob from the sailor.
Once Warriors and Twilight had crawled along behind Sky through his tunnel, they emerged at the far end of the chamber they had been trapped in. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found the rest of the Chain anxiously waiting for them. Behind him however, the carnage laid out before them was extensive. In fact, Twilight was convinced it was a miracle he and Wars were still alive at all.
"I didn't think it had worked!" Wild's voice was muffled as he crashed into Twilight, pulling him into a vice like hug. "The bomb bounced off one of those bugs and hit the column. After that, everything started falling apart. I saw the rubble heading in your direction. I managed to halt some of it with the slate before it fell. Just hoped it wouldn't crush you before the rest fell on top. I'm so sorry Twi!"
"Hey, it's okay Wild. The Captain and I are both fine. We're both alive and as far as I can see everyone else is too. You did well to stop that rubble, that was real quick thinking." Twilight quickly tried to reassure his prodege. "We're okay cub, everyone's okay."
As Wars watched the pair of them in their embrace he felt a strange pressure on his hand. He looked down to see that Sky was holding onto him as well. Not as fiercely as Wild was hugging Twilight. But he was there all the same, holding onto Wars, his intent clear.
"Don't you ever scare us like that again Captain," Sky warned, his voice low. Still looking ahead as he spoke.
"I'll try not to. We just keep taking care of each other. All of us. And we'll get through this."
"Yeah, I hope you're right."
< Chap 4 : Chap 6 >
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queen-dahlia · 2 years
𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐔𝐩 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲
Chevalier's 3rd birthday
Belated happy birthday (to my first love in ikeprince)
Sorry but also not sorry that I prioritized to work on Gil's story even though I got you first xD
Note: Translation is not 100% accurate. Expect grammatical errors.
// means alternate translation
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Birthdays, for example, did not matter to me at heart until a few years ago.
It was nothing special, just a part of time passing by.
It is only recently that it has taken on special meaning.
For a worthless and meaningless birthday, Emma sees value.
That was enough.
No, it was more than enough.
There is nothing else that I want, and I even wish there was nothing else.
Leon: "--I'm not going to let you do this forever."
(It was a hassle.) **
Black suddenly bursts into the afternoon's long, quiet office, his voice tinged with annoyance.
I had Emma and Clavis helping me with official duties, but both were completely out of it.
Clavis: "Easy, easy, Leon. What can you say to a stone headed man?"
Leon: "Don't spoil it for me. You know how important the party is, don't you?"
Clavis: "Haha, no doubt. Chevalier, as you can see, your brother is not happy. Why don't you give up this year?"
Chevalier: "Nonsense. I don't have time for unnecessary things."
Leon: "What's so unnecessary? You're not listening to what I'm saying."
(I knew you'd say that someday.)
I let the annoying nagging remarks pass without stopping to skim through the paperwork. **
The reason why Black started to mention "nonsense" other than politics is that,
It may be because I met Emma and the signs of changes appeared.
Leon: "A royal birthday party is a national event and part of the public service."
Leon: "It's basically your duty and obligation to organize it, unless you have special reasons like Licht and Luke."
Leon: "Especially now that you're our leader."
Leon: "It doesn't make sense that the 'face' of Rhodolite wouldn't throw a party, does it?"
Chevalier: "Would it harm the national interest if that party or whatever it is does not exist?"
Leon: "Yes."
Clavis: "Good. Leon is really on top of his game today."
Leon: "Don't be a fool, you should be part of the persuasion."
Clavis: "Hahaha, I got it."
(I'd like you to leave me alone.)
Leon: "Look, you're not a cruel and merciless beast anymore. There's a whole nation out there that wants to celebrate you." **
Leon: "Not accepting their wishes is damaging enough to the national interest, isn't it?"
Clavis: "Yes, yes."
(What are you trying to say...)
Leon: "Besides, your birthday will be celebrated by many ambassadors from other countries. It will be an important event in terms of diplomacy."
Clavis: "Tell him about it."
(... You have a point, but it's not necessary.)
Leon: "Besides, I've never celebrated your birthday. I've wondered about that for a while now."
Clavis: "You've grown up a good boy, Leon. Onii-chan is about to cry."
Chevalier: ". . ."
(... I'm not even interested in birthday wishes from you...)
More importantly, I am not interested in blessings other than Emma's, not just Black.
Leon: "All in all, we'll definitely throw you a birthday party this year, okay?"
Chevalier: "... That's not even worth discussing."
Chevalier: "To begin with, I'm busy on my birthday. I don't have time for unnecessary parties."
Clavis: "Don't tell such blatant lies. I'm the one who manages your schedule."
Clavis: "You have no appointments on your birthday."   //   "You have no plans for your birthday."
Chevalier: "I'm saying I have other things to do besides my official duties."
(Why should I party when I can spend my time on Emma.)
On my birthday, I am busy getting my birthday celebrations from Emma.
I had no intention of putting in an extra schedule unless there was a good reason to do so.
Leon: "... You."
Emma: "... If Chevalier-sama doesn't want us to have a party, I don't think we have to force ourselves to have a party."
Emma, who had been watching quietly until then, speaks up clearly.
Emma: "After all, it is his birthday... I thought we should give priority to Chevalier's wishes."
Leon: "Huh, I thought you were more in on the partying idea?"
Emma: "Of course, I'm sure the party sounds like fun."
Emma: "I know there are many of you who would like to celebrate Chevalier-sama."
Leon: "Right? You'd like to see the Chevalier celebrated, wouldn't you?"
Clavis: "Emma likes to party, right? Unlike someone else here."
Chevalier: ". . ."
(That being said, there is still room for consideration.)
Emma is probably more in the mood to throw a party, as Black says.
But on the other hand, there must be a genuine desire not to force them to do what they do not want.
(If so, I'll at least offer a compromise.)
(Although at the moment, there is no value in a November birthday party...)
(There is one way to find value in this.)
Chevalier: "... There are some conditions."
When I uttered those words, the air in the room shook in an understandable way.
Chevalier: "If you are going to throw a big party for me, Emma, you should be the host of it."
Emma: "What?"
Leon and Clavis: "Huh?"
It's different from a party for one's family. **
The royal party is a massive national affair.
The organization of such an event is a major role that cannot be filled by incompetent people.
Leon: "You don't know how big the royal party is, do you?"
Clavis: "I think you're pushing it a little too far, even if she is your fiancée."
Chevalier: "If it's not possible, then this conversation is over."
(You guys don't understand.)
Emma can do it. That is the calm evaluation I am making right now.
Emma: "I want to do it. Please let me do it!"
Emma's voice is cheerful, not distracted by Black's or Clavis's words.
(After all, you must come like that, right?)
It was the moment when a worthless party made sense for the first time.
Since that day, Emma has been busy organizing the birthday party day and night.
As expected, she seems to have an overcrowded and hectic schedule.
Some have expressed concern about the burden.
However, I don't intend to stop.
I have no intention of helping out in public.
Clavis: "Don't you have anything against your fiancée's efforts?"
--The first to object to such a situation was Clavis.
Chevalier: "What do you think?"
Clavis: "You bastard."
Chevalier: "You are also helping to some extent. I've factored that in."
Clavis: ". . ."
Chevalier: "After that."
???: "... Excuse me."
There is a shadow of a man with a footstep that gives no sign of his presence.
The long-haired man in the uniform of the Royal Guards is Lucian, a contracted spy.
Chevalier: "Any result?"
Lucian: "I figured they're gonna go straight out." **
Chevalier: "Make arrangements behind the scenes so they don't find out.
Lucian: "Roger that."
Clavis: "What are you talking about?"
Chevalier: "There will be a few unruly fools among the invited guests."
Chevalier: "The ones I'd like to deal with before I make contact with them."
Not everyone is willing to accept Emma's presence.
Sometimes there are people with whom one cannot communicate.
Those who let violence dictate their words instead of engaging in honest discussion,
I've been letting it go without much interest, but if Emma is going to make a public appearance, something needs to be done to 'clean up' the mess.
Clavis: "I see. No wonder Emma's hosting the event and there's no trouble."
Chevalier: "You didn't notice any risk factors, did you?"
Clavis: ". . ."
Easy to understand, his brow furrows. **
(They are good only at pretending to be a good group of people. It's not surprising...) **
Chevalier: "Give me a decent present once in a while."
Clavis: "Haha, you're being too brazen."
(Saying this will ease Emma's burden in some ways.)
The foolish brother should be elated.
It is a perfect piece for Emma to use. **
That night...
Chevalier: "Tired, aren't you?"
In the middle of the night, I visited Emma's room.
It was good to hear from others, but I wanted to see her in person to make sure she was in good health.
(Although that was the reason on the surface, in reality I just wanted to see her face...)
Emma: "... Just a little bit."
Chevalier: "And yet you refuse to stop."
Emma: "Because it's fun to think of ways to celebrate Chevalier-sama."
As one would expect, her eyes were bright and shining, though they were exhausted from the unfamiliar tasks she was being tasked with.
Needless to say, I was relieved.
(As always.)
I snort, get up, and pick Emma up.
Then, I rolled her delicate body onto the bed and lay down alongside her.
(Because if I don't do this, you won't sleep as long as I'm around.)
I brought my hand to her forehead, and Emma's eyes narrowed ticklishly.
Emma: "Thank you."
Chevalier: "Like I said before, don't waste time on my birthday."
(If it's not a more meaningful time than just the two of us, it's meaningless.)
(... If I've seen you working so hard, I don't think it was a waste of time, no matter what the outcome.)
Emma: "I will do my best to make sure that both Chevalier-sama and the guests think it was a great event."
Chevalier: ". . ."
Emma: "By the way... I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time, but do you have any plans for that day?"
(Oh, I didn't realize you hadn't noticed...)
Chevalier: "There are some, but they won't be a problem for the party."
Chevalier: "Don't worry about it."
It was hard to say, 'I'm busy getting Emma's blessing.'
Emma breathes a sigh of relief, perhaps reading something in my expression, and eventually closes her eyes.
Emma: "Chevalier-sama... On the day of your birthday, let me love you to the fullest."
Chevalier: ". . ."
Chevalier: "... Oh."
(After all, a birthday is a good thing.)
And then came November 1st.
Emma: "Happy birthday! Enjoy the party to your heart's content!"
Chevalier: "... Oh." // "... Thanks." **
The birthday party hosted by Emma turned out better than expected.
When a cruel and ruthless beast is in the party, people are often so afraid that they become extremely afraid that they don't even look at me.
This time, however, that was not the case, perhaps due to the personality of the host.
(...I didn't expect it to be so warm.)
(My concept of a party is about to change a bit.)
Emma: "Chevalier-sama… Let us celebrate from here, just the two of us."
After finishing everything, taking a bath and changing clothes, Emma finally said those words.
Despite the hectic schedule of the party, Emma also prepared a celebration as usual, which is typical of her.
Chevalier: "I'm not going to hold back when it comes to celebration, though, am I?"
Emma: "Yes. Please don't hold back."
(Did you just really say that?)
I beckon to her and Emma steps up with open arms.
I pulled her hand and laid her on the bed, and for the first time in a long time, our lips met.
(As expected, I've been holding back lately, but …my patience has its limits.)
I quickly remove my clothes and Emma obediently complies. **
Apparently, I am not the only one who has been holding back, and if I kiss her, she gets even with me in the same way.
(Oh, by the way, did she say, "Let me love you to the fullest."?)
I teased the tips of her breasts, with a faint scent of roses, as I accepted the kisses that entwined my tongue with hers.
I couldn't even imagine the dignified, host-like appearance he showed at the party.
It was hard to imagine from the dignified, yet very professional appearance of the hostess she showed at the party. **
Emma began to put on a glamorous air. **
Emma: "Haahh…"
The scent of the rose leaves a mark on me.
When my mouth is closed again, after having scattered petals to some extent on her bare skin, I am able to see her.
In between, a hoarse voice called my name.
Our lips parted and we broke the kiss and I looked down at Emma, who was lying on the bed naked. **
Emma: "This year, too, I made a cake for you."
Chevalier: "I know. You think I didn't notice that?"
I looked up and saw a plate covered with cloche.
It is placed hidden in the corner of the table, but it is impossible not to notice it.
(I know it must have been hard work, but how did you have time to make a cake?)
Emma: "Could you please eat it before your birthday is over?"
Chevalier: ". . ."
(Indeed... I'll have to eat it before my birthday is over, what a waste.)
I sit up and take off my shirt.
Then, I draped it over Emma's shoulders as she got up.
Emma: "Thank you."
Emma, with her arm through the sleeves, walks up to the cake with a brisk pace.
Emma: "You've got to be kidding."
I sneak up behind her, peek at the cake, and realize what it means.
Chevalier: "No forks, right?"
Emma: "I'll go get it–"
Chevalier: "You think I'm going to let you go dressed like that?"
(I don't think you need to look like you're in despair because you don't have a fork.)
I suppressed a laugh that threatened to burst out at the expression on her face, and picked Emma up in my arms.
Perhaps because of the surprise, Emma's thin fingertips end up with cake on them.
When I saw that, a bad idea crossed my mind.
Chevalier: "I can at least have my cake even if I don't have a fork."
Emma: "But I cannot let you bite down on it…"
Chevalier: "I have both hands full, but you have one hand free, right?"
Emma rolls her eyes as if she got my point.
Chevalier: "Is there a problem?"
Emma: "Nothing…"
(I'm not a well behaved person.)
Emma's cake-covered fingertips are offered to my mouth.
I licked it, which smelled and tasted sweet and mild, as usual. **
I'd say it's more like your birthday than my birthday party. **
(So that's how familiar the cake is with your body.)
Emma: "How do you like it?"
Chevalier: "You're getting better at it."
Emma: "Thanks to Chevalier-sama."
Emma's joyful face was sweeter than the cake.
Emma: "Once again, happy birthday."
Emma: "I hope you are satisfied with today's party."
Chevalier: "It was worth it."
Chevalier: "You're good enough now to host a big party. It gives you confidence, doesn't it?"
Emma: "No way... Was that your purpose?"
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Chevalier: ". . ."
'Confidence' is essential if she is to continue to live as a woman of royalty.
Only when Emma herself is convinced, only when she has achieved so much that those around her have nothing to say, only when she has been recognized, and only when she has been accepted by those around her, Emma herself must be happy with the results. **
You can keep it by your side for the rest of your life without hesitation. **
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(There's no better birthday present than this.)
Emma: "The affection of Chevalier-sama... It seems to be getting deeper and deeper every year."
Chevalier: "I think my way of affection is a little rough. But you will accept it, won't you?"
Emma: "I've said it over and over again, but I love you."
With an innocent smile that has no hidden meaning, Emma kisses my forehead.
I could directly feel her 'I love you'.
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(... I was thinking I'd have my cake first.)
I took the plate from Emma and put it on a nearby table.
Then, I rolled her body back onto the bed again, where the scent of her body still lingered. **
Chevalier: "I changed my mind."
Chevalier: "After all, you come first before the cake."
It's not logical. It's just a feeling.
Not resisting the urge, I captured Emma's lips.
Chevalier: "Unfortunately, I prefer to tell people what to do by instinct rather than by words. Give up the straight up way of being loved."
(The party was satisfying. We could do it again next year.)
(But it would be a shame to cut this time off.)
It has become more of what I wish for on my worthless and meaningless birthday, but I guess that is also what I can call love.
(Next year... I'm going to be busier than ever.)
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scrawnytreedemon · 7 months
I am so obsessed with this hellfire dynamic, I don't even know where to begin.
Like, yes, there's the delicious dynamic of a zealous prophet and an apathetic god who doesn't even really consider himself a god, but it's also so much more than that.
They're Jason and Medea. Except Ganondorf is more Heathcliff than Jason; he's more Zant than Zant himself is; he is him; they are both Demise. They both saw each other as escape, but when push came to shove Ganondorf cut the spider's thread and let Zant die, and it bit him in the ass when he tried to call upon the vestiges of their bond and Zant clawed him down to hell with him.
They're like Jesus and Maria in the Pieta but Mary is shrieking and swearing while bawling her eyes out and Jesus isn't so tender, meek and mild now, is he? But they're also Jesus and Peter, first Bishop and first Pope, the one who holds the keys to Heaven, but also Peter is Judas, the knife in his back, the kiss on his cheek, and the means by which he fulfills his holy death.
What are they to each other? What is a God if not a Father, Teacher, King, Lord, Brother, Lover, Master, Husband and Traitor? What is a Disciple, if not a Prophet, a Servant, a willing Slave, a Sister, a Student, a Wife, a Mother, a Dog, your Son?
What does it mean, to share the same body, even for a bit?
When does a lifeline become a noose? If you throw down the rope, how do you know you too won't be dragged down? Ganondorf cut the cord, and fell when the waves hit. He was the hand that fed, and when he stopped, the beast had grown large enough to devour him.
They're Adam and Eve; Eve formed from Adam's rib, from him, his side, and when she offered him fruit proved his demise.
Did Odin create his own doom by dividing Loki's children? By damning Hel to the underworld, Jormangundr to the sea, and Fenrir to ribbon-bound treachery?
Do Sigyn and Angrboda both spurn Loki for the way he twisted them? For the children lost, the annihilation at hand? And yet she holds the bowl anyway.
I think Zant loved him. I think it was selfish, and hungry, and childish, and greedy. And I think he meant it. He would have walked barefoot across the desert, danced with knives in his feet on a ballroom floor of shattered glass, crawled on his belly over hot coals and dove to the bottom of the sea for him. He would have swallowed him down to keep him safe, and rebuild him again, and again. and again, as many times as he needed to rise anew. He gave him life, life worth living; and he gave him life, a new body: rebirth.
I do not think Ganondorf knew how far it went. If and when he realises... what then? It's one thing to exploit hatred, greed, to justify your own backstabbing with the idea that he betrayed his own monarchy, his own people, for you,
What do you do, when faced with a love so big it would do anything you asked, at the price of having you?
Ganondorf is a fiercely independent sort of soul. He brought himself up by his bootstraps despite everything working against him, and fought tooth and nail for the right to even exist. He does not trust, cannot trust, and only brings in people with the knowledge he'll cut them off if they become a liability, and specifically seeks out other ambitious, morally-unhinged people for this. No man is an island, but he'll be damned if he's going down with the rest of the continental shelf.
What do you do when you're suddenly given a soulmate?
That has to be fucking terrifying.
You get everything you want, the way you want, at the cost of losing you.
After all, a God belongs to His people.
As do kings, and lords, and fathers, and sons.
What do you do when you seek a contract and find enmeshment instead?
The rope goes both ways: the lifeline is the umbilical cord, and severence means death in either case. Ganondorf overestimated his own viability, and died clawing himself from his "mother's" embrace.
When they go to Hell, do they see each other? Does Ganondorf escape it so he can escape her? Escape her sharp nails, her malformed fingers around his neck, the bitter hisses and saccharine kisses lain upon his ear? Does he loathe the softness of her thighs when she presses his head to his lap and miss them when he lies awake under an open sky?
Does she curse him when he's near and sob when he's far? Does her heart flutter when she sees the sun in his hair, as her mouth fills with bile vowing to drag him back down with her? Does she yearn to be Semele and Euryidice, wishing he would come fetch her and knowing bitterly it ends the same regardless?
Theseus and Ariadne, Dionysus both.
It's been often said that Zeus, Hades and Dionysus were all aspects of the same god.
In making that pact, are they, too?
What is marriage but a vow to merge 'til death do us part?
Do you want to become one with me?
Birth and Death are two sides of the same coin.
Do you want to become one with me?
In cheating it, have you cheated me?
Do you want to become one with me?
Hyrule's history tells of a King of Thieves,
Did you mean to steal this, too?
All men are the same; you have no honour. Why must I suffer, for bearing you?
I love you; I love you so much; I want you even if it kills me.
And it does.
You're the moon to my water, the sun in my sky. There are 93 million miles between us, and yet we gain union via an eclipse.
I'm your little satellite, your angel, your Lucifer, your dutiful executioner and nightlight. I watch over your bed with fingers aching to dig themselves into your supple neck.
It's not fair! It's not fair! I have been nothing but honest with you. Why do you lie to me? Why do you feed me, then withdraw your hand when I try to lick it? Your taste is wonderful; I love you, I love you so much. If you asked me, I'd gobble you up. I have been nothing but good to you; why do you betray me?
I could make your whole. I would give your my blood, my skin, my teeth and my bones. You could use me for spare parts and I'd thank you each time. Just cradle me on your lap; just offer me milk; offer me meat; offer me hair and offer me water.
You can have anything you've ever wanted,
If only you give yourself.
If you get anything, can I not have everything?
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shinjisdone · 1 year
Reasons for Link(s) To Be A Yandere
In Relation to this request I did (rather the reblog reblog)
Link is hard to pinpoint since he's a vessel for the player. Headcanons Based on the game's worldbuilding/lore, a bit of their mangas and very much lotsa imagination from my side.
SS! Link: His constant worry for Zelda's safety, unknown of Hyrule below, too naive, seems like a good boy, unexperienced, someone who might long for ACTUAL connection since Fi is a bit too much beep boop master linkkkk
OoT! Link: Very much naive and still childlike when sent into the future, confused by all that is happening and needs an anker of reality (maybe even an escape to simpler, childish times since he doesn't want to face all the actual real horrors, daydreams a lot), BEARS THE BURDEN OF THE WOOORLD, wishes for some kind of positivity/sunshine, you might think he is weird for his age, protective since he doesn't know what this future has in store for him, ALL THAT HE KNEW AND CHERISHED IS GONE NOW
Maybe naive, aware of his strength and ready to protect others, courageous to the point nothing will stop him, maybe bit of a Country pumpkin, soft, so soft he holds animals like babies, internally frustrated and scared? Unsure? NeedING COMFORT AND ASSURANCE? ONLY HAS A FEW LOVED ONES. Needs acceptance.
BotW! Link: My man has SO MUCH LORE. Survivor's guilt? Amnesia? Unsure if he remembers everything correctly? NOT SURE IF HE STILL FEELS THE SAME AFTER LEARNING ABOUT HIS PASSED LOVED ONES? Unexperienced and curious, open and lets himself be amazed by the world, letting all the pain that he doesn't even remember (YET) go and just live the life he couldn't have? A part of him not wanting to go through everything all over again after finding out the truth? Doubting his abilities and believing he'll fail again? Slowly becoming his old, stoic, mute and emotionally closed off self through time? Yes to all the above.
Also talks more at the beginning, eats a lot, happy to help and learn new things. Tries to distract himself from reality.
LA! Link: You're probly in the island too, just as his imagonation however. A memory of a friend he knows and missed? Cannot EVER see again? Well, you are here, in this mystical, fun island. He can be here with you. Indulges in the dream and pretends its the life he wanted to have with you. Friend, best friend, sibling, whatever, it's you and him now forever. No destiny or Calamity can keep you apart when he is dreaming. Will not listen to the owl. He was forced to grow up when defeating evil but here he can indulge in whimsical, childish games. Fishing, stomping on weird creatures (he finds them funny and names them goombas!) Getting all kinds of funny knick-knacks...all with you. Might shape the dream you to make you into the 'you' he remembers, or worse, desires.
FS! Link: uh-oh four Links is double the trouble. Something might have happened during the Split and each of Link's best and worst characteristics show. Your friend gets agGreSSiVe then overprotective, cheery and kind and then clingy and emotional. Smart and giving advice only to be possesive the next. He struggles to maintain his emotions/doppelgangers and it makes it even worse when he tries to hide his true feelings from you. Each Clone might just spit out a thought/opinion they have of you without thinking that has been residing in Link's heart forever. Each get jealous on who gets to spend more time with you (although they're the same person).
MM! Link: Has the wits and maturity of a grown-up and finds it hard to let himself indulge in anything. Lonely since no one understands him and kids 'his age' are too immature for him so he can't find any friends, any connections. Has immense feeling of duty and responsibility that HE is the hero of everything and everyone. When a Problem arrives, HE must solve it. HE must endanger his life to save others. You must be special to have any connection with him. Longs for a normal life but thats not possible anymore. Zelda unwittingly gave him another terrible fate.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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The Demon's Altar
Not Natural
The Devil's Trap
Holy Water
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: finally a little porn with this plot! SPN inspired, ABO dynamics (slick, heats, knots), d/s dynamics, demon Kells, Hunter Dom, angry Dom, needy Dom, a little Tom time, commanding and careful Kells, fingering, masterbation, teases, insults, body worship, biting, virginity taking (breaking a hymen), sex (sort of), blood play, ominous ending, happy boys ⚰️ rating: explicit
Dom's heart raced and his eyes widened as he watched the road ahead of him. In the distance he could see the lights that promised a mid-American small town oasis and a rest but now it offered so much more. He could not fuck the demon.
"You really shouldn't." A voice echoed through the car and for the third time in less than an hour his tires swerved.
"Wha' the fuck!" He cursed, his fingers spasming around the wheel as he eased his foot from the gas. If people didn't stop he was going to crash Tallulah and then he'd have to start hunting them. "You can't tell me wha' to do." He huffed and while he knew he resembled a petulant child he didn't care. He'd been driving all day and he was peckish and wet- which he was finding more uncomfortable by the moment as it soaked slowly through his pants and cooled in places. How did women handle that?
"Are you really going to let the demon fuck you? The demon Dom? You do know he's one of the strongest left, yes? He might be a Prince of Hell but I honestly can't tell. That's how powerful he is." Tom was gesturing wildly enough to be distracting and the hunter was already annoyed. He wasn't sure how much he could take from the only person he could really call his friend. "I can't discover how strong he is- me! Do you know what that feels like? He's something strange Dom." Tom kept steamrolling the conversation but the Hunter had learned long ago to let him rant out his worries. It came from love for him he was sure.
"Ya done? I'm sorry he so special or wha'ever tha' you of all fings can't figure 'im out but fuck Tom- I ain't never said I'll fuck 'im! He's a monster. And chill bruv, ain't no princes left tha' I know of. Yellow eyed wankers yeah? Nah. Kells got like…" He trailed off with a shiver, just thinking of the beast's stare had a fresh trickle start between his legs. Fuck. He cleared his throat and shifted in the seat. He refused to squirm. He refused. "Like a storm in the evening or summat. Black clouds over a lightning filled blue sky." His voice went soft as he stared off in the distance and wondered where exactly his- the demon was. He didn't have a number to text but he felt a pull if he let himself go quiet. It wasn't anything special, just his normal instincts. Obviously.
"Yeah, certainly not going to fuck him." Tom sighed, his forehead hitting the cool glass of the window. "You're so smitten you'll let him make love to you!" The disdain was obvious in his mother hen voice and Dom was happy for the dark when he felt his cheeks flame.
"Don't talk so nasty. You know me Tom! You know me better 'an tha'. He's disgusting. Bastard roofied me."
"Yeah I do know you, I was there Dom, or do you forget so easily? You're drawn to the darkness. You can't help it." His voice went low and almost sad but it still held an edge of annoyance.
Dominic was bloody well tired of being judged and talked down to, he was a grown ass man who had a longer list of monsters killed than people he bedded and he thought that was what truly mattered. How could someone he thought of as a friend think of him like that? After being close so long? "He's jus' fucking 'elping me, he 'ates the bastard as much as I do. Ain't nuffin more. And even if 'ere is? Me choice. I'm not a child anymore, don't talk to me like I am. I ain't 'eard from you in months and ya show up for tha'? Fuck off Tom. Don't make me make you!" He knew he was almost growling but he was so tired of feeling like no one trusted him to control his own life. Even Kells was an asshole. Oh bollocks, he was close to that time of month he got more emotional and tingly wasn't he? He could feel his eyes burning with tears.
Tom disappeared with a scoff that felt like it echoed longer than it should have and Dom grumbled when that instinct inside him told him he was close to wherever the beast had taken his wallet to. He'd hoped for a few minutes to relax after that interaction but no, within moments he was rolling through the start of the town and pulling into a new no-tell motel. He was so revved up he didn't even notice the name, he just parked in front of the room he could see pot smoke already billowing out of and he slammed his car in park. "Sorry LuLu." He sighed as he threw open the door and stepped out.
Everything ached like it always did but not nearly as badly as he was used to. He didn't even have to pop everything, he just pushed the door closed and took a deep breath before stalking into the open room. "Took you a wh-" Before Kells could finish his sentence Dom was on him, his fingers gripping the front of the demon's shirt, his lips slamming into the beast's. He tasted like weed and copper as if blood were just always present, and under that was a hint of brimstone and ozone. "Woah fuck- um hi?" Kells laughed into the brutal kiss, he was surprised but not. He honestly thought it would take longer to seduce the boy.
"Shut the fuck up. Don't talk." Dom growled, his teeth nipping at his lower lip and tugging as his hands wandered the flat planes of his companion's chest. He didn't want words, words were too loud and too often lies. He needed to feel something good. Something hot and hard and-
Maybe he could fuck the demon.
Kells used his magic to slam the door closed and dim the lights. He'd been hopeful they would end up here but he'd been joking about it in the car. He couldn't stop it though, not when all he could taste was the human and all he could hear were those sweet little whimpers. "You're so fucking wet. Can smell you. Can fucking taste it " He rasped, his lips working kisses down the boy's neck.
"Yeah? You want it? Take it." Dom tried to growl but it came out more a whine. If everyone thought he was going to make bad decisions he didn't want to disappoint them. He was so tired of trying to hide. Of trying to be good. He wanted to feel everything, he wanted to hurt.
The demon stepped back as if he'd been burned, he didn't mean to listen into the boy's mind but it was as if he couldn't shield himself. The kid was so loud whether he was speaking out loud or not. Dom pushed forward, he was still trying to get his hands on his bare skin but something felt off. Which he hated, he was a demon for fuck's sake. Of course he should have sex for the wrong reasons. "Damnit Dom, sit!" He huffed, curling his palms around the punk's arms so he could direct him to the foot of the bed. The kid glared, his gaze heavy and annoyed. "Just give me a fucking second." He panted even though he didn't have to breathe.
Dom answered him by climbing backwards onto the bed, his spine arching as he worked open his pants and slowly pushed them down. The scent of the human's slick was like a bat to his face but he didn't want to fuck this up. He didn't want to make him feel even worse. He couldn't help watching as those leather pants slid down his plush hips and the kid kicked off his steel toe boots to push everything else off. His boxer briefs were still on but soaked through and the sight brought the demon to his knees. He felt like he was worshiping at the altar of his new god but he hadn't served anyone in centuries and he really didn't think he should start now.
"Stop it." His voice shook as he stared up at the boy spreading his legs and sticking his hand under his waistband. Fuck. "But you don't play with yourself?" He meant for it to be a statement but it went up at the end and he almost felt like crying. The human was a work of art. He could tempt a saint to sin and Kells was no saint.
"Maybe for you I do. I'm wet Kells, can't you 'ear it? You a demon ain't you? Sin wiv me? Please make me feel summat?" Dom was surprised at his own conviction, he'd sworn off monsters and sex in general but here he was, trying to drown out the voices with a new kind of scream. He had always been rebellious but this felt different. It was a need under his skin. An ache in his core.
"I won't hurt you." Kells vowed as he pulled himself up on the bed and sat on his folded knees. His pants felt so tight they were making his cock ache, but he was scared to remove them. Maybe he was scared to give into the boy. He might just lose himself in the process. He took a deep breath and his choice was made. He couldn't touch but he couldn't leave. He could still taste the human on his tongue and he craved it more than he craved revenge. At least for the moment. His fingers snapped and their clothes were removed and for the first time in his so long life he felt truly exposed.
Dom whimpered as the cool smoke heavy air touched his overheated skin. His eyes danced over the newly naked beast in his bed and he was surprised at how much he wanted him. The demon was gorgeous, ink covering most of his skin, his body thin but packed with muscle. He was drenched in sweat and watching him like both the predator and the prey. "Oof." He whispered when his eyes wandered between the monster's legs. He had a dick to match the title, hard and throbbing it was almost the length of his thighs and leaking at the tip. "You're cut?" He didn't know why he was surprised or why it mattered but somehow it got him even hotter. He let his legs fall open as his core tingled and dripped a puddle under him.
"You're not. Fuck. Can I-" Kells clamped his jaw shut, he couldn't ask if he could touch because he wasn't going to. With the boy bare he could tell something he couldn't before. The scent of his slick was sweet and hot and he knew the human was in heat. Or at least about to be. He didn't know what he was asking for. He wasn't exactly an alpha anymore but he didn't know what would happen. "Can I see you play?"
Dom's brows furrowed at the question. He thought Kells would take him hard and fast and make sure he couldn't think but no. The demon was almost… kind? Sensitive? A small part of him was thankful after seeing the monster between his legs. He hadn't had anything inside his pussy before, not even a finger. He wasn't sure he should start with that. "Tell me?"
"Shit." Blue eyes slammed closed and when they opened again they were true form- a stormy black and blue light. Kells gripped his cock, if he didn't touch himself he thought he'd go truly insane but he could do that. He could direct him. He hoped. "One finger. Tease yourself. Feel how wet you are." His voice was gravel but that was alright, it seemed to get the boy even wilder.
Dom obeyed, his fingertip running between his folds. The demon was right, he was so drenched it was audible in the quiet room. "F-feels good. More?"
"Pushy bitch, huh?" The beast teased. "Gather some on your hand?" When the boy did as he was directed he felt his need grow. Fuck, if he obeyed so pretty now, how would he act on his cock? When his palm was shiny wet Kells leaned forward and wrapped his hand around the omega's, taking as much of the slick as he could. His fist curled around his shaft and the boy watched every second. He couldn't help smirking at the way he felt appreciated. It was obviously affecting the human, his arousal was evident in the way his dick jerked against his belly and his heat scent got even stronger in the room. "Are you a virgin there, Domie? Like… completely?"
Dom whimpered and nodded. He knew what the demon was asking and he was surprised how badly he wanted to let him in. "Fuck me?"
"Not yet."
"Need it." He whimpered, his hips rolling as he watched the monster jack himself off as if he could feel him inside.
"Yeah you might. But no. I'll give you a treat if you're good. But I'm not fucking you yet." He commanded and hoped the dominant side of him, the long buried alpha was still strong enough to make it stick.
"Pussy." Dom snapped but he didn't mean it. At least not all of him did. He rolled his eyes and started playing again, his finger slipping inside himself until it hit skin.
"Wait. Use your other hand to jack off. I don't want you hurt." The beast purred and the boy arched a brow but obeyed. A soft noise escaped Kells as he watched the Hunter tease his foreskin back, revealing his shiny pink cockhead. Fuck, he wanted to taste everything. He waited until Dom found a comfortable pace and he matched it, his own palm moving quick over his twitching shaft. He was more desperate to cum than he'd been in so long but he wouldn't until the right time. He was millennia old, he would not bust too soon because of a sexy little human twink.
Dom's lashes fluttered, his lips parting on a gasp. Almost without meaning to his finger started pumping inside himself, pressing against the skin before pulling back. The back of his mind pictured the demon's dick trying to slip inside and the image made the pain turn to pleasure. He couldn't believe what he was doing but so much of him never wanted to stop. "Kells-" He whined, the sound of his companion's movements pushing him closer. He tried to keep watching but sometimes he lost track. Nothing had ever felt like that before. He was overwhelmed.
Kells moaned at the sound of his name and his movements stuttered. He couldn't help crawling closer until he was pressed between those thick spread thighs, his cock so close to the kid he could touch him. If he wanted to. His gaze locked on to the punk's hand, his fingers were coming out covered in red and more than anything he wanted a taste. But not yet. His supernatural hearing tuned into the messy noise and he waited for the moment. For the- "Fuck!" they cursed in unison as the soft pop sounded and more blood rushed out with the slick.
Dom whined and shuddered, the pain was intense but the rapture was stronger and he tried to scoot closer to his new friend. Kells was so close to fucking him but he couldn't make him. All he could do was obey. His finger dove deeper and he added a second, his body jerking like a live wire when he ghosted over his spot. "Good boy. Keep going." The demon growled, his stormy eyes intent on Dom's cunt and his hand moved faster. The beast was close.
The kid obeyed him, his hips bouncing as he fucked down on his own fingers. Kells could feel himself drooling at the scent but he held himself back. He could find a little control. "Close?" He almost begged. The Hunter had all but forgotten to touch his dick and instead all his focus was on his newly discovered g-spot. The demon had never seen anyone get so fucking wet. He thought he saw him nod but he couldn't be sure but he still made himself say- "Stop. Spread your fingers. Hold your pussy open for me."
Dom cried out at the demand but couldn't help but do what he was told. It was physically painful to quit stroking his pleasure center but he pulled his fingers mostly free, his body trembling with his need. He didn't know exactly what the beast meant but he spread his fingers until the stretch ached. He tried to still himself but he thought he might lose it until the demon moved closer and the tip of his cock pressed against his hole. "Oh? Please? Fuck me? Please?" He never begged. Dom refused to beg and he certainly wasn't but… it was close. He was desperate for more.
Kells shook his head but stripped his shaft once- twice- and his orgasm slammed into him so hard he accidentally thrust inside the boy a few inches. The moment his cockhead was swallowed by tight wet heat he shook and moaned, biting his lip hard enough to bleed. His palm slid down near the base of his dick and he felt something he hadn't in so long. It wasn't full by any means but his knot was there, pulsing in time with his heart.
Dom broke as soon as Kells slipped inside him far enough to tease his spot, the stretch was too much but the first rush of white heat had him spilling for the beast. The pleasure was so intense and it took him a moment to realize he wasn't just cumming- he was gushing for his companion. He certainly wasn't aware that was possible. "Oh God Kells-"
"Not quite." The monster couldn't help but tease. Whatever he was going to say next was cut off as the human pushed himself to sit up and fingers tangled in his hair, dragging him forward for a sloppy rough kiss. Dom sucked his bleeding lip between his teeth and he bit down harder and Kells could feel more of his blood rushing through the boy. Fuck, what had he gotten himself into? The more Dom sucked the more he came, it felt like he had centuries of need backed up inside him that had waited just for that moment and maybe it had. Maybe he had. He knew he should tell him to be careful but he couldn't. He couldn't even be careful himself. He didn't know what would happen the next day or even in the next five minutes but for the moment it didn't matter. He had his omega.
They were both so wrapped up in each other they didn't feel the eyes on them from outside the warded hotel room. They didn't hear the lightning that forewarned the true beast. They didn't realize that someone else had felt the moment the boy was taken. Perhaps not claimed, but taken. The monster couldn't get to them anyway but his rage could build. They were honestly so lost to each other that for just one night, they didn't care.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
Have a little porn. Just a little, as a treat. What is Tom? Is he a ghost, a witch, a voice in Dom's head? Why are the boys so drawn to each other? How is a demon an alpha? Why isn't he fully one anymore? I hope you enjoyed this, I'm still sick but I wanted to get something out. I hope it's good ⚰️🖤
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13as07 · 3 months
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I Hate You Prequel
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to coco]
Requested by: Me
Word Count: 4,149
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Minor Sex Trafficking
Threats of Violence/Death
Suicidal Tendencies
Name Calling: Harlot, Prisoner, Toy
The metal collar around my neck shakes along with my nerves, the chains connecting it to the wall swaying because of the movement. There's not much light down here so I can't see much, not that I mind. Light usually means nothing good.
Light means the scary man that can hold fire in his hands. Light means the room. Light means men. Light means being held down. Light means beatings and broken bones. Light means nothing but things I don't want to do, nothing but pain.
Despite the moon being the only light in my cage, one that reminds me of stories, reminds me of fairy tales, I can make out a silhouette with two green circles hovering in it. This isn't a fairytale though. The man with fire for hands isn't a beast with a misunderstood heart. I am not a beautiful princess he'll fall in love with. We don't bond over books or getting married in the end.
The man with fire for hands only bonds with me in the room. Bounds with me as he snaps pictures of me doing disgusting things or when he's handed a stack of money after his friends leave me tainted on the too-hard mattress that's somehow worse than the dirt floor I sleep on.
The silhouette moves, my head tilting up to follow the growing shadow of it. The mysterious green glow keeps my attention though, giving me something new to think about for the first time in... a while.
"Are you a harlot?" The shadows ask, the voice deep and jagged.
The sound startles me, making me jerk backward. My small cage fills with the sound of the chains jangling, a sound I've grown so used to that it almost sounds like a lullaby. "I don't know what that is," I whisper back, trying to push myself further against the wall. I can't which means I can't put any more distance between myself and the... thing hiding in the darkness.
"A woman who offers sex in exchange for money. Is that why you're here? Because you did or do offer male satisfaction in exchange for some lousy notes?"
The shadow stays quiet for a while, the green orbs looking at me so intensely that I'm worried I'll burn to a crisp. At least I'd finally be warm again. "What do you belong to?"
"The man with fire for hands."
Again, nothing but silence and the soft green glow that doesn't match the aura that coats my body from the light. "What did you belong to before that?"
This time it's my turn to be quiet, trying to stretch my memories back to a time before the man, before my cage, before all the pain. "I - " My mouth clicks shut, eyes scattering around the space I can see between the bars of my cell. What if this is a test? One of the man's friends sent down here to test me, to see if I've forgotten my life before this place. "I was a... a ward of the Waterfall Village."
A soft growl sounds from the shadows, low and long before it falls away. "An orphan?"
The silhouette shifts, moving the colorful light away from me for a moment before it jerks back to looking at me. "What did you do within your village?"
"Went to school," I whisper, tearing my eyes away from the shadow. How long has it been? Since I've gone to school? Since I've seen the sun? Since I've eaten anything besides stale bread and cold broth? How long ago did I take a shower? An actual shower, not a freezing bucket of water, and a rag wash.
"How... old are you?"
"I don't know."
The shadow stays quiet, the orbs shifting as if to look down at my silhouette. "How old were you when the man brought you here?"
A croak spills from the shadows quickly covered up with a cough. After that they fall silent again, nothing but the shifting green glow to remind me it's there. "You might not be a harlot but you are one now. You shall be my harlot. Am I understood?"
"Not... really," I carefully answer, not following what the hidden figure is saying. Is the man moving me to a different cage? Is that what's going on? He does move me on occasion, usually mumbling about something called the anbus. Is that what the shadow is? One of those anbus?
"The men - like your man of fire - back where I stay have caught on to my... lack of spending. So, you shall continue as you are... slightly differently," the shadow mumbles, the orbs rolling to scoop out my cell. "In exchange, I shall feed you on occasion. Perhaps more than occasionally seeing how it's nauseating how much your skin grips your bones. Aside from your performances, I do not wish to see or hear of you. If you perform well like I expect you will, you can stay. If you do poorly, I will slit your throat. So, do you believe you can suit my needs? Or shall I leave you here to die of starvation?"
My mouth stays closed, my mind stuck on the threat of slitting my throat. That sounds... peaceful.
The shadow growls again, the silhouette moving around in the dark. My eyes stay stuck to the green glow, rolling around the same sentence over and over again. The silent words are only interrupted when the sound of metal popping fills my ears. Before I can fully process the situation, the door to my cage is tumbling to the floor, a bang and dust uprising when it slams to the ground.
The figure slides through the opening, moving among the darkness like a true shadow as it makes its way to me. When it gets closer I drop to my knees, head still turned up to look at the emerald glow hovering closer to me. "Slit my throat," I whisper when the beast stills in front of me.
"Please?" I beg, my cheeks wetting with tears I haven't shed in a long time. Crying was useless, it never stopped them, never made anything feel better, never washed away the feeling of their hands on my skin, and yet, the hope for death manages to bring forth in me once again.
The green light flickers around in jagged circles, glancing around my cell like it's searching for something. There's nothing in here but me and my chains, like it's always been, since my first night with the man with fire for hands. "Do not cry," the shadow orders, the voice laced with unsure anger. "You look even more hideous when you cry."
Despite how tiny the prisoner is, her body still weighs against mine. She's freezing, her nude form competing with the night air, trying to see who's the chilliest. I should put her back, lock her chains around her neck again, and leave her in that basement to die.
She's not my problem, she serves no purpose. I could just as easily snatch a woman off the streets to fulfill the needs I've placed on this harlot's shoulders. So what if she's skinner than a twig? So what if she was snatched as a child? So what if she's from my home village? So what if she was beaten and raped every day of her miserable life? It doesn't affect me, it's not my problem.
I don't know why I need to take her. She's filthy, covered in dirt and grime and leftovers from the unimaginable things my target did to her in that sex dungeon of his. She smells like a pigsty and sure as shit looks like she ran through one. The prisoner is covered in wounds, cuts, burns, bruises, and everything else under the moon. It'll be more effort to fix her than what she's worth; not that she's worth much, if anything.
He was supposedly a 'good man'. A highly ranked Shinobi from our - my home village, second or third hand to the active Kage. Good men don't kidnap children, good men don't rape children, and good men don't have porn collections of children. I'm a rapist, if that's what you want to call it. I have no problem raping a woman, I get joy out of it, but even I draw the line at kiddy porn.
What kind of messed up village did we - I belong to for this to happen? The prisoner has been trapped in a basement two blocks away from the Kage palace and yet I'm the first one to find her? It's a lousy attempt to find her if there was one at all.
Of course, there's always the possibility of a payoff. If someone offered me money to stop snooping around for a lost kid I'd probably... perhaps I wouldn't. I'd probably still take it, then kill the fucker... and maybe look for the kid, if I had time.
The ball of bones and discolored skin shifts in my arms again, her head popping out from the robes I have her wrapped in. I might not know what I'm doing with her yet, but no one else is going to get the option of seeing her until I decide.
The prisoner's eyes are dead and sunken in as she looks at me, lips thin as a sheet and as chalky as a board. She needs water, who knows the last time she drank something other than the semen of corruption? "Slit my throat," my - the harlot repeats, like she has the whole way outside. It amazes me a bit, how willing she is to die. I've had men insisting they don't fear death balling at my feet, begging me not to kill them, and yet, she begs for the opposite.
"Slit my throat."
"Slit my throat."
"If you say it again, I'll choke you until the life seeps out of your body," I hiss, snapping my head toward her. A spark snags in her eyes a tad of fear at my threat. That toys with my mind too. She seems so eager to die, yet she's fearful of me killing her in a way she doesn't ask for. Perhaps control is the difference in her reactions.
The prisoner drops the conversation, her head resting against my shoulder. I don't know why, but I can't stop myself from slinging more of the cloth of my robe over her, cupping her head to hide her strawy hair.
I've seen the kind of dead her eyes hold before. I've seen it in the whores I've raped. It fills their eyes as I take what I want, but it has always seemed to melt away the next time my path crosses theirs.
It doesn't melt from her eyes. No, it seems to have rooted and grown there. Maybe that's why I stole her for myself. Maybe I'm interested to see how the other women managed to melt their time with me out of their souls. Maybe I won't have to melt the Harlot's time with me out of her soul.
Either way, if I do wish to fill my time with this, I'll have to clean her slate. Perhaps I'll get bored and kill her before that time comes though. Oh well, at least I'll get some use out of her before I dispose of her.
"Slit my throat."
Or maybe it just bothers me that she's so eager to die. What's the point in killing someone that wants to die?
The Harlot's fingers crack and pop as she clings to the back of my shirt. She is hiding, tucked herself behind me so the room of my... comrades can't look at her, not that there's much to see. She's tucked under my robe like she has been the last few days. She has a habit of hiding from the world by ducking under my akatsuki clothing.
I swiped her a dress from a store the first morning she was mine. The sizing of it is wrong though so the material hangs on her weirdly, somehow making her look even worse than her nudity does.
The prisoner doesn't do much, besides annoy me. She eats too fast and too much and then she gets sick, which is gross. I yell at her and then she cries and begs me to kill her. I touch her and her whole body seems to shut down; her mouth snapped shut and her eyes somehow sinking and dying even more. There's no enjoyment in raping someone if they just lay there like a board with no fight at all. Not even a snarky comment or a plea to stop. What a bore.
Despite that, my harlot is clinging to me now, my shirt balled up in her broken and bruised black fingers. I've tried giving her medication to help with the pain, but then she doesn't eat properly and throws it up. I don't know how to care for someone who refuses to care for themselves.
I can feel the way her hands shake by the way my shirt is tugged on. It's almost... cute. It makes me want to bury myself in that overused pussy of hers, not that I'd get any satisfaction from it since she just goes corpse cold during it. The first night I had her, after washing her down and tending to the major of her injuries, I did rape her, but she was so unresponsive that I deflated. Since that night I haven't tried again. It's not worth the effort.
"It seems you have brought an extra back with you," Itachi mutters, nothing ever sneaking past his sharp eyes.
A squeak peeps from my new toy, her fingers dropping my shirt so her hands can press against my sides. Her fingertips dig into my ribs, clinging to them like her skin does to hers. Her head tumbles to my back as well, trying to bury it like an ostrich with sand.
I don't know why but my head snaps down to check on her, a hand sliding to rest on top of her cold fingertips. No matter what I try, my Harlot always seems to be freezing, like the winter set into her bones, and refuses to leave. "Silence," I order her, squeezing her fingers between mine. "A good woman doesn't make obnoxious noises like that. Make it again and I'll cut your tongue out."
     My attention is torn away from her when Itachi stands from his spot, his footsteps are slow and timid as he makes his way over to us. The prisoner's hand tighten against me, the back of my shirt wetting from even more tears. It amazes me how such a small thing can cry so much. It amazes me how fucking ugly she looks during it too.
     The crow boy sinks to a crotch in front of me, his eyes trying to peer around me. "Hello," he coos, an airiness to his voice I've never heard before. The situation is pissing me off. Why won't she stop crying? Why is he so interested in her, trying to be so nice? He needs to back off, she's not his. "Why don't you peck out, little bird? I wish to see you."
     My harlot's head shakes repeatedly, her no being rubbed into my back. "Well, she doesn't want to see you," I hiss, anger bubbling in my chest.
     Itachi glances at me, his glare testing mine before his eyes fall again. He waddles to the side, trying to get a better peak at my harlot. He lifts my robes, head poking behind me to get a glance at her. The curiosity keeps ticking away at my patience. I don't know why I'm so pissed, it's not like he's dipping his fingers into my wallet.
     "Why are you hiding back there? You're such a pretty tweety bird. Come out and let us get a better look at you," he continues to coo, slowly reaching his hand out to grab her.
     "Please don't touch me," my Harlot murmurs, jerking to cling to my side instead of my back. Her arms are wrapped around my waist now, her cheek pressed to my bicep. That's a bit... cute... seeing her face all squished against me. Once she gets a bit of meat on her bones it'll look better. Make my dick tingle more.
     "Come on, little finch, you're okay," Itachi keeps pushing, moving to the side she's attached to. He reaches out again, moving quicker this time.
     "Kakuzu!" My harlot shrieks, her arms tightening on me.
     My hands shoot forward, gripping Itachi's cloak before I can stop myself. I jerk him away from my harlot, my anger fuming as the sound of her distress ringing in my ears. "What the fuck are you doing? She said not to touch her and you what? Fucking lunge at her? What's your fucking problem? Do you want to die? Because I can make that happen. I can snap your neck and watch you die if you'd like. Is that what you want?"
"What's your fucking problem?" The skinner boy hisses back, squirming in my hold. "I was just welcoming the new girl you brought around. She looks petrified, courtesy of you if I had to guess."
"She's not petrified because of me. My Harlot is safe because of me," I bark, slamming the dumbass bird to the ground. I turn on my heels, snatching the girl in my arms and storming the two of us out of the rooms.
My anger is exploding, consuming all of my mind as I stamp down the hallway. My Harlot clings to my arms, the tears spilling down her face only adding to the fire. Her crying looks ugly, the sobbing cricketing from her throat is gross, and the huffy short breaths she's hissing into her lungs are obnoxious, and yet they fuel my anger with Itachi.
He shouldn't have grabbed at her like that, especially after she said no. Look what he did to her. If anyone is going to hurt and bring my Harlot to tears, it's going to be me, and I'll be damned if anyone else does.
"Stop fucking crying. It makes you look ugly as hell," I bark at her, my hand shooting up to brush the water off her cheeks. Crying makes my Harlot unattractive, makes her cheeks puffy and blotched.
"I hate you," she wails, making my head snap toward her. My Harlot has never responded like that.
Over the last couple of days, she'll have her meltdown, crying buckets of tears, and then the next minute she'll be perfectly fine, acting like nothing happened before she passes out. This time, her eyes are fierce, flames of anger licking around the edges of deadness in her eyes. "What?"
"I hate you," she repeats, confusing me whether her voice shakes from fear or anger. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you," my Harlot screams at me, her small broken hands pounding at my chest as tears spill down her cheeks.
I hate her tears, I hate seeing them spill down her cheeks, and I hate how her voice gets squeaky when she's upset. She's so fucking annoying. "Ya, well, I hate you too," I grumble, snatching both her wrists in one of my hands.
I squeeze the flesh under my fingers, excitement to see the bruises raking at my chest. I can't wait until my Harlot is all better. I can't wait until I can coat bruises across her body until they're just from me. "I hate you too."
My Harlot's hair slips between my fingers again, feathering down to the pillow her head rests on. She fell asleep about an hour, all her fight wiping out her energy, not like she had a lot, to begin with. It was a fight to get her to sit down and then a fight to get her to breathe normally again. I haven't felt panic like that, watching her gasp for breath, since my failed mission to assassinate Hashirama Senju.
I hate how she makes me feel. I hate the uncontrollable anger that bubbles up because of her. I hate how quick I was to fight Itachi because she called for me. I hate how the thought of killing her makes me sick to my stomach and fills my chest with panic. I should have left her in that basement to die.
     But I didn't, so now I'm simmering on how much I hate her being in my bed. How I hate how defenseless she looks. How I hate how much of her neck my hand covers. How I can feel every dent on her broken, self-mended, and broken again ribs. How I hate how thin and strawy her hair is. I should talk to Konan about fixing it. I hate that thought too.
     A knock pulls my eyes away from Harlot's hair. I glance at the door before focusing on her hair again. I wonder if moisturizing her hair would help the thinning.
     My door slowly pushes open, snapping toward it again. Surprisingly, Pain is standing in the doorframe. I fully expect it to be Itachi, sniffing around to finish what we started earlier. "I never expected you to be a sulker."
     "I'm not sulking," I grumble, sitting up against the headboard. My hand shoots to the side, gripping the material of my robe my Harlot is still wrapped in. I hate that too, that I feel the need to grab for her when I think she'll find herself in trouble.
     A huff and a small grin comes from my leader, igniting the anger in my chest and the thoughts in my head a lot faster than usual. "I also never thought you'd truly connect with the mission of the akatsuki."
     "I don't know what you mean. I'm still just in it for the money," I creek, trying to will myself to let her go; I can't.
     "Sure, Kakuzu," he mutters, his freak eyes sliding over to glance over my new toy. My body tenses, my arm sliding over to wrap around her more; I don't know why. What do I care if Pain is interested in her? If he wants to kill her? It's not impossible to replace, but it would be a lot of work and a lot of waste.
"I don't care what you do with the girl," he starts, eyes still glued to my Harlot. "As long as it doesn't affect your usability, of course."
I let out a grunt of acknowledgment, wrapping both arms around my Harlot before tugging on her, hiding her away from Pain's curious eyes. She stirs in her sleep, limbs moving slowly before she settles against me, head on my arm and her body curled up against my torso.
A mimic of a chuckle spills from the Akatsuki leader, his head tilting with more curiosity. After a moment he turns, heading back out of my room. An exhale leaves me, my body melting against my Harlot's ridged and bony one. "Oh," he pipes up, jerking the tension back into my muscles. "And a word of advice? If you care about your new toy, you should probably get an outside source to help you fix... it."
"I don't care about her. If anything I hate her. She's nothing more than a Harlot to use at my digression."
"Sure, Kakuzu," he repeats before making his exit.
With the threat of a man out of the room, my body relaxes against the bag of bones asleep on my bed again. Her bones jitter out in weird ways, covered in lumps that shouldn't be there and pointed in directions that aren't always quite correct. Her skin is gross too, a weird mixture of her skin tone, pink scar tissue, dark shades of bruising, and reddened spots in places my robes didn't hide her from the sun.
She's ugly and repulsive and already has been an open-ended drain on my finances, but I can't help but wonder what she'll look like healed. What she'll look like covered in my bruises. I'll keep her, just until I get to bruise her myself. Then I'll throw her away, just like every other useless Harlot I've had.
The girl stirs in her sleep, shifting in my arms, her hard bones stabbing into me as she turns. "Zu," she calls, her tone soft and airy. Her head pops up, eyes staring into mine, and for once they don't look dead. There's a flicker of life in them, even if it's buried, but it's there, poking out in her grogginess.
Maybe I won't through her away right away. Maybe I'll keep her awhile, her my use out of her. "Hello Harlot."
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
Disney princess + prince ver. headcanons / mini fics? part 1
Ik I said there were no ships but @seok02 is very convincing lol. Here's more headcanons that no one asked for starring the ZB1 members in Disney princess movies. Please don't take any of this seriously.
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-> Beast Jiwoong + Haobelle (Beauty & the Beast)
Woong invites Hao to crash his house because there's a storm and even though Hao kinda getting red flags from this Beast's appearance, still seems like a nice dude so ayt
Hao ends up in Jiwoong's garden because one of the Yuehuaz kids (probably Ollie) wanted a rose like why so random, why can't you ask for something normal like chocolate idk
Woong catches him and Hao's like oop I can pay for it, one of my kids is young and rich
Woong's like no stress, no need to pay but do you mind like staying for another few days, been awhile since I've seen new ppl
Hao's worried abt his kids but he hasn't had a vacation in so long so he's like ayt, it's free and he's got his violin w him and there's a massive af library of books that he's been wanting to get at
Him and Jiwoong kinda awkward around each other, but Hao's not scared bc have you tried raising 7 grown kids? now that's scary yo
Eventually he discovers Jiwoong's tru self and he's like ayt, idk why you're into the furry thing but u do u
Hao never ends up going back to his kids because they come looking for him first and end up moving into Woong's house too
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-> Prince Haoric + Taeriel (The Little Mermaid)
Taerae likes listening to Hao play
Also that violin thing he's got looks kinda similar to the instrument taerae found in a shipwreck this one time
Taerae also likes to ad lib to Hao's violin
Hao doesn't know who's that having a jam session w him but he'd like to find out
Taerae goes to sea witches Seowon and Woongki and is like i want to go on land and learn how to play this thing (the guitar)
And they're like ayt but magic means u need to give up one thing so we can get u some legs and Woongki is like can I borrow your voice for my annual sea witch drag show pls and thanks
Taerae's a lil hesitant but he also really wants to know how to play this instrument
Scares the crap out of Hao when he washes up on the shore
Finds out Hao is a prince with a shit ton of lil brothers who harass him which is why he goes to the beach to play his violin in peace
Taerae learns how to play the guitar and Woongki gives him back his voice and by the power of music he can now like shift between mer and human
He and Hao have regular jam sessions on the beach and sometimes Hao's kids brothers join in
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-> Prince Hanbin + Jiwoongrella (Cinderella)
Jiwoong wants to go to the ball but he's also gotta work, work, work,work,work,work
Man's booked and busy
Seowon and Woongki fairy god mothers to the rescue!
They get him all dolled up and everything
But he gotta be back by midnight because he got another schedule
Like I said booked and busy
Jiwoong goes to the ball and has a ball
Gets friendly with Hanbin
But he's gotta go
And oh no, he forgot his shoe
Hanbin wants to return the shoe bc it be looking expensive but Jiwoong also forgot to leave his number bc he was in a hurry
Hanbin tracks him down because boi knows everybody
Gives his shoe back and they become besties and Hanbin introduces him to Matthew and teaches Woong aegyo
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-> Princess Rickmine + Mattheddin (Aladdin)
Matt asks Keita genie to give him a cooler image because everyone just finds him cute
Keita gives him the drip and he tries to rizz up Ricky because Ricky is the coolest
For like street cred idk
Ricky is not impressed like bro wtf
Chen Kuanjui as the magic carpet literally just judging them both
Someone make up a better story for this, I"m running out of juice
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-> Prince Taerae + Yujinie (Snow White)
Yes as I said before Yujin's chilling by the well, looking at himself, singing about water and a monami pencil when he gets jumpscared by Taerae and his guitar
But ok this hyung is kinda cool
Yujin taking Taerae home to meet his seven hyungs
Said seven hyungs are not impressed by this newcomers who's trying to steal their maknae
Taerae charms them by the power of his voice and guitar
They agree on regular visitation rights because their house is full and Yujin isn't going anywhere
Now Yujin has eight hyungs
Part 2 coming soon when I have brain cells again!
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