#Like I don't understand what goes through pee girl's mind sometimes
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cowgurrrl · 1 year ago
Ok listen LISTEN ! I would love to see the twins go through a clingy dad phase. Rockstar!Joel feeling like he won the round and reader just thinking he is ridiculous but still slightly jealous. Please 💛
I love this idea!! I hope you enjoy 💛💛 (ps I’m slowly working through requests so there’s more coming!!)
Pairing: rockstar!joel x actress!reader
Summary: this ask
Warnings: none just fluffy reassurances :-)
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Thirty-six weeks of sleepless nights spent trying to get comfortable, high-risk doctors, blood test after blood test, and a total carriage of ten pounds of baby only for them to cling to their father three years later. You're not upset. Joel is a great dad. It's one of the reasons you married him. Still, when you're on tour, and the girls only want to hang out with their dad 24/7, even though he's technically working, and your redirections to their favorite things like ice cream and Bluey don't take their mind off their dad, you have to admit you feel a little flustered. It didn't help when Violet told you, "Daddy is more funner than you."
You're not upset. Joel is fun. Especially when he gets all three little kids in a golf cart and races it around whatever stadium you're in. Sam and the girls giggle maniacally as Ellie, JJ, and Dina follow close behind them, giving the security team a little excitement when they accidentally speed past the glass doors where hundreds of fans are already lined up. You swear the screaming shakes the ground when they catch a glimpse of not only Joel but Ellie. When he has to go to soundcheck, you have to wrestle the kids to the green room set aside for your family. Even when you get them set up, the girls cry and whine for their dad, wanting absolutely nothing to do with you.
You're not upset when the three of them dogpile onto Joel the second he can sit down. You're not upset when the girls make drawings for him instead of you. You're not upset when they suddenly resent your bedtime routine and only want their dad, who's on stage and can't just leave to read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" You're not upset. You're not upset. You're not upset. You repeat it over and over again as you juggle three kids, all under the age of ten, while simultaneously helping Dina with JJ. No wonder the girls think Joel is more fun than you are.
"I think it's funny." Joel chuckles when you mention it to him after one of his shows and the kids have all gone to bed. You sigh and run a stressed hand through your hair.
"Of course you do."
"Remember when Sam went through the same phase?"
"Yeah, but that was just one kid. This is two. Two who lived in my body for almost nine months and are the reason I pee a little when I sneeze," you're dead serious, but a smirk pulls on Joel's lips. He saunters over to you and grabs your hands before you can defiantly cross them over your chest, and you roll your eyes. "Don't."
"Don't what?"
"Work your Joel Miller magic. I wanna sulk in my emotions for a little longer."
"Honey," he says gently, and you give him a look. "Are you jealous?" He asks. You want to scoff and push him away and insist that you're not, but you've been together for too long to pull that anymore. You take a deep breath and look down at your joined hands.
"It's stupid." You mumble.
"It's not stupid. Not if it's botherin' you." God fucking dammit, you think. Sometimes, it's annoying how good he is at being a supportive husband. It's not that he doesn't have his moments where he leaves his shoes in the middle of the living room or goes to the store and buys everything except the one thing you asked him to get, but this— making you feel heard and supported— is something he's always been a master at.
"I'm not a rockstar, Joel. When they come to work with you, they get to be loud and crazy and have fun. When they come to my work, they barely understand what I'm doing and why. And to top it all off, they have to be quiet and still. Otherwise, we'll have to reset and start all over again, which makes me stay longer and makes them antsy," you ramble. "Plus, they probably like you more because they've seen the trailers of me kissing other actors and subconsciously think I'm cheating on you."
"Woah, woah, woah," Joel says, struggling to figure out where to start with all the information you just gave him. "First of all, I think you're givin' too much credit to our three and seven-year-olds. Second of all, you're bein' way too mean to my wife." And there it is. The Joel Miller Magic. You sigh and try to get away from the stupidly sweet look in his eyes, but he drops your hands to gently hold your face.
"Those kids love you. I love you. JJ and Isaac love you. You're the glue holdin' us all together. I wouldn't be able to do half the things I do without you by my side. When they asked us to go on tour, you're the one who said we should. You pushed me to make this album. You gave me the biggest inspirations of my life. You are a fuckin' rockstar, baby," he says with so much conviction that you have no choice but to believe him. “This is just a phase. They’ll grow outta it.”
“How happy did it make you to be the one to say that to me instead of the other way around?”
“We don’t gotta get into the logistics.” He says and you laugh. He smiles too and kisses your forehead, swiping affectionate lines across your cheekbones with his thumbs. “Feel better?”
“A little.” You say.
“Only a little?”
“I mean, the parenting compliments were pretty good.”
“Yeah?” He asks and you nod. He kisses your forehead again before trailing down your nose, your cheeks, and jaw before finally kissing your lips. “Would it help if I said somethin’ about how hot you are?”
“Maybe.” You mumble against him and he smiles.
“You’re so fuckin’ hot.” He says, his voice deep and low the way he knows sends a shivers down your spine. You feel your face flush and hide it in his shoulder, wrapping him in a hug.
“Thank you,” you say sincerely, and he knows it’s not just about the compliments or the physical affection but the reassurances he gave you. He hums, obviously smug as he rubs your back.
"Are you still riding your high of being the fun parent?"
"Oh, yeah."
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @moonandseatgr-yngf @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @korynnekorynne @anavatazes @marantha
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estrxlar · 3 years ago
The Ghost Of You
06 - Too Little Too Late
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Chapters songs:
Yam Yam: No Vacation
Numb: Men I Trust
4EVER: Clairo
Hey, I won't be riding the bus this morning. My father is visiting and I have to spend the morning with him I'm guessing. I might be available after school, though. So if you wanna walk
Yeah, I'll let you know. I hope everything with your dad goes okay.
Okay. See you later then.
Yeah, you too.
One last message from Sugawara is received, before I close the messaging app, and turn off my phone. I wasn't quite ready for what was to occur this morning: seeing my dad. You would think I would be happy about it, or at least be a little excited. But really, I couldn't be more stressed. All my father has ever done is criticize my talents, my behavior, and almost everything that has to do with me being me. Every time he comes to Japan, which isn't a lot, it's the same lecture all over again about what I'm doing with my life, and where I'll be when I'm older.
But at least two or three more hours of sleep. Might as well take advantage of missing a day, right?
    As I stretch out my arms under my sheets, a knock on my door is heard, followed by my mom's soft voice. "Y/n, your father is getting you today. I'm off to work, okay? Make sure to feed Astra." Her tone is low and worry full, but I wouldn't blame her. Surely your ex-husband coming back shouldn't be so easy.
   "I know, mom. Thanks. You have a good day," I say back to her, hearing her footsteps slowly disappear. That's my queue to begin getting ready. What I wear consists of something simple: a thin white shirt, a sage green sweatshirt on top, and jeans with white sneakers, which is something safe. I wouldn't want him to begin criticizing me by starting with my outfit. And as for my hair, I wore it the way I always did.
After a few moments of getting ready, I stand up in the mirror, making sure my personality wasn't showing on the outside. I hated that this is how I had to think of myself when around my parents, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. As suspected, a few minutes later, a message from him appears informing me he had gotten here.
Hey! I'm outside, come quickly so we can grab something at that small cafe you love.
Okay, I'll be out there in a second.
Nothing baffled me as much as him being so normal about this situation did, but there wasn't much I could say to him. I could only imagine how many questions he would ask me, or if he would even care about the important things, like if I was going through anything.
Reaching for a basic shoulder bag, I say my farewell to the cat, and make my way downstairs. Once I reach the front door, I take a deep breath and open it to reveal the usual view, except an expensive car stood in the driveway, with a smiling man inside of it. I smile back, easing that he didn't look pissed as fuck. After that, I locked the front door and walked towards his car.
Hesitantly, I pull the handle and step into the front passenger seat. "Hey, Dad." I greet him, meanwhile closing the door. "How've you been?"
"Hm, I've been just fine. What about you?" He begins to pull out of the driveway, and soon enough, we're on the road. "There's much to talk about."
I nod, as he states the obvious. "Yeah, of course."
This is awkward.
My hands begin to fidget, popping and stretching my fingers while he drove on the road, saying absolutely nothing. That was until I asked something to fill the empty space between us. "How's work been? I heard you got a bunch of promotions."
"It's been like always; normal. But yes, I have gotten promotions. I guess I've exceeded the limit, though. So.. what about you? You're still on your whole band-thingy?" He clears his throat, turning into another street: the same Suga and I would walk. "Your aunt says she's excited to work with you."
My aunt, AU/N, was my blueprint. She was my father's little sister, and she had a hell of a lot of money. One time when she was younger she slipped in dog pee at Walmart and sued them 50,000$. Since she was a musician, and far more successful than my band, she decided to start her label, signing many small bands like mine. And so, since I had a connection, my friends and I decided to sign with her during the summer after we graduate. We'd have to move to New York in America, but that was just fine. Because moving meant we could establish a good career and attend college as well.
   "I'm excited too. You know, to move and all." My eyes take mental images of the portrait outside today. Trees were finally growing leaves again, and grass as well; spring was around the corner. "Why the sudden visit? Is there a conference being held in Miyagi?"
My question seems like have made him uneasy, for his fingers began making small beats on the steering wheel. In no way did I mean to be so sudden, but an answer to my asking was necessary.
Thankfully, his response isn't a shout and rude remark, but a simple explanation that frankly made me feel better about his stay. "I'm most likely not gonna be able to see you before you graduate, so I wanted to spend a day with you. I know I said I'd drop you off at school after breakfast, but I thought we could hang out longer.
Is that okay?"
"Yeah, it's fine."
To my surprise, the drive wasn't as short as I thought. A total of thirty silent minutes felt as if it was an entire hour. Once we arrived at the small cafe in the plaza, the both of us got off the car and glanced at each other, beginning our way towards it.
    I had a certain idea of why he'd picked this spot for us to eat at. When I was younger, I'd spent lots of time here doing whatever I was up to, and usually with one of my close friends, (not that we're close anymore.) To be completely frank, it came to me as a shock my father even paid attention to how much I adored this place. The light lavender concrete walls and cutesy pots with succulents and house plants. Not to mention its colorful m decorations, far more improved than when I was a little kid. Still, it drew Moku, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Toruku to make it our number one hang-out spot from the ages of 8-14, even if it wasn't as attracting as it is now.
As we enter, the small bell at the top of the door rings, and we're greeted by a young girl at the counter that surrounded many baked goods. "Welcome!" She says, meanwhile packing up an online order. "Is there anything I could help you guys with?"
"Two coffees, please." My father replied, holding up two of his long, worn-out fingers. 'Coffee? I mean, I guess. Not that I cared or anything. I honestly preferred the tea with the little peaches in it— what was it called?' My father's voice cuts off my thoughts. "And a fruit lemonade for her. The coffees are for me; long hours!"
   'That's it!' I said to myself internally, briefly smiling at the worker while she wrote a few words down. And soon enough, we're told it'll take only a few minutes. Still, it baffled me my father even remembered such a little thing I loved when I was a child.
   What a try-hard.
   The two of us find a corner table for two, and he pulls out a chair for me to place myself. I do so, as my father does the same. Then, a long-awaited conversation begins. "How did you know I liked this place?"
   He straightens his collar, saying, "You never stopped talking about it when you were little."
  "And the drink?"
  "I just remember how many times it appeared on my taxes from this place, that's all." He chuckles, leaning onto his arm along with stroking his sharp beard. "Why do you ask?"
  Without thinking, I answer sharply, looking down at the wooden patterns on the table. "Why do you think? I didn't think you'd paid attention," I say to him, quickly looking up for a rude remark.
   He effortlessly sighs and keeps the situation unproblematic. Although, I wouldn't have minded diving deeper into the reasoning of his absence. "I did sometimes. Sorry."
  I tell myself to leave it at that, to leave it at 'sorry', but I can't. I can't not say something. "Can I ask you something? And I want a valid answer, not excuses. I know you wanted to have a nice time but this is the most I've talked to you in the past year so I'd rather get straight to it than poke around the elephant in the room."
  In the corner of my eye, I see him nod, giving me an okay that I could rant. Well, more like calmly let out my feelings. "I just— I don't understand what happened. After you and mom got busy, it was a total blur. I'm not asking for you two to get together again, and I never questioned why you split up either. I'm simply asking why you guys forgot you had a daughter, that's all."
    Not more than a split second later do I realize how rude that sounded. But too bad, I wanted to know. A few silent seconds slide by while he seems to be thinking of an answer, and explanation. Then, the sound of footsteps coming towards us, signaling our beverages had arrived.
  "Two coffees," the young lady mumbles, setting them in front of my father as he smiles. "And a fruit lemonade!" She exclaims. The pink-tinted drink makes waves in cold glass in her hand once it's set down. "All set. Is there anything else I can get for you two?"
   We shake our heads lightly.
   "Alright then! Enjoy!" She beams, then happily walks away. Ever since I was younger, I never understood why the store wonder daughter was so nice. But I'm guessing it lasted throughout the years, or else she wouldn't treat customers so gently.
Father slowly lifts the drink to his lips, and enjoys his cinnamon roast, while I feel my back aching from the perfect posture I perform around him. "Ah, carry on, Y/n. What is it that makes you so upset? The idea your mother and I did all we could to give you a better life, or is it that we picked ourselves up and became better people?" His manipulative tone comes in, sending mixed signals. But I could see where he was coming from completely.
"I just wish you two had taught me what it's like to be a proper parent. Instead, every time I would try getting your attention, you would always look away, and send me off to do something else." I feel my hands squeeze my thighs under the table, as I look up and down at my father with a silent yet harsh tone, "all I wanted was to admire you and learn what was so interesting about sitting in an office working for another person. But that's changed now, right? Because you've maxed out the level of superiority now that you've not done a single other thing."
"The fact you worked endlessly doesn't bother me as much as you criticizing me does. It truly hurts me that you attempt to steer me into another direction every time you visit when you haven't even been to at least seven of my birthdays. I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot it, either. You would judge who I hung out with, what I liked to do, everything. You even judged the way I handled my best friend dying, yet didn't think to send me to therapy. Toruku's mom is the one who took us to get help, not you. Why do you do it? Why do you think it's a good idea to bring me down? You've never been there for me, so you don't know me. You never will, father. You'll never know who I am."
A trembling hand reaches for my drink quickly, as I sip from the thin black straw in silence, taking in as much as I can. And all he can do is sit quiet, still processing my explanation.
That is until he speaks, finally. "I'm— I'm sorry."
"It's too late for that."
He nods.
The straw twirls between my fingers during the spinning memories of spending more time with my friends than my parents that ran through my mind. But it's whatever, right? I did just fine raising myself. At least that's what I told myself. Truth is, I needed people. I needed to grow with others on my side. It wasn't any wonder that I felt so lonely when I was younger. I'm dependent, yet independent.
Before getting up from my seat, I make sure to down the rest of the cold lemonade I had in my hand and grabbed both my hood and small bag. "Can we go now? Please."
"Sure. We can leave."
After getting home, I can't help but immediately let a few tears escape my eyes. The fact two words were all my father could say made my blood boil and my bones stiffen, especially since it was the last time I would talk with him in person before I graduate. Maybe I could meet him before he goes back to Korea, but I'd rather not. Not after leaving it at that.
The doors slam still echoed through the house, while I sat against the front door, crying in my lonely arms. No car to leave, and no one to hear me except a sleepy cat. While I do so, every thought of ever healing the hole between our relationship entered my thoughts, and the never-ending process of realizing I can't fix it hurts just as much as the pain in my chest.
Throughout the blur of water in my eyes, I make out the image of a white figure lying across my feet. I look up briefly, wipe my eyes, and stroke Astras back. Her soft, thin hair glides between my fingers, giving me a realization that I wasn't completely alone. No, I wasn't. I still had old friends and family that supported me, other than my father.
Right now, I had to think about the things that were important to me. The things that would help me grow, not look back at my regrets. Maybe the purpose of his visit was a sign from the universe, telling me to get over my past because my goals are too close for me to hesitate.
I needed a break from today. A nap, possibly. I don't think I'd be going back to school anytime soon, so I might as well rest a bit. That's exactly what I need, rest after a long week. After all, the weekend was just around the corner.
I slouch up the stairs with the chunky cat in my hand. By the time I reach my room, both my pants and shoes are in the other, and I'm ready to knock out between messy blankets.
'Ring!' My phone makes alarms under me, sending vibrations through the pillow my head rested on, making my eyelids quickly open. A hand snaked for the device, bringing the bright screen up to my face. It was no other than the band group chat.
Xanax sluts
Guess who just got invited to a party
No me but I asked if you guys could go and they said we can bring whoever
Who is hosting it
Some chick names Miya I know. She's a third-year and seems like a stuck-up little bitch but she's actually pretty cool.
Omg I love her she's so sweet
Oh I know who you guys are talking about she's the girls' volleyball team captain
Anyways she said you guys could go
In like
An hour?
Oh come onnn just slap on a dress or something and we can go
Will, there be alcohol
Will there be drugs
Then this isn't a party-
Come on she's my friends and I promised you guys would go plus she's super popular so everyone's gonna be there AND she's rich
And who's driving us
You mf who else
Fine I'll go but you guys better not do anything to cause attention, if there's gonna be snobby people then we're most likely to be looked down on
I'm so excited yayy
What are you excited about there's no drugs or alcohol
Cause this is the first party we're going to ever since last month
Oh yeah
Mhm it's like this back to school party
Giki if this is a kids party I'm gonna slap the lesbian out of you
See you guys in an hour ig
Going out tn
Ok. Are you staying at anyone's house?
Maybe. Idk yet
How did it go with your dad
It went fine
Good baby I'm glad
Tell me when or if you get to someone's house
Ok I will love you
Happy that my mother didn't make an argument, I sigh, checking the time. It seemed pretty dark outside, so it had to be around eight or nine. And quickly after, I decide it's best to begin getting ready, again.
Please note chapters, it means a lot. I work endlessly on these making sure they're perfect for you guys. Have a good rest of your day, and I hope you take care of yourself. Love you lots!!
- estrxlar
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