Because children are fuckin' gross. They steal your time and money. Do you have kids or something?
And why do you say that?
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Sullivan was satisfied with how Xavier put him up on a pedestal. The kid treated those who considered him superior with much more kindness than those who didn't. "Don't get to comfortable back there. Once you fill me up It'll be my turn. Enjoy this while it lasts." Soft panting could be heard while the occasional grunt came from the back of Sulli's throat. "I'm not a fuckin' porcelain doll. Fuck me, man. Do your worst."
Xavier stopped when he was fully seated within Sullivan. He couldn’t help but bite into his skin again groaning deeply into the bite itself. When the other spoke he couldn’t help but chuckle despite there current position. “I can tell.” He waited for a moment in between his next sentence to push his hips forward to start a slow rhythm. “I feel very lucky for being able to fuck you..” He chuckled again while he kissed along his back as his hips continued to push into the other.
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The pressure against his entrance was driving the man insane. Almost there but not quite relieved. "Such a fuckin' tease," he countered Xavier's insult, but it was quickly silenced by the bite that was left on his shoulder blade. "Ah," his yelp had been soft but all thoughts on that love bite had been forgotten as his lover slid inside his hungry hole. "B-Been a while since I've let anybody top me. You should feel fuckin' lucky."
Xavier licked his lips as his cock pressed teasingly against the smooth hole presented to him. “So bossy.” He said as he left a bite to his right shoulder blade. With a smirk he pushed his hips forward pushing his stiff cock into the tight hole that was Sullivan. “Mm, fuck. You’re so tight.” He groaned against his skin.
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I feel bad for those who have babies.

Sometimes I feel really bad for babies.

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Are you fuckin' telling me how to live my life? Or are you trying to insult me? Either way I'm not so sure I want this to be pleasing for you whatsoever. {It was a struggle but Sulli managed to keep a cold glare on the boy even despite how hands on he was being with his ass} Better be for the price I pay. {As the other explored his body in the most intimate of ways Sullivan couldn't help but hold his breath in attempt to keep back moans. He wouldn't give this boy the satisfaction of knowing he was causing Sulli's heart to pound against his chest} Sullivan. Sulli is fine, though. What about yours? {He had enough of his idle hands. His in turn began to reach between the pair and began to unfasten his belt, sliding it out but not dropping it to the floor. Instead he placed it between his teeth and reached back down to help rid this boy of his jeans and underwear. Once he had left the boy equally exposed he took that belt back into his grip and rubbed the cool leather against his cheek before giving a sudden spank. It was quick and harsh, just like Sullivan liked it}
I don’t know. A beard and nothing else…wouldn’t that be an odd combination. [He bit his lip, stepping closer to the man as his hands moved with the falling pants, sliding over a pair of completely smooth cheeks until he was grasping one in each hand, squeezing slightly] Wow. They certainly did a good job with you. What about the prized areas, though. [He murmured, eyes falling to Sullivan’s lips as his fingers slid into the man’s crack, one sliding straight over his entrance and not stopping until it reached his balls, inspecting the waxing there, too] It definitely feels hot. Smooth asses make rimming all the more enticing, too. [He licked his lips, grinning sultrily] Would you agree…what was your name again? [He frowned, his hands moving back to grip the man’s cheeks as his fingertips carried on their exploration of his ass crack]

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Sullivan was taller than most people. He liked to think he was blessed with his height and muscles because it often gave him the upper hand in the bedroom by default. However, he wasn't sure Aaron was going to follow those 'rules'. "Mm, wait-" he shoved the man off of him, still licking his lips to savor the taste. "I don't remember giving you permission to fuckin' kiss me," He tried to keep a stern expression but his smile was vaguely visible behind his mask. The younger man shut the door and locked it for good measure before turning back to the other. "Show me where that big bed of yours is."
"Everybody likes kind gestures and words. But some things like picnic are almost overrated. Or at least not my sort of thing." He chuckled slightly following him out of the car. "You’re funny, kiddo." He said reaching the door and opening it before pull him to a kiss. The boy was taller than him but it doesn’t bothered him.
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I wouldn't call your name boring. I bet it rolls off the tongue nicely while I'm fucking your senseless. We'll find out I'm sure. No, I think I've shared to much with you already. I'd prefer showing you instead of ruining all the surprises.
Ah, yes, I can see why that would happen. The only good thing about having a boring name like Ian is no one does stuff like that. Hmm…well, I like the way your mind works. Keep going.
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{Sullivan wanted nothing more than to jump on the man and test his strength right then and there but decided against it. He didn't want to break anything and get on his shit list already} So you have no interest in kind gestures or words? Well, you're certainly different. Okay, then. Lets get in there and we'll see who's the king of the mattress. {Sulli stepped out of his car and eagerly walked to the front door} Hurry. Before I lost my patience.
Picnic on beach? I thought we passed the ‘playing nice’ level. If you want me to fuck you at the beach all you have to do is ask. [He smirked stoping his car at the driveway.] Just a few meters. Let’s solve your problem, then. [Teased.] I would love to see to someone try to dominate me. The last one needed some help to get out of the bed in the morning next day. [He said with a devilish grin.]
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Most of the time people compare me to Monsters Inc. Well, if I had my way I'd start first by binding you so tight you can't move a muscle. I'm pretty good at restraining people so I'd like to see you try and wiggle your way out of it. Watching you struggle would make it all the more arousing.
Nothing wrong with having a unique name. Ahh..well, you’re the one who wanted a quickie, so how about you tell me?
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I have my moments. Sullivan? Hmm, well, that’s certainly different. Pleasure to meet you, I’m Ian.
I get that more than I would like to, honestly. Well Ian, how do you want to do this?
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How flattering. More compliments like that and I might just let you call the shots. Name's Sullivan. What should I call you?
Got time for a quickie? ;)
Oh, I have more than enough time for a face like that.

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{Praise was always a sure way to get on Sulli's nice list} That's what my mama liked to tell me. Well perhaps I could treat you to a candle lit picnic on the beach sometime. {As the weight was rested on his thigh and pressure was applied to his sweet spot Sullivan drew in a small hiss of pleasure.} How much longer till we're at your place? It's been fuckin' forever since anybody's had the balls to dominate me. I think most are intimidated. I mean, I'm no twink. Shit.
I do my best. [He smirks.] I like dining by candlelight and walking on the beach at sunset. [He joked and then chuckled.] You’re smart, boy. I like to be in charge. And it isn’t a secret, at all. So… Once we reach my place you can get out of this. [He teased placing a hand on Sullivan’s inner thigh squeezing once before back his hand to the wheel.]
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39. Have you ever playfully spanked your lover? :
Yes. Both painfully and as punishment for not obeying me. I've been known to leave marks on accident. I guess I don't know my own strength sometimes.
46. What was the weirdest thing you have ever done to your b/f or g/f? :
The weirdest? Well, I don't consider many things to be weird. I guess if we're talking about what most people would consider weird I'd say the 'weirdest' thing I've ever done was do naughty things to a giant stuffed animal. My boy toy at the time found it arousing and well, I liked getting him worked up before playtime. He performed better that way.
83. Would you ever have sexual contact with a relative? :
Depends. I'll admit I've had fantasies of finding a long lost brother and making him my bitch but you know. Who doesn't have that fantasy? I certainly wouldn't fuck my father or uncle. I think that's probably mostly due to the fact that we don't get along though. Haven't spoken to them in years.
95. What color is your hair (pubic)? :
What pubic hair? XD
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{The glide of his new friend's hand over his dick caused Sullivan to inhale deeply at the relief it brought him. Sure, it's not like hadn't gotten laid recently but each and every time was like the first. He thought he was blessed because of that.} I can assure you my ass is equally as soft. I like to keep myself moisturized and hair is a no no for me. Unless I decide to get scruffy. Some guys like the feel of my beard lightly skimming along their hips and along their dicks, man. Why don't you go ahead and feel for yourself, babe. {With that he reached down and shoved the material of his jeans and boxers down to his thighs, giving his new pal a lot more room to work with.}
Because, you probably end up with hands so dirty that a manicure is the only way to effectively clean them. I’m fine with my hands how they are, thanks. I’ve never had any complaints about them. You do look good, though. At least, the parts of you that I can see. I’m sure the rest is just as delicious. [He grinned, stepping closer to the man as he reached out to grasp his dick, like it was the most casual thing in the world] It’s nice to meet you too. Especially as I have no idea who you are. You’re pretty damn thick, even soft. Not bad. [He ran his fingers across the silky smooth base of the man’s cock, smirking as he looked him in the eye] Not bad at all. I hope your ass is as smooth as this is. There’s something pretty sexy about someone who waxes. Maybe I’ll get one myself, if you drop the worn-out cliches.

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Speaking of which, what are a few of your vices? Are any of these wild ones apart of your turn ons list? {Sullivan dropped down to the floor, one knee at a time before his hands immediately reached out for the man's belt, tugging it open. He hooked his fingers into the waistband and yanked both jeans and undies down his thighs in one fluid motion, exposing him.} I'll just consider myself lucky this time. {He took a firm grasp on the boy's dick and began to slide his hand along it's length}

Oh I’ve heard of a few wild ones, that’s for sure. Of course, however I hope you don’t think I’m always going to be this easy.

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23 31
23. Whose the sexiest male or female you know?:
They all look pretty damn sexy to me. We're in So-Cal, babe. California boys, we're undeniable. Fine, fresh, fierce. We've got it on lock~ ;) Gotta say some honorable mentions would be Leo, and a few other faces I've recently met without given names. I should really start asking people for their names. Fuck.
31. What’s your kinky fetish? :
Well let me tell you about my kinks.
A few at the top of this list are Daddy Kink, Over-Stimulation, Humiliation, Spanking, Age Play, Pet Play, Non-Con, Bondage, Cross-Dressing, Trannies [does that count?], Orgasm Denial, Double Penetration, Watersports, Spanking, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some but basically the more taboo it is the harder it makes my dick.
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Now that I don't understand. Why would you spend good money on making your hands fuckin' flawless when you're just going to go and fuck it all up? I make a lot of deals. I handle a lot of goods. I guess I just have a thing about lookin' good from head to toe. I'd like to show you how fuckin' smooth it is. {With that he began to pop the button on his jeans and dragged down the zipper, pulling out his flaccid dick} Go ahead and have a feel. I don't bite. Unless you want me to.
I just really don’t see the point of a manicure, unless your work involves a lot of grease or oil, or the like. But, anyway…you’d rather show me? I like that.

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