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weavingstarlight ¡ 7 months ago
Who is your favorite character to write, and what do you like about how you portray them?
+ Have they always been your favorite to write?
Oooh, okay, picking a favorite is hard for me because my favorite character at any given time is “whoever makes the scene move forward.” Of the LU boys, Wild is the one I’m most familiar with, and I have the easiest time getting into his character. Legend, meanwhile, likes to take the microphone and run away with it, making whole scenes practically write themselves!
But I think my favorite LU character to write, right now, is actually Wind. The way I write him, he has a lot of sass and a more casual vocabulary than the other boys, which makes him great for calling out the more ridiculous moments in a story and putting things back on track. He cuts to the heart of a scene and he won’t hesitate to tell me when I’m making things more complicated than they need to be. And the Lightsverse version of Wind is pretty emotionally astute as well, which is pleasant to work with — like directing an actor who has good people skills.
Wind has definitely NOT always been my favorite — I had no idea what to do with him at first, because his main fanon characterization of “is young” just didn’t give me much to build from. I had to work with him for a while before developing the understanding of his character that I currently have. And now I’d like to write more of him, and different versions — but I need a lot more time to get around to that!
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morsartis ¡ 3 years ago
Lightverse Masterlist Link
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morsartis ¡ 4 years ago
Lights Part 1
There was nothing quite like going for a random walk. The urge hadn’t hit you for a very long time- so long in fact a small tremor of fear shot through you. It couldn’t be him. He’d been destroyed with the creation of the new worlds and the new timeline. Simply put, there wasn’t a way for him to reach through the ever calling void to pluck your strings. But for a moment you were reminded of your time on Alternia. You’d traversed that planet in a mind controlled haze and it was an experience that left you shaken. One you never wished to experience again. So when the urge to get up and go somewhere hit you it had taken you an embarrassingly long time to calm your racing heart. It was an ordinary urge, one that didn’t mean you were back under his control. Still, you were anxious as you stepped out of your front door. Your little corner of the world wasn’t all that exciting. A welcome reprieve from the constant action Alternia had given you. As it was, the neighborhood was as calm as any other day. Afternoon sunlight filtered over the houses and across the sidewalks giving everything a warm feeling. There was no reason for your anxiety. Even so, you took careful steps. You weren’t interested in making friends this time around. Just going for a simple walk. Your coat kept the autumn chill off and you were happy about your sturdy boots. Both had cost you pretty penny but the price had been well worth the quality. It also helped that they looked damn good on you. 
It took less time than you remembered to reach downtown. Everything a steady stream of people and activity. People were no doubt doing last minute shopping. You wandered down the streets with no particular destination in mind. There was a little hole in the wall coffee shop not too far away that you liked to frequent. They had some of the best drinks and their prices didn’t leave your wallet openly weeping. Then there was the bakery not too far away that had the best donuts you’d ever had. Among all the shops there was plenty to choose from that you’d enjoy. You decided to go to the coffee shop first. The darker lighting and overstuffed armchairs hidden in the corners were exactly what would set your mind at ease. They had no bell to alert them to customers- music soft but unmistakable floated through the air. That wonderful coffee smell permeated the building and it took little time for the barista to get your drink made and hand it to you. Dropping a tip into the tip jar you took your drink and sat in the furthest arm chair you could find from the door and the drink station. As far as anyone was concerned you were simply part of the backdrop. Pulling out your phone you scroll through the latest news feeds and try not to lose your will to live. Things will always keep happening and quite frankly you aren’t sure how much you can take anymore. Or rather, what was that popular quote? Something about drawing a line somewhere and looking deep inside of yourself for what you’re willing to put up with today. Either way it isn’t this shit. 
You’re so engrossed in the latest bullshit your country is spouting you almost don’t notice the new occupant of the coffee shop. Almost. Too many years being on a hair-trigger of flight or fight have engrained a deep sense of your surroundings. Even if they hadn’t you’d recognize this particular customer anywhere. Her hat is pulled low over her face and her steps purposely soundless. You both know that the barista and the other customers haven’t noticed her. There is only the steady swish of her coat as she walks and even that is drowned out by the music. You look down at your phone and watch her out of your peripherals. She takes a seat across from you as silent as a phantom which is just the way she likes it. You both know that you’ve seen each other. She makes no move to talk and neither do you. If she sought you out then that means there’s a problem. None of your other friends had reached out to you and while you hadn’t attempted to hide you made no move to reach out first. It would be a long time before you felt secure enough to reach out first in your friendships again. 
“He’s gone.” She says barely a whisper. You bob your head in a nod. Its a statement not a question. “I’ve managed to keep tabs on all of our mutual acquaintances.” 
“I expected nothing less from you.” 
“Adalov has been cyberstalking you.” That makes you glance up. There’s the barest hint of an amused smile on her lips. You raise a brow for her to continue. You weren’t completely unaware but if Boldir is bringing it up then its more significant than you gave credit for. 
“He’s been methodically going through every scrap of information about you he can get his claws on.” She pauses to take your drink from you and take a sip, you let her because despite everything you still consider her a friend. You’re pretty sure she knows this too. “He started out doing so of his own volition, however, I believe an acquaintance of yours- Dirk Strider- is also cyberstalking you. Adalov has taken note of that and started stalking him as well-,”
“Which in turn means Dirk is stalking him.” That almost makes you laugh, the two of them stalking each other to see what the other is up to is just the type of Spy vs Spy bullshit that only leads to further shenanigans. Even Boldir has a look that says she thinks its equally as amusing. The two of you sit in a momentary silence. A comforting thing you’d almost forgot to miss. Now it settles around you like a warm blanket. Taking your drink back from Boldir you take a sip. 
“I have a feeling Adalov and Strider will try and contact you at some point soon. I thought...” She hesitates for a moment- eyes darting, “I thought I should warn you so that you aren’t caught by surprise. I know the control he had over you has made you wary.”
“Boldir... I may not have reached out but that doesn’t mean I’ve missed you any less. I can’t bring myself to be the first to reach out. Not after... Everything that happened on Alternia. But I’d never turn away a friend.” You reached across the little table to hold her hand. Her claws dig into your skin with how hard she grips it back and you watch the way she relaxes. It’s almost enough to break your heart. 
“Would you like to go on a walk with me?” She asks, voice uncharacteristically fragile. You smile as you stand up with your drink. 
“I’d love to.” 
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morsartis ¡ 4 years ago
I finally figured out the links thing and feel like a born again idiot lmao. I’ll try and keep this updated as it progresses!
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morsartis ¡ 4 years ago
Okay so this is gonna be a quick and dirty guide until I solidify what the hell I’m doing with this. 
So this is set on an alternate Earth to Earth C. Earth C never came to be in this timeline. While trolls and humans live in relative peace together its implied that Alternia still exists and travel between the two worlds is fairly common. I may explore this more as the series progresses but maybe not. Depends on how it goes. The series is focused on MSPAR’s trauma regarding the games. I took liberty with this, in my version MSPAR was under heavy mind control but vaguely able to recognize something was Wrong and that They Wouldn’t Act Like This freely. When Doc Scratch snaps them out of it the reader is left with the memories and the violation. MSPAR is dealing with the fallout of it all alone, they are aware of their ‘friends’ being nearby but refuse to make the first move. This series is less of the reader jumping onto the “friends!!” bandwagon and more of their former friends tentatively reaching out. All of this will be coded as platonic but you can read a romantic subtext to it if you’d like. I may explore the romantic aspects later on but that will be its own thing.
This whole thing started with Boldir Lamati and I’m gonna go for gold and try to do everyone. Some characters will get reoccurring scenes or multiple parts but again that depends on where this takes me. Once I figure out the links I will have a master post of the series but until then its just click on the Lightsverse tag and scroll. Sorry about that. Out of all the characters Polypa will be the most prevalent through the series because one- I love her and two- the exploration of moiraillegiance is my jam. So there’s that.
As always I will end this with the usual: My askbox is open forever so if there are requests, questions, or general bullfuckery feel free to absolutely light it up.
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morsartis ¡ 4 years ago
To anyone that actually cares. First of all I’m blown away by how many people actually enjoyed my homestuck stuff??? And on that note! 
Everything set in my Boldir x Reader timeline will now be referred to as Lightsverse. or just Lights. I’m gonna update tags and the titles by the end of next week possibly. I will explain more about Lightsverse in another upcoming post that will be regularly updated as I add more stuff to it. This is just a heads up so no one is confused! Thank you all who read this announcement and to those that have been reading my little stories! 
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