#Life changing roadtrip with WoL
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toadeyes-miqote · 8 months ago
Dawntrail - kouhais' road trip
Senpai noticed her kouhais ya. Further adventures in mentoring. Also Hylnyan would like to apologise to her various kouhais. She's only 22 as of ARR (+3 by DT) and she does what she can based on her experience and her main mentor model Thancred.
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Beyond Levindome Get in the Regalia girls!! We're going on a life changing road trip with the WoL.
Dawntrail was much more obvious about it than ShB. Mentoring probably depend on how you feel about MSQ, jobs and sidequests since ARR.
All your Scion senpais and elder siblings are conspicuously holding the line else where. And your fussy bunbun, maybe older dude knows he's not a fighter and Levindome took him out of his element. And your red headed catboy is nerding out.
This is SB Steppes kouhais road trip for the entire expac.
ARR/HW - Alphinaud was more of a boss/coworker/ babysitting job that he was more Estinien and Ysayle kouhai than Hylnyan's. and eventually Arenvald's too. Tataru turned into a dependable comrade-in-arms instead
HW - Deftarm was mostly in tribal so Hylnyan doesn't see him often enough.
SB - Alisaie just hit it off with Hylnyan. And her solo trips away from Alphinaud was quite an experience. Its when she does her observations and learning that you start noticing how different she is from Alphinaud. And the she isn't just a hot head. Utterly amused that Hylnyan shares custody of Alisaie with G'raha (he's the Estinien type big bro to Alisaie).
I'm not sure how much mentoring Hylnyan done for Lyse. Cause Lyse had a more comrade-in-arms moral support vibes than senpai-kouhai.
ShB - Semi obvious mentoring of Ryne. The one where like with M'zhet Tia. You can either ignore her, be mean or be moderate. Keeping in mind that Ryne was technically doing WoL's job on The First in the absence of Ardbert and Minfilia.
And Thancred was trying not to influence her into throwing her life away before she could understand what doing her job meant.
EW - Senpai notice me!!!!! Uwu Else I'm gonna burn the world!!!!! Okay jesting aside does Jude counts? Or still back at Alisaie? G'raha and Hylnyan relationship is a bit weird. Its still growing so. And Hylnyan is resisting to being molded into what Exarch thinks she should be (the job not the person - Ranjit path)
DT -The one that throws mentoring in your face. The choices are still there like Ryne. Wuk Lamat is the more obvious kouhai. Alisaie is still doing kouhai things but she's observing things and taking the load off Wol's shoulder at times.
And the one thing that I liked most about Alisaie that started in ShB is continuing here. Alisaie looking out for the newbie kouhai. Wuk Lamat is probably around the same age band. Older than Alisaie younger than Hylnyan/Krile. But she was doing elder kouhai things and keeping an eye out for Wuk Lamat like she more or less did for Ryne.
Yes Alisaie do be behaving differently when not having Alphinaud around as backup healer when getting into fights. Thank you for giving me back my sensible Alisaie.
Oh and I'm partial to the theme of younger siblings trying to get out of elder siblings' shadows whether for good or for bad. Dawntrail seems to be exactly this for Wuk Lamat.
Hells Dawntrail and Stormblood are practically the little siblings expac getting out of elder siblings shadows.
And then there's under radar kouhai Krile. The one that doesn't want to over burden Hylnyan. So I sometimes use her for duty. She's a bit reserved for most parts. Would have to see where this goes.
For this I have to stop whining about not having Hylnyan's senpais (Thancred and Estinien) around often.
Alisaie do be growing up and I like to see where she goes.
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She do be developing a friendship with Wuk Lamat the entire trip
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Can the rest of the job quest kouhais come play too?
Senpai got your backs and thank the Devs for not turning this part into a sniping/shooting game (I hated it GTA:SA)
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Note - Please do be giving your kouhais (including G'raha some hugs when ya'll get into Levindome and do your thing. Everybody needs a hug.
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