#Lev Dagnyr
adahlenan · 2 months
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— Calm before the storm.
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adahlenan · 2 months
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— A new dawn.
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adahlenan · 1 year
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⏳ Rivers of sand unentwine through my hands To know what they've seen, well my burdens all pale 🪶
《 I don't want to pretend that I'm stronger for it all 》
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adahlenan · 1 year
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- Moonfire Faire 2023 : Eorzean Heroes -
~ Warriors of Light series ~
From August 10th to August 25th, heroes and familiar faces from across the realm return in a sizzling hot new limited-time event! Spend your Allagan Tomestones™ in the special Moonfire Faire gacha to have a chance to pull one of the new summer faire themed cards - including a chance at some holographic ultra-rare 5 star heroes! Even heroes need a vacation! Don't miss out, this banner will be gone faster than you can say "cannonball!"
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adahlenan · 2 years
I|| Your Animal Familiar ||I ⇢ Lev Dagnyr
~ Fox ~
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Though often having a reputation as a trickster, the Fox familiar is actually a good mentor to their master. They are some of the best animals as guides through difficult situations, using wisdom, cunning, and intelligence to lead the way. Being very seclusive and quiet, you are very likely a more introverted individual, though that doesn't stop you from being kind and helping others. Like the fox, you are very aware of your environment and the people around you, and are hard to catch off-guard. A Fox familiar may act as a teacher or mentor to their master, helping them through difficult situations and keeping them aware of the world. ~~***~~ This familiar represents -Intelligence -Being secluded -Cleverness -Awareness -Quick-thinking -Wisdom
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Tagged by: @briar-ffxiv
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adahlenan · 2 years
💘x3 (random headcanon/fact about any three characters of your choosing!)
Send me “💘” for a fact about a muse's love life
💘: Lev has no love life to speak of, and that's perfectly fine with him. He prefers spending his time alone, and when your found family just cannot seem to stop multiplying, having a bit of time to yourself is the best cure for exhaustion. He's not entirely opposed to the idea of dating, but it's so so far down his priority list or hierarchy of needs that he's not actively seeking anything out. If it falls into his lap, so be it.
💘: Felix wound up ghosting his former boyfriend back in Ishgard when he just ran off to the Observatory in Coerthas. It was an entirely spur of the moment, impulse choice and in hindsight he regrets not saying anything, but he also felt he couldn't trust anybody to not tell his location to his family. He was toying with the idea of moving in with him to escape, but instead just made the snap decision to get as far away as he could to somewhere where he could study what he wanted in peace. (It didn't work out that way)
💘: Leomaunt has had a handful of 'lovers'. Most ended after one or two nights. While he tells himself it was just how he was, someone who wasn't interested in love, or how he was just protecting them from his reputation and legacy, none of that is true. Leo was too starved for love and touch that it scared him, and his reaction was to push everyone away and isolate harder, even going so far as to refuse touch by wearing gloves whenever he could to avoid it. The man wanted love so badly his entire life that he didn't know what to do once he tasted the distilled version.
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adahlenan · 2 years
What Gemstone are You? ⇢ Lev Dagnyr
You are... Amethyst
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You are amethyst, a gorgeous purple stone that reflects your peaceful, serene personality. You are patient, kind and have a healing energy that makes others feel calm and at ease when around you. You may find that people tend to vent their problems, anger or frustrations to you quite often. This is precisely because you are such a great person to lean on in times of hardship.
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Tagged by: @thefrostflower
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adahlenan · 2 years
What Gemstone Describes Your OC’s Eyes? ⇢ Lev Dagnyr
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Cat's Eye Aquamarine
» Reconciliation with foes
» Safe passage across the sea
» Breaking through dilemmas
» Peace of mind and comfort
» Calming difficult emotions for sound judgement
Tagged By: @thefrostflower (not really but)
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adahlenan · 2 years
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Lev is quite simply, still. He's not one for fidgeting, moving around or readjusting himself when just hanging around. In part because he dreads drawing attention to himself, and in part because that's simply just how he is. For the longest time he didn't feel comfortable around the Scions and wasn't looking to make friends, but over the years as he grew more comfortable with his new found family his body language opened up, making him more animated and open.
Even so, he's not a particularly animated person, with smaller gestures and more 'in the know' little touches of personality. Even so, he's prone to a wandering gaze, often looking elsewhere while the conversation carries on and giving the impression of losing focus. However it's just simply a part of what makes Lev, Lev and shows that he's relaxed and comfortable in the situation.
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adahlenan · 6 months
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[ and it seems my hell is your high water ]
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adahlenan · 5 months
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        “ what you are, I was; what I am, you will be ”
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adahlenan · 5 months
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Name: Lev Dagnyr Nicknames: He doesn't have any and he's perfectly fine with that! Age: 26 Nameday: 18th Sun, Third Astral Moon Race: Veena Viera Gender: Agender (he/him exclusively) Orientation: ??? but actively trying to avoid falling in love Profession: Warrior of Light
Hair: Mousy brown Eyes: Light blue-grey Skin: Fair Tattoos/scars: Myriad collection of scars gathered over the years of combat, all part of being the Warrior of Light.
Parents: Lev's mother died in childbirth due to complications, but he was raised by a hyuran couple - Arabella and Daniel Holt. His name is his only memory of his mother, but he loves his adoptive parents as his own flesh and blood. Siblings: None, though he can't help but think of the Leveilleur twins as younger siblings. Quietly. Grandparents: N/A In-laws and Other: After spending the events of Heavensward with the Fortemps family, he considers them a secondary family, ensuring he visits when there's a lull in the action. Lev also considers Meteion in an odd place between a younger sister and a dear, dear friend. Regardless, he holds space in his heart for her always, until he sees her again. Pets: None. He doesn't want the responsibility and he doesn't stay in one place long enough to create a home for a pet.
Abilities: Fletching, archery, basic conjury (ever improving through hard work), literacy. Hobbies: Fishing, visiting market spaces, journaling. Not much time for hobbies when you're busy saving the world.
Most Positive Trait: His empathy. Lev can be hard to read, doubly so if you expect to typical Viera mannerisms from him. But beneath his guarded exterior is a warm soul with an overflowing amount of compassion. Whenever he can, he tries to interact with the locals to help ease their worries and provide a little spot of hope in dark times simply by nature of being the WoL. Most Negative Trait: His pessimism. Lev has grown emotionally stronger over the years, but his greatest weakness is becoming overwhelmed by the situation and sliding into a depression. He feels like a child with the world on his shoulders - and in many ways he is, seeing how young he is for a Viera. It's still an active fight to not lose hope and give up in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, but with the Scions at his side he has an easier time holding himself together.
Colours: Deep blue, forest greens, earthy browns. Smells: The forests of the Shroud, petrichor, the crispness of mountain air, vanilla, oranges. Textures: The smooth wood of a tree after you remove the bark, soft and well worn leather, breezy linen clothing, the clean edges of feather on an arrow. Drinks: Water, fresh cider or juice, Ishgardian milk tea.
Smokes: N/A Drinks: At most twice a year, and only after being coaxed into it on occasions. Drugs: N/A Mount Issuance: The only mount he owns is the black chocobo given to him by Haurchefaunt all those years ago. It stays by his side, a reminder of a friendship that changed the course of his life. Been Arrested: I mean. You don't get a few charges of regicide without being
{ Tagged by: @thefrostflower teehee }
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adahlenan · 2 years
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I FINALLY..... finally got around to making a proper WoL and promptly got absolute OC brainrot and so I had to make a reference sheet immediately for my boy....
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adahlenan · 3 years
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It's loss and love, words cannot hold
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