#Letitia Vladescu
rpsabetto · 7 years
(Romania / France 2017)
With the title of his new film Charleston, writer and director Andrei Cretulescu seems to play on late actor Charleton Heston, who comes up during a dinner conversation between recently widowed Alexandru (Serban Pavlu) and his gay brother, Ludovic (Gavril Patru), while the latter’s silent and vacant German boy toy (Vlad Galer) plays a video game. It’s fitting for a movie…
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ceascult · 6 years
Greetings Sugar - The teacher (with Letitia Vladescu)
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pauldutu · 10 years
Azi, despre femei. Femeile din viata mea.
Azi, despre femei. Femeile din viata mea.
De-a lungul timpului despre femei s-au scris foarte multe.  In general de bine ;) . De ce ? Pentru ca femeile sunt minunate. Minunate ca si intreg, cu “bune” si cu “rele”.
Asadar azi o sa va vorbesc despre “femeile din viata mea“.
  Nu, nu va asteptati la detalii legate de viata mea :) .  O sa va vorbesc despre piesa de teatru “femeile din viata mea“” ce a avut premiera pe 18  mai la Teatrul Rosu
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