#Let Murderbot wear a scarf 2k23
rjalker · 2 years
K here's Murderbot's newest original nonbinary friend for this fic.
Turns out Hero Forge does not yet have any spindles, or yarn, or even knitting needles. So we're just gonna pretend these hairbrushes are carding brushes. Lol.
Jayla uses nameself pronouns, so Jayla's pronouns are just Jayla and Jayla's, whichever applies.
In this mini universe, Jayla's the only that finally convinced Murderbot it could, in fact, buy and wear a headscarf if it wanted to, without it seeming suspicious or anything that would get it captured and shipped back to the Company for spare parts.
Here's hoping Martha Wells lets Murderbot wear the clothes it was looking at so longingly in that catalogue in book 7.
Jayla and Murderbot get stuck in quarantine together after a virus infects Jayla's disability-related augments, and, like, most of Murderbot's higher-functioning mechanical systems.
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[ID: A screenshot from HeroForge.com, showing a character named Jayla, wearing a pale purple dress with brown, red, and orange zig-zag stripes, and a matching purple hijab and face mask. Jayla has dark brown skin, and is holding two wooden brushes with metal bristles, posed so the bristles are facing eachother with one upside down, and the other right side up. Jayla is looking off to the side as though distracted. End ID.]
Jayla is teaching Murderbot how to spin yarn, and eventually will teach it how to crochet and knit.
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rjalker · 2 years
I decided to make Murderbot's outfit for this fic in Hero Forge. It just won't let me put the stripes on the scarf or mask.
I meant for the outfit to be concealing, I just didn't realize how well it actually worked, lol.
so now Murdrebot gets a bonus "no one can tell you're dying if no one can see you" skill
The scarf and mask are supposed to have black stripes so just pretend they're there.
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[ID: A 3D character model from HeroForge.com, showing a model representing Murderbot from the Murderbot Diaries. It is swearing a metallic eye-guard, with matching light blue face mask and headscarf, with a dark blue jacket that is zipped shut, a long shiny black skirt, and pale yellow and purple boots. End ID.]
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rjalker · 2 years
I hesitated over long skirts, wide pants, full-length caftans, and tunics and jackets that went to the knees. The idea of combining them all, and having a lot of clothing as a buffer between me and the outside world, was attractive, but I wasn’t used to it and I was afraid that would show. (It had taken me long enough to figure out what to do with my arms and hands while walking and standing still; extra clothing meant that much more potential for attention-drawing mistakes.) The scarves and hats and other head and face coverings, some of which had human cultural functions, were also tempting, but it was exactly the kind of thing a SecUnit trying to hide might use, and would just flag me for additional security scans.
Let Murderbot wear a skirt and scarf 2K23
Also let's talk about the fact that people who wear face coverings are more likely to get stopped for fucking suspicion of being a rogue secunit.... this also definitely means that anybody on that current station who is wearing a head covering is being harassed and possibly assaulted by the cops. But this isn't an actual issue that is going to ever come up.
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