#Ler!chris sturniolo
radio-navlee · 3 months
Knock it off!
If you dont know who the sturniolos are, they are triplets who make youtube videos. And because they ade related im obviously not going to ship them with anybody.
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Lee: Matt
Ler: Chris (+ plus Nick but only for commentary)
summary: Matt teases Chris until Chris remembers his weakness.
The sun peaked its way through Chris’s curtains, the rays barely touched over his bed. The boy raised his right hand to his forehead as instinct to block the brightness of the intruding sun. He suddenly opened his eyes as he heard commotion coming from the kitchen followed by snickering. Groaning, he checked his phone.
‘12:30? What the hell?’ Chris thought ruffling the hair out of his face. He sat up to now hear what seemed to be Nick annoyingly yelling at Matt.
“Oh shit!” Matt giggled
Chris got up from his bed, threw on an old Tshirt and stumbled to the kitchen.
“Well good morning sleepy!” Matt said in a mother like voice, almost making fun of the fact he woke up late.
“Mornin’” Chris nodded, flinching at the sound of pans clashing together.
“Matt!” Another yell coming from Nick who was sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand.
“Nick, shut up I got it!” Matt yelled back,
“No you don’t, because if you got it you wouldn’t be making noise dumbass!” Nick complained, laying another round of lectures into Matt
‘Just as cranky as ever.’ Chris thought, chuckling to him self as he made eye contact with Matt who was still struggling in the kitchen. He gave Matt a raised eyebrow almost asking ‘what u making’ Matt held up a pan and gestured to the eggs sitting on the counter, ‘Eggs.’
Chris stretched his arms out waiting for Matt to finish up making breakfast, and at 12:30 in the afternoon, what a life they have.
“Why’d you sleep in so late?” Matt asked serving the eggs in the middle of the table
“I was, um, up” Chris answered, chewing through his words
“Chris if you going to answer a question please do it after you’re done chewing!” Nick begged
“Meh meh meh meh meh!” Chris held up his hand moving his fingers like a mouth, mocking Nick.
“Stop it! I’m being serious!” Nick slapped at the hand as Matt from across the table yawned.
“Somebody’s sleepy” Chris joked, using his fork to pull another serving of eggs into his mouth.
“I’m not! You’re one to talk Mr. 12 o’clock”
“Dude whatever!” Chris rolled his eyes
“What were u doing anyways?” Said Matt
“I was reading!” Chris said fixing his posture and sounding very proud. A wobbly smile formed on Matt’s face
“Really? You were reading?”
“Uh! Yeah!” Chris lied, using a ‘duh!’ Tone to make it sound as if he was for real.
“You don’t think I can read or something?” Chris asked offended
“no no, you do you man.” Matt fixed his smile back to his resting face.
“It’s just the last time you’ve read was the very hungry caterpillar in 2nd grad!” Matt giggled, causing Chris to slam his fork onto the table
“Not true!”
“Hey the table!” Nick looked up at Chris shocked he just dramatically slammed his silverware into the table
“True!” Matt yelled back, slamming his own fork into the table.
“I’m a very good reader!”
“Sure” Matt teased giving Chris a smirk
“Don’t look at me like that weirdo!”
“At least I can read!”
“Bro I can read I swear!” Chris whined, what a baby
“Stop, you both act like children!” Nick scolded
“Chris is a child, children can barely read by the age of 7!”
“Matt!” Chris pouted
“Look see now your pouting goofy!”
“Imma get you Matt!” Chris held up his hands in a clawing motion, wiggling his fingers at Matt before snickering to himself.
“Alright bro” Matt said ending the conversation and cleaning up his plate.
Matt now sat at the couch spread out scrolling on his phone. It had been a while since the tease at breakfast, so he easily forgot about Chris saying he was “Going to get him”.
Chris strolled into the living room looking around until settling his eye on Matt.
“Cuddle time!” Chris said in a high pitched voice before plopping down onto his brother.
“Chris get off!” Matt said in annoyance, pushing at his shoulders
“Chris seriously stop!”
“Remember how I said I was going to get you?” Chris asked evilly
“I don’t care get off me!”
This gave Chris the perfect opportunity to dig his fingers into Mats sides, massaging into the skin.
“Don’t fucking tihickle me!! CHRIS!” Matt yelled, surprised on what he’d just done.
“I told you I was gonna get you!”
“STOP IT! ChrIHIHhihiss!!” Matt giggled as he moved his way up to his ribs
“imma get’cha! Imma get’cha!” Chris sang as Matt tried desperately to push him off. Wiggling every finger in between his ribs to try to get the sensation to tickle more and more.
“3….2….1!” Chris counted down, once he got to one he shot his hands underneath Matt’s arms, pressing into that one spot between the ribs and the armpit. Matt screamed.
“Why don’t you fight back if you hate it so much?” Chris asked giving Matt a break
“Cahause I fehehel like I cahant move you shit head!” Matt sassed
“I wouldn’t be insulting people if I was in your condition!” Chris said before using one hand to squeeze into his hips and the other to massage into his armpits
“GAHA! FUHUHUHUCKK!!!” Matt threw his head back in laughter. Squeezing his arms as close as possible to his body.
“Wiggle of a finger and your laughing!” That fucker just quoted himself!
“Matt how are you so confident in being in the situation you are in right now?” Chris asked now squeezing Matt’s knees
“FUHUHCKER GET OHOFF OF MEHEHE!!!” Matt yelled causing Nick to come into the room.
“You’re always up to some weird shit in here!”
“He just doesn’t listen to me Nick! Watch this!” Chris stoped tickling for a second
“Stop swearing at me!” Chris commanded as he went back to squeezing his knees
“SHIHIHIT!! FUHUCKER STOHOP!!” Matt held his stomach pounding on Chris’ back.
“Look see! I told you!”
“Y’all are a bunch of losers bro” Nick commented scratching his neck while looking on his phone.
“CRHIHISS STOHOP!! I CAHA- *snort*” Matt kicked out hitting the arm rest of the couch.
“Hoholy shit!” Chris cackled stoping his attack
“Dude you gonna kill him!” Nick sat on the other couch placing his drink on the coffee table scrolling on his phone
“I tohold you to shohop!” Matt breathed still trying to push Chris off
“Wait do it again!” Chris giggled
“Do whahat?”
“He wants you to snort again” Nick butted in
“I’m not doing that again, Chris get off me!”
“No it was funny!” Chris pronounced, digging his fingers back into Matt’s knees.
“CHRIS!!!” Matt yelled falling back into cackles, kicking both of his legs back into the arm rest
“Matt stop kicking the fucking couch!!” Nick scolded looking up from his phone
“Yea Matt! Stop kicking the couch!” Chris teased, squeezing into Matt’s knees.
“QUIHIHIT IT!!” Matt wheezed, squirming and trying to buck Chris off
“Chris you might actually kill him” Nick said
“No he’s fine!”
“FUHUHUCKING *snort* STOHOP!!” Matt finally snorted causing Chris to laugh and stop his tickling.
“Oh my god dude that was the funniest thing ever” Chris sighed, getting off Matt
“Dohont ehever do that agahain!” Matt threatened
“You’re just lucky you didn’t do that to me” Nick sassed
“Who says I still can’t?”
“Mother fucker, I will break you fucking fingers!” Nicks voice turned stern, causing an embarrassed giggle to come from Chris
“Matt you good?” Chris asked looking down at a exhausted Matt
“Yohohour ridiculous!” Matt punched Chris in the leg before dodging a hit in return.
“Stop! You’re about to knock over my drink!” Nick said defensively, grabbing his drink from the coffee table.
“Ow Matt!”
“That’s what you get, that’s was horrible!”
“You liked it though!” Chris smirked before dashing out of the room
“I DIDNT! GET BACK HERE!” Matt yelled after him chasing his around the house.
(Short a simple but I just felt that the tickle community needed more Sturniolo tickles! <3)
-Navy out!
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evie-sturns · 5 months
fall - Chris Sturniolo
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summary: where your boyfriend chris accidentally hurts you, he spends the whole rest of the night trying to make you feel better.
contains: crying, fluff, comforting, minor injury
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With a small grunt I attempt to reach on top of the fridge for the wine glasses, after a bad day at work the only thing I wanted was a glass of red wine.
"Chris!!" I call out, finally realising I can't reach. He doesn't respond, I'm pretty sure he has his headphones on in our room.
Admitting defeat I get off my tiptoes and jog over to the dining table, I drag one of the flimsy wooden chairs across the room back to the fridge.
I sink my top teeth into my bottom lip as I bend over, grabbing the back of the chair and stepping up onto it,
Just then chris walks into the kitchen "you okay?" he asks, walking over behind me as he looks up at me.
"Yeah! I'm just trying t-" I start but I get cut off by Chris's foot slamming against the leg of the chair
He knocks it out from under my feet, my feet give out, slipping against the wood. "oh my god-" he raises his voice as i fall sideways,
the whole left side of my body slams against the tiles of the kitchen floor, my head slightly making Impact as well.
I lay in shock for a couple seconds before the pain hits, shockwaves of heat shoot up my side, my head throbbing.
I burst into ugly sobs, "I'm so sorry! Shit-- are you okay?" chris gasps, leaning over and picking me up effortlessly, he cradles me in his arms. I can physically hear his heartbeat, his hands trembling as he runs his hand over my head.
"my hip!" i cry, Chris runs over to our bedroom and sits down on the bed, he holds me close to his chest.
"where does it hurt- tell me where it hurts" he rambles frantically, I point to the side of my body and chris nods understandingly,
“is your head okay? it’s not bleeding” Chris try’s to stay calm but I don’t think me sobbing into his shirt is helping
“please don’t cry i’m so sorry.” chris sighs shakily, rubbing my arms and pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“lers get you changed baby, you can’t be comfortable in your work clothes, you think!” Chris try’s to lighten the mood, I nod.
Chris carefully moves me off his lap, as if he touches me any harder i’ll shatter. He jogs over to the closet and looks back at me with a sorry expression
“what- what would you like to wear?” Chris squeezes out, I shrug before wiping my eyes
“that’s okay! are we feeling hot or cold?” He asks, scanning over my face which is drenched in tears
“hot” I mumble, my voice cracking halfway through. Chris nods before searching through the closet drawers quickly
he pulls out a small white tank top and blue striped boy-shorts. “is this okay?” he asks, I nod.
Chris walks over to me and picks me up from under my arms, standing me upright on my feet.
“does it hurt to stand up right sweetheart?” Chris asks, his voice laced with concern.
Truthfully it does hurt to put weight on the right side of my body, but I don’t want to tell him that and panic him more than he already is
i shake my head, “that’s a good sign!” chris force’s enthusiasm, he doesn’t cover up his emotions that well so the undertone of his sentence is fear.
he taps my arm, “and… arms up” chris says, trying to concentrate. I force back my tears as I put my arm up, my right arm won’t comfortably go up.
“oh baby.” chris sighs, rubbing that arm. “do you want to try put it up just for a second? I’ll be really quick getting your blouse off.”
I raise both arms with a wince, chris pouts slightly as he swiftly pulls my shirt off. “you’re doing so well” he whispers, grabbing the white tank top from behind him and pulling it on over me.
“and arms down!” chris says, my arms fall back down. i give him a small smile, tears still flowing down my flushed cheek.
chris reaches down and unbuttons my mini skirt, before tugging it down to my ankles. he hooks his fingers under the waistband of my panties before pulling them down and off.
He picks me up from under my arms again, lift in me out of the skirt which is bunched around my ankles before placing me back down on the carpet. Chris grabs the shorts and pulls them up.
He looks somewhat proud of that effort of getting me changed.
Chris picks me up again and lays me down on the mattress. “how are we doing?” chris asks quietly, i look up at him “I’m okay- i think”
“If you’re not feeling sleepy yet we can grab my laptop and put on a show, or if you’re tired we can go to sleep?” He suggests,
Unironically i yawn when he’s halfway through his sentence, “that’ll answer my question” he laughs, unbuttoning his jeans and letting them fall down, he walks over to the closet, picking out some pyjama shorts and throwing them on.
he takes off his shirt and discards it on his desk chair before walking back over to me, Chris crawls over me and lays down, tugging the covers up over me.
I lay my head on his chest with a small sniffle.
“i’m genuinely so sorry, i really didn’t mean too.” chris whispers into my hair.
“it’s okay.” I say, “if you’re still hurting tomorrow morning we’ll get you to the doctors okay?”
“thank you chris, i love you.” i smile, he reaches his hands up and wipes my eyes.
“oh- chris what about the wine” I instantly remember the fact there’s a spill of red wine spread across the floor.
“you want wine right now? if it’ll make you feel better i’ll go get i-“ he starts, I cut him off
“noo chris! the spill” I laugh, “oh it’s okay, it’ll be fine i’ll clean ‘her up in the morning” Chris replies casually.
“you sure?” I ask, “it might smell really strong of wine in there for the next couple weeks if we don’t get it now”
“i’ll get it out, i have my ways” chris giggles stupidly, earning a scoff from me.
8:23am the next morning
The morning sun burns into the side of my face, with a small husky groan i sit up, chris is wide awake next to me laying on his back, his gaze slowly drifts over to me
He’s got dark circles under his bloodshot eyes, his skin pale.
“What happened to you? You look like death” I laugh tiredly
“I don’t think I slept once” Chris groans
“Why? what happened- was I on top of you again like the first time we slept in the same bed- sorry.” I ramble
“no no- it wasn’t you” chris laughs,
“i was just really worried.. about you, and i felt awful for hurting you and making you cry—“ chris says quietly
“oh chris.” i say with a sad smile, i lean down and press a kiss to his lips, holding both sides of his face with my hands.
“i’m okay- i promise sweet boy” I whisper,
“now get to sleep, i’ll be in the living room” I laugh,
chris whines- holding up his hands and tugging my shorts, pulling me towards him
“you know i hate sleeping alloonee” chris groans
@luanetaluenta @sturnsssbow @mattfangirl @luvr4miya @luvtay111 @lolasturniolo @freshloveforthefit @ruedowney @lovingchrissposts s @333michelle @h3arts4harry y @sonicmacks @jamiesturniolo @chrisstopherfilmed @itzdarling @sturniolo-simp4life @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @recklessmatt @ev3rgreenxtrees @lovergirl4387 @certifiednatelover r @solarsturniolo @mattsenthusiast t @yomamaslays4lyfe @peachmels @alinaa131 @pepsiluvr0209 @creamoncreamoncream2 @szobofc @mattscoquette @blahbell668 @sturniolo04 4 @ecilphttlunar @pkfferroo @bitchydragonparadise @thematthewlover @sturni0l0 @ratatioulle
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almond-sw1rl · 6 months
‼️My Introduction‼️
Hello everyone‼️ I don’t feel comfortable sharing my name so please call me Alm!
I really love:
• Ramshackle
• Ranboo
•Moon Girl
But I really REALLY love Ramshackle, I’m not joking they are literally my life.
Personal Boundaries:
•I’m 15. If you’re over the age of 18, please don’t interact with me or dm me! •I identify as she/they and I’m a bisexual and aroace! •Please don’t dm me saying certain things, if you know what I mean.
Comfort Characters // People
•Stone (Ramshackle)
•Ranboo (dsmp // Twitch)
•Matt, Chris, Nick (Sturniolo Triplets)
•Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Requesting art or fanfics:
•I absolutely have no problem making fanart or fanfictions in different fandoms, I enjoy it a lot actually! •Dont be scared to ask, I do all of them! { Fluff, Angst, Lee!/Ler!, etc. } •DONT REQUEST SM*T OR NSFW‼️
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radio-navlee · 2 months
Hiii! Could you do hcs of the Sturniolo triplets? In general (only if you want :))
Yes ofc I’ll do that!!!🤭🤭🤭 (I did each triplet as well😶 hope that’s ok)
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Used to have tickle fights until Nick got uncomfortable.
Chris alway initiated the fights by either tickling Nick first and having to run and tickle Matt, or tickling Matt first and having him tickle Nick.
Matt and Chris are closer to comfortably tickling each other, but Nick doesn’t like the touch and it freaks out a bit.
Nick always has a sassy remark when Chris tried to initiate the tickle fights, “Your joking?” “Chris, I swear to god” “Don’t play with me!”
When having an argument, at least someone brings up tickling and Chris is always the first one to take charge of that.
The first time Matt initiated a fight between him and Chris, Chris had to let him win because he was so impressed that Matt wanted to do one with him.
Alright guys, meat and potatoes!!
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Nick: 60/40 Ler
Always does it to prove a point or because you aggravate him.
It either starts out as Nick going “Don’t you fucking touch me! You know what?” And ends with “I told you not to, dumbass! Now look at you!”
Chris and Matt are literally running from him most of the time because they know how evil he is with this.
On the rare accasion he does initiate tickle fights, he wins them most of the time.
Useally uncomfterble with tickling so he does most of it.
Doesnt really know how too when it comes to other people, but with Matt and Chris he completely wrecks them.
Favorite methods are squeezing, fluttering, skittering, or clawing
Hates it, but that doesnt mean we cant pretend he doesnt want it here or there.
Anything on the torso will have him fighting you off like a wild animal. Your arm? well its broken now.
Doesnt mind the neck or knee tickles every now and then.
He insults you through laughter too, "YOU BITCH!" type of insult
Hes the type of person to grab onto you too, like your wrists or arms to try to get you to stop.
Hasnt been tickled in a while where hes completely out of breath, he trys to avoid that as much as posible
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Matt: 70/30 Lee
Get annoyed with tickling but never gets sick of it
Chris always targets Matt, almost always going for armpits.
Matt kicks a lot when you tickle him sitting down or laying down. If he’s standing up and you tickle him, he folds over trying to get away, or runs.
His worst spots have to be Knees, armpits, ribs, and thighs. If you get him in any of these spots he’s screaming.
Hates getting tickled in the car, feels like he has no room and since he is the driver, feels like he could break the car.
Tries to fight you off at first, but eventually gets weaker the more you tickle him.
His laughter is like a squeaky low pitched laugh, but it also depends on where you tickle him.
Sometimes Chris or Nick will see Matt get uncomfortable, or his social battery will run out, they like to tweak his sides as a “u good?”
Discovered his neck was pretty ticklish one day and never told anybody, nobody knows except him to this day
Will snort, never squeal, even if he did, it just be a higher pitched scream.
Uses the word sensitive instead of ticklish or says “it feels weird” instead of “it tickles”
More ticklish when he’s sleepy or tired
Pretty evil, and doesn’t care what happens to him. Meaning you can say “I will kill you” and he won’t even bat an eye.
Knows how to tickle pretty well. (From experience of getting wrecked so many times)
Doesn’t know how to tease and gets pretty embarrassed and feels awkward trying to.
favorite methods are spidering, squeezing, and kneading.
On playful days, he will tweak (specifically) Nicks sides and try to wreck him.
Sees Chris as a challenger when it comes to picking on Nick, or seeing how much they can annoy him.
Always confident when it comes to tickle fights, (He loses most of them)
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50/50 Switch (also idk y the gif is so ginormous)
Big teaser, absolutely loved the idea of teasing his brothers. (Knows Matt hates it the most and really rubs it in his face)
Wiggles his fingers at you, and finds air tickles hilarious.
Random tweaks are his favorite thing to do to throw off his brothers.
Still doesn’t understand how tickling works but he knows he’s good at it.
Favorite spots to go for are sides, armpits, and neck.
wiggling fingers, whispering in ears and jumping onto them are warning signs to his brothers that he’s about to wreck them.
Very VERY! Playful when it comes to tickling.
Pinching, squeezing, and tap scratching are his go to moves.
Again I’d like to emphasize that he is very playful when it comes to tickling.
It is confirmed that he is very ticklish, so I wanna say he’s the most ticklish out of the group.
when it come to fighting and Nick puts his hands on Chris, he always gets in a situation where Nick accidentally tickles him.
Giggles like crazy when getting tickled.
Also flails like crazy, kickings and waving his arms around.
He tends to tense up when getting tickled if you surprise him, he kinda like freezes.
His most ticklish spots are his sides, neck, shoulders, and calves. (Idk why but he seems like a calves guy)
Soooo sorry this took so long, you probably thought I forgot about it! I’ve been pretty busy this summer, I promise you more stuff is coming out soon!
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radio-navlee · 1 year
Navy's Masterlist!
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Hi! Little introduction, I'm Navy or Ghosty I'm a sfw tickle blog, anybodys free to interact I love talking to you guys!!(Yes I am a minor) Also my prompts are open all the time, if you want to see anything, just ask :) I am more than happy to read them <3
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Last Updated- 7/30/24
Also here’s a look on I’m working on in my drafts!!
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What are u into at the moment?
-Camp Camp
-Spiderman Itsv-Atsv
-The Amazing Digital Circus
-Sturniolo Triplets
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Dsmp (no longer write)
lee dream Ler george
Lee Tommy, Switch Tubbo, Ler Ranboo
Lee Sapnap, Ler Dream & George
Lee Techno, Ler Tommy
Lee Schlatt, Ler Wilbur
Lee Ranboo (Video)
Encanto (no longer write)
Lee Bruno Ler Mirabel
Stranger Things (Some what write)
Lee Steve Ler Eddie
Spiderman Itsv-Atsv (Still write)
Lee Hobie Ler Miguel
Switch Hobie, Pavitr, Miles,
Total Drama (no longer write)
Lee Noah (video, Just him laughing)
Lee Noah, Ler Owen
Lee Trent, Ler Duncan
Lee!Noah Ler!Emma
Lee!Noah Ler!Izzy,Owen,Al
Camp Camp (Still write)
Lee Max Ler David
Lee Max (Headcannons)
Lee Max Ler David,Gwen
Lee Max Ler Nikki,Neil
Lee Max Ler Dadvid HC
Lee David HC
TADC (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Lee Jax Ler Ragatha
Lee Jax Ler Ragatha (draft)
Lee Jax Ler Ragatha
Lee Pomni Ler Ragatha and a Teasy Jax
Sturniolo Triplets (Still write)
Lee Matt Ler Chris
Lee Nick Matt Chris Ler Nick Matt Chris (HC)
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