#Ler!Gwen Stacy
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Hobie Brown doesn’t believe in consistency. Hobie Brown doesn’t believe in labels.
So, if it came to light that there was a…little quirk about him that consistently labelled certain little “moods” he gets into, one could understand how he’d be hesitant to believe it.
Or maybe he’s just in denial.
“The fuck you mean I change colors?” He asked incredulously, his whole body shifting to a sort of greyscale before Miles’ eyes.
“That! You just did it!” Miles’ hands flailed a bit before he gripped his sleeves, and he laughed a bit at the look Hobie gave him. “When you get upset, you turn grey.”
“I can’t be grey already, mate, come off it.” Hobie chuckled, running his fingers along his hairline before returning his hand to the neck of his guitar. “Though, between the Spider thing and you lot on my arse all the time, the stress could be gettin’ me.”
Miles scoffed, offended. “You know that’s not what I meant! And since when do we stress you—” He paused, realization lighting his face as Hobie’s scheme turned to several tones of pink. “You’re messing with me!”
“Oh?” His voice remained steady, but his eyes were distinctly smug. “I felt like that was pretty serious just now. Full sincerity.”
“No, because you always turn pink when you’re being a goof.”
He froze, fingers catching a sour note on his guitar. Miles flinched a little when just his eyes moved to stare at him. That side-eye alone could level mountains.
…But he was still pink.
Miles eyed him warily, crossing his arms. “I know you’re just trying to get in my head.”
Hobie laughed quietly, and his color returned to…normal? Red Spider suit; black vest; and his skin was actually a human color. Yeah, this could be considered normal. “Hate to break it to you, mate; but it’s very easy to get into your head. You get in there so much on your own; you start leaving the door open.”
Miles pouted, but he inched closer to Hobie’s side and rested his head on his shoulder.
Hobie smiled a bit more, plucking a few notes. “Bit of a fuss-bucket, but we like that about you. ‘S cute.” He leaned in turn, letting his head rest on top of Miles’ as he hummed softly.
“Someone has to worry about you and Gwen, especially when you start scheming together. Or not checking in for days; remember the talk we had about that?”
“Gotta unplug sometimes, my guy.” His color shifted again, flipping between grey and another muted palette. “You…you worry about us?”
“Always. You guys both bottle everything up and then act like drinking from it will make it go away.”
Hobie winced, but he couldn’t help another little laugh. “That’s a half decent line, innit? I…You worry about me, huh?” He murmured, his hands going a little tense before he suddenly looked away and cursed under his breath.
Miles glanced at him curiously as he flickered again, between those muted tones and his bright pink. “Are you—”
“Shut up.” Hobie ran his thumb under his eye, a smile stuck on his face as his body settled into the pink palette.
“Hobie!” Miles said just a bit teasingly, hugging the taller boy’s arm and rocking against him. “You’re all pink~ You turn pink when you’re happy, is that it?”
“I don’t turn colors; what are you on about?!” He let himself rock with Miles, reaching to ruffle his hair with his free hand. “An’ I’m not happy; I’m miserable. You’re out here tormenting me.” He carried on dramatically, slipping his arms around Miles and pulling him into his side as he started to lean over. “Makin’ me cry and all. Terrible.”
“Aw, poor thing.” Miles snorted, trying to get his hands between them again. “Maybe I should cheer you up?” He got one hand just under Hobie’s vest, squeezing his side a few times.
“Oi, watch it!” Hobie yelped, giggles starting to slip out as he tried to lean into Miles. “You’re tickling!”
“You’re ticklish?! That’s crazy, man. Unbelievable.” Miles smirked, bringing both hands to scribble up his sides. “That sounds like a cute thing, and you hate being cute.”
“Miles, you—No!” Hobie let out a cackle as Miles grabbed his waist, electricity rushing through his midriff under his touch. Sparks of color flashed across his body, and he tried to shove Miles’ shoulder as his form settled back to pink.
Actually… Now that Miles really thought about it…
“Have you always turned pink when you get tickled?” He asked softly, letting his thumb press circles on Hobie’s hipbone and brushing stray tears off of his face with his free hand.
Hobie slapped lightly at Miles’ face as he giggled. “Stop saying that…” He half whined, lifting the neck of his guitar as he let his head fall onto Miles’ again.
“How do you keep denying it?!” He pulled his hands back, rummaging in his pockets for his cell phone. “Here, c’mere.” He giggled as Hobie slipped his arm around his waist and hooked his chin over his shoulder, and Miles snapped a picture of them without really looking.
“Okay, there, l—What. The. Fuck?!” Miles stared in disbelief at the photo.
Hobie snorted, laughing snidely as his body turned a few neon colors before going pink again. “Oi, that mouth, love.”
“There’s no way—Hobie!” Miles squeaked as Hobie suddenly pressed a flurry of kisses against his neck and cheek, his phone slipping out of his hand as he laughed.
Sure enough, the photo only showed the pair of them: with Hobie’s red Spider Suit, black vest, and dark brown skin.
Gwen had made the fatal mistake of letting Hobie bring her to a pub in his dimension. She had also made the mistake of letting him drag her to three more after that. They were cuddled up in the hammock Hobie had strung up on one side of his bedroom, rocking slowly as the canal shifted the boat.
“Not really sure why you thought you could beat Karl on that third one, lovey.” Hobie purred, fingers carding through Gwen’s hair as her head rested on his chest. “How many times have you told me you don’t even like whiskey?”
“Not my fault you keep shitty whiskey…” She murmured into his shirt. “’N I needed to shut him up.”
“Forgot the sauce makes you a rude li’l bitch, didn’t I?” Hobie smirked down at her as she set her chin on his chest and tried to glare at him.
“Why are you so okay anyway?” She griped. “You knocked back half a bottle of vodka right at the start.”
“Little lesson for the pub crawl: Ol’ Roy waters down the vodka bottles he serves out. Keeps the good shit for himself. Takes a bribe and a half to get so much as a shot out of him, but you need that buzz to choke down some of the food Mary’ll serve ya. Bet you didn’t even notice how fast we booked when they tried to give you those burger things; they’re awful, and you hadn’t even—Aw, love…”
Gwen’s eyes had fallen closed, and she smiled softly as she snoozed quietly against him. “’M listening… Promise.”
“Sure you are.” He pulled her head to rest against him again, tracing gently along the side of her face. “Kinda important, though, you do need to eat more if you’re gonna drink that much. The healing thing ’ll fix ya quicker, but still. That second place? We hit it just for those chicken strips, okay? The cheap wine was a bonus. And I’m still mad you let Riri take that root beer float from the Winchester, man; you’ve gotta try it.”
“I just try not to eat dairy when I have a stomachache…” She yawned for a moment, stretching her arms and hands like a kitten before loosely clutching at his shirt. “Bad things happen.”
“She said, shortly before getting into a drinking contest with a super soldier and keeling after three shots.”
“Hm? Oh, sorry; I got distracted by your cigarette breath. Run that by me again?”
Hobie barely stifled a laugh, ruffling her hair gently. “Okay. It was only, like, two.”
“Two per pub, more like.”
“Nah, it was not like—” He suddenly paused, thinking back to a few hours prior. “…Shite.”
Gwen chuckled sleepily, trailing off into a quiet snore.
Hobie huffed as he smirked, humming a tune and letting his fingers strum against her spine. He wasn’t entirely sure how long they stayed like that; the rocking of the hammock was good for melting away any semblance of focus. Suddenly, though, a thought jumped out of the remaining haze of alcohol to the front of his mind.
“Oi, Gwendy.” He murmured, dragging his nails more purposefully up and down her back.
She shifted slightly, a smile breaking her face as snickers slipped out. “Mmph… Not funny, Miles…” She grumbled, pushing softly at Hobie’s face.
“Ooh, I’ll try not to be offended at that one, love.” He sneered as she whined. He moved his hand to lightly tickle her ear as it turned bright red. “Remember you told me I could ask you one stupid question a day?”
“Seriously? Now?” She huffed, the pout audible in her voice.
“It’s still today, innit?” He kissed Gwen’s hand when it shoved the side of his face again. “Just the one, I promise.”
“Yeah, yeah…Go on.”
“So, um… Do I, like, change colors?”
Gwen was silent for a second before starting to giggle as she looked up at him. He could tell by her tone that she might still be a little buzzed. “What? Like a chameleon? Hell no!” She asked in disbelief.
“Heh, right?! God, I can’t believe I almost fell for that. Miles tried to get in my head that—”
“You change more like a fever dream.”
And, suddenly, his body flickered between normal and grey. “…What?”
“It’s like… Maybe a strobe light? No. It’s like flashing, but not quick, like…”
“I do not change colors!” He insisted, the greyscale settling in.
“Ack! Volume…”
“Sorry, just—” His palette was quickly muted, and he hugged Gwen close. “I’m pretty sure I would know if I was changing colors all the time, y’know? And you never said anything like that before.”
“I don’t go around questioning how people’s bodies work in other dimensions.” She shrugged, her head falling onto his chest again. “You want me to let you know every time I notice you breathing? I can hear your heartbeat; does that surprise—Oh, that’s really fast, actually.”
“Nah, nah, nah, don’t get distracted.” Hobie ruffled her hair again, his colors shifting brighter as she laughed softly. “Does—Does everyone do it? The gang and all?”
“Your gang here? I mean, yeah. I think it’s just your dimension’s thing. Changing colors with how you feel, I think.”
“Oh, you think now? Which is it?” He turned pink, unable to keep the smile off his face as she stretched groggily and let her hands fall onto his face again.
“Hey, you’re all different. I don’t keep track of all of you. I know most of your little patterns though, Cuddlebug.”
Hobie pouted, feeling his face heat up. “Don’t believe much in patterns…”
“Okay, but then how did I know you’d say that?” She cupped his face in her hands, thumbs drawing the smile along his cheekbones. “I can feel you blushing.”
“Pfft, yeah?” Hobie shifted between pinks and neons, taking hold of one of her wrists. “You wanna feel somethin’, eh?” He dragged the flat of his tongue up her palm, his piercing almost catching between her fingers when she shrieked and pulled away.
“Oh, my god, you fucking weirdo!” She accused, scrubbing her hand against his shirt as he laughed at her.
“I thought you’d see it coming, love~ I’m so easy to predict, apparently.” Hobie sneered, his colors still shifting despite lingering on pink.
“That’s not what I said, you big baby!” A few giggles snuck into her voice as she pushed herself up onto her knees, gripping her head for a moment and wincing.
“Easy there, Gwenny; watch your volume.” He taunted, lifting his hands and letting her brace herself against them. It quickly turned into her trying to shove his hands over his head, which he definitely didn’t just let her do without a fight. Definitely.
“You don’t believe in patterns; do you ever not speak bullshit?” She grumbled, letting go of his hands and crossing her arms.
“Gettin’ a little hostile, aren’t we?” He chuckled, crossing his own arms under his head as his colors flickered again. “I mean, here I am having an existential crisis, and you just want to leave me in the dark.”
“Yeah, you look so bothered by it.” She huffed and rested a hand under her chin. “You’re flipping between stuff, but…You light up when you’re happy; you start fading when you’re down; when you get upset, you turn grey. Actually, no, it’s like: You turn into some kind of newspaper collage. Like, literally, there are words on your face right now. I think they change depending on what’s bothering you…”
Hobie touched his face, finding himself distracted. “When do I turn pink?” He murmured, accidentally interrupting her going on about neon or something.
She snickered just a bit before she grinned brightly. “You turn pink when… God, it might be the best one. You turn pink when something makes you super happy. Happy like when cats purr; it’s your tail wag. You also turn pink when you’re planning pranks or goofing off with the band; it’s so great and—Wait. You said that Miles…” She paused suddenly, thinking for a second. “You do turn pink around Miles a lot, don’t you?! Hobie that’s so cute!”
Hobie groaned, letting his arm fall over his face.
“You turn pink when you blush sometimes too~” She poked his cheek, and a smile crept onto his face. “That’s the happy blush~!”
“Shut up…” He whined, a few giggles sneaking into his voice and getting amplified when Gwen’s fingers started crawling up his ribcage. “Gwen…”
“Is that my Gigglebug?” She asked teasingly, starting to scribble her fingers as her hands moved toward his armpits. “Oh, my god; did Miles find out you like getting tickled?! Is that what this is about?”
“Gwen, I do not—!” He started to insist, only to break into loud giggles when her hands shot up. “Gwendy, please!”
“Oh, yeah? Then why are you still pink?” She giggled a bit herself, bracing her knees around his legs as the hammock started to rock.
“I don’t change colors!”
“Okay, you’re just trying to do the contrarian thing. I love the commitment to the bit, but you are literally tickled pink right now.”
He lashed his hands out, hugging her tight and pulling her back down onto him. It didn’t help much; her fingers still found a bit of wiggle room against his upper ribs, but she rolled her eyes and chuckled.
“I hate you.” He murmured, the bright pink still lingering as he nuzzled into her shoulder.
“Hate you too, punk.” She teased, shifting slightly to kiss his mouth. “Ack! Yeah, that was definitely more than two cigarettes, Hobie.”
He snorted, his colors flickering for a moment as the hammock slowly stopped shaking, and Gwen chuckled and rested her head on his collarbone.
And then the hammock fell to the floor, and both of them laughed themselves hoarse.
“What happened?” Miguel had asked worriedly when he first saw the look on Peter’s face. He had rushed Miguel across the facility and down to the infirmary before finally answering:
“There was an, uh, incident down in Equipment Development.” Peter explained a bit warily. “One of the kids got hurt. Kinda figured you’d want to make a proper report, and he’s not exactly being cooperative.”
Miguel had paused at that, realizing that there were very few Spiders in Spider Society that tended to be uncooperative. Definitely only one uncooperative kid. Sure enough, there was a single occupied bed in the infirmary, and Hobie sat as tense as if he were made of stone. His left forearm was wrapped tightly in bandages, his hand barely having the leeway to squeeze the grip strengthener in his hand.
“Hey, hey, Hobie Brown!” Peter called in a playful tone, clapping Hobie’s shoulder. “Lookin’, uh, a little blue there, eh?”
The muted blue shifted instantly to greyscale, and a distinctly not-human sounding hiss filled the air between them.
“Okay, not funny; got it!” Peter said quickly, stepping back and nudging Miguel forward. “Miguel, here, just needs t—”
“Fucking hell; what’d you bring him for, pops?!” He griped, flopping himself over onto his side and cringing as he adjusted his arm. His voice was groggy, still slightly affected by the heavy anesthetic that had been used on him.
Peter sighed softly, and Miguel rolled his eyes. “I brought him because your injury is, well, pretty bad. We need an incident report, y’know?”
“He said you were being obstinate about it.” Miguel chimed in, and Hobie’s color flickered as his head whipped around to glare at both of them. “He has half a point though. Tell me what happened.”
Hobie huffed, settling back to greyscale as he returned his focus to his hand exercise. “Ain’t nothin’ to write about.”
“Literally, the one thing I asked you for.” Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose. “Look, if it were nothing, you wouldn’t be sulking in here.”
Instantly, Hobie put on his smirk, rolling onto his other side and looking at them with a shrug. “So, who’s sulking? I feel great.” His greyscale somehow grew cloudy, those dark blues melting in as if the newsprint had been dropped in paint. Neither Miguel nor Peter commented on it.
“I mean, Miguel definitely knows a thing or two about sulking; I’d tend to agree with him on this.” Peter tried another joke. Hobie chuckled, but he didn’t change.
“I don’t believe in agreements, then.” Hobie shrugged, smiling a bit tauntingly.
Miguel eyed him for a moment. “LYLA, pull up the footage from Equipment Development. And the medic’s record.”
Hobie’s face fell before he could catch it, and he sat up quick enough to make himself dizzy. “Oi, Tink—”
“You got it, boss!” LYLA’s voice was bright before she appeared on Miguel’s shoulder. “It is a little rough though.”
Miguel watched through a small holographic window as Hobie assisted Peni with repairing and recalibrating the blade weapons in her mech’s arms. He’d made some joke, and she laughed and punched his arm. They stepped back a bit—not nearly enough, and definitely not behind the designated safety glass—and she pressed a button on a remote. The saw blade spun, apparently picking up speed even after she pressed the button again. They moved warily, and Hobie’s eyes never leaving the mech as he put one arm in front of Peni, his color shifting to the harsh greyscale. It quickly turned into both arms snatching her off the floor when the saw shrieked and launched off of its gear. Miguel tore his eyes away before the impact, clamping his hand over his wrist before the scream could bury itself in his mind.
“Dios mio, kid…” He murmured, and Peter covered his mouth as he tried to find something to say.
Hobie stayed silent, wincing a little as he stared at his arm.
LYLA hummed sympathetically, petting the side of Miguel’s head. “Medics’ report says that the wound was pretty deep. Hobie’s one of the faster healers, but nerve damage is no joke. They want him on observation and physical therapy for a little while before he goes on another mission.”
“And why exactly did you need me to ‘get a report’, Blue?” Hobie asked gruffly. “Just rip me up and piss off, alright?”
“Excuse me?” Miguel might have stammered a bit.
Hobie’s hand clenched as his body stayed that dark grey, and he groaned irritably. “Just tell me how fucking stupid I am! How the irresponsible rebel let a poor li’l bird get hurt! I know what the others said!”
“Wait, wait; hold on.” Peter said slowly, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. “Who said that about you?”
“Oh, like I keep a fucking catalogue of which Red-Suit Peter Parker is which. Come off it.”
Miguel pulled up the video again. Peni got hurt? And if she had gotten hurt, why didn’t Peter mention it? He braced himself as he let it run this time, and he spotted it: The moment of impact, as Hobie held her tight, the very edge of the blade nicked her forehead. And even then, he only realized it had happened when she kept wiping a dribble of blood away from her eye. She was the one to activate her watch and send out an alert, but a few Spiders had already come running as Hobie screamed.
He looked up, watching Hobie bicker with Peter for a few seconds. “Why do you think I’d call you stupid for this?” He asked, and both of them balked at his tone of voice. His eyes were soft, concerned; and his tone seemed a bit shaky.
Hobie cringed, the look on his face incredulous as his colors flickered. “You’re asking me that after last year, huh? We’re only supposed to save some people sometimes, yeah?”
Miguel sighed. “I haven’t forgotten. But don’t try to put words in my mouth about this. I’m not going to scold you for probably saving your friend’s life.”
Hobie rolled his eyes, biting his lip on some comment, surely.
Peter’s hand returned to Hobie’s shoulder, squeezing firmly. “Hobie, no one—No one—should even have the nerve to tell you that you were wrong here. Lab accidents just happen. Peni is safe; no one’s dead; HQ isn’t on fire; I don’t see any sentient saw-based super villains, and you’re not even missing that hand.”
Hobie huffed softly toward the end, remaining mostly stone-faced despite his color shifting brighter.
“Just know you’re amazing, Spider-Man.” Peter said finally, patting Hobie’s back.
A shock of neon flickered through Hobie’s palette, and he let a soft chuckle slip out.
“Oh, that’s what gets a smile out of you, really?”
Hobie lightly shoved Peter’s arm with his good hand. “Yeah, right, pops. You know you ain’t that funny. Lemme go back to my sulking; I’m so good at it.” He let himself fall onto his back, draping his arm across his face and sighing sadly.
And flecks of pink bloomed across his normal colors. Peter gave a look of exaggerated offense, crossing his arms and looking back at Miguel.
Miguel let out a fraction of a chuckle. “Didn’t think you were the type to doubt yourself this much, Spider-Punk.”
“Sorry, Hook, I like to think I’m multifaceted. Full a’ surprises and all.”
He blinked at the nickname, letting a smirk creep onto his face and resting his hands on his hips. “Well, if you can’t pull yourself up out of this little rut, I suppose we’ll have to help you—” He gave a light tap to Peter’s shoulder and winked as they made eye contact. “—And the method might not be so delicate.
“Pfft… Don’t know what I believe less: You thinking I want your help or you thinking I’d need you to be delica—!” His voice was caught in a yelp as one of Miguel’s hands suddenly squeezed one side of his ribcage. As he started to flail, Peter fired a bit of webbing that stuck his bandaged arm to the wall.
“If you really want some commentary, you should probably keep that arm immobilized for a bit.” Peter taunted, leaning closer to scribble gently at Hobie’s other side.
“Oi, hey!” He griped, giggles starting to slip out of him as his free hand pawed Miguel’s arm. “Fuck off; that’s not funny!” He curled over onto his side, pinning Peter’s hand under his weight. It didn’t stop him scribbling his fingers at all, but Hobie seemed determined not to let him have that hand back.
“It’s a little funny.” Miguel shrugged as he sat on the bed as well. He set his left hand firmly on Hobie’s shoulder, flexing the fingers on his right to get them primed. “You called me Hook earlier, didn’t you? I wonder why.” He said it playfully, as if he didn’t actually know, and he dragged his claws gingerly against the back of Hobie’s t-shirt.
Hobie’s legs kicked out as a shriek escaped him, his laughter jumping quickly to cackles as bright pink tones covered his body.
Peter chuckled as he watched them, squeezing Hobie’s side softly until he got the opportunity to pull free when the kid suddenly writhed. “Must be really funny if you’re laughing this much.” He teased, sneaking a few pokes across his stomach. “Hobie ‘Spider-Punk’ Brown stuck in a giggle fit from the evil backscratcher~!”
“Pops!” He laughed, his free hand making a grab for Peter’s wrist again. Miguel, completely undeterred—and maybe a little shocked by it—pulled Hobie to lie flat on his back, and he let his claws scribble softly all across the kid’s stomach. Hobie covered his face, giggling brightly as he seemed to make an effort to keep still.
“Aw, the lone wolf still kicks for tummy scratches.” Peter smirked, leaning on Miguel’s arm and tickling along Hobie’s ribs. “Definitely something Miguel knows about.”
“You are terrible.” Miguel chuckled, shaking his head and sneaking scribbles toward Hobie’s sides.
“You’re both terrible!” Hobie barked out, twisting a bit harder than he meant to and shouting suddenly. “Ack, shit!” Bright red lightning-like bolts flashed along Hobie’s arm as his body flickered between the pink and newsprint palettes.
Peter flailed to remove the webbing from the injured arm, not that there was anything he could do beside watch Hobie ride out the sting of pain. “I am so sorry…” He stammered, suddenly panicked and rambling while Hobie’s voice came out a bit ragged:
“M’fine, m’fine, mate, really.” He insisted, flexing his fingers as best he could and letting out a sigh as the pink tones started to reappear. His eyes fell on Miguel, and when he smirked, Miguel realized he’d been holding his breath.
“You’re fine?” Miguel asked, pushing himself to stand back up.
“As I can be.” Hobie shrugged, grinning harder to cover the wince. “You two gonna stop bothering the invalids now?” His bright pink was muddied by the muted blue, though it flickered between the two.
Peter sighed and shook his head with a weary smile, patting Hobie’s knee as he got up.
Miguel crossed his arms. “Not just yet. Have you told your little crew about this?”
Realization flashed across Hobie’s face, and grey text etched itself into his skin as he tried to push himself up. “Shit, I need to get home, I—”
Miguel grabbed his shoulder before he could accidentally put his weight on the wrong arm. “We can arrange that. I meant: Have you told Gwen and Miles? Or Pavitr?”
For as tall as he was, Hobie seemed to shrink at the idea alone.
“Hobie…” Peter scolded without scolding him.
Hobie pulled a pillow over the side of his head, groaning in frustration. “Ugh, look, okay? I don’t want them worrying over me. I don’t de—” He bit his tongue and paused, the color draining away from him— “They’re busy and all, and I’ll be fine. I begged the doctor not to say anything to you, but Peni had already run off. Then Pops showed up, so, yeah, maybe I was a bit pissed off.”
Both men glanced at each other. Some parts of Spiderman really are always the same.
“They care about you, you know.” Miguel said softly, and Hobie cringed himself into a smaller form. “They love you.”
His hand clenched tighter on the pillow, and bits of the newsprint highlighted itself in pink while others crossed themselves out or tried to become more prominent.
It was sort of an unspoken rule in Spider Society not to read the words that would flash across Hobie’s body, or at the very least, not to comment or draw attention to them. He rarely got emotional enough for them to be legible anyway, but most Spiders could respect the idea of staying out of someone’s head.
But Hobie doesn’t change colors. So, if Miguel’s hand covered up the words “I don’t deserve them” when he pressed his palm to Hobie’s back, it was a coincidence.
“If you stay here to heal up, they’ll notice you missing.” Miguel caught a glimpse of something and glanced away. “If you try to sneak out before you’re healed up, they’ll notice when you can’t use your hand properly. Tell them.”
“Promise you’ll do it.”
His colors darkened a bit. “Promise…”
Miguel pat his shoulder firmly, finally stepping back. “And stay behind the safety glass next time. That’s why it’s there.”
Hobie chuckled softly, letting out a quiet sigh as Miguel and Peter made their way out of the infirmary.
“LYLA, let the medics know that Hobie might need another round of painkillers.” Miguel said once they were definitely out of earshot.
She appeared on his shoulder again, a clipboard in her hands. “Already done, boss!”
“By the way, give me an estimate on the kid’s recovery. What do you think?”
She flipped through papers on the board, kicking her feet casually. “Well, based on previous known injuries, and the medic’s report; adding in physical therapy time: I’d say he’ll be mission-ready by next Friday. Probably the Monday after to be 100% normal. Just estimating; you know he’d probably say otherwise.”
Miguel nodded. “Check in once in a while. If he hasn’t told anyone by Wednesday night, drop them a message first thing Thursday.”
Peter looked at him with a smirk, and Miguel rolled his eyes and chuckled.
“Hobart Brown!” That was Miles’ voice, and it was weighted by his Puerto Rican accent. He was pissed. His sneakers squeaked against the infirmary floor as he stomped up to Hobie’s bed.
Hobie nearly choked on the sip of water he’d taken, catching the grip strengthener when it slipped out of his hand and flickering through several different color palettes.
“Oi. We don’t pull the government names, you know that!” He had barely set his water bottle down when Miles cornered him against the headboard, eyes sharp with rage.
“Shut your punk ass up!” He barked suddenly, seeming to shock both of them for a second. Hobie rested his left hand on his chest, and he felt his face heating up.
“When the hell were you going to tell us that you got hurt?” He continued, crossing his arms as he glared.
Hobie winced, and dark blues settled in with flickers of pink. “I-I, well…When I stopped being hurt?”
“Hobie!” Miles ran his palms over his face, and absolutely none of the anger had drained from his eyes when he looked back up at him. “How could you do this?”
“I did check-ins; you can’t say I didn’t!”
“Yeah, and you lied to us!”
“I—I did not lie. I just…didn’t…”
“Lying by omission is lying, Hobie! And it’s a shitty thing to do to your partners!” His hands were moving a bit wildly before he clutched at his jacket sleeves for a moment. He sighed heavily and let them fall to his sides. Hesitating just a little, Hobie slowly took Miles’ hands into his own, and Miles stared at the remains of the newest scar on his forearm. Miles squeezed his hands tightly, closing his eyes and taking a breath.
“It’s just… After everything that happened, and out of everyone here…You were the one person I thought would never lie to me! Not about important stuff, at least...” He moved one hand to the side of Hobie’s face, brushing his thumb over the words he pretended not to see. “And you are so important! To me and Gwen and Pavitr and your band and so many people.”
In the midst of his speech, Hobie spotted Gwen creeping in with her hands behind her back, but that last part might have gotten to him a bit. The colors on his body fluctuated again, and he felt himself sinking into the hand cradling his face.
“Did you make him cry yet?” Gwen asked a bit playfully, approaching the bed and lightly nudging Miles with her elbow.
“Gwen…” Miles chided softly as brighter tones started to appear on Hobie’s body.
“He has such a way with words, Gwendy; I don’t know what to say.” Hobie leaned to rest his chin on Miles’ head, rubbing his thumbs across his knuckles.
“Yeah, yeah; I wasn’t done, by the way!” Miles pouted.
“I’m not stopping you; I just thought we should give our maybe still-injured partner his flowers.” As she spoke, she pulled a picture frame and a card from behind her back. Pressed inside of the frame was a bouquet of clearly handmade paper flowers wrapped around the neck of a familiar-looking paper guitar.
Hobie found himself staring, the breath stolen from his lungs as he took one corner of the frame in his hand. Gwen didn’t let go, and he was glad for it, because he felt like his hands would have been weak even without the injury.
“Miles made them for you last week—”
“Don’t tell him that!” Miles groaned, blushing as he tried to glare at her. He gestured to Hobie’s face and color with one hand while the other rested its palm on his own face. “See, he’s not going to listen now!”
Hobie had slipped his arm around Miles, pulling him in for a hug and kissing his wrist instead of trying to get him to move it. He had shifted almost completely to a bright pink, bits of text occasionally visible on him before shifting back to blurry lines.
Gwen snickered and sat on the bed, hugging Hobie’s arm. “You seemed pretty off in that first call. Guess we know why now, but he wanted to make you something to cheer you up.”
“I can admit it’s working.” Hobie nodded, smiling at Miles again. “It’s beautiful, love. You never stop amazin’, do ya?”
“Do not compliment me when I’m mad at you.” Miles huffed, his face softening as he looked up.
Hobie set the frame on the table beside the bed, holding the stand out with his pinkie and flexing his hand as he pulled it back. “’S the best time to compliment you though, innit? You care so much; feel so much; I admire that about you.”
Gwen nodded. “Plus, your accent slips out when you’re mad. It’s the cutest thing.”
“He sounds like his mom.”
Gwen slapped Hobie’s arm, barely stifling a snort. “Stop right now. You know his parents already don’t like me. Plus, don’t say that after I saw you blushing when he yelled at you.”
“I like a li’l double meaning, I’m afraid. And Man’s got a bark on him. Makes me weak.”
Miles looked between them, groaning. “Of course you would roll up like this. You two are practically the same.”
They glanced at each other; Hobie’s colors flickered darker, so Gwen was the one who said: “Sounds like you’ve got yourself a type.”
Miles glared at them, but the tiniest hint of a shy smile pulled his lips.
Hobie chuckled softly and shook his head. “Ey, come on, don’t lump her in with my bad decisions. If she had listened to me, she wouldn’t have told you about her broken arm from that Rhino mission.”
“Oh, yeah, I forgot you were the one who said that first. Do you do this a lot?” She murmured, and suddenly both of them were eying Hobie with an edge of…judgment? Felt like judgment. Hobie cringed, looking away for a moment.
“I…” No, no, no. He’d jumped from the church wagon a long time ago; no need to start an impromptu confessional.
They love you.
“Look, we’re Spiders, okay? We heal fast. I heal faster. When I get hurt, it’s nothing. Maybe I have to sit out for a while, but the crew can handle most work and shows.” The words were just falling out of him without much control, and he found himself squeezing Gwen’s sleeve when one of her hands traced lines on his arm. “My crew—My friends—I feel like they, uh… How the fuck…? T-There’s plenty of them. They go out, knock some heads and chill with each other. You two… You have whole cities to go home to; you’re flying solo when you’re on patrol. And I don’t want to be the one… distracting you?”
Somehow, stopping felt worse than the rambling. They were still staring at him, but their eyes were soft; both of them took hold of one of his hands.
“You wanna translate?” Miles asked, running the pads of his fingers along some older scars before pulling his hand up to kiss his knuckles.
Gwen shook her head, smiling. “Just means he loves us~” She said almost teasingly, lacing her fingers with his and hugging his arm again. “Loves us so much he thinks he’s not good enough.”
“Did I not just get through telling him how important he is to us?” Miles asked in disbelief. “Honestly, this guy.”
“Feelings are dumb like that.” Gwen shrugged, huddling closer to Hobie’s side. “That’s why I can’t stand them.”
“Tell me about it…” Hobie murmured, resting his head on top of hers. “I do care about you birds, though. Can’t really hide from that. Where’s Pavi, by the way?”
“He’s gonna call before he drops in; said he was making your favorite thing from his dimension, and he didn’t want to interrupt us.” Miles finally walked around the bed to properly cuddle up to Hobie’s other side.
“He also told us it was supposed to be a surprise,” Gwen giggled as Miles leered over at her, “but I think Miles was already raging.”
Hobie chuckled, grinning softly as he looked down at his hands. He flexed the fingers on his left hand; they felt a bit stiff, but they moved just fine. Well, fine enough for now; he needed to get his hands on his guitar.
“What are we thinking?” Gwen pressed a kiss just below Hobie’s shoulder.
“Oh, you can’t tell?” Hobie teased, his palette settling on the bright pink tones. “I thought you said I change colors.”
“Do you seriously still think we’re making that up?” Miles laughed lightly.
“Maybe~ What color do you see?”
“You’re pink, as usual, you dork.”
“Cool, so you probably know what I’m going to do next.” He slipped his arms around both of them, hugging them tight as he let his fingers scribble against their stomachs. “Or not? How were you both too slow?” He laughed, speaking over them as they fell into loud giggles and complaints.
And, okay, maybe he could admit that he would call this moment “pink”.
#hobie brown#miles morales#gwen stacy#hobie x gwen#hobie x miles x gwen#hobart brown#ticklish!hobie#Ticklish!Hobie Brown#lee!hobie#Lee!Hobie Brown#ler!miles#ler!gwen#Ler!Miles Morales#Ler!Gwen Stacy#punkflowerghost#ghostpunkflower#across the spiderverse tickle#spiderverse tickling#happy pride 🌈#transgender pride#trans pride#pride month#gay pride#lgbt pride#pride 2024#lgbtqia#happy pride month#pride month 2024#bisexual#lgbtq
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Miles and Kilometres
"Interesting. Very interesting," Peter B. Parker said, looking between Miles Morales from Earth 1610 and Miles Morales from Earth 42.
"Two sides of the same coin," Pavitr mused.
"Dude, could you not?" 1610 Miles asked.
"Prick," 42 Miles scoffed.
"Hey, be nice to Pav, erm . . . Miles?" Gwen said, looking at both versions of Miles Morales. "We can't call you both Miles."
"Even though you are both Miles," Hobie said. "So, what we callin' you, then?"
"Our Miles is Miles, and the other one is called Kilometres," Peter joked. 42 Miles scoffed.
"I am not answering to Kilometres," 42 Miles scoffed.
"This one's just a ray of sunshine, ain't he?" Hobie remarked, jerking a thumb towards 42 Miles.
"Yeah, you need to lighten up," Peter B. Parker said, poking 42 Miles in the ribs. 42 Miles let out a squeak and stumbled forwards. "You OK, kid?"
"Don't . . . ever . . . touch there," 42 Miles said, glaring at the floor. "It's - it's weird."
1610 Miles snickered. "What, buddy? What's wrong? Did you become so much of an edgelord that you forgot that you could be ticklish?"
"I-I'm not!" 42 Miles snapped, blushing harder.
"You're adorable!" Pavitr cooed. "You're trying your best to be super tough and you're just so cute!"
"You shut up, you - HEY!" 42 Miles' words were cut off by Hobie grabbing him and holding him close.
"'E's got a point, ya know," Hobie said. "Wonder what'd 'appen if . . ." He poked 42 Miles in the ribs, and he giggled. "It worked!" 1610 Miles openly laughed, while 42 Miles looked at his interdimensional counterpart like an angry wet cat.
"Don't be so smug, buddy," Peter said, poking 1610 Miles in the same spot. He jumped and clung to the ceiling. It was 42 Miles' turn to laugh openly.
"So they're both ticklish, eh?" Gwen teased, wriggling her fingers. Behind her, Hobie cracked his knuckles and Pavitr began stretching. 42 Miles and 1610 Miles leaned back in horror.
"We should go," 42 Miles said.
"Yes, we should," 1610 Miles agreed. By the time he even put one foot forward, Pavitr had already wrapped him up in a mess of bangles and webbing. 42 Miles was already hog-tied to Hobie's guitar.
"How did you do that?" Gwen asked, staring at Hobie and 42 Miles.
"Anarchy," Hobie said.
"Put me down!" 42 Miles snapped.
"Nope!" Pavitr said, dragging 1610 Miles and 42 Miles into an empty room full of gadgets.
"What are you even doing?" Peter asked.
"Um . . . running some tests!" Gwen said, as the spider-teens rushed away.
"What sort of tests are you pendejos even running?" 42 Miles asked.
"Well, Miles got bitten by the spider, while Kilometres didn't. I want to see if both of them are still as sensitive as the other one is," Gwen said.
"You're just going to spend all day tickling us both," 42 Miles said.
"Sure, why not?" Hobie said, grabbing at 42 Miles' stomach. The teenage Prowler alternated between cursing in Spanish and squeaking when Hobie's long fingers found a sweet spot. Gwen did the same to 1610 Miles, who was actually laughing.
"It seems the spider bite did make him more ticklish!" Pavitr giggled. "How interesting!"
"MAYBE FOR YOU!" 1610 Miles snapped. Admittedly, it was hard to tell because he was laughing so hard. 42 Miles was too busy holding in his laughter, his cheeks filling with air and giving him the impression of an angry chipmunk with his mouth full.
"This one's stubborn, Pav," Hobie called out. Wanna help out?"
"Yes!" Pavitr started squeezing 42 Miles' armpits almost experimentally. And 42 Miles exploded.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" 42 Miles screamed, everything bursting out of him.
"And we have liftoff!" Pavitr celebrated. "Miles is more ticklish, but Kilometres is better at holding it in!"
"Hey, put them down and let 'em go," Peter said. "This is not helping either of them in the slightest."
"Fine," Gwen sighed, signalling to Pavitr to pull 1610 Miles out of the webbing. Hobie started cutting 42 Miles out at the same time.
"Now, send the other Miles home to get some rest," Peter ordered.
"I'll handle it," Hobie said. Just before he pushed 42 Miles through a portal to his universe, he whispered something into the Prowler's ear. 1610 Miles saw a glimpse of a terrified expression before he went through the portal.
"What did you say to him?" 1610 Miles asked, when he was alone with Hobie.
"I told him that if we ever found him messing with any kind of Spidey, we'd bring him back and find every ticklish spot he had," Hobie said casually.
1610 Miles' eyes went wide. "Oh."
"But I'd have to compare them to yours to be safe."
"What are they doing to each other?" Miguel asked.
"Hobie is tickling Miles Morales," Lyla reported.
"Of course that's what they're doing. Are there are earplugs around?"
Miguel groaned. "Ay, dios mio."
#creative writing#my writing#writers#writers on tumblr#writeblr#writerscommunity#writing#spiderman#into the spider verse#across the spiderverse#lee! miles morales#spiderverse tickle#atsv pavitr#pavitr prabhakar#ler! pavitr#peter b. parker#spider gwen#ler! gwen stacy#tickle fic#42 miles morales#miguel spiderverse#spiderverse lyla
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Writing while your tired is hard :( but tickletober is worth it, as long as you all keep enjoying my fics and I have an excuse to write! There may be some days that I end up missing though, mainly because I don’t like the prompt too much, anyway
British ‘people’ are liars
Tickletober Day 5: I’m not ticklish
Fandom: Across the Spider-Verse
Pairing: Lee! Hobie Brown and Ler! Gwen Stacy (Platonic)
Summary: A game of truth or dare gets a little heated when Gwen doesn’t believe Hobie’s telling the truth.
Warnings: Tickle Fic, not proofread (gimme a break, I’m sleepy)
‘I’m tellin’ you mate, I’m just not ticklish,’ Hobie said, almost amused as he kept on denying the truth to his friend. The punk laid back on the couch, his long arms and legs hanging off the edges while his head laid tilted towards Gwen.
It had only been a couple weeks since Gwen had moved in with Hobie, though ‘move in’ would be putting it lightly. The only things Gwen had at that point was the clothes on her back, and a small bag of essentially Jess had given her. That wasn’t to say things were totally awkward though, the two had been on plenty of missions together before and had grown decently close, nothing past work friends though. Hobie was just accommodating, even with what little he could have in his home dimension his door was always open to his friends.
Things were still slightly awkward, mainly for Gwen as she felt like she’d been intruding on his space for a while, even though Hobie really didn’t mind. Some days, she could be so quiet he’d have half the mind to forgot she was living there. That’s why he was the one suggested truth or dare, to try and air out any tension that had been wracked in the spider woman’s brain.
Even though now he seemed to be taking the truth out of truth or dare.
‘You know, everyone’s ticklish Hobie, you can’t just be immune,’ Gwen told him, sitting on the floor with her legs criss-crossed. Despite her meagre reluctance at the start of the game, since she only accepted out of politeness to Hobie, she was really beginning to shed her true skin at this non-serious argument.
‘Nah, I’m just different, init,’ he smirked, staring back up at the ceiling like he’d won. Gwen just rolled her eyes, rubbing her temples.
‘I can’t understand a single word you’re saying half the time,’ the blonde sighed, shuffling a little closer to the couch as she aimlessly poked Hobie’s side, hoping for him to let out some kind of giggle or squeak or even just to move away from her fingers but it was like she wasn’t even there to him.
‘Are you tryna dig out my insides or somet’? I told you, I’m not ticklish. There’s no point in try-ihihing!’ His lanky body practically caved in on itself as Gwen’s nails dug right into that delicate spot below his bottom set of ribs. Her eyes widened as did his, though a little smirk crawled onto her face. In a second, she had hopped up onto the couch and straddled Hobie’s hips, pinning him under her weight.
‘You know, I didn’t think you’d lie to me, especially after you-,’ she pokes him in the ribs again, ‘suggested this game!’ With just one little discovery about her host, it was like the floodgate of her personality had been fully opened, acting more playful now then she probably ever had.
‘I dihihihidn’t! I’m nahahahat tihcklihihish!!’ Hobie still tried to lie, though try was putting it nicely. He was making zero effort to hold back all those snickers that were freely pouring out of his mouth. The boy’s lips curled into an even wider smile, clearly amused by riling Gwen up with his blatant lying.
‘Really? Not ticklish, hm? Where’s all this laughter coming from then?’
The blonde asked, leaning down a little to look him in the eye. As she did so, her fingers quickly crawled up all his ribs, using them like a ladder until she reached his armpits. Hobie kicked and bucked around her more wildly for that, shoving his heels against the end of the couch which caused him to ride up it even more. The back of his head was now leaning against the couch arm, with his arms squished to either side of him.
‘I-I duhuhuhuhnno!! Rehahahahahal myhahahstery, yohahahu knahahahaw!’ Hobie chuckled to himself, before yelping loudly once he felt Gwen’s long nails wriggle about in his armpits.
‘I could just keep tickling you until you tell me the truth, I wouldn’t really mind doing that, but I’m not sure someone as ticklish as you could take it.’ Gwen challenged Hobie, making sure to sink her nails right into the hollows of his armpits. The punk gasped and kicked his feet around as much as she could, batting his hands from side to side, doing whatever he could to not sit still and give into her.
In all honesty, it was probably some of the most fun they’d had together. Even if Hobie was insistent on getting away from the tickles and not being ticklish at the same time, the sensations weren’t torturously bad or even regularly bad for that matter. And Gwen was too lost in the moment to really think about it too much, really focuses on getting her roommate to squeal and laugh his head off.
‘Nahahaha poihihnt in ticklihihng sahahahahamone whahahaa ain’t tihihhicklish, mate!’ Hobie barked out, grinning from ear to ear at that point. Gwen laughed a little at that, not able to take his lies seriously anymore when they were coated in giggles and cackles.
‘Ahakay, sure your not, Hobo, but I’m sure there’s gonna be one little spot that’ll make you scream with laughter!’
And unluckily for Hobie, she found it pretty quick. As the drummer retracted her hands from his armpits, which was a little difficult seeing as how cramped his arms were, her nails ended up tracing just against the tip of his jawline, causing him to retract back and slap his hands over his mouth.
The two just stared at each other for a couple second but Gwen quickly broke this moment by plunging her hands forward, skittering her nails all over Hobie’s jawlines, which sent him ballistic.
‘Really? Your ticklish? I had no idea!’
She got in the last tease all while his body flailed about desperately on the couch, his mouth was wide open as shrieking laughter tumbled out of him. The girl’s nails slowly left his body and she did too, hopping off his hips and standing next to the couch, giving him some time to recover.
‘Thank you, Gwendy,’ he huffed, stretching back while staring up at the ceiling, Gwen visible in the corner of his eye.
‘No problem,’ she said, though placed a hand to her hip curiously. ‘Why’d you go through all the trouble to lie about though?’
Hobie just smirked to himself, resting with his hands behind his head.
‘Because I knew it’d get you to open up like that.’
#sfw tickling community#tickle fic#tickle content#tickletober2023#augtickletober2023#spiderverse tickle#across the spiderverse#lee hobie#lee hobie brown#ler gwen#ler gwen Stacy#ticklish hobie brown
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tkltober day 9: Lie
Across the Spiderverse - ler!Hobie, lee!Gwen
The bed creaked in decrepit protest when Gwen slumped into the mattress, kicking her shoes to the other side of the room and letting out a deep sigh. That was her first action after barging into his apartment via portal and according to social etiquette, she had yet to say even a word to him, but in Hobie’s humble opinion, the deep shadows under her eyes were saying enough.
“Anything else?”
Another sigh. “Sorry.”
He waved it off and rolled on his stomach to lie closer to her, softly bumping her in the process and smiling, just in case she’d look up at him. She didn’t. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah.” She sounded tired. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
A few beats of silence; nothing, not even a brief moment of eye contact. Hobie barely held back a sigh on his own and stood up. “Tea?”
Silence again, but there was a slight hesitation to it now. He didn’t push. Sometimes easy questions weren’t easy to answer. After some more silence, Gwen sat up, looking at her hands as she anxiously picked at the skin around her nails. “Can I get a hug first?”
Hobie felt his heart crack ever so slightly and quickly sat down next to her, pulling her in for a hug. The tension in her shoulders was insane. He hummed softly and took one of her hands, locked their fingers. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Do I have to?”
“‘Course not.” Hobie pulled away from her a little to look into her eyes and this time, she met his gaze. “But I’ll be here if you change your mind.”
Gwen looked like she was about to cry for a brief moment, then she quickly reentered the hug with him and he pulled her in a little closer. “I know… thank you…”
“Sure.” The silence settling over them now was contempt, peaceful almost, and he felt the girl relax a little. “Can I offer you some tea now? Or, I don’t know, anything else?”
“Depends.” Her voice was slightly muffled from where her face was buried in his chest. “What else can you offer?”
“I have a few smiles in stock.” Gwen squeaked in surprise when he softly wiggled his fingers into her sides and he couldn’t hold back a slight grin. “Maybe even a giggle or two.”
“Hngh- Hobie, you- heh-” She pressed her lips together just as the aforementioned giggle threatened to slip out, but Hobie saw the corners of her mouth twitch upwards.
“Me? Lil’ ol’ me? What about me, Gwendy?” He moved his hand up to her ribs to scribble there, chuckling when the blonde twitched and let out a snort. “That was cute, do it again.”
“Hobi-ehehe, yohou dihihipshahaha nahaha!” Gwen clutched onto his shirt a bit harder, trying her best to not block him with her arms and finally not holding her laughter back anymore.
“That’s what I like to see!” Hobie drilled his fingers against one of her ribs, earning a squeak. “If I admit I’m a dipshit, will you promise not to lie anymore?” He felt her go a little stiff and quickly pressed a kiss to her head. “I’m not mad, Gwendy. I won’t push. Just know you can be honest here, ‘kay?”
Gwen relaxed almost instantly and nodded, then a fresh wave of cackles took her off guard. “Nohohot thehehere!”
“Alright, alright.” He went back to her sides, now using one hand to stroke her hair out of her face. “Don’t wanna kill you, aye?”
Gwen didn’t seem too eager to answer him and Hobie smiled, continuing the soft tickling until all of the tension had faded from her shoulders. He then stopped moving his fingers, instead caressing her back and letting her giggles die down. “Better?”
“Way better.” She smiled up at him. “Thanks.”
“Any time, Gwendy.”
“I’ll still take that tea.”
#rey writes#augtickletober2023#tickletober#tkltober#spiderman across the spiderverse#atsv#hobie brown#gwen stacy#ler!hobie#lee!gwen#ticklish!gwen
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#i could stare at this all day!!!!! this is all I've ever wanted!!!!#specifically the first panel with lee!gwen but UGH then we get miles too???#perfection 👌#atsv#spiderverse#miles morales#gwen stacy#gwiles#ler!miles#lee!gwen#ler!gwen#lee!miles
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Movies Fictional Characters
There's a clear winner in *this* battle of Godzilla versus Mothra.
Logan Howlett | the Marvel universe
Wade Wilson | the Marvel universe
Anakin Skywalker | the Star Wars universe
Bucky Barnes | the Marvel universe
Mike Schmidt | Five Nights at Freddy's
Godzilla | the Godzilla franchise
Coriolanus Snow | The Hunger Games
Peter Parker | the Marvel universe
Natasha Romanoff | the Marvel universe
Steve Rogers | the Marvel universe
Wanda Maximoff | the Marvel universe
Luke Skywalker | the Star Wars universe
Vanessa | Five Nights at Freddy's
Katniss Everdeen | The Hunger Games
Branch | Trolls
Art Donaldson | Challengers
Alex Claremont-Diaz | Red, White & Royal Blue
Peeta Mellark | The Hunger Games
Tony Stark | the Marvel universe
Leonard McCoy | the Star Trek universe
Amanda Young | Saw
Miles Morales | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Lucy Gray Baird | The Hunger Games
Paul Atreides | Dune
Patrick Zweig | Challengers
Willy Wonka | Wonka
Bilbo Baggins | the Lord of the Rings franchise
Floyd | Trolls
Leia Organa | the Star Wars universe
Optimus Prime | Transformers
Padmé Amidala | the Star Wars universe
Miguel O'Hara | the Marvel universe
Thorin Oakenshield | the Lord of the Rings franchise
Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor | Red, White & Royal Blue
Hobie Brown | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Anxiety | Inside Out 2
John Dory | Trolls
Felix Catton | Saltburn
Frodo Baggins | the Lord of the Rings franchise
Aragorn | the Lord of the Rings franchise
Shockwave | Transformers
Oliver Quick | Saltburn
Bradley Uppercrust III | An Extremely Goofy Movie
Gwen Stacy | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Kenji Sato | Ultraman: Rising
Tashi Duncan | Challengers
Clay | Trolls
Dogpool | the Marvel universe
Xenomorph | the Alien franchise
Gandalf | the Lord of the Rings franchise
Carol Danvers | the Marvel universe
Bruce | Trolls
Megatron | Transformers
Eddie Brock | the Marvel universe
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen | Dune
Samwise Gamgee | the Lord of the Rings franchise
Thor Odinson | the Marvel universe
Legolas | the Lord of the Rings franchise
Yelena Belova | the Marvel universe
Darth Maul | the Star Wars universe
Regina George | Mean Girls
Ballister Boldheart | Nimona
Jake "Hangman" Seresin | Top Gun: Maverick
Han Solo | the Star Wars universe
Tyler Owens | Twisters
Lydia Deetz | Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Mothra | the Godzilla franchise
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell | Top Gun: Maverick
Finnick Odair | The Hunger Games
Toothless | How to Train Your Dragon
Boromir | the Lord of the Rings franchise
Sadako | The Ring
Joy | Inside Out 2
Michael Myers | the Halloween franchise
Sam Wilson | the Marvel universe
Stu Macher | Scream
Morticia Addams | The Addams Family
Ambrosius Goldenloin | Nimona
Kylo Ren | the Star Wars universe
Ennui | Inside Out 2
Éowyn | the Lord of the Rings franchise
Elita One | Transformers
Fear | Inside Out 2
Jason Voorhees | the Friday the 13th franchise
Venom (Symbiote) | the Marvel universe
Hiccup Haddock | How to Train Your Dragon
Sentinel Prime | Transformers
Elsa | Frozen
Pavitr Prabhakar | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Yoda | the Star Wars universe
Gimli | the Lord of the Rings franchise
Kamala Khan | the Marvel universe
Furiosa | Mad Max: Fury Road
Once-ler | The Lorax
Cassian Andor | the Star Wars universe
Snow White | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Haymitch Abernathy | The Hunger Games
Jedediah | Night at the Museum
Octavius | Night at the Museum
Arwen | the Lord of the Rings franchise
This is a returning list! Yay!
Marvel sweep! Come chat about your faves in a Community made for that very purpose.
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I loved this beautiful Fanart from Spiderman's GhostPunkFlower polyamorous ship across the spiderverse of the characters of Spiderpunk (Hobie Brown), Ghost Spider/Spider-woman (Gwen Stacy) and Spider-Man (Miles Morales) together, especially because I love that it is about the month of LGBT pride and especially because I find it super adorable that in the Miles and Gwen are tickling their beloved boyfriend Hobie a lot while he tries to do everything possible to protect himself from the attack and that he was receiving from his boyfriend and his girlfriend. This is something really adorable and beautiful to see in the three and... I LOVE IT... I honestly imagined this after Hobie and Gwen saved their beloved Miles from the alternative dimension (as in the second movie)

By the way, this beautiful Fanart of them is not mine and the credits are not for me, but I let you know that right here I am going to leave you the link of the true creator on Tumblr
#hobie brown#miles morales#gwen stacy#hobie x gwen#hobie x miles x gwen#hobart brown#ticklish!hobie#Ticklish!Hobie Brown#lee!hobie#Lee!Hobie Brown#ler!miles#ler!gwen#Ler!Miles Morales#Ler!Gwen Stacy#punkflowerghost#ghostpunkflower#across the spiderverse tickle#spiderverse tickling#happy pride 🌈#transgender pride#trans pride#pride month#gay pride#lgbt pride#pride 2024#lgbtqia#happy pride month#pride month 2024#bisexual#lgbtq
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Hi can I ask for a ler!miguel O’Hara fic please?
Ler!Miguel x reader
Hello anon! This is going to be in a romantic relationship, and you are not a spiderman/woman (next time pls be more specific with requests like if their spider person or gender)
I I Requests are open!

"miggy! Miggy miggy miggy miggy!"
"yes, y/n?" Your wear wolf vampire spider thingy boyfriend replies in a somewhat playfully annoyed tone, he had got one day of of work every couple months, once in a blue moon when everything was as close to stable as they could get, and you decided that your mission was to annoy him.
"how 'ya doin?" You say while looking at him with a smirk
"I was 'doin' fine till you started annoying me" he said with a scowl, hiding the chuckle and smirk that was creeping to his face
"aweeee why are you so meeeaaaan?" You say in a childish tone while playfully pouting.
"mean?" He asks "mean!" He rolls his eyes
"you still got problems with that cute 16 year old?" You look at him with a bit of confusion
"cute?" He says with a 'what do you mean by that' look
Jealous much, "Sálvame Dios, I found him cute in a PARENT like way, Miguel" you knew little Spanish, you really only used the words Miguel used, so you knew sálvane dios pretty well. You sit on the couch.
He looks just a little ticked off but not mad
"can't believe you have beef with a 16 year old" you say a little snarky while giggling to yourself. Miguel sits next to you, you are looking at a photo the opposite way from him
"I'll give you something to laugh at" he says sounding some what menacing "huh-?!" Before you could even turn to look at him you could feel a ticklish squeeze on your inner thigh "Miguel waihahahait! Nohoho!" You start giggling loudly
"no what? Don't stop tickling you? Okay if you insist." He teases starting to tickle your sides
"nohohohoho! Mihihihiggy!"
"what? Miggy what? You're saying my name but not what you want!" He teases
"nohohoho! Screhehew yohohou!" You say blushing from his teases, you bat at his hands and try to squirm away at to no avail.
"that's not a very smart thing to say in this position mi amor." He teases again. "Maybe you aren't getting the message, I know how to get it through." Suddenly you feel claws scratching at your sides.
"once again, not very smart" he moves his hands from your sides to your stomach and starts spidering across it
"MIHIHIHIHIGGY!" You tell out, he'd be worried if you guys hadn't had a safe word, worried that he had gone to far or if his claws might've actually hurt you but he knows you're fine for now
He lifts your shirt up a bit, one hand behind your back holding your lying figure up, and the other holding your hands above your head
"get ready mi amor" he waits a couple seconds for dramatics
"nohohoho!" You giggle in anticipation while squirming trying to get away
He takes a deep breath and... "PFFFFTTT* blows a raspberry right on your bellybutton and starts clawing at your sides again
"NAHOHOHOHOH! SPIHIDER SPIDER!!" You yell the safe word and he stops tickling, hugs you close and puts his head in the nook of your neck
"I'm happy this is how I get to spend my days of" he says fondly, you are the only person who gets to see the cheesy soft side of him (others like Peter b see the cheesy tickle monster side)
"ihi aham too dear."
#across the spiderverse#spider man: across the spider verse#across the spider verse spoilers#across the spiderverse tickle fic#across the spider verse miguel#miggy#atsv miguel#miguel o'hara
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Spiderman ATSV tk hcs (because I'm very normal about them)
Miles Morales

He gives me lee-leaning switch vibes
Is usually the one dragged into tickle fights whenever he's on the sidelines
He doesn't really mind though, as long as he's having fun
Cannot STAND teases in the slightest
He can't help but melt into a blushing puddle the second somebody teases him
Produces nervous giggles at first, but his laughter gets higher pitched as his ler continues
Is the type of guy to be slightly insecure of his laugh
He'd do next to nothing about stopping your hands and instead focus on covering his mouth
An easy solution to this would be to get his armpits as soon as his hands start to gravitate towards his face
He'd absolutely 𝘴𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘢𝘭 and clamp his arms down, trapping the ler's fingers and, well...you know what happens
Can be a bit of a thrasher when being wrecked, but he tries his best not to harm anyone unless his ler is a villain
Beware for his ler moments though, he can and 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 use his invisibility or electricity powers to sneak up on you and send ticklish shocks throughout your body
He's still working on his stealth, but he's managed to get Gwen, Pavitr, Miguel and Peter B. so far
He gives me ticklish neck vibes, I'd say his neck is the only spot that makes him snort of you tickle him for long enough
Did once get ganged up on by the other Arachkids
Was also later wrecked by Miguel as revenge, but he kinda figured it would happen sooner or later
He tries so hard to curl in on himself when he's tickled, whatever the position
Worst spot would probably be his ribs in my opinion, bro cannot handle anyone even 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 his ribs
Is overall a 7.5/10 on the ticklish scale
Gwen Stacy

Defo a ler for the most part
Please be careful when initiating a tickle fight within close distance of her bc she will go in for the kill
She's fine with saying the word or any connotations but only for a short period of time
Due to her incredible agility and grace under pressure, running is literally pointless bc she can and will catch you within the first ten seconds
I like to think she starts with slow traces along the lee's torso, just to get those pesky anticipation giggles outta them
Will absolutely compliment the lee's laughter/giggling/snorts, etc
She will DESTROY the lee with teases when or if she gets the chance, do not mess with this girl 😃
Often finds herself smiling subconsciously bc she just thinks the entire predicament is just so wholesome for some reason
Her lee moments are rare...but never forgotten
I mean, staying in Hobie's dimension doesn't always come for free, and the price does just so happen to be tickles
Being the teasy asshole he is, Hobie has and never will let her live that down, but it is Hobie we're talking abt here so she wouldn't really expect anything different
(She did get him back afterwards tho lol)
Overall probably a 6.6/10 on the ticklish scale
Pavitr Prabhakar

A shameless switch in my opinion
I mean, let's be honest, if he has the effortless confidence to tease Miles and Gwen abt their relationship, then he will have next to no problem expressing his need for tickles/to tickle someone
Due to his personality though, I do believe he'll lean more towards being a ler
He absolutely created a rule where anytime someone says 'chai tea' or 'naan bread', they will be wrecked to the verge of tears for disrespecting his culture (yes, this rule does apply to The Spot as well)
Bro has been blessed by the gods perhaps a little bit 𝘵𝘰𝘰 much, his laugh literally sounds like the most charming noise ever, even when he's being tickled silly. But anytime someone brings it up, he'll blush and dismiss his laughter as being "okay" and "just a normal laugh"
He ended up screaming so loud that his neighbours called the police because they thought he was being murdered or something
So that was an awkward interaction, considering the neighbours called the police captain in, aka GAYATRI'S DAD
Any place near or on his ribs is an absolute 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 spot
Anyway, ler time
EXTREMELY skilled with his hands (that sounds so wrong help 😭)
Will literally do a full mental assessment of his lee, noting which spots are the least and most ticklish, how the pitch of their laughter varies, etc
Very good at teasing, but doesn't like to overdo it, and won't baby-talk anyone unless they're comfortable with it
Will laugh along with the lee, he can't help it, their laugh is just so contagious!
About an 8.2/10 on the ticklish scale
Hobie Brown (my love)

...Oh lord, where do I even 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 with this anarchist
Ler-leaning switch, in all honesty
He's a lovable asshole and he takes pride in it, if he finds out someone he's friends with is ticklish, they are 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 for
Playful bullying is part of his love language, so don't expect any less than a teasing smirk the whole time and mean but joking comments about the lee's reactions
"Aww, bit sensitive luv, aye?" "Why yu laughin' dear? Did I say somethin' funny?" "I don'know how yu thought yu'd get away wiv that."
Stuff like that basically, so yeah, be prepared to melt into a flustered puddle
Of course he still respects boundaries though, if you really want him to stop, he will back off without any hesitation
Okay, now, his lee side..oh gosh, he is quite the squirmer
Good luck trying to hold him down, he will thrash around like a fish that's fresh out of water
Can and will yell out almost every curse word in the book, he doesn't mean any of it though
If you do manage to keep him in place though, the amount of sheer panic and anticipation in his eyes will never get old
Will try to keep his cool, constantly attempting to distract you so that he can prolong his tickly fate
The ler almost always sees through his lies though, so there's really no point
He has the highest pitched giggles a person could ever hear, very out of character for him, but very adorable so we can excuse it 😌
Has a SERIOUSLY sensitive neck, probably explains why he wears a choker
Will screech like a vulture if the ler goes anywhere near his neck and may accidentally try to punch them, so watch out for that 😅
The front and backs of his knees will also have him cackling like a maniac
Overall an 8.7/10 on the ticklish scale
Done! :D
#atsv#atsv tickle#across the spider verse tickle#tickle hcs#tickle headcanons#sfw tickling community#atsv miles#atsv gwen#atsv pavitr#atsv hobie
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"I-I am not!" He argued, as ridiculous as it kinda sounded, considering neither of those statements were wrong... He blushed a bit more at that last one though, trying to look up at her. "You want a fight, then?!" He challenged, moving one of his hands to dig his fingers into her stomach. His fingers sparked as he let a tiny amount of electricity zap into her.
Recognizing Miles from behind, Gwen gently taps his left side, then side-steps to his right.
"Did ya miss me?"
He flinched just a bit, turning sharply. His Spider Sense hadn't even gone off. When he finally saw her, his eyes lit up.
"Gwen, hey!" He said brightly, moving as if he was going to hug her, but hesitating shyly. "It's, uh, great to see you." He spoke in a poor attempt at sounding casual, blushing softly as he grinned.
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Gwen Stacy retorna como Gwenpool: o primeiro amor do Homem-Aranha para se tornar ‘um assassino de sangue frio’
Podes ler o artigo completo e na sua língua nativa no link do seu autor original: https://screenrant.com/gwen-stacy-return-new-gwenpool-marvel-comic/ Gwen Stacy finalmente retornará dos mortos na nova série Gwenpool da Marvel Comics em maio. No entanto, esta não é a mesma Gwenpool que conhecemos e amamos, mas sim seu sósia morto-vivo da linha do tempo principal da Marvel. Escrita por Cavan Scott…
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could you do a hobie x reader where he and his s/o just chilling and the conversation somehow turns to tickling? they’re asking if he is and he’s like;
“i don’t believe in that” before lunging at y/n and absolutely wrecking them while saying shit like
“i can’t believe you’re laughing like this.” while he has the biggest smirk on his face.
could you do a hobie x reader where he and his s/o just chilling and the conversation somehow turns to tickling? they’re asking if he is and he’s like;
“i don’t believe in that” before lunging at y/n and absolutely wrecking them while saying shit like
“i can’t believe you’re laughing like this.” while he has the biggest smirk on his face.
Ler! Hobie x lee! Reader
Im not sure what you meant by the 3rd stanza so this might not be your exact request

"-and that's 'ow I got away with it" you and your boyfriend Hobie would just sit on the couch watching TV and tell stories commonly, he'd sometimes be playing the guitar you'd do what ever you do, it's the most comfortable feeling you two get with your boyfriend literally being an anarchist
"another great adventure of spider-punk and Captain anarchist." She giggles "I gotta start writing this stuff down." You say as you turn on the news, the story is about how tickling is good for reducing anxiety and stress because of dopamine released in the brain
"ey luv?" You hear hobie call you from your trance "Yeah? What's up?" You turn your body to look towards him, which unsurprisingly you see him half sprawled across the couch
"are you ticklish?" Alright y/n there's three ways to deal with this one, you defensively say no, causing suspicion, getting tickled in the end two, blatantly saying yes and getting tickled in the end or three act it out calmly and don't get all defensive.
"no, not really." PERFECT you said it bluntly and calmly no signs of oh crap I got stuff to hide, you look him in the eyes as you say it aswell. "Then ye wouldn't mind if I tested it out, right?" He's says in a somewhat teasing way... Crap "go for it." You realize you are really bad at this "I believe you." He says turning back to the TV, if there is one thank whatever God is out there. He turned to watch the TV as did you, it was a calm silence except hobie had the TV somewhat loud but then you felt a pair of hands squeezing your ribs. You let out a stifles chortle. "Hobie!" You half squeal out
"what? I thought you weren't ticklish?" He teases as he presses his nails into the divots of your ribs. "Nohohoho! STAHAHAHAP ihihihit!" You bat at his hands putting no real effort into stopping him
"but it seems you're enjoying this? You aren't really tryna stop me luv" he teases as he spiders his fingers down to your stomach "nohohoho! Nohohohot thehehere" you try and squirm away but he wraps his arms around you and puts you in a tickle hug
"then what about here? Or here? or maybe here?" He teases as he claws at different places on your stomach before he starts clawing at the sides of your stomach
"SPIHIHIDER!" You yell out the siderversal safe word tears in your eyes. He kisses your cheek and let's you lay on his chest
"what happened to not being ticklish?" He teases.
"shuhut up"

It told me I posted this an hour and a half ago
Spider verse requests
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#across the spider verse spoilers#across the spiderverse#across the spiderverse tickle fic#spider man: across the spider verse#across the spider verse#across the spider verse spider punk#across the spiderverse hobie
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Tickletober Day 2: Drawn On
(Spiderverse: ler!Mary Jane x lee!SpiderGwen)
(Note: Is this ship semi-canon/hinted in the movie? I could have sworn Gwen had a moment of reminiscing over her own universe's Mary Jane... but then again that could also have been Peter? I dunno, it's unclear. /// No hate to any ships, by the way! I just liked the idea of this one so I'm writing a fanfic! :))
"Stay still!" Mary Jane giggled, doing her best to paint Gwen's nails. She'd chosen a hot pink color.
"Hehehee! I can't! It tickles-!"
Gwen sat on Mary Jane's bed, trying not to squirm too much. Yes, her fingers and fingernails were ticklish. And yes, They were sensitive to a small brush coating her nails with paint.
"Seriously girl, is it really this bad?" M. J. teased.
Pulling her hand back, Gwen giggled. M. J. rolled her eyes.
"Alright, but you'll only have three fingers painted!"
Taking a mini fan from off the table, Mary turned it on. The fan carefully blow-dried the paint on Gwen's nails. The pink paint carefully took the shape of the nail as it dried.
"So Gwen, what made you decide to come over? You're usually so shy around me."
She blushed and looked to the side.
"Well, I met a wonderful friend. And he gave me the confidence I needed!"
"He sounds really sweet," M. J. said with a smile. Gwen looked up at her with hopeful eyes. "Heh. Anyways, let's finish your makeover!"
Mary Jane reached for the foundation brush on the table. Gwen squeaked and squirmed away.
"Eep! That's gonna tickle too!"
Waving the brush at her in a teasing way, M. J. grinned wickedly.
"Hehe, good!"
And she pounced, fluttering it everywhere on Gwen's neck. She scrunched her neck up between her shoulders.
Gwen swatted her hands away, face flushed.
M. J. grinned. "Where else are you ticklish...?"
Curling up, Gwen hoped to sheild as many spots as possible. But her feet were still sticking out. They were small but kinda cute.
Taking a paintbrush and dipping it in pink paint, Mary Jane held her ankle and painted a smiley face on her arch. Gwen let out a squeal and almost webbed her in the face. Oh no, that would have been bad! She did her best to control herself and keep her hands under her, deciding it better to succumb to the tickling than reveal her identity.
M. J. had grabbed the other ankle and painted something on her other arch, making her delve into high pitched guffaws, and pound the bed with her fists. Finally, M. J. let up. She smiled sweetly.
"Sorry if that was a little too much!"
Gwen got control of her laughter and pushed herself up.
"Oh, hehe! I-it's alright! You're fine!" She reassured her, still glowing.
Mary Jane put all of her makeup tools and paint away.
Meanwhile, Gwen looked down at the art on her feet. On her left foot was a smiley face with the words "cutie pie" written above and below it. She exhaled happily at that, and looked to the right. On it, was a heart with the words "U R precious" written above and below it. Gwen's heart melted.
Did this mean...? No, no, no. Mary Jane could have just meant that as a friendly gesture. It wasn't a sign that she liked her back, right...?
Getting up, Gwen looked over at M. J. still on her chair, now tending to her own nails.
"Uhh, Mary Jane?" Gwen said, and she looked up. "Do you want to hang out again sometime, maybe at the park?"
Grinning, Mary Jane's eyes sparkled. "Sure! It's a date!"
Okay, maybe it was true after all! A blushing Gwen thought.
#augtickletober2022#spiderverse tickles#tickle fic#lee gwen stacy#ler mary jane#I just think they're cute together#marygwen#is that the ship name?#anyways enjoy#tickletober2022
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Homem-Aranha: História de Vida Uma bela homenagem ao cabeça de Teia. A proposta do gibi é nada mais do que em cada edição, representar uma década da vida do personagem, passando pelos principais marcos de histórias que do teioso já teve em seus quase 60 anos de existência. Essa história foge da licença poética do "não envelhecimento" que os super heróis americanos têm geralmente em seus quadrinhos. Dessa forma, temos um encadernado que reúne uma minissérie de 6 histórias, cada uma representando uma década na vida do personagem, desde a década de 60 até a atual em que estamos. Para quem gosta do Teioso e já leu praticamente quase todas as suas histórias ou as conhece, é um belo exemplar onde podemos desfrutar de uma leitura gostosa e emocionante. Uma bela homenagem a esse tão consagrado personagem da cultura pop. Outro aspecto legal da HQ é o fato de mostrar como seguiria a vida dos personagens do núcleo do teioso e também, dos heróis Marvel. Um universo até certo ponto realista e bem escrito por Chip Zdarsky, que nos faz querer conhecer mais ao ler a revista. Assim temos na edição, história da década de 60 famosa pelos conflitos contra o Duende Verde, década de 70 marcada pela morte da Gwen Stacy e o Chacal com o clone, 80 com Guerra Secreta e a morte de Kraven, 90 com a saga do Clone, 00 com Morlun e saga Guerra Civil e 10 com o Homem-Aranha superior e o aparecimento do Miles Morales. Sem contar que dentro das histórias vemos referências a outros acontecimentos menores, mas que foram importantes na vida do cabeça de teia. E em cada uma dessas histórias é mostrado a culpa que o Parker carrega, como ele lida com ela, o que faz ele ser o Homem-Aranha e principalmente as consequências disso em sua vida e em suas escolhas. Nunca confie no Tony Stark. #HomemAranha #SpiderMan #Marvel #SpidermanLifeStory #ChipZdarsky #MarkBagley #homemaranhahistóriadevida Texto completo no medium: lel352 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEITi5THjTH/?igshid=32jz96wcmo6z
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do you have headcannons for the spider kids? (From into the spiderverse.)
:00 yES I LOVE THEM SM!!!!
Miles Morales:
- Very,, very ticklish,,
- He starts tearing up after like 10 seconds its impressive.
- He has a very open laughter
- He snorts sometimes too!!!
- Doesn’t mind tickling either (he enjoys it but instead of saying it, he just says,, uh yeah that was fun)
- Miles likes to start tickle fight with his friends but,, but more often than not he loses really badly.
- Like really badly
- He starts it and five seconds in whoever he’s attacking knows that he’s ticklish everywhere and just tickles his sides and he’s lost.
- He doesnt squeak a lot but he’ll yelp super loudly is you catch him off guard.
- He likes to verbal tease when he actually can tickle someone without them tickling back after two seconds,,,,, (poor boy :( )
- His waist and his neck are his worst spots, he dies if you tickle him there.
Peter B. Parker
- Not nearly as ticklish as miles but he still is
- Surprisingly,, his stomach isnt that ticklish, its more his sides.
- His laugh,, oh god you can hear it from a mile away,,
- It doesnt tickle that much but this man?? He laughs loud.
- He snorts sometimes as well,,, and they are vERY LOUD.
- Tickling is,, ok in his books.
- Sometimes he’ll enjoy it and remember all the fun times he had with his wife
- Then he gets sad :(
- But most of the time he’s too focused on the tickles to be like “my wife left me”
- Worst spots are his sides,,, and kinda his knees but idk.
- Big dad™ when tickling
- Not that much verbal teasing but he’ll throw in a “tickle, tickle” every now and then.
Gwen Stacy
- “Lmao im not ticklish”
- But she is
- She’s,, above average ticklish??
- Whenever someone brings up the topic she likes to either pretend she didnt hear or will try her darn hardest to change the subject.
- Miles found out she was ticklish after telling her jokes trying to get her to laugh
- He got so fed up and tried it as a last resort.
- gwen’s face went very red and started to laugh and it was very cute,,
- Yes,, she squeak sometimes,, but noT OFTEN
- She gets very embarrassed with tickling and comments like,, “aww you’re so cute” or “that was an adorable squeak” and it just makes it worse.
- She doesnt tickle others that much unless they’re very close or someone else starts a tickle fight *read: miles*
- Or sometimes she’s feeling affectionate.
- She doesnt hate tickling (and kinda enjoys it) but will never admit it.
- Worst spots are her ribs and her thighs
- You like,, can’t sneak up on her,, and if you do she’ll probably throw you across the room.
- Is not really ticklish
- Only his stomach is ticklish really
- Big snorts!!! His laugh is melodic and he snort a lot,,
- Sometimes when he’s being angsty who ever is closest will tickle his stomach and he just giggles and snorts (bless)
- He’s neutral about tickling
- it depends on who it is tickling him for him to enjoy it or not
- Any one of the spider kids can tickle him and he doesn’t care really
- Anyone else will die
- He’s like the same as gwen,, you can’t sneak up on him and if you somehow can?? You’re dead.
- He kinda likes to tickle the others thought!!
- When he’s in the ler mood he likes to sneak up on people and tickle them
- He likes the “don’t stop?? Ok you asked for it” and is merciless,,
- He likes to go straight for the hard tickles,, and as he goes on,, goes to softer ones
- He’ll leave you laughing very hard for the first half,, and the second you’re trying to catch your breath but still giggle like a madman.
Peni Parker
- She’s,, almost as ticklish as miles.
- Maybe a little more :0
- She’s not ticklish everywhere but when you hit a weak spot
- Oh boy
- Very,,,, very VERY squeaky laugh its really cute
- She’s small so she thinks she can squirm away and she struggles a lot
- You know its a weak spot if when you poke her there,,, she squeaks very loudly and crunches up her face.
- She kinda really likes to be tickled,,
- Peni also gets super flustered talking about it cause she likes to think of herself as an anime badass with a huge mech
- And then its like,, poke her and she dies
- Her face is,, very red when being tickle and tries her hardest not to laugh
- But when the tables are turned,,
- Run
- She doesn’t hold back on tickling
- Verbal teasing,, a lot of it
- She likes to go slowly and then go really fast
- Its torture :,)
- Will tickle you for a long time if you give her the chance
- Worst spots are her ribs,, sides and thighs.
Peter Porker
- Uhh does he count he’s a pig
- Well i guess he’s only really ticklish behind his ears
- Like noir he prefers someone close to him tickling him
- He really likes to tease and tickle the others though!!
- When he’s tickling he likes to find the weak spots and just,,
- Murders them
- He likes to do softer tickles because he tends to go for a long time,,
- “Aww im sorry,, did i hit a weak spot??”
- And no one can turn the tables because the only spot he’s ticklish is far out of their reach
#into the spiderverse#miles morales#peter benjamin parker#gwen stacy#spiderman noir#peni parker#peter porker#spider tickles#tickle headcanons#claws head cannons
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