#Leprechaun Trap St. Patrick's Day
icelynodette · 4 months
St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun Trap 2024
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chicgeekgirl89 · 6 months
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A repost of last year's St. Patrick's Day fic now with a cute little header I just made! Fandom: 911 Lone Star Characters: Carlos Reyes, T.K. Strand Rating: K Summary: St. Patrick's Day with a Kindergartener means only one thing: Leprechaun traps. And Carlos isn't thrilled with the results.
Carlos stares at the monstrosity on his kitchen table. It’s an eyesore and it hurts him even to be in the same room with it. Maybe if he just…
He stands and walks closer, eyeing the offending object with his hands on his hips. He’s reaching out to try and adjust a couple things when he hears T.K. coming down the hall, causing him to whip around, hands held innocently behind his back.
“Okay, it took three books and the goodnight song, plus an extra monster check and a drink of water, but he’s down,” T.K. says as he rounds the corner. He spots Carlos and his eyes narrow. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Carlos says. “Nothing. I was just looking. Three books? It’s supposed to be one.”
“Well I had to bargain him down from six. He’s definitely your kid,” T.K. says with a smile as he starts making hot water for tea.
That their kid loves reading as much as Carlos does makes Carlos’ heart soft with happiness on a regular basis. It’s amazing to see pieces of yourself in the tiny human you’re raising. 
Unfortunately Carlos does not see a single piece of himself in the abomination that takes up a third of their table. 
Read the rest on AO3
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alternatype · 6 months
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Happy Saint Patrick´s Day... XD
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chibeast · 6 months
for those of you oldies who don't have young niblings/siblings/cousins, they've turned st Patrick's day into a magic gift holiday, like Christmas and Easter. All my niblings made "leprechaun traps" at school - and they brought them home this weekend to leave out. The idea is, you lure in a leprechaun with fake gold, etc, and once they get trapped, they leave you a present for your ingenuity before magicking themselves away. And they usually also play a little prank on the kids, too - like dyeing something green like their milk or even the toilet water.
I don't mind a bit of fun, honestly, but it feels like elf on the shelf all over again. Very pinterest mom-coded.
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ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
sts! What’s your favorite non plot related fact about the world of runaways?
Thanks for the ask!
I think my favorite thing is the fact that the girl's home has a house brownie that cleans their rooms for them named Hazel. She never appears in the plot of the story but that's a reference I threw in for my little brother. He got some pretty bad burns when he was 6 and had to stay in a hospital for several weeks while we had to go home and keep doing school, so in between visits, I would write and send him short stories to keep him entertained during his treatments - and these were called "The Brownie and the Ghost". They were about these two kids, Dan and Nan, who meet their house brownie and help her catch a ghost that keeps eating her cookies, and in that story, the brownie's name was Hazel.
Jump ahead 4 years. Before I ever decided to write Runaways as a book, I just had a bunch of characters in a notes app on my phone. I persuaded my little brother and sister to help me pull weeds in the garden in exchange for a story if they would help, and I started making up the plot of Runaways on the spot as we were working through the tomatoes. I could tell they were getting bored so, so I through Hazel into the new story as a reference to the old one they loved, and they got all excited about the worlds being tied together. Hazel's made it through every draft since as a throwaway line, specifically for my siblings.
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cultureandcustoms · 6 months
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ejgsarsozo · 6 months
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Our leprechaun trap was simple this year. Better luck next time, though!
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 7 months
Numbuh 1-2 sets up leprechaun traps ALL OVER THE TREEHOUSE every St. Patrick's day, but her teammates end up falling into them instead.
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They're considering taking the role of leader away from her...
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Leprechaun Traps - Stiles Stilinski
Stiles x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 266
Summary: With it being St. Patrick's day Y/n realizes just how much she misses the activities they use to do in Elementary school.
Authors Note: Just 4 fun and I miss those days. The fun crafts you got to do in school when you were younger.
Teen Wolf Masterlist
Holiday Masterlist
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“How come we don’t do any fun holiday crafts in class anymore?” Y/n asked her boyfriend as they lazed around in his room.
“What do you mean?” Stiles asked turning around in his desk chair to look at her expecting an explanation.
“I mean it’s St. Patrick's Day and what did we do? The same old crap! Back in elementary school, we use to have a party and do crafts. Whatever happened to all that? What we move up a grade and that means fun activities have to stop? That's not fair.” Y/n ranted truly missing the fun activities from back in middle school.
“I get what you mean. An no its not fair.” Stiles smiled at her.
“No, its not.” Y/n sighed frustrated. She got up to sit on Stiles lap before continuing. “Remember when we got to make those leprechaun traps that one year?”
“Yeah, that was a lot of fun.” he stated while wrapping his arms around her waist.
“That was a blast!” she laughed
“You really miss it don’t you?” Stiles asked Y/n seeing the look in her eyes.
“Yeah.” Y/n sighed a little sad but also happy at the memories. Leaning in to hug him.
“Hey! Lets make a leprechaun trap and sit it up ourselves.” Stiles suggested hopping to cheer her up and being honest he misses those fun activities as well.
“Really?” she asked with excitement obvious in her voice.
“Yes, really.” Stiles smiled at her excitement.
“Your the best Stiles.” Y/n stated with a big smile leaning down to kiss him happily.
Taglist: @padawancat97
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gavman2105 · 1 month
Once upon a time, I was working at an Irish pub on St. Patrick’s Day in the US. I have red hair and freckles (you can see where I’m going).
I was bussing tables that day, and my manager had me clean off a huge table for a party coming in soon. This was a lot of work for one person, so I had to enter and leave the area I was cleaning several times.
Whenever I walked into the room, I heard a child telling their mom about a leprechaun. “Aww,” I thought to myself, “they must have set up a leprechaun trap last night like when I was a kid.”
My fifth time, I hear “Mommy, look this time, the leprechaun!!!”
I look up.
The kid is pointing right at me.
This child had been calling me a leprechaun for the past 45 minutes.
I no longer work at that restaurant for unrelated reasons.
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chevrefoildreams · 1 year
Oh the places you’ll go -
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Pre-K graduation was at the end of May and now Anne is going to be flying up to kindergarten in the fall. I am so proud of her and how hard she worked (and how much she learned!) during the year -- and I’m grateful for her patient teachers. Pre-K today is more like what kindergarten was for us: they learn letters, numbers, counting up to 50 and writing skills in addition curriculum on the environment, the community around them, helping others and being kind. 
She made so much progress -- from struggling with scissor skills and handwriting to being great at both. She made good friends and had lots of fun.
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The kids had so many interesting visitors! Barnacle Billie taught them about sea life, Wild Adventures brought other wild animals into the school and of course, they met doctors, dentists, policemen and firefighters. The fall brought hayrides, raking leaves sent from northern family and friends, pumpkins, Johnny Appleseed...and the spring saw them raising butterflies and other small critters in their classroom.
One of Anne’s favorite days was St Patrick’s day. They made a leprechaun trap and the teachers painted little green footprints around the school before they arrived the next day so the kids could track the leprechaun back to his treasure!
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 I am so grateful that Anne was able to have such a rich pre-K experience. 
She will be attending the same school for K-8 (unless something changes). She is already looking forward to meeting her kindergarten teacher, playing in the big kid playground and getting to eat lunch in the cafeteria with the big kids (the preschoolers have their own ‘lower’ school with separate facilities and they eat lunch in their classrooms). She is not looking forward to having to wear a full uniform all the time though! 
This is a new chapter for her and one we are all very excited about!
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chicgeekgirl89 · 2 years
The Luck o’ the Irish
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: Carlos Reyes, T.K. Strand
Summary: St. Patrick's Day with a Kindergartener means only one thing: Leprechaun traps. And Carlos isn't thrilled with the results.
A/N: I teach K-5 music and St. Patrick's Day is BY FAR the biggest day of the year. They've been making traps all week long and I couldn't help but write a little something for the boys.
Read on AO3
Carlos stares at the monstrosity on his kitchen table. It’s an eyesore and it hurts him to even be in the same room with it. Maybe if he just…
He stands and walks closer, eyeing the offending object with his hands on his hips. He’s reaching out to try and adjust a couple things when he hears T.K. coming down the hall, causing him to whip around, hands held innocently behind his back.
“Okay, it took three books and the goodnight song, plus an extra monster check and a drink of water, but he’s down,” T.K. says as he rounds the corner. He spots Carlos and his eyes narrow. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Carlos says. “Nothing. I was just looking. Three books? It’s supposed to be one.”
“Well I had to bargain him down from six. He’s definitely your kid,” T.K. says with a smile as he starts making hot water for tea.
That their kid loves reading as much as Carlos does makes Carlos’ heart soft with happiness on a regular basis. It’s amazing to see pieces of yourself in the tiny human you’re raising. 
Unfortunately Carlos does not see a single piece of himself in the abomination that takes up a third of their table. He frowns down at it again, then sticks out a finger to swipe at some errant glue.
“Don’t touch that,” T.K.’s voice says behind him and Carlos can’t take it anymore.
“We can’t let him take this to school tomorrow.”
“Because…you want bring shame on our family by having our child to be the only one in his class that doesn’t have a trap to catch the leprechaun?”
“T.K., his teacher is going to take one look at this and think we’re terrible parents! It’s a disaster!” He looks down again at the pile of floppy, wet cardboard and paper. “Look at this ramp! It’s not even close to ADA compliant, it couldn’t bear the weight of a fly let alone a small mythical creature. He didn’t even cut straight lines or use any of the stickers I got him.”
Carlos points to the unopened packages of shamrock and gold star stickers that he’d purchased to adorn their child’s masterpiece. As it turns out, their kiddo isn’t interested in arts and crafts at all. He’d spent fifteen minutes on the thing, sticking some green paper to the outside of a box, and then emptying an entire bottle of glitter glue (Carlos’ reluctant compromise to having glitter in their house) at the bottom of a paper towel tube he’d haphazardly placed along the side. 
“Well first of all, I think it’s a slide, not a ramp, and considering that no creature, mythical or otherwise is going to be inside of it, I don’t think we need to have the safety inspector come out,” T.K. tells him. “And I’m sure his teacher has seen worse.”
“It looks like a five-year-old did it.”
“That’s because our son is a five-year-old,” T.K. tells him as if he’s a small child too. “This is what five-year-olds do.”
“Not me,” Carlos says defensively. “My school projects were masterpieces. Whatever this is, he gets it from you.”
“Are you saying you’re perfect and I’m a mess?”
“No, I’m saying I’m fastidious and you have a more carefree approach to life,” Carlos tells him. “What if I redo it and we tell him the leprechaun came early and helped fix it up?”
T.K. raises his eyebrows. “The leprechaun came to help build his own trap? I don’t think our kid is going to buy that one babe.” 
He’s right. Their child may not be a Picasso, but he definitely outsmarts them both on a regular basis. “Let me at least try and get some of the glitter glue out of it. It’s never going to dry.”
“I think that’s the point. The leprechaun goes down the slide and gets stuck in the glue.” T.K. takes a sip of tea, sending his husband an amused look over the rim of the cup.
“You’re enjoying this,” Carlos accuses. 
“A little.”
“It doesn’t bother you that our son is going to school with a subpar project?”
“Nope,” T.K. pops the ‘p’. “For three reasons. One, I know most of the other kids are going to have projects that look exactly like this. Two we always said we’d let our kiddo be his own person; clearly arts and crafts are not his thing right now and that’s okay, plus he’s very happy with how it turned out. Three, we promised that when we had kids we wouldn’t be those parents who do their kids’ work for them. It’s his project, not ours.”
Carlos deflates a little. “Those are very good reasons.”
“I know they are.” T.K. walks over and hooks a finger into the waistband of Carlos’ sweats, tugging him close. “And you do too. You’re just blinded by your perfectionism and need for aesthetically pleasing artwork.”
Carlos blows out a breath and tries to release all of the anxiety that’s pent up inside him. “You really don’t think his teacher is going to think we’re bad parents?”
“Babe you bought her like forty boxes of tissues and helped with the Halloween parade and the holiday party. Plus you freaking sewed costumes for the class play when you don’t even know how to sew. I think she likes us just fine.”
“Okay, okay, you’re right,” Carlos says, running his hand up and down T.K.’s arm. “I’m sorry.”
“Not as sorry as you will be when our son is the first Kindergartener in the history of Maplewood Elementary School to catch a leprechaun,” T.K. teases, making Carlos chuckle. 
His laughter quickly melts away and turns to horror as the words sink in. “Oh god, what if he’s upset that he doesn’t catch one? How are we going to explain that to him?”
“Okay Papa, that’s enough stress for you tonight,” T.K. says with a roll of his eyes. “Let’s go to bed.”
“T.K. he’s already asking questions about Santa, what if he thinks we lied to him?”
“Maybe we should tell him in the morning. Be up front with him.”
“I don’t want him to think—“
He’s cut off when T.K. grabs his face with both hands, kisses him hard, then looks him directly in the eyes. “If you come to bed with me right now, I promise you will forget all about this.”
Words like that still make his stomach flip, even after all these years together, and he melts into T.K.’s touch. “Oh yeah?”
T.K.’s eyes glint with mischief. “Oh yeah. You, Carlos Strand-Reyes are about to get very, very lucky.”
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themirokai · 2 years
Wishing a very what the fuck to whoever told my kid that she can set a trap for leprechauns on St. Patrick’s Day and if she catches one they’ll give her all their money????
Is this a thing? Is this another of those fucking elf on a shelf things where I am expected to do things while my kid is asleep? Seriously, American Christians, how much of that shit do you need? Santa? Easter Bunny? Just give your kids some fucking presents.
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beee1221249qq · 2 years
Thursday poll
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fuckyeahashes · 2 years
Kids are doing something for st Patrick’s day now called making a leprechaun trap!!!!! That’s so cool!!!!
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Apparently it’s like losing a tooth where they never catch the leprechaun (obviously) but the next morning they look and the leprechaun left some kind of evidence it was there or like a little treat they drop. I saw a mom get a fake poop out of soap and told the kid they poop soap. That’s awesome. I love lying to kids. I wanna make a leprechaun trap wtf
Edit:I mean it’s like elf on a shelf, but like a version that encourages stem/engineering skills it’s really fucking cool and based
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cultureandcustoms · 7 months
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