#Lena admitted it and went after it and look at her now
awildwriter · 6 months
The difference between Lex and Lena is she didn’t let the internalized homophobia win but he did
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wosoluver · 5 months
Forbidden Fruit
-> A thing that is desired all the more because it is not allowed
Lena x French!reader
Laura Freigang x French!reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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Lena was in town, due to a game she had against Bayern. So it was one of the few chances she had to hang out with her friends. After the game on Saturday the girls decided to throw a get together, that ended up in a wild party.
"Lena! I'm so happy you're here!" Jule was the first to notice her arrive.
"Hey guys!" she said happily.
"Soon enough you'll be here with us so, cheers to that." Said Syd.
You were hanging out with the girls you were closer with in the kitchen while the others were in the dining room.
When you noticed a girl you knew, but that you unfortunately didn't know personally. She came in to grab a drink.
"Hey can I get you anything?" You said it naturally as you usually were the one responsible for bar tendering for everyone.
"Just a beer." She said giving you a smile.
And she thanked you quickly as you handled it to her. She had the most gorgeous chocolate brown eyes you had ever seen. She went back to wherever she came from, and you resumed your chatting and wine sipping.
A little while later, you left for the restroom.
As you here about to go in, Lena had come out.
"Hey, I think we haven't met yet, I'm Lena."
"I'm Y/N."
"I'm a fan, by the way." giving you a wink you were not expecting.
"Why, thank you." you said returning a smile. You both had a flirty semblance on at this point. But it only lasted a few seconds since you needed to use the restroom desperately.
"I really need to pee so, excuse me."
As you came out the bathroom, you decided to stop by the dining room.
"Hey love!" Said Laura, your girlfriend. "Y/N meet Lena, Lena this is my girlfriend Y/N." As she said that Lena chocked on her beer, trying to sort herself out best she could.
"We met in line for the bathroom just now." you said it softly as Lena plastered a unsure smile on her face.
She knew who you were, but she didn't know you were dating her friend, differently from you, who knew who she was and who she was friends with.
In truth it hadn't even crossed your mind when you two had talked, it was so natural, it happened absentmindedly. And you meant no harm by it.
Or did you?
Obi knew it was terrible to admit that, even after knowing you were dating her friend, she still felt attracted to you.
"Well, I'm going back to the kitchen."
She had such an effect on you, that, that same night you dreamed of her.
What you didn't know was that, you were not the only one that was left shaken up, after the party.
That was until she dm'ed you on insta.
Couldn't sleep last night
Yeah me either.
Why didn't you tell me you weren't single?
Would that have made such a difference? Now you know, but you still texted me.
I just can't get your smile out of my head.
Can't get your beautiful eyes off my mind either.
They are just brown? lol
Are you fucking with me right now?
They are the prettiest shade of chocolate I have ever seen.
No, but I really wish I was.
I know, I know. I'm sorry.
After that, you two had become somewhat friends. And you both knew it was wrong. Mainly because you knew it had more to it, than just that. Even if nothing more had happened between you guys.
But once the Nation's League Semi final came up, you didn't know if you should be freaking out, that you were seeing Lena again, or if you should be freaking out that the only thing you could do was look at her and shake her hand.
Now it was Germany against France. And you tried to push your feelings away, and focus on the game.
Lena did the same, only she wasn't as successful at it.
The game was frenetic from the start, the atmosphere was hot and loud.
And it only got more intense as both teams denied each other of the first goal of the match.
But a the 41 minute mark, Diani made it 1-0 with an insane kick from the edge of the box after a free-kick from Bacha, that didn't go through the defense.
You all ran to celebrate, almost euphoric from how hard it was to score.
During the last few seconds of the added time, Oberdorf took Geyoro down on a promissory attack, inside the box, earning your team a penalty and herself a yellow card.
Karchaoui was the one to take the penalty. Frohms almost managed to stop the ball, but couldn't.
And it was another goal for France.
And thats when half time came. You could see the defeat expression in all the girl's faces. Including your girlfriend's. But instead of looking for her, to give her some comfort, you immediately went to Lena. You knew she most likely blamed herself for that one.
"Hey!" - You said hanging your arm around her shoulder. "If you hadn't stopped that ball, it would've probably been a goal. It was a lose-lose situation. At least you tried to do something about it." you gave her the best smile you could, but it didn't do much for her. It didn't lessen the blame she felt.
The second half was equally as heated and frustrating for the germans until in the last 10 minutes, when an Henry handball gave them a penalty kick, Gwinn scored. They had so many close calls, almost managing the equalizer.
And as the game reached the end, for the first time ever, France had managed to beat Germany in a competitive match.
You tried giving Laura a hug but she just pushed you away.
"Not now, Y/N!"
That didn't go unnoticed by Oberdorf, who was already fuming.
"Don't treat her like that!"
"Oh shut up Lena! If you hadn't given them a penalty, we could of won."
"At least I tried doing something about it." She repeated what you had said to her earlier.
"Something about what? The game or my girlfriend?"
"Don't start."
"You thought I didn't see you two eye fucking each other as you greeted?"
"You clearly don't deserve her, so."
By now they were full on fighting. The worse part was, everyone around heard it. You felt so angry and embarrassed.
"Laura stop! This isn't going to lead anywhere!" Trying to calm her down.
"Oh of course you're defending her! You know what? Fuck the both of you! Fuck, get married, have kids! I don't care, we are over!"
Everyone around was a bit shocked. Including you. But soon the crowd dispersed.
"I'm so sorry about her."
"The way she acts is not on you. At least now we have her blessing." ending it with a small laugh.
"Lena that's not funny." you tried to hold it together.
"It kinda is, admit it." you gave in and let out a laugh.
"You should be crying, you lost the game."
"Yeah, but I won you."
This one I'm pretty proud of! 🩷
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patriwoso · 1 year
are you flirting with me?
lena oberdorf x reader
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“Pick up” You grumble, the facetime ringtone going on longer than you liked.
“Hey baby” She spoke, your favourite sound. “Sorry I left you hanging, my mom was on the phone.”
You bite you lip softly, fiddling with the drawstring on the hoodie you were wearing, her hoodie.
“Don’t worry, your here now. I missed your face.” You smirk softly.
“Are you flirting with me Miss Y/L/N” She gasps.
“Maybe I am, Miss Oberdorf.”
The next morning, your alarm wasn’t much help.
“Y/N!!” Gio shouts, barging through the door. “Wake up!” She throws a pillow at you.
“Fuck Gio” You groan, throwing the pillow back but completely off target.
“Spent too much time on call to you lover girl eh?” She teased.
You stuck your finger up at her then flopped your head back onto your pillow.
“What are you moping about?” Gio slumps beside you, trying to look at your phone to see who you were messaging.
“Hmm, nothing.” you quickly turn your phone off, not wanting her to see. “Why are you still up anyways, you said you were going to sleep.” You raise an eyebrow slightly.
Gio shrugged. “Got bored, came to make a drink.”
You fiddle with your phone case, eager for your own space to continue your message conversation.
“I went back to claim what was mine.” Gio looks at you.
“You what?” You look at her, confused.
“You used my face wash.. I just went to get it back. And i saw the polaroid on your cabinet.”
“Of….” You tried to act dumb but you knew exactly what she was talking about.
“You and.. Lena” She looked at you with an expression to tell you that you can let her know anything.
“Hmm” You hummed, blushing slightly.
“There was one of you kissing. Are you guys.. you know”
“Yes, well done detective Gio. Lena and I are dating.” You huff, admitting defeat.
“How long?”
“A year”
L x
I miss you ❤️
Miss you too pretty girl. Hope your flying over for my game at the weekend. I know your schedule is free 😉
L x
I’ll see what I can do x
You walked through the tunnel and out onto the pitch, standing beside Caitlin and Rafa as the UWCL anthem played throughout Emirates Stadium.
Wolfsburg had been knocked out of the competition at the quarter final stages by Lyon which meant Lena was able to fly over for your semi final game against Barcelona.
You didn’t know where about she was sat but you knew she was in the stadium. A member of the coaching staff managed to get you a couple tickets for the boxes for Lena and her friends.
When the whistle blew you played you absolute heart out. A sold out stadium against the best in the world and you dreams in the champions league all fell on this game.
You managed to score yourself a goal at the 27th minute but the enjoyment had been zapped right out of you when Aitana got an equaliser at the 34th.
Jonas’ half time team talk was simple. Keep possession and attack on the left, their weakest side.
You got out again, the ref blew the whistle and the second half began.
Foul after foul and finally the ref was on your side, giving Arsenal a free kick.
Frida took it and you got your head on the end, getting it past Paños.
You started celebrating, jumping onto your teammates, making it 2-1 at the 90th minute.
The ref blew the whistle and you looked up, confused. Then you felt your heart drop. 3 letters on the screen. VAR
“What!” You looked around, Lia’s hand falling onto your shoulder.
Lena was up in the crowd, her phone in hand and taking a video of the scene in front of her. When the ref confirmed the goal, you ran round the pitch. She smiled to herself, your jersey under her jumper.
“Well done, my girl.” She whispered under her breath.
The full time whistle blew and you had beaten the spanish side. You did a lap of the pitch and signed a few things for some fans.
A young boy asked for your shirt but you had to tell him you’d promised it to someone else. That someone in the crowd too.
You made your way up to the box Lena was in with Jule, Jill and Lynn.
“MVP MVP MVP” They started chanted.
You blushed and told them to shut up, embarassed as everyone looked at you.
You slipped your arms around Lena’s waist and buried you head into her neck. She whispered in your ear. “You are amazing, talented, a special girl.”
“Are you flirting with me, Miss Oberdorf.” You giggled softly.
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zegrasdrysdale · 9 months
[ our name ] n. hischier
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day six of malia’s christmas fic marathon
paring : dad!Nico Hischier x mom!reader
summary : Nico and (Y/N) celebrate their first Christmas with their daughter
warning(s) : mentions of pregnancy but besides that ... extremely fluffy & very short
author’s note : girl dad!nico has a very special place in my heart and i realized that i haven't written anyone having a baby so ... here we go
A year ago, they didn’t even know they were going to even have a baby. They found out about their daughter about three weeks after they celebrated Christmas in Switzerland with Nico's family.
She was six weeks along when they went to the doctor to confirm that she was pregnant. Now they're celebrating their first Christmas together as a family in Newark after welcoming Elena into their lives in early September.
Elena won't remember this Christmas, but they will. (Y/N) and Nico went a little overboard with shopping for their daughter even though she's only three months old. They know that their friends bought a couple of things for her as well so Elena is getting spoiled.
As soon as their daughter is awake and calmed down after waking up and screaming, (Y/N) and Nico go into the living room. A sleepy Elena is in her mother's arms.
"Lena, look," (Y/N) gasps as she gets down on her knees next to the lit up Christmas tree with presents on the ground beneath it. "Santa came."
She sits her daughter up on her lap and smiles.
They go through the motions of helping Elena open her presents and acting surprised at what is wrapped up in the wrapping paper. She finds it entertaining and they take turns holding her and helping her.
(Y/N) is taking a picture of Nico as he helps Elena open one of the boxes. Inside is mini Devils gear that she didn’t know about. She lowers the phone and watches as Nico pulls out all the gear.
“I got you your own jersey,” Nico says to his daughter. “It might be a little big on you at first but you’ll grow into it. The onesie is absolutely going to be worn at some point in the next week, maybe underneath the jersey. That is all up to your mom.”
When Nico pulls out the red jersey, she sees the little ‘C’ on the chest. ‘Daddy’ is in place of Hischier on the back above the big 13. She tears up at the thought of Elena wearing the jersey to one of Nico’s game. Probably the first game she goes to.
Elena reaches out and grasps the jersey. She smiles and looks up at her dad. (Y/N) makes sure to get a picture of this moment even though she is looking through tears.
“I didn’t know you were getting that,” (Y/N) says from her spot on the couch. Nico looks up at her while Elena holds the jersey in her hands.
“I wouldn’t have gotten it if I knew it was going to make you cry,” Nico comments as the tears slip down her cheeks. “Please don’t cry.”
She wipes away the tears and smiles. “Happy tears,” she assures him. “Just thinking about the first time she’s going to wear it and I can’t wait. I get to hold her at the glass while you warm up on the ice and I can just imagine you skating up to her and saying hi through the glass. It got to me a little much for me.”
Nico smiles and gets off the ground. A happy Elena plays with one of the new toys she got while Nico sits next to his wife. “I can’t wait for that day,” he tells her. “I’ve been waiting for that day and I thought Elena should rep some Devils gear for her first game. It would make me so happy to see the two of you wearing my number, and you wearing our name.”
(Y/N) is pretty sure she has never been more in love with Nico Hischier than she is in this moment. She married him and had a baby with him, but the little jersey he got for their daughter to wear to her first hockey game has got her falling in love with him all over again.
“I was just going to get her a Hischier jersey,” she admits. “The ‘daddy’ on the back is amazing. Everyone is going to know that her daddy is the captain of the best team in the league and one of the best players in the NHL.”
A little smile forms on Nico’s lips and she mirrors it, just without the dimple. “Gotta make sure everyone knows how cool her dad is,” he teases. She laughs and Nico cups her jaw. “One of these days we’re going to make the playoffs again and you’ll get one of those cool jackets that the wives and girlfriends get.”
“Maybe I’ll get a jersey that says ‘wifey’ on it until then,” she replies. “How would you feel about that?”
“We might have to buy another ‘daddy’ jersey if that happens.”
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marvelsdc22 · 5 months
Be My Plus One?
A/N: Hello, I'm not dead. My writing powers have returned to me for a short time, it's not my best but here's one that I've had stewing in my brain for the past week.
Summary: After being forced to a hockey game, Lena's night may just turn around upon seeing a certain player.
HockeyPlayerReader! x Lena Luthor
Word Count: 875(very short I know)
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Going to a hockey game on a Wednesday night was not what Lena had planned, she had a lot of work to do and this was interfering with that, but Alex and Kara had been adamant that she joined them tonight, so really she had no choice but to go, really who could say no to Kara’s puppy eyes?
As she sat down next to Kara in the dirty looking seat, raising a brow at Kara who was now going ham on the hotdog she had gotten, her noticing Lenas stare and offering the green eyed woman a bite to which she denied with a small chuckle before they both focused on the ice, there was still ten minutes before the match but some of the players were already out practicing.
One particular player seemed to have caught her eye, number 11 ‘Y/L/N’, she didn’t know what it was that drew her to watching as you skated around at a leisurely pace, seeming to watch all the other players as you went around, that is until you felt her eyes on you, catching her gaze and giving her a lazy smirk as she blushed and quickly averted her gaze Cute you thought to yourself as you went back to focusing on the others, trying to get a read on them.
Once the game started, you were in full focus mode, making sure nobody touched your goalie, being the right defenseman, watching as your center went for the puck, them trying to stay one step ahead of them, slowly drifting forward when your two wings tried to go and assist, getting into your defensive stance when the other team broke through, getting into a scuffle over who got the puck before you managed to smack it back across the ice, doing your best to aim for one of your teammates.
This continued all the way until halftime, no points on either side as you and your team headed back to the locker rooms, Kara looked over at Lena with a smile, the woman seemed to be at the edge of her seat “Are you actually enjoying this?” Kara asked, nudging her with her shoulder and watching her friend jump slightly before looking at her “What? No… Maybe” Lena admitted with a laugh and a shrug of her shoulders.
“Lets go get some food and a drink, I can tell you’re thirsty” Kara teased, standing up and making her way out of their row, leaving Lena shocked until she recovered and quickly rushed to catch up with Kara, Alex following behind “So, rooting for either of the teams? Or should I say team members” Alex hinted, smirking slightly when Lena got even more flustered at the accusation.
“Am I not allowed to just show interest in the sport?” Lena scoffed, looking at the two of them as she followed along “Well yeah, but you were very focused on that number eleven” Kara said, glancing back to make sure both were still close behind her since it was a little crowded near the concessions “Hush” Lena huffed, her face on fire as she followed, not even that hungry but Kara was right about one thing, she was thirsty.
Once the game was over, Lena watched as the players headed back to their locker rooms, your team, the National City Dodgers, having won that night; she followed Kara and Alex back towards the entrance, the three of them making a pitstop for the bathrooms, Lena being the first out so she sat down on the bench next to the bathrooms, pulling her phone out to waste time and ironically ending up on your hockey career page.
“If you really wanna know more about me, I don’t think that website will cut it” she heard someone say, causing her to jump and quickly lock her phone in embarrassment of being caught “Is that so?” She asked, trying her best to recover from the embarrassment and trying to keep her eyes on yours and not your after shower body.
You smiled and set your bag down before holding your hand out “Y/N Y/L/N” you introduced, giving her hand a small squeeze when she gripped yours “Lena Luthor” she stuttered out, forcing herself to stand up so you didn’t have to look down at her “So Lena… I couldn’t help but notice your gaze on me all night, the team and I are going to a celebration party at a bar near here, would it be too forward of me to ask you to be my plus one?” You asked, looking cool as a cucumber but on the inside you were a bundle of nerves, you had never done this before.
Lena looked taken aback before she looked towards the bathrooms, thinking about Alex and Kara, but they would be fine, not like she drove them “I would love to” she finally said, and it was worth seeing the massive grin you gained “Really? I-I mean, awesome, lets go” you said, actually surprised she said yes, grabbing your bag once more before taking her hand and leading her out, after that night you played every game at your best, you had to impress your girlfriend of course.
End Note: I wanna see about making little snippets of their life as time goes, if y'all would maybe be interested.
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naturesapphic · 9 months
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Pumpkin patch
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Warnings: cussing, fluff, and smut ;)
“Come on natty!” You quickly said as you pull your girlfriend over to the team as you were a few minutes late getting to the designated location. It was a corn maze with a haunted house by it, they also had a festival near by as well. You never been to a haunted house or haunted corn maze before and you are ecstatic about it. You have your girlfriend and the whole team with you, so you will be fine and completely safe.
“Hey guys!” Wanda said as she waved you guys over to them and everyone waved too. Tony, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Peter, mj, Bruce, pietro, yelena, Thor, Clint, Maria, and kate were there and you were so glad that they could make it. You and nat went into the line of the haunted house with the team and Natasha had a strong arm wrapped around you waist as she was behind you. You knew nat was going to be very protective over you, even if it was a little harmless little haunted house.
Everyone was dressed up kinda nicely. The guys had casual stuff on and some of the girls too but you wanted to wear your favorite flower dress on since it was kinda hot and you didn’t want to sweat in jeans and plus…you wanted to tease nat with it too. Nat had the same idea about teasing you too because she has on a black strawberry dress that fits her right and her breast pushed up which made you drool at the sight. She knew this would get you going so after the haunted house, she would get you alone in the maze and finally have some alone time.
“Next!” A loud voice boomed, letting us go to the entrance of the house and you looked up at nat scared “don’t you dare leave my side romanoff or no sex for 5 months.” You said sternly and she look at you bewildered. “Baby! What the fuck! I would never ever leave you out of my sight!” She said quickly and you giggled at her. “I’m just kidding natty! But I swear to God if you do leave me I’m using your widow bites on your ass.” You said again sternly and nat nodded quickly in understanding. “SIMP!” Tony coughed out and nat glared at him as she punches him in his stomach which made him bend over groaning “okay…got it romanoff. No jokes.” Tony said and slowly walking in with the rest of y’all.
Natasha was behind you holding your body against hers as y’all walked into the haunted house with the team. A clown jumped out at you and you screamed loudly which made nat jump a little. You slowly walked with the rest of the team as they were jumping and screaming as actors upon actors keep jumping out at them. There was a zombie on the floor which grabbed Tony’s and Steve’s foot and they screamed at the top of their lungs like little girls. You quickly went over the zombies with nat still behind you and you were basically sprinting out of the house. Soon enough, with some of y’all’s pants wet and y’all’s throats sore, the haunted house was finally over. “I never want to do that again.” Peter said and Kate, Steve, Tony, Bruce, pietro, and Thor agreed. “I had no problem. That was fun! Let’s do it again!” Yelena exclaimed as Maria agreed along with Bucky. “FUCK NO!” The rest of the team said, including you.
“I hated that with every fiber in my body.” You grumbled and you heard nat chuckle and you glared at her. She put her hands up “okay okay I’m sorry. But hey! At least I didn’t leave ya did I now dekta?” She explained and you rolled your eyes playfully as you nodded in agreement. “That’s true. You did stay glued to me the entire time.” You admitted and she smiled triumphantly. Kate and yelena walked up to you and gave you sad smiles. “I’m sorry but we are gonna go ahead and go…Kate had an accident and she’s not speaking to me since I made her go in there. So we are going to go ahead and head home.” Lena explained and you gave Kate an apologetic look and she gave you one back. “Let me know when y’all get home.” You said to them and they both nodded in agreement as they walked back to their car.
Some of the other team members decided to go ahead and take their leave but some still stayed like Tony, Bucky, Maria, Thor, Bruce, and clint. Bruce and Thor went to go paint their faces as Tony went to take some pictures with some fans. “Hey babygirl. There’s a corn maze! Do you wanna go in? It’s not scary I don’t think.” Nat explained and you gave her a questionable look but nodded in agreement nonetheless. “Sure why not.” You said while clint, Maria, and Bucky agreed to join y’all. The five of y’all went to the front entrance of the maze and took off. Some of them made bets to see which person could make it to the middle of the maze first, but you and nat didn’t partake in the bet, just wanting to enjoy the scenery.
The three avengers went sprinting off, eager to win while you and nat stayed behind and started walking wherever. Nat grasped your hand gently in hers and smiled down at you, showing off her beautiful smile and her green eyes sparkling. “You’re so pretty natty.” You said sighing with a love struck smile on your face. Natasha felt her cheeks get warm and she looked away and you giggled. “Hey look…that looks like a little hideout.” Natasha pointed out and the both of you looked at each other and shrugged, going into the little passageway. The room was just made out of hay and didn’t have anything else in it. “This must be a little hideout for the scarers so they can jump out at people.” You explained and nat nodded in agreement. You sat down on one of the hay bales as nat sat down beside you.
“You know…I’ve been wanting to get you alone for some time now dekta…” Natasha said with a sultry voice which made you close your thighs together and nat noticed which made her smirk. You got on her lap slowly and had your legs on either side of her. “I hope you know that I’m not wearing a bra right now.” You whispered in her ear and you heard her growl under her breath. “Show me.” She demanded and you smiled innocently which always got her going. You pulled down both dress straps slowly until your breast were free and bare. Her calloused hands slowly went up your waist, to your torso, and up to your breast. “You have such pretty tits babygirl. I love them…all mine to play with…” nat stated and she leaned down to take one of your pink buds into her mouth. You gasped out and your hands immediately went onto her head so you can hold on to something.
Nat switched to your other nipple and you felt yourself getting soaked. Natasha pulled away from your chest and laid back on the hay bale with you on top of her. You smiled down at her and felt her hands on your legs, going up your dress to cup your ass. “I love this pretty ass too…” she confessed and you blushed bright red at her words. She kept kneading the flesh until her hands went under your panties and started kneading your ass again. She finally had enough of your underwear getting in the way and pulled your panties down your legs until they fell to the ground. “I want that pretty little pussy on my face.” She demanded and you felt yourself moan out at her confession. You crawled up to her face and hovered it to tease her and she gave you a stern look.
You slowly sat down on her face and was rewarded with her mouth immediately latching onto your lips and start sucking. You moan out her name loudly and felt her tongue enter your pulsating walls and start tongue fucking you. You swear the whole corn maze can hear how loud you are moaning but you really give a shit right now. Natasha kept her tongue into your throbbing hole as she used her left hand to grope your breast and her right hand to abuse your clit. “N-natty…m’gonna cum!” You moaned out and she squeezed your breast twice which meant it was okay to let go and you sure did. You came all over your girlfriends pretty face and she licked you clean.
You got off her face and laid beside her, trying to catch your breath as well as nats. “F-fuck natty…” you breathed out and she looked over at you and gave you a love sick smile. You gave her one back and leaned back over to capture her lips in another kiss. She gladly accepted and pulled you closer to her as she loves being to close to you. Your hands went up to her full breast and started massaging the flesh in your small hands which made nat gasp a little against your mouth and you took the opportunity to invite your tongue into her mouth but you didn’t dominate it for long. Nat won and soon she was sucking on your tongue so she can taste more of you and you were getting deep into subspace.
As y’all were making out, Clint, Maria, and Thor were looking for the both of you and was getting nowhere. “Where the fuck are they? The park is about to close and I’m not staying in this weird ass place.” Maria commented and Clint chuckled at her. “Don’t worry, they definitely didnt go far.” Clint reassured everyone and they kept looking and calling out y’all’s names. You stopped kissing nat which made her whine and you shushed her quietly, trying to hear what was making some sort of sound. “NAT! Y/N!” Clint screamed out and you gave nat a hurried look and immediately went to get your panties to put back on as nat was trying to fix herself and wipe away your cum off her face.
You took nats hand and y’all quickly got out of the hidden room and were met with Thor, Clint, and Maria who were looking at y’all pissed. “Where the fuck have y’all been! We thought you were kidnapped! Or worse! Left us here!” Clint said as he waved his arms in the air. You gave them a apologetic look “I’m sorry guys…me and nat found this cool hidden room and well…we got occupied…” you said with a blush creeping up on your face and the three of them gave you both a disgusted look. “Okay EW! I did not need to know that!” Clint and Maria stated and Thor just stared in disbelief. Nat rolled her eyes “okay guys shut up and let’s go. The both of us are tired and I’m sure that y’all are too so get your asses in gear.” Natasha demanded and everyone grumbled as the five of y’all went back to the car and drove back to the compound as Natasha promised you when the two of you get back that she wasn’t done with you quite yet.
A/n: holy shit 1990 words! Also shout-out to whoever drew that amazing photo! Also I apologize this request was for fall and Halloween but I’ve been pretty busy so I’m sorry. But Christmas/winter requests are still open! Also remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all!
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yelenasdiary · 11 months
For flufftober: Middle sibling reader x older sister natasha and younger sister yelena. Reader was recently released from the subjugation of the red room and so theyre throwing a little welcome home party for reader. With cake and streamers and a polaroid camera. Some terrible music playing that they all jam too as they down too many bottles of vodka?
New Memories
Pairing:  Older Siblings! Natasha & Yelena x Younger Sibling! GN! Reader
Summary:  After a little over a year of therapy, your older sisters throw you a welcome home party.
Warnings:  Fluff/Comfort, Mentions of Red Room, Subjugation, Drinking, Language Warning | 1.3K
Translations: Sestra (Sister), 
AC: Thank you for requesting this, as I mentioned, I have combined with request with another, I hope you enjoy! x
October Special Masterlist
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"Sestra, it'll be fun" Yelena argued with her Russian accent coming in thick. It was Halloween and your sisters, Natasha and Yelena planned a little party for you with the help of the other Avengers, Alexei and Melina. It's been a few short months since your year of therapy had gone from three sessions a week to weekly appointments, your therapist was proud of how far you'd come since your sisters saved you from the subjugation of Red Room and freed you from the control of General Dreykov. You hated that they wanted to throw a party in your honor, you never liked the fuss being about you. 
"Lena, I know you and Nat are happy for me and trust me, I am proud of myself as well but I just don't think I want to have a party thrown to celebrate" you replied before letting your eyes fall back down to the book in your hands. 
"It is not just to celebrate how far you have come" Yelena spoke as she took a seat at the end of your bed, forcing you to put your book down once more. "It's about making new memories, ones that are real, ones we get to keep and talk about in years to come. Natasha won't admit it but I know she would love to fill the photo album she has on her bookcase and I would like an updated photo of the three of us" your older sister by 2 years went on. 
She had a point and that made it hard for you to turn her down. Looking back on the memories you had with your sisters, it was hard to remember. You were only 4 when the mission in Ohio was completed and you were ripped from Natasha's arms. After that, it was blurred moments of fake Christmases, thanksgivings and other holidays just to give you three a moment of something that felt somewhat normal. 
"Fine" you playfully rolled your eyes at the blonde, "will Kate and Wanda be there?" you asked with hope. Yelena nodded, "who do you think were the first to jump at the idea of baking a cake" she replied. 
"A cake? Really?" you asked with a slight frown, of course your family were going to make this a big deal and honestly, for Yelena to say this would be fun was a comment you never thought she would say about a party. 
Music mixed with laughter and chatter filled the room, Kate wandered around taking polaroid photos of everybody and placed them in a small box for you to look back on at a later date. Eventually the room became quiet, around midnight people called it a night and headed to bed leaving you, Yelena and Natasha still up. 
"Now we can really party" Natasha smiled as she placed a bottle of vodka on the table along with three shot glasses. "Amen to that!" you replied in a sigh of relief, too much socializing and now you were finally going to have the party you truly wanted with your sisters. 
Yelena poured three shots as you and Natasha threw streamers at one another, you started it of course. "Stop acting like children, lets drink!" Yelena announced as she carefully yet skilfully sliding the shot glasses down the table to you and Nat without spilling a drop. You downed your shot the moment it hit your hand, the burn of the alcohol in the back of your throat reminding you why you loved vodka so much. 
It was long before the bottle of vodka was finished, and another was placed on the table. Crumbs of cake slices littered the wooden table while the three of you made new memories, jokes and brought up old, good memories. 
"SO BYE BYE MISS AMERICAN PIE, DROVE MY CHEVY TO THE LEVEE, BUT THE LEVEE WAS DRY" the three of you sung in sync, now each holding a bottle of vodka. Wanda and Kate had come down from upstairs and watched the drunk mess unfold. You were laughing, when Yelena pushed you to the floor for standing on her foot for the 5th time. Natasha had the polaroid camera in her hand taking very drunken and blurry photos of you and Yelena before turning the camera on herself to snap a selfie. 
"Do you think Tony would get made if we stole one of his suits? I mean come on! those things look so fucking sick!" You looked between your sisters. Yelena turned to Nat, "I'm with Y/n, let's do it!" she said before taking another mouthful of vodka from the bottle. 
"Should we stop them?" Kate whispered to Wanda who shook her head, "no, let them have their fun" the Sokovian replied before gesturing her head towards the stairs as a way to say let's go back to bed. "I kind of want to be awake early to see Tony's reaction" Kate whispered once more as she followed Wanda up the stairs. 
"Alright but you gotta be quiet!" Natasha said, bringing her index finger to her lips in a shush motion. 
Cheeky smiles tugged at the lips of you and your sister as Natasha led you both down the hall to the elevator, pressing the basement button. 
"Can somebody tell me why the fuck I found 3 of my suits scattered around the damn compound?!" Tony asked with pure anger in his voice. Your head was pounding, it had clearly been a while since you got drunk as much as you did last night. 
"Tony, shhhh!" you looked up at him before taking a sip of your coffee. 
"Nothing is broken, nothing to stress about" Natasha tuned in, taking her hang over a lot better than you were. She looked as though she didn't even drink last night. 
"That's not the point Romanoff and you know it!" Tony snapped, "the three of you are suspended until further notice so I suggest you start thinking about cleaning up the mess you made!" he added before storming out of the room. 
"What mess?" you asked with a frown as Natasha sat down across from you at the dining table, peanut butter toast in her hand. "Oh, that is on you and Yelena to clean" she replied with a light chuckle as you rested your head on the table to catch a few extra minutes of shut eye. 
Yelena came into the kitchen just how Natasha did, as if a hangover was non-existent. "HA! Looks like somebody needs a little more practice on how keep their vodka down" she spoke, her loud voice making your head pound harder than before. Slowly, you lifted your head to look up at your sister, giving her a look of death has she stole Natasha's mug of coffee, "please shut up" you replied before letting your head drop to the table once again. 
"You and Y/n have to go clean up the yard today" Natasha said after swallowing a mouthful of her toast. "Yeah, I figured" Yelena chuckled, bringing the mug to her lips, "you better go take a shower sestra" she encouraged you only to earn a mumble and grumble in return as you took yourself to the showers. 
"Another round tonight and they will be fine" Yelena looked at Natasha before taking another sip of Nat's coffee, Nat just chuckled, "I don't think they could handle another round" she replied as Wanda walked into the kitchen. 
"You three had fun last night" she smiled softly as she placed a rather large handful of polaroid on the table in front of the two Russian sisters. Natasha reached for the small photos and flicked through them while Yelena watched, a smile tugging at both sisters lips as they saw how happy they looked, how much fun they had and how finally they had photos with real moments, real emotions and real love. 
"Yeah, one of the best nights" Natasha spoke softly.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @imnotslouching | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @natashaswife4125 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @natsxwife | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | @shibugs | @music-4ever | @hyper-fixated-delusions | 
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wisteriaiswriting · 8 months
how about Symmetra,Tracer and Genji dating someone shorter than them?
𝔹𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞
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Words: 491
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She isn’t one to care, very rarely she’ll even forget about the difference. (Won’t openly admit it tho.)
If you need help she’ll make some adjustments around her lab or the base. Might move stuff around but more likely use hard-light.
Very little teasing. But she’ll make an exception in private and further away from others.
Even as she worked she kept a close eye on you, watching as you completed your own project.
“नक्षत्र-प्रकाश, grab the tablet please.” She continued working as you went to grab it for her, only to pause when it took much longer than expected. Looking over too see why.
You couldn’t reach, somehow it was placed much higher than needed. And you were struggling, even stepping on the bottom shelf to try grab it.
“Must I do everything for you छोटा एक.”
With a flick of her wrist a small ladder was formed before you. Letting you reach the tablet and walk it over to her.
“Thank you.”
नक्षत्र-प्रकाश - starlight
छोटा एक - little/small one
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This girl takes advantage of this fact like her life depends on it, standing at 5’4 normally means not many people are shorter than her.
She will challenge you to races often. And when you lose she’ll start teasing you about ‘being short and slow? Couldn’t be me!’
When you least expect it she’ll rush over and pick you up from under the arms, trying (and failing) to try to hold you higher.
The item stood just out of her reach, and clearly she wouldn’t get it. It’s been almost half an hour of trying so she’s giving up now.
“Oh! Y/N!” Then she remembered you were around, not many people were today. Most were on missions but you two luckily got the day off.
“What up Lena?”
“I need you to grab th– oh yeah.” You paused as you realized what she wanted. “Lena, why did you call me over?”
“To grab that… as I couldn’t reach?” If anyone looked over it would look ridiculous. Lena standing a few inches taller while being threatened by you.
“And I could?”
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If you met him in his younger years you would’ve hated him, like his whole goal would be about annoying you.
Over the years he has improved slightly, although you’ll never escape his teasing.
He’ll willingly help you after a little teasing. Includes grabbing anything for you or having you on his shoulders so you can grab it.
“C’mon now, you can’t reach it?” Genji had sat down while watching you struggle, the asshole then had the audacity to start teasing you.
“Why don’t you try it then? You’re not much taller.” That shut him up. He wasn’t much taller than you, he stood at a very tall 5’7.
“Fine then ショートスタック,” He suddenly kneeled down, facing away from you. “Get on”
And you did, sitting on his shoulders as he rose. This allowed you to reach the item, after the work of combining both heights.
ショートスタック - short stack
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imaginedanvrs · 9 months
encrypted relations
part 4 l masterlist
summary: yelena belova x reader. when natasha takes you under her wing, she becomes like family, and the last thing you want is to lose that. but when you meet her younger sister who you know is off limits, you have to decide between what you really want and hope for minimal damage
word count: sexual themes, past toxic relationship
warnings: 2.9k
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In the few hours that you did spend sleeping, you did it peacefully next to the blonde. If she wasn’t wrapped around you, you were wrapped around her, listening for her steady breathing or heartbeat in your few moments of consciousness. You were glad of them, Yelena appeared more at ease that you had ever seen her when she slept, it was a vulnerable side to her you hoped you would get to see again. 
  You were both awoken by Yelena’s phone ringing in the morning. The Russian swore under her breath and immediately went to turn off her device until she saw it was Natasha’s contact. You peaked a glance when you noticed Yelena’s consideration and froze upon reading her screen. 
  “Hello?” Yelena answered, her voice rough and accent thick. It sounded good- no! You needed to snap out of it. You had just slept with the black widow’s sister and if she ever found out you might not ever be seen again. 
  “Hey, I’m back,” Natasha announced, voice too cheerful after what was no doubt a very long flight. 
  Great timing, Nat.
  “Oh, cool,” Yelena said as she locked eyes with you. You immediately looked away and scrambled around looking for a shirt to put on. 
  “Don’t tell me you’re not in the city anymore,” Natasha huffed.
  “No, I am- still here I mean,” Yelena continued. 
  “Great, I'll come by later.” The blonde’s eyes widened considerably as she began searching for her own clothes.
  “No! I mean…let’s grab lunch!”
  “Okay weirdo.” You could hear the suspicion in Natasha’s voice over the phone and you were surprised at how bad Yelena was at lying to her sister. If she carried on like that then you’d be in trouble. 
  “Great, see you then!” Yelena called down the line before hanging up. 
  “Your sister’s gonna kill me,” you stated. 
  “No she won’t,” Yelena disregarded as she put her clothes back on.
  “I’m serious, Lena. Don’t tell her,” you pleaded.
  “I like when you call me that,” she told you simply, a fond smile playing on her lips. It really wasn’t fair how into her you were. “I’m not going to tell her,” she assured. You breathed out steadily. 
  “Thank you.” You stood up from the bed just as Yelena finished putting her clothes on. “There's a pack of new toothbrushes in the bathroom,” you added as the blonde headed for the bathroom. 
  Sighing as you strolled through to the kitchen, you replayed the events of the night in your head. You didn’t regret it, not one bit. Sure, it might not have been the smartest move sleeping with Yelena, but you liked her and you were pretty sure she liked you too so surely there was nothing to feel guilty about. Yet you still did, because you also remembered the first time Natasha had told you about her sister.
“You want something to eat?” You asked when the blonde reemerged. Yelena winked at you in response and you threw a spoon at her. 
  “I can think of something,” she mused as you turned your back to her. 
  “You’re impossible,” you called back, earning a soft laugh that made your heart squeeze. You were setting up some coffee when she joined you, placing a tender hand to your waist as she kissed your neck. You leaned into the touch despite yourself. 
  “Lena,” you warned as she snaked her hands around your waist. 
  “What? You offered,” she grinned against you. Somehow, you gathered the strength to turn around and press a hand to her chest to keep her within distance. 
  “I don’t think it’s a good idea to do this again,” you said, unable to read the blonde as she considered your words. Last night, you had both admitted to having wanted it for some time, and although now that it had you wanted nothing more than to do it again, you had to think of the risks. Jokes aside, you didn’t want to hurt Natasha by sleeping with her sister, you had no idea what kind of wedge that could drive between you. 
  “Okay,” Yelena agreed. “I should go.” You didn’t want her to, but you nodded. She left your side to put her shoes and jacket on but came back with the murmur of her keys that were on the island behind you. She reached around to grab them, invading your space in a welcomed way as she did so and lingered for a second too long. You glanced down at her lips, remembering well how soft they were and how tender yet assertive they felt against your own. You weren’t ready to give that up yet. 
  You brought your hand up to the side of Yelena’s face, bringing it to your own for your lips to meet in familiarity. You felt the blonde smile into you, a smile of triumph. “I thought you said-” she tried but you cut her off.
  “Shut up,” you said as you pushed her up against the wall and set about undoing the zip of her trousers. She watched you with an amused smirk and pushed you to your knees.
  “I should probably go for real this time,” Yelena said as she combed her fingers through your slightly tangled hair. 
  “It’s nowhere near lunchtime yet,” you objected, eyes closed as you enjoyed the comfort of laying curled into Yelena’s side on your sofa. You felt her chest vibrate as she chuckled. “Besides, I’m trying to catch up on sleep here,” you pointed out. 
  “I have to shower and change.” You looked up at the blonde. 
  “I have to shower too,” you said matter of factly. 
  “Then I really will be late,” Yelena smiled as she traced the outline of your face with her index finger. You hummed, close to shutting your eyes again but knowing that the Russian was right. You weren't going to stop her seeing her sister. 
  “Okay,” you whispered, prying yourself off her to plant a soft kiss to her lips before you got up and threw her once again discarded clothes back at her. You went to put your own on but caught a brief glimpse of yourself in the windowed cabinet in the kitchen. “Yelena,” you hissed as you put your hand up to the various marks across your skin. “How old are you, fifteen?” Yelena simply laughed at your agitation, feeling undeniably proud of the traces she had left of herself. 
  “They’re just in case you decide to go back to that bar when I’m not around,” she shrugged. You really couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. 
  “I think I’ll steer clear,” you muttered as you examined the marks through your phone’s camera. She was insatiable. 
  “I’ll see you soon, detka,” Yelena said softly with a kiss that lingered long enough for you to savour. Maybe being insatiable wasn’t a bad quality. 
  Once Yelena left, you scrolled through your notifications to find several texts from Natasha and Kate, more so from the archer so you answered her first. 
  Kate: you guys having fun? ;)
  Kate: make sure you both get home safe!!
  Kate: you better not be dead
  Kate: or are you just hooking up
  Kate: dude text me back or im assuming youre dead
  Kate: oh wait lesbian sex takes ages doesnt it, okay ill give you until morning -_-
  Kate: *raised brow* You stared down at your phone and quickly typed out a reply to put your friend’s worries at ease.
  Me: hi, hows lucky??
  Kate: hes fine, just a little shit. you totally fucked didnt you You didn’t even think about denying it from your best friend.
  Me: maybe
  Me: WHAT? HOW?
  Kate: im coming over (is it safe?)
  Me: yes shes gone
  Kate: omw
  You really thought you had been subtle about liking Yelena the way that you did and you hadn’t been able to say for sure that she was into you either until that night. You guessed you couldn’t get that sort of thing past the future private detective/best friend and you were glad she knew. You had wanted to tell her months ago, but that would have made it real. 
  Nat: im back, flash drive : ) what kind of mayhem did you unleash with my sister while i was gone? 
  The we-almost-broke-my-bed kind, you thought. 
  Me: i made her watch survivor, she’s cool
  Nat: without me?? traitor You stared at the screen for a minute before responding. 
  Me: im glad youre back, how was the mission?
  Nat: long, come by the tower tomorrow?
  Me: sure : )
  By the time you were finished in the shower and dressed in clean clothes, Kate was letting herself into your apartment with an excited grin. Lucky made a b-line for Marty as Kate went to take her coat off. “No, no! We’re going for a walk, I need the fresh air,” you were quick to say. At the very mention, Marty grabbed his collar and leash as you put on your own coat. 
  “I bet you do,” Kate muttered with a knowing smile. “I knew it was going to happen sooner or later,” she continued. 
  “How?” You questioned as you closed the apartment door behind you. “I didn’t even know it was going to happen.”
 “Oh come on, it was obvious with the way you guys were looking at each other all the time,” Kate stated as you made your way out of the building and headed in the direction of the park. 
  “I wasn’t even sure she was into me,” you told the archer. “And anyway, I doubt it will happen again,” you falsely predicted. 
  “Why not? I think you guys would be good together.”
  “Woah, who said anything about being together?” You questioned with alarm. “It’s one thing for me to be sleeping with her, dating would lead me to a whole other level of gruesome murder by Natasha,” you explained. Kate frowned. 
  “You think Nat wouldn’t want you to? Why?” It hadn’t crossed the archer’s mind at any point that your hesitance towards Yelena was because of her sister. 
  “Because she told me.” 
You leant back in your chair as the green bar moved steadily across your screen. The videos Rae ‘needed’ always took a long time to download and sometimes extra encryption overrides were needed to access it. They were never any cause for concern though due to the fact you knew how S.H.I.E.L.D operated all of their systems as well as you knew your own. The accomplishment would have thrilled you months prior, but since it was being used for Rae and whoever else, you just felt ashamed. 
  It hadn’t taken long for Rae’s requests to go beyond people. She needed layouts of buildings you tried not to remember the names of incase you saw them on the news. She needed videos and recordings. She needed you to block signals and replicate them with your own, create and plant viruses. You didn’t know how to do the last ones and it had taken you some time to learn despite Rae’s well known impatience. 
  It wasn’t just S.H.I.E.L.D anymore either. It was everyone. It was various governments, organisations and sites you didn’t recognise the names but were clearly important once you saw the information you had. With every little thing you passed on, your guilt gnawed away at you, digging its teeth in when it was hard to ignore that your actions were causing significant harm, even if it was indirectly. That evening, you reached your breaking point. 
  Rae was in another room when the video finished downloading. You got up to let her know but lost your balance slightly and reached out to the desk for support, accidentally pressing down on the keyboard in doing so and playing the video. You only saw a second before you scrambled to exit it, but you had seen enough. A child. A little boy, no less than five. You couldn’t see where he was or what was going on, all you saw was the close up of his face. An anchor dropped in your chest as you steadied yourself. 
  “Done,” you called out, voice cracking slightly as you willed yourself to stop thinking about what that little boy’s face meant. Rae came out of the bedroom just as you began taking the process of sending the video over to her. If she could tell that you were shaken, she didn’t say anything. 
  “Great,” she said as she grabbed a glass of water and sauntered back into the bedroom. Did she know? Surely not. Your girlfriend was by no means a saint but she would never go so low as being involved with…whatever that video was about. You put your forehead in your hand for a moment, as though it would settle the buzzing coming from within. You couldn’t think about it. You had no part in Rae’s world. 
  “I’m going out,” she informed as she grabbed her keys from the mantelpiece. That meant she wouldn’t be back until you were at work the next day. 
  You couldn’t believe your own lies, you had a big part in Rae’s world. You moved the mouse across the screen, about to start the rehearsed process of covering your footprints. Then you paused, took in a deep breath, and took the complicated way out, the one that left a trace of you that someone at S.H.I.E.L.D would find. It could take seconds, maybe hours, no more than a day. They’d come eventually though, they’d stop you and everything would be okay, just maybe not for you. 
  It took three hours and twenty six minutes. You knew because you couldn’t stop looking at the time. She came through your bedroom window, where the fire escape was. You never heard her come in, but you were watching the hallway to your bedroom when she appeared. She froze, locked eyes even though you couldn’t make out past her silhouette in the dark. She was holding a gun and it was aimed right at you. 
  You closed your eyes and held your trembling hands together. You didn’t want to die and you hadn’t been expecting them to shoot you, but you didn’t have it in you to protest. Half a minute passed and you didn’t feel or hear anything. When you opened your eyes again she was leaning her back against the kitchen worktop facing you, just a few steps away. 
  You recognised her immediately. Black widow. You were surprised and a little flattered that they sent her. You imagined it would be some rookie, that you would be deemed a low threat. You wondered what made them think otherwise but weren’t about to ask. Not when she was watching you the way she was. You looked back, hoping she wasn’t expecting you to speak first because you had no idea what to say to the Avenger. The Avenger they had asked to take down the nineteen year old hacker. 
  “Do you want a drink?” You eventually asked because she wasn’t saying anything and it was a very uncomfortable silence. 
  “You’re under arrest, you know?” She said flatly. 
  “You can do that?” You asked, genuinely surprised. She arched a brow in response, as though she could see no reason why not. “I mean I knew you would come and take me to wherever but I didn’t think you could call it arresting,” you continued. 
  “We can’t call it kidnapping,” she pointed out.
  “No, I suppose that wouldn’t look very good in the reports,” you considered.
  “You would know, I’m sure,” she said as she eyed the screen behind you. Everything was turned off. 
  “Not really, I never read those kinds of reports,” you said honestly. 
  “No? But you did read reports,” she pushed. 
  “You would know, clearly,” you stated as you waved at where Natasha stood, surprised at your lack of nerves in the Russian’s presence. At this, she smiled. You smiled back awkwardly, wondering where she was going to go from there. “Are you going to handcuff me?”
  “Are you going to sedate me?” Natasha tilted her head slightly as she scanned you.
  “I’m not sure yet,” she said honestly. You nodded and pulled at the sleeves of your jumper. It was a chilly night and you knew it would be colder outside. 
  “Can I put on a coat before we go?” 
  “Sure,” she said without much consideration and followed you into the bedroom. 
  “So why’d they send you?” You continued to ask as you grabbed your navy blue coat from the closet. 
  “You ask a lot of questions,” Natasha stated but didn’t sound irritated. 
  “I’m a curious person,” you shrugged. 
  “Then I probably should sedate you,” she countered. 
  “Okay,” you said, eyeing her gun she had since put back in its holster. Natasha raised a brow again, clearly not expecting you to be so agreeable to everything. “Will it hurt?” That bit didn’t sound so laid back. 
  “For a second,” she informed honestly. 
  “Okay,” you repeated and closed your eyes again. Natasha took that as her queue to not draw her mission out any longer and knew that she would be talking to you again soon anyway. She raised her widow bites to your neck and released the stunner. 
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ghost-bard · 4 months
I've had this theory for a while now, and me n my friend (@nightshadetq ) have talked about it a bit as The Magnus Protocol continues, but I really don't think Alice's indifference to the paranormal/statements/cases ect ect is proof that she like. Has no idea what's going on, or will be in for a rude awakening.
[Note: this post is not free from spoilers up to episode 18]
I think she knows a decent amount of what's actually going on, and is trying to protect Sam (or her uninformed coworkers in general) from getting in too deep.
Other than Lena, who I assume has been the boss since Alice arrived, Alice has worked at the OIAR the longest, "nearly a decade" and has consistently told Sam not to look into anything, to not be curious, and to just do his job, and those moments are when she is the most serious, an odd departure from her typical attitude, very likely a coping or defense mechanism (or survival tactic) on her part.
We also have how she and Colin interact, and her conversation with Teddy in the most recent episode (18 as of writing). While yes, her and Colin's unlikely duo could be in part simply a fun dynamic, grumpy/sunshine, whatever, but we also don't really know what has happened within the last near decade of Alice working at the OIAR. The only person Colin likes is Alice, perhaps because she's the only one he trusts, or maybe they went through something together, that's mostly speculation on my part I'll admit.
What's more interesting is Alice and Teddy's conversation, the weight of Alice calling Teddy a liar, her saying to herself for Teddy to "watch himself" because she's worried. I would point out we have no idea how long Teddy worked at the OIAR, though in episode one there's a mention of "another four years" which implies he's worked there about that amount of time, and so Alice had still worked there the longest.
Honestly it would be weird if Alice hadn't seen weird shit pre-canon given how long she's been there, and that despite the jobs turnover rate hasn't quit despite everything, almost like she's obligated, to the job perhaps not, but maybe to the other people working, given we know that people can and have quit. Of course it could also just be the getting a new job is difficult and she has a younger brother to help out occasionally, but truthfully I find it a bit difficult to believe that being the only reason she wouldn't have quit by now.
Also interesting that the only thing Alice said in response to Gwen talking about Mr. Bonzo, where Sam laughs and thinks she's joking, is after she leaves saying "Curiosity will get you killed, best try and ignore it" wherein Alice clowning on Gwen is what I, at the least, would expect in response. Yes, she questions Gwen interacting with monsters, but she doesn't push her to talk about it, and in fact, gave her an out on what the Externals are.
Considering both Gwen and Sam didn't know about them until 1. Gwen asking Lena to let her "in" and getting work about/for the Externals, and 2. Sam just now being informed. Meanwhile Alice has a fake explanation on what they are, providing Sam with said explanation, therefore shielding him from the truth of the matter, and letting Gwen not have to talk about it, only for Gwen to then say what they actually are. So either Alice already knew what an External was, and lives by the "if you don't know about the real goings on nothing will happen to you" deal and tries to act the part herself, or someone who no longer works at the OIAR AND worked with Externals told her that that was what they were, which I'll admit is also a possibility.
There is also her seeing the drowning victim and her reaction to them. Her primary issue as I remember it was the dead body, given how she implies she hadn't seen a dead body since her parents passed. However, her having a negative reaction to a dead body doesn't mean she hasn't seen other freak shit. There is also the option that she lied about not having seen a dead body since her parents, and she (rightfully) still has an averse reaction to them, though I don't necessarily believe this myself, I am presenting it as an option.
Maybe I'm talking out my ass, but I really don't think Alice has completely avoided everything up until now, especially given how weirdly cagey she is about anyone (mainly Sam, but they have a history so maybe she feels responsible for him in some way) getting curious about what they do, or wanting to look into the cases they receive. If she didn't know anything at all, I don't know why she'd care about someone getting curious about their cases, or at least care as much as she seems to.
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supercorpkid · 9 months
Ace Reporter - Final Part
Supergirl, Kara Danvers x Reader, Lena Luthor x Reader
Word Count: 3940.
You roll in your hotel bed thinking about the cheap shot you threw at Kara earlier. You've hated Kara for the longest time, with the burning passion of a thousand suns. But only because it was a lot easier to blame your failure on someone else. And while you were many kilometers away from her, you got away with it pretty effortlessly.
That was until you met her.
And Kara was nothing you built her up to be. No vulture trying to steal the spotlight, no untalented lucky bastard, no nerd with no life. Kara is the opposite of every single flaw you embedded her character with.
And yet. You can't, for the life of you, admit the truth. Because if you did, if you finally took Kara out of the equation, you'd see that the reason why you didn't get the prize, and then the promotion, and the reason why your career got side-tracked is because you didn't try enough. You yield to your editors every wish. You let Lois Lane and Clark Kent go on every single assignment you were more than capable of doing. You never stood up for yourself.
So you think about Lena's offer while you march into CatCo the next morning, with no idea on whether you'll be walking through these doors everyday from now on, or never again. 
Kara is awkward and barely amicable when you get there. You want to apologize, but you don't do it. You hold your truth even though it is a lie. 
It would be a lot easier to write the article together if you two were at least talking to each other, instead of sending emails back and forth while she is at the desk next to yours. In fact, you only regret taking so long to write and review it, when the last person makes their way out of the office and you're left alone with Kara.
You sigh for the hundredth time. 
"I'm sorry, is this bothering you?" Kara smirks, making as much noise as she can on the chair. You narrow your eyes at her.
"The chair, or you in it?" You bicker. She raises her eyebrow, and you look at her waiting for the comeback, but it's cut off by your phone ringing next to you. "I have to take this. Here, wear my noise canceling headphones and keep out of my private conversation, Supergirl."
Kara sighs, picking it up from your hands and putting it on. She yells. "SAY SOMETHING SO I KNOW IT WORKS."
"Yeah, it works."
You breathe deep before picking up the phone, knowing you'll need all of your patience for this conversation with your editor. "Yes?"
"Where is my quote, Y/L/N?"
"I don't have it yet."
"What do you mean you don't have it yet?" He is clearly stressed, so you prepare yourself for the upcoming outburst. "You were in the plane with Lena Luthor and you went to fucking Kaznia," His voice raises up in a crescendo. "And you're telling me you don't have one fucking quote I can use in an article? I don't think you realize this is a job assignment! You're not in National City to make friends, you fucking moron." You open your mouth to argue, but he doesn't even give you time. "Had I known you were so fucking stupid I wouldn't have sent you! Clark told me you're good at finding people's secrets, well I think you're good at wasting company's money! Pack your things and get back here. You'll be lucky if I give you dog shows after this!"
He hangs off the phone and you look at it. Tears welling up on your eyes, and whisper. "I have something better.” 
Kara turns on the chair, and is met with your eyes full of tears. She ditches the headphone on the desk and basically runs towards you. “Hey, hey.”
“I’m fine!” You snap, cleaning your tears aggressively. 
“Y/N…” She tries with a sweet voice.
“Don’t you dare feel sorry for me, Danvers!” You clean your nose with your hand. Tears come back to your eyes immediately. “I don’t need your pity, I know prize-awardee-Kara is much better than me and-“
Your words are cut off by her arms quickly evolving you. Your head is trapped between her chest and her arms in an almost bone-hurting hug, and you hate how much you love this. "You're alright." She makes sure, then whispers almost to herself, "I've got you. I've got you."
You can't tell for sure, being face deep into Kara's chest, but you think you feel a kiss being planted on the crown of your head, with sweet reassuring words coming right after. And you cannot not cry. No matter how much you try to be strong, and unbothered, and better than Kara Danvers. Right now, inside her embrace, is the safest you've ever felt in a long time.
It's a while before you can finally whisper, “I’m alright.” 
Kara lets go of your head. There are no more tears wetting your face, because they’re all wetting her cardigan. Her stupid, comfortable, nice scented cardigan. You want to say something, apologize for this ridiculous and weak behavior, you want to beg her to forget this ever happened, instead you say nothing.
“Ok.” Kara says, a trying smile. “Food break!”
And proceeds to order from her favorite Chinese restaurant because you have to try her favorite potstickers in the world and not another word is commented on your cry for help. And soon you're both back to the old ways. Can't really describe it better because what are the old ways? Flirting? Laughs and banter? Working so well together it reminds you of Lois and Clark? Whatever it is, you're back at it.
“Hey.” Kara waves her hand in front of your face. “The article is amazing, there are no typos or grammatical errors. You’ve reviewed it enough. Let’s go celebrate!”
"Celebrate?" You make sure. "What are you celebrating? Lex is still on the loose, you and Clark will still have to deal with it."
"Yeah, but we finally finished the article!" Kara beams, excitedly, touching your arm. She doesn’t know that you actually don’t have a quote yet because you’ve been debating with yourself whether you’d like to move to National City or not.
"Oh, so we're celebrating that I'm leaving." It’s what you choose to go with.
"What? No! That's not - I didn't - No." She fumbles and you make a real effort not to let your feelings show. It's really hard to hold back the truthful smile you wish to give to her adorable confused face.
"Relax, Danvers. I know what you meant. You could never celebrate that I'm leaving when you're so in love with me." You joke with a smirk, but are you really just joking or is this another failed attempt to not flirt with her? 
Kara also laughs, even though it sounds pained and strangled on her chest. Not funny. Not funny at all. 
"You know I can just come and visit, right?" Kara says, a dorky smile filled with double meaning and secrets. You hold back your own dorky smile, but it's getting harder by the minute. 
"Is that a promise or a threat?" Kara looks at you fondly, a smile still playing on her lips, because she knows better now and so you roll your eyes. "Don't count your victory too soon, Danvers. Lena offered me a job at CatCo."
"She did? That’s so great!” She celebrates, eager to have you close. Then she thinks about it for a second, not sure what it means. “And, um, are you? I mean, staying?"
You breathe deep, looking outside the window. You could get used to this view. You could get used to doing some actual investigative journalism even if it means you getting punched in the face from time to time. You could get used to Kara’s dorky face even if you want to punch her most of the time. 
You look back at her, kind blue eyes filled with anticipation and clear adoration, “I don’t know, Danvers. There’s probably space for just one investigative reporter in this magazine. You know I don’t like sharing the byline.”
“God, Y/N. Is that the only thing you think about?” Kara steps closer, her hands shake a little when she reaches out. “Don’t you ever think about sharing something more than a byline with someone?”
“Like what?” You ask, but you know the answer. It’s obvious to anyone with eyes. It’s clear as day when you can cut the sexual tension with a knife. It’s screaming at you in bright light and you are making sure you close your eyes so you don’t see it. 
“Life, maybe?” Kara’s hands travel slowly from your arms past your shoulders and up your neck.
“Life?” You parrot. Mouth running awfully dry, eyes so glued to Kara’s, you can’t even blink. And you only realize you’ve been holding your breath for so long when your lungs beg for it. 
“Yeah.” Kara Danvers stops staring at your eyes and stares at your lips instead and you’re so close you can’t help but dare a look at hers as well. Soft, pink, kissable.
“But maybe we can start simpler.”
“Oh?” It’s a strangled sound coming out of your lips full with want, but lacking oxygen.
“Maybe-” Kara’s hands make way to the nape of your neck, fingers brushing your hair gently and then, suddenly, not gentle at all when she grabs it, almost demanding.
If you want this to stop you gotta say something now! This is your chance! Stop your lips from meeting your almost-nemesis lips right now! 
“Maybe we can share a kiss.”
Your eyes widen even though you saw it coming, but when Kara’s face comes closer, your eyes just close, unwillingly. Wanting, needing, ready for what’s coming next.
You don't stop her when her face comes closer; you don't stop her when you feel her shallow and anxious breath on your cheek; you don't stop her when her lips lightly brush on yours asking for permission; you don't even stop her when she takes a second to utter your name out of her lips so full of desire and passion.
"Y/N, Rao."
And your heart stops when she finally takes your lips into hers, and you can't even think about how you'll have to fight anyone who says it was you who deepened the kiss, even though it was indeed your lips and your tongue that made the first move.
You stop thinking of how this is the lips of your almost-nemesis. You fail to see how this might ruin your reputation. When Kara's tongue slides into your mouth, and her demanding hands tightens around the nape of your neck and your hips, your brain cannot function properly to see all that is wrong with this, and the only thing it wants is more.
More of Kara. More lips and kisses. More hands on hips. You don't think you can get any closer to her, but you want to be close, and then closer. 
The closer you can get without letting her know how much you're loving this. Even though you're pretty sure she can tell by how hot your entire body feels, like you're being set on fire by your desire. Even though she can feel you're running out of oxygen and yet you have not tried to separate your lips to catch some air. You're sure she can listen to your heart beating almost out of your chest and the tiniest moans out of your mouth. She probably feels your arms so strongly wrapped around her, pulling her fully into you. Yes, Kara probably can tell you're as turned on as she is right now when her leg slots right between yours.
And that is so close, but still not close enough. You want to be the closer you can get without letting Kara know how much you truly like her. 
Your brain finally catches up, when you think about how much you like her, instead of how much you dread her. 
"This was a bad idea." You get away from her so fast, she is left dumbfounded, breathless, red cheeks and mouth wet. It makes you want to go back and kiss her some more because she looks dazzling. Gorgeous. Perfect. 
Instead, you force yourself to turn your back at her, quickly grabbing all of your stuff and making your way out of the office. 
"What?" Kara is finally able to come out of her shock. 
"You and I, it's not, it's just not-"
"It's not what? Right? Gosh Y/N, will you stop with this 'I hate you' act and admit your true feelings?"
You bite your lower lip, looking at her from the elevator, when it dings, you just step inside. "Fuck off, Danvers. Not everyone loves you."
You make it out of CatCo, and dare a last look behind yourself. You hope you never have to cross these doors again in this lifetime, because if you do you don't think you'll be able to separate your lips from Kara's again.
Lena texts you as soon as you get to your hotel room. You ignore the text until after you pack your bags, but you can't ignore her forever. She invites you to have lunch with her at L Corp the next day, and you think it's a good opportunity to ask her for a quote before you go back to Metropolis. It is the least you can do, anyway.
“I’m glad you accepted my invitation.” Lena points to the balcony. “You told me you liked the view. So I thought we could eat outside.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t talking about that view.”
Lena gives you a knowing smirk. “I know, darling.”
You follow Lena to the balcony, fancy food displayed on the table, the prettiest view of National City. Nothing like the potstickers and beer from last night. And yet, it doesn't seem to catch your attention any more than the improvised dinner on Kara's tiny work desk.
“So, have you thought about my proposition?” You open your mouth to tell her the news. “Before you say anything, remember I’ll be your boss and I can give you lots of benefits. Not at work, but definitely somewhere else.”
Lena winks at you and oh God, what have you got yourself into?
“Y/N, I really want you to stay.”
Your heart drops on your chest and the words fall out of your mouth without you being able to give a second thought to them. “I have to go.” 
You get up from the table, making your way out of Lena’s office. Your escape is put to a stop by her hand, pulling you towards her. 
You bump into her, face-to-face, bodies so close you can feel her warmth, flesh with flesh. Lena is staring right at your lips.
“Don’t run from this.” She whispers, breath hot on your own mouth and then, just like that, her lips touch yours and oh my God, what’s happening? Lena separates her lips, taking yours into hers and you can’t. Just can’t.
“Stop. I-I can’t.” She blinks at you, confused. “It’s not you, it’s-“ Lena is one second away from rolling her eyes, expecting a ‘it’s me’ out of your mouth, but it never comes. “It’s Kara.”
“Kara?” Her shock is visible, undeniable. To be honest, yours is too.
“Kara kissed me.”
“Oh!” Lena steps back, out of your personal space.
“And I hate her, I do. And you’re also the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen-“
“I think I’m in love with her. I think I’ve loved her the whole time.” 
You see Lena's surprised face, and you're surprised too. Probably even more so than she is. How could this happen? How could all of that hatred and annoyance have just turned into love? How is it possible that when you hear Kara's name you don't want to roll your eyes because she is irritating, but rather because she is not here next to you. Was this love all along? Were you blinded by your fury and didn't see the obvious? Ugh. Why does Kara Danvers make you feel so many things? And why are all of them confusing as hell?
"I'm sorry." You walk a bit farther away, back turned to Lena in clear embarrassment, because let's be honest, you have been leading her on. "I promise you I'm just as confused as you are. I really thought I hated her."
"Well," Lena's voice is back to normal, no more shock. "Love and hate is such a thin line." 
"I'll get out of your hair." You start walking towards the door, but Lena holds you by your shoulder.
"Y/N, I meant what I said about the job in CatCo." She rounds you, so she can look at your face. "You and me, it was never a condition for it to happen. You are way too talented and I'd be stupid to let you get away." You blink your eyes in confusion, and she nods at you slightly. "Please, take the job. I promise it won't be weird in any way. Kara is my best friend and I see the way she looks at you. And now that I know your feelings towards her, I'll be the biggest supporter, trust me. Just don't let that almost kiss stop you from making a life-changing decision."
She is right. Lena Luthor is so right. It's time for you to finally stop sabotaging yourself. It's time to try harder than you've ever done. It's time to be honest for the first time.
You can't wait any longer, you've waited too long to tell her. You hid it (not so well) from yourself and the world for longer than you should've, so you can't anymore. It has to be now so you run out of Lena’s office and into the park adjacent.
"SUPERGIRL!" You yell, and yell and yell her name a few times until Kara lands in front of you. "God, what took you so long?"
"Caught a little bit of air traffic." She says with a doofus smile and you can't, won't fight yours anymore. So you smile at her joke, the biggest one you've let people see in a while. "Do you have an emergency?"
"I do." But you can't do this while she is in her Supergirl attire, because even though they are the same person, Supergirl isn't the one you fell in love with. You fell for dweeb Kara Danvers way before you learned her secret. "I need to talk to Kara Danvers."
"What?" Kara asks, confused. Given she is right in front of you and you know that all too well.
"You don't get it, Supergirl. I need to talk to Kara Danvers right now or I'll die. It's a real emergency." 
Kara tilts her head looking at you, confused. You keep running from Kara Danvers and saying the most mean things you can think of, and now you’re in front of her saying you’ll die if you don’t talk to her. Takes her a while, but she finally picks you up and flies you to her apartment. She disappears into her bedroom and comes back a full minute later into your sight, with her real doofus clothes. 
You can't really explain what happened to you when you saw her. Come to think of it, you haven't been able to explain half of the things that happened on this trip to National City. But your heart did a weird loop, your breath got stuck on your lungs and fuck, you had to kiss her right there, right then.
You run towards her, jumping on her arms and she catches you in shock, but you're so fast to kiss her, she can't even overthink this whole thing. 
So you kiss her, and kiss her. Until there's no air left in your lungs, until you realize her dweeb face is your favorite thing in the world, until you both fall into her bed entangled in each other.
"What is happening?” She manages a whisper in between kisses, unable to stop herself from kissing you, even though she doesn't truly understand what's going on.
"You were right. God, you are always right. You're my favorite person in the universe even though I hate you sometimes." She has a dorky smile, the one you would normally want to slap it out of her face, but instead you just kiss her again and again. "I never knew I could feel all of these emotions for just one person. Never realized I could feel so safe inside the embrace of the biggest nerd I know." Kara can't contain her happiness and you can't stop but showering her face with kisses. "I hate to admit when I'm wrong, but I was. I was fighting this feeling because it scared me, how-how could I like someone so much already?”
Kara’s smile reaches her eyes, she literally lights up when you say that and while a few days back you’d want to bring her down, now you just want her to be the happiest she can be.
“But you, Kara Danvers, you really do make it easy for people to like you that fast, don’t you?”
Kara kisses you, softly. “I wouldn’t say you liked me that fast. I mean, you were basically insulting me daily for two full weeks.”
“You have a real dorky face.”
She shrugs. “Yeah, but you like it.”
“I really do.”
And you thought it would be the hardest thing for you to admit. But right now, inside Kara’s embrace with her face so close to yours, you realize it is a lot easier to tell her the truth then fighting it so incessantly like you have since you got here.
"Can't believe we went from enemies to lovers."
"You were never my enemy. You're way too cute for that." Kara raises her eyebrows ready for a comeback. "And only half evil, anyways."
"Oh, you're getting quicker with the comebacks." You smile when you see how excited Kara gets with the compliment. "I still wanna punch your dorky face sometimes."
"Why don't you punch it with your lips." Kara raises her eyebrows suggestively a few times, and you can't help it but to laugh at her dorkiness and then to do exactly what she said.
"Kara?" You hear Nia's voice next to the door, your eyes widen, and so does Kara's.
"What are you doing in the closet?" You hold back the laugh from the double meaning, and Kara rolls her eyes at you.
"Changing back." She finally opens the door, leaving you hidden there.
"Because of Supergirl or because you've been making out with your girlfriend in there?" Nia knocks on the door. "Come out, Y/N. No one here wants you guys back in the closet. Also, the new boss is here. The making out in the closet era is over."
"But this was the first time." You defend yourself, slowly coming out of there.
"Oh please. It was the first time today. I might not have x-ray vision, but I have eyes, you know." Nia says and you and Kara share embarrassed smiles. "Now look alive, Andrea Rojas is here and something tells me she's not gonna give us special treatment like Lena did."
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Shall We Play a Game?
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Jealous! Natasha (🤏🏼 of angst)
Sunshine/Grumpy Prompts
“I'm so excited, thank you for coming even though you're not the biggest fan of it.”
“No, it's not annoying. I- It makes me happy to see you so happy.”
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"I'm so excited...," you squeal out loudly while clapping your hands together as you're entering the massive carnival., "Thank you for coming even though you're not the biggest fan of it.," you genuinely add while turning to your girlfriend with a small smile before you're pulling her through the crowd of people on your way to play one of those silly carnival games. Natasha remained quiet as she was a bit overwhelmed by the sheer size of the crowd, the potential for her enemies being amongst the many at the forefront of her mind. Still, in silent acknowledgment she'd placed a gentle kiss to your shoulder as you geared up to throw the darts at a board of balloons in the hopes of apparently winning a stuffed duck.
She watched you throw the first set of darts, one after the other, and your form was truly impeccable. So, when you only hit half of your targets each time she realized some of the darts were likely weighted; you were destined to lose. Natasha found your initial eagerness adorable, her eyes however widened after you handed the bored looking man your fifth $10 bill—the duck couldn't be worth more than your initial bill., "Detka, maybe you should take a break, we can go get some food.," she suggested, and you pouted at your lover before resigning with her idea since you were feeling a bit famished now that she'd mentioned it.
This time Natasha was the one to pull you through the crowds and in the direction of the food. She wouldn't admit it to you but the main reason she agreed to come with you was for the food she'd seen advertised. Not that she'd have actually said no to you—she never could, and more importantly she never would let you wander about a crowd of this size without her, or at least someone she trusted like Yelena.
"Natty, Lena wanted us to get her some "Reindeer Sausage," said she wants to make Kate try it.," Nat chuckled at her sister's antics., "That's going to be really tough for the archer.," she jokes and you groan at her silly pun, but your heart flutters at the sight of her finally smiling.
Had you actually paid much attention you'd have seen the flashing lights that attracted your lovers gaze, and caused her giddiness., "Detka, come quick!," she shrieked, and without even a chance to follow she yanked you to a vendor with a colorful array of deep fried food, but their sign reading: Home of the Deep Fried PB & J, told you why you were stood here., "Natty? Really? I'm going to get something of sustenance, and hopefully I will find Lena's mystery deer meat."
Natasha hadn't heard you clearly when she nodded, she was too focused on the line she was stood in shortening to notice you'd left. However, as soon as she bit into the delicacy, moaning as she did she had went to force you to try it but to her shock you were nowhere to be found. Panic held her tight in its grasp, she clutched the treat close to her chest while working her way through the crowd, and if not for the sound of your soft giggling she's sure she would've gone into Black Widow mode.
Natasha turned to see you interacting with a man that had an exotic animal on his arm. Her jaw immediately clenched, as you missed his predatory gaze that befell your chest since you were so enamored with the tiny monkey. She was livid and so she made quick work of the distance, startling you as she threw her arm over your shoulder and pulled your body in., "Detka, there you are!," her tone caught you off guard too, it wasn't soft—no, she was on edge.
The way she—the world renowned, terrifying Black Widow—had stared daggers into the man with the cute little monkey had him scurrying off incredibly fast., "Natty, what was that?," she ignored you as the order you placed came out, she thanked the woman then with a hand on your back she guided you to a secluded area where you both sat and ate in tense silence. Your plate of loaded nacho fries that you were once excited for now sat there with nary a dent. Natasha cringed as she watched you barely touching your food and she felt guilty for ruining the date, especially since you had to beg her to come here in the first place.
She could see the gears turning in your mind, trying to figure out what might've happened, and truth be told you didn't do anything wrong. It's just that in her line of work she had to be prepared for anything, and she'd trained you that you did too. Sure, that guy wasn't KGB, but he was creepy enough and she hates that you are too naive to see just that sometimes. Plus, had he been KGB she fears you'd have also been none the wiser. Nonetheless, she knew she needed to fix this, to apologize, which is why it threw her off when you did first., "I-I'm sorry Natty.," she watched as you lifted your face, noticing the tears that were settling in your lashes and her heart froze in her chest.
"I-I'd just wanted to take you out on one of those cheesy dates that you see in the movies.," you chuckled humorlessly., "I wanted to win one of those ridiculously big stuffed ducks, then turn around and give it to you so I could hopefully make you smile.," it took everything in her not to smile then, but it felt wrong to smile at what could've been, "Then we could've rode on some of the rides since you love a good adventure, and then we could've cuddled up on the ferris wheel to enjoy the fireworks."
"I didn't mean to annoy you.," her stoic face dropped into a frown at your incorrect words., "No, it's not annoying. I- It makes me happy to see you so happy.," Natasha immediately tries to stop you from your shame spiraling., "You're just too good sometimes, and you don't see the dangers around you.," she sighs, and you can see the constant worry she carries for you more vividly in the moment.
Without a second thought you'd catapulted off the bench and into her stress ridden body, she caught you effortlessly, and held you in a tight hug, something you both desperately needed., "Detka, you're obviously free to do what you want, but all I ask is that you remain alert.," she whispers while pressing her lips to yours., "That guy was a total pervert.," you were not sure what she was on about, but you could feel her grimacing, and so when you pulled back with a confused face it only made her deadpan., "Y/N, he was staring at your exposed breasts.," you smirked at her., "Oh, so you were jealous."
"Oh please! Did you see him? He was a four and the perverseness made him a zero" she scoffed, but then she was smirking devilishly., "Plus, have you seen me? I'm a total ten, and when I stare at your boobs it's welcomed.," as you giggled Natasha knew she was winning at remedying the night., "He never stood a chance detka, and I think we can both agree on that.," you nodded before recapturing her lips for a far deeper kiss than what she'd previously given you, and in that moment both of you sighed knowing all was well once more.
Natasha pulled away from you with a sweet smile, one to rival her initial bored expression that had consumed her face most of the day. Without any hesitation she gently pulled you out of the secluded area and bounded off to procure wristbands for unlimited rides, your bright smile, and the way you were bouncing about like a little kid settled her reservations. There wasn't a doubt in her mind after either as every ride left her feeling lighter; from seeing how hardly you giggled on the teacups when she spun you at an alarming speed, to the way you held her hand in a vice grip with your eyes shut on the harsh roller coasters like she was your lifeline, it all made her feel so warm.
As you went to get in the line for the ferris wheel she could see the way you glared at the game from hours earlier with pure contempt., "Detka, can I fill you in on a secret?," she teasingly whispered into your ear, your eyes never left the vendor but you nodded, then you glared even harder when she told you their twisted methods. Natasha immediately ran after you as you marched right on over and slammed a $10 bill down. She even considered saving the man from your wrath until he rolled his eyes while passing over the darts.
Instead she smoothly wrapped an arm around your waist for leverage, her other mirrored yours, guiding your hand in the precise direction necessary based on when she could detect the difference in weight. You squealed then turned around in her hold when you won, she matched your enthusiasm and chuckled when you turned right back around with hands outstretched. She however did not like the smug smirk on the vendors face as he handed you a small penguin plushy., "What is this?"
"Her earned prize, which if we're being honest here she didn't even earn since you cheated and played together.," he—mistakenly—drones on, and he only stops as Natasha cracks her knuckles. The defeated look on your face did not settle well with her so she plucked the plush right from your hands. Slamming it into the mans chest she challenged him with a quirked brow and harsh glare to complain. It was as if he finally remembered who he was dealing with because not even a second later were you being handed the massive duck.
Your lover smirked when you instantly handed it to her, humming appreciatively as there was a deep kiss that followed., "Thank you Natty.," her eyes stayed close while she savored your taste., "No, thank you detka, he's perfect.," she mused while pulling you and "Mr. Quackles" over to the ferris wheel to conclude your night. Natasha set the duck across from the both of you after she'd made sure you got in alright. She then settled down beside you just as the ride began to make the slow journey around so all the other riders could load into their cars.
Her heart was at peace with you cuddled into her side, she admired the calm that blanketed your beautiful features. You were watching the fireworks erupt in the night sky from the top., "Natty! Look, there's a heart.," The shape shown over your gorgeous eyes, and it made her smile to see the truth of how she felt about you reflected so perfectly., "Hey detka, can I tell you another secret?," she whispered and your head instantly shot up, giving her your undivided attention as you nodded innocently and she just about burst at the sweet sight.
"My heart.," she paused as she cupped your cheeks in her cold hands, chuckling softly when you shivered., "Is in the palms of my hands.," you didn’t giggle this time—sure it was cheesy, but this is the first time Natasha had said those three words to you without truly saying them. Her actions over the last year had already been enough for you to feel it, but this was truly it. Natasha Romanoff loved you, you were her heart, and that was enough to bring you to tears., “Oh detka, please don’t cry, it’s okay.”
You chuckled as she didn’t seem to register the tears in a positive light, but you were quick to remedy that by placing your hands over hers and moving them to kiss her palms tenderly., “Mr. Quackles and I love you too.,” you reply while holding a steady bout of eye contact until Natasha breaks it by leaning in to lovingly seal the overdue confessions together, and if not for the ride eventually ending you’d have likely lost all your oxygen making out with your lover.
When Natasha carried your sleeping form into the house that night she was sure of two things: you were the last person she’d ever love, and that Mr. Quackles would sleep in the garage.
2,090 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 🎡
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itzyourgirlnat · 1 year
The ending chapter and the first one of a new life
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
You did it, you defeated the aliens, you got rid of the bomb, you played your role of the Knight of Krypton. You protected everyone, you did your job and now its over. That was not expected, you reached the top, did everything everyone was expecting and more, you had it all and now it is over. After the battle and everything that happened with the aliens you celebrated with your family, you rested and then, you moved on. Wow that was unexpected, you were sure that fight was going to be your awakening just like Kara had with the plane. But it wasn't, the urge, the need, the purpose you felt those days to save your family to play your role, they had all disappeared. That feeling was gone, like if you had completed everything you were meant to do even if for you it felt like the beginning not the end. 
One evening, after a long day of school and training, cause even if two weeks ago you were the hero you were still a teenager who had to finish her last year of highschool, you got home. You were tired and hungry and ready to take a shower, but instead of going quickly to your room you stayed there. On the front door,  it was today, it had to be. 
For the last two weeks Kara had been offering you to join her whenever a situation came up and you were grateful about it. It was hard for her to assume that you were no longer a kid. But you somehow still wanted to be one, or at least while you could. After a lot of over thinking you got to the conclusion, you don't want to quit everything to be the next superhero, you just want to have that door open for when you are ready. You want to be able to do so and to protect your loved ones, but you also want to keep your life. So you've been making excuses to not go with your mother, but it was time to tell the truth.
‘Hey Y/N, how was your day?´said Kara while opening the oven. (Since she and Lena got together she's been trying to surprise her with a cake made by herself but she always ended up burning it) ‘Do you think it's edible?’ she asked trying to be positive
‘It does not look like it’
‘Is everything okay? You seem a bit off’ She asked, she probably heard your heartbeat, which was going faster by the second
‘Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something, I-’
Before you could continue Lena walked through the door, if she was a cartoon you would be able to see the smoke coming out of her ears.
‘I swear this job is gonna end me some day," she said while throwing her purse and coat to a chair. That only meant one thing, she had a really intense day, or else she would hang them up perfectly and make you do the same with your stuff.
Kara then threw the ‘cake’ she had ‘cooked’ and by just seeing that Lena smiled, even if she never got to taste one because they all ended up burnt, just the gesture was enough to make her heart melt. After it she went towards Lena who had grabbed a bottle of wine and was about to serve herself when Kara from behind grabbed the bottle and kissed her cheek. Lena looked at her raising her eyebrows,
 ‘Save it for dinner love’ Kara said, kissing her face once more, Lena then laughed and kissed her softly.
You were on the other side of the kitchen watching them. You used to think seeing them kiss was gross, and you still do sometimes, but you have to admit, they are so in love it's awfully cute. While they were in their own world you picked your things and gave them some space.
You took the long awaited shower and once you were in comfortable clothes you went back only to find your moms still acting like lovebirds while setting the table. You knew that all that had happened had affected them both and as a couple it was a hard time as well so it was nice to see them going back to their fluffy selves around each other.
During dinner Lena complained for 15 minutes about everything that had bothered her and Kara talked about this new story she was researching, you thought she had forgotten the conversation you both had until.
‘So Y/N what was it you wanted to talk to me about?’
‘Well, I have been thinking and I don’t think I want to be a hero, at least not for now’ you said, going straight to the point. Kara stopped eating and Lena looked at you encouraging you to continue.
‘I know I gave you a hard time because I wanted to fight and to fulfill my role as the Knight of Krypton, but I don't think I want to do it on a daily basis or at least not publicly’
‘Okay’ Lena simply said. Kara didn’t say anything and was still looking at you.
‘It’s just that when the invasion happened and we all were in danger it’s like if the knight took control of me and I felt this need to fight, but it was as if I didn’t have any control over it really and I don’t want that part of me to take control of the rest of me. I know I have to deal with it and figure a lot out and that it is a part of me I can't deny I just I don't want to be out to the world yet, I’m not ready’
You looked at Kara expecting a response, a tear slipped down her face, she got up and embraced you in her arms.
‘I am so proud of you’
‘For a long time I kept forcing myself to be Supergirl for the world while I was struggling with it and I didn’t understand much, but you little one, you are aware enough to put yourself first. I’m so proud of you, and we will help you as much as we can to help you digest this new side of yourself’
That same night Lena knocked on your door. She entered and sat on your bed, patting it so you would sit next to her. Without saying anything she placed her head on your shoulder.
‘I know there is not much I can do to help you right now, I’m not kryptonian and I know your mom gets this stuff better than I do cause she went through it as well’
You caressed her hair. ‘That’s not true’
‘It is I can’t really add anything right now, but I want you to know that I’m here and that I wanna listen to you and I want to be here for you. So please don’t shut down. I know you have been having a hard tine for a couple of weeks and I dont want you to hide it. Believe me keeping this kind of things to yourself is not always the right thing’
‘How did you know?’
‘I may not be kryptonian, but I am your mom’
‘I love you’
‘I love you too, now go to bed, you have class tomorrow’ and with that she kissed your hair and got up to leave you to sleep.
‘Can I go out tomorrow by the way?’ Before you could explain the situation your mom raised her eyebrows. ‘I'm still grounded right?’
‘Yes you are, and tomorrow we actually have something planned so don’t take too long to get home’’
‘Yes ma’am’ you said, making her chuckle.
Once in her room Lena laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling and took a deep breath. This past weeks everything had change, she looked at her phone, there were no new messages, or at least not from Lori, who had left again for college.They sadly didn't end on the best terms, the working with Lex situation had messed Lena up more than she thought and she was now terrified Lori would talk to him again. Right when she was about to call again Kara opened the bathroom door connected to their bedroom. 
‘Are you sure you’re only overwhelmed because of work?’ she asked Lena, already knowing the answer.
‘ She hasn’t replied to any of my texts, did she text you?’ Lena said, throwing her phone away and sitting up in the bed.
Kara sat behind her and held her.
‘She hasn’t, but you know how she is, she probably needs space to process everything’
‘So you are not worried about it?’
‘Oh no, I’m terrified, I’ve checked her heartbeat at least four times today’
Lena chuckled softly letting Kara’s arms embrace her.
‘Do you remember when she was just a little girl, she wouldn’t leave our side’ Lena said out of the blue
‘Yeah she slept in this bed every night no matter how hard we tried to get her to sleep in hers, in the morning she was always here’ Kara replied. ‘I used to know everything about her’
A text popped up on Lena’s phone screen. She was going to ignore it when Kara grabbed it, letting go of her wife.
‘Lee, it’s her’
Lena turned and took the phone from Kara’s hands.
I know I messed up, I’m sorry I couldn’t explain it at the moment, but it is all solved now. Love you
They both looked at each other, something was off. Lori sometimes needed time on her own to process everything, she would sit aside and clear her mind before opening up about anything, but when she did it was a full developed description of her feelings, something they were both very proud of since once she cleared her mind she was not afraid to speak and stand up for herself. So, it was easy to say that this was not common.
‘I could make a quick flight. See if she is really okay’ Kara suggested.
‘Where are you going?’ Kara asked as Lena started changing out of her pijamas
‘Look I may not know much about Krypton and what Y/N is going through, but I do know Lex. So I’m going to figure out where he is and what he is doing’. She went to grab her phone when Kara’s hand grabbed hers.
‘Kara please I need to so something’
Kara didn’t let go.
‘I know, but don’t let this take control of you. It’s 3 am and as much as we want to burst in there  and take her home it is not gonna work.’
‘Can you hear her heartbeat?’
‘She is sleeping’
Kara then got up and started to take Lena’s clothes off and dressed her up in her pjs again. They laid in their bed, holding each other, unaware of how everything was about to change for them in a few hours, but that would be a fight for another day. In that moment all that mattered to them was each other.
I'm back, sorry for the long wait, also, if you are interested in stories about supercorp before having their kids, let me know cause I've been thinking on publishing about it but idk if anyone cares lol.
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Romeo and Juliet (Kara Danvers x Reader)
Summary: Heartbreak leads to a late night conversation from the reason behind your pain.
Words: 942
Warnings: Alcohol, heartbreak, angst
A/N: I have finished stories and don’t remember what’s posted. Pray for me.
Taglist: Taglist: @natasharomanoffswife @natasha-danvers @aaron-despair @username23345 @xjiasx @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova @summergeezburr @marvels-writings @onlyafewfindtheway @captain-josslett @hayleyokami @aznblossom @everything201197​   @hayleyokami @b-5by5 @lostandsearching​ @evilcr0ne​
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Nursing your third – fourth? Fifth? – drink of the night, you stared grimly at the aged wood lining the bar. You’d spent almost every night there for the last week, though you were fairly certain you would have to look for a new hideaway if the bartender’s sorrowful expression shifted any closer to pity. You’d already had your heart shattered, you didn’t need to become a “sad story” for her to use later when dissuading people from drinking so much.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
“It’s always been her, hasn’t it?” you laughed humorlessly, watery gaze meeting regretful emerald.
Sneering at the memory, you took a heavy swig of liquor. It burned against your raw, sob-cracked throat but you ignored it, relishing in the fire. At least then you could feel something.
“Why drag this on so long then? If you’ve known?”
“I don’t know…”
A familiar, honey sweet perfume wafted under your nose as someone landed on the stool beside you and your eyes slammed closed. You knew who it was, never one to leave a friend in need despite how much you wished she wasn’t here, since you couldn’t bear to look at her. Look at the reason for the end of a three year long love that apparently hadn’t truly been…
“What are you doing here, Kara?” you mumbled brokenly, slowly gathering the courage to peek at the frowning blonde. Her silence was telling and you wanted to melt through the floorboards of the dingy bar. “If you’re here to comfort me over my ex being in love with you for the entirety of our relationship, please don’t. I already feel awful enough. And if you’re here to apologize for dating her now, I will personally smack you with a chair. Mostly because I know it won’t hurt you but it’ll save my hand and my buzz.”
“I didn’t want you to be alone,” she offered softly, fighting her instinct to do exactly what you asked her not to do. “You haven’t spoken to anyone in a week. We’ve all been really worried. I nearly came looking for you a few times, but Alex told me you’d probably want to be left alone and that I was the last person you’d want to see. You need a friend, though…”
The meekness in her words and her demeanor forced a genuine chuckle from your chest. It was reminiscent of the shy reporter you’d met years ago.
Simple, sweet Kara Danvers.
“There’s irony in this, I hope you know. Being consoled by the woman I was left for.”
The unhappy glint in her crystal gaze left you reeling slightly. She seemed guilty but there was an undercurrent of something you couldn’t exactly place.
“When she asked me out tonight, I was confused,” Kara admitted, wincing at the pain dancing across your features. “She told us what happened the night after she broke up with you but she was vague about why. I thought maybe she was just being Lena; that she’d come to her senses. Her words were very Luthor and disconnected. Strange.
“She invited me to dinner this afternoon and I went, thinking maybe she wanted to come up with a plan to fix this. Fix you guys. I always thought you were a great couple! But then she started explaining and all I could think about was coming to find you. About how wrong her confession was. How could she hurt you over something that…” she trailed off, teeth clamping into her bottom lip as she tried to find the words escaping her.
“She told me this was inevitable,” you scoffed bitterly, downing the rest of your drink. “A Super and a Luthor. A great love story, like fucking Romeo and Juliet; as if that made all of this better.”
Brows scrunching disconcertedly, Kara replied, “Didn’t they die at the end? Because of their families?”
You paused for a moment before a hearty laugh filled the mostly-deserted bar. “Yes.”
“Well,” Kara cleared her throat awkwardly, ignoring the discomfort that idea left her with. “She was wrong. I don’t…I didn’t…”
As the unspoken meaning of her words washed over you, you gaped at the Kryptonian like she’d sprouted two extra heads and a tail. A gentle breeze could’ve bowled you over. Fuck, an ant could’ve carried you off.
Saying you were stunned would be an absolute understatement to the current turn of events.
Shrugging, Kara nervously played her twitching fingers. “I care about Lena. She’s my friend but the past and the family problems and everything that’s happened is just too much to overlook. I can’t spend my life worrying about another knife aimed at my back. I think she’s different than her family – I really do – but there’s so much history we’d have to erase and I really don’t want to end up like Romeo and Juliet.”
Blinking owlishly, you couldn’t even pretend to find the words for an intelligible response. All that would surely form from your mouth would be sounds. And not even the kind she’d be able to decipher.
Just… sounds.
“You were who I wanted to see.”
There was a confession hidden somewhere in her words - no matter how minute an admittance it seemed – but you were too tipsy and exhausted and heartbroken to consider it at that moment. Later, when the alcohol had run its course and you were done wallowing in your misery, it would come to you and you would understand, running like your life depended on it to her apartment at four in the morning demanding answers to questions you’d never realized you’d had.
But for now, this was enough.
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marvelsdc22 · 2 months
Seeking Forgiveness
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Summary: When life and stress gets to you, you make a decision, whether it was a good decision or not is a different story.
Your remaining time in Rhode Island went by quicker than expected, heading to the bus stop and saying goodbye to everyone as you went hurt a bit since in the short amount of time you had been there, they had become like a second family to you and you would miss them like crazy, but you knew you had to go back to reality at some point.
When you finally returned home several hours later, you brought yourself to the apartment you had found, planning on grabbing your things from Lena’s place after your guys talk that was happening in a few days, your apartment was a simple studio apartment, it being empty aside from the kitchen and bathroom furniture so you knew you’d be sleeping on the floor for a few nights which was fine, you did say you needed a fresh start.
Setting your bags down, you sighed as you looked around the small space available to you, trying to think of what your priority was to get first, a bed obviously but also groceries were a top priority as well, getting interrupted by your thoughts when your phone rang, pulling it from your pocket and freezing when you saw it was Alex, taking a deep breath to steel yourself before you answered the phone.
“Alex? Hey, what can I do for you?” You answered, cringing at how awkward you sounded, but you knew there had to be a reason that she was calling you out of the blue like this after ghosting you for so long “Kara’s calmed down some… She uh… She told me everything” Alex said, sounding just as awkward as you did since she hated admitting that she was wrong about something.
“Oh? How’s she doing? I tried to call the hospital but they never had any updates for me” You said, starting to pace some in the small space you called your living room “She’s okay, the drug that was injected into her gave her some bizarre powers, but she’s slowly learning to control them” Alex said, biting her lip before she spoke again “Look, I’m sorry for ghosting you… I blamed this whole thing on you and- well it wasn’t right of me to do that” she admitted, causing you to raise your brows in shock since she was not one to admit she was wrong so easily.
Once you recovered, you smiled slightly “No, you had every right to be upset with me… I was the one that unintentionally dragged Kara into the situation and I feel so guilty about what happened-” taking a deep breath “-Do you think you guys could ever forgive me? I miss my best friends” you admitted softly, biting your lip and fidgeting with a loose string on your shirt “Can we meet in person?” Alex asked to which you quickly agreed, the two of you meeting at the diner in twenty minutes.
When you arrived at the diner, you awkwardly stood in a corner until Alex arrived, her hair looking a little longer since the last time you had seen her, watching with butterflies in your stomach as she approached you, the two of you staring at one another for a long moment, you unsure what the right move was before you were suddenly engulfed in her arms, letting out a relieved sob before you gripped her in a tight hug, the two of you breaking down in the corner of the diner but neither of you cared.
Finally pulling back, you wiped your eyes before you gave her a small smile “Your hair looks good, I like it” you complimented, smiling a bit more when she let out a chuckle before she thanked you and led you to a table, the two of you falling into a comfortable silence while you both looked through the menu even though you both knew what you were getting already “I’m sorry” you both blurted out at the same time, causing you both to laugh before you set your menu down.
“I’m sorry for not trying to talk to you sooner… And for running off like I did” You said, messing with your fingers as you tried to keep eye contact with her “No, I’m sorry for ghosting you and not trying to reach out… I feel like we both need each other right now, I shouldn’t of dropped you so fast without talking first” Alex apologized, knowing that she nearly destroyed your guys friendship without thinking before doing just like you felt “Friends again?” You asked, timidly holding your non mechanical hand out to her which she took “Always”.
The two of you spent over an hour at the diner just catching up and talking, you admitting to her and yourself that you were going to find a therapist, your self destructive behavior not helping anyone and you knew you couldn’t do it on your own “Have you talked to Lena?” Alex asked, tapping her fingers on her coffee mug “Yeah, she wants to talk in person… Unfortunately I have a lot of making up to do, so I don’t see us getting back together for a while” you said, although you were prepared for it and you wanted to do right by her and try to be the person that she deserved.
When you got back home to your lonely apartment, having made sure to stop by the store to get some groceries for the week and some blankets to use as a bed for the time being, you sighed as you settled down on your little blanket makeshift bed with the single pillow and pulled your knees to your chest, you were starting from square one and that scared you, but you knew that in the end it would help you heal and become the person that everyone in your life deserves.
Getting as comfortable as possible on your blankets, you plugged your phone into the charger and sighed as you rested your head on the pillow, trying to decide what to tell Lena tomorrow when you saw her at the coffee shop, you owed her a major apology and you owed her an explanation, but you knew that the ball was in her court on your relationship, your future could change forever with this conversation.
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sunsandwolves · 2 months
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This book was foul.
Yelena agonized for hours after she and Syred returned to his home, cracking open the book for a moment before snapping it closed. Whatever inside of those black leather bound covers contained.. it was a different kind of darkness that she wasn't sure she liked.
It was a kind of darkness that set an unnerving chill down her spine, the kind that threatened to swallow her whole.
"What you want to do.. there will be no going or coming back."
"I know, mama. I'm ready."
"No, baby. You are a fool. What you seek to do now took me years of.." Juliana trailed, a distant look glimmering behind emerald eyes.
"Father told me of his trials.. briefly." She protested, and Juliana tsk'd, flicking her forehead.
"Ha.. his were a far different pain than mine, Lena.. I wouldn't subject my worst enemy to that kind of conditioning, much less my own flesh and blood. I towed a dangerous line.. one misstep, and I would have been crucified. Your father knew it, and your aunt knew it. Do you know what kept me going?" A loud silence filled the clearing as Juliana studied her daughter.
"Faith. Their faith in me, my faith in the order.. and eventually, you." Juliana said quietly after a moment. Her hand cupped Yelena's tear-stained cheek. "Use your faith to keep you centered. Forget the bullshit about 'there cannot be shadow without the Light', Yelena. Yes, there can. There is. Bottomless and endless darkness that the Light refuses to tread. You are a smart girl, baby.. keep your head." Juliana said with a smile as she swiped more of Yelena's tears away with her thumbs.
"Would that it were me teaching you instead.. I would refuse to see you rot to madness by yourself." She sighed, and Yelena scoffed after sniffling.
Blinking away the memories, she wiped away the tears that had rolled down her cheeks. Would that it were her mother here instead..
"Father would sooner burn this place to ashes than entertain the idea at all.." came distantly with a half-smirk that didn't quite meet her eyes. The soft azure flame of the hearth fluttered at her side as she slowly pulled the book back into her lap. Taking a steadying breath, she wiped her eyes dry and cleared her throat. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, Syred's methods were effective, and she appreciated his forward methods. She said she wanted to learn how to get into someone's head.. he delivered.
Delicate fingers curled around the cover once again. Flipping it open, she stared at the first page.
Chapter I
Shadow Word: Pain
Right... here went nothing.
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