#Legacy of Kain Defiance
jenofthefar · 1 year
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"At my whim, the world will be healed... or Damned"
Young Kain fanart from the Legacy of Kain series🩸
Hmm might do Raziel next
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drakefisher · 16 days
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"Unleash your vengeance. Slaughter mercilessly."
Ad for Legacy of Kain: Defiance from Official U.S. Playstation Magazine #74 (via Internet Archive)
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pillarsvista · 1 month
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Extremely slow on this one, but we move!
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thebaronfelidae · 10 months
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"You are worthy"
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retrogamelovers · 1 year
Legacy Of Kain release timeline... 20 years is just too long without a new game! 😞
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onthegreatsea · 4 months
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my lil legacy of kain collection :3 (i do not own Blood Omen 1... yet....)
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icpe · 2 years
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legacy of kain, doodles #102
I still love this LoK: Defiance main theme❤️
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>> //art by me :3c
>> //all you need to know at this time is:
//Kryyptus is a Razielim Vampire. Taken more from the concepts from pre-Nosgoth game concepts. He's more of Arnold Ayala's concept takes for SR. I find them more enjoyable. He's got a tricky story, and it needs tweaking so that's even more frustrating to develop at this time ;sldfksj;dlk//
>> //I'll have more info and an up-to-date profile completed, soon. Kryyptus is one of my longest-developed Legacy of Kain Vampire OC's. He's quite fleshed out, but needs way more development and written edits.
>> //Hoping to elaborate more sometime, sooner than later. I want to be more active in this community, too, once again. ;u;7
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scribe-of-ariel · 4 months
We’re in charge of the next legacy of Kain …..what would your approach be?”
Thank you for sending me this.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but if I were in charge, it would be a total remake. I would give it the LAU treatment. It would essentially be the same story, with the same characters, but updated. A reimagining.
Take the story back to the start and remake it with today’s tech, upgraded physics, controls, fight mechanics, new puzzles, the entire works.
But the most important thing is that it feels like a Legacy of Kain game.
For that you’d have to use the same rich aesthetic with deep, jewelled colours of the original series. Not the washed-out, grey-brown AC/Skyrim style palette that was all the rage in the last decade.
Remaster the soundtrack with strong leanings into the original themes.
Ideally enlist the help of Amy Hennig with the script and direction. She’s still out there, making games. I’m sure she’d love to remake and finish what she started. Allow her to tell the story she wanted to tell without interference.
If Amy wasn't available, at least stay true to that original tone. One of the most applauded things about Legacy of Kain is the Shakespearean-style dialogue, and that can’t change. Or it just won’t feel like Legacy of Kain.
Recast with some of the new exceptional voice talent out there today. Don’t be hung up on ‘you can’t recast this role’ - it’s been done before in other series and worked amazingly well (God of War, for example). I’ll save my ideal LoK recastings for another post.
Start with Blood Omen. But keep the third-person action adventure style of the Soul Reaver era.
Re-write the story with diverse characters.
Don’t fall into the Trinity trap. The rule of thumb in writing circles is this. If your female character can be replaced by a signpost for your male protagonist to learn from and surpass without changing the story, then she wasn’t a ‘strong female character’ after all.
Disclaimer - Ariel is not a strong female character, but she was never meant to be. Someone had to play that role, be it male or female. That doesn't mean there cannot be others. But I’d rather have no representation than bad representation.
Gender-bending a few of the brothers would be one way to do it. Or re-instate the sorceress content. But no nudity, and no modern swearing. Sex is great, but if all you have is sex appeal, strip that away, it’s still a bad game. Sex appeal is just unnecessary window dressing to a story like Legacy of Kain.
Don’t use poor treatment of a female character to motivate your male protagonist. Raziel didn’t need female trauma dangled in front of him as motivation, and neither should Kain, or anyone else, for that matter.
Bodyshock is fine. It's always been part of Legacy of Kain, but again, don’t take a pregnant woman and turn her and her child into some kind of abomination. Female trauma for shocks is cheap. If you’re going to do that to a female protagonist (say, Ripley, for example), then at least you’re not taking away her agency. But if you’re doing it just to motivate your male character, it takes away her agency and becomes highly misogynistic.
Above all, finish the story. Don’t let Raziel heal the scion of balance and then say, ‘Oh well, part three was the end of the story’ - make his journey and sacrifice mean something.
Allow your protagonists to jump around in time, but their personal journeys must have a beginning, a middle, and a meaningful, satisfying end.
What do you think? How would you do it? Let me know your thoughts.
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Being best friends with the lieutenants would include...
Platonic SFW, cut for space. TW for insects and spiders in Zephon's portion.
Mirrored on AO3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46683442/chapters/122300935
Note for AO3: I separated my SFW and NSFW works to keep it tidy for anyone who isn't interested in NSFW.
-Constant fashion and makeup advice. He will do your hair, makeup, everything, if you're comfortable with it.
-Gossiping! Raziel has the tea on everything going on in the citadel and would love to hear what you have.
-Poetry sessions. Raziel loves both reading and writing poetry. He likes to perform his writings and would enjoy listening to any poetry you recite.
-Going to the theatre. Raziel also loves plays, musicals, the works. Once he gets back in the swing of things, he performs as well. If you perform with him, it would be amazing! He would go to any production you are apart of.
-You are one of the few people allowed to touch his wings. You have to ask beforehand, but he mostly says yes (unless he's having a bad day/night). He's glad he can trust you.
-You are one of the few people he can stand to be around. Turel is a severe introvert and is easily exhausted when it comes to people. He's just fine sitting in silence with you.
-He'll sing to you if you ask. You two have to be alone, though! His voice is very nice to listen to. He could easily sing you to sleep.
-Cuddling with him. He likes to make pillow forts and sit in the darkness. It reminds him of the comfort of his caves. It's even better when you're there.
-Telling his plans to you. He has a lot of responsibilities to his clan and it's nice to have someone to help edit speeches, go over battle plans, and brainstorm with.
-He leaves notes for you. Advice, encouragement, even just little platonic hearts to help make your day brighter.
-Play fighting, all the time! Arm wrestling, playful punches, thumb wars, all of it. Sometimes he lets you win because he wants you to feel good about yourself (and let's face it, nobody can beat Dumah at arm wrestling naturally... maybe except Kain).
-He will randomly scoop you into his arms and carry you places. The only other person subjected to this many yoink-ings is Raziel.
-If you can't tell, his love languages are very touchy. He loves bear hugs, cuddling, holding hands, linking arms, and anything else you're comfortable with. You're one of his favorite people and he wants to make sure that you feel how much he (platonically) loves you.
-Playing games together. He has a love for board games. His favorite? Monopoly. (The others hate this fact.)
-Dumah loves animals, especially dogs. A lot of time spent with Dumah is also time spent with his dogs. They all adore you, of course! Cuddling sessions are always supervised by at least one dog also in the cuddling area.
-If you can do it, he will take you swimming. All the time.
-Common knowledge aside, he loves having mini-book clubs with you. Talking about whatever you two are reading at the time, and recommending books to each other.
-He randomly shares fun facts if there's an awkward silence at any point. Did you know that many species of fish will change their biological sex if the situation calls for it?
-Info-dumping! Rahab's special interest is marine biology in all its forms and will happily ramble about it. He will also happily listen to you info-dump if you're also neurodivergent.
-He loves blowing bubbles, either underwater or with a bubble wand. He'll blow them at you all the time but will light-heartedly complain when you blow them back.
-Zephon is always planning for some sort of mischief and you are his helper. His sidekick, as he puts it.
-Zephon loves musicals and will sing Phantom of the Opera at you while swinging from the rafters. He *always* plays the Phantom.
-Sometimes he'll just look at you steadily for a while and then burst into little giggles. His laughs are always full of mischief. Zephon laughs in little heeheehee's. It can be very worrisome.
-He likes to pet you, if you let him. It's always nice to have that physical contact from him, it shows how much he cares about you.
-You have to at least be able to be neutral around insects and arachnids, as is a given. Zephon's favorite pets are his spiders. They're very docile and would never bite anyone, even his more venomous specimens.
-He uses his sewing abilities to make you whatever you'd like. Stuffed animals, new clothes, all of it. Thankfully now that the corruption is over, he doesn't have to sew on any skin, but he keeps his skills sharp.
-Arts and crafts! Melchiah is very skillful in many artistic endeavors. He loves scrapbooking and painting, specifically. But he'd love to try anything you have in mind.
-Pillow forts with Melchiah are the best. He always has the softest materials to construct with, and an incredible amount of stuffies.
-Melchiah can very much be the 'mom friend', so to speak. He's always carrying supplies. Need a snack? He has vials of blood and some sort of human treat. Bandage? He's got you covered, he has adhesive bandages and gauze wraps. Lotion? Pick a scent! Lip balm? Pick a flavor!
-Melchiah has a love for all scented things. Candles, incense, perfumes, and much more. He'd be delighted to take you shopping to help pick out scents. He has a fondness for fruity scents, like strawberry.
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h0ice · 23 days
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Legacy of kain:defiance
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mad-hatter-teacups · 27 days
I like to think that with Kain now set to start trying to fix Nosgoth and actually fulfill the role as the Scion of Balance, I'd like to think that he's still cynical and somewhat leery of what the future holds since (I'm not sure if he knows what it looks like now that Moebius is gone), but he IS hopeful (though cautiously I would think).
To me it makes sense that the guardians that accept the Dark Gift do evolve to have some specific vampiric traits where they don't look quite..."monstrous?"
Jude and Alkììn full on have talons on their hands and they would have the same footwork as Kain obviously. But the rest of them looks completely human aside from their somewhat pointy ears. Kinyeta is the exception to this because she has talons, but she actually is the only guardian to evolve into a bat-like creature (she's also the Nature Guardian, so an actual bat critter makes sense).
Lenore has claws but she still has all five fingers, but is unnaturally pale, almost in a sickly sort of way. Kain can transform and travel as thay swarm of bats we see in Defiance, but Lenore has evolved to manipulate (literally) moving on the shadows.
They all retain (sans Kinyeta) some various human aspects in terms of visage and behaviour.
The only ones who remain human are due to various conditions:
Alistair (I like to use him in multiple AUs, don't @ me) - He has a spiritual contract with a higher being (it is not the Elder god)
Alejandro - Kain's generational timestreaming trauma with Moebius automatically makes him reluctant to offer the new Time Guardian the Dark Gift. Alejandro is understanding of this and willing to wait as "time will catch him first" before death will.
Mikhail - He has done nothing to actually have EARNED the Dark Gift. Kain also does not trust him not to abuse it.
Matthaeu - He was bitten by a werewolf and actually would be unable to accept the dark gift since he now has lycanthropy he is attempting to treat.
I just think of how the Lieutenants devolved and its actually a weirdly balanced bunch he has here now that aren't like that???
That just blows my mind in my future AU.
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procyo9 · 1 year
"Surrender, Raziel. Abandon this petty rebellion. It was I who made you. Your life had played out, and in my grace, I spared you. You are my reaper of souls. You have no other purpose, no higher destiny - just this. Accept your calling, Raziel. Let go of these vain hopes. Relinquish your will, and feed."
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taonpest · 1 year
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A new version of this drawing I did back in march
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Legacy of Kain survey
So...when I heard Crystal Dynamics released a survey pertaining to a possible future for the legacy of kain, you bet I set to searching for it. I think I found it, and if you love legacy of Kain like I do, check this out and fill it with the nostalgia!
Legacy of Kain Survey
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retrogamelovers · 2 years
#OnThisDayInGaming! 🎂
Legacy Of Kain Defiance for the Ps2 & Xbox turns 19 today in North America!
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