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1818 – Texas Territories
Dean glanced down at the bullet hole that graced his chest and wondered how it had all gone so wrong. How in the space of one day had the world decided to fuck him over, and as blood pooled hard fast from the chest wound, he knew that due to his past this might be the way he deserved to go out but after everything recently he thought that just maybe….. but he should have known better, should have expected less. “Sorry lawman but I ain’t ready for the hangman’s noose just yet!” Glancing back up to Baron Corbin in a stunned shock effect Dean felt his energy fleeting from his body, but he still could move- abite a little, so raising his six shooter to hip level he fired.
Watching as Corbin blinked and glanced down at his own chest in total amazement that a dying man had bother to shoot him let alone succeed in hitting him, Corbin’s lips moved up and down once or twice before- and on his dying breath, “never fucking trust a gunslinger turned lawman! Can’t even fucking dye without..” and before he finished his words he fell to his knees then slumped forward dead. Dean smiled as he dropped his gun and placed a hand over his own wound and muttered, “I hope your hold the door open for me in hell you sick sonofabitch!”
Taking a few steps forward Dean felt his body sway and he knew the fall was imminent and all he wanted was not to die in the middle of the fucking street like a piece of fucking trash. And yet he felt his legs give out and knew he would fall onto the dirt and die like scum like himself should…. But the fall never came, instead he felt a big strong-arm wrap around his waist that stop his descent.
Cocking his head to the side Dean could only laugh weakly at his tanned island friend, “Leakee what…” his words were cut off by a cough that had him spitting up blood and had his head tilting sideways. The other man grabbed his arm and threw it over his shoulders and more or less carried him off the street. “Your wife sent me… she went into labor! Doctor B is with her, but she is calling for you!”
Closing his eyes in pain he knew that he couldn’t go to her, no Renee couldn’t handle giving birth and watching him die at the same time. Spitting out more blood after another coughing fit he snapped tiredly at the only friend- aside from his wife he had. “Get me to jailhouse and then go back to her, Le – tell her I went after Corbin.” Here they were at the jailhouse door and Leakee pushed it open hard and snapped, “you want me to lie to her- while she is giving birth? What kind of asshole do you take me for brother?”
Using the last bit of his dying strength he grabbed the other man and snapped, “your do as I say damnit! I am a dead man; you and I both know it- she needs to focus on the baby not a dying man!” The blood started to pump faster from his wound and as the world started to dim he for the first time in his life prayed to God he didn’t necessity believe:
Please don’t let my child live the way I did…. If I could redo it all over again…
And with that his world turned black!
Leakee simply froze when he noticed his blood brothers body go slack and limp, he had in fact seen dead men before- had in fact caused a lot of men to die, being a Caribbean pirate since his youth had made him hard to the aspect of death but when he had met a gunslinger over a decade past back- one that was actually chasing down his former crew a crew that had turned on him and had left him for dead, the sea lost its appeal for him. Along with killing innocent seamen.
They had both ran down each and every ex crew member of Dean’s old gang. The last member had taken years to find, he had been Dean’s second- the one he trusted the most, and they had found the sonofabitch in the Texas Territories, along with the man kid sister.
The bastard had been using the kid to make side money in some of the brothels and kept her half beaten when she protested to much or loudly. But as Renee had gotten older she had started to stand up for herself, then he and Dean had found them. Dean had taken one look at the battered young woman and vowed to keep her safe from that point onward.
Now here six years later Joshua Young was dead, Renee- the kid sister, laid giving birth to a child that belonged to the man whom she had entrusted her heart and soul to, a man that now laid dead at his feet.
Renee Ambrose would be a mother before this night was done…. Sighing Leakee bent down on his knees and laid his head against his brothers chest and knew that this would be the best and worst night of her life.
Mother to Widow all in the same day!
Muttering, “And I was just starting to believe that you were real!” The curse was the first and last prayer he ever gave.
1825 Texas Territories
Leakee watched as a blonde-haired boy came running up to him in pure delight, his blue eyes dancing. Turning to close the jailhouse door, an amazement that the people in BlackSalt had elected him as their new Sheriff still confused him but at the same time humbled him.
“Lepela…” smiling as Liam came to a stop in front of him and bounced excitedly, “did you know Lepela?” Smiling, a little sadly but still smiling Leakee asked, “ did I know what?” The boy jumped up once more and threw the words out, “Mamma is going to marry Ranger Moxley! Laughing Leakee remembered when he had first heard about the group of twelve men that formed up a group calling themselves the ‘Texas Rangers’ and over two years later they were the backup plan for every Sheriff who had an outlaw they couldn’t pin down.
For him, it had been the gang calling themselves the ‘New Day’- just a three-man posse but they had left countless bodies in their wake. After they had wounded him and killed his deputy he had sent out the bulletin to the Rangers. And David Moxley had answered- much to his displeasure when he noticed that the other man’s eye lingered on Renee Ambrose a little bit longer than it should. But in the end, his own newly minted wife- and Italian girl by the name of Alessia (who had stumbled into BlackSalt as their new school teacher) had told him to keep his nose out of Renee’s business.
After two years of the Ranger coming to and fro Leakee had became accustom to seeing the other lawman in his town. Now even yet here he was grinning at the thought of the other man stepping up and into the life that should have been his brothers.
Waving to Renee as she called Liam back to her, with David Moxley at her side Leakee watched with sad eyes as Liam took off in a dead run and ran into the arms of the man that was taking over Renee’s life.
Swallowing hard he closed his eyes, “hope this is what you wanted brother cause I can’t stop it!”
And with that the wind blew and seemed to pat his back in silent thanks.
1985 Appalachian Mountain Territories
At sixteen Diana Moxley thought she would never be giving birth before she graduate high school. She never thought that piece the of trash that was her ex would run away once she told him she was pregnant and that her getting pregnant would cause her parents to divorce.
But here she was, her own mother holding her hand trying to coach her through the labor pains. It was more painful than anything she had ever experienced before and a pain she hoped she never felt again.
After hours of pain… of crying, the Doctor finally smiled at her and told her to push hard one more time. Mustarding up all the energy she had left she pushed and didn’t stop until she felt something slip from her body. Moments later there loud cries in the form of her baby having their nose and throat cleared.
Suddenly before she could adjust herself the nurse laid a crying baby onto her chest and whispered, “Congratulations Diana… what’s his name?” Arms coming up to hold the crying boy to her she smiled and wiped the sweat covering her face and said, “Jonathan his name is Jonathan Dean Moxley!”
And she silent prayed a silent thank you to whoever had decided to give her such a precious gift.
Her mom stirred beside her and remarked, “Dean? That reminds me a story my grandmother used to tell… she said it came from her grandmother.” Blinking in surprise Diana let the nurse take Jon away to finish cleaning him and asked, “really? What about it?” Here her mom laughed and started the story, “It started back in the early 1800’s your,” she stopped and waved a hand absently, “how many great grandfathers it is was- was a gunslinger that turned into a Sheriff somewhere in Texas after he killed off his old gang…”
Diana listened closely with open amazement and wonder, at the end of the story her mom smiled, “Then your great grandmother married a Texas Ranger by the name of Moxley. I thought it was a cute love story when I was little!’
Blinking she asked, “Is that why we changed our names back to your maiden name?” Here her mother shook her head and stated, “no but that another story for a different time and place. Now feed your son.”
Glancing down at her son Diana saw he was in turn watching her, his blue eyes sleepy and hungry at the same time. Giggling as she slipped the hospital gown free from her shoulder she held Jon so he could latch onto her offered nipple. Her mom hummed and asked, “so JD for a nick name?”
Laughing as Jon began to suckle Diana gave her mother an evil eye, “no way mom- either pick Jon or Dean!”
Her mom pouted and then let her fingers tickle her feasting grandson, “Dean it is….”
And so, this begins the untold stories in my Birthright Universe….
A universe where the modern world meets old west add in a twist of fantasy and this is going to be an odd ride.
Like it? Hate it? Should I continue it? Let me know
#writing#fanfiction#wrestling#BirthrightLegaciesAU#LegaciesChapter1#Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley#Seth Rollins#Roman Reigns#Renee Young
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