#Leather Repairs In UK
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daniel5946 · 1 year ago
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leatherrepairs4 · 1 year ago
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leatherrepair123 · 1 year ago
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geeksleather · 2 years ago
Leather Furniture Repairs Bedworth - Mobile Leather Care Team
No job is too big or too small for the mobile leather care team at Leather Furniture Repairs Bedworth. Whether you need minor scuffs and stains removed or major damage repaired, we’re here to help. We can even take on repairs that go deeper than the leather surface of your sofas and chairs. We’ll address damage to stitching, cushions, springs and frames.
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leatherepairsbristol · 2 years ago
Leather Cleaning Bristol Giving You Best Leather Cleaning Services
Do you want to get the best Leather Repairs Bristol? "Leather Repairs Bristol" is one of the best leather repair companies that give you the best cleaning and repair services. We are offering you our best services at very affordable costs. We have many years of knowledge in this area. Get in touch with us from our website and learn more about us.
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sofacleaning07 · 2 years ago
At Leather Repair Solutions, we specialize in providing on-site leather repairs and restoration services. With over 20 years of experience, our team is highly qualified and equipped to provide all kinds of repairs such as scratches, tears, rips, cracks, and more. We also offer comprehensive leather cleaning and care services including furniture cleaner to keep your furniture looking brand new for years to come.
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kelcemenow · 1 year ago
Drive Me Crazy - Chapter 2.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1661
Warnings Strong language, but not much and a wee bit of flirting.
Huge thank you to the Anon who sent this in! They had such amazing words to say about my writing which I massively appreciate and then to top it off, had an incredible request for me! I only have experience with mechanics in the UK, so I've tried my best with this one! "I just recently got interested in Travis K. X reader stories and wanted to let you know, I read all of yours as quickly as I could. They are so well done and I couldn’t help but laugh/giggle and feel through each word you typed out. You’re doing amazing and I’m so glad to have stumbled onto your page. If you have any space for a request, I’d be curious about what Trav would think about having a military (like fighter pilot) or engineer or mechanic girlfriend. I see a lot of stories with him paired with models/singers/social media individuals (which are phenomenal!) but just wondering how he would be with a more tomboy like girlfriend!"
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The dialling tone rang loudly in your ear for a few seconds as you wedged the office phone between your head and left shoulder. You typed up a couple of notes on the computer when the other end of the line picked up.
"Hi, it that Mr Kelce? It's Y/N from KC Auto repairs." You said, checking your notes.
A deep voice laughed, "Hey, yeah it's Travis. You can call me Travis."
"Oh, okay Travis. I had a look at your car and there is a problem with your combustion chamber. You see, vehicles need the right amount of air and fuel to mix and then-"
"Woah woah, you lost me at combustion." Travis said, "Just tell me, is the car a goner?"
You giggled, "No, you just need new spark plugs. It's around $250 including labour."
You could hear him sigh down the line, "Oh! That's fine then, do what you need to do."
"Okay, sure thing. I'll be finished with it by 4pm. Are you able to come and collect around then?"
There was a short silence, "I've got a crazy day. I got a couple of things to figure out first, I don't know if I'll be around."
You checked your schedule in the large leather bound diary in front of you, "Well, I'll be in the shop late working on some other cars, so if you drop by anytime before 7, I should still be here."
"Awesome, I'll stop by!"
"Great, catch you later." You placed the phone back onto the receiver and quickly jotted down in your diary details to remind yourself to replace Travis' spark plugs.
The office door opened and the noises of the shop floor grew increased for a second before they were muffled again as the door closed.
"Hey sport." You felt your Dad's hands on your shoulders, "Your headache gone yet?"
"Not really. I already got two cars to finish up, a service and now these new spark plugs for do for that GMC." You pointed your pen in the direction of Travis' car as you began to write out a worksheet.
Your Dad leant down across your shoulder, "I could do the GMC for you?"
"Dad no, Dr Martin said you had to take it easy." You covered the worksheet with your hand.
He swiped your hand away, "Oh come on, I'm fine! It's spark plugs."
You laughed until you noticed that his face had quickly changed when he caught sight of the sheet, "What's wrong?"
His once rosy cheeked complexion was now a ghostly shade of white, "Travis Kelce...you have Travis Kelce's car here?"
"Yeah, why?"
His eyes widened as he looked towards the shop floor, "His car is in my shop? The GMC, that's Travis Kelce's car?"
Your eyebrows lowered in confusion, "Yeah, he dropped it off this morning?"
"Oh man! Y/N, you gotta let me do it! The boys at the fishing lake aren't gonna believe this!"
"What is going on? Who is this guy?" Your voice was beginning to heighten in pitch.
Your Dad lifted his sweatshirt up to reveal a bright red jersey with the number 87 emblazoned on the front, "Travis Kelce is one of the greatest tight ends the Chiefs have ever seen!"
You rolled your eyes and turned back to your diary for the day.
"Which you would know if you ever watched football with me!" He poked you in the arm with his finger.
You tore off the worksheet from the pad, "If I give you this, will you stop shouting and making my headache worse?"
You Dad carefully took the paper from your hands and gently kissed the top of your head before dancing his way out of the office and onto the shop floor, Travis' GMC waiting in the corner of the garage.
Glancing at the digital clock on the wall, you noted that it was 6.25pm. All of your colleagues had already left for the day, leaving you in the shop by yourself. You preferred working alone but your Dad's business had built up a good reputation in the city for being the best repair shop and it was always busy.
When you were younger, you had always preferred fixing your Barbie's houses to make them better as apposed to playing with the dolls themselves. As a teenager you could always be found in the workshop tinkering with tools and learning everything you could from your Dad. You started helping him in his shop during the summer and when you left school, he took you on and gave you a job. You saved every penny you could and when your Dad needed to take a step back from work, you bought into the business, running it alongside him.
You gazed up at the underside of the Ford that was lifted above you, squinting as the night drew in. The crackled radio played in the background and as you hummed along to yourself, the faint sound of footsteps seemed to blend into the music.
You turned your head towards the direction of the deep voice, a silhouette standing in the doorway of the shop.
You squinted further, trying to make out any defining features but to no avail. "Karl, if this is you trying to scare the shit out of me, you gotta try harder than that." You shook your head and dropped your wrench down onto the floor, the sound of the metal hitting the cement loudly echoing in the vast room.
The figure stepped further forwards, his hands held up, "I'm sorry...it's Travis. I'm just here to pick up my car?"
You felt your cheeks flush red, "Travis? I am so sorry, that was really unprofessional of me."
"Hey, it's all good! Don't worry, I probably shouldn't have lingered in the doorway watching you."
Your mouth twisted to the side, "You were watching me?"
His eyes grew bigger, "Not in a creepy way. But now I've said that it wasn't in a creepy way, it sounds like it was in a creepy way."
You wiped your hands on your towel, smiling slightly as you listened to him struggle.
"I was just...impressed. Like I said earlier, I have no clue when it comes to shit like this." He looked around the room at the various tools and parts that were dotted around.
You slowly nodded your head, "Well, thanks...I guess?"
Travis scratched the back of his head and looked down at his feet, a clear indication that he was nervous. You took the opportunity to really look at him. He was wearing bright white trainers, dark wash jeans and a Louis Vuitton jacket with a white shirt underneath. He was so pristine and you were quite concerned that he wouldn't make it out of the shop without a smudge of oil on him.
"So, my car?"
You looked towards it, digging the keys from one of your many pockets, a couple of bolts coming out with them, "Uh yeah, my Dad took great pride in fixing your car. He's a big fan."
"Oh yeah? Well please, tell your Dad I said thanks!" He smiled before looking around again, "You on your own?"
You sighed, "Yeah, I got a few things to clear up on these babies and then I'll be done."
He unlocked his car and opened the door, pausing for a second before he turned back to you, "Wanna go for a drink?"
Your heart stopped for a beat or two and your chest tightened, a feeling you weren't used to. Men didn't usually ask you out, especially not at work. You didn't exactly make an effort to only be covered in grease all day and everyone knew that your Dad wouldn't be far away, meaning most potential dates kept you very much at an arms length. But here he was, an exception.
"I've still got some work to do." You looked down at your current appearance, "And I might not be down with the latest trends, but I'm pretty sure no one will let me in anywhere looking like this."
Travis smiled coyly, "So, is that a no?"
You winced at his hidden hurt, guessing he wasn't used to women turning him down, "Thanks...but no." Digging into your pocket, you retrieved his invoice, black fingerprints smudged across the paper.
As he reached to take the invoice, his large hand covered yours and you subconsciously held your breath, a fast heat rising to your face.
"No sweat, I might see you around anyway?" He jumped into his car, turning the engine on, "I'll wire you the money for the spark...things."
You nodded in acknowledgement, watching as he pulled away carefully out of the garage and into the night. You unclenched your shoulders and laughed to yourself, turning your attention back to the Ford.
"A package? Who from?" You questioned.
Jordan shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. I didn't open it."
"We never get packages."
You became slightly distracted as Jordan tugged at the bottom hem of his hoodie and pulled it up and over his head, his shirt lifting up slightly to reveal a peek at his toned abs. He threw the garment onto the floor beside him and gazed at you.
You blinked, "Uh...I'll go and have a look now."
You furrowed your brows, making your way towards the office and shaking your head on the way, exacerbated at yourself.
On the desk was a small brown package with no indication of who it was from. You ripped open the paper and carefully pulled out the framed photograph. It was a picture of Travis midgame, the ball safely clutched in his gloved hands and speeding towards the end zone. He had signed the corner of the photograph. You turned the frame over to see some slightly messy handwriting on the back.
"For your Dad."
You smiled at his kind gesture.
"Let me know when you want to go for that drink."
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29 @cedricbitch @jmamas92 @bellstwd @killatravsworld @marchmaiden @chimchimmarie @blackstabbath6 @fanficfanatic15 @jessiemariebarnes @mmb219 @vanwritesfan-fiction
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konjaku · 23 days ago
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梅[Ume] Prunus mume
Today, March 3, is the forth day of 如月[Kisaragi](The second month) in the lunar calendar. It is snowing today in the Kantō region, which had been warm and sunny until yesterday. And it is expected to continue for two more days.
寒梅や 雪の中にも 花の意地
[Kanbai ya yuki no naka nimo hana no iji] Trying to bloom in the midst of falling snow, it is the pride of Kanbai(Ume which blossoms in winter) Author unknown; from 俳諧拾万集 冬の部[Haikai jūman shū, Fuyu no bu](Hundred Thousand Collections of Haikai, The Winter Section) Source: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/875379/1/73 It was published in the mid-Meiji period(1893), and the most of them are probably from the Edo period(1603-1868).
Well, there is a traditional type of sandal called 雪駄[Setta]. 雪[Setsu|Yuki] means snow, in this case 駄[-ta|Da] means footware. On rainy or snowy days, ordinary 草履[Zōri](Sandals made of straw) gets the feet wet, but the entire underside of Setta is covered with leather to keep them dry. As an aside, each heel has two or three pieces of metal embedded in it, which make a sound when user walks. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Settanoura.jpeg
This morning, when I took out a rain footware and saw my setta in the shoe box, remembered the following story in 耳嚢[Mimibukuro].
義は命より重き事 近き頃の事とや 如何成ものゝ身の果なるや 兩國橋にて袖乞しける浪人四五才の子を連て徃來へ合力を願けるか 或日徃來の情もなくて一錢も貰ひ得さりしに其子空腹になりしや頻りに泣て不止 親も不便に思ひて辻に出し餅賣に 此もの空腹にて歎けとも未一錢も貰ひ得す 後程貰ひなは遣すへく候間一ツ商吳候樣 に申けれは餅賣聞て我等も今朝より商なし難(成) よしつれなく申けれはいとゝ其子は泣き叫ひけるに側に居し石駄直しの非人有合錢を出し遣し 甚難儀也 立替進んする 由申けれは忝なき由厚く禮いふて彼餅を調其子に與へ徃來へ願ひて錢乞受彼非人へ戾し其子を橋の上より川中に投入我身も續て入水して果しとなり
[Gi wa inochi yori omoki koto Chikaki koro no koto toya. Ika naru mono no mi no hate naru ya, ryōgokubashi nite sodegoi shikeru rōnin, shi go sai no ko wo tsurete ōrai e kōryoku wo negai keru ga, aru hi ōrai no nasake mo nakute issen mo morai ezarishi ni, sono ko sukibara ni narishi ya, shikiri ni nakite yamazu. Oya mo fubin ni omoite tsuji ni ideshi mochiuri ni "kono mono sukibara nite nagekedomo, imada issen mo morai ezu. Nochi hodo morainaba kaesu beki aida hitotsu akinai kure sōrō yō" ni mōshi kereba, mochiuri kikite, "warera mo kesa yori akinai nashi, nari gataki" yoshi tsurenaku mōshi kereba, itodo sono ko wa naki sakebi keruni katawara ni orishi setta naoshi no hinin, ariai no zeni wo idashi tsukawashi, "hanahada nangi nari. Tatekae shinzuru" yoshi mōshi kereba, katajikenaki yoshi atsuku rei iute ka no mochi wo totonoe, sono ko ni atae ōrai e negaite zeni koi uke ka no hinin e modoshi, sono ko wo hashi no ue yori kawanaka ni nageire, wa ga mi mo tsuzukite jusui shite hateshi to nari.]
The story that honor is more important than life This is said to have happened recently (a day in the Edo period, 1603-1868). A rōnin(wandering samurai without a master to serve) who has completely fallen low with a four or five year old child was begging on Ryōgoku Bridge, expecting passersby to give them money. One day, the child must have been hungry because the rōnin could not receive mercy from passersby and no money at all, and cried incessantly. The rōnin felt sorry for the child and said to a rice cake vendor on the side of the road, "Even though this child is hungry and crying, we still have not received money at all. I will pay later when it is given to us, but in the meantime, may I have a piece of rice cake?" The rice cake vendor heard it, but said in a cold tone, "We also haven't sold at all since this morning, so we can't do anything about it." Hearing this, the child cried more and more, so a hinin(the lowest level of human being in those days) who was repairing setta(s) nearby offered him what money he had and said, "You seem to be in a very difficult situation. So I will pay for it on your behalf." The rōnin thanked him from the bottom of the heart, got that rice cake, and gave it to the child. And, after asking a passerby for money and returning it to the hinin, he threw the child over the bridge into the river, then he himself jumped in and died, they said. Source: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/898501/1/143 https://maps.app.goo.gl/D1T8mT7pNxYoPrAC8
This was apparently a real event, as there are similar stories in other books. There is some range in the meaning of 義[Gi]. Generally, it is closer to the meaning of morality, but in this case closer to honor. In passing, 義理[Giri] means sense of duty, 仁義[Jingi] means humanity and justice, etc.
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dylantidprssnt · 3 months ago
Controversial opinion:
Animal products are good for the environment.
Wool- domesticated sheep need to be shorn. Leaving it for too long can cause overheating, parasites, and more.
All- synthetic fibers are 1 of the 2 biggest causes of microsplastics in our water sources and food supplies (they can't do studies on the impact of this because it is so pervasive that we have no control group, aka there is NO PART OF THE POPULATION WITHOUT MICROPLASTICS IN THEIR SYSTEM).
Leather- It is renewable, and while it uses a lot of water, it is repairable and long lasting. It is also biodegradable after 50 years. Though, I do recommend sticking to vintage/thrifted.
Fur- same as leather, provided it is from an animal slaughtered for food as well. They also last for a LONG time. Long enough to be passed from a great grandparent to a child.
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apilgrimpassingby · 2 years ago
Designing A Traditionalist Commune
Inspired by chatting with @tradgirllife and @unprofessionalcat about this kind of thing and wanting to share my plans; this is going to be one long post.
Village Layout
Throughout, I will be presupposing a commune of c.100 families adding up to c.500 people. Also, because UK and US English sometimes use the same name for different plants and vice versa, all plants will also come with scientific names. Additionally, this is calibrated to the climate and ecology of Britain; adjust for where you live.
At the centre of the village is the church, which will also double as the meeting place for the village (this will be important later). It sits at the centre of 1000 acres of communally-held sheep pasture planted with clover, (trifolium pratense) dandelions (taraxacum officinale), yarrow (achillea millefolium) and maize (zea mays; this one is useful if the potato crop fails), with this same space including various other facilities - a printing shop, a blacksmith's, a stream for water and a glassworks. The dead are also buried here, with small, subtle gravestones.
Ringing that are houses (design will be discussed soon), each with an acre of land containing potatoes (peel helps feed chickens and a very dense, low-effort-to-prepare carbohydrate source), sweetcorn, beans and squash (the sweetcorn forms a trellis for the beans, the beans fix nitrogen for the sweetcorn and the squash helps both retain moisture) and carrots and onions (carrots ward off onion flies and onions ward off carrot flies), and a fruit grove with chickens (the trees provide the chickens with interesting insects to eat and that in turn keeps the trees pest-free). As for area, 4000 square feet (doubled to 8000 for paths and storage) will feed a single person on a vegetarian diet for a year. There are 43,650 square feet in an acre. 8000X5 = 40,000 for vegetables, with the remaining 3650 square feet being used for chickens and fruit.
Ringing that, in turn, is a forest of Himalayan birch (betula utilis) for firewood and writing material, Sitka spruce (picea sitchensis) for timber and resin/glue and white willow (salix alba) for baskets, painkiller and tannin (for leather-making) production with ponds containing tench (tinca tinca) and mallards (anas platyrhynchos) for meat and eggs (in addition, ground fish bones can be added to chicken feed). Ground shrubs will be similar to those in the sheep field.
House Design
Houses will be built out of straw bales, with a foundation of stones (to prevent damp seeping in), a coating of limewash (to add resistance to fire and water) and wooden cladding (to stop rain; Britain is very wet. Feel free to leave this out in a dry area). Straw bale building is cheap and (if you tie the bales tightly) very warm and surprisingly fire-resistant. However, I envision repairs and new houses leading to a gradual replacement with timber buildings. Rooves consist of a timber frame upon which is placed soil in which to grow herbs for consumption (for the UK I'm thinking oregano, yarrow, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme). This will necessitate strong rooves with gentle slopes, but will be doable, and will increase cultivation space and take advantage of the UK's fairly high rainfall.
Inside, the centre of the house is a wood-burning stove over which the cooking is done. Surrounding that are chairs which people sit on to consume meals, with wooden bookcases (books are printed on birch bark, with charcoal-based ink, wool string and spruce resin for binding and a leather cover) and assorted ornaments. I'm a man, ornamenting houses isn't my thing - women and girls reading this, provide your ideas. Windows are fairly small due to local production limitations, and so there are quite a few of them. In winter, the house is lit with candles made from beeswax or tallow (so we'll want a few beekeepers) and reeds (from around the ponds), made by one of these processes.
To the side are bedrooms. These are fairly unadorned, consisting of a wooden bed, a mattress made from wool and/or feathers, a blanket and pillow of the same and some personal possessions. Also there should be a spinning wheel for the woman of the house to use.
To the back and just outside is the compost toilet. It consists of a wooden shack over a chamber for excreta and another chamber for composting. A bit of guttering funnels urine outside into a barrel of straw (also for composting). Washing is done in a metal tub, with soap made of animal fat or vegetable oil and wood ash.
Clothes are made of wool, dyed with nettles (urtica dioica) for grey-green, dandelions for pale yellow, and whatever else is locally available. In addition, natural sheep colours give a range of white, grey, brown and black. Shoes will be made of sheepskin, and some people taking up shoemaking will thus be much appreciated.
In terms of clothing, I'm not particular about styles. I imagine that men will dress something like this and women something like this, but I am very much not particular. I'm a man.
As composed from the ingredients above, mostly potatoes accompanying vegetable stews of a considerable range. Some treats, such as pancakes, cider and meat, but mostly fairly plain.
Political System
The village is governed by two bodies - the magistrates and the assembly.
The magistrates consist of three randomly-selected adult citizens, with the proviso that they cannot have committed a crime in the last three years and they cannot serve consecutive terms. They meet weekly to judge crimes and set the agenda for the assembly.
The assembly consists of all adults of the community, meeting monthly to vote on proposed laws and actions and vote on applicants for citizenship. The citizenship can vote to modify proposed laws.
Due to the lack of state apparatus, crimes are punished by fines (for minor crimes, especially property crimes), exile (for major crimes - those who are exiled have their crimes, date of exile and sentence length tattooed on their non-dominant hands) or execution (for serious crimes, although this needs to be put up to the assembly and only violent or sexual crimes can be capital).
Note to say if you like this and/or would like to live here, reblog with any comments, questions or criticisms you have.
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daniel5946 · 1 year ago
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leatherrepair123 · 1 year ago
The best Leather Repairs service in Melton Mowbray, UK for & leather chair repair. Get the service from Leather Repairs  Leicester at affordable prices to revive the leather sofa with quality products. Get a free quotation from us now at 07871765011 .
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geeksleather · 2 years ago
Leather Furniture Repairs Warwick - Expert Leather Repairs Team
At Leather Furniture Repairs Warwick, we are aware that occasionally professional leather repairs are insufficient to bring back the lustre of couches and chairs. For this reason, our team has received training in a variety of furniture restoration methods. We can take care of problems with frames, springs, cushions, and stitching. You can depend on our talented craftsmen to keep you seated in elegance.
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leatherepairsbristol · 2 years ago
Leather Repairs Bristol Give Leather Cleaning & Repair Services
Join us to obtain more extras for leather furniture, leather cleaning, and leather repairs in Bristol if you're searching for the best leather repairs in Bristol available. One of the leading companies in the UK, we provide the best leather repair services at very affordable costs. To learn more about us and to purchase our service through our website, follow us.
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newsmatik · 22 days ago
The care of employees to be very difficult to adjust the UK job bills
Sunday ministers are not amended for their legal pills for major contracts, even if business issues have been approved. More than 200 new repairs for the workforce will be published on the Tuesday, with some of these policies created to maintain the authority of authority to staff. Employees are concerned that the shooting packet – up to the officials of the trade with the “fire and leather in…
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cleverhottubmiracle · 3 months ago
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To us, December shopping served two very distinct purposes: to track down the perfect last-minute gifts for the hard-to-shop-for people in our lives, and to navigate all the year-end sales worth splurging on for ourselves. And, while we’re not big on making new year’s resolutions, our carts were loaded with products that promise to not just start 2025 on the right note, but also make the gloomy winter months ahead a little brighter. Based on the anonymous shopping data from our Most Wanted stories, our readers proved that great minds do think alike. Topping the leaderboard of bestsellers were fashion and beauty staples to ward off dropping temperatures and humidity, alongside thoughtful gifts that definitely earned some major compliments (and will not be collecting dust in your giftee’s storage cabinet). Ahead, we’re rounding up the most popular products, according to our stylish and savvy readers, from this whirlwind of a month. The best part? Some of these December must-haves are on sale. All linked products are independently selected by our editors. If you purchase any of these products, we may earn a commission. For more can't-miss shopping stories delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our Most Wanted newsletter.The Inkey List Ectoin Hydro-Barrier Serum Our UK Beauty Director named The Inkey List’s newest serum her secret weapon for combating skin dehydration and flakiness in the winter. It contains ectoin, an antioxidant effective at repairing the skin’s natural barrier. Shop The Inkey ListThe Inkey List Ectoin Hydro-Barrier Serum, $, available at The Inkey ListNocturne One-Shoulder Midi Dress We like to think that many of our readers rocked this slinky number at their NYE parties last month, given how it practically flew off the digital shelves in our Nordstrom winter sale roundup. The body-skimming silhouette and off-the-shoulder neckline — accentuated by a silver tone sculptural brooch — make this a head-turner of a holiday dress. Shop NordstromNocturne One-Shoulder Midi Dress, $, available at NordstromAura Carver Digital Picture Frame This Wifi-connected photo frame was the runaway favorite from our gift guides. It displays both photos and videos in a slideshow — absolutely the kind of present that will make a loved one laugh out loud or get emotional (or both). Shop AuraAura Frames Carver Mat, $, available at Aura FramesCamper Casi Myra Flat Ballet flats have shown no signs of slowing down as a shoe trend in 2025. Our readers have been bagging these square-toe leather flats left and right, which have been highly praised for their stretchy leather material and quiet, flexible soles. Shop NordstromCamper Casi Myra Flat, $, available at NordstromFP Movement Collapsible Carabiner Bottle One can never own too many water bottles — especially when they can be folded down to save space and clipped onto the exterior of your gym bag. Shop Free PeopleFP Movement Collapsible Carabiner Bottle, $, available at Free PeopleLululemon Define Jacket Velvet We have never met a Lululemon Define Jacket we didn’t like. The brand’s newest update to this workout staple features a lush material that reminds us of a Y2K tracksuit, but with a much more elevated vibe. Shop LululemonLululemon Define Jacket Velvet, $, available at LululemonBarefoot Dreams CozyChic Waffle Knit Throw It’s not cozy season if you’re not burrowing yourself under the softest and snuggliest blanket possible. This waffle-knit throw is lightweight and excellent at retaining warmth, with many reviewers awarding it five stars. Shop NordstromBAREFOOT DREAMS® CozyChic Waffle Knit Throw, $, available at NordstromChanel Diamond Dust Oversize Illuminating Powder Have you ever wondered how A-listers end up with the most sculpted and dazzling cheekbones? Excellent genetics aside, many have had a helping hand from Chanel Beauty’s bestselling highlighter powder, which adds the prettiest dusting of sparkles to the high points of your face. Shop ChanelChanel Beauty Diamond Dust Oversize Illuminating Powder, $, available at ChanelJenny Bird Colette Hoop Earrings This oversized pair is our new favorite gold hoop earring thanks to an unique, sculptural design that’ll make you do a double take. Shop Jenny Bird Jenny Bird Colette Hoop Earrings, $, available at Jenny BirdSam Edelman Crop Zip Puffer Jacket Finding a good puffer jacket that keeps you toasty — without looking like you’re wearing the whole duvet — is no easy feat. Currently at 33% off, this cropped number manages to pull it off, in a stylish shade of red that’s anything but boring. Shop NordstromSam Edelman Crop Zip Puffer Jacket, $, available at NordstromGhia Holiday Host Box While gifting season is done and dusted, this foodie box still makes the top of our shopping list as the ideal housewarming or dinner party present. It includes a bottle of Le Fizz, Ghia’s sweet and zingy mixer — just in time for Dry January. Shop GhiaGhia Holiday Host Box, $, available at GhiaMinor History The Line Leather Shoulder Bag The new year calls for a reassessment of your collection of mini purses. This minimalist, 90s-inspired sling bag makes for the perfect addition, given how the silver colorway looks good with practically anything. Shop Minor HistoryMinor History The Line Leather Shoulder Bag, $, available at Minor HistoryAugustinus Bader x Sofia Coppola The Tinted Lip Balm Legendary film director Sofia Coppola has entered the beauty world with a tinted lip balm that recreates her favorite Paris drugstore lipstick which had long been discontinued. The star ingredient is Augustinus Bader’s TFC8®, a proprietary blend of vitamins and lipids that help trigger skin regeneration and collagen production. Shop NordstromAugustinus Bader x Sofia Coppola The Tinted Lip Balm, $, available at NordstromTushy Bamboo Ottoman This sleek toilet stool elevates your feet to a higher position that’s better for, well, conducting your business smoothly. It’s the perfect home purchase to aid your 2025 health goals. Shop TushyTushy Ottoman, $, available at TushyD.S. & Durga Portable Xmas Tree Candle Even though we’re now firmly in the new calendar year, we’re still craving the comforting aromas of crackling fireplaces and pine trees. This warm and spicy candle reminds us of both. Shop NordstromD.S. & Durga Portable Xmas Tree Candle, $, available at NordstromLike what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?Abercrombie & Fitch Sale Will Refresh Your ClosetThe Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale Is HereReformation's Winter Sale Is Back Source link
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