beesinspades · 4 months
my mother my whole adolescence: why don't you wear dresses!!!
me now that I'm transitioning: [wears a dress]
my mother: wait no not like that
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inscmiac · 9 months
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what the fuck am i actually painting
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ugh i hate tha know so much bad stuff about grey how am i gonna enjoy daphne past 2000 now.
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sirnlish · 5 months
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I guess it’s Australia’s time now…rip origin. You can bet I’m backing up my mods, saves & tray folders first…just in case….
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editorsusan · 3 years
A guest op-ed writer for the Washington Post wrote "scoffing down a hot dog."
There was once a time when the WashPo editors would have fixed that.
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serenofroses · 10 months
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nireey · 1 year
Friendly reminder that you don't start discourse and spam (ship) hate on my art postings. I will remove your comments and block you. Stay civil. I am not interested in your unwanted opinion. Use your own blog for discourse and hate, not my drawings. Thank you.
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roguescarlett · 2 years
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lllsaslll · 1 year
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inscmiac · 9 months
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i wrote an essay on this picture
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ehhhh made a zutara blog/ anti aang is reblogging my posssts ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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ididgettomeetyou · 8 months
how does aang giving up katara matter to his growth at all??? not really understanding this claim.. its not like Katara wasn't in love with him.. considering kissing Aang in the cave of two lovers was her idea.. begging people please watch the show.. .
Kataang was never one sided. .. We got canon line proof
Katara: Aang brings something to the village we haven't had in a long time fun
Katara:Aang is the most bravest person I know
Katara: If anyones the leader its Aang
Katara: Please don't go Aang, the world can't afford to Lose you. Neither can I
Katara: What if we kissed? Aang: Yeah i def wouldn't want to kiss you
Angry Katara: Oh I'm sorry it was such an awful idea sorry I suggested it!
and thats not a girl in love with the main character? this fandom man.. katara could yell i love aang and it would end their ends with BUT AS A BROTHER.. Embers island is not REAL Katara. she never viewed aang as a brother/son and Aang has zero reason to give up Katara.. the show never said that was a good idea it said the exact opposite.. we weren't suppose to agree with the Guru.. but go with Iroh saying PEACE and LOVE is better than POWER as in the Avatar Power.. its not even subtle. that they were meant to be. .. lesigh.
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bunny-hoodlum · 10 months
I'm thinking of turning my Office AU submission into a no plot/slice of life thing that I update whenever I feel like. And naturally, I want to change and expand the first chapter.
Originally Naruto was supposed to be a totally normal graduate, so I want to go back to that. I just stream-of-consciousness-ed the 'screw up son of a politician' thing to give it more 'depth', but I don't actually have any plans for that or anything. And it just feels shoehorned and uninspired, so *yeet!*
I'll probably change the story title too, just cuz only the first chapter is themed around dark circles, and I don't plan on restricting the whole thing to that motif alone. I have ideas for other reasons they have dark circles 😏 later on, but yeah, that's it. Just my thoughts.
Also it's the holidays once again and I still haven't been able to touch AWY. I really want to update it because I have the Rinne and New Years chapters coming up. 😤 And every time it's winter, I think about updating it. I swear I do. 😂 *lesigh*
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catreginae · 7 months
I find myself veing unmotivated to write. /lesigh
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serenofroses · 10 months
eurghhhh, i messed up my edit caption order and put down [32/?] instead of [33/?]. too bad editing the post to fix mistake won't update for the reblogs. >_<
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xtrablak674 · 7 months
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Singing my life with his words...
I am not sure what I expected, but I didn't expect that.
Trailers, I think they serve a purpose, in my personal opinion they can skew expectations, generate false anticipation and quite frankly spoil the story. I stopped watching them a few years ago. I mostly pick my films based on familiarity, or subject material and sometimes, well a lot of times seeing stills or gif sets of the film on Tumblr.
Hey I am a visual artist, pulling out stills of a film that feature its visual aesthetics is like crack to me, I just can't get enough! Recently I added more queer films to my diet, and albeit tonights Friday Night Movie's theme wasn't solely left to the gays, All of Us Strangers had been stalking me for weeks all over the Tumblr-verse, so I gave in and added it to the list along with The Marvels and The Color Purple, two other '23 films that kept @'ing me.
Part of my process in choosing my films is traditionally picking a theme or genre and trying to watch films from different decades just to mix it up a bit. These films were all from last year, so they only other thing I could use to distinguish them was their release dates, this placed All of Us, in the middle, right after Marvel's latest block-bluster. #YesThatWasShade
Having peeped that this was categorized as romance and fantasy, I was curious what made it fantasy. Once again IMDB had mis-labeled a film, this wasn't fantastical but a psychological thriller! #LeSigh Maybe I was way too close to the subject material and Andrew Scott clearly being my contemporary wasn't helping the matter at all.
Some of the details were different, albeit after my moms death I was raised as a single-child. I came from a one-parent home, not two. We didn't live in a house but an apartment. We were clearly not middle-class but living below the poverty level. Even with all of these differences I felt exposed in a way that wasn't remotely comfortable. How had this whyte man found out about my story and was now telling it on a stage for all the world to see? #😳
Metastatic breast cancer was the cause of death listed on her death certificate, not a car accident. I wasn't left alone in her bed while she left me for a Christmas party, but I discovered her dead in her bed, the couch in the living room four days before my eleventh birthday. Nine years later I buried my father, who was found by his parents rotting in his Harlem apartment, a reverse to the film where the dad went first followed by the mom.
Like the film they were joined in a way by both dying at approximately forty-four years of age. I rued the moment I would be the same age because like my parents, I thought I'd never live past it, but just like Adam I ultimately ended up being older than my parents than when they died. If I met them now, I guess I would be the one dispensing words of wisdom.
Unlike Adam I wasn't lonely, I have lived alone for nearly thirty years, and have had moments of loneliness, but like so many things that a multiple-orphan and an individual with intersectional identities, I had developed coping methods that were born when I was separated from my siblings at eleven and for the first time had to suffer the world on my own, navigate bullying and nasty taunts from other children. I had learned to have a rich internal emotional life, being my own best friend, and creating adventures in the simplest of things. I had become my own best company.
But like Adam I longed for connection, I longed for resolution around my dead parents. But unlike Adam I am not dead. That's my big reveal/spoiler these many paragraphs in to this essay/journal entry. I think everyone we encountered in that film was dead. #HolySixSenseBatman Delving into how I understood this is immaterial to how it still felt. His parents wanted him to move-on, which could be misconstrued as moving on with his life, but could also have been acknowledging that he was indeed dead and accepting it. The nuance of interpretations of what exactly is going on in the film is masterful, and the director never quite gives us a definitive answer.
Adam felt he wasn't particularly successful with anything in his life, still feeling the scars of his childhood bullying, taunting and the trauma of losing his parents at such a young age. I have mirrored this feeling about my own life, with the only difference that I have been more successful than my parents because I made it to the upper-middle class. #yea But like Adam I have always felt I am just passing-the-time, existing and muddling through.
Curiously the last real relationship I had was nearly twenty years ago, and also interesting was the fact that like Adam, Karl was my junior and like Harry was damaged in many ways, clearly not visible to the world around him, because even my best friend at the time thought he was the boy next door, literally mirroring the movie by his perceptions.
Isn't this why we watch films? Don't we see ourselves in the characters on the screens and sometimes wish we were them or living the lives they were living? Or sometimes what we see on screen is too close to reality and art imitates life in a ghastly manor. But then that means the director/writer has done his job right? Making you feel the pains, indecisions and joy of fictional characters is what a good film is about. But is it exciting to see yourself realized in a way that you wish wasn't you?
All of Us Strangers is a psychological thriller, clearly with aspects of drama and romance. As the reviews say it is haunting and heartbreaking. It is also something else that I am tired of in queer cinema, albeit as realistic as it is, specifically to my own journey, it once again paints queer-life as sad, aloof and unfulfilled.
Having dealt with dysthymia my entire adult life I guess this is in some ways true, but as I explored in a previous entry, I really want our queer movies to be more aspirational. I am not saying Red White & Royal Blue syrupy, but some middle place where we can be not-partnered, not have kids and not be dying or dead and be content with our lives. Is this asking too much?
[Photo Courtesy of All of Us Strangers via IMDB]
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