mikelsonswifeblog ¡ 3 days
Formula 1 grid x (oc) Thea leclerc.
Leclerc family x sister Thea leclerc.
Summery- Horror Au- 16 year old Thea started to see something that doesn't exist in living world and gradually darker haunting manifest .
Part 2 - Shifting Realities
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Thea couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling that had settled deep within her bones. The whispers, the fleeting shadows, and the creeping sense of being watched had become her constant companions. She tried to push them away, tried to convince herself that they were just the products of her imagination, but the truth was becoming harder to ignore.
It started with small things. Objects in her room didn’t seem to stay where she left them. At first, Thea thought it was just her forgetfulness. She would place her hairbrush on the vanity in the morning, only to find it on the dresser by nightfall. A book she had been reading would appear on the opposite side of the room from where she last put it down. She brushed it off, blaming herself for being distracted.
But soon, the disturbances became more noticeable. One afternoon, Thea returned to her room after a walk along the coast, needing to clear her head. She pushed open the door, and her heart sank. Her desk, once neatly organized with her textbooks and notebooks stacked in the corner, was now in complete disarray. Papers were scattered across the floor, her pencil case emptied, and her chair was turned to face the wall.
Thea stood frozen in the doorway, her mind racing. She hadn’t been home all day. No one else had been in her room—her mother was out with friends, and her brothers were away at their races. Panic clawed at her throat, but she forced herself to stay calm. She crouched down to gather the papers, her hands trembling.
Just as she picked up the last sheet, she heard it again—a whisper, soft and fleeting, like someone speaking just out of reach. She looked over her shoulder, half-expecting to see the shadowy figure again, but there was nothing. Only the stillness of her empty room.
Shoving the papers back onto her desk, Thea backed out of the room, her heart pounding in her chest. She closed the door behind her, leaning against it as she tried to steady her breathing. Whatever was happening wasn’t just in her head. Something was messing with her—something she couldn’t see, but could feel all too clearly.
She didn’t tell anyone. Her mother was so busy, and her brothers were living their lives. They didn’t need to worry about her strange experiences. Thea convinced herself that she could handle it on her own. But deep down, she knew she was in over her head.
A few nights later, the sleepwalking started.
Thea had never sleepwalked before. At least, not that she knew of. But one morning, she woke up on the living room couch, disoriented and confused. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft orange glow across the room. She sat up, rubbing her eyes as she tried to remember how she had ended up there.
She had gone to bed in her room, that much she was certain of. She had been lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to the whispers that had become her nightly lullaby. And then… nothing. No memory of leaving her room, no recollection of wandering downstairs in the middle of the night.
Thea stood up slowly, her body feeling strangely heavy. She made her way back to her room, her footsteps soft against the hardwood floor. When she opened the door, she froze.
Her bed was unmade, the blankets twisted and thrown across the room as if someone had ripped them off in a fit of rage. Her pillows were on the floor, and the lamp on her bedside table had been knocked over.
Thea’s breath caught in her throat. She didn’t remember doing any of this. She had no memory of thrashing around in her sleep, of throwing her blankets and pillows across the room. But it must have been her, right? Who else could it have been?
She spent the rest of the day in a daze, her thoughts consumed by the possibility that something more sinister was at play. The whispers, the moving objects, the sleepwalking—it all felt connected, like pieces of a puzzle she couldn’t quite fit together.
That night, Thea decided to test a theory. She set up her phone on her desk, pointing the camera toward her bed. If she was sleepwalking, she wanted to see it for herself. Maybe then she could figure out what was really going on.
As she lay down to sleep, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching her. The whispers seemed louder, more insistent, as if they were trying to communicate with her, but the words were just beyond her comprehension.
She closed her eyes, willing herself to fall asleep, even though every nerve in her body was on edge.
Thea woke with a start, her body jerking upright in bed. She blinked in the darkness, disoriented and confused. For a moment, she couldn’t remember where she was or why she had woken up. But then she heard it—a soft rustling sound, like someone shifting through the papers on her desk.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she slowly turned her head, her eyes scanning the room. The shadows seemed to twist and shift in the corners, but nothing moved. The room was silent, save for her own ragged breathing.
She reached for her phone, her hands shaking as she fumbled to unlock it. She quickly navigated to the video she had recorded, her pulse racing as she pressed play.
At first, the video showed nothing out of the ordinary. Thea could see herself lying in bed, still and quiet as she drifted off to sleep. But then, around two hours in, something changed.
Thea watched in horror as her sleeping form suddenly sat up in bed, her eyes still closed. She moved with a strange, jerky motion, her limbs stiff and unnatural. Slowly, she got out of bed and walked to the corner of the room, standing perfectly still for several minutes, her back to the camera.
The whispers filled the room again, louder this time, like a chorus of voices overlapping one another. Thea’s recorded form tilted her head slightly, as if listening, before she turned around and walked back to her bed. She lay down, pulling the blankets over herself, and the room fell silent once more.
Thea stared at the screen, her hands trembling as she tried to process what she had just seen. She had no memory of getting out of bed, no recollection of standing in the corner of her room for minutes on end. But there it was—proof that something was happening to her, something beyond her control.
She couldn’t ignore it any longer. The whispers, the moving objects, the sleepwalking—it wasn’t just her imagination. Something was happening to her, something dark and terrifying that she couldn’t explain.
And whatever it was, it was getting stronger.
Thea knew she couldn’t keep this to herself anymore. She needed help. But who could she turn to? How could she explain what was happening without sounding insane?
As she lay back down, her heart pounding in her chest, Thea realized that this was only the beginning. The darkness that had crept into her life was growing, feeding off her fear. And it wasn’t going to stop until it consumed her completely.
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mikelsonswifeblog ¡ 5 days
Formula 1 grid x (oc) Thea leclerc
Leclerc family x sister Thea leclerc
Summery- Horror Au- 16 year old Thea started to see something that doesn't exist in living world and gradually darker haunting manifest
PART 1 - The Beginning
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It was a bright afternoon in Monaco. The Leclerc household, nestled in the hills with a perfect view of the Mediterranean, was peaceful, almost serene. Thea Leclerc, at sixteen, had a life many would envy. She was the youngest of four, with her brothers Charles, Lorenzo, and Arthur doting on her whenever they were home. But for the most part, Thea’s life was quiet, filled with homeschooling lessons and long, solitary walks along the coast.
Her mother, Pascale, insisted on homeschooling after Thea had shown an unusual sensitivity as a child. Thea often seemed lost in thought, distant as though she could sense things others couldn’t. But that was all in the past. Or so they thought.
It started small, almost imperceptible.
Thea was sitting at her desk in her room, a lovely space with large windows that overlooked the sparkling sea. She was working through her mathematics problems when she felt it—a soft whisper, so faint it could have been the wind. She glanced up, her pencil hovering over the paper. Her eyes flickered around the room, searching for the source of the sound.
Nothing. The house was still. Pascale was in the kitchen downstairs, and the boys were all away. She shook her head, dismissing the sound as nothing more than the breeze slipping through a crack in the window.
But as she returned to her work, something tugged at her thoughts, a lingering presence just at the edge of her consciousness.
That night, Thea lay in bed, the whispers growing more persistent. They were subtle, like a forgotten melody playing on a loop just out of earshot. She pulled the covers up to her chin, her eyes scanning the dark corners of her room. Nothing was out of place. Yet, a cold feeling settled in her stomach. Her heart raced, but she forced herself to calm down. It’s just your imagination, she told herself, rolling over and squeezing her eyes shut.
Days passed, and the little disturbances continued. Doors that she swore she had closed were slightly ajar. The soft rustling of paper in an empty room became a regular occurrence. And the whispers—they were still there, never loud enough to make out the words, but present enough to unsettle her.
Thea tried not to think about it, brushing it off as the quirks of an old house or the effects of spending too much time alone. But when her brothers came home for the weekend, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief.
Charles was the first to arrive, his familiar grin lighting up the house as he wrapped Thea in a tight hug. “How’s my favorite little sister?” he teased, ruffling her hair.
She smiled back, feeling a warmth she hadn’t realized she was missing. “I’m your only sister,” she replied, playfully pushing him away.
Lorenzo and Arthur arrived shortly after, and the house buzzed with laughter and noise. For the first time in days, Thea felt like herself again. The strange occurrences seemed to fade into the background with her brothers around.
That evening, after dinner, the family gathered in the living room, talking and catching up. Charles was recounting his latest race, animatedly describing every turn and near-miss, while Lorenzo and Arthur chimed in with their own stories. Thea listened, feeling the warmth of family surround her. She almost forgot about the strange feelings that had been creeping in on her until she noticed it again—a flicker in the corner of her eye.
She turned her head sharply, staring at the darkened hallway that led to the bedrooms. It was just a moment, barely a blink, but she was certain she had seen something. A shadow? A figure? It was gone now, leaving only the faintest trace of unease in its wake.
“Thea?” Charles’s voice pulled her back to the present. “You okay?”
She blinked, forcing a smile. “Yeah, sorry. I just thought I saw something.”
Charles raised an eyebrow. “Like what?”
“Nothing,” she quickly said, shaking her head. “Probably just my imagination.”
He didn’t press further, but his concerned expression lingered for a moment before he continued with his story. Thea tried to focus on her brothers, but her mind kept drifting back to that flicker of movement, that shadow in the hallway.
That night, as she lay in bed, the whispers returned. Louder this time, more insistent. Thea sat up, her eyes wide as she strained to hear the words. It was a low murmur, indistinct but undeniably present. Her heart pounded in her chest as she looked around the room, half-expecting to see someone standing there. But there was nothing. Only shadows.
She pulled the covers tighter around her, trying to shake off the feeling of being watched. It’s nothing, she told herself again. Just the house settling, or the wind outside. But deep down, she knew it was more than that.
The next morning, Thea woke up feeling drained, as though she hadn’t slept at all. The whispers had kept her up most of the night, and the uneasy feeling hadn’t left her. As she made her way downstairs, she found Pascale in the kitchen, humming softly as she prepared breakfast.
“Thea, darling, you look tired. Did you not sleep well?” her mother asked, concern evident in her voice.
Thea hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. “Just a bad dream, I think.”
Pascale nodded, handing her a cup of tea. “Maybe you need a break from your studies. Go out and get some fresh air today. It’ll do you good.”
Thea smiled weakly and agreed. A walk by the sea might help clear her mind, she thought.
But as the day went on, the unease only grew. The little disturbances became more frequent—objects moved from where she had left them, soft footsteps echoing down empty hallways, and always, always the whispers. They seemed to follow her, no matter where she went in the house.
One evening, Thea was in the living room, sketching idly in her notebook while her brothers chatted nearby. She hadn’t mentioned the strange occurrences to them—she didn’t want to worry them or sound crazy. But as she glanced up from her drawing, she froze.
Across the room, near the window, stood a figure. It was tall and shadowy, its form indistinct but undeniably there. Thea’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at it, unable to move.
“Thea? Are you okay?” Arthur’s voice broke through her trance.
She blinked, and the figure was gone. Thea let out a shaky breath, her heart racing. She looked at her brothers, who were now watching her with concern.
“Yeah, I… I thought I saw something,” she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
“Maybe you should get some rest,” Lorenzo suggested, his tone gentle. “You’ve been looking tired lately.”
Thea nodded, not trusting herself to speak. She stood up and made her way to her room, her mind racing. What was happening to her? Why was she seeing things that weren’t there? The whispers, the shadows… they couldn’t be real. But they felt real. Too real.
As she lay in bed that night, Thea couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. The whispers were louder now, more insistent. She pressed her hands over her ears, trying to block them out, but it was no use. They weren’t just sounds—they were inside her mind, clawing at the edges of her sanity.
And then, in the darkness of her room, she saw it again. The figure. It stood at the foot of her bed, its shadowy form looming over her. Thea’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at it, unable to move, unable to scream.
It was real. This wasn’t her imagination. Something was haunting her.
Thea squeezed her eyes shut, willing the figure to disappear. When she opened them again, it was gone. But the whispers remained, a constant, chilling presence that refused to leave her.
She knew then that this was only the beginning.
Something dark had found its way into her life, and it wasn’t going to let go.
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mikelsonswifeblog ¡ 10 months
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mikelsonswifeblog ¡ 11 months
A Royal Bond
In the heart of England, amidst the grandeur of Buckingham Palace, lived a princess unlike any other. Princess Seraphina, a descendant of a long line of royals, possessed a unique and powerful gift - the ability to see the future through vivid premonitions. But her life was about to take a turn she could never have predicted.
One fateful day, a mysterious invitation arrived at the palace, bearing the seal of the Volturi, the ancient vampire coven in Italy. Princess Seraphina, curious and adventurous by nature, decided to attend the gathering, keeping her gift a closely guarded secret.
Upon her arrival in Volterra, she was greeted by the imposing and enigmatic Volturi kings, Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Their allure and charisma were irresistible, drawing her into their world of immortal darkness.
As the night unfolded, Princess Seraphina's premonitions began to manifest. She saw visions of a world in turmoil, where her unique abilities would be crucial in maintaining balance among vampires and werewolves. The Volturi kings, captivated by her gift, decided to make her one of their own.
With the ancient ritual of transformation, Princess Seraphina became an immortal, joining the ranks of the Volturi. Her bond with the kings deepened as she shared her visions with them, helping them make strategic decisions to maintain their dominance over the vampire world.
But there was a group that resented her presence - the Cullens. Led by Edward Cullen, they were displeased with the newfound alliance between the Volturi and a royal like Seraphina. Jealousy and fear consumed them, particularly Bella, who saw Seraphina as a threat to her relationship with Edward.
As time passed, Seraphina's connection with the Volturi kings grew stronger, and she became the linchpin of their reign. Her premonitions ensured their supremacy over their kind, maintaining the balance between vampires and werewolves. In secret, she and the kings formed a union that transcended mere power; it was a deep and passionate love that spanned centuries.
Despite the Cullens' ongoing resentment, they could do little to stop the unstoppable force that was Princess Seraphina and the Volturi kings. Bella's obsession with Edward led her down a dark path, as she sought forbidden knowledge and alliances that could threaten the vampire world.
As Seraphina continued to guide the Volturi with her premonitions, she and the kings ventured into a future of eternal unity. Their love knew no bounds, and they ruled with a blend of wisdom and ferocity, ensuring a lasting peace among their kind.
In the end, Princess Seraphina's premonitions proved to be the key to a prosperous coexistence among vampires and werewolves. The Volturi's reign remained unchallenged, and their love story became a legend in the immortal world.
As for the Cullens, they never realized that their prejudice and hatred were misguided. They learned not to coexist with the Volturi, because they believed that their precious bella sawn deserve everything which is not true.
And so, in the world of vampires, where premonitions met immortality, Princess Seraphina, and the Volturi kings found their eternal love, ensuring a peaceful future for all of their kind.
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