#Le- Chateliers apparatus
Cement Testing: Ensuring Quality and Durability in Construction Projects 🏗️
Cement is a crucial component in the construction industry, acting as the binding element in concrete, mortar, and other building materials.
To ensure that structures are safe, durable, and meet design specifications, cement must undergo rigorous testing.
This article delves into the various tests conducted on cement, their significance, and the methods used.
Importance of Cement Testing 🏢
Testing cement is vital for several reasons:
Quality Assurance: Ensures that the cement meets industry standards and specifications.
Safety: Guarantees the structural integrity and longevity of buildings and infrastructure.
Performance Prediction: Helps in predicting the performance of cement in different environmental conditions.
Cost-Efficiency: Identifies potential issues early, preventing costly repairs or replacements. If you are looking for Cement Testing then you may visit this website https://c3sinc.com/
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Types of Cement Tests 🧪
1. Fineness Test
Purpose: To determine the particle size of cement.
Sieve Test: Passing cement through a standard 90 µm sieve.
Air Permeability Method (Blaine’s Method): Measuring the surface area per unit weight.
Significance: Finer cement testing lead to a larger surface area, enhancing the hydration process and resulting in stronger concrete.
2. Consistency Test
Purpose: To determine the water content required to produce a cement paste of standard consistency.
Method: Using the Vicat apparatus to measure the penetration of a plunger into the cement paste.
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3. Setting Time Test ⏱️
Purpose: To measure the time it takes for cement to start and complete the setting process.
Method: Utilizing the Vicat apparatus to observe initial and final setting times.
Significance: Ensures that the cement sets within the desired time frame, which is crucial for construction scheduling and workability.
4. Soundness Test
Purpose: To ensure that the cement does not undergo excessive expansion after setting, which can lead to cracking.
Method: Le Chatelier apparatus is used to measure the expansion of cement specimens.
Significance: Guarantees the dimensional stability of concrete structures.
5. Strength Test 💪
Purpose: To determine the compressive and tensile strength of cement.
Method: Conducting compressive strength tests on mortar cubes or cylinders and tensile strength tests on cement briquettes.
Significance: Provides insight into the load-bearing capacity and durability of the cement.
6. Heat of Hydration Test
Purpose: To measure the amount of heat generated during the hydration process of cement.
Method: Using a calorimeter to measure the heat evolution.
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Advanced Testing Techniques 🔬
With technological advancements, several sophisticated testing methods have emerged:
X-ray Diffraction (XRD): Identifies the crystalline phases present in cement.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Examines the microstructure of cement particles.
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA): Measures weight changes in cement as it is heated, providing insights into its composition and thermal stability.
Conclusion 🏠
Cement testing is an indispensable part of the construction industry, ensuring that the material used is of high quality and fit for purpose. From basic tests like fineness and consistency to advanced techniques like XRD and SEM, these tests help in predicting the performance and longevity of cement in various environmental conditions. By rigorously testing cement, we can build safer, more durable, and cost-effective structures, contributing to the overall growth and sustainability of the construction sector.
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todoinke · 1 year
Know Quality Tests which are carried out in the Cement Testing Laboratory 
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Cement is a crucial component in the construction industry, and its quality plays a vital role in the strength, durability, and safety of structures. To ensure that cement meets the required specifications and standards, it is essential to conduct quality tests in a cement testing laboratory. JSW Cement, a leading cement manufacturer in India, has a state-of-the-art cement testing laboratory that conducts various quality tests to ensure that its cement products meet the required standards.
Physical Tests 
Physical tests are carried out to determine the physical properties of cement, such as fineness, soundness, and setting time. Fineness refers to the particle size of the cement, which affects its hydration rate and strength development. Soundness refers to the ability of cement to resist volume changes caused by hydration and is determined by the Le Chatelier apparatus test. Setting time refers to the time it takes for the cement to set and harden, and it is determined by the Vicat apparatus test. 
Chemical Tests 
Chemical tests are carried out to determine the chemical composition of cement, which affects its properties such as strength, durability, and workability. The chemical composition of cement is analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry, which provides a quantitative analysis of the major and minor elements in the cement. 
Compressive Strength Tests 
Compressive strength tests are carried out to determine the strength of cement, which is a crucial factor in ensuring the durability and safety of structures. Compressive strength tests are conducted on cement cubes or cylinders, which are subjected to compressive loads until they fail. The compressive strength of cement is determined by the maximum load the specimen can withstand before failure. 
Setting Time Tests 
Setting time tests are carried out to determine the time it takes for cement to set and harden. The setting time of cement is an essential property that affects its workability and strength development. The setting time of cement is determined by the Vicat apparatus test, which measures the penetration of a needle into the cement paste. 
Soundness Tests 
Soundness tests are carried out to determine the ability of cement to resist volume changes caused by hydration. The soundness of cement is an essential property that affects its durability and resistance to cracking. The soundness of cement is determined by the Le Chatelier apparatus test, which measures the expansion of a cement specimen when subjected to a specified amount of water. 
Specific Gravity Tests 
Specific gravity tests are carried out to determine the density of cement, which affects its workability and strength development. The specific gravity of cement is determined by the pycnometer method, which involves measuring the weight of a known volume of cement and comparing it to the weight of an equal volume of water. 
Fineness Tests 
Fineness tests are carried out to determine the particle size of cement, which affects its hydration rate and strength development. The fineness of cement is determined by the Blaine air permeability method, which measures the amount of air that passes through a known mass of cement at a specified pressure. 
Heat of Hydration Tests 
Heat of hydration tests are carried out to determine the heat released during the hydration process of cement. The heat of hydration of cement is an essential property that affects its strength development and durability. Heat of hydration tests are conducted using a calorimeter, which measures the heat released during the hydration of cement.
In conclusion, the quality of cement is crucial in ensuring the strength, durability, and safety of structures. JSW Cement, a leading cement manufacturer in India, has a state-of-the-art cement testing laboratory that conducts various quality tests to ensure that its cement products meet the required standards.
JSW Cement operates several laboratories that are equipped with advanced testing facilities to ensure the quality of their cement products. Their quality control project, "Concrete Ki Pathshala," has become a trusted destination for players in the construction industry to have their products investigated. The fully equipped laboratories and advanced technology testing equipment make the testing process even more reliable and accurate for their clients. 
Known for its commitment to innovation and customer service. One such initiative undertaken by JSW Cement is the "JSW Cement Care Van," a unique mobile laboratory that travels to various construction sites to provide on-site testing services. 
The JSW Cement Care Van is equipped with advanced testing equipment and is staffed by expert technicians who can conduct various tests to ensure the quality of cement. The van provides various on-site testing services, including compressive strength testing, water permeability testing, and setting time testing, among others. This mobile laboratory helps to ensure that the cement being used in construction meets the required specifications and standards, providing peace of mind to builders and contractors. 
The JSW Cement Care Van is a valuable initiative undertaken by JSW Cement to support the construction industry and ensure the quality of cement used in construction. By providing on-site testing services, technical support, and community outreach, the JSW Cement Care Van helps to promote safe and sustainable construction practices in India. 
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ieisia · 2 years
Henry Louis Le Chatelier
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Henry Louis Le Chatelier[1] (French pronunciation: ​[ɑ̃ʁi lwi lə ʃɑtlje]; 8 October 1850 – 17 September 1936) was a French chemist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He devised Le Chatelier's principle, used by chemists and chemical engineers to predict the effect a changing condition has on a system in chemical equilibrium.
In chemistry, Le Chatelier is best known for his work on his principle of chemical equilibrium, Le Chatelier's principle, and on varying solubility of salts in an ideal solution. He published no fewer than thirty papers on these topics between 1884 and 1914. His results on chemical equilibrium were presented in 1884 at the Académie des sciences in Paris.
Le Chatelier also carried out extensive research on metallurgy and was one of the founders of the technical newspaper La revue de métallurgie(Metallurgy Review).
Part of Le Chatelier's work was devoted to industry. For example, he was a consulting engineer for a cement company, the Société des chaux et ciments Pavin de Lafarge, today known as Lafarge Cement. His 1887 doctoral thesis was dedicated to the subject of mortars: Recherches expérimentales sur la constitution des mortiers hydrauliques (Experimental Research on the Composition of Hydraulic Mortars).
On the advice of a paper of Le Chatelier that the combustion of a mixture of oxygen and acetylenein equal parts rendered a flame of more than 3000 celsius, in 1899 Charles Picard (1872-1957) started to investigate this phenomenon but failed because of soot deposits. In 1901 the latter consulted with Edmond Fouché and together they obtain a perfectly stable flame and the oxyacetylene industry was born. In 1902 Fouché invented a gas welder tool with French patent number 325,403 and in 1910 Picard developed the needle valve.
Le Chatelier in 1901 attempted the direct combination of the two gases nitrogen and hydrogen at a pressure of 200 atm and 600 °C in the presence of metallic iron. An air compressor forced the mixture of gases into a steel Berthelot bomb, where a platinum spiral heated them and the reduced iron catalyst.  A terrific explosion occurred which nearly killed an assistant. Le Chatelier found that the explosion was due to the presence of air in the apparatus used. And thus it was left for Fritz Haber to succeed where several noted French chemists, including Thenard, Sainte Claire Deville and even Berthelot had failed. Less than five years later, Haber and Claude were successful in producing ammonia on a commercial scale, acknowledging that the account of Le Chatelier's failed attempt had accelerated their research. Near the end of his life, Le Chatelier wrote, "I let the discovery of the ammonia synthesis slip through my hands. It was the greatest blunder of my scientific career
Le Chatelier's Principle states that a system always acts to oppose changes in chemical equilibrium; to restore equilibrium, the system will favor a chemical pathway to reduce or eliminate the disturbance so as to restabilize at thermodynamic equilibrium. Put another way,
This qualitative law enables one to envision the displacement of equilibrium of a chemical reaction.
For example: a change in concentration of a reaction in equilibrium for the following equation:N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)
If one increases the pressure of the reactants, the reaction will tend to move towards the products to decrease the pressure of the reaction.
However consider another example: in the contact process for the production of sulfuric acid, the second stage is a reversible reaction:2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g)
The forward reaction is exothermic and the reverse reaction is endothermic. Viewed by Le Chatelier's principle a larger amount of thermal energy in the system would favor the endothermic reverse reaction, as this would absorb the increased energy; in other words the equilibrium would shift to the reactants in order to remove the stress of added heat. For similar reasons, lower temperatures would favor the exothermic forward reaction, and produce more products. This works in this case, since due to loss of entropy the reaction becomes less exothermic as temperature increases; however reactions that become more exothermic as temperature increases would seem to violate this principle.
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vincivilworld · 3 years
Soundness test on Cement – Procedure and Calculation
Soundness test on Cement – Procedure and Calculation
The soundness of the cement is the ability to resist volume changes after hardening. The soundness test on cement is significant because,using unsound cement leads to cracks and hamper the structural quality. A sound cement is one of the key materials used in construction. Therefore it is essential to determine its quality before using it in construction.  Cement tests – Categories Cement is…
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bimoutsourcing · 4 years
What number do you think about the specific gravity of cement? We trust practically we all would recollect the value as 3.15 (really 3.12-3.19). Be that as it may, the greater part of us don't have the foggiest idea why we are figuring this value?
In this post, we will clarify you about four things, which are:
1. What is Specific Gravity? 2. For what reason would we say we are computing this value for cement? 3. Noteworthiness of specific gravity of cement 4. Trial to decide this value
What is the Specific Gravity of Cement?
Specific Gravity is only an examination between the heaviness of a volume of a specific material to the heaviness of a similar volume of water at a predefined temperature.
Simply put, it is a value to compute whether the material can sink or buoy on water. Each material has some specific gravity.
The value is ordinarily in digits like 0.1 – 100. On the off chance that the value is under 1, at that point the material will skim on water. In the event that the value is more prominent than 1, at that point the material will sink.
3.15g/cc implies the cement is 3.15 occasions heavier than the water of a similar volume.
For what reason would we say we are computing this value for cement? Regularly totals are gotten from stores, which might be presented to different conditions.
On the off chance that the cement has presented to outrageous dampness content, at that point, the specific gravity of cement will contrast due to the dampness content present in the pores. Each material has strong particles and pores which may contain water in it.
Ordinarily our ostensible blend configuration depends on the value of specific gravity of cement as 3.15. The value will change after some time if the cement is presented to different climate conditions. So it is basic to decide the specific gravity of cement before utilizing it.
This is the reason we are demanded to maintain a strategic distance from old stock cement, which might be influenced by the outside dampness content.
The essentialness of specific gravity of cement
As of now stated, the cement may contain heaps of dampness content on the off chance that it is presented to different conditions and mugginess.
We as a whole realize that water cement proportion is a significant factor. It is straightforwardly relative to usefulness and the quality of a holding. In the event that the cement has effectively more dampness in it, at that point, the value of water-cement proportion will really influence the usefulness and quality instead of expanding it.
In the event that the specific gravity of cement is more prominent than 3.19, at that point, the cement is either not minced finely according to the business standard or it has more dampness content which will influence the blend and holding. This is the reason you discover heaps of pieces while blending old stock cement for concrete.
How to ascertain cement specific gravity?
Utilizing Le Chatelier Flask technique, we can decide this value. This is an analysis led at the site level.
1. To discover specific gravity of cement value. 2. Required Materials and Apparatus: 3. Customary Portland Cement 4. Kerosene 5. Le-Chatelier Flask limit of 250 ml or Specific Gravity Bottle/Pycnometer (100 ml) 6. Gauging offset with 0.1 gm precise
For what reason would we say we are utilizing Kerosene rather than water?
To figure specific gravity for any material, we need to utilize water. Be that as it may, water responds with cement and structures calcium oxide. With the goal that we are utilizing Kerosene. It doesn't respond with cement. This is the reason we are utilizing 0.79 g/cc (specific gravity of kerosene) in our estimation (specific gravity of water – 1g/cc)
Test Procedure: The Flask ought to be liberated from the fluid that implies it ought to be completely dry. Gauge the void flask. Fill the cement on the container to half of the jar (about 50gm) and weigh with its plug.
Add Kerosene to the cement up to the highest point of the container. Blend well to evacuate the air rises in it. Gauge the carafe with cement and kerosene. Void the carafe. Top the container with kerosene off to the top and gauge the flagon.
Calculations: Sg = (W2 - W1)/(W2-W1)-(W3-W4)*0.79 *Because the specific gravity of kerosene is 0.79 g/cc
(Note: The mistake value will be worthy ±0.01. The pragmatic will be done inside 30° C temperature.)
Ending: We trust that now you have a decent measure of information on the Specific gravity of cement and significance of this test. In the event that you discovered this article, accommodating help us by sharing. Till then, happy learning!
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phgq · 5 years
P5-M equipment to ensure quality of DPWH projects in S. Leyte
#PHnews: P5-M equipment to ensure quality of DPWH projects in S. Leyte
TACLOBAN CITY – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) in Southern Leyte is set to acquire PHP5-million worth of additional laboratory testing equipment for construction materials this first quarter.
In a phone interview Monday, Southern Leyte district engineering office (SLDEO) chief Ma. Margarita Junia said quality testing of some materials requires more time and resources since the nearest DPWH-accredited testing center with complete laboratory equipment is located here.
“It takes us hours to drive over a hundred kilometers to the nearest testing center. It would surely be a relief to all parties involved in the project implementation if our laboratory will be upgraded and be capable of testing various construction materials,” Junia said, adding the budget has already been approved.
Among the equipment and apparatus targeted to be acquired this quarter are the cement tube and Le Chatelier flask for density test of hydraulic cement, compression device to test the strength of cement, digital electronic equipment for asphalt cement penetration test, and saybolt digital viscometer for viscosity test.
Also included in the multi-million upgrade are the ductility machine, specific gravity frame of compacted bituminous (asphalt) mixture, and TFOT (Thin Film Oven Test) bitumen oven.
“With this, we can now conduct tests more effectively and efficiently which is very necessary for ensuring the quality of projects amidst the increasing number of infrastructures constructed every year,” said Leonides Olarte, SLDEO quality assurance chief engineer.
He said the province is now in the process of complying with all the requirements needed to qualify for a two-star rating laboratory.
A star-rating system for testing laboratories of DPWH regional and district offices was adopted in 2013 to enhance the materials testing of the department and improve its quality control of project implementation.
The DPWH classifies testing laboratories into one to three-star categories based on the availability of testing equipment of apparatus, competence, and accreditation of personnel, observance of health and safety standards, the working area of the laboratory, calibration of the apparatus and third-party certification. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. " P5-M equipment to ensure quality of DPWH projects in S. Leyte." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1094770 (accessed February 25, 2020 at 09:06PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. " P5-M equipment to ensure quality of DPWH projects in S. Leyte." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1094770 (archived).
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raogbl · 6 years
Cement is most recognized construction material. It is very useful for concrete, mortar, plaster, etc. Prior to apply cement for concrete construction, the quality of the cement should be checked thoroughly.
Soundness of cement is one of such vital properties that should be examined properly prior to construction or else the cracks may develop in concrete and its durability will also be reduced. Given below, the details on the soundness of cement.
Soundness of Cement
The properties of hardened concrete or mortar are mainly affected by the different properties of cement. Usually, once the concrete or mortar becomes solidified, they do not set out under expansion or contraction. i.e. the volume of concrete or mortar remains unchanged, as soon as they are set.
Soundness of cement means the strength of cement to maintain its volume as soon as it is solidified. Once the cement mortar or concrete gets dried, there should not be any alteration in volume. If any alteration in the volume occurs, it will allow the cement to inflate or contract. So, the cracks may form. Such cement is known as unsound cement.
If unsound cement is applied in the construction work, the stability of the structures is significantly affected. On the other hand, as soon as sound cement is set, no alternation in volume occurs. Besides, once the sound cement is solidified, no expansion or contraction happens.
Reasons for unsoundness of cement
01. Surplus Lime: With the existence of extra lime (CaO) in the cement, soundness of cement is impacted. This extra lime hydrates gradually and develops slaked lime that absorbs a bigger volume as compared to the original free calcium oxide. Due to the slow hydration process, the properties of hardened concrete are changed.
The variation in the rate of hydration of free lime and slaked lime results in modifying the volume of hardened concrete. The cement that shows this type of volume changes is known as unsound cement. So, a limit is set in the ordinary Portland cement concerning the existence of free lime & magnesia in cement content.
02. Surplus Magnesia: Cement can also be unsound because of the existence of magnesium oxide (MgO), that reacts with water in a manner identical to the lime and influences the rate of hydration.
03. Insufficient Burning: While the manufacturing process of cement is going on, raw materials are supplied into the kiln. Different types of raw materials like lime (Cao) and some acidic oxide get amalgamated inside the kiln. If the burning and cooling processes are not performed in a proper manner, then surplus lime will stay in a free condition. Therefore, it will produce the unsound cement further.
04. Surplus Calcium Sulphate: The expansion is caused by the third compound alias calcium sulphate (CaSo4). Gypsum is included to cement clinker to resist flash setting of cement.
But if excessive gypsum exists it will create reaction with C3A throughout setting and develops calcium sulfoaluminate. This sulfoaluminate creates expansion in hardened concrete. Due to this, the standards limit the amount of gypsum to be included to clinker. The limits are settled in such a manner that the soundness of cement is retained and it does not become unsound.
The soundness of cement should be examined prior to utilize cement in construction. In Indian standards, the soundness of cement is examined through Le Chatelier apparatus test. The manufacturers of cement should also perform the quality control, in order to develop sound cement. If unsound cement is applied for building up your house, the setting time of cement is raised. Under such situation, if formwork is detached before time, the cracks may develop in due course of time. Consequently, the soundness of cement should be examined prior to utilize it in developing concrete.
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sunlabtech-blog · 6 years
Civil Engineering Laboratory Equipment
Manufacturer and supplier of Civil Engineering lab Equipment Digital, Automatic and Manual Compression testing machine, Fluxural testing machine, Slump Cone, Cube Mould, Beam Mould, Cylidrical Mould, Proving ring, Flow Table, Vibrating Table, Slump cone, Curing tank, Vibrating Machine and full range of Cement and Concrete testing machines and lab equipment accessories.
Cement testing equipment has varieties of Civil engineering lab equipments comprises of Cement samplers, Le Chatelier flask, Le Chatelier moulds, Length comparator, Hydraulic shrinkage mould, High pressure Autoclave, Two gang prism mould, Blaine fineness apparatus, Standard Vicat apparatus, Vibrating machine, Marsh funnel viscometer, Bulk density of cement, Water retention apparatus, 
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todoinke · 1 year
Know Quality Tests which are carried out in the Cement Testing Laboratory
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Cement is a crucial component in the construction industry, and its quality plays a vital role in the strength, durability, and safety of structures. To ensure that cement meets the required specifications and standards, it is essential to conduct quality tests in a cement testing laboratory. JSW Cement, a leading cement manufacturer in India, has a state-of-the-art cement testing laboratory that conducts various quality tests to ensure that its cement products meet the required standards.
 1.Physical Tests 
Physical tests are carried out to determine the physical properties of cement, such as fineness, soundness, and setting time. Fineness refers to the particle size of the cement, which affects its hydration rate and strength development. Soundness refers to the ability of cement to resist volume changes caused by hydration and is determined by the Le Chatelier apparatus test. Setting time refers to the time it takes for the cement to set and harden, and it is determined by the Vicat apparatus test. 
 2. Chemical Tests 
Chemical tests are carried out to determine the chemical composition of cement, which affects its properties such as strength, durability, and workability. The chemical composition of cement is analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry, which provides a quantitative analysis of the major and minor elements in the cement. 
 3. Compressive Strength Tests 
Compressive strength tests are carried out to determine the strength of cement, which is a crucial factor in ensuring the durability and safety of structures. Compressive strength tests are conducted on cement cubes or cylinders, which are subjected to compressive loads until they fail. The compressive strength of cement is determined by the maximum load the specimen can withstand before failure. 
 4. Setting Time Tests 
Setting time tests are carried out to determine the time it takes for cement to set and harden. The setting time of cement is an essential property that affects its workability and strength development. The setting time of cement is determined by the Vicat apparatus test, which measures the penetration of a needle into the cement paste. 
 5. Soundness Tests 
Soundness tests are carried out to determine the ability of cement to resist volume changes caused by hydration. The soundness of cement is an essential property that affects its durability and resistance to cracking. The soundness of cement is determined by the Le Chatelier apparatus test, which measures the expansion of a cement specimen when subjected to a specified amount of water. 
 6. Specific Gravity Tests 
Specific gravity tests are carried out to determine the density of cement, which affects its workability and strength development. The specific gravity of cement is determined by the pycnometer method, which involves measuring the weight of a known volume of cement and comparing it to the weight of an equal volume of water. 
 7. Fineness Tests 
Fineness tests are carried out to determine the particle size of cement, which affects its hydration rate and strength development. The fineness of cement is determined by the Blaine air permeability method, which measures the amount of air that passes through a known mass of cement at a specified pressure. 
 8. Heat of Hydration Tests 
Heat of hydration tests are carried out to determine the heat released during the hydration process of cement. The heat of hydration of cement is an essential property that affects its strength development and durability. Heat of hydration tests are conducted using a calorimeter, which measures the heat released during the hydration of cement.
 In conclusion, the quality of cement is crucial in ensuring the strength, durability, and safety of structures. JSW Cement, a leading cement manufacturer in India, has a state-of-the-art cement testing laboratory that conducts various quality tests to ensure that its cement products meet the required standards.
 JSW Cement operates several laboratories that are equipped with advanced testing facilities to ensure the quality of their cement products. Their quality control project, "Concrete Ki Pathshala," has become a trusted destination for players in the construction industry to have their products investigated. The fully equipped laboratories and advanced technology testing equipment make the testing process even more reliable and accurate for their clients. 
Known for its commitment to innovation and customer service. One such initiative undertaken by JSW Cement is the "JSW Cement Care Van," a unique mobile laboratory that travels to various construction sites to provide on-site testing services. 
 The JSW Cement Care Van is equipped with advanced testing equipment and is staffed by expert technicians who can conduct various tests to ensure the quality of cement. The van provides various on-site testing services, including compressive strength testing, water permeability testing, and setting time testing, among others. This mobile laboratory helps to ensure that the cement being used in construction meets the required specifications and standards, providing peace of mind to builders and contractors. 
The JSW Cement Care Van is a valuable initiative undertaken by JSW Cement to support the construction industry and ensure the quality of cement used in construction. By providing on-site testing services, technical support, and community outreach, the JSW Cement Care Van helps to promote safe and sustainable construction practices in India. 
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phgq · 5 years
SLDEO gets P5-M for materials testing machines, apparatus
#PHinfo: SLDEO gets P5-M for materials testing machines, apparatus
MAASIN CITY, Feb. 19 (PIA)  --  The Southern Leyte District Engineering Office (SLDEO) is upgrading its existing laboratory equipment for materials testing following the approval of a proposed fund in the amount of P5 million for this purpose.
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) testing laboratories, as the name implies, test, examine, calibrate, and determine the characteristics or performances of materials.
The upcoming upgrade will raise the DPWH-SLDEO’s materials testing capability and enhance the quality project implementation of the department, District Engineer Ma. Margarita Junia said in a press statement.
“It will take us hours to drive hundreds of kilometers to the nearest testing center equipped with complete laboratory equipment just to submit materials samples,” DE Junia said.
“It would surely be a relief to all parties involved in the project implementation if our office laboratory be upgraded and be capable of conducting various construction materials testing,” she added.
Among the equipment and apparatus that will be procured are cement tube and Le Chatelier flask for density test of hydraulic cement, compression device to test strength of cement, ductility machine, digital electronic equipment for asphalt cement penetration test, saybolt digital viscometer for viscosity test, specific gravity frame of compacted bitominous mixture, and TFOT bitumen oven, to name some.
“The office is now in the process of complying with all the requirements needed to qualify for a two-star rating laboratory,” said Junia.
The DPWH system classifies testing laboratories into one-Star, two-Star, or three-Star categories based on the following criteria:  availability of testing equipment and apparatus, competence and accreditation of personnel, observance of health and safety standards, working area of the laboratory, calibration of apparatus or equipment, and third party certification, the press statement said.
A star rating system for testing laboratories of the regional and district offices were adopted in 2013 to enhance the materials testing of the infrastructure agency and improve quality control of project implementation, the press statement pointed out.
Meanwhile, Engr. Leonides Olarte, quality assurance chief, said procuring high-value equipment and increasing working space would greatly improve the laboratory’s output on quality assurance.
“With this, we can now conduct tests more effectively and efficiently which is very necessary in ensuring the quality of projects amidst the increasing number of infrastructure projects every year,” Olarte said.  (ldl/mmp/PIA8-Southern Leyte)
* Philippine Information Agency. "SLDEO gets P5-M for materials testing machines, apparatus." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1034899 (accessed February 20, 2020 at 08:52AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "SLDEO gets P5-M for materials testing machines, apparatus." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1034899 (archived).
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