#Lawless staring at Licht's cute expression: He's so earnest about it... this is ridiculous. --...but I'd feel bad if I burst his bubble
yeonban · 1 year
@truethes, cont'd!
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            ❛     the last time i    stopped playing my piano.   ❜  a firm declaration, watching the way the others eyes flicker back towards him as michael returns to his usual upright for a moment, free from the ongoing barrage of food for simply a mere moment —- he supposes that this demon would expect it, even offerings from archangels tend to be turned down by those who deem themselves way too unworthy of it —- and that’s not even considering how much he’s gifted him already. understandable, though he immediately wishes to discourage such behaviours before they stick. ❛   michaels really cute when you take care of him like this, see?  ❜ there’s a button beside the food that’s not yet greyed out, close enough to practically blinking in comparison and so does licht choose to click it —– the pet offering a happy little note in return. it’s enough to make the boy content, albeit momentarily, something fonder reaching the corner of his features before it switches back / back to it’s usual coldness and the topic he’s focused on all afternoon:  ❛   … but that doesn’t matter. krantz told me all of us have to eat at lunchtime, so i’m just fulfilling his wishes.  ❜
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❛ The last time you-...? ❜ Lawless' eyes spring up to glance at the clock behind them, and he can swear the break Licht speaks of has been taken only a mere half an hour ago. He might be several centuries old, but his sense of time isn't that skewed, surely. ❛ Wasn't that not even thirty minutes ago? What are you doing already feeding him again? ❜ It's a kindness in Licht's eyes, most certainly so, but kindnesses can and do often end in suffering, and this is one such example (although on a much smaller, insignificant scale - what a good thing that Michael isn't a real pet).
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A deep inhale interrupts Lawless' disbelieving stare and he raises both hands in a signal to stop Licht from moving, and for the pianist to focus on him for a bit instead of the poor object of affection inside his phone. Who'd have thought he would once again play the hero's role, several centuries after his first casting? (Too bad this is no damsel in distress, but rather a bunch of pixels on a screen). ❛ ...Licht-tan, listen here. Did you think Michael has a bottomless stomach? He's a fragile little guy, you know? He can't eat this much without bursting, so you've got to be more careful with his eating schedule. A snack or two here and there might be fine if you want to spoil him, but if you want him to eat at the same time as us, you've got to give him a long break beforehand, understand? ❜
This is such a ridiculous issue to have, but Licht's seriousness about it does tickle a heartstring, and Lawless finds himself playing along with the other's dilemma instead of dismissing it. Michael has nothing but a set of coded rules to follow, but his eve is better off not learning about that, isn't he? (Not that Licht would've accepted it anyway, even if he knew about it). ❛ Okay, how about this then. Starting after lunch, you'll only give him food when you start feeling hungry. I'm sure he'll feel wa~y more connected to you if you do that. I mean, isn't it lonely to eat all on his own all the time? He might always have a full stomach the way you've been taking care of him 'til now, but what about his feelings? Have you ever considered that, Licht-tan? ❜
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