#Lavender Walls Pt. VIII
Lavender Walls: A Jim Morrison Fan Fiction. Part VIII
Lavender Walls: A Jim Morrison Fan Fiction. Part VIII
Jim and Sarah were back in their apartment eating their pizza in their living room with their lavender walls. Sarah said, “Those assholes can't make you legally join the band or anything can they?” Jim shook his head, “Nope. I am contractually done with The Doors. There is not a thing they can do. Besides, they ate legally known as JaRR now and since I was never apart of JaRR there is nothing connecting me to JaRR. They are on their own and they will fail and everyone will see just how important I was to the success of The Doors.”
Sarah and Jim were in the kitchen putting away the leftover pizza when there was a knock at the door. Jim opened it and saw John, Robby and Ray standing there. Jim immediately slammed the door and locked it. Sarah looked at him. He said, “Those assholes are out there. They had the audacity to show up at our home.” Sarah said, “OMG what the hell is wrong with them. Why would they just show up unannounced like that? Fuck them!”
There was another knock. This time Sarah went to answer the door, “Jim! Call the cops. The damn stalkers are back.” Jim walked over to the door and smiled smugly at his former bandmates, “See no one wants you here and you really are stalking us. I told you I wasn't coming back to the band and I'm not. And showing up at my home is not the way to do it either.” Ray said, “Just hear us out and if you don't like what we have to say we'll leave you alone.” Sarah and Jim rolled their eyes but let them in anyway.
Sarah and Jim spread out on the couch leaving Ray and Robby to take the chairs and John sitting on the floor. Sarah said, “John if you get puss from your rash on our floor you're going to have a big problem.” Ray said, “I'll get right to the point.” Sarah rolled her eyes, “That's a first.” Robby glared at her, “Shut the hell up. This doesn't even affect you.” Jim looked at Robby, “The hell it does. If you want me to join this fucking band again it does affect her. But I'm not joining the band so you're wasting your time.”
Ray continued, “Jim the band is failing. You know that. The fans are unhappy. We've had to cancel concerts due to poor ticket sales. Album sales aren't much better. This was our dream and your dream too and you're just going to let it die?” Jim responded, “No my dream was always to be a poet and I got sidetracked with the band. Why would I come back to something where I was not respected or treated as a valued member. I'm finally doing what I love and I'm successful at it. I'm not going to throw all that way from some lame ass band. Fuck you.”
Robby stood up, “You are so fucking selfish Jim! You don't care about anyone but yourself.” Jim seethed, “Like you ever cared about me. I was drinking all the time and no one gave a damn. You just bitched at me when a show didn't go as planned. My only concerns are Sarah, our marriage, my health and my career. Those are what matter to me. Not some stupid band. Now leave!” Ray stood up, “Forget it. I don't know why we ever thought he would want to help us out.” Jim said, “Trying to make me feel guilty isn't going to work. I am so over The Doors and I don't give a shit if JaRR fails. You knew it wasn't going to work. Like who the hell is going to believe that John is a sex symbol. Damn it John! You're getting puss on our rug! You know what? The three of you need to leave. Tomorrow is Christmas eve and Sarah and I have plans and things to do to get ready for Christmas. Maybe if you're lucky a bunch of fans will get that stupid JaRR calendar under their tree. Though I can't imagine why anyone would want to look at John trying to be sexy on the beach. That's part of your problem. You're trying too hard and you've completely changed the image of the band. The Doors were cool and fun and intellectual. JaRR just comes across and fake and phony and trying too hard. And the music sucks.”
Finally, JaRR had left and Jim turned to Sarah, “Can you believe those clowns? Wanting me to join the band again. Like what the hell?” Sarah said, “I know! But I don't think they'll be bothering us anymore. They didn't even have a response after you told them off and that their band was fake and phony. They just walked out.” Jim nodded and ran his hand through his shoulder length brown hair, “Maybe they finally got the message. They are jealous of me. I know they are. I am a success at being a poet and my fans love us. They get so excited when we walk into a cafe or coffee house when I have a poetry reading. They're really respectful of you, something Doors fans were not.”
John, Ray, and Robby were on their way back to JaRR's workshop. Robby said, “Can you believe Jim? He's so fucking selfish. And did you see their Christmas decorations? Only Jim would put lights around the inside of his living room window and think it looks good.” John responded, “I don't know. I kind of liked their Christmas decorations. The silver tree was nice. Ray and Robby just looked at him.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~Christmas morning~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Jim awoke around 6am and decided it was time to get up. He gently shook Sarah, “Sweetheart, its Christmas morning! Time to get up. I can't wait to see what Santa brought us.” He leaned over her and gently kissed her cheek, “Come on baby girl. We need to get up. We have presents to open and  then we're going to out to breakfast.” Sarah looked at him. Jim stood up and said, “Let's go see what Santa left us.” Sarah sleepily got up and followed Jim into the living room. Jim said, “OMG look Santa came and he ate the cookies and milk we left him.” Sarah put her hand on his back and said, “Its cute that you still believe in Santa.” Jim said, “Santa is as real as you and me. I've always believed in him and he's never let me down. Let's see what he brought us.”
Jim and Sarah sat next to the tree and Jim grabbed a present to open. He ripped the paper off and screamed when he saw it, “OMFG its that goddamn JaRR calendar. Why the hell would Santa bring me this? I don't want this.” Sarah looked at the torn off wrapping paper and said, “It's not from Santa, it's from Ray.” Jim threw the calendar across the room and said, “Fuck Ray. If he thinks seeing this disaster is going to make me want to be a Door again he has another thing coming. Besides if I did come back to the band would it still be JaRR or would it be The Doors again? Oh well its never happening so let's just open some more presents. Open this one. It's from me.”
Sarah unwrapped the tiny box that was wrapped in purple paper with silver stars on it. She opened the box and found a silver ring with a big pink stone in the middle. She looked at Jim. He touched her hair and said, “As soon as I saw it I thought of you. And I know how much you like pink.” He slipped it on her finger and kissed her. She threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his long hair. He held for a while and then let go.
Jim grabbed a present from under the tree and said, “I know this is from you because of the terrible wrapping! How much paper did you use?” Sarah said, “I hate wrapping presents. It's hard and they always look like hell.” Jim smiled as he opened his gift, “Sarah I love it. I've never had a leather journal with my initials on the cover. And the pages are so thick. This is perfect for me to write my poetry in. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much it means to me that you completely support me being a poet and doing what I love. Thank you baby girl.”
Jim and Sarah decided to stay home instead of going out for breakfast. As the cuddled on the couch and sipped hot chocolate Jim said, “Where's that dumb JaRR calendar. I want to see what kind of crap they put in there. You know its awful. Those three are so weird and don't know what people want.    
I mean who really wants to see John sprawled out on the beach?” Sarah said, “I know right? What are they thinking? Like did they forget how things were when they were Doors?” Jim said, “Apparently so.” Jim opened the calendar and gagged, “OMG Sarah look at August. You can see John's butt crack! Gross.” Sarah shook her head, “OMG what the hell? No one wants to see that. Do they have any idea how many Christmases they ruined? People are seeing that and being traumatized for life.” Jim pushed his long, messy hair out of his face and said, “I give JaRR 3 months before they are no more. People don't want to see that, nor do they want to hear that awful music they keep putting out.” Sarah giggled.
Jim smiled at Sarah from across their small dining table and said, “Sweetheart this lasagna is delicious. You always cook such delicious meals and the garlic bread is really good too.” Sarah said, “I bought the garlic bread in the bakery section of the grocery store.” Jim said, “It still good. I just love that you're always making us yummy things to eat and I can't wait to have some of the chocolate chip cookies you made. I was getting hungry all afternoon smelling them bake.” Sarah smiled at him, “I love that you're so enthusiastic about the food I make for you.” Jim was about to say something when he looked out the window, “OMFG what the hell is that?” Sarah said, “What?” Jim said, “Look out the window at the billboard across the street.” Sarah looked and saw a huge picture of John sprawled out sexy on the beach. The letting above him read Beach Sex. The new album from JaRR.
Jim and Sarah were snuggled in bed together. Jim said, “We'll have to keep the blinds closed so we don't see that awful billboard. Can you believe that's what they are calling their album? When people think of JaRR they do not think of Beach Sex. I mean geeze even The Doors didn't do crap like that. They are going to be the laughing stocks of the music industry.” Sarah had her head on his hairy chest while he held her. She glanced up at him and said, “Let's just forget about those losers. I just want to lay here with you and fall asleep together.” Jim kissed the top of her head and pulled the covers closer around her and soon the two of them were sound asleep.
This is Jim excited about Christmas morning.
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