#Lashes Graphic Apparel
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sarakofi · 4 months ago
"Hand-Drawn Human Heart Long Sleeve with Keyh
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"Unique and artistic long sleeve shirt featuring a hand-drawn human heart design, complete with delicate lashes and a keyhole detail. This statement piece combines creativity and style, perfect for those who love bold, eye-catching fashion with a touch of symbolism!"
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solisk-fr · 4 years ago
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So I really love the new apparel sets, and haven messing with them for the past couple of hours. I got really inspired by the dragon I posted earlier and wrote a little bit of lore to go with them. They were a tundra in the first post, but I thought it looked nicer and made more sense lore wise to switch to a guardian. I included my lore below. It includes themes of death and drowning. Nothing is graphic, but I did want to give the warning before hand.
On the open water, the ocean waves can change in heartbeat. In one moment, the ocean can be calm with the small lull of the shifting waves, but in the next moment, they can turn violent and lash out at any unsuspecting travelers. One after another the ocean claimed many ships, and those on board were left with their lingering regrets as the cold from the deep pulled them to rest. Slowly, these regrets swirled and pooled together causing a void of emotion that swept up any ocean creature it could ensnare. A small dragon was amongst the tangle, and they begged and pleaded to be saved. Hearing this the ocean made a deal with the young dragon, "Bring the souls of those who sleep to where they can face their regrets, and I will free you to guide you on your way." The young dragon agreed, and with the blessing of the ocean, became a creature of great power with a soft glow that guides the souls of sailors back home to face their remorse. Or that's what the sailors say, for when the ocean grows wild and the future seems uncertain a glow in the water is said to be seen. This glow was named Harbor, the guide of the ocean.
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lyzhongo-blog · 6 years ago
Vinyl looks like, well, vinyl.
Vinyl looks like, well, vinyl. Cloth Fabric Banners look natural, not like a platinum blonde with a nose job and fake eye lashes. Simply put, they look natural, not fake, like the aforementioned platinum blonde!Sprucing up a bland area with these banners (or alternatively, they can be affixed to telephone poles or buildings with the correct hardware) is not only more attractive, it can be great for business. People like to go places that are bright and cheery, and bright-colored fabric outdoor vinyl or fabric banners will accomplish that.Other company's, such as the fictitious ABC Banner Company, might sell wholesale to anyone who could prove to them that they had a resellers permit or license, such as a website that might sell nationwide or worldwide. This type of client would not have any territorial restrictions, and much of what is sold in the US today, especially if sources offshore, would be examples of this type of wholesale seller.Dye sublimation works like this - using the aforementioned CMYO dye set, the digital printer is used to print a transfer paper with the desired image. The paper is matched up to the appropriately sized polyester fabric - which may be one of many weights and finishes from knits to poly silks to light box fabrics to outdoor "canvas" - then fed through heated rollers at about 400F at about 400 lbs. of pressure.
Stay tuned. Next, I'll be talking about how to make your mailing profitable.Keep a diary on your daily happenings. At the end of the day, write down the good, bad, ugly things going on in your life.This is easier to answer than the previous question. The answer is: read the previous answer. If we can print full color, we can also print black and white. Actually, that was a fake question as no one would actually ask that question, would they? I didn't think so... I think my secretary slipped it in. Fake news, fake question!Polyester fabrics are used extensively in the apparel industry, furniture manufacturing, bedding - sheets, blankets, and coverings - as well as in the graphic advertising universe.
I could go on, but I believe you get the point here.According to master copywriter and storyteller John Carlton, "In fact, it's the "set up" part of telling a story that trips most people up. Consider the classic "two ducks walk into a bar" joke storyline. Is it important that it's a bar and not a library? Sometimes. But it's almost NEVER relevant what kind of bar it is, what town it's in, who else is in the bar, what time of day it is, what the weather is, etc.Although unrelated to the web but vital for business promotion, marketing professional looks after client relations and visitations. Just like in every business, they bring in more clientele.The pole pocket will have to do with the banner's overall size, but typically, a two inch vertical pole pocket height will be enough to accommodate 95% of the horizontal banner poles in the market place.
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etherealpsychedel · 6 years ago
The Family (A Min Yoongi Story)
“I trust that everyone found their rooms successfully?” I begin.
"Yes, thank you Veronica. There's something we would like to show you. Why don't you freshen up and meet us back here." Taehyung says softly. I nod at him before making my way to my room. I walk around the room placing my bags and small items into their prospective places. I quickly change into curve hugging ripped jeans and a black blouse to match. I keep my black heels on incase this requires me to look the part. The black shades that I had wore all throughout the airport did little to hide my tired eyes. Instead, I retouched my make and spray myself with a bit of perfume.
With phone in hand, I gather my thoughts before making my way into the living room. They both nod at me in approval prior to gesturing towards the door. We get into the car in silence, both Yoongi and I occupying the back seats while Taehyung drives us to our destination.
"Where exactly are we going?" I clear the air. The tension in the car grew at my question and I begin to be a bit suffocated by it.
"Business." Yoongi replies steely. I silence my thoughts at his reply and begin my mantras. If I am to survive tonight, I'd have to tap into my family's stoicism; our dark side. I remember everything I went through living with my father, the loss of my mother and I hold onto it. After 30 minutes of driving, the car stops. I release the breath that I was holding as I look at our surroundings. There are men everywhere. Taehyung gets out of the car and walks up to one of the men standing outside. Interrupting my thoughts, Yoongi places his hand on my thighs, initiating the first contact and words we have shared since at the office.
"There are things in our life that you need to come to terms with Ronnie. Now, when we get in there, I beg of you, keep your mouth shut. Don't speak unless you are spoken too and please for the love of God, don't disrespect me in front of these men." He says eerily.
I look at him with wide eyes and nod my head slowly. It's been a while since I've seen Yoongi this way. It's scares me more now than it did back then. Taehyung makes his way back towards the car and opens our door for us. Yoongi gets out first and grabs my hand to guide me out.
I take in my surroundings once more and tightly grab hold of Yoongi's hand to settle my mind. This is a place that's haunted my childhood memories, this is one of father's safe house.
As we make our way to the entrance, we are greeted by two women dressed in very questionable apparel.
"Welcome back Mr. Min." They bow.
I go to bow back but Taehyung places his hand on my back, stopping me in that instance. We walk through without responding and make our way through a series of hallways and down quite a few staircases, until we reach a set of mahogany doors.
"Remember what I told you." Yoongi states before shoving the doors open. All eyes fall on us.
"Yoongi, you fucker! You didn't tell me you were coming this late. Glad of you to finally join us!"
The first thought that runs in my head is I know that voice.
"It's good to be here, Maxiums. I've brought a guest with me so we may have to cut things a bit brief.
"Taehyung doesn't count Yoongi." He chuckles and so do the men in the room. His voice makes my skin crawl and every ounce of strength I have in me is slowly slipping away.
"Actually, Maxiums, I've brought my fiancée.  The room grows quiet as Taehyung and Yoongi both slip aside revealing me. Yoongi places his hand on my waist in support.
"bon de te voir père (Good to see you father.)"
" un plaisir d'être enfin honoré par ton apparence, ma fille( A pleasure to finally be graced by your appearance, daughter.)" He smiles as he walks over to me.
"Malheureusement, je suis attristée par le fait que ma mère ne soit pas à vos côtés, elle a toujours rendu l'atmosphère plus agréable. (Sadly, i am saddened by the fact mother is not at your side, she always made the atmosphere more pleasant.)" I speak with venom in my voice. Enough to make him hear it, but not enough for Yoongi to pick it up. He finally gets close enough to me and I am treated with the worse. I deserve that, it was a comment I shouldn't have make.
The back of his hand connects with my face causing my lip to cut in the process. I collect myself quickly and stare him down.
"Be very wise Veronica, because until you are married to him, I will discipline you when I feel deemed."
"est-ce ainsi que vous avez discipliné votre mère? Je viens de la frapper quand elle n'était pas d'accord avec vous?(Is that how you disciplined mother? Just smacked her around when she didn't agree with you?!")
He grew silent and I just can't hold it in any longer as the tears fall from my eyes. How bloody pathetic of me.
"She trusted you father! I trusted you!" I yell out. Yoongi steps eerily and slowly in front of me before facing me. He then grabs me by the face before whispering angrily in my ear.
"You will hold your tongue if you don't want your punishment at the hotle to be worse!" He ends before shoving me into Taehyung.
I pull away from Taehyung and storm off with him quickly in tow.
As soon as we get into our hotel suite I rush to my room but is quickly ambushed by Yoongi. He grabs my arm and slings me onto the bed. He shuts the door angrily, probably waking up the rest of the household. But he doesn't care. He locks the door and walks over to me.  I've never seen him this angry before. But knowing what I did back there, I knew I had finally over stepped my boundaries.
🖋a bit graphic for the faint at heart. Please be cautious when reading.🖋
~~~Yoongi's P.O.V ~~~
As I gazed at her on the bed I know there is only once thing I can do to get my point across.
"Take your close off." I whisper.
"Yoongi I'm–."
"Take your fucking clothes off now, Veronica." I silence her.
She does as she is told and sits on the bed patiently. I can see all the muscles in her body tense up.
"Lay face down on the bed, hands apart, don't move." She follows my instructions and tries to reason again.
"Yoongi, I'm sorry." She says sadly.
"You should have thought of that before you disobeyed me." I growl at her as I take my belt off. She shivers at the sound of it.
"Yoongi, please don't this." She moves and I connect the belt with her bare ass causing her to cry out in pain.
"I said don't move!" I exclaim.
Each lash of the belt leaves a bright red glow on her behind. By the time I got to 10 she is wailing. My heart shudders at her now silent cries. If only she had just listened! I drop the belt and walk away to her bathroom. I fill her bath up with warm water and toss one her rose scented bath bombs that I found on the counter in there. Once filled, I trail back into the room and take her into my arms, carefully. She doesn't look at or speak to me. And I am okay with that. This is for her own good. I place her into the water and she winces at first, then sighs in content but still crying at what had just occurred.
"You can hate me all you want Veronica, but this is what is expected when you don't listen. I explicitly warned you about acting out and you didn't listen! I can't protect you if you don't listen."  I sigh angrily at her lack of vocalization but continue nonetheless.
"You're father is not who he was when you last saw him years ago. He's more ruthless, more demeaning. He doesn't care if you're family or not. And until we are married there is absolutely nothing that I can do. It's hard to take in our world but you have to trust and listen to me when I tell you certain things. So please Ronnie, from this day on, listen to what the fuck I Say!" I growl as I grab her face so she can look at me.
She pulls away from me and nods in acceptance. Her eyes swirling in not only defeat but something else. She looks away from me and I turn to leave. Not before hearing her bone chilling words.
"When this is done, I'm going to kill him." She whispers.
"Get some sleep Veronica." I sigh.
(In order to read the full story, you need to have a Wattpad account)
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wallpaperpaintings · 5 years ago
Why Is Black Cat Face Paint So Famous? | Black Cat Face Paint
Youtube/Elicia AragonYouTube
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Tarmin: Januari 2015 – black cat face paint | black cat face paint
Chances are aerial that, no amount who you are, you’ve been a cat at atomic already for Halloween. It’s basically the ideal apparel for anyone abbreviate on time with an eyeliner pencil at their disposal. However, that’s not to say you can’t accomplish the simple Halloween apparel added complex. From 5-minute looks to intricate, aesthetic face paint, these artful architecture tutorials will accomplish you the belle of the Jellicle Ball—er, any Halloween affair you beat by.
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1 Actually Affordable
Unlike added Halloween tutorials—or architecture tutorials in general—this cat apparel uses cool affordable articles you can aces up at any drugstore.
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22+ Cat Makeup Designs, Trends, Ideas | Design Trends .. | black cat face paint
2 The Show-Stopper
Don’t be fooled: While this architecture attending can be pulled off in about 30 account flat, the lash-glued Swarovski crystals will altercate your accompany that it took hours.
3 The Glitter Kitty
There ability be a drawn-on adenoids and bristles involved, but this sparkly Halloween tutorial from Melly Sanchez is annihilation but glamour.
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Face paint Black panther | Bella | Pinterest | Panthers .. | black cat face paint
4 Cat Architecture for Beginners
This super-simple how-to from YouTuber Danielle Mansutti is ideal for beginners and procrastinators.
5 Full-on Leopard
Leopard is consistently on trend, so why not extend it to your Halloween costume? The agrarian book is both fun and easier to carbon than it looks.
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Кошки+рисунок: стоковые фотографии, изображения и фотография .. | black cat face paint
6 The Last-Minute Cat
This “last-minute” attending from BeautyByGabbie is one of the simplest ones we found. (Bonus credibility if you add the acquaintance lenses!)
7 The Contoured Kitty
Why Is Black Cat Face Paint So Famous? | Black Cat Face Paint – black cat face paint | Delightful to help my personal blog, within this moment I’m going to explain to you regarding keyword. Now, here is the very first graphic:
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Black cats. Face paint by Tanya Maslova. | Раскрашенные лица .. | black cat face paint
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animal face painting clipart 20 free Cliparts | Download .. | black cat face paint
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Post #1894 – black cat face paint | black cat face paint
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How to paint, Black cats and Faces on Pinterest – black cat face paint | black cat face paint
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Digital painting black cat: Amazon.co | black cat face paint
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Cat’s Face Painting With White And Black Ink On Kraft Paper Stock .. | black cat face paint
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DSC0820 Goldfinch. | black cat face paint
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DSC6833 Goldfinch.. | black cat face paint
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Caged – black cat face paint | black cat face paint
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Halloween Makeup Cat · How To Create A Face Painting · MakeUp .. | black cat face paint
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15 Cat Halloween Costumes – black cat face paint | black cat face paint
from WordPress https://www.bleumultimedia.com/why-is-black-cat-face-paint-so-famous-black-cat-face-paint/
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trendsdresscom · 5 years ago
LED Lights Makeup Challenge!
HI SISTERS! Colorful LED Lights are SUPER trendy right now for room decor and Tik Tok transitions, but they make doing makeup EXTREMELY difficult. In today’s video, I try the LED Lights Makeup Challenge and see what colorful eyeshadow look I can come up with… when I can’t actually see the colors. Enjoy and don’t forget to thumbs up and SUBSCRIBE!
🎥 PREVIOUS VIDEO » 👕 SISTER’S APPAREL » 🛎 Subscribe to my channel to join the sisterhood & hit the notification bell so you never miss an upload! » for new videos!
❤️ LET’S BE BFFS INSTAGRAM » FACEBOOK » TWITTER » SNAPCHAT » jamescharless TIKTOK » jamescharles SISTERS APPAREL INSTAGRAM » @sistersapparel __
MORPHE BRUSHES » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all products online AND in store!
LILLY LASHES » Use code “JAMES” for 15% off all lashes
LAURAS BOUTIQUE » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all items
EDITOR: Ryan Allen
GRAPHICS: Michael Rusakov
The post LED Lights Makeup Challenge! appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/led-lights-makeup-challenge/
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bonniejstarks · 5 years ago
Messy Makeup Trivia ft. Jeffree Star & Tati
HI SISTERS! In today’s video, we’re playing MESSY MAKEUP TRIVIA with two very special guests, Jeffree Star & Tati Westbrook! Watch as we answer questions about the beauty community, drama, tea, fights, and more!! Enjoy and don’t forget to thumbs up & SUBSCRIBE!
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Subscribe to my channel to join the sisterhood & hit the notification bell so you never miss an upload! » for new videos!
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MORPHE BRUSHES » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all products online AND in store!
UBER » Use code “SISTERJAMES” for $5 off your first 3 rides!
LILLY LASHES » Use code “JAMES” for 15% off all lashes
LAURAS BOUTIQUE » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all items
SKINDINAVIA » Use code “JAMES” for 25% off all products
EDITOR: Louis & Anthony Gargiula
GRAPHICS: Michael Rusakov
The post Messy Makeup Trivia ft. Jeffree Star & Tati appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/messy-makeup-trivia-ft-jeffree-star-tati/ from Trends Dress https://trendsdresscom.tumblr.com/post/614217587155451904
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elite-beauty-nekses-blog · 5 years ago
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What if there was a way for you get paid to be your gorgeous self while flaunting amazing lashes or flaunting the perfect action wear! ✔Anytime. ✔Anywhere. ✔No experience necessary ➕ Even if you’re not the greatest at sales. OR ➕ Even if you don’t believe a word I’m saying to you right now. ⚠️ 🤔🤣 Before  you keep scrolling, let me tell you a little bit about this Elitebeauty opportunity! (Yassss Girl.) In fact, when you go to my link You’ll find a 🆓️, informational video, our giving box & ⛓ to choose to either Build-n-Beautify or Fight with Fashion.  Easy Peasy! 💯% NO Conspiracy Carl 🛑! I'm not going to ask you for 💲 & I'm not going to ask you for your 📧 to connect to a funnel of any sort. Simply looking for Beauty Enhancers....like yourself!!  👌 🤚Wait! I'm not finished...........🤪 Here's what you'll receive 👩‍💻 Once you enroll to become an affiliate, lifestylist or BOTH⁉️ You'll receive 🆓️ TRAINING, awsome GRAPHICS, your Back office,  Earn Swag & much much, more... did I mention compensation.....🤑 PLUS.... ➕.....Plus❗ As a bonus you'll receive a FREE set of handmade earrings by yours truly❗💚💚💚 DOING GOOD FOR OTHERS WHILE LOOKING GOOD for YOURSELF ...WIN! WIN! So, go watch my video! GO CHOOSE YOUR 🔗 !!!  https://linktr.ee/elitebeauty_nekss If not, don’t 😢....😎No worries.....! You can always just get yourself something nice! 😘 Or 🛍 for the perfect 🎁 ideas! ♡ Always Nekses PS: Please pass alone in support of a womans hustle, an Online Boutique of cosmetics & apparel. LET'S DO GOOD as we LOOK GOOD! https://www.instagram.com/p/B37gt6rg39D/?igshid=xcwwcbg143gx
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paradise-vacancy-blog · 6 years ago
How Much You Need To Expect You'll Pay For A Good coffee face mask
For applying honey as a moisturizing mask: Use a person spoon of honey on thoroughly clean, dry skin, and Allow it sit for fifteen-twenty minutes. Rinse with awesome h2o. It will eventually serve as an ideal moisturizing mask. Functions as being a Pore Cleanser: Mix strawberry, honey and cream to make an amazingly hydrating face mask that can go away the skin moisturized and glowing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-vFharetTU can even convey to the distinction between raw honey manufacturers I use for my honey mask. A top quality area Uncooked honey made my pores and skin glow in a means I didn’t observe with the opposite Uncooked honey I attempted. You could find a fantastic supply of high quality raw honey Below. So good, you'll be able to try to eat, this strawberries and product face mask is exactly what you will need through harsh cold times that leave your skin dry and uninteresting. Beware: this remarkable mixture will definitely tempt your flavor buds! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPlOEudlCv0 enjoy the graphics you put in the hub! I suppose through the Source url which you produced them your self. Very good career! They're actually great graphics to work with for pinterest. :) Of which, I do think I'm intending to pin this to my natural beauty board on Pinterest to make use of for future reference. No have to have to invest a fortune on prime makes When you've got at your fingertips the refrigerator and pantry to generate your personal items. At the time each week implement a mask The natural way just after cleaning the skin well to allow penetration. I am all for attractiveness tips and enjoy components which i have already got . I take advantage of coconut oil day to day to help keep my pores and skin hydrated but will Merge it with honey and avocado . Thanks for some amazing tips ! Include honey and avocado to a small bowl and mash alongside one another. Stir in the bottom almonds. Spread more than the face and neck and soon after 15-20 minutes, rinse with heat water. Mix the very first four components in the bowl, and include three tablespoons sizzling, solid inexperienced tea to your combination. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123981155618816 for a few minutes, introducing tea as essential right until you’ve developed a thick paste. Utilize this all over your face and depart it to act for 20 minutes, following that rinse off your face with warm water, pat dry and use moisturizer. Use this mask handful of time each week and the final results will amaze you. The smartest thing about coffee is they have plenty of anti-oxidants and do the job versus absolutely free radical injury. It does an entire ton of good to puffy eyes, lowering them significantly. Coffee also is a good exfoliator, can lower inflammation and redness, and also can take away tan when coupled with other strong components. As it has a fantastic aroma, it soothes and calms and face packs built out of coffee offers you wonderful success in terms of clear, exfoliated, easy pores and skin. Below are a few recipes that you need to definitely test. If there’s https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1084945117566267392 remaining over When you clean your face with it, add some water to it and use it for a scrub for the backs within your arms and some other system component that might do with a few smoothing. will not give health care suggestions, prognosis, or treatment. Any information and facts revealed on this Internet site or by this brand name just isn't intended as a substitute for medical information, and you should not just take any motion prior to consulting that has a Health care Expert. Get https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXZXiSCJ5zI done your self: With a potato masher, mash the sugar and also açai powder or slush Using the berries, then slowly but surely include the olive oil; combine coarsely with a whisk. Massage into your face. Leave on for about five minutes, then rinse with heat water.
Not known Factual Statements About yeast face mask
This delays indications of getting older by smoothening out fantastic traces and wrinkles. The oats serve as an excellent exfoliant and provide essential nutrients. I've genuinely undesirable pores and skin, and I love undertaking a simple raw honey mask! It cleans my pores, decreases inflamed acne, and leaves my pores and skin emotion softer than prior to! Blend 1 tablespoon Each and every of quick coffee powder and ground oats. You can grind rolled oats in a blender to secure a finely floor oatmeal powder. Combine a tablespoon of finely floor coffee beans with two tablespoons of ground oat and also a tablespoon of honey. Spread the mixture on your face. Leave it on for twenty minutes after which rinse with lukewarm water. Should you have dry or regular pores and skin sort, you can do mask everyday, In case the skin is sensitive and fading, the method needs to be carried out no more than 2 moments weekly. Want to develop bouncy curls and waves? Wish to flaunt flawlessly straight, shiny, workable hair? Explore a range of hair styling applications at Amazon.in, like straighteners, hair dryers, curling irons as well as other hair appliances on line. You’ll discover hair styling appliances from different brands including Philips, Panasonic, Vega, Denman, Bris and Other individuals. You may store flat irons on-line to flaunt a straight glow glimpse with adjustable warmth configurations, enable dry your hair more rapidly with hair dryers or uncover curlers to work with for the curl you want to reach. In the basket of nature, we have been listed here with a very effective and all-natural skin therapy identified as; strawberry face mask. Strawberry is the tiny berry fruit, unique and delectable! It really is full of nutritional vitamins and minerals. Full of vitamin C, orange peel is great for lightening dark spots and acne scars. Evens out skin discolorations I use a Uncooked honey mask many times each week (sometimes daily), And that i’ve recognized��a definite enhancement from the tone and softness of my skin. I love it a lot more for The reality that it’s completely edible and doesn’t expose my skin on the chemical substances present in most beauty products. Blend the first four substances inside a bowl, and include 3 tablespoons very hot, sturdy inexperienced tea for the combination. Stir regularly for a couple of minutes, incorporating tea as desired till you’ve produced a thick paste. I attempted which makes it myself but it surely got messy. So I looked up some honey masks online and this was the cheapest I could find. Can’t beat 4oz for $15. And theirs have some good ingredients additional to it. I went in advance and obtained a pair. Check it out: Therapies and Masks available in the market at this time are of the best buy and may Engage in A significant part in influencing your All round appearance. Amazon India gives you several of the finest pores and skin care products that can actively influence your grooming and assist you to realize by far the most out of your visual appeal and skin tone. Store on the internet at Amazon India to discover the greatest solutions and masks. How it really works: Spirulina has antibacterial Houses, helping to maintain your pores apparent and tight. Moreover, it really is loaded with a lot more antioxidants than blueberries, meaning that it might be effective at lessening the consequences of Solar problems and lessening the appearance of high-quality lines and wrinkles, claims Fusco. Winter season climate isn’t sort to pores and skin. Snow and hail lash into sensitive cheeks and foreheads, cold winds chafe at us, and indoor heating programs go away us flaky, dry, and itchy. While the rest of our bodies continue to be safeguarded (if rather neglected) by apparel in the cold months, our faces bear the brunt of everything unpleasant climate each and every day.
https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087124334748057601 about yeast face mask You Can Use Today
You're confident to note a delightful enhancement in your acne scars that can appear considerably less visible than right before! Yeast (one tablespoon) diluted in warm drinking water to variety a liquid and also to be thickened with rye or wheat flour right until creamy point out. Pot with a mass ought to be wrapped using a heat towel and still left inside of a warm place for three hours. If you need to right away eliminate acne, it really is perfect for this mask: clear grapefruit and grind it into a blender or grinder into the consistency of porridge; Acquire yeast, add just a little bit of milk so that it's liquid ample to apply on face (but not as well liquid, it ought to be set). Let it dry (approx 15min) and after that clean it off. Yogurt and honey have antibiotic Houses, and this entire Mix is nearly as good for the outsides as it is actually in a drink. Use any leftovers inside of a slurp-capable smoothie While using the milk of the selection. Egg Yolk Face Masks—Egg yolks, Then again, are noted for their capability to moisturize and hydrate pores and skin, leaving it which has a healthier glow. These masks are perfect for people with dry skin. When you have dry or usual skin sort, you can do mask on a daily basis, If your pores and skin is delicate and fading, the technique need to be done no more than two periods each week. If the skin feels dry just after using this mask, you could often add a dab of coconut oil or Olay Day-to-day Moisturising Lotion to hydrate. If you can not buy a 'Stay' yeast, in Excessive scenarios, appear up and dry. They'll also be an awesome result, just not as clearly marked as in fresh new yeast. This is employed to gather information on traffic to content articles as well as other pages on our internet site. Except if that you are signed in to some HubPages account, all Individually identifiable info is anonymized. Curly, frizzy or straight hair, each and every excellent hair type commences within the shower. That’s why you’ll need to have to shield and deal with your hair with the most beneficial hair care products which include shampoos and conditioners. There are a number of shampoo and conditioner formulation that will help you address uninteresting or ruined hair. Whether it's shampoos, conditioners, hair oils, hair colours, styling applications or cure merchandise, you’ll locate everything on Amazon India beneath 1 roof for your personal advantage. Get online hair care and styling products, filter success according to brand, price tag, customer assessments or special offers and discounts. A good quality facial scrub helps you to retain your skin in the very best condition. Skinyoga Almond Orange Face Scrub is a need to have for anybody seeking a clean and delightful pores and skin. Before making https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2088297497930186 of, clean your face with warm drinking water and pat dry with a cleanse towel or steam your face. This is simply to open up your pores so the nutrients can sink deep into your skin. Honey contains a hefty serving of antioxidants for moisturized and lively pores and skin. Polyphenols in honey destroy cost-free radicals that result in oxidative pressure in skin cells, thereby slowing down the growing older process of skin.
honey face mask Can Be Fun For Anyone
Hello! I have essentially dried my orange peels but.. :-/ I forgot to not incorporate the white part (which you stated it shouldn't be). Am i able to nevertheless use it? May perhaps I really know what variance does it make, using 'only the top most section' and 'such as the white portion'? Thank you so a great deal!! All the times of my lifeI hhave been struggling with acne. Tried anything out there and almost nothing operates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCVdhwzejis 'm certainly gonna attempt these! https://www.wikihow.com/Have-Perfect-Skin for these purely natural therapies Pat your face with moderate yellow mustard to get a bracing facial that may soothe and stimulate your skin. Check out it on a small exam place first to be certain it gained’t irritate. Lemon facial masks Now unfold the paste Similarly and Carefully utilizing your fingertips over the clean neck and face; keep your eye region apparent. Inside of a bowl, mash the strawberries using a fork until finally smooth. Include while in the honey and mix the elements together. Utilizing clean up palms or perhaps a sanitized brush, gently implement the mixture all over your face, averting the eye area. When you have any question or comment, make sure you go away them down below, I'll react you once I am able to. Also you may share your working experience if you know every other strawberry face mask recipes to us. Strawberries consist of antioxidants like vitamin C that inhibits the premature ageing of your skin. They also have ellagic acid which aids s in avoiding wrinkles. Significantly, the salicylic acid current in strawberries is helpful in maintaining blemishes and acne absent. To accomplish your registration make sure you enter the verification code you acquired with your cellular. When you haven't been given the verification code, be sure to SMS REWARDME to 9223347100 ok effectively It appears to have produced my skin smoother, but I have 1 idea: it may look apparent, but don’t place it in your eyebrows!! ? the cinnamon will get caught in them and you've got to wipe it out harshly which has a damp paper towel or wipe hahah & also when rinsing your face don’t scrub with the fingers, get it done gently or it’ll bring about irritation through the compact items of cinnamon powder and it’s kinda distressing ? I’m going to try and Examine back again in tomorrow early morning to view if and of my acne has cleared up! Wash it absent applying warm water, pat the face dry after which you can observe up together with your most popular toner and moisturizer. It is highly beneficial for acne-prone skin due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Its anti-inflammatory nature also allows reduce redness and inflammation because of acne and pimples. Steaming your face will help you restore broken pores and skin that may be brought on as a result of air pollution, sun publicity and so on. Check out 10 benefits of face steaming & steps to make it happen correctly in this article at our website. Shown written content is provided by corporations that have been compensated. There is certainly a potential effect on how, what, and wherever merchandise may perhaps surface. This mask not simply do away with acne, but in addition take out the black spots and give the skin a wonderful matte finish. Contraindications
A Secret Weapon For honey face mask
When you have dry or ordinary skin variety, you can do mask daily, Should the skin is delicate and fading, the technique need to be performed no more than two instances every week. Recall that you need to not abuse this mask: the yeast face mask is nice if you utilize it one-2 situations each week. Far better utilize the yeast in blocks that crumble prior to getting ready masks. Warning: Extended use of aspirin or heavy doses must be prevented, as it could leave the pores and skin excessively dry and allow it to be glimpse yellow. Aspirin won't match all skins, which also needs to be meticulously regarded when choosing which face mask to utilize. Just https://www.wikihow.com/Make-All-Natural-Face-Masks among them is yeast. Yeast is effective effectively on face because it contains crucial nutritional vitamins and minerals which is very important for regular performing of pores and skin. Allow’s see https://www.wikihow.com/Establish-an-Effective-Skincare-Routine -grabbing yeast face mask record on face treatment method. Honey is naturally antibacterial, which aids the skin combat off acne. As well as it's an a fantastic antioxidant ability, and you need antioxidants around to combat the free radicals that harm the pores and skin. "This tropical face mask will give the skin such a wellness, all-natural-looking glow, and it's also built to be gentle adequate on all pores and skin styles," states Sharōn Ronen L.E., the founder and owner of Pores and skin Haven Spa Studio & WellSpa in Australia. Allow me to share recipes for the best a few face masks for acne. Be sure to clear away all make-up and wash your face comprehensively ahead of implementing these pure face packs. Cleansing your face allows unclog pores and allows the masks to penetrate deep into the skin. click here and M. Tech (Chemical Engineering) from IIT Bombay and has been actively composing about overall health and nutrition given that more than past twelve decades. When not Doing work he likes to trek and do gardening. Include honey and avocado to a little bowl and mash with each other. via stepto remedies to read the full post in the bottom almonds. Distribute about the face and neck and immediately after fifteen-20 minutes, rinse with heat drinking water. Orange peel is thought to soak up extra oil or sebum from oily pores and skin. This face mask also works by using coconut oil, which will work wonders in driving out the ‘lousy’ acne-triggering oil from deep in the skin pores. https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Face-Masks-out-of-Fruit can aggravate rosacea, leaving faces reddened and blotchy, and occasionally bumpy too. The apple cider vinegar helps you to stabilize the pH of your skin, although the oatmeal lessens irritation and one other ingredients soothe and moisturize. and create a easy paste from it by including rose drinking water.  https://steptoremedies.com/lemon-honey-body-scrub/ on the face and neck and rinse off only when its semi dry. This face pack will deep cleanse your skin and pull out the two black heads and white heads. The peel has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial Attributes which enable it to be great for treating acne and oily skin. In addition it functions like a skin lightening agent and may do miracles for marks to the face and pigmentation. Apart from its medicinal, additional evident properties, face packs with orange peel can even be employed as face cleansers and go away the pores and skin on the lookout refreshed. Honey is really a natural humectant that attracts in humidity through the air, leaving your skin moist and sleek, and it may also assist crack up excessive sebum Which may be clogging up your pores (and leading to pesky pimples).
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HI SISTERS! It’s been a hot minute since my last Singing My Makeup Routine, and for today’s video, I’m joined with someone very special, Zhavia! I challenged her to recreate one of my looks and we got glam while singing some of our favorite songs together. Enjoy and don’t forget to thumbs up & subscribe!
SISTER ZHAVIA https://ift.tt/2q2kzjj https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCORPULbAvOk7f_zE5_edtBQ
JAMES & IAN SHOW: RELATIONSHIPS » https://youtu.be/E6IUMKMpdRo SISTER’S APPAREL » http://bit.ly/2BYGcZx SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL » http://bit.ly/JamesCharles for new videos!
♡ LET’S BE BFFS INSTAGRAM » https://ift.tt/2kGrAWk TWITTER » http://twitter.com/jamescharles SNAPCHAT » jamescharless
♡ COUPON CODES: MORPHE BRUSHES » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all products https://ift.tt/1xH28ep
UBER » Use code “SISTERJAMES” for $5 off your first 3 rides!
LAURAS BOUTIQUE » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all items https://ift.tt/2l1FcKC
LILLY LASHES » Use code “JAMES” for 15% off all lashes https://ift.tt/1Vxk4I1
SKINDINAVIA » Use code “JAMES” for 25% off all products http://skindinavia.com
OFRA » Use code “JAMES” for 30% off all products https://ift.tt/1Qtgye3
** All of the above links are affiliate links! I do make commission off of code uses. You don’t have to use them, it’s simply there to provide a discount for you guys!
♡ GRAPHICS Michael Rusakov https://ift.tt/2p6qbFF
♡ EDITING Kelly Rocklein https://ift.tt/2Fzd0WM
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girlinthefastlane · 8 years ago
The Start of Something Great?…!!!…?!?! Why Can’t Life Just Be Easy, Breezy?!
Was I going through an early-onset midlife crisis? Had I finally lost my marbles for real? Maybe it was the fact that I was sooo over my current job, plus the fact that I felt like I had what it took to run this business I had created in my head.  I had literally been collecting designs and content for my edgy, figure flattering, quality made graphic tee line (#shamelessplug, get over it) for several years now ( HELLO, iCloud photo library of 12,000), and I knew for a fact that girls everywhere needed my help when it came to graphic tee options on the market. 
It was slim pickings out there in department store land, a land full of generic phrases like “YOLO”  and “Sunday Funday” and “SO CHIC”. My somewhat disgust at the lack of originality in the selection offered to the general public was getting to the point where I was losing sleep at night, thinking of all the girls out there who would never find a shirt that even remotely said what they were thinking…
And that’s a whole other ball park. Should I let people (my poor family especially) in on the raunchy, dark humor side of me? Honestly, she cursed like a sailor, ran with the boys and talked a whole shit load of smack(in jest of course…)?! Not to mention the fact that starting a business is even more daunting of a task as a woman, thanks to the fact that we have been brainwashed with the idea (thanks guys!)  that business is a man’s world, one where are mascara-laden lashes and coiffed updos have no part in. Well, **little **to no part.
What if I fail, what if I lose all of my money, or lose all of my investor’s money? What does my business plan, my three-year plan, hell, my three WEEK plan look like if I do this? There there was no cure-all answer to my pressing questions unfortunately, and my mind continued to stress itself out daily.
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I guess what really did it was the day I came downstairs to shovel down my breakfast, (I’m not a horrendous eater, I just was constantly running late to work) in the usual slumped, somewhat depressive state that was my common demeanor these days. “Jesus,” my boyfriend remarked, “Is everything ok? You seem a little, ummmm, detached?” I could see his brain scrambling for a nicer descriptor than “mood-killing”, “bringing everyone down”, etc. No, not really, I dramatically thought in my head. My only answer was just a slight grimace and sigh as I sat down to eat my cereal.
He sighed and squared his shoulders as if he had finally come to terms with  something in his head. “Do it babe,” he said finally. “Just do it. I believe in you and I can’t see you mope around like this anymore or I may just lose it myself, and that won’t do either of us any good. We will figure out the financial stuff. Just start your damn business already.”
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And just like that, **JEMMSTONE APPAREL **was born. So far I’ve learned a few majorrr things:
Fear of failure is the best motivator when it comes to running a business. Or at least that’s what I used to think. In reality, failure is not even an option when you go for your dream. Passion and sheer determination won’t allow you to fail. Tell fear to get the hell outta here, and just go with your gut!2. You can’t do this alone. Without the support of loved ones, I wouldn’t be where I’m at today. The more people you have on your side, the better! But that goes for everything in life, doesn’t it? No newsflash there.
You should probably go ahead and make Youtube and Skillshare your new BFFs when launching an online business. There is no shame in watching a tutorial or reading a How To guide now and then! (Tell that to my boyfriend and he will roll his eyes at you and walk away mumbling about “books are for pussies”…he’s kidding; he’s just protecting himself against the dangers of becoming obsessed with devouring information 24/7, which he has witnessed first hand take over his girlfriend’s body…)
So if you’re thinking about starting your dream biz, pour yourself a drink, fire up your laptop and start  planning out your strategy TODAY. Fear is a dumb hooka who needs to get lost… if you knoww you’re capable and passionate enough about your idea to make it a reality, then why wait one second longer? You got this, girlfrannn!
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trendsdresscom · 5 years ago
Messy Makeup Trivia ft. Jeffree Star & Tati
HI SISTERS! In today’s video, we’re playing MESSY MAKEUP TRIVIA with two very special guests, Jeffree Star & Tati Westbrook! Watch as we answer questions about the beauty community, drama, tea, fights, and more!! Enjoy and don’t forget to thumbs up & SUBSCRIBE!
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Subscribe to my channel to join the sisterhood & hit the notification bell so you never miss an upload! » for new videos!
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MORPHE BRUSHES » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all products online AND in store!
UBER » Use code “SISTERJAMES” for $5 off your first 3 rides!
LILLY LASHES » Use code “JAMES” for 15% off all lashes
LAURAS BOUTIQUE » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all items
SKINDINAVIA » Use code “JAMES” for 25% off all products
EDITOR: Louis & Anthony Gargiula
GRAPHICS: Michael Rusakov
The post Messy Makeup Trivia ft. Jeffree Star & Tati appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/messy-makeup-trivia-ft-jeffree-star-tati/
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bonniejstarks · 5 years ago
Recreating My Followers Makeup Looks
HI SISTERS! Since the launch of the James Charles x Morphe Palette, the makeup community has EXPLODED with beautiful, colorful looks. In today’s video, I decided to try my hardest to recreate a few of my favorites from makeup artists I love. Watch as we do a glam look with a pop of color, a rainbow cloud cut crease, and try out a makeup look I thought would only be possible with Photoshop… Enjoy!!
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Subscribe to my channel to join the sisterhood & hit the notification bell so you never miss an upload! » for new videos!
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HOW TO ENTER: 1. Must be subscribed to me on my YouTube channel
2. Must be following on my other social media platforms including Instagram, Twitter, & Snapchat (@jamescharles) 3. Thumbs up this video & leave a comment down below!!
GiveASlays will be happening on all 8 videos uploaded to my channel during the month of December (Tuesdays & Fridays). Prize Package remains the same for all videos, consisting of the Morphe x James Charles PR box, a Sisters Apparel Rainbow Hoodie, & a brand new Apple Macbook Air. All winners will be chosen completely at random the day prior to the next video being uploaded, and will all be contacted via Instagram DM. GOOD LUCK!
See the following page for ALL giveaway rules and regulations. »
12/4 WINNER: @_ivorycherry 12/7 WINNER: @orlyluvjemma __
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MORPHE BRUSHES » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all products online AND in store!
UBER » Use code “SISTERJAMES” for $5 off your first 3 rides!
LILLY LASHES » Use code “JAMES” for 15% off all lashes
LAURAS BOUTIQUE » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all items
SKINDINAVIA » Use code “JAMES” for 25% off all products
EDITOR: Louis & Anthony Gargiula
WRITER: Eros Gomez
GRAPHICS: Michael Rusakov
The post Recreating My Followers Makeup Looks appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/recreating-my-followers-makeup-looks/ from Trends Dress https://trendsdresscom.tumblr.com/post/614086149433147392
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isgrow · 6 years ago
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Finding My PERFECT Foundation Match... Finally
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HI SISTERS! I’ve been doing makeup for 3 years now but the one skill I have not mastered is matching my foundation. I’ve looked white with Flashback Mary, but I’ve also looked orange. For today’s video, I decided to test out every single foundation on the market and see if I could find the perfect shade. Enjoy!
🎥 PREVIOUS VIDEO » https://youtu.be/GtTAp–6piA 👕 SISTER’S APPAREL » http://sisters-apparel.com 🛎 Subscribe to my channel to join the sisterhood & hit the notification bell so you never miss an upload! » http://bit.ly/JamesCharles for new videos!
❤️ LET’S BE BFFS INSTAGRAM » http://instagram.com/jamescharles TWITTER » http://twitter.com/jamescharles SNAPCHAT » jamescharless __
MORPHE BRUSHES » http://morphebrushes.com Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all products online AND in store!
UBER » Use code “SISTERJAMES” for $5 off your first 3 rides!
LILLY LASHES » https://lillylashes.com/ Use code “JAMES” for 15% off all lashes
LAURAS BOUTIQUE » http://lauras-boutique.com Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all items
SKINDINAVIA » http://skindinavia.com Use code “JAMES” for 25% off all products
EDITOR: Louis & Anthony Gargiula http://instagram.com/louisgargiula http://instagram.com/anthonygargiula
CONTENT COORDINATOR: Eros Gomez http://instagram.com/erosmua
GRAPHICS: Michael Rusakov http://instagram.com/michael.ny
being published on http://mybecause.com/finding-my-perfect-foundation-match-finally/
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idealsconnect-blog · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://idealsconnect.info/never-enough-cover-ft-cimorelli/
Never Enough Cover ft. Cimorelli
HI SISTERS! I hope you enjoy this cover of Never Enough from The Greatest Showman with one of my favorite groups of all time, Cimorelli. This collab means the absolute world to me and so do all of these girls, and we are so proud of it.
SUBSCRIBE TO CIMORELLI » https://www.youtube.com/user/cimorellitheband DEMI LOVATO SING OFF » https://youtu.be/0J_uNKT323k STREAM ON SPOTIFY » https://spoti.fi/2sBuLQu
🎥 PREVIOUS VIDEO » https://youtu.be/O8NRaq_1gNw 👕 SISTER’S APPAREL » http://sisters-apparel.com 🛎 Subscribe to my channel to join the sisterhood & hit the notification bell so you never miss an upload! » http://bit.ly/JamesCharles for new videos!
❤️ LET’S BE BFFS INSTAGRAM » http://instagram.com/jamescharles TWITTER » http://twitter.com/jamescharles SNAPCHAT » jamescharless __
MORPHE BRUSHES » http://morphebrushes.com Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all products online AND in store!
UBER » Use code “SISTERJAMES” for $5 off your first 3 rides!
LILLY LASHES » https://lillylashes.com/ Use code “JAMES” for 15% off all lashes
LAURAS BOUTIQUE » http://lauras-boutique.com Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all items
SKINDINAVIA » http://skindinavia.com Use code “JAMES” for 25% off all products
♡ MUSIC We do not own the song Never Enough from The Greatest Showman. Full rights go to Atlantic Records. Performed by Loren Allred & written by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul.
‘The Greatest Showman Soundtrack’ available now: Download/Stream – https://atlantic.lnk.to/TheGreatestSh…
EDITOR: Louis & Anthony Gargiula http://instagram.com/louisgargiula http://instagram.com/anthonygargiula
CONTENT COORDINATOR: Eros Gomez http://instagram.com/erosmua
GRAPHICS: Michael Rusakov http://instagram.com/michael.ny
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trendsdresscom · 5 years ago
Recreating My Followers Makeup Looks
HI SISTERS! Since the launch of the James Charles x Morphe Palette, the makeup community has EXPLODED with beautiful, colorful looks. In today’s video, I decided to try my hardest to recreate a few of my favorites from makeup artists I love. Watch as we do a glam look with a pop of color, a rainbow cloud cut crease, and try out a makeup look I thought would only be possible with Photoshop… Enjoy!!
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Subscribe to my channel to join the sisterhood & hit the notification bell so you never miss an upload! » for new videos!
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HOW TO ENTER: 1. Must be subscribed to me on my YouTube channel
2. Must be following on my other social media platforms including Instagram, Twitter, & Snapchat (@jamescharles) 3. Thumbs up this video & leave a comment down below!!
GiveASlays will be happening on all 8 videos uploaded to my channel during the month of December (Tuesdays & Fridays). Prize Package remains the same for all videos, consisting of the Morphe x James Charles PR box, a Sisters Apparel Rainbow Hoodie, & a brand new Apple Macbook Air. All winners will be chosen completely at random the day prior to the next video being uploaded, and will all be contacted via Instagram DM. GOOD LUCK!
See the following page for ALL giveaway rules and regulations. »
12/4 WINNER: @_ivorycherry 12/7 WINNER: @orlyluvjemma __
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MORPHE BRUSHES » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all products online AND in store!
UBER » Use code “SISTERJAMES” for $5 off your first 3 rides!
LILLY LASHES » Use code “JAMES” for 15% off all lashes
LAURAS BOUTIQUE » Use code “JAMES” for 10% off all items
SKINDINAVIA » Use code “JAMES” for 25% off all products
EDITOR: Louis & Anthony Gargiula
WRITER: Eros Gomez
GRAPHICS: Michael Rusakov
The post Recreating My Followers Makeup Looks appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/recreating-my-followers-makeup-looks/
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