lunadreamscaper · 5 months
I wish VenturianTale fandom talked about Timothy Casket more often, but like… about how he was probably evil/j
Cw creepy eyes/eye contact
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Ignore the sickle he’s definitely not using that for anything/lh/j
[reblogs for art is appreciated]
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pie-resurgence · 22 days
currently thinking about one off P.I.E. member College. like thats his name. his name is College. he's an old man trying to get into college while being named College and he's also a P.I.E. member we never see again but he was very funny and endearing and I miss him everyday.
His debut video and ONLY video (I think) is the horror map video that has a Seizure warning in the title.
i think it's title is literally "SEIZURE WARNING | Horror Map" lmao they were so creative with those names 😭/s
eh im gonna go find it and link it to the post for anyone else curious but also yeah seizure warning bc the first room in the map does indeed have a terrible flickering light in the beginning rip.
oh my god the cut off "HE'S NOT A GHOST-" is actually so funny FUCK YOU JORDAN I HATE YOU dammit he's funny BUT ALSO GRRR I HATE yOU anyways heres the video
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chaocardboard · 19 days
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larrydacat · 5 years
im listening to bonkmiru on loop and i dont know what this is supposed to be.
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makaponpon · 5 years
Why was I even surprised.
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sparkly-puddlebuns · 6 years
LarryDaCat - Callout
LarryDaCat or “Larry Da’ Cat” is a well known artist in the VenturianTale community, they are a 16 year old girl who has been on DeviantArt for 2 years and in the time span has created a good reputation in the community. BUT no one seems to be talking about a post they made on April 21 of last year (2017), now you may be asking “Well why are you talking about this??? It’s old!” Well they haven’t apologized for anything they’ve said in it and haven’t taken it down and brush it off as a joke uses excuses such as “UwU sorry I was just in a little meltdown lol” Heres what they start out with on this journal entry,
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Now I understand not liking a ship, y’know it’s really all opinion based if it’s not canon, but this really takes a bit turn
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They go on to literally say they want to commit suicide just because of this ship, and then yell “How would this ship ever be approved!!!”, How would it make Toast and Ghost feel uncomfortable? They’re fictional characters, they have literally flirted with eachother. And then they compare it so Septiplier, you know, a ship with two REAL people, and not fictional characters. And then they say “UwU yea I don’t care if you ship it, it just makes me wanna kill myself lol”
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you just said you wanted to die over the ship now you say its fine unless people make fanart of it
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not liking a gay ship in itself is fine, but I want you guys to remember this cause some of the shit they say next is just basically homophobia in itself lmao, so good one on you, Larry
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First of all Christians and Mormons aren’t even the same lol? And why the fuck are you bringing religion into this, you just said you weren’t homophobic. I’m mormon and i’m a gay bitch so uh,, lmao there was no point in just fucking bringing your religion into this lol? And idk why you’re saying “Go away if you don’t like this” you made this public for anyone to see what do you expect, and you still haven’t taken it down
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if it makes you so uncomfortable fucking blacklist it lmao??? dude I blacklisted one of the most popular comics and ask people to tag posts related to it so it doesnt appear on my dash, it’s not that hard
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Yea uhhh,,, shipping Toast and Ghost isn’t that far off from canon, Ghost literally relies on Toast for almost everything, they are always there for eachother, they have both said they loved eachother in canon numerous times, whether you ship it or not you have to admit they are very close to eachother so shipping it would make sense, and besides again they are fictional characters, just because they aren’t our characters doesn’t mean we can throw our own spins onto them, besides remember the time you genderbent Jimmy Casket and shipped Ghost and Spooker even though they are confirmed to be related? Yea thought so. And also umm again fictional characters, I don’t understand why you’re comparing them to real life people? lol???? 
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Dude i’m sure you made people who ship Toast and Ghost feel like shit, you just fucking dragged the entire ship and everyone who ships it and said you wanted to die over it while  bringing religion into it for some god awful reason, but anyways yea this post was a fucking shitshow now here’s some replies from the post 
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i don’t want to respond to all their replies but THIS
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wow thanks for using the h slur that’s usually an insult when referring to gay people! good on you, also A FURRY DOESN’T MAKE YOU AUTOMATICALLY GAY EXCUSE ME??? LMAO, and lmao theyre homophobia comes out when saying “but I’m against the choice :///” homophobic means you aren’t pro-gay or a gay ally, you aren’t either of those, so yes you’re homophobic
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Anyways that’s really all I’m gonna say for right now, PLEASE spread this around so others know LarryDaCat is homophobic and doesn’t deserve all the support they’re getting Their Deviantart The journal they made
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We’re usually just talking about Larrydacat. She’s kinda homophobic and transphobic (she’ll deny the first one but has admitted to the second)
Ahhhhh, thanks my dude 👌
And yeah that makes sense, I’ve heard some Things about her lmao
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ze-doktar-is-here · 5 years
Larrydacat follows me on Tiktok
Should I post an entire video about my gay ass headcanons for VT so she stops?
I wanna
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queer-broflovskii · 6 years
Ok what happened with LarryDaCat? It probably is old and stuff but I wanna know because I am a dum so
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kyokyo866 · 8 years
Bad God MAP Project! Got Artists!
We finally got everyone, thank you for those volunteered! I'm going to make a discord server so if you could note me your discord information, whose who are below, that would be wonderful! Hopefully we'll see stuff from this soon!
Ya like bad god au? Ya pretty all right in drawing? Ya wanna do a big fan thing with other people with this subject? Good!! Then here's a project we can do together! Me and a lot of other people were talking and thought a bigger project would be fun to try. Though a MAP which is multi animated project, is basically we take a chunk of a song, animate/storyboard it out (doesnt have to be fully animated, it could be as simple as this) Then we stitch them together to make a full video. I think it'd be fun!
For more info; check in the read more!
Here's the song that we agreed on using! And here's the Parts that are split up: Part 1: 0:00 - 0:22 (EddieQueenQue) Part 2: 0:23 - 0:36 (Ren-Oktybr) Part 3: 0:36 - 0:50 (Heiden) Part 4: 0:51 - 1:06 (firehedgefairy13) Part 5: 1:07 - 1:20 (dreamthunder) Part 6: 1:20 - 1:33 (oceangirl11) Part 7: 1:34 - 1:48 (lazy--wonderland) Part 8: 1:48 - 2:05 (sophloulou) Part 9: 2:05 - 2:18 (ask-alien-loki) Part 10: 2:19 - 2:36 (Kyo) Part 11: 2:37 - 2:49(ravenclawoutcast13) Part 12: 2:50 - 3:04 (LarryDaCat) It has to be fresh Bad God material, as in you cant take premade fanart and slap them into a slideshow, thats just tacky No MMD; as easy as it would be it'd contrast far too much with a lot of the 2D stylings No animals, thatd also be uuuh quite different compared to it so humanish would be recommended thanks Digital art would be recommended if only for consistancy It doesn't have to be fully animated, story board style works it just needs to look nice Have fun with it, use whatever scenario or characters u want to what suits the role in the part best, as long as its bad god themed it should be fine Thanks again and I hope this'll be lots of fun!
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lunadreamscaper · 2 months
cw gr*oming
i feel like something as a fandom need to like collectively agree on is that Jordan is in fact a terrible person (Isaac included.)
aside from the misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, and racism... Cierra came out in one of their public discord servers what Jordan was doing with fans behind closed doors. He was gross and manipulative with underaged fans.
and if you as a person get uncomfortable and victim blame the people that he's affected who are trying to tell their story... you just need to leave the fandom. Maybe get of the internet too idk man.
i've heard several stories of this stuff happening. i won't say where or who because that would be immature and cause problems. but just know there's still stuff like that happening in our small fandom that should frankly know better 🙏🏻
Reblog to spread awareness because we need to do better 😭
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lunadreamscaper · 2 months
cw nose bleed
Gavin Toast drawing again... no shirt... nose bleed??
requested by @chaocardboard as per usual because yes
[reblogs on art are appreciated (please)] please.... i worked hard please...
also i like drawing gavin he's an angry man who's physically incapable of unfurrowing hus brow due to stress and rage (he like me fr... bc of the brow thing.. anyways)
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i think about how gavin is immediately flirted with excessively by seeveral people even men the first time he ever became canon (5 yr anniversary stream) and i think about 8 times a week.
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lunadreamscaper · 5 months
[reblogs on art is appreciated <3]
Test drawing of the bitch father (Timothy Casket)
This doesn’t contain the fullest of my vision for him. I hope to make more complex drawings of him soon. Art that tells a bit more about him. And why he’s a bitch. Lmao. (My version is a bitch. I hate saying “my version” bc i sound pretentious but it’s how I see him so idfk, I’ll cope lmao)
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Who tf takes an open umbrella into a basement lmao i didn’t think that through ngl but it looks cool so idc HEART EMOJI!!!!!!
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lunadreamscaper · 9 months
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[insert funny caption]
Don’t mind the photo hanging on the wall.
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lunadreamscaper · 1 month
Cw drug use
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johnny ghost does cocaine in the high school bathroom before english period/ref
made as a joke... and reference to... things/silly
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lunadreamscaper · 8 months
I finished my reference sheet for my/Strive SMP Johnny Ghost! :0
Eahahhhahhh I’m just glad I got a full body image of him done lmao
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Idk if any of the details are gonna change and I’m gonna have to redo this but for now we’re probably good.
Do you guys want me to add a list of headcanons in a Re blog to this to make it more interesting? Let me know. :3 👍🏻
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