#LaoWai in China
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christinemarote · 6 months ago
Colcha de retalhos
Sempre fui estrangeira, mesmo antes de ter consciência disso. Mudanças fazem parte da minha história de vida, e não é de hoje que digo isso. Depois de mudar várias vezes de casas, bairros, cidades e estados, mudei de continente. Fui para o Oriente. Foi somente na China que comecei a olhar para trás e perceber uma vez mais, que ali estava eu, fazendo, uma vez mais, que sempre fiz: me adaptar às…
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plazamayorcompany · 1 year ago
Le Laowaï (Original Motion Picture Soundrack)
Le Laowaï 疯狂的外教 / WELCOME TO CHINA (2023) Film by Anthony GavardMusic by Maximilien MathevonCast: Anthony Gavard, Liu Peng, Fu Hong, Han Yueqiao Premiere in Chinese Film Festival Paris 2023 THE FILM Anthony Perrin, a French sports teacher invited by a school in China, thought he would come and discover the country quietly. It is with amazement that he learns that he will have to teach French…
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laowai01 · 1 year ago
Laowai Trading LLC
Welcome to Laowai Trading LLC, your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China. Welcome to Laowai Trading LLC, your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China. We are a professional sourcing company based in China that specializes in sourcing, procurement, and e-commerce. Our team of experts is well-versed in the Chinese market and can help you find the products you need at the best possible prices. We understand that sourcing can be a complex and time-consuming task, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the Chinese market, that’s why we’re here to help you every step of the way.
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obiternihili · 2 years ago
had two really wild dreams
two friends and i went to i think a furry con in china (???) that was like the biggest in the world. but they did something that really, really hurt me, enough that i did something extremely vindictive. I went back to the hotel and told them to just stay the night out while i calmed down alone (basically their plan anyways). i grabbed my things and their pass ports, checked us out in secret, threw them away (we were like walking distance from the embassy so it'd just slow them down for like a day), and bought and express ticket back to the states. called a friend to get help moving out, then vividly imagined going through the process of going through the airport, checking in, picking "ethnic food" to be served on the flight, ended up going through the german process of getting my passport scanned and called to board and so on because it was the only thing available. told off some homo/xenophobic chinese people sneering at the laowai in beijing during a big gay convention thing. slept on the flight and ended up in town with a ton of angry messages on the answering machine, friend in tow, and got my things shipped to his place. it was about the time we were buying tickets again that i realized i was moving to Frankfort am Main because the friend who'd been telling me i was in a shitty relationship for years had moved to germany for work in the mean time. at which point i started freaking out because i didn't know how to move my cat from the us to germany, and i woke up
first dream
i was in the hospital for an outpatient thing and was temporarily roomed with a woman who looked a lot like me that the doctors assumed was my sister. i said that's nonsense and asked her her last name, which was coincidentally one off from mine. i asked her her mother's name… and she was hesitent, saying she kinda had two. a cell donor mother and the woman who raised her, who joined us, and was like the blackest woman ever with a name like adalada or something. When her white daughter asked her who the cell donor was the mother said… my mom's name (who was dead in this timeline?). Which shocked the hell out of me. eventually we realized that my mom had a partial hysterectomy before the full one she had after my sister was born and the cells were mistakenly donated. New sister and i formed a quick friendship because it turns out we had eeriely similar lives and experiences with mental shit despite never knowing her. but it was weird and kinda awkward because i kept getting this vibe like she was coming on to me. i was looking for my real sister's phone number to tell her about the discovery when the dream ended
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laowaitradingcom · 2 years ago
Sourcing And Procurement Consultant
Welcome to Laowai Trading LLC, your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China.
Sourcing And Procurement Consultant
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laowaitradingblog · 2 years ago
Sourcing And Procurement Consultant
Welcome to Laowai Trading LLC, your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China.
Click here :- https://www.facebook.com/LoawaiTrading
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aowaitrading · 2 years ago
Professional Sourcing Solutions
Welcome to Laowai Trading LLC, your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China.
click here :- https://www.facebook.com/LoawaiTrading
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laowaitrading · 2 years ago
Laowai Trading
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Welcome to Laowai Trading Your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China About Us Contact Us Welcome to Laowai Trading LLC, your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China. We are a professional sourcing company based in China that specializes in sourcing, procurement, and e-commerce. Our team of experts is well-versed. Laowai Trading
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johnmark88 · 2 years ago
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China Study Abroad Alumni Association LAOWAI 2023 Chinese New Year Banquet! (at 888 Seafood Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coi6D_9LUm3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christinemarote · 8 months ago
A volta, depois de tudo...
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karustatiana · 2 years ago
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КАК ЖЕ ПОВЕЗЛО! ПОВЕЗЛО тем Лаоваям/Иностранцам, кто сейчас находится в Китае и может увидеть всю красоту и волшебство Нового Года по Лунному Календарю! Мои коллеги-китайцы сначала отмечают Новый год вместе со мной 31 декабря, потом я праздную с ними приход Нового года по лунному календарю. В этом году — это 22 января, праздники продлятся до 5 февраля, почти 16 дней. Китайцы свято чтут свои традициям. У нас Новый год ассоциируется со снегом, вьюгой, сугробами, Дедом Морозом, а у китайцев — с Весной. Он так и называется — Праздник Весны — «ЧуньЦзе». На праздник в дом здесь стараются принести распустившиеся цветы. Китайцы верят, что живые растения помогут им оставаться здоровыми весь следующий год. Рынки перед Новым годом заставлены горшками с орхидеями, цветочные композиции и букетами из пионов, на юге Китая и в Санья уже раскуплены мандариновые деревья в горшках с мандаринками. 2023-ый — год Черного Водяного Кролика. Китаянка знакомая купила себе новогодний наряд. Голубое платье с черным поясом и черными пуговицами. Говорит, надо чтобы цвет одежды напоминал воду — реку или омут. Но все равно самый любимый, самый востребованный цвет у жителей Поднебесной — красный. В праздничные дни города, деревни украшают фонариками красного цвета. Китайцы верят, что они отго��яют злых духов. Еще одна древняя новогодняя традиция — парные полосы красной бумаги с различными пожеланиями — чуньлянь, которые прикрепляют к входным дверям. Тут иностранцу впору сбиться. Часто первая половина фразы начертана на листе справа от двери, а вторая — слева. Именно так писали слова в древности: столбиком сверху вниз и справа налево. Эту традицию китайцы сохранили в новогодних парных поздравлениях. HOW LUCKY! LUCKY those Laoways/Foreigners who are currently in China and can see all the beauty and magic of the New Year according to the Lunar Calendar! My Chinese friends first celebrate the New Year with me on December 31, then I will celebrate with them the arrival of the New Year according to the lunar calendar. This year it is January 22, the holidays will last until February 5, almost 16 days. The Chinese ⬇️ (at Sanya Bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnoV92nBd-w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mmmadelene · 3 years ago
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Remembered Tumblr Suddenly. Photos from a walk with my guy last night 💋
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laowai01 · 1 year ago
Laowai Trading LLC
Welcome to Laowai Trading LLC, your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China. Welcome to Laowai Trading LLC, your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China. We are a professional sourcing company based in China that specializes in sourcing, procurement, and e-commerce. Our team of experts is well-versed in the Chinese market and can help you find the products you need at the best possible prices. We understand that sourcing can be a complex and time-consuming task, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the Chinese market, that’s why we’re here to help you every step of the way.
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xfhgjdnfdn · 6 years ago
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White people cant understand
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laowaitradingcom · 2 years ago
E-commerce Services Usa
Welcome to Laowai Trading Your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China About Us Contact Us Welcome to Laowai Trading LLC, your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China. We are a professional sourcing company based in China that specializes in sourcing, procurement, and e-commerce. Our team of experts is well-versed
E-commerce Services Usa
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laowaitradingblog · 2 years ago
E-commerce Solutions Company
Welcome to Laowai Trading LLC, your one-stop solution for all your sourcing needs in China.
Click here :- https://www.facebook.com/LoawaiTrading
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