#Lanna food
The Loyal Pin Ep. 05 Thoughts.
I am trying to understand the level of high standards people have for any sapphic show and is just so exhausting.
Like I have never mentioned this before until now and I will never mentioned again but I watched the first episode of blank the series, said is not for me and never made a post or comment about it because is "not for me". Someone else could love it and my opinions could affect that person perception of it.
If you don't like what you are watching, there's hundred of other stuff to watch(between new GL and BLs).
Anyway, let's talk about the episode:
Of course Pin runs away; all of this is new for her and find out that she kissed and actually want to kiss Anin. Very accurate reaction.
That lead to a lot of things in their dynamics that probably are gonna be presented in the future angst. Pin refusing to approach Anin at any level and Anin refusing to eat to the point to get sick.
Anin's brothers seems to be so nice and love her so much. I wonder what is gonna happen with them when all hell get loose and everyone finds out about them.
Anin you little bitch. How fast you took away that. Pin never had a chance. Pin really tried to hold it together. Great scenes together in there.
I am so curious about the family tree. I still don't understand why the lotus palace is like the kitchen of the royalty and Pin and her adoptive mom act like they are high level servants if they are basically family too. Give us interesting dynamics tho.
Finally Anin expressed how much she loves Pin. I really love they bring the love conversation. And Pin also don't understanding her own feelings until she remembers her feelings when she is jealous.
God someone mentioned that they are relaying so much in Freen and Becky's chemistry, but with scenes like the love confession and the kiss; do you really need more? That was perfect.
Actually, for me so far, the plot is there's two people that love each other more than anything they have ever felt before and they are exploring those feelings in a society that don't accept them and with a relationship dynamics where one is a freaking princess.
If the thing I have to pay to have the Thailand government involve in this show is basically food porn of traditional Thai dishes and not some blatant propaganda, be my guess I am happy and that food looks amazing. Sadly as Colombian myself I would never be able to eat anything like that because I would die for spicy food. (not all Latin American people can handle spicy food, not all of us are Mexican).
I am very curious if they are doing the food thing with food of that era or they are doing just popular Thai dishes. Also, I am very curious if they are doing some changes in dialect and language for that period and the fact that the majority of the cast is supposed to be royalty.
Also, I don't remember at all(I have to watch the first episodes again) but have they mentioned the surnames or anything they are using for this monarchy? Because I want to know if they are creating a fake royal family or these was supposed to be the family that was in the palace in that time. Also, if they are connected to the family of Gidle's Minnie(everyone mentioned she is supposed to have royal blood; something about the Lanna kingdom?) Usually the culture differences don't affected me this much but because is a period drama I want to know more about that culture.
I AM STILL VERY AFRAID OF THE GHOST OF HENG IN THAT FUCKING TRAILER AND I HATE THAT HE HASN'T SHOW UP. Every episode he is in the back of mind, probably getting ready to come to be an obstacle of my girls and probably try to get married to one of them(probably Anin because in Gap he was after Sam).
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crystalmarred · 1 year
Muse favorites; Preferences
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Animal: Nok'to likes most animals, but he's partial to carbuncles! ... Do those count? He's counting them.
Flowers: He knows very little about flowers, so anything that looks pretty? His sister is fond of the pink ones, so those especially.
Scent: The ocean! It reminds him of Limsa Lominsa—and home. He even likes the fishy smell at the harbor, even if it does make his nose wrinkle.
Coffee: Lots of milk and lots of sugar. He doesn't know how his brothers drink it without.
Tea: Any! All! He's especially fond of teas that fruity or herbal.
Drink: Water, tea, juice... Almost anything.
Alcoholic Beverage: He's not fond of alcohol in general, though that might be due in part to barely being an adult, so perhaps he hasn't acquired a taste for it...?
Food: Meat Miq'abobs! His mother made them often growing up.
Dessert: Anything. He likes sugar quite a lot, even if he probably shouldn't have it.
Article of Clothing: No particular article of clothing. He just prefers to wear something that fits a little loose, but covers.
Left or Right Handed? Left-handed.
Sloppy or Neat Writing? Neat! His parents taught him well!
Clean or Messy Home? Clean. Again, he is a product of his environment. A mess makes him feel like his mother is going to burst through the door at any given moment.
Shower in Morning or Night? Technically, at night. But given he's a Keeper, that's practically his morning.
Tasks Done Early or Last Minute? Early. If he puts something off, he gets antsy and can't sleep.
Love Language? Words of affirmation and physical touch. Quality time is also good!
Believe in Love at First Sight? No, though the stories of how his parents met almost make him feel like he ought to. But it seems a little unrealistic, even to him.
TAGGED BY: @vierandancer — thank you, Lanna!
TAGGING: @sirenicae, @azure-seadragon, @lannamused, @inkbloodcd & @ofglories, if you guys want to!
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redscorpiocat · 9 months
Random facts about my characters that you may or may not know since we got this far
Mr. Feral got his name after being ferocious since birth
Sweet Pea's halo can be used as a magic hulahoop or a circus ring
Mrs. Migraine celebrates her parties in the catacombs with the dead and the lords of the dead
Mrs. Rebrand and Mrs. Migraine are sisters
Lanna's mother is a fashion designer and her father is a photographer and a story writer
Sweet Pea's waist is slightly cinched
Carlos can change color on what background he chooses to blend in like a real chameleon
Darby is obsessed with early to mid 2000's Hot Topic stuff
Lanna has designed her own outfits with the help of her mother's inspirational artwork
Sir Plasma is inspired by the rainbow light prism, hence the rainbow colored body
Sweet Pea speaks a bit of Japanese whenever he needs to
Lanna sings Latin whenever she needs to
Mr. Feral can be a sweetheart at times despite his name, which was based on his looks and not his attitude towards the innocent folks
Mrs. Migraine used to be a princess that used to suffer from migraines, hence the name she got in the afterlife
Mrs. Rebrand's favorite song is anything made by May Roosevelt and was actually inspired by the songs
Mr. Feral can rap whenever he wants
Sweet Pea's snap mode can act like a pterodactyl if hungry
E.H is part cartoon and can break fourth walls a lot of needed for comical moments
Outsmarter! C.M can shape shift into an entirely different being and take any form as desired. Examples: A cat, a man, a woman, a tree, an oversized green Phoenix bird, even a person he knows and can take their place to make it better if their friends, or worse if their enemies
Outsmater! Eteled is an 8 foot walking stereo
The name for Poki the Pilk-ling was inspired by Rachel and Jun's cat named "Poki (They're cats are adorable >w<💝)
Spicy Sherbet (Feral and Lanna fusion) eats anything spicy, including the reaper pepper
Angel amethyst (Lanna and Sweet Pea fusion) can sing a heavenly voice if needed
Feral Pea (Feral and Sweet Pea fusion) Has durable and non-toxic ecto-wings
Tammy hangs out with other snails, including slugs and all
Carlos can swing on trees, attack/defend himself, or just hang around with his strong-ass tongue
Sullivan's favorite food is sushi, despite not having teeth, but has a bigger stomach like his mother (That I'll introduce later in the future)
Sour Puss is one charismatic bastard (Of an angle boyo)
Psychosis barks when he's in his straight jacket, but can turn sicko mode when he doesn't have his straight jacket on
Shaniqua listens to Michael Jackson a lot
Zachie and Darby have a relationship, just wasn't introduced yet (But will be ;3c)
Manipulator-chan can crawl on walls
Darby is into early to late 2000s trends and all
Bridgette likes being called a geek, because it makes her feel boosted with energy
Manipulator-chan's real name is Julietta
More facts coming sooooon :3
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nemobeatrice · 1 year
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FuGio Week Day 6: Honeymoon - Honeymoon in Chiang Mai
The day after their wedding, Giorno and Fugo took a plane to Chiang Mai, Thailand. Mista had everything under control while they were gone, and Sheila assisted and guarded him.
Their flight was long, taking about 10 or 11 hours, which gave them time to rest. The plane landed, and it was morning, but they took a taxi to Na Nirand Restort to unpack. The room they resided in was small and cozy. There was also a safe to store their valuables.
“What shall we do?” Fugo asked.
“Perhaps we should eat first,” Giorno suggested. “Want to eat here?”
He nodded, and the two went to the restaurant inside the resort, eating outside since the weather was pleasant. It was quiet, too, except for the bugs screaming. The couple looked through the menu and then waited once a server took their order.
“I was thinking that we should head to Doi Inthanon National Park after this,” Giorno said, breaking the river’s trance on Fugo. “I couldn’t stand sitting around in that plane.”
“I was going to suggest that also since you like nature so much. I know we just got here, but this place feels so calming. I was worried there would be screaming children here.”
Their server came by, dropping off their fruity drinks and desserts. The stacks of food the restaurant gave them were tiny.
“Oh, this looks too adorable to eat.” Fugo eyed the carrot cake, strawberry cake, and tiny burger.
“Too beautiful to eat, but I’m hungry.” Giorno grabbed the small chopped fruits and ate them.
“Is this fruit sauce? What is this for? Hmm.” He poured the red sauce into the strawberry cake. “Oh wow.”
The blonds ate and finished their drinks, heading to the national park soon after. They followed the trail. It was rainy the day before, so the ground was soggy, and the planks were slippery. However, there was that fresh pine aroma lingering in the air. Birds chirped as they walked around.
“This place is stunning,” Giorno commented as they continued walking.
Fugo saw a green-tailed sunbird and took a picture with his camera, causing the bird to fly off. “I got a picture for you.” He showed the bird on his camera, causing them to take a step off the trail to stop.
“Such vibrant colors. You never see these birds in Naples.”
They continued walking.
“Do we even have birds like these at home? You’re more into nature than I am.”
“I’ve been too busy to focus on things like that. Maybe next time, I’ll find out. Oh, do you know that bird you took a picture of is a male? The females aren’t as colorful.”
Fugo giggled. “Are you an ornithologist now?”
“No, but I remember my mother talking about a scary bird she saw in Egypt. I wanted to know what type of bird it was, so I could scare her, but that no longer matters now. Come on. We’re almost to the top.”
They reached the top of the tallest point in Thailand and left a coin. On their way to the bottom, the weather shrouded the area in clouds, making it look mystical.
Since there was still time to kill, they headed to Wat Chedi Luang. There were many temple complexes, most built in the northern Thai style architecture from the Lanna Dynasty.
“Are you religious?” Fugo asked while they explored. “I can’t believe I never asked that before, even though we just married.”
“I’m just as religious as you are.” Giorno stopped to look at his map. “And yeah, I can’t believe I never asked that before too. There should be a golden temple around here, but—agh!” The clouds lifted, and the sun shined on Wat Phra Singh, blinding onlookers with light.
“Gees!” Fugo shrouded his eyes.
“It wasn’t that bright in the photos I’ve seen. Want to head inside?”
“Sure, but my eyes need to adjust to the brightness.”
Giorno held Fugo’s hand and took him inside. A big giant golden statue of Buddha greeted them.
“Wow.” Giorno looked at the other small golden statues. “Is this all made out of gold?”
“Don’t know.” Fugo shrugged. “When you told me we were heading to Chiang Mai, I searched a few things about this place. Someone in 1367 brought the statue from Sri Lanka to this place. The person had to have brought it in parts.”
Giorno's stomach growled.
“I knew those small snacks wouldn’t fill you up,” Fugo remarked. “Maybe we could head somewhere to eat.”
“Oh? Where are we headed to?”
“It’s a secret, but does khao soi sound good to you?”
The two walked a few blocks to a small restaurant in an alley, a spot most tourists would overlook. It was an outdoor dining area, plants decorated the walls, and a tin roof covered the place should it rain. The place wasn’t fancy either. Most of the chairs were plastic and didn’t match. But plenty of people sat and ate, and the aroma of beef and unknown spices filled their nostrils, tempting them to stand in line.
“How’d you find this place?” Giorno asked.
“Before we left, I searched for places to eat on Google Maps. I wasn’t picky.”
The line wasn’t too long or short, but they got in and waited. Plenty of food was on their menu, but the couple wanted to try some beef khao soi. After waiting and watching someone cook behind the counter, they received their big bowl. They sat down and ate with spoons and chopsticks. Fugo took the first bite, eating the beef.
“Oh, this is good. I’ve never had anything like this before,” Fugo commented.
Giorno took a bite and took a sip of the broth. “Creamy with a nutty taste. I think I saw someone put some coconut milk powder on it.”
“Spicy! Hot!”
“Can you handle it?”
Fugo sweated. “Y-yeah.”
Thankfully, they were hungry enough to empty the never-ending bowl.
“Want to head to the zoo?” Fugo asked.
“Yeah, which one are we heading to?”
“We could visit the tigers or the one with the elephants.”
Giorno thought deeply for a few seconds. “Let’s go see the elephants. I’ve never seen one except in pictures. Someone told me that elephants in Asia are different from the ones in Africa, and I’ve only seen the ones in Africa.”
The two left, taking a cab to the Elephant Pride Sanctuary. Once they went in, they saw people playing, petting, feeding, and washing the elephants.
“I thought they’d be a lot bigger, like the size of giants,” Giorno said.
The elephants were still big, just not in the way they thought.
“I’m going to get closer to one of them,” Giorno said.
They got close to one of them. Somebody handed Giorno a sugar cane, and he fed it to one of the elephants.
“Oh, I see the difference now,” he said. “It’s the ears. This one has smaller ears than the African ones and is hairy.”
“I noticed the two lumps on its head, too,” Fugo commented. “And some don’t have tusks. I think it’s the females that lack them.”
They continued talking around, learning about the elephants and the sanctuary. Afterward, they helped make medicine and changed their clothes somewhere to participate in the mud spa, where they gave the elephants treatment and washed them. The water was freezing, but they had fun and got muddied.
Daylight was dying, and Giorno and Fugo cleaned the mud off them, dried up, and left, heading to the night market.
The blonds were somewhere in a crowded street. Musicians played music in the middle of the streets, food stalls were everywhere, and vendors sold things for under $1. There were so many colorful lights.
The two bought things for their friends. Fugo found an article of black gothic-looking clothing that reminded him of Abbacchio and bought some incense for Sheila. Meanwhile, Giorno looked for some Trish would want. Giorno wanted to ask Fugo what month was Trish’s birthday so he could get her some jewelry with her birthstone, but he doubted he knew since Fugo didn’t think much of Trish. Perhaps this pink bracelet would make a fine gift. After buying it, he bumped into Fugo, but a jazzy song distracted them.
“Is that a Miles Davis song I hear?” Fugo asked. “That’s Bucciarati’s favorite musician. He would’ve loved it here.”
“Did you buy anything interesting?” Giorno asked. “I bought gifts for everyone back home but got this pink and gold fan for myself. I even bought a gift for you. The vendor told me this crystal necklace has some calming power, but I think she made that up so people could buy it.”
“I also bought things for everyone, including you and myself. I got you an elephant plushie and bought a whole bag of peanuts for us to snack on. I’m not hungry, and I doubt I’ll be because of that big bowl we had for lunch. What about you?”
“I’ve walked around a lot, but I’m not hungry. Shall we head back?”
“Yes, please. My legs are screaming. I need a rest.”
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Nature conservancy to buy tiny island off Prince Edward Island's north shore
A small, undeveloped island off the north shores of P.E.I. where blue herons, bald eagles and double-crested cormorants nest is set to be purchased by the Nature Conservancy of Canada and eventually placed under the full-time stewardship of the Mi'kmaq.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada announced plans this week to buy Oulton's Island, which is about one square kilometre in size and an important habitat not only for majestic birds but also woodland creatures such as snowshoe hare, red squirrel and migrating waterfowl.
The island, about 400 metres from Cascumpec Bay, has four kilometres of beach shoreline and supports salt marsh and freshwater wetland ecosystems and is also home to Acadian forests composed of jack pine, black spruce and white birch.
"We like the idea of protecting coastal islands," Lanna Campbell, Nature Conservancy of Canada's program director for Prince Edward Island, said in a recent interview. "It's an area of refuge for wildlife because they're often inaccessible to motorized vehicles or a lot of people, so they're just really quiet havens for wildlife."
The organization had its eyes on the island since the 1980s and stayed in touch with the landowners, she said. The conservancy bought the land for $1.2 million but still needs to raise about $300,000 to complete the purchase.
"It's a beautiful coastal forest," Campbell said. "We found a nesting great blue heron colony, which is a really impressive, beautiful bird. It always kind of looks like a dinosaur to me. We also found other birds nesting there, like double-crested cormorants. There's lots of eagles that live there. And so, once we really started to explore it, we knew it was a special place for wildlife."
About 90 per cent of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, and most landowners are good stewards, she said. But there is always the risk that if private property is sold to someone, they might log trees or "threaten its integrity," she added.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada, she said, has undertaken several conservation projects across the country. For example, the group negotiated the release of development and mineral rights to land in British Columbia to make it available for Indigenous-led conservation.
Darlene Bernard, chief of the Lennox Island First Nation, in P.E.I., called Oulton's Island an important piece of territory. The Mi'kmaq word for the area -- Kwesawe'k -- translates to "end of the island cape" or "end of the headland," she said.
"It's an island that has magnificent wetlands and a home for all kinds of special little creatures," she said. "And you know, our people would have used that island to sustain ourselves for generations."
She said the First Nation welcomed its partnership with the conservancy to protect the land, adding that she doesn't foresee any commercial development in the area. The conservancy's plan is to transfer ownership of the land in about five years to the Epekwitk Assembly of Councils, a Mi'kmaq governing body.
"Well, I think we would want to keep it in its pristine state that it's in now," Bernard said. "Certainly, we're not going to restrict visitors to the island. If you have a boat, you want to go over there and take a walk along its beautiful beaches and things like that, then you're certainly welcome to do that."
Campbell said she first visited the island in August, and she said it left her with quite an impression.
"It was a very sunny, beautiful day. The tide was low, so the beaches were really big," she said.
"And we were walking along in the sand watching the shorebirds, tiny little shorebirds, dance along in the sand in front of us looking for food. It was a walk around the whole island. I remember coming around a big wetland and watching a couple of really big herons take off -- big, beautiful blue birds. And it just kind of felt like we were visiting a fairyland. It was a very magical spot."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Nov. 12, 2022.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/dCEzogm
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umaraheja · 4 months
Chiang Mai, the "Rose of the North," is a captivating city in Thailand that enthralls travelers with its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and laid-back charm. This vibrant city serves as the perfect base for exploring northern Thailand's wonders, offering a delightful mix of ancient temples, bustling markets, and exciting adventures. But beyond the city walls, a hidden gem awaits – Pai, a small town nestled amidst rolling hills and lush valleys, beckons with its bohemian vibe and unique experiences. So, follow this guide as we delve into the must-sees of Chiang Mai and the must-dos in Pai, crafting your perfect itinerary for an unforgettable northern Thailand adventure.
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Chiang Mai Travel Guide:
Start your Chiang Mai adventure by exploring its magnificent temples. Wat Phra Doi Suthep, perched atop Doi Suthep mountain, offers panoramic views of the city and houses a revered Buddha relic. Immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere of Wat Chiang Man, the city's oldest temple, and marvel at its intricate Lanna architecture. For a unique experience, visit Wat Phra That Doi Kham, a temple complex adorned with glittering white elephants.
Beyond temples, Chiang Mai boasts vibrant markets that are a feast for the senses. Wander through the sprawling Saturday Night Walking Street Market, a haven for handicrafts, souvenirs, and delicious street food. Explore the Warorot Market, a bustling daytime market where you can find everything from fresh produce to clothing and local spices. For a touch of history, head to the Sunday Walking Street Market, held within the historic walled city, and browse through antiques and local crafts.
Things to Do in Pai:
After soaking up the cultural richness of Chiang Mai, take a day trip or extend your stay in Pai, a haven for nature lovers and free spirits. Nestled amidst breathtaking scenery, Pai offers a slower pace of life compared to Chiang Mai. Rent a motorbike and explore the surrounding countryside, stopping at cascading waterfalls like Pai Waterfall or the scenic viewpoint at Pai Canyon.
For the adventurous soul, Pai offers exciting activities like white water rafting on the Pai River or ziplining through the lush jungles. Challenge yourself with a challenging trek to Pai Caves, a network of limestone caves adorned with stalactites and stalagmites. Embrace the bohemian spirit of Pai by taking a yoga class or learning about traditional Thai massage techniques.
In the evenings, Pai's vibrant night market comes alive with delicious street food stalls and local handicrafts. Sample the local specialty, Khao Soi, a flavorful curry noodle dish, or indulge in fresh fruit shakes. Head to one of Pai's many reggae bars and enjoy live music under the starry sky.
Planning Your Trip:
Chiang Mai is well-connected by air and train from Bangkok and other major cities in Thailand. Pai is a two-hour drive from Chiang Mai, and several affordable transportation options are available, including minivans and motorbikes. The best time to visit Chiang Mai and Pai is during the cool and dry season, from November to April.
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A Glimpse into Northern Thailand's Soul:
Chiang Mai and Pai offer a captivating glimpse into the soul of northern Thailand. From the cultural treasures of Chiang Mai to the laid-back charm of Pai, this region promises an unforgettable experience. So, pack your bags, embrace the warmth of northern Thai hospitality, and embark on your own adventure through this captivating corner of Thailand.
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aquillis-main · 4 months
(Glamrock Dragons) 38. Favorite holiday 39. Favorite game 40. Favorite book 41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be? 42. 3 comfort items 43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
38) Favorite holiday
The Glamrock triplets don't find any holiday fun. Mainly due to them having to do 'events' for them, they have a hard time getting into the mood of the holiday. Especially if it's something like Christmas.
Lanna enjoys the New Year, as she finds it the most relaxing time out of everything, and enjoys the time to reflect and hope for the best.
Chase can't stand holidays meant for celebrating victories, like Independence Day. He hates fireworks with a passion, and doesn't understand why people want to set them off on New Years.
Halloween is Hemmo's favourite time of the year, because he finds the human myths on vampires funny. Also he loves the drip.
39) Favourite Game
None of them play any games extensively, unless you count 'whack a bat' to be the Triplet's favourite game.
40) Favourite Book
Hemmo: Dracula
Lanna: His Dark Materials (I really need to read that book series)
Chase: Lord of the Rings
Fret: (Once he understands English) Deltora Series
Agraffe: (Once she understands English) Jekyll and Hyde
Trigger: (Once he understands English) Arsene Lupin and Sherlock Holmes
41) If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Hard to say, as Hemmo doesn't really find any gathering all that great (raised as a high-class Cardian and all), and the Glamrock Triplets couldn't care less who they meet as long as they have a good meal. Lanna would enjoy a tea party with Amy Rose, while Chase would probably end up making something with Tails, forgetting about his lunch.
42) 3 Comfort items
Fret, Agraffe and Trigger have a comfort instrument (guitar, piano, and drums respectfully), comfort clothing (their regular clothing (not the ones Fret wears when he's forgotten his past)), and their mane dyes.
Lanna has her hair clip, her sledgehammer, and her boyfriend as her comfort.
Chase has his tools, his jacket, and his boots as his comfort.
43) 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
3 foods the Triplets like: Burgers, hot dogs, and fries.
3 foods the Triplets dislike: peanuts, avocadoes, and coffee.
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howieshomestay · 6 months
Your Perfect Hideaway: Howie's HomeStay Villas for Couples, FAMILIES OR FRIENDS with Private Pools
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Are you visiting Chiang Mai with your family or friends? Planning this kind of trip can be exciting, especially if it's a rare opportunity to gather everyone for a holiday, even just for a few days. But the tricky part issorting out where to stay. Many hotels in Chiang Mai with a private pool can’t accommodate big groups, are too pricey,or simply lack the privacy essential for creating unforgettable moments with your loved ones. Thankfully, there’s a great alternative: Howie’s HomeStay Villas.
The perfect hideaway exclusive just for you
Do you want to book a private, all-inclusive boutique resort just for yourself and your group? Howie’s HomeStay offers a one-of-a-kind experience that combines genuine Chiang Mai Lanna hospitality and exclusivity. Your hosts Howie and Jerri welcome only one booking at a time, meaning you have the resort all to yourself.
At Howie’s HomeStay, you can wake up in a private luxury villa tucked away in Mae Rim Valley’s lush landscape. The place will be exclusive only to you and your party, allowing you to enjoy the serenity of the natural surroundings. During your stay, you will experience what it’s like to have your own luxury sanctuary in the Northern Thailand mountains, with top-notch amenities, delicious food, and personalized services await.
Skip the usual hotels.
Do you want to make the most of the time spent with your family or friends, whether for the weekend or an extended holiday? Instead of checking into Chiang Mai hotels with a private pool, book a villa at Howie’s HomeStay for a memorable escape. The villa can rival the quality of luxury hotels in Chiang Mai. Every detail is upscale — from the 500 thread-count sheets to the residential-style pavilions, private pool, and hand-crafted teak furniture. You are also treated to a 5-star dining experience at every meal, all freshly prepared and home-cooked by Jerri.
For a worry-free holiday
At Howie’s HomeStay, you will be staying in a villa designed by Bill Bensley, an award-winning architect. And you don’t have to worry about transfers, food, guided tours, and activities, as this all-inclusive resort will take care of everything.
Plan your holiday today.
Visit Howie’s HomeStay website to learn more about why it’s a better option than Chiang Mai hotels with a private pool. You can also check for availability and book your private luxury villa right away.
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prolix-principality · 10 months
What To Do After Firing. - Lanna Michaels
I love Mary fics, tbh
Good Omens: Mary Hodges/Loquacious), Jude (Adam?) Single chapter; 1,047 words. ~ One switch too many finds Sister Mary Loquacious raising the Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of This World, Father of Lies, Spawn of Satan, and Lord of Darkness. Or, as she calls him, Jude. She's always liked The Who. ~ Warning: food mention, (brief!) mention of orgasms
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thaiamulets-co · 1 year
[ad_1] 12 inches Tray Lanna Buddhism Style Worship Offering Pedestal to Buddha Altar Amulet. This tray good for Buddhism People to use in the Buddhist Activities such as Offering the food to Buddha , Amulet , Altar , or used as pedestal to keep your amulet or Buddha or other Special Stuff. The Tray made by Aluminum. Size is 12 inches 12" Kantok Tray Lanna Buddhist Worship Offering Pedestal to Buddha Altar Amulet Free Shipping Made From Thailand [ad_2]
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ajaymoditravels · 2 years
Explore Popular Places in Thailand
Thailand is one of the top tourist destinations in the world that offers a wide range of mind-blowing vacation spots where tourist from all over the world comes to spend quality time. From beautiful beaches to tropical jungles, happening nightclubs to mouthwatering street foods, the Land of Smiles offers many options to satisfy your every need. Here, we are going to mention a few popular places in Thailand:
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Thailand's capital Bangkok is one of the most popular cities in the world. This city perfectly combines culture, faith, and modern lifestyle. The view of standing towering skyscrapers, monasteries, and temples is one of the main highlights of this city. This city's street markets, floating markets, shoppingcentres, and luxury malls are also popular among tourists.
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Phuket is not only in Thailand but is among the top popular destination in the world. It is Thailand's largest Island, and this place offers various beautiful offshore islands, Golden beaches, lively markets, and thrilling nightlife. November to February is the best time to visit. However, you can visit here anytime.
Koh Tao
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Travel to Thailand's southeastern part, where Koh Tao Island is located, in a group of islands, called the Chumphon Archipelago. This place is known for the amazing experience of snorkelling, scuba diving, and other watersports at a pocket-friendly price. The amazing white sand beach is one of the top attractions of Koh Tao.
Phi Phi island
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Phi Ph is six islands famous for their pristine waters, beautiful beaches, and colorful party life. You have to travel only 40 km from Phuket to reach Phi Phi. These islands are perfect for holiday destinations.
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The coastal city is known as the party hub and the Sex capital of Thailand for its colorful nightlife. Despite being known for thousands of active sex workers, the city offers more than its infamous tag 'brothel' as it offers beautiful beaches, watersports, lip-smacking street foods, and luxurious cafes and restaurants. November to June is the ideal time to visit this city.
Chiang Mai
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Chain Mai used to be Thailand's northern capital in the era of the Lanna Kingdom. This place is quite the opposite of the picture people imagine in Thailand. This northern part is known for its laid-back religious vibe and is full of monsters and ancient temples, unlike the vibrant southern part of the country.
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Karbi is known as one of the oldest regions in Thailand. This region perfectly balances traditional elements with modern lifestyles, where tourists can enjoy a lavish urban lifestyle with a touch of local flavor. This place is located near Phuket, and many travelling options are available. Exotic beaches, limestone formations, corals, and beautiful islands are one of the key attractions of this palace.
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PhraNakhon Si Ayutthaya, commonly known as Ayutthaya, is one of the smallest tourist destinations in Thailand. However, the small city offers many things, such as temples, monasteries, and other archaeological sites. This city is known as the ancient capital of Thailand or 'Krung Kao' in the Thai language.
If you have limited time and cannot cover the whole of Thailand, you can visit the places mentioned above, as these are the top places that surely make your Thailand tour memorable.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 1.12
Amenzu n Yennayer (a.k.a. Aseggwas Amaziɣ, ⴰⵙⴳⴳⴰⵙ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ or Amazigh New Year; Algeria)
Batman Day
Bikini Appreciation Day
Eat Crackers and Try to Whistle Day
Feast of Fabulous Wild Men
HAL Day (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Hen Galan (Welsh New Year)
International Shape Tape Day
Kiss a Ginger Day
Lift Every Voice and Sing Day
Little League Girls Baseball Day
Memorial Day (Turkmenistan)
National Handwriting Day
National Kettlebell Day
National Pharmacist Day
National Youth Day (India)
Night of the Balloons (Austria)
Ovank’a (Elder Scrolls)
Prosecutor General’s Day (Russia)
Public Museum Day
Roller Skating Day
Rubber Band Veteran Day
Stick To Your New Years' Resolutions Day
Stroke Prevention Day (UK)
Work Harder Day
Working Woman's Appreciation Day
Zanzibar Revolution Day (Tanzania)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Curried Chicken Day
French Onion Soup Day
National Glazed Doughnut Day
National Hot Tea Day
National Marzipan Day
2nd Thursday in January
Family Communications Day [2nd Thursday]
Healthy Weight, Healthy Look Day [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
New Canada (a.k.a. New States of Canada; Confederated; 2012) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aelred of Rievaulx (Christian; Saint)
Allied (Christian; Saint)
Anthesteria (Festival to Dionysus, Greek God of Intoxication)
Arcadius (Christian; Saint)
Benedict Biscop (Christian; Saint)
Bernard of Corleone (Christian; Saint)
Ciwarartri (a.k.a. Siwarratriis; Night of the gof Shiva; Bali)
Compitalia (Slave festival to household gods Lares and Manes; Ancient Rome)
Festival of Sarasyati (Hindu Goddess of Wisdom)
Marguerite Bourgeoys (Christian; Saint)
Night of Hekate Suppers (Pagan)
Noble Fraggle (Muppetism)
Penne for Your Thoughts Day (Pastafarian)
Peter Sellers Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Swami Vivekananda Jayati (West Bengal, India)
Tatiana (Christian; Saint)
Tyrrius (Christian; Saint)
Ullr Festival (Mythical God of Winter)
Zoroaster (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [6 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [7 of 30]
All in the Family (TV Series; 1971)
All Shook Up, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Baby One More Time, by Britney Spears (Album; 1999)
Batman (TV Series; 1966)
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical (Broadway Musical; 2014)
Despacito, by Daddy Yankee (Song; 2017)
Dynasty (TV Series; 1981)
Hullabaloo! (Musical Variety TV Show; 1965)
King of the Hill (Animated TV Series; 1997)
Led Zeppelin, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1968)
Lifeboat (Film; 1944)
Ottone, by George Frederic Handel (Opera; 1723)
Pearl, by Janis Joplin (Album; 1971)
Portnoy’s Complaint, by Philp Roth (Novel; 1969)
Shadow of a Doubt (Film; 1943)
The Shop Around the Corner (Film; 1940)
True Detective (TV Mini-Series; 2014)
The Wallflower, by Etta James (Song; 1955)
Today’s Name Days
Ernst, Tatjana, Xenia (Austria)
Tanya, Tatyana (Bulgaria)
Bernard, Ernest, Tanja, Tatjana (Croatia)
Pravoslav (Czech Republic)
Reinhold (Denmark)
Ande, Antonia, Tooni (Estonia)
Toini (Finland)
Tatiana (France)
Ernst, Tatjana, Xenia (Germany)
Tatiane, Tatiani (Greece)
Ernő (Hungary)
Modesto, Probo, Tatiana (Italy)
Reinholds, Reinis, Ringolds (Latvia)
Cezarija, Cezarijus, Ernestas, Lingailė, Vaigedas (Lithuania)
Reinert, Reinhard (Norway)
Antoni, Arkadiusz, Arkady, Benedykt, Czech, Czechasz, Czechoń, Czesław, Czesława, Ernest, Ernestyn, Greta, Reinhold, Tycjan (Poland)
Tatiana (Romania)
Ernest (Slovakia)
Arcadio, Nazario, Tania, Tatiana (Spain)
Frideborg, Fridolf (Sweden)
Tetiana, Tania (Ukraine)
Alain, Alaina, Alan, Alana, Alanna, Alayna, Allan, Allen, Allena, Lana, Lanna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 12 of 2023; 353 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 2 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Dōngyuè), Day 21 (Geng-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 19 Teveth 5783
Islamic: 19 Jumada II 1444
J Cal: 12 Aer; Fiveday [12 of 30]
Julian: 30 December 2022
Moon: 73%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 12 Moses (1st Month) [Zoroaster]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 23 of 90)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 22 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 1.12
Amenzu n Yennayer (a.k.a. Aseggwas Amaziɣ, ⴰⵙⴳⴳⴰⵙ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ or Amazigh New Year; Algeria)
Batman Day
Bikini Appreciation Day
Eat Crackers and Try to Whistle Day
Feast of Fabulous Wild Men
HAL Day (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Hen Galan (Welsh New Year)
International Shape Tape Day
Kiss a Ginger Day
Lift Every Voice and Sing Day
Little League Girls Baseball Day
Memorial Day (Turkmenistan)
National Handwriting Day
National Kettlebell Day
National Pharmacist Day
National Youth Day (India)
Night of the Balloons (Austria)
Ovank’a (Elder Scrolls)
Prosecutor General’s Day (Russia)
Public Museum Day
Roller Skating Day
Rubber Band Veteran Day
Stick To Your New Years' Resolutions Day
Stroke Prevention Day (UK)
Work Harder Day
Working Woman's Appreciation Day
Zanzibar Revolution Day (Tanzania)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Curried Chicken Day
French Onion Soup Day
National Glazed Doughnut Day
National Hot Tea Day
National Marzipan Day
2nd Thursday in January
Family Communications Day [2nd Thursday]
Healthy Weight, Healthy Look Day [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
New Canada (a.k.a. New States of Canada; Confederated; 2012) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aelred of Rievaulx (Christian; Saint)
Allied (Christian; Saint)
Anthesteria (Festival to Dionysus, Greek God of Intoxication)
Arcadius (Christian; Saint)
Benedict Biscop (Christian; Saint)
Bernard of Corleone (Christian; Saint)
Ciwarartri (a.k.a. Siwarratriis; Night of the gof Shiva; Bali)
Compitalia (Slave festival to household gods Lares and Manes; Ancient Rome)
Festival of Sarasyati (Hindu Goddess of Wisdom)
Marguerite Bourgeoys (Christian; Saint)
Night of Hekate Suppers (Pagan)
Noble Fraggle (Muppetism)
Penne for Your Thoughts Day (Pastafarian)
Peter Sellers Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Swami Vivekananda Jayati (West Bengal, India)
Tatiana (Christian; Saint)
Tyrrius (Christian; Saint)
Ullr Festival (Mythical God of Winter)
Zoroaster (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [6 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [7 of 30]
All in the Family (TV Series; 1971)
All Shook Up, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Baby One More Time, by Britney Spears (Album; 1999)
Batman (TV Series; 1966)
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical (Broadway Musical; 2014)
Despacito, by Daddy Yankee (Song; 2017)
Dynasty (TV Series; 1981)
Hullabaloo! (Musical Variety TV Show; 1965)
King of the Hill (Animated TV Series; 1997)
Led Zeppelin, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1968)
Lifeboat (Film; 1944)
Ottone, by George Frederic Handel (Opera; 1723)
Pearl, by Janis Joplin (Album; 1971)
Portnoy’s Complaint, by Philp Roth (Novel; 1969)
Shadow of a Doubt (Film; 1943)
The Shop Around the Corner (Film; 1940)
True Detective (TV Mini-Series; 2014)
The Wallflower, by Etta James (Song; 1955)
Today’s Name Days
Ernst, Tatjana, Xenia (Austria)
Tanya, Tatyana (Bulgaria)
Bernard, Ernest, Tanja, Tatjana (Croatia)
Pravoslav (Czech Republic)
Reinhold (Denmark)
Ande, Antonia, Tooni (Estonia)
Toini (Finland)
Tatiana (France)
Ernst, Tatjana, Xenia (Germany)
Tatiane, Tatiani (Greece)
Ernő (Hungary)
Modesto, Probo, Tatiana (Italy)
Reinholds, Reinis, Ringolds (Latvia)
Cezarija, Cezarijus, Ernestas, Lingailė, Vaigedas (Lithuania)
Reinert, Reinhard (Norway)
Antoni, Arkadiusz, Arkady, Benedykt, Czech, Czechasz, Czechoń, Czesław, Czesława, Ernest, Ernestyn, Greta, Reinhold, Tycjan (Poland)
Tatiana (Romania)
Ernest (Slovakia)
Arcadio, Nazario, Tania, Tatiana (Spain)
Frideborg, Fridolf (Sweden)
Tetiana, Tania (Ukraine)
Alain, Alaina, Alan, Alana, Alanna, Alayna, Allan, Allen, Allena, Lana, Lanna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 12 of 2023; 353 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 2 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Dōngyuè), Day 21 (Geng-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 19 Teveth 5783
Islamic: 19 Jumada II 1444
J Cal: 12 Aer; Fiveday [12 of 30]
Julian: 30 December 2022
Moon: 73%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 12 Moses (1st Month) [Zoroaster]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 23 of 90)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 22 of 30)
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umaraheja · 4 months
Discover the Magic of Thailand with Elephant Trekking and Koh Kood Adventures
Thailand, a land steeped in cultural richness and stunning natural beauty, offers experiences as diverse as its landscapes. From the bustling streets of Bangkok to the serenity of untouched islands like Koh Kood, Thailand caters to every traveler's desire. While elephant trekking in Thailand might be a popular tourist activity, responsible sanctuaries are offering ethical interactions with these gentle giants.
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Beyond the Stereotypes: Ethical Encounters and Unforgettable Adventures
Responsible tourism is becoming increasingly important, and elephant sanctuaries are leading the way in Thailand. These sanctuaries prioritize the well-being of the elephants, allowing visitors to observe and learn about these majestic creatures in a cruelty-free environment. You can volunteer at a sanctuary, assisting with their care and contributing to their conservation efforts.
A Journey Through Bustling Cities and Serene Temples
Thailand's vibrant cities pulsate with life. Bangkok, a captivating metropolis, is a sensory overload in the best way possible. Explore the maze-like alleys of Chatuchak Weekend Market, a shopper's paradise overflowing with everything from handcrafted souvenirs to mouthwatering street food. Immerse yourself in the rich history and architectural wonders of Wat Pho, home to the Reclining Buddha, a massive sculpture depicting the Buddha in a state of nirvana.
A Culinary Adventure for Every Palate
Thai cuisine is a symphony of flavors, exploding with sweet, sour, salty, and spicy notes. Savor fragrant curries like Massaman or Panang, indulge in the delicate stir-fried noodles of Pad Thai, or tantalize your taste buds with a bowl of Tom Yum soup, a spicy and sour broth brimming with fragrant lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves. From Michelin-starred restaurants to bustling street food stalls, Thailand's culinary scene caters to every taste and budget.
Beyond the Mainland: Unveiling Island Paradises
Thailand boasts over 1,400 islands, each with its own unique charm. Phuket, the largest island, offers a vibrant nightlife scene and stunning beaches for sunbathing and water sports. For a more secluded experience, head to Koh Lanta, where pristine beaches and laid-back vibes reign supreme.
Koh Kood Thailand: An Untouched Paradise
If you seek an escape from the tourist crowds, venture to Koh Kood, a hidden gem nestled in the Gulf of Thailand. This island is a haven for nature lovers, with cascading waterfalls hidden within lush rainforests, pristine coral reefs teeming with marine life, and secluded beaches fringed with swaying palm trees.
Cultural Immersion and Breathtaking Landscapes
Venture beyond the beaches to discover the rich cultural tapestry of Thailand. In Chiang Mai, the ancient capital of the Lanna kingdom, explore ornate temples like Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, perched atop a mountain offering panoramic views. Immerse yourself in the vibrant tradition of Loy Krathong, a festival where intricately decorated floating lanterns illuminate rivers and lakes throughout the country.
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Thailand's Enduring Appeal
Thailand's magic lies in its ability to cater to every traveler's desires. Whether you crave bustling markets, serene temples, ethical wildlife encounters, or a luxurious escape on an untouched island like Koh Kood, Thailand offers an unforgettable adventure. So, pack your bags, embrace the warmth of the Thai people, and discover the wonders that await you in the Land of Smiles.
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bingwallpaper · 2 years
Yi Peng Festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand
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The bright light of the full moon is mirrored by lit lanterns launched skyward in the Thai festival of Yi Peng. It's a beautiful celebration, as you can see, and it happens around the second full moon at this time of year (“yi” means “two” and “peng” means “full moon day”). Our photo shows the lanterns in Chiang Mai, Thailand's second-largest city and the home of the most famous Yi Peng festival, which has strong ties to the Lanna people of northern Thailand.
Yi Peng is a religious festival that also features entertainment and local traditional food. It is believed that sending lanterns up into the sky will honour the gods, and traditionally the release of lanterns has represented letting go of bad luck and wishing for good fortune. During the festival, lanterns or candles are also lit outside homes and businesses to show devotion to the Buddha.
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aquillis-main · 2 years
Fret, what do you even see in that earthling, Lanna?
Fret, blushing: She's... strong. I've not seen a load of humans carry a sledgehammer like she does, nor have I ever seen someone so sweet like her, as well. She didn't think I was 'wrong' or 'ugly' when I still thought of myself as a human, nor did she get too upset when I talked to her about my nightmares of death and killing Fae, Cardians, and whatnot.
twirling his mane in his finger
...To be honest, she's also a bit annoying, what with her goody-two shoeness and her need to protect those that wronged not only I and my family, but also her. But she's also surprisingly pragmatic in ways I thought humans couldn't be, as well, like when she had to fight some of the Cardians when we learnt the truth about their planet...
She also introduced me to this human delicacy called 'junk food', as well.
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