#Lance plays basketball and Keith plays volleyball???? 😱😱😱
alohaasaloevera · 5 months
Keith tugs him by the arm, and the before Lance can register what’s happening, he’s pushed up against the cold, brick wall of the main building and his lips are suddenly on Keith’s.
Keith’s lips are, unsurprisingly, chapped. He internally chuckles a bit—leave it to Keith to be the school’s resident heartthrob but still not care about how chapped lips are definitely a no-no when it comes to kissing (or just romance etiquette in general). Although, the “promiscuous, mysterious bad boy who steals girlfriends without a second thought and could break you in half if he wanted to” reputation he has isn’t entirely true, so he’ll let Keith get away with that.
A hand snakes up to rest on his cheek. He hums contentedly, placing his right arm on the other’s hip. Shocked screams and thrilled cheers from people above in a classroom, but Lance pays no attention to the noise as his eyes flutter closed, tilting his head to so that their lips can slot perfectly together. Keith makes a pretty noise when Lance bites softly on his lower lip, whining when Lance slips his tongue in.
There’s no fireworks—no butterflies, no adrenaline coursing through his veins; just warmth enveloping his entire body. He feels a sense of fulfillment—the fact that he managed to even get the Keith Kogane to kiss him, let alone just convince him to spend time with him? It feels like he had done the impossible.
The hand on his cheek comes down to rest on his shoulder, coaxing him to open his eyes.
What he sees is a Keith with red, swollen lips, and a look so fond that it makes his entire body start to malfunction and crash in on itself. The sight is so ethereal that he’s positive that he might faint any second.
“I’m so proud of you,” Keith admits, and if this was just a few months ago, Lance would have laughed in his face and stormed off, because why would Keith Kogane of all people ever compliment someone like him? “You’ve been working your ass off every single day for the past—what, 3 months? On multiple occasions I thought you were going to throw up because of how far you were pushing yourself.” Lance giggles a bit at that, remembering the time that he threw up the amazing sandwich Hunk had made just for him and he moped all day, saying a million sorries to Hunk every single time he go the chance to.
“I can’t even explain to you how happy I was when you guys won,” He smiles brightly, and Lance is fighting against everything in his will to not kiss Keith senseless.
Keith sighs shakily, before he stares into Lance’s eyes, purple boring into ocean blue, “Lance, I—”
An alarm goes off, and Keith is suddenly whipping out his phone, muttering a soft, quiet “shit”.
“I gotta go to practice,” Keith says hurriedly, “You know how Coran is about being late.”
Just as he starts running, Keith pauses, looking back at Lance with a small tilt of his lips, “Great job, Sharpshooter.” He adds, his face morphing into that little grin of his.
Lance stumbles the entire way to his car, tripping on nothing at least 5 times.
Keith is in his bed, Kosmo curled up by his side, when he sees that he got tagged in a video. He doesn’t use social media often so he doesn’t see the reason why anyone would tag him, but he just shrugs it off and and clicks on the video.
He’s more than surprised when he finds out it’s a video of him kissing Lance—even more when he finds that Pidge herself had posted the video. Black and white text in the middle of the video reads “Bro got rizzed up in front of everyone 💀💀”, and people can be heard screeching in the classroom when Keith pins Lance to the wall.
He looks to the right of his screen to see that the post got ten thousand likes in a matter of hours. Not even bothering to check the comments. He tosses his phone and promptly screams into a pillow.
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