#Labrinth – Don’t Fence Me In
explorevenus · 2 years
piercing porcelain, crimson sap ♡ vampire!steddie x reader (pt. 1)
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recommended listening - dracula (nate sees cassie) - labrinth
this part is generally sfw but the bulk of this series will be nsfw (18+) - so minors dni !!!!! or i will call ur mom
word count - 5k
description - in a fantasy world, reader is from a small, remote village. for many years you have been drawn to the mysterious mansion in the woods, the very same mansion you were warned against visiting for so long. you’ve tended to the neglected garden since you were young, growing attached to the strange, abandoned structure, only to one day find out the mansion isn’t as vacant as you’d thought...
tags/warnings - vampire!steddie, dark!steddie, innocent!reader, fem/afab!reader, pet names, no use of (Y/N), stevie is a lil cold at first but he warms up i promise, eddie is v manipulative lol, implied hypnosis, no smut yet but i promise it’s coming, fantasy elements obvi
a/n - ok i know this premise is done to death and like somewhat out of left field for a fucking stranger things fic but HEAR ME OUT. HEAR ME OUT OKAY. i am a SLUT for sexy mysterious vampire boys and i’ll be DAMNED if i don’t turn steve and eddie into sexy mysterious vampire boys at least once before i die. thank u for understanding and if u see this and it flops no u didn’t ♡
taglist - @urlbitchin​
my masterlist ♡ ​
part 2 coming soon ! lmk if u want to be added to the taglist :)​
fic below the cut, thanks for reading and i hope u enjoy ♡
-venus ♡
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Growing up in the woods, you were always taught to avoid the decrepit old mansion that hid away in the shadows of the tall trees, a warning you would heed with great caution as a child, but not so much as you grew into your teenage years. 
You were 15 when you first felt the urge to rebel, or rather when you first failed to fight it off. Restricting yourself to only the outside of the property, to make yourself feel better about your choices, if anything, you had set off along the overgrown path that winded northeast and just down the valley, into a remote corner of the wilderness where the decaying building loomed tall, quieting the forest around it.
Based on all the horror stories you'd been told over the years, you expected to find the place teeming with evil spirits, or perhaps grotesque monsters; but, it was silent as could be, utterly vacant by the looks of it, and at first, rather underwhelming. You thought to yourself that maybe that was the point of all those hyperbolic cautionary tales that the elders passed down, to build up this great big image of what evil might be hiding away here, only for the purpose of letting down those expectations later. You were ready to give up and walk home, disappointed by your findings (or lack thereof), when you caught sight of a beautiful jungle of plants out of the corner of your eye-- they were bursting through the gaps in an old iron fence. It was a long forgotten garden, and as luck would have it, plenty of the plants there were invaluable for your alchemical endeavors.
Every now and then you would slip away and return to the garden, mindlessly sifting through the salvageable ingredients, and as the years went on you'd made a habit of tidying up the weeds where you could, too. Your interest in alchemy hadn't fully extended to an interest in gardening, so you weren't the most experienced by any means, but it was amazing what the smallest loving touch could do for a long forgotten place. Not to mention, the ridding of the weeds allowed the more sought after plants to properly flourish. It became your own private place, your own little slice of heaven, untouched by anyone but yourself. You loved the community you'd grown up in, but you felt an immense comfort near that strange mansion.
In your adulthood you only began to spend more time at the property, caring for the precious plants and dreaming that the mansion was yours, dreaming that you were not a village witch thieving ingredients for a living but the mistress of a beautiful household, gardening for pleasure in her overabundance of free time. It wasn't so much the material that you wanted, no, but the freedom-- freedom from the dangers of the woods, freedom from that constant worry of being unable to provide for yourself, for your village. It was nice to fantasize sometimes.
On this particular afternoon, it was overcast when you were readying yourself to leave the village, so you saw it fit to bring an umbrella. The prospect of rain didn't bother you a bit, or change your plans to visit the mansion at all-- it had been too long since the last rainfall, so both yourself and the plants were sorely needing it anyway. You lifted the hood of your soft cloak over your head and stepped outside, flower basket in-hand and toting a leather backpack full of various gardening supplies.
Cutting through the trees to that fading old pathway, little rocks and twigs crunching ambiently beneath your boots, you looked up at the grey sky above to see that it was only continuing to darken on the horizon. Thick black clouds loomed in the distance, swallowing up every last bit of sunlight and visibly unleashing buckets of rain upon the northern end of the mountain range, and they were barreling closer at a rate highly noticeable to the naked eye. You briefly considered turning back, but decided to stick to it anyway, given the worst case scenario was having to walk home drenched.
That old iron fence creaked loudly in greeting as you entered, even louder than usual due to the moisture in the air. You closed it softly behind you and made your way over to the patch of nightshade that you'd been tending to. You propped your umbrella up on the stump of a nearby tree, crouched beneath it, and got to work pulling up weeds as little droplets began to fall around you. The petrichor was delightful and comforting, and the rainfall softened the earth enough to make it just a little easier to uproot things. It didn't take long for you to settle into a comfortable autopilot mode as the droplets became gradually larger, and more plentiful.
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Eddie and Steve liked this kind of rain.
Any kind of rain was favored, of course, but today was unmistakably a treat. The clouds were so dense and blackened with excess that no sunlight could hope to shine through. There was much excitement to be had on darkened days such as these, for a creature of the night-- the ability to roam during waking hours provided an entirely new insight into the lives and routines of their prospective cattle, and as a bonus, the moisture in the air tended to strengthen certain scents. 
But, in a more wholesome light, it was quite nice to reminisce in the long faded memory of their own mortality, to pretend, if even just for one afternoon, that their hearts may beat with vitality as they once did, that their bodies might once again hunger for fruit or pastries instead of thick red blood. It was a perfect day for a stroll, Eddie thought, and if they were to happen upon something suitable to dine on in the process, well, that's all the better...
Unfortunately, for his own skeptical reasons, Steve didn't seem to agree. He felt that it was too much of a risk to be seen by anyone, that it would blow their cover, and perhaps his paranoia was not entirely unfounded, though Eddie hesitated to give in. Not only had it been a while since the last good rainfall like this, but it had certainly been far too long since they'd found a new plaything, and Eddie was becoming... rather restless. The last few cattle they'd brought in hadn't really wowed him, as they were chosen more out of necessity and convenience than pleasure, and in turn, it took hardly any time at all for him to grow bored with them. Eddie needed something new, something exciting to keep him entertained for much, much longer than that. The weather provided the most enticing opportunity to stalk around, it was a shame that Steve was so adamantly against it. He could really be no fun sometimes.
Eddie was sulking around the mansion while Steve worked away in the upstairs office-- he had taken the additional waking hours as an opportunity to get ahead on his obligations, which was quite characteristically responsible of him, but Eddie couldn't bring himself to sit still, knowing that such a golden opportunity was being wasted. He could only rearrange the liquor cabinet so many times, let alone the furniture-- the exterior of the mansion was to remain untouched, to maintain the illusion of vacancy. With each passing second, the temptation to slip out for a bit to hunt while Steve worked was picking away at him.
Tossing the idea around, just for fun, of course, Eddie approached the nearest window and drew back the heavy red curtains for a peek outside-- just a scan of the property couldn't hurt, right?-- and as his mocha eyes followed along the treeline surrounding the property, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but he froze in place as he picked up on an intriguing scent. Curiously, Eddie cracked the old window open, letting in a draft of the cool, fresh air, and just as he'd hoped, it carried with it the sweet smell of living flesh. The stars couldn't have aligned more beautifully-- there was a human nearby.
To avoid alerting Steve, Eddie quickly sealed the window shut once more, slinking away up the stairs for a better view from the windows in the master bedroom. They were bigger than the ones in the hallway, had a much higher vantage point, and more conveniently, faced the single overgrown path that led to and from the property. Truthfully, he hadn't expected to find much-- Eddie didn't really consider himself lucky, and he knew that the powerful scents carried by the humid air could sometimes be deceiving. 
Still, just as he'd done before, he drew back the curtains and cracked the window, peering outward, noting that the human's scent was stronger here. It was floral and saccharine, like fresh lavender and juicy peach, laced with ribbons of intoxicating iron. Eddie's lashes fluttered as his eyes slid shut in delight, and he allowed himself a moment to breathe in deeply with an open, slightly watering mouth.
His eyes opened again and immediately caught sight of movement on the ground below. Eddie couldn't believe his eyes at first; crouched beneath an umbrella in the garden was a pretty little witch, muddying her slight hands in the thick weeds with no evident knowledge of the mansion's occupants. She wore a pale pink cloak that matched her boots and her umbrella, the white frills of her dress poofing out from beneath it, pointed elven ears peeking through her hair. Eddie could hardly fathom leaving the girl out in the rain-- after all, she must be freezing...
Eddie briefly considered asking Steve for his opinion, but had a sore feeling that he knew what he would say, and it wasn't likely to be in his favor. Deep down, he knew that it might be a reckless move, but the aroma in the air was all too enticing. With every passing second he was losing grasp of his better judgement. The temptation was far too much, and so it was that he gathered an umbrella of his own, and decided he would rather ask for forgiveness later. His sleek black dress shoes went from tapping elegantly across the hardwood floors to sinking into the wet earth. While he wasn't exactly thrilled that his expensive shoes had been exposed to the elements, he knew that the reward could be well worth it. Conveniently, too, the softness of the ground masked the noise of his movements, allowing him a bit more time to observe the girl in her relaxed state. Eddie approached the little elf slowly, not wanting to frighten her. She was so absorbed in her work that she hadn't even looked up.
In all honesty, the girl's unmoving focus and lowered guard brought a little smirk to Eddie's face. Finally, he asked aloud, "My, sweetheart, aren't you cold?" His voice was so warm and sweet, but somehow chilling, too.
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You startled, freezing in place as your eyes raked up the length of his body before you-- he was so tall, with long legs clad in nice black slacks that fit him sinfully well, and contrasted to his pale white skin in a way that gave him a nearly unnatural glow. His alabaster face was framed by wildly curly, dark hair, tucked into a messy low bun behind his neck. You couldn't find the words to speak-- he was certainly stunning, a sight for sore eyes, but you had definitely not expected to see anyone out here, let alone in this weather, and it was even weirder that he was able to sneak up on you.
"Oh, you poor thing, you're shivering..." The mysterious man frowned, crouching to your level, fingertips tracing along the underside of her jaw. Little did you know that he was feeling for your pulse. "Why don't you come inside and warm up, hm? We'll get you out of this rain and into some dry clothes."
Inside...? You were only puzzled further-- as far as you knew, this mansion had been vacant for decades, and it certainly looked the part. The garden was far from the only section of it that had fallen into disrepair. The circumstances of this situation were overtly suspicious, but there was something about him that just made it so hard to say no. The mysterious man was equal parts haunting and alluring, comforting and hazardous. Before you could say anything, he reached forward to wrap an arm around your shoulders and then began to usher you indoors.
Shutting the heavy oak door softly behind you, the man rested a hand on your shoulder from behind. "May I take your umbrella?" He kindly asked.
"T-Thank you," You blushed, shakily handing your umbrella over to the man, suddenly being washed over by a feeling of guilt for dripping water all over the beautiful hardwood flooring. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know anyone lived here--"
"Shh, it's quite alright, angel," He soothed, hand sliding from your shoulder to your collarbone as he stepped forward, and twisted around to face you. Every movement he made was so enchanting, so graceful, you nearly tripped over yourself as he was stepping out of his muddy shoes. "I appreciate the company. It's not often we get visitors out here."
You were then given absolutely no time to ponder the implication of the word 'we' as the man asked for your name. Somewhat warily, you gave it to him. He hummed contentedly, testing the name out on his tongue, and he was very much pleased with how it felt.
"How pretty," He mused. "And how sweet of you to take such good care of our garden... it's nice to meet you. I'm Eddie."
You were immediately flustered at the praise, cheeks flushing bright pink as your eyes darted somewhere else, drinking in your surroundings-- perhaps the outside of the mansion was falling apart, but the inside was truly beautiful. Dark, but beautiful. Intricately carved wooden furniture decorated the space, fine paintings adorned the deep blue walls which flickered a warm orange with cozy candlelight, and the ceilings were so high that it made you feel particularly small. It looked almost regal. 
Eddie gently reached for your hand, bringing you swiftly back to reality. "Why don't you come upstairs and we'll get you out of those wet clothes, hm?" He asked, but he was already leading the way-- again, there was something unnaturally persuasive about him, and it went far deeper than his unparalleled beauty. You rounded a corner and began to ascend the winding staircase, the fine wood creaking softly beneath your steps. 
Clearing your throat nervously, you finally mustered up the courage to speak. "Do you live alone here?"
Eddie shook his head, leading you down a hallway at the top of the staircase. You followed obediently. "I have a roommate, an... old friend, named Steve," Eddie explained over his shoulder. "He's working away in his office, but I hope we see him soon. I would love to introduce you."
Of course, Eddie was well aware that your scent would soon breach the door to Steve's office, that it was only a matter of time until he'd follow it through the house until it led him to the both of you. He knew Steve would be angry with him, but he also knew Steve would have a hard time saying no to such a pretty meal laid out just for him. Eddie was willing to take that risk.
One of two thick oak doors creaked open before you, revealing an immaculate master bedroom. The windows were blocked with heavy black drapes which matched the dark, plush bedding, complimented by the stained wood floor. The walls were painted a deep, navy blue, shrouding the room in darkness save for the soft light of a bedside lamp crafted of Tiffany glass.
"You have a beautiful home," You spoke softly, eyes fixated to the many intricate details of the space that seemed endless, every flick of your eyes uncovering new treasures to be admired-- paintings, trinkets, candles long burnt down and dripping hardened wax down their bases.
Eddie chuckled, gazing at you out of the corner of his eye as he rifled through the closet for something you could wear, though it was hard for him to make a decision. You looked so adorable in your soft colored clothes, even drenched in rain and speckled with earth, and he sadly didn't have anything that matched your gentle appearance.
"Thank you, doll. You're very sweet," He finally replied, and as the words left his lips he noticed your polite manners. You observed your surroundings quietly, hands clasped in front of you as you made the noticed choice not to overstep, not to touch anything without permission, not to look too closely at any one thing. 
It came as a surprise to him when he felt his cold heart swell. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt such a way about someone he'd tricked into his home for a quick meal.
He brought his attention back to the closet, giving up on his own side and choosing instead to rummage through Steve's-- yet another decision he might come to regret, but at least Steve was more likely to own something soft and colorful. Almost immediately his eyes landed on a thick yellow sweater that would surely warm you up. Eddie plucked it off of its hanger and turned to hand it to you.
However, you were lost in an oil painting on the wall, wide eyes glassy with wonder as you looked over each brushstroke of a glowing crescent moon over a stream of rushing water. Eddie and Steve had acquired that painting so long ago that Eddie couldn't even remember where it came from or who painted it, but just how mesmerized you were by the piece was art enough for him.
Eddie cleared his throat to gather your attention, holding the sweater out for you. "Here, this should help you warm up," He smiled, careful not to bare his teeth. He didn't want to scare you off now. Only moments ago he simply wanted to bleed you dry, but now he found himself wanting to taste you, savor you, perhaps even keep you.
Oblivious, you took the garment from him with a smile, amazed at how soft it was. You thanked Eddie quietly before turning around to shed yourself of your dress, undoing the thin ribbons that secured it in the back before letting it slip gently down from your shoulders. You stepped out of the soaked piece carefully, thankful to your past self for choosing to wear tights and thin shorts beneath it, and as you pulled the cozy sweater over your head you delighted in the near immediate warmth that came with it. Shortly after, you gathered your dress from the floor and turned to face him.
"Thank you. Is there somewhere I can hang this to dry?" You asked.
Eddie tried to conceal his smirk as he answered you, "Well, I would say you could hang it on the clothesline, but..." He gestured toward the window which was concealed behind the thick drapes, but the sound of fat rain drops pattering against the glass was clear. "You should stay inside until the rain lets up, hm? I'd be happy to light the fireplace for you."
"I don't know... I should probably get back to the village in case the storm gets any worse," You spoke reluctantly, casting your gaze to the floor in disappointment, a move that was not lost on Eddie. "I might need to help cover the crops. I don't know what we'll do for the winter if our harvest is flooded."
Your disappointment communicated a couple of things to him-- one, you truly wanted to stay and spend time with him, and two, it was likely you'd be easy to convince to do just that. Of course he understood your plight, though he hadn't really considered the struggles of everyday, living, breathing people in a long time, but selfishly...
"Well, how many people live in your village, sweetheart?" He asked. You looked up at him, tilting your head quizzically. He chuckled, clarifying, "I don't get out much. I wouldn't know."
You had to think for a second-- you'd never really counted-- and when you landed on an estimate you were comfortable with, you obliged. "I don't know exactly... 45 or 50, maybe?"
Eddie hummed, crossing his arms casually. "That's a lot of hands. I'm sure they'll fare just fine without your help for a few hours, yeah?"
You pondered for a moment, just beginning to part your lips to accept his offer to stay for a while when another voice cut through the air, disapproving and materializing out of nowhere: "Eddie... What do you think you're doing?"
While you startled at the unexpected voice, jumping slightly where you stood, Eddie could only grin, turning slowly around to face the man in the doorway.
Only logical, you surmised this was the 'friend' Eddie had told you about earlier-- he was tall and athletic, square jaw and long lashes with fluffy brown hair that wisped over his face. The top two buttons of his white shirt were undone, revealing a thatch of dark hair over his strong chest. Your mouth dried-- the two of them were strikingly, devilishly handsome, especially together, and suddenly you felt your cheeks heating up with confusion over your own feelings and embarrassment for causing a problem.
Eddie's response cut your internal dialogue short. "Stevie! There you are," He greeted innocently. "Remember how you mentioned the garden looked like it was coming back to life? Well, I found the culprit," He joked, gesturing to you as he introduced you by name. Your face burned even hotter.
"...And you found the culprit wearing my shirt?" Steve asked.
You felt your heart sink into yourself. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know-" You stammered, but Eddie raised his palm to quiet you and spoke for you instead.
"Come on, Steve, look at her... Poor thing got soaked in the rain! Besides, doesn't she look adorable in yellow?"
Suddenly you felt hot for a different reason. You looked down to the floor to hide your face-- little did you know they could both hear your heart pounding. Still staring at the floor, you spoke up again, a little louder this time. "Um, I'm sorry for intruding... You can have your shirt back and I'll just go. I didn't mean to cause any problems."
As you looked up to make your way toward the door, you accidentally locked eyes with Eddie. An unexpected wave of calm washed over you, stopping you in your tracks.
"Nonsense, sweetheart," Eddie said. "You're not intruding at all."
Steve gave him a look that missed you completely, a look you wouldn't have been able to read anyway in your trance-like state. You couldn't really manage to speak, let alone interpret the silent communication between two men who were obviously so close with each other that the most subtle physical cues could speak a thousand words. 
Eddie put a hand on your shoulder. It was cold.
He smiled at you confidently. "Would you mind giving us the room for a moment, doll?"
Your feet were carrying you to the door before his words even fully sank in. Your gaze lingered on Steve for just a moment as you passed by him on your way out-- he was intently watching you go, arms crossed as he leaned against the door frame. You weren't sure how to feel about that.
Plopping down to sit at the top of the staircase, you tugged at the sleeves of the yellow sweater and wondered what kind of conversation they were having. It was overtly obvious Steve didn't want you there, but Eddie seemed quite sure of his ability to change Steve's mind. Having just met him less than an hour ago, you didn't know him well enough to trust his judgment on that. 
A tall grandfather clock ticked rhythmically down the hall, echoing each passing second. You picked idly at your tights just to pass the time, hoping Eddie's offer to light the fireplace for you would still be in the question, should Steve decide you could stay. You could faintly hear the timbre of their voices muted by the thick wooden door, but you couldn't make out what was being said or even discern the emotion behind it. All you could do was sit there, practicing your patience. Part of you wondered if you should just leave the sweater in your place and go, if it weren't for the fact your dress was still in the bedroom and you had no idea where Eddie put your umbrella.
You were too absorbed in your thoughts to notice the hallway had quieted. Apparently you were also too absorbed in your thoughts to notice the sound of the bedroom door opening.
"You do look rather cute in that sweater," A voice startled you from behind. Clutching your chest, you turned to face the source of it, surprised to find Steve. He was noticeably calmer and offering you his hand to help you up. "I might just have to let you keep it."
Shocked, you blushed as you took his hand, rising gently from where you sat. His hand was cold too. "T-Thanks," You stuttered. "I'm sorry if I caused any problems-"
"You didn't," He cut you off with a warm smile. "I promise. The apology is mine-- I'm sorry for coming off the way I did. You didn't do anything wrong."
"There you go, Stevie," Eddie chimed in from the bedroom doorway. You were beginning to sense a pattern that they had a unique ability to sneak up on you. "See? I knew you could play nice."
Steve shook his head, giving you an exasperated look that communicated quite well to you that Eddie was no stranger to successful persuasion such as this. "Let's get that fireplace lit, shall we?"
Guiding you down the stairs by your hand, Eddie trailing close behind, Steve led you to the parlor and encouraged you to make yourself comfortable as he knelt before the fireplace, stacking nearby logs of firewood into the soot-stained enclosure. Eddie was quick to replace Steve's hand with his own, leading you over to the couch. He offered to brew some tea for you, which you eagerly accepted, and as he made his way to the kitchen you found yourself sinking into the soft couch and watching Steve turn the gas valve at the bottom of the fireplace, striking a match to set the lumber alight at last.
Steve sat on the couch to your left, leaned coolly against the arm. The light from the fire cast a flickering orange glow over his handsome features.
He asked you about how you'd found yourself here, what measures you'd taken to revive the garden and what your village was like. He seemed hesitant to tell you much about his own past, other than that he came from a family in the city that he wasn't particularly close with. You let it slide, figuring there was much more to it than that, and you didn't feel comfortable prying.
Soon Eddie returned with a hot cup of tea, cautioning you to be careful of its temperature before he handed it off to you. You hadn't asked what kind it was, but it smelled delightfully earthy and herbal and a little bit minty, sure to chase the chill from your bones. You thanked him with a polite smile as he sat on the couch to your right, cradling the warm porcelain in your hands.
The three of you continued to chat, learning more about each other as you all became comfortable and opened up a bit. You learned that Eddie plays guitar-- he promised to show you sometime. You learned that Steve used to be an incredible athlete. You learned that the two of them met in school, that they hated each other at first, but have since been inseparable for a longer period of time than either of them could recall. You told them about your family, about your aptitude for horticulture. You promised to teach them how to care for their plants.
The conversation came to a comfortable break, the parlor draped in silence other than the pleasant sound of wood crackling in the fireplace. You were a sip or two away from finishing your tea when Steve leaned forward, tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear as he asked, "Do you believe in the supernatural?"
It was an odd question that seemed to come out of nowhere. You nodded slightly. "I mean... yeah. Living in the woods for so long, I know quite well that there are many things on this Earth that nature couldn't possibly explain." You quietly sipped your tea.
"Does it scare you?" Eddie smirked, planting a cool hand on your knee. Suddenly you were feeling nervous under the pressure of their attention. You finished the last of your tea, leaning forward to set your empty mug on the coffee table.
"Not really," You replied, eyes focused on the fire. "Everything in nature requires a balance. Light and dark, hot and cold..."
"Predator and prey?" Eddie added.
You tensed a little bit, nodding. "Sure, that's a great example. It's all Gaia's will."
"Even if you were the prey?" Steve asked.
"Y-Yeah, I mean, of course," You hummed, wishing now that you hadn't finished your tea so fast. You needed something to fidget with. "It's all Gaia's will," You repeated.
Eddie's hand repositioned from your knee to your thigh so smoothly that you almost hadn't noticed. "Hmm... What about pain and pleasure?"
Steve's yellow sweater was beginning to feel rather hot on your body. Your breath hitched in your throat. "Absolutely," You answered innocently, although your voice shook. "It all contributes to a delicate balance."
You weren't stupid. You knew where they were going with this... or at least you thought you did. Oddly enough, as you'd answered just moments before, you weren't scared.
Maybe if you'd really known what you were in for, you would have been.
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trumpets0ng · 3 years
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189 - “Harpies & Vipers”
Beginning / Previously / Next
Drew, Vance & Vanessa appear courtesy of @magnolianfarewell,  & boomchicapopdat (wherever you may be) 🥰
(( Don’t Fence Me In - Labrinth ))
For easier reading, please see transcript below:
M: I don’t want to be rude. Let me run and say a quick hello to everyone. I’ll be right back.
I: Twenty-five minutes, Matty! *Matteo waves him off* I’m serious! Twenty-five minutes!
P: What happens in twenty minutes?
I: We will be boarding, and officially on vacation.
W: I don’t—
I: *sigh* Matteo’s a terrible workaholic. As such he’s not allowed to talk shop once we’ve entered international airspace. *laughter*
O: What does he do?
I: He’s a sports agent. He represents about thirty-four percent of the talent on this trip, but his competitive nature won’t let him rest until he has them all. Vance, over there is his white whale.
O: Makes sense. It’s a miracle how the Llamas have shaped up since they signed Monahan.
I: Naturally, I have to reign him in or he’ll spend our entire vacation networking. It’s why, more often than not, I try to avoid these trips when Dirk asks. He’s like my niece on a sugar high. *laughter*
W: So, what made you come this year?
I: Why, you all, of course! *conspiratorially* I couldn’t leave my beloved Devon to fend off those harpies on her own.
P: Watcher, yes! What’s the deal? Dev gets disgruntled whenever the topic comes up. Who are we avoiding?
I: Well, not everyone is here yet. But I think it’s safe to say they’re all vipers in one way or another. Well, the wifey crew is. The boys are mostly himbos with a few charmers and low-key intellectuals thrown in for good measure.
W: *giggling* Tell us what you really think! *laughter*
I: I exaggerate, of course. But not by much. Vance’s wife, Vanessa, she’s the queen bee. And that’s with a capital “b”. She’s cool and calculating. Married Vance, became a brand. She’s a handful, and he takes himself way too seriously. Hence the suit. They’re made for each other. Then there’s Daphne and Whit. They—
Dirk’s Crew: LEE!!!
O: Finally, another familiar face.
I: Oh, you know Drew?
W: We’ve met. What are your thoughts on him?
I: *airily* Personally, I like him.
P: High praise…
I: Hey, I give credit where it’s due. Drew is a decent guy. So is Kareem, over there. Don’t get me wrong, everyone in here isn’t complete evil. It’s just that some’s dark-sides outweigh their light.
Dirk’s Crew: DREAMER!!!
P: About damn time! I’ll be back.
I: Ditto!
O: Are you—
W: Freaking out internally? Yup! *Obie laughs*
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glamrock-jre · 4 years
chapter 1: the end of the beginning
“you really did fall in love with me, huh?” a soft, husky voice asked as it cracked.
keigo laid on the ground, tattered up and bruised. “i hate to say it but...yeah i really did.” keigo confirmed as he gave a weak smile.
Three Months Ago
Now Playing: Ferrari by The Neighborhood
smoke filled the air as the outline of a dark figure stood on a balcony, contrasting the bright lights of the city that laid in front of the silhouette. the figure exhaled as they looked down on the city, taking in the sounds of the cars passing by right along with the bustling people who held conversations and were heading to their destinations.
the door to the balcony opened as the figure didn’t bother looking as they took a long drag of a neatly rolled blunt that rested between their index and middle finger.
“what?” the figure’s low and husky voice boomed softly through the air, the smoke sneaking into the air. they rested on the fence that the balcony provided, not sparing even the slightest glance towards the door.
“that’s not how you talk your momma..” a small brown skinned woman rested on the doorframe. her jet black hair was in a small curly bob as she wore a baby blue robe around her small frame.
the figure seemed to tense up for a moment and then relaxed soon after.
“i didn’t know it was you ma..” the woman walked onto the balcony and walked in front of the figure, which is her presumably her son.
before the mysterious male could take another drag from the blunt he held, his mother grabbed it and took a drag from it, blowing the smoke out.
“i told yo ass i don’t want you smokin this shit.” the woman said in a soft but firm voice as she threw it off of the balcony, witnessing it fall into the lights of the city.
“i know ma. im sorry-“
“no no no baby boy. i don’t want you sayin that sorry shit either.” the mother interrupted as she rested her finger over her son’s lips gently, shushing him.
the unknown male seemed to visibly tense at his mother’s words once more.
“stand up baby.” the unknown male stood up almost instantly as the small woman sat down on the lounge chair the figure was previously in.
“come rest your head in my lap and tell your ma wassup wit you.”
“wasn’t askin. if you not gone tell me, at least let me calm your nerves cause you standin over there like you nervous and shit.” the figure seemed hesitant for a moment but eventually sat beside his mother and then rested his head on her lap.
she immediately caresses her son’s head as she ran her fingers though his hair, her fingers getting caught in some parts because of the kinkiness of her son’s hair. this same process went on for a few moments until the unknown male spoke.
“you ain’t gone ask nothin ma?” his soft, smoky voice questioned as the woman sat there in silence.
“you a grown man, not a little boy. it’s up to you if you gone tell me or not.” the unspecified male relaxed and sighed softly.
“i got something that’s gone benefit you and the family.” the woman hummed softly, urging the male to continue.
“it’s a real good plan that i been thinkin of for a while now and i think it’s gone work.” the woman breathed deeply as she pat her son’s head softly.
“sit up honey.” the unidentified male sat up and the mother snapped her fingers. water appeared suddenly and molded into a brush. she grabbed the brush and started to brush her son’s hair.
“watashi wa watashitachi no shinpai ni tsuite o shiri ni nani o tsutaemasu ka?”(“what i tell yo ass about worryin about us?) the sudden language change startled the unidentified male as he let out a shaky sigh.
“yaru ni kono detaramena basho kara dete moraitai..“ (“because i want yall to get out of this bullshit place..” he started as he took a deep breath.
“koko de yaru no tame no tawagotode wa arimasen. korera no hitobito wa karera ga yaru o fakku suru koto ga dekiru to omoimasu, soshite watashi wa finade wa arimasen korera no guchi ni karera ga yaru o hashira seru to omowa semasu-“ (“aint shit for yall here. these people think they can fuck yall over and i aint finna let these bitches think that they run yall-“
“mite yo kuso kuchi no shōnen.” (“watch yo damn mouth boy.”) the woman scolded as she yanked the male’s hair. the male let out a small yelp of pain as he whined slightly.
“gomen'nasai, okāsan.” (“sorry ma.”) the male apologized as the woman continued to brush his hair.
“listen baby...” the mother twisted the male’s hair with intense care. “i told you ain’t gotta about worry about us. you need to worry about yourself and what you gone do. you worry about other people too damn much that you don’t focus on yourself.”
“i don’t care about myself ma-“
“well i do dammit. plus, there won’t be a you to care for others in the future if you don’t take care of you-“
“i KNOW ma.” the sudden outburst made the atmosphere tense. the mother sighed as she put her son’s hair in a messy bun.
“look at me son.” the unrevealed male turned to his mother. the woman wrapped her arms around her son’s small physique. the male learned into her touch.
“i got your twin brothers and sisters to take care of me.” the male opened his mouth until his mother spoke again.
“they strong enough to keep me and yo daddy safe, okay?” the male nodded softly.
“i know you my lil tough one and the second man of the house...” the small woman smiled softly. “but you ain’t always gotta be strong and fight for us. we can hold our own.”
“you believe in your brother and sister’s strength right?” the unknown male nodded and the woman laid a gentle kiss on his forehead.
“okay then. you should rest baby.” the figure grabbed his mother’s hands and cradled them against his chest gently.
“you gone head ma. imma sleep in a few.” the woman gave a slight nod and stood up, walking to the balcony door. the mother turned around a bit and gazed at her son once more.
“i love you, son.” the unspecified male strides over to the fence of the balcony. the woman looked away and walked through the door. she froze when her son spoke.
Now Playing: Mount Everest by Labrinth
“watashi mo anata o aishiteimasu okāsan.” (“i love you too ma.”) the mother smiled gently, a tear riding down her cheek. she disappeared behind the door as she locked it. the son sighed softly as three pairs of wings sprouted from his back. his wings soon turned into two bodies, one of light and the other of darkness.
“hmm...what you gone do my lil cobra?” the dark body questioned, its deep and sensual voice spoke softly to the unspecified man.
“why are y’all two here?” the man questioned in annoyance as he gazed at the city again, resting his face against his hand.
“aww don’t be like that. we’re just your two split personalities tryin to see if you finna go through wit this plan you got goin.” the dark one spoke once more as he casted his distorted hand around the male’s neck, applying a bit of pressure.
“seduction ain’t gone work on me, kurumi. you get it from me after all.” the dark body, kurumi, let out a distorted fruity laugh.
“you finna give me a lecture or somethin, kioyoshi? you just there bein silent and shit, which is dry of you.” the light body, kioyoshi, shifted slightly as it stayed quiet for a moment. there was a tense silence for a moment until kioyoshi spoke softly.
“you know ma is right...” the man sighed disapprovingly and shook his head.
“ma just be sayin that shit to keep me from doin shit that she think is stupid-“
“well it is kinda stupid doe-“
“nobody asked you, kurumi.” the man rolled his eyes slightly as he continued to speak.
“what i came up wit ain’t gone only benefit our family but it’s gone benefit us too. y’all need to show some more trust and faith in me.”
“me and kurumi do trust you-“ kioyoshi started in a soft, deep voice that was also distorted before the unspecified male growled lowly and slammed his hands on the fence of the balcony, shutting kioyoshi up.
“WELL LET ME DO WHAT THE HELL I NEED TO DO DAMMIT!” a silence enveloped the three beings in a stiff quietness. it felt like it lasted forever until the man spoke once more, breathing deeply. he put his weight on the fence of the balcony.
“i ain’t mean to yell at you, kioyoshi. but i want y’all two to be with me on this shit. i feel like im doin the right thing this time. i just need at least y’all to agree to help me go through with this.”
another stiff silence. after a few minutes, the two bodies molded back into wings.
“kioyoshi? kurumi?” the man called out to the two. each of his wings fluttered when he did so.
“thank y’all...” the man spoke contently as he stood on the fence, closing his eyes.
‘this time...i won’t fail..’ that was the man’s last thought when he fell from the balcony, leaving a black feather and a white feather with blood splattered on them on the fence.
Three Months Later (Present Day)
Now Playing: W.A.B by Megan Thee Stallion
keigo walked down a sidewalk with his hands in his pockets, gazing at his surroundings.
the ringing of a bell whenever someone entered a cafe, the erupting conversations that went on between two or more people as they walked down the sidewalks, the cars that occasionally zoomed down the streets of Japan, and let’s not forget- the commotion that surrounded him when he was noticed by his fans.
keigo gave a smug smile as he bathed in the attention he got. he started interacting with his fans, taking pics with them, showing off his wings and all of that jazz.
“can you take a picture with me? please?” an excited girl asked as keigo smiled and put up a peace sign.
“say cheese.” the camera flashed as the girl thanked him and ran off.
keigo looked around as he smiled in content then he saw an outline of a figure on top of a building. he tilted his head softly as the figure walked away. keigo shrugged it off and went back to appealing his fans.
suddenly, gunshots went off and civilians started shrieking and running away from the source. keigo looked around, seeing everyone panic and run around.
“i need for everyone to get to safety as quick as they can!” keigo yelled over the crowd as they kept running to safety. keigo flew into the air and looked around to spot where the bullets were coming from. his sharp eye snapped to a woman who held a gun. she had a psychotic grin on her face that was very disturbing right along with her pink dilated pupils.
a sweet but sinister giggle erupted throughout the rowdy crowd.
“come on hero~ aren’t you gonna save your sweet little civilians or just let them die?” she started blindly shooting at the civilians. some of the targeted civilians fell to the ground due to getting a shot in the back, leg, or the head unfortunately.
keigo sent his feathers off towards the armed woman. the woman laughed once more and her eyes glowed brightly as she pulled her head forward as another head came out of her neck, then her arms, and then finally her entire body. the feathers pierced the first body as it fell limp on the ground.
“well that’s something you don’t see everyday.” keigo stated in an amused tone.
the woman giggles once more as she did the same action with much more swiftness than before, creating more replications of herself.
“you heroes make my job too easy~” she started running around everywhere, making more clones as she went.
keigo quickly flew after her and shot more feathers towards the woman. he kept hitting clones as the woman laughed more.
“i would’ve thought that you were more sharp than this, hero.” keigo gave a look of confusion for a moment as he heard more of the civilians scream. he quickly looked and noticed the replicas of the woman shooting the civilians.
“dammit..” he shot some feathers toward the previous replicas as they fell one by one.
‘shit...im running out of feathers..’ keigo landed on the ground softly as he struggled to keep up with the clones and the actual person.
“the hero’s in a pretty tough situation...~” the woman laughed hysterically as she stood on a mountain of her replicas.
“just like my sister...who was just as helpless as these dumb civilians who somehow gets to get their lives saved.” she snarled as she shot a bullet towards keigo.
Now Playing: What’s New by Megan Thee Stallion
“these damn heroes..” a small male flipped from the top of a building and glided down towards the ground. he took a deep breath and opened his mouth.
a grating scream resonated throughout the street as everyone covered their ears.
“what the hell!” roared the psychotic woman as she covered her ears.
keigo winced as his ears started ringing as he looked at the ascending figure.
the momentum of the unknown male’s body seemed to slow down as he landed on the ground with grace and swiftness.
“now who’s the crazy lady tryna kill civilians and shit?” the male looks around at everyone as he pops a red lollipop in his mouth, fixing his outfit.
keigo watched from afar as he made a quick observation of the small man.
the man wore a tight fitting red and black jumpsuit with his chest out (which showed his smooth brown skin) and it snuggled against his curves rather nicely, long red bottom open-toe heels that reached up mid-thigh, black gloves that fanned out at the wrist, four red spiky thigh chokers, silver chains decorated the black belt and the silver zipper at the top of the jumpsuit, and a red and black mask covered his face.
the male’s semi-kinky hair seemed to be in a low messy bun as two curly strands hung in front of his face. lastly, his piercing two-toned eyes had a playful intent in them.
everyone looked at the unknown male in awe and perplexity. the unknown male finally finished fixing his outfit and looked at everyone.
“uh hello? ain’t nobody gone say nothing?” the male waves his hand and gave a perplexing look.
“it’s me.” the woman spoke out and smiles sinisterly. the male looked up at the woman and broke out into laughter as the woman gave a look of confusion.
“oh you deadass?” the male asked in slight surprise as the woman growled a bit.
“you little-”
“so you gonna come down here and fight like a real woman or are you gone stay there bein a pussy?” the still unknown male swirled his tongue around his lollipop. “you’re gonna get your ass beat anyway so lets get this over wit already.”
“you’re mocking me!” the woman screamed as some of her replicas from the pile got up and aimed their guns at the unknown male. he shined a toothy grin as his fangs showed. he tossed away the lollipop stick from his mouth, the candy part being gone.
“you think surrounding me with yourself is gone stop me from gettin to you? tedious much?” the small male rolled his eyes out of boredom as he rested one of his hands on his hip and the other playing with a strand of his hair.
the woman snarled as she yelled, “you cocky bastard!” each of the woman’s replicas shot their guns as bullets headed straight for the male.
the brown skinned male licked his lips and chuckled softly.
“stop.” the bullets slowed to a complete stop in front of his face. the small male pushed a few bullets aside with two fingers as he walked towards the clones, shining a smirk.
‘that’s not something you see everyday either.’ keigo thought as he (and the crowd) observed the male’s actions, recollecting his feathers.
“go.” the bullets hit the building behind the male, causing the window glass to break. the woman scowled as all of her clones ran towards the male as quick as they could. the small male sighed as he effortlessly dodged each of the clones’ attacks towards him.
keigo’s gaze stayed glued onto the male as he watched the small male dodged the attacks with swiftness.
“you gone do somethin, hero?” the male’s eyes connected with keigo’s as he parried a clone’s attack. “last time i checked, heroes ain’t supposed to be standin ‘round when there’s conflict happenin.”
keigo broke the eye contact and looked at the woman as she started to flee. keigo quickly fell to her and sent his feathers to knock her down.
“i hate you fucking heroes so much!” the woman shot at keigo as he quickly dodged the bullet and sent more of his feathers and knocked her gun out of her hand.
the woman grunted as the gun flew through the air. the small male caught the gun and looked at it.
“disassemble.” as soon as the small male spoke those words, the gun fell apart in his hands. he walked up to the woman in her vulnerable state as he stomped his heel into one of her hands, causing the woman to yelp in pain as she tried to push his foot.
Now Playing: Hmp by Micah
“who are you?” keigo landed on the ground as he strides over to the male and the struggling woman. the male looked at keigo for a moment and then casted his gaze back to the woman.
“who’s askin?” keigo let out an amused sound, shining a smug smile.
“pro hero hawks. number-“
“okay hawks. imma need for you to deal with this woman already.” the woman who was still struggling decided bite the male’s ankle. the male gave a glare and grabbed the woman by her hair, picking her up off of the ground.
“ow! let go of me!” the woman thrashed around in his grip as the male went to her ear, softly whispering inaudible words to her. the woman resistance slowly came to a stop as her body fell limp.
“you’re a defiant one.”
“i get that a lot.”
“are you a civilian?” keigo questioned as the police arrived to get the unconscious woman.
“i don’t believe that’s any of your business.” the small male put another lollipop in his mouth as he glanced at keigo.
“well i gotta make sure you aren’t using your quirk without a license. it’s a penalty for that type of stuff, yknow.” keigo took a few steps towards the unknown man.
‘he’s definitely not as small as i thought he was.’ keigo thought as he noticed that the man was almost the same height as himself, just an inch shorter. he also took notice to his mismatched eyes, which were red and hazel.
“what’s your quirk?”
“that’s not your business either.” keigo let out a soft laugh and looked the male.
“that attitude of yours is entertaining. i like it.” the brown skinned male raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms slightly, smirking a little.
“i see you one of those heroes that don’t let people get under your skin....” the small male gave keigo a down-up look.
“heh i guess you could say that.”
“but eventually they would fuck you over.” the male finished as he played with a chain on his outfit.
“no one can fuck me over so that’s where you’re wrong.” keigo disagreed confidently as he tilted his head slightly. the male let out a sound of amusement as he scratched his head.
“nah cause i know when a cocky, arrogant, selfish bastard is nearby. my radar’s goin off a mile a second right now.” keigo once again laughed with a slightly bitter tone.
“and i know when there’s a cocky, bratty, little bitch when i see one and they’re right in front of me.” a vein popped out of the brown skin’s forehead and he clenched his fists slightly.
“you know what? im not finna entertain you.” the still unspecified male laughed it off as he turned away from keigo.
“it’s not like you haven’t already i mean look at you.” keigo provoked with a smug tone.
“my self control holdin me back by a thread. a skinny, weak, thin thread so you might wanna watch your mouth.” keigo smirked and spoke once more.
“you feelin’ froggy? then leap.” as soon as those words came out of keigo’s mouth, a high roundhouse kick was delivered to his face. keigo grunted as he stumbled a bit. the male delivered a kick to his chest soon after, causing keigo to collapse to the ground. the male walked up to the winged man, resting his foot on his chest and leaning on his knee.
“this is somethin to remember me by.” keigo looked up at the male, noticing that he was holding a yellow lollipop. the brown skinned male applied pressure onto his chest, making keigo groan in pain as he tried to push the man’s heel off of his chest.
“imma let you slide because you don’t know me and i don’t know you.” the male raised his heel off of keigo’s chest and stood up. keigo gasped for air and coughed harshly for a moment.
“and imma just give you this.” he tossed the yellow lollipop onto keigo’s chest and smirked slightly. the police arrived at that moment and aimed their guns at the unknown man.
“ima sugu te o agete kudasai!” (“put your hands up now!”) the brown skinned man sighed and rested his hands behind his head, stretching softly.
“it must be because im half black..” the man spoke to no one in particular as he heard the police cock their guns. he glanced over at the psychotic woman’s body, noticing that she started to wake up from her short slumber.
“watashi wa anata ga anata no jū o mukerubeki monode wa arimasen...” (“im not the one you should be pointing your guns at..”) he nudged his head towards the woman on the ground, making the police look and aim their guns at her. the woman grunted as she looked around tiredly, quickly rising to her feet. she looked around frantically and then snarled as she saw the brown skin man.
“im going to KILL YOU!” the woman screamed as she aimed her gun at the male. wings grew from the male’s back as he leaped into the air.
“ima wa saru watashi no kyūdesu.” (“now’s my que to leave.”) keigo gazed at the male and the man connected his eyes with his. he winked at keigo and shined a toothy smile. the woman gritted her teeth and started shooting at the male. he flew around, dodging the bullets swiftly.
“taka no mawari ni aimashō.” (“see ya around hawks.”) the police tackled the woman down, causing her to struggle once more. keigo stood up and wiped the dirt off of his face, grabbing the lollipop and putting it in his jacket pocket and watched the man fly off towards a building.
Now Playing: West Coast by Lana Del Ray
“you’re not getting away that easily.” keigo quickly flew after the man. the male looked behind him and frowned a bit, noticing that he was following after him.
“i said see ya around for a reason.” the male flew faster as keigo was gaining up on him.
“i can’t just let some random person who decided to use their quirk get away like it’s just something to do normally when they should know that there are laws for this type of shit.” the male rolled his eyes in annoyance and landed on the building and started to sprint. keigo also landed and continued to chase the man.
“if you want your ass kicked again you could just say so cause i’d do so gladly.” the man leered as he noticed keigo keeping up with him.
“you caught me off guard so that doesn’t count.” keigo reached out to grab at the man until the man hopped to another building. he rolled so the landing wouldn’t be rough in his ankles. keigo skidded to stop himself from falling off the edge.
“well you heroes s’posed to have yall guards up no matter how safe you think the situation is. that’s your fault.” the man spoke from the other building as he ran off again.
‘what is with this guy?’ keigo pondered as he flew after the man once again. the man leaped from building to building as keigo wasn’t too far behind.
‘what is with this guy?’ the man thought as he saw keigo chasing him once more. he sprinted quicker whenever keigo got too close for comfort.
“well you didn’t seem like a threat to me. i mean you’re so small.” keigo mocked as he flew beside the man, throwing a smug look his way. the man looked over at him and glared as leaped over and jumped at keigo. the man landed on keigo’s back and stood on it.
“you talk a whole lotta shit for a man to be ridin on your back.” the man made known as he started stomping on the winged male’s back, making keigo grunt in discomfort as he struggled to keep flying.
“my wings are back there so watch your step.” the male smiled as he looked down at the flying man.
“oh you mean these?” the man stepped on one of keigo’s red wings as he groaned painfully. his balance was thrown off and the man stumbled upon his balance being thrown off too.
“mind you, you’re on top of me and im the one flying so if i go down, so do you.” the male let out a deep chuckle as he grabbed onto a streetlight pole and he balanced on top of it like a cat would with a beam.
“you might wanna watch ya face.” the man warned as keigo looked in front of him. he would’ve face planted into a window if he didn’t fly upwards in time. he went on top of a building and looked for the man once again. he searched around everywhere until he saw a glimpse of long kinky hair on another building. keigo quickly soared to the building in seconds and landed on top of it.
“im done playin cat and mouse, actually, bird and prey. you can come out and come with me or im gonna have to use my feathers.” keigo stated as he was greeted back with silence. he cautiously grabbed two of his feathers and peeked around a fragment of the roof, seeing no one there.
suddenly, keigo jumped away from the building fragment and looked at where he stood before.
“you really startin to piss me off.” the man walked out of the shadows as he glowered at keigo.
“there you are-“ keigo dodged a punch from the man and grabbed the man’s wrist. the man turned as he threw a kick at keigo, only for keigo to push his leg away and twist his arm behind his back.
“ah!” the man gritted his teeth and growled as he tried to wiggle out of keigo’s iron grip. keigo pulled the man’s hair, making the man cry out in pain and grab at keigo’s hand.
“it’s the hair every fuckin time..” the man muttered as keigo pulled his hair enough to make the man look up at him.
mismatched eyes gazed at golden ones. for a moment, they both were just the only ones there, which they actually were but like they were in a different world.
“if you wanted my name you could’ve just asked.” the man broke the silence as his voice got a bit shaky. keigo snapped back to reality and showed a complacent smirk.
“but it wouldn’t have been my business though, huh?” the man rolled his eyes, letting out a small laugh.
“touché. but can you at least let me stand up and introduce myself?” keigo raised an eyebrow slightly.
“im deadass not gone do nothing, i swear.” the man assured with a smile.
“that smile of yours says otherwise.”
“you gone have to trust me?”
“i just met you.” the man sighed deeply.
“fine. fine i won’t actually do anything for real.” keigo hesitated but in the end he let the man go. the man breathes deeply and stands up, looking at keigo.
“where’s my lollipop?” the man suddenly asked as he scratched his head. keigo look perplexed for a moment and then he thought for a moment, flashing back to when the man gave him a lollipop after he kicked him earlier.
“i have it.”
“good i want it back cause that’s my favorite flavor.” the man was about to grab it from keigo until he moved it away from him.
“ah ah ah~ not until you tell me your name.”
“it’s only fair. you gimme your name, i’ll give you your lollipop back.” the man rolled his eyes again, crossing his arms. keigo smiled as he started humming patiently.
“rubae.” keigo paused and smirked at the man, now known as rubae, humming in satisfaction. rinse reaches for his lollipop and keigo shrugged and gave it to him.
“you looked like you was about to some slick shit.”
“for a moment but im a man of my word.” rubae bit his lip a little and opened the lollipop. he walked up to keigo and looked up at him.
Now Playing: Talk to Me by Matthew Bento
“why you take a sudden interest in me? i could be a villain, maybe even worse.” keigo breathes deeply and opens his mouth to speak.
“because i saw you lookin at me earlier. yknow from that rooftop.” rubae tsked and shook his head.
“how would you know if that was me?”
“because i remember seeing that kinky hair of yours. it looks really nice too.” rubae smiled and looked down.
“we just met and you over here flirtin and shit..” keigo chuckled softly and leans towards rubae.
“what? don’t know how to take a compliment?” keigo pointed out as rubae took a few steps back.
“no. i mean yeah, but...“ rubae stammered as keigo laughed softly.
rubae shook his head and stayed quiet. then keigo raised rubae’s face up by his chin, sending shivers down rubae’s body.
“what happened to that confidence all of a sudden? you went from talkin’ shit to being a bashful mess.” rubae realized how close their faces were to each other.
‘he comin at me strong as fuck...” rubae thought as he took a deep breath and put the lollipop into keigo’s mouth. he walked past keigo and stood on the edge of the rooftop.
“i thought you wanted this back.” keigo remarked as he turned to rubae, taking the lollipop out of his mouth.
“you look like you needed to try somethin new.” rubae replied, making keigo laugh once more. rubae walked forward, preparing himself to fall.
“watashi wa sugu ni anata ni audarou to kanjimashita.” (“got a feelin i’ll be seein you soon.”) rubae smiled slightly as his mismatched eyes glowed in the sunlight, his kinky long hair dancing in the wind.
“sorenara minakereba naranai nodesu ne?” (“just gone have to see, huh?”) rubae ended with a playful tone. he fell back off of the rooftop of the building. keigo quickly ran to edge, only to see that rubae wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“hm..” many thoughts came to keigo in an instant as he walked away from the edge going back to the street where he and rubae met.
A/N: wassup y’all kazu here !! this the first chapter of detour and i decided to do this story because it really just popped up into my mind and i wanted to just share my creativity with y’all. tbh, i feel like im also writing this story cuz i wanted to make my poc/black people and the males feel included bcuz y’all very much deserve to feel included. i know it’s my oc but i still hope that y’all will enjoy the story. hope y’all enjoyed and look forward to the second chapter of detour. thx for readin <33
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silvcrlining · 4 years
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why do you feel so heavy?
a elaine carter playlist ► listen here
song list and explanation below:
body by gia margaret
it is easy enough to stand still. the difficulty is to walk without touching the ground. why do you feel so heavy? it isn't just a matter of gravitation and weight. it is that you are feeling that you are carrying your body around.
she has always thought she had to carry all her sadness on her own, even if it left dents on her shoulders.
imagination by labrinth
and we plant seeds that we call ideas / and they grow like trees, bearing fruits on twigs / and we just don’t leave ‘cause we like it here / making shangri-la inside of our heads
she imagined worlds within her head and brought them to reality-- out of carton, playing cards, clay, wood, or bricks-- and she found herself happiest then.
a cigarette and a silhouette by mildred bailey
i go back to days gone by / when the moon was real / and you were real / and my hopes were in the sky
her first taste of grief, and she had already learned how to cling onto memories and ghosts she saw in the shadows.
make your troubles go away by andra day
‘cause staying out all night won’t make your troubles go away / crying, starting a fight won’t make your troubles go away / you’ve been looking for the quick fix / and it’s leaving you helpless / but i would give you all of me to make your troubles go away
she gave her grandfather the advice she should have followed.
dancing after death by matt maeson
if i let go, would you hold on? would we fly? / is it safer if we just say that we tried? / are we laughing at the danger? / are we dancing after death, you and i?
the first time she sees her grandfather cry, they’re dancing together in the workshop to a crackling record player.
we’re the lucky ones by the marias
i can’t wait for christmas / we’ll laugh and we’ll dance and we’ll cry / we’ve come this far / with beating hearts / we’re the lucky ones
there must be a day when it stops hurting, right? she can hope for that.
wishful drinking by tessa violet
this is not a problem if convincin’ that it’s not / don’t call it a problem, it’s the only thing that i still got / oh, wishful drinking
when grief grows a second head, she finds that it hurts less if she’s too numb to feel it.
shake it out by florence + the machine
regrets collect like old friends / here to relive your darkest moments / i can see no way, i can see no way / and all of the ghouls come out to play
but when the fog escapes her mind, the ghosts are still there. and despite it, a small part of her still hopes for closure, healing, light-- something.
simmer by hayley williams
rage, is it in our veins? / feel it in my face when / when i least expect it / give in
pain is a finicky, restless thing, and it’s only a matter of time until she lets it turn into anger.
nobody by mitski
and i don’t want your pity / i just want somebody near me / guess i’m a coward / i just want to feel alright
she finds a way to isolate herself from the world, yet she secretly long for a comfort she’s too afraid to search for.
must be fine by miel
i keep going, thinking every day / i’m awake, must mean i’m okay / i must be fine
she’s fine, she tells herself. time and time again, as if the 30th i’m fine will prove to be true.
lifeforms by daughter (tw: miscarriage)
well you can try to forget me but i won’t let you easily / you can try to forget me but i won’t let you easily / i’m floating out in the water washed out to sea / drifting away with time you’ll regret you’ve conceived it
she had found hope in the life growing within her-- but then came another conundrum: how do you let go of someone you never got to meet, only ever in your imagination?
someone to stay by vancouver sleep clinic
you’ve been fighting the memory all on your own / nothing worsens, nothing grows / i know how it feels being by yourself in the rain / we all need someone to stay
she falls deeper into a stagnant, lonely darkness. maybe she hasn’t noticed the hands that are willing to help her up. maybe she can’t take them, as much as she wants to.
breakfast by half-alive
say you’re open through tears and trembling / it’s a major step, it’s okay to fret / here’s a safe place to lay your heart down / it’s a second chance, it won’t be your last
maybe she should send texts accidentally more often.
i know the end by phoebe bridgers
either way, we’re not alone / i’ll find a new place to be from / a haunted house with a picket fence / to float around and ghost my friends / no, i’m not afraid to disappear / the billboard said “the end is near” / i turned around, there was nothing there / yeah, i guess the end is here
yes, she is afraid. of everything that could disappear from one instant to the next, she’s terrified.
secret for the mad by dodie
little things, all the stereotypes / they’re gonna help you get through this one night / and there will be a day / when you can say you’re okay and mean it / i promise you it’ll all make sense again
a message from me to her.
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silverncrimson · 4 years
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                                        DIAMOND’S PLAYLIST
♪ Haze ♪ - Tessa Violet ♪ Lovely ♪ - Billie Eilish / Khalid  ♪ I Of The Storm ♪ - Of Monsters and Men ♪ I Don’t Wanna Be Sad ♪ - Simple Plan ♪ Problem Child ♪ - Simple Plan   ♪ Bad Chick ♪ - SoMo ♪ Crying In The Club ♪ - Camilla Cabello ♪ High Right Now ♪ - AshleySmashlaay ♪ Young, Wild & Free ♪ - Snoop Dogg / Wiz Khalifa / Bruno Mars ♪ idontwannabeyouanymore ♪ - Billie Eilish  ♪ Sober ♪ - Demi Lovato   ♪ OK Not To Be OK ♪ - Demi Lovato / Marshmello ♪ Manic ♪ - Coleman Hell ♪ Chlorine ♪ - Twenty One Pilots ♪ I’m Sorry, I’m Trying ♪ - nothing,nowhere. ♪ Party Girl ♪ - StaySolidRocky ♪ Shh...Don’t Say It ♪ - FLETCHER ♪ Don’t Fence Me In ♪ - Labrinth  ♪ I Love Me Too ♪ - KIRBY ♪ Feeling Myself ♪ - Beyonce / Nicki Minaj ♪ Formation ♪ - Beyonce ♪ Diamonds ♪ - Meg The Stallion / Normani  ♪ Hey Look Ma, I Made It ♪ - Panic! At the Disco ♪ Streets Ain’t Safe ♪ - Mozzy ft. Blxst ♪ Go Fast Baby ♪ - Raissa
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wheresmynaya · 4 years
I love all the Labrinth on the Lopez's 8 playlist!! You watch Euphoria too? Okay question thing, what's Don't fence me in and Sexy MF?
Fuck yeah I do! It’s such a good show. 
Don’t Fence Me In is another scene that’s only in my head LOL. I imagined this song playing in the background for a montage scene of Santana being in jail. Starts off with her fitting in pretty well with all the side hustles and making connections. Also like, tiny scenes with her reading letters Brittany sends her. Eventually she gets bored with all that and starts to plan the heist. I see the end of the song being the moment she lands herself in solitary...but she’s like smirky about it. 
Sexy MF gives me big flirty!Britt vibes. She’s really just trying to get in Santana’s pants and Santana stays playing hard to get but I toss up between pre-jail time and post-jail time. I guess it can fit for both LOL. It really makes me think of all the flirty banter between them. 
What’s that song mean in Lopez’s 8?
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vincentblackwood · 5 years
Don't Fence Me In (Cole Porter/Labrinth cover) The Sunset Beach Orchestr...
I hope this post finds you all well, safely holed up in your homes, avoiding humans and binging Netflix like responsible adults. Please stay safe.
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bert-thefrog · 5 years
Ride or Die Playlist - RODAW
‘Don’t Fence Me In’ - Labrinth
“My Heart stays on the road because I can’t stand fences, don’t fence me in.”
‘Beautiful Escape’ - Kawala
“I just want to go there, I just want a beautiful escape, I just want to move you, show you that this love is yours to take.”
(Can’t find the link for this)
‘Thief’ - Alice Chater
“You stole my heart, just like a thief. I guess you’ll always have a part of me.”
‘Shut Up and Drive’ - Rihanna
“Cause I’m zero to sixty in three point five. Baby you got the keys; now shut up and drive.”
‘Ride or Die’ - The Knocks
“They tell me one day I’ll pay the price. They saying maybe I’ll go up in flames. Maybe it’ll blow up one day.”
‘Devil Eyes’ - Hippie Sabotage
“If you wanna hit the road then let’s go then. Let’s just go and see the world and just show them.”
‘Drive’ - Black Coffee
“It doesn’t matter the distance I go, our love is dead to me. But I believe in ghosts.”
‘West Coast’ - The Neighborhood
“Maybe they were right, happiness is a warm gun; but before you shoot please warn us. Life is too fun.”
( Tagging: @choicesarehard @desiree-0816 @brightpinkpeppercorn @lilyofchoices @msjpuddleduck @zaffrenotes @pen-bandit )
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thoughtfulpaperback · 5 years
10 Tagged Song Challenge
Welp! Tagged again so just gonna list some songs I didnt before that I've been listening to recently.
1. Don't Fence Me In - Labrinth
2. All for Us (From Euphoria)- Labrinth and Zendaya
3. Apple Juice- Jessie Reyes
5. Jerome- Lizzo
6. Flowers (from Hadestown)- Eva Nobelzada
7. All's Well That Ends (from Good Omens)- David Arnold
8. Sorry Would Go A Long Way- Tori Kelly
9. Love On the Brain- Rhianna
10. In My Dreams - Walter Meego
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ritinh · 6 years
“Just turn me loose, let me straddle my old saddle Underneath the western skies On my Cayuse, let me wander over yonder Till I see the mountains riseI want to ride to the ridge where the west commences And gaze at the moon till I lose my senses And I can't look at hovels and I can't stand fences Don't fence me in”
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maaarine · 6 years
Labrinth — Don’t Fence Me In
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badass-sunshine · 5 years
3 and 10 for the song ask
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with 
I know I already did this, but have three more! Don’t Fence Me In by Labrinth, Dull Tool by Fiona Apple, and Genghis Khan by Miiike Snow.
10. three favourite Halloween/spooky songs 
Oogie Boogie’s Song from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, and Night on the Bare Mountain by Mussorgsky!
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adstasher · 6 years
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Musician Labrinth Teams Up with MINI and Pereira O'Dell for 'Don't Fence Me In' Campaign http://bit.ly/2MgaUzv
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orlandomini · 6 years
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MINI USA | MINI + Labrinth: Don’t Fence Me In http://dlvr.it/Qwq9Lz
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naijakingspromo · 6 years
DOWNLOAD Labrinth – Don’t Fence Me In
DOWNLOAD Labrinth – Don’t Fence Me In
Labrinth – Don’t Fence Me In Free Music MP3 Download ;
  DOWNLOAD New music by Labrinth titled Don’t Fence Me In
  Grab the official music video of this masterpiece below.
http://naijakings.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/labrinth_-_dont_fence_me_in_naijakings.com.mp3 DOWNLOAD Labrinth – Don’t Fence Me In
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niT6JWbXEJY%5B/embedyt%5D
View On WordPress
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wldcctss · 4 years
rules  :   list  10  songs  you’ve  been  liking  hearing  lately ,   then  tag  10  people . tagged  by  :  @chokebith​
1. wap - cardi b & megan thee stallion
2. my type -saweetie
3. cherry - almondmilkhunni
4. my future - billie eilish
5. the 1 - taylor swift
6. cardigan - taylor swift
7. maniac - conan gray
8. don’t fence me in - labrinth
9. la di da - lennon stella
10. what’s poppin - jack harlow 
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