#La femme nikita Xena:WP Farscape the list goes on-- all radically different but still loss of innocence stories even if Xena is an epilogue
Ok so I think I figured something out, bear with me here. The core of the reason why the new Star Wars films fell so flat was because they forgot that it was a loss of innocence story. It starts out in the beginning as Rey ripping the band aid off of her life and thus beginning her loss of innocence. But because they forgot that in the second movie, the thread gets dropped completely and they're directionless, and they have no idea where they're going story-wise. This is why by the third movie, nothing fucking makes sense anymore and everything feels like a wild stab in the dark. The story is no longer about rey's loss of innocence because they've completely forgotten the theme that was supposed to happen here. By the third movie, the story has swerved so far away from what we were supposed to be talking about that of course at the end when she's standing exactly where she fucking started saying "her" name, the entire thing is incomprehensible because this was supposed to be a loss of innocence journey and instead they just plopped her exactly back where she fucking started having literally spun their wheels and gone nowhere for three fucking films.
Sorry if the formatting is a mess, I used speech to text bc its late and im tired but do you get what I mean here?? About why and how this whole trilogy failed now??
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