#LP Derm
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[ad_1] Antique Brass Takrut Thai Buddha LP' Derm Hanging Pendent Gold Powerful Protection With 2 Ring Necklace And Gift Amulet Name : Lp' Derm, Temple: Wat Nong Po , Thailand Amulet use for : Hanging Amulet pendent or Keep in your bag This amulet is for wealth,Lucky,Protection, rich and good luck attraction. Thai people believe this Magic Amulets Wealth Rich Lucky Charm Thai Amulet will make all your wishes for rich & luck come true. When you keep this Magic Amulets Wealth Rich Lucky Charm Thai Amulet with you, other people will love you and be kind to you. Luck will be with you. Only success will come to you. You'll have more and more asset, wealthier and wealthier. Anything you hope for will be achieved much easier and more conveniently than before. This Magic Amulets Wealth Rich Lucky Charm Thai Amulet will ward off evil and bring you good luck. Just believe and make a wish!! Quantity : 1 Piece/ set, Size :2.0 x 10.0 cm. (Approx.) This can be used to protect yourself and bring you wealth, good luck, and success. You can also buy this as a gift for the one you care for. We will pack very well. Is Discontinued By Manufacturer : No Department : Mens Date First Available : January 28, 2017 Manufacturer : Never Miss ASIN : B074C2PLBN Pendant Size : 2.0 X 10.0 CM (Approx) Rope Necklace Length : 60 cm. / 24 inches, Material: Mixed Materials Luck will be with you. Only success will come to you. You'll have more and more asset, wealthier and wealthier. Anything you hope for will be achieved much easier and more conveniently than before. This Magic Amulets Wealth Rich Lucky Charm Thai Amulet will ward off evil and bring you good luck. Just believe and make a wish It is nicely detailed and has beautiful, auspicious, traditional Buddhist symbols including the Unalome. This can be used to protect yourself and bring you wealth, good luck, and success. You can also buy this as a gift for the one you care for. We will pack very well in box. [ad_2]
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the way it makes me feel like, the way it makes me feel i never seem to act so stupid... oh here we go
100 days of productivity
day 46 + 47
vitamin A oversupplementation is actually assoc w/ ↑risk of ca lung
MTX lung tox occurs within 4 months of starting, but rheumatoid organising pneumonia can occur at any point in the disease
inhaled steroids have one major systemic side effect and it is skin changes (thinning, fragility, easy bruising)
transbronchial biopsy is useless in IPF; only fibrosis w/ nothing to suggest aetiology will be seen, so take a surgical biopsy if needed
severe mitral stenosis → percutaneous mitral commissurotomy (if not suitable, transcatheter replacement)
low CSF pressure headache: LP, but also minor trauma to meninges, idiopathic (insidious); orthostatic headache, N/V, ↔ diplopia, ataxia/vertigo, stiff neck, back pain, VF abnormalities; ↓CSF opening pressure; MRI: diffuse pachymeningeal enhancement, tonsilar descent, post fossa crowding; conservative → epidural blood patch
vitreous haemorrhage in DM is an indication for photocoagulation and a hallmark of proliferative disease
vitamin E def → cerebellar ataxis, dysarthria!, ± myopathy
fluctuating eyesight in DM → fluctuating ocular glucose leading to variable osmotic pressures → fluctuating lens hydration → fluctuating lens shape
schizophrenia spectrum: if tx is started, it is effective if there is marked improvement within 2 wks and complete remission within 4-6 wks
lichen sclerosus → atrophy, 'cigarette paper' texture of indurated plaques, marked hypopigmentation
morphoea = 'localised scleroderma' → indurated annular plaques w/ advancing inflammatory edge and central atrophy
erythema nodosum causing drugs: omeprazole, sulphonamides, halides (iodides/bromides), gold (aurothiocyanate), HBV vaccine
Igs by serum concentration: G 75% > A 15% > M 10% > D 1% > E <0.1% (all approx)
vitamin B6 and D are assoc w/ reduced ca colon
autoimmune hepatitis: type 1 = nonspecific progressive fatigue w/ ↑LFTs, anti-smooth muscle; type 2 = acute episodes of jaundice, anti-LKM1
acute flare of IBD not responding to steroids: cyclosporin, infliximab take rapid effect (AZP/6-MP take weeks)
myeloma: thalidomide → bortezomib → lenalidomide; melphalan in very frail pts; cyclophosphamide as adjunct
immune thrombocytopaenia (idiopathic and lupus): platelet transfusion only if active bleeding AND plt <30k/mcl, otherwise can manage medically (steroids for ITP, HCQS → AZP/6-MP/ciclosporin for SLE)
allopurinol actually has a role in reducing progression to diabetic nephropathy in diabetics w/ gout
vitamin E oversupplementation is assoc w/ ↑risk of ca prostate
ACEi+ARB together show benefit in only one condition: nephrotic-range proteinuria; otherwise, increased risk of renal damage and no clear benefit
specifically, slow acetylator status is assoc w/ N-acetyltransferase-2
incidentally, fast- status is assoc w/ INH-hepatits, characterised by microvascular fatty infiltration and necrosis
AZP can be continued in pregnancy; it is assoc w/ very light LBW but it is not otherwise life threatening or teratogenic (but withdrawing tx will be problematic for mother)
DNA polymorphism vs mutation: 1% in population is cutoff
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Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2021 04
Tavasz van. Azóta kisütött a nap, teraszokon rajzanak a térvitaminhiányos kapcsolatfüggők, úszva felszabadult örömükben. Áldás és kötés! Az április nem ilyen volt, és a március-áprilisban kijött zenei anyagok se ezt tükrözték vissza, inkább azt, hogy fogy a muníció és a türelem. Mintha kétfelé szakadt volna a művészi kifejezőkészség: az egyik irány a melankolikus, depresszív nyomasztás lett, a másik a projektált szépségesben való mindenfeledett lebegés élménye.
A göteborgi Höga Recordsnál jelent meg a Modern Ruin: Unemployment Line Disco című debut lemeze. A dark, new wave hangulatot kétezerhuszas ápdétben megragadni, szép teljesítmény, féltávon a Broken English Club és a nyolcvanasok szinti noir-ja között. Az Unemployment Line Disco a totálisan karanténpresszingelt, melankóliában veszteglő, mikrofonba dünnyögött oltakozásra és állásajánlatra váró panelproli cementszürkéjének ötven árnyalata.
Dalibor Cruz aka Pablo Paz a pandémiás izoláció másik kárvallottjának tűnik, a Riddled With Absence a nyomasztás magasiskolája. Nem tudom hány éves a Paolo gyerek, de nem lennék a napközis tanára, a lemezborító se éppen egy Rorschach-teszt.
A Manslaughter 777 bandanév elég cool belépő úgy, hogy még semmit nem hallottunk. Hát még, ha igen. Az oregoni Lee Buford és Zac Jones kettősének debütlemeze a World Vision Perfect Harmony a new yorki Thrill Jockenynél jelent meg, az igazi nagyvárosi katyvasz zenei örvénye, gyakran csak szándékosan elbaszott slágerek gyűjteménye. Rövid trackek, elektronik-élő-fúziós zenei flessek, gyors és váratlan váltások (Gainax), nagyon érdekes album, és az I Can Not Tell You How I Feel bekerült a fülbemászó rovatba is. Kicsit rokon hangulat a tavaly októberi számban bemutatott Deadbeat Meets The Mole lemezzel. Oregonból szeretettel.
Üdítően bölcs harmóniát áraszt az idén hatodik x-et töltő amszterdami Michel Banabila: Wah-Wah Whispers című lemeze. Downtemp dub, chill, lágy pulzálás, barátságos terek, árad a chi, semmi feszkó, szájkedelik trippin’, a fűszagot lehet csak odaképzeltem, a puha gyepet nem, és a gyógyhatás garantált. A néhol szemzőtibori hatásokat is hozó album a hamburgi Bureau B-nél jelent meg.
A francia születésű ecuadori Nicola Cruz műfajliag digitális folkban utazik, és a Subtropique EP sem szakít ezzel a hagyománnyal. Szoft latin ritmika, ütős dominancia, klubhangzás, legyen tánc!
S ha már tánc, Karl O’Connor aka Regis, a Downwards kiadó főnöke és Dominick Fernow aka Vatican Shadow is jelentkeztek új lemezzel. Regis egy mélyebb érintésű technoval, az A Hollow Moment EP-vel, Vatican Shadow pedig szokásosan zűrös közel keleti háborús cimkefelhőben úszva a SR-71 Blackbird Survivors, hamisítatlan klasszik VS hangzással. Az utóbbi idők szórtabb kvalitású kiadványai után - mindkét részről - ezek most feszes, erős anyagok.
Az O Yuki Conjugate 1982-es alapítású post- industrial/ambient banda Nottinghamből. A többszörös tagcserék, visszatérések és kilépések, tribal, etno kalandozások után a negyedik inkarnációjukat élik éppen. A jelenleg négy tagot (Andrew Hulme, Dave Collins, Rob Jenkins, Roger Horberry) számláló zenekar A Tension Of Opposites című lemeze a legjobb dolog, ami az ambienttel történhet manapság. Az, hogy összekenik valami fénytörős anyaggal, leborítják homokkal, összekarcolják, hajlítgatják, lefagyasztják vagy addig hevítik, míg a végén üvegként dermed vissza. Azt próbálom eldadogni, hogy az O Yuki (és más társai pl Spybeyék a Dead Voices in the Air-rel, Robin Storey a Rapoon-nal, stb) akik industrial irányból jönnek, nem olvadnak bele abba a műanyag, már-már önálló formát kiadni egyáltalán képtelen ambient trendiségbe, mainstreambe, amiben a legnagyobbak, sokszor műfaj alapítók is szépen, lassan belefulladnak.
ASC új EP-je, a detroiti Modern Cathedrals-nél megjelent Sacred Seven III, gyaníthatóan sci-fi anime ihletésű. A körülbelül félszáz kiadvánnyal rendelkező, tehát igen termékenynek mondható James Clements meglepően jól navigál műveivel az önismétlés csapdái között, pedig a rá jellemző formavilág önklónozás tekintetben aknamező. Így van az, hogy évek óta az ASC EP-k, trackek az éves summák folyamatos szereplői, és erről a lemezről is vannak pályázók az ideire.
Microcorps pszeudóba bújva keresi a kiutat buddhai türelemmel Alex Tucker, ki a szintetikus és az elemi között félúton rekedt az öreg tölgyfaszekrényben, amit olcsón bérelt, de már kifizetett, ezért boldog buzgómócsingok bitumennel festettek feketére, miközben táncolva ordibálták: hogy elnyelje! elnyejje! elnyejje! enyejjee! És körbetáncolták. Nem valami beteges betűmágia, mikor a Microcorps XMIT cimű albumát a Download Microscopic-jának göttelmentes, nyílegyenesített, vegán kiadásaként posztrofálom-a, miközben a sarokból, csendben figyel összegörnyedve Stanley Pain. Nagy ez a szekrény belülről, négy vendégművész is befért, köztük Gazelle Twin (Elizabeth Walling) vagy a korábban Chris Carterrel és Cosey Fanni Tuttival másik szekrényt megjárt Nikki Colk Void.
ASC - Sacred Sevens III [2021, Modern Cathedrals][EP] Azu Tiwaline - Draw Me a Silence Remixes [2021, I.O.T.][EP]
Dalibor Cruz - Riddled With Absence [2021, Natural Sciences][LP] Manslaughter 777 - World Vision Perfect Harmony [2021, Thrill Jockey][LP] Michel Banabila - Wah-Wah Whispers [2021, Bureau B][LP] Microcorps - Xmit [2021, Alter][LP]
Modern Ruin - Unemployment Line Disco [2021, Höga Nord][LP] Nicola Cruz - Subtropique [2021, Rhythm Section International][EP] O Yuki Conjugate - A Tension Of Opposites [2021, OYC Limited][LP] Regis - A Hollow Moment [2021, Downwards][EP] Timothy J. Fairplay - Pathfinder Theme / UFOs Over China [2021, Höga Nord][S] VA - Khidi 002 [2021, Khidi][EP-Comp] Vatican Shadow - SR-71 Blackbird Survivors [2021, Hospital Productions][LP]
Traxelektor 2021 04 - Spotify playlist
(66/83, 6:03/7:30) Aktuális fülbemászók: Manslaughter 777 - I Can Not Tell You How I Feel Nicola Cruz - What Now Samuel Sharp - Longdown Hill
Anunaku - Luminosa [042, AD 93] ASC - Traction [Sacred Sevens III, Modern Cathedrals] ASC - Triton [Sacred Sevens III, Modern Cathedrals] Atoloi - Chiusura [Inflorescenze, Sure Thing] Atoloi - Fioritura [Inflorescenze, Sure Thing] Atoloi - Umida Superficie [Inflorescenze, Sure Thing]
Azu Tiwaline - Berbeka (Flore Remix) [Draw Me a Silence Remixes, I.O.T.] Azu Tiwaline - Until the End (Don't DJ Remix) [Draw Me a Silence Remixes, I.O.T.] Commodo - Guah [Scabz/Guah, Sector 7 Sounds] Dalibor Cruz - Everyone's Ill Will [Riddled With Absence, Natural Sciences] Dalibor Cruz - Never Sort Yourself Out For Them [Riddled With Absence, Natural Sciences] Ellen Allien - True Romantics (Hadone Remix) [AurAA Remixes 1, BPitch Control] Eomac - Falling Through The Cracks [Cracks, Planet Mu] Eomac - Mandate For Murder [Cracks, Planet Mu]
Forest Drive West - Ritual [Dualism, Livity Sound] Gavsborg (Equiknoxx) - 11 AM with Frankie Bubbler [Equiknoxx Meets Feel Free Hi Fi, Digital Sting] I:Cube - Session 5 (Live) [Cubo Live Sessions Volume 2, Versatile] I:Cube - Session 6 (Live) [Cubo Live Sessions Volume 2, Versatile] Lake Haze - Sun Rising on Concrete Landscapes [Sun Rising On Concrete Landscapes, Shall Not Fade] Lake Haze - That Rave Saved My Life [Sun Rising On Concrete Landscapes, Shall Not Fade]
Manslaughter 777 - Gainax [World Vision Perfect Harmony, Thrill Jockey] Manslaughter 777 - I Can Not Tell You How I Feel [World Vision Perfect Harmony, Thrill Jockey] Manslaughter 777 - Jump and Spread [World Vision Perfect Harmony, Thrill Jockey] Manslaughter 777 - No Man Curse [World Vision Perfect Harmony, Thrill Jockey]
Michel Banabila - Hidden Story [Wah-Wah Whispers, Bureau B] Michel Banabila - Take Me There [Wah-Wah Whispers, Bureau B] Michel Banabila - Tic Tac [Wah-Wah Whispers, Bureau B] Microcorps - DOR [Xmit, Alter] Microcorps - UVU [Xmit, Alter] Microcorps - VEQ [Xmit, Alter] Microcorps with Astrud Steehouder - ABII [Xmit, Alter] Microcorps with Nik Void - ILN [Xmit, Alter] Modern Ruin - Cement Dust [Unemployment Line Disco, Höga Nord] Modern Ruin - Hold [Unemployment Line Disco, Höga Nord] Modern Ruin - Monkey [Unemployment Line Disco, Höga Nord] Modern Ruin - Permanent Vacation [Unemployment Line Disco, Höga Nord] Modeselektor - Mean Friend (Telefon Tel Aviv Remix) [Mean Friend, Monkeytown] Modeselektor - Un Amigo Malo [Mean Friend, Monkeytown] Modeselektor feat. Blixa Bargeld - Komm [Mean Friend, Monkeytown]
Nicola Cruz - Individuality Riddim [Subtropique, Rhythm Section International] Nicola Cruz - Naeku (John Talabot Remix) [Hybridism (Remixes), Multi Culti] Nicola Cruz - Naeku (Multi Culti Micro Dub) [Hybridism (Remixes), Multi Culti] Nicola Cruz - Subtropique [Subtropique, Rhythm Section International] Nicola Cruz - What Now [Subtropique, Rhythm Section International] Nicola Cruz & Nasiri - Third Eye Dub (Azu Tiwaline Remix) [Hybridism (Remixes), Multi Culti] Not Waving & Romance - Say Goodbye [Restoration Of Bliss, Ecstatic] Not Waving & Romance - There's A Fountain Filled With Blood [Restoration Of Bliss, Ecstatic]
nthng - Energy Reloading [Unfinished, Lobster Sleep Sequence] nthng - Subnautica [Unfinished, Lobster Sleep Sequence] Ø [Phase] - Human Error [Before This, Modwerks] Ø [Phase] - Liquid Form [Before This, Modwerks] Ø [Phase] - Underwater Acoustics [Before This, Modwerks]
O Yuki Conjugate - A Far Cry [A Tension Of Opposites, OYC Limited] O Yuki Conjugate - Antipode [A Tension Of Opposites, OYC Limited] O Yuki Conjugate - Contra [A Tension Of Opposites, OYC Limited] O Yuki Conjugate - Discrepant [A Tension Of Opposites, OYC Limited] Orphx - Suspended Animation [Khidi 002 , Khidi]
Pessimist - Empty Words [All Hope Lost, Berceuse Heroique] Pessimist - We Did It [All Hope Lost, Berceuse Heroique] Prefuse 73 - Estate Pt.2 [The Failing Institute Of The Contras, Self-Released] Prefuse 73 - Obtaining Initial Feelings [The Failing Institute of the Human Voice, Self-Released] Prefuse 73 - Pathways NonNon [The Failing Institute of the Human Voice, Self-Released] Rapoon - The Orange King [In These Ancient Times, Klanggalerie]
Regis - A Hollow Moment (Original Mix) [A Hollow Moment, Downwards] Regis - The Empty Centre [A Hollow Moment, Downwards] Rhyw - Salt Split Tongue [Slithering, Avian]
Samuel Sharp - Fireworks From The Tower [Patterns Various, Boot Cycle Audio] Samuel Sharp - Longdown Hill [Patterns Various, Boot Cycle Audio] Samuel Sharp - Winter's Approach [Patterns Various, Boot Cycle Audio] Tamburi Neri - Barritono [Ombre, Worst] Tamburi Neri & Hiroko - Giochi d'ombre [Ombre, Worst]
Teresa Winter - Emptiness Is Also An Excess [Motto Of The Wheel, The Death Of Rave] The JDs - Kitty Litter (Single Cell Orchestra Remix) [Proust EP, Pretension] The JDs - Proust (V3) [Proust EP, Pretension]
The Orb - Narcotics (Head Crusher) (David Harrow Remix 2) [Abolition Of The Royal Familia (Guillotine Mixes), Cooking Vinyl] The Orb - Queen Of Hearts (Duck Or Drown) (Moody Boyz Remix) [Abolition Of The Royal Familia (Guillotine Mixes), Cooking Vinyl] Time Cow (Equiknoxx) - The President Eats Children [Equiknoxx Meets Feel Free Hi Fi, Digital Sting] Timothy J. Fairplay - Pathfinder Theme [Pathfinder Theme / UFOs Over China, Höga Nord] Timothy J. Fairplay - Ufos Over China [Pathfinder Theme / UFOs Over China, Höga Nord]
Vatican Shadow - All The Molds And Dies Destroyed [SR-71 Blackbird Survivors, Hospital Productions] Vatican Shadow - Nothing Lived There [SR-71 Blackbird Survivors, Hospital Productions] Vatican Shadow - Outrunning Machine Gun Bullets [SR-71 Blackbird Survivors, Hospital Productions] Vulkanski - Selfish Traps [Khidi 002 , Khidi]
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item # N38D26
VERY RARE Pra Naresuan Um Gai, Nua Din Pasom Pong. A baked clay amulet with figure of young King Naresuan or Kumanthong (a Wealth Fetching Child Spirit) holding a fighting rooster. This amulet was made from holy powder blended with Din Jat Pacha (earth collected from 7 most haunted cemeteries), and Tao Gradookphi Panan (human ashes collected after cremation the dead gamblers). Made by Luang Phor Guay of Wat Kositaram (Wat Ban-khae), Chinat Province after BE 2500 (CE 1957). Luang Phor Guay intentionally made this amulet for his Looksit (follower/worshipper) a chance to win big-time at the gambling house after going broke gambling.
King Naresuan is perhaps one of Kingdom of Ayutthaya’s most highly revered idols due to his numerous military accomplishments and his role in asserting Siamese independence from the Burmese. As a young child, Prince Naresuan was taken to Burma after the capital city fell in defeat to Burmese King Bayin Naung in CE 1564 to CE 1569. Ayutthaya became a vassal state as a consequence, and the Burmese installed Prince Naresuan’s father -King Maha Thammaracha (CE 1569 –CE 1590) - on the throne. Prince Naresuan was subsequently raised in the land of his enemies as a type of collateral against future uprisings. While still in Burma, Prince Naresuan proved himself as a skilled fighter with a keen sense of military strategy. With his complicated rise in power, a string of events provoked Prince Naresuan to shift allegiances and declare Kingdom of Ayutthaya independent once again.
The young King Naresuan and a fighting rooster is accordingly to the legend in which a young Prince Naresuan wagered a bet with a young Burmese prince that Kingdom of Ayutthaya would be freed if Naresuan's rooster emerged victorious in the cock fight. Prince Naresuan's rooster naturally won the bet, and the Burmese prince was humiliated.
“All of my Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees) will be away from destitution, failure, hardship & difficulty in living, poverty, inferiority, and deterioration in quality of life.”
Luang Phor Guay was highly respected by Luang Phor Pare of Wat Pikulthong, Singburi Province. Many Batches of Luang Phor Pare’s amulets were blessed by LP Guay first, Luang Phor Pare would bring them to Luang Phor Guay and ask Luang Phor Guay to bless them for him before the Grand Blessing Ceremonies…
BEST FOR: it brings good luck, and improves your luck in gambling, and betting. Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger). And Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic).
Pra Nua Din (amulets made from earth) of Luang Phor Guay
The earth amulets made by Luang Phor Guay are considered as the early work of Luang Phor Guay since BE 2482 (CE 1939) at the age of 34, and 15 years in monkhood. Luang Phor Guay made earth amulets soon after had just completed his studies with Luang Phu Sri of Wat Pra Prang, Singburi Province, and Luang Phor Derm of Wat Nong Pho, Nakorn Sawan Province. Luang Phor Guay also found ancient magical scriptures hidden inside a hole in an old tree. At that period of time, it was in World War II, people were suffering from famine, starvation, death and injuries from allied bombing raids on Thailand. Luang Phor Guay said that people had hard times, and without people Buddhism could not exist, so Luang Phor Guay started making amulets to help people. Not only for people’s safety, but also for better livings, Luang Phor Guay devoted the whole of his time, his knowledge, and his power to make amulets for them for free.
The soil or earth is the oldest minerals on Earth
Luang Phor Guay mentioned that the soil or earth is the oldest minerals on Earth, it accumulates all power of good deeds of all Arhats (or Luohan), Bodhisattva and Buddha as long as you and your enemies are standing/living on the earth, the Pra Mae Thoranee will witness good deeds and bad deeds, if you have made good deeds, then your good deeds have already witnessed by Pra Mae Thoranee, Pra Mae Thoranee will help you, and your enemies could not do any harm to you. And the difficulties of your life, Pra Mae Thoranee also witnesses, and Pra Mae Thoranee will ease all of your difficulties.
Pra Mae Thoranee (the Earth Goddess / the Mother Earth)
In temple murals, Pra Mae Thorani is often depicted with the Buddha in the mudra known as calling the earth to witness (Maravijaya Gesture in Thai). The waters flowing forth from her long hair wash away the armies of Mara and symbolize the water of the Bodhisattva’s perfection of generosity (dana parami).
Calling the earth to witness / Maravijaya Gesture
In the iconography of Gautama Buddha in Laos and Thailand, “touching the earth” mudra (Maravijaya Gesture) refers to the Buddha’s right hand pointing towards the earth to summon the Earth Goddess to come to his assistance in obtaining enlightenment by witnessing to his past good deeds.
According to Buddhist myths, Pra Mae Thorani is personified as a young woman wringing the cool waters of detachment out of her hair to drown Mara, the demon sent to tempt Bodhisattva (Gautama Buddha, before gaining his enlightenment) as he meditated under the Bodhi Tree.
The Bodhisattva was sitting in meditation on his throne under the Bodhi Tree, Mara, the Evil One, was jealous and wanted to stop him from reaching enlightenment. Accompanied by his warriors, wild animals and his daughters, he tried to drive the Bodhisattva from his throne. All the gods were terrified and ran away, leaving the Bodhisattva alone to face Mara’s challenge. The Bodhisattva stretched down his right hand and touched the earth, summoning her to be his witness. The earth deity in the form of a beautiful woman rose up from underneath the throne, and affirmed the Bodhisattva’s right to occupy the throne under the Bodhi Tree. She twisted her long hair, and torrents of water collected there from the innumerable donative libations of the Bodhisattva over the ages created a flood. The flood washed away Mara and his army, and the Bodhisattva was freed to reach enlightenment.
Buddhist water libation, a ritual pouring of a liquid
In Buddhism in Thailand, the water ceremony (grùat náam), which involves the ceremonial pouring of water from a small vase into a cup, drop by drop, concludes most Buddhist ceremonies including donation celebrations and feasts. This ceremonial libation is done to share the accrued merit with all other living beings in all 3 worlds of existence. While the water is poured, a confession of faith is recited and led by the monks. Then, the merit is distributed by the donors by saying “I-mina Punya-gammayna U-patchaya Kunuttara” three times. Pra Mae Thoranee (the earth goddess / the Mother Earth), is invoked to witness these meritorious deeds. Afterward, the water after libation is poured on earth under the tree outside, to return the water to the Pra Mae Thoranee.
In the back is with a piece of plaster cement, the previous owner patched this amulet with glue on a wall on top of a shrine.
DIMENSION: 5.90 cm high / 2.30 cm widest / 1.50 cm thick
item # N38D26
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay
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Hand Carved Old Singha & Other Amulets of LP Derm
Hand Carved Old Singha & Other Amulets of LP Derm
A look at just a few of the plethora of Carved Ivory and Tooth, Wood, Bone Singha amulets of the Great LP Derm of Wat Nong Po, to bring the style of the various preferred artisans who carved them, and the appearance of natural aging of amulets which reage the Era of Luang Por Derm. Knowing how to estimate the age and recognise the effects of natural aging on an amulet, this assists in…
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#Amulets for Promotion#Animism#Carved Ivory#Classic Amulets#Himapant Animal#Kongrapan#LP Derm#Nang Kwak#Old Amulets#Power Amulet#Singha#Wat Nong Po
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Presenting a gallery of images of the Empowerment and Buddha Abhiseka Blessing Ceremonies of the 2561 BE ‘Som Pratana’ (fulfil your dreams and wishes) edition amulets released at Wat Po Sri in Nakorn Panom, one of the lineage temples of the Great LP Derm of Wat Nong Po. The amulets were blessed with various other individual editions of each master, by a host of Great Master Monks of Luang Por Derm’s Lineage, with the Meritorious Charitable goal of raising funds for the building of a Chedi Stupa Relic Shrine at Wat Po Sri, and to build a study hall at Wat Fa Khern Suwannadum Pa in Nakorn Panom .
Blessing Ceremony of the Som Pratana Edition Amulets at Wat Po Sri
The first blessing ceremony at Wat Pratat Panom and was held on the 25th May 2560 BE, included the following Master Monks present to perform empowerment and Blessing of the Chanuan Muan Sarn Sacred Metals for the casting of the amulets;
Pra Manghala Sutee (Luang Phu Khaek), of Wat Suntorn Pradit, Pra Kroo Ratana Nayok (Wat Pratat Haripunchai), Pra Kroo Wimon Bun Gosala, (Wat Wimonlaniwas) Pra Kroo Suntorn Chayapiwat (Wat Tat Maha Chai), Pra Racha Siri Wattana (Wat Suwan Sawang Suwannaram, Pra Kroo Boworn Potiwat (Wat Pratat Sri Kun), Pra Kroo Wisutti Maedti (Vice Abbot of Wat Pratat Panom), Pra Kroo Pawana Sope (Wat Pha Tamma Sope (Lopburi), and Pra Racha Radtana Longorn (Wat Po Chai)
Blessing of Chanuan Muan Sarn Sacred Metals for the casting of the Luang Por Derm Wat Po Sri Edition Amulets 2561 BE released at Wat Po Sri to fund the building of a Chedi Stupa Relic Shrine
The second ceremony was performed at Wat Pratat Panom again, to bless the amulets after casting in full Buddha Abhiseka ceremony on the 30th October 2560 BE, with Luang Phu Sor presiding.
Second Blessing Ceremony at Wat Pratat Panom
The final Blessing Ceremony was performed on Monday 9th April 2561 at Wat Po Sri, with Luang Phu Sor Luang Phu Glom and Luang Phu Sorn, along with the monks of the temple performing empowerment and blessings.
LP Sor, LP Glom, and LP Sorn with Monks of Wat Po Sri performing the third and final ceremony of the Luang Por Derm Som Pratana Edition Statuette Loi Ongk Amulets
Luang Por Derm was one of the greatest master monks in Thai Buddhist Amulet making history, and his original Loi Ongk Statuettes are priceless treasures, only worn by the riches millionaires, but the devotees of Luang Por Derm believe that just his image is sacred with or without blessing, and carries the same power as any of his ancient and priceless amulets, for the faith and devotion of the devotee, brings blessings from Luang Por Derm through direct transmission through Guru Worship.
Luang Por Derm was very famous for his Mitmor Spirit Knives, and carved amulets in ivory and wood, as well as his hand inscribed Pha Yant, and of course, the Roop Lor.
Below; Pra Roop Lor Luang Por Derm Wat Nong Po Som Pratana Edition amulets, in Nuea Tong Tip Khad Ngao sacred brass with oiled polish (top – 6739 amulets made), and Nuea Albaca Khad Ngao (bottom – 4489 amulets made)
Luang Por Derm was Born on Wednesday 6 February 2403 BE and Died on Tuesday 22 June 2494 BE. He was one of the Greatest Masters of Thai Buddhist History, whose amulets, and famous ‘Mitmor’ ritual spirit knives are legendary around the whole wide world, for their authentic power, and Master Class Status.
Blessing of Chanuan Muan Sarn Sacred Metals for the casting of the Luang Por Derm Wat Po Sri Edition Amulets 2561 BE released at Wat Po Sri to fund the building of a Chedi Stupa Relic Shrine
Blessing Ceremony of the Som Pratana Edition Amulets at Wat Po Sri
This great Master and Abbot of Wat Nong Po, is believed to have chosen to be born on Earth in the village of Nong Po, to lighten the sufferings of Buddhist People, and to bestow them with Blessings to lead them on their way towards Happiness, and Alleviate their Sufferings, and Poverty.The Wicha of Luang Por Derm is continued to this day through his Looksit of the various Master Lineages.
[product sku=”A61″] His carved Roop Lor, Krueang Rang (Talismans), ivory, and wooden amulets are rare items, for they were made by individual Artisans who were Initiated and had received the Wicha, and ‘Korb Kroo’ Ritual Empowerment as permission from Luang Por Derm himself. Only such Lineage Master Initiates were allowed to perform carving or knife forging for Luang Por Derm, and even to this day after his passing, all the Posthumous Editions of amulets which derive from Masters who are Initiates of Luang Por Derm, have to use only amulets and Artisanry which have been made by an Initiated Artisan.
Three Blessing Ceremonies LP Derm Som Pratana Edition Amulets Presenting a gallery of images of the Empowerment and Buddha Abhiseka Blessing Ceremonies of the 2561 BE 'Som Pratana' (fulfil your dreams and wishes) edition amulets released at Wat Po Sri in Nakorn Panom, one of the lineage temples of the Great LP Derm of Wat Nong Po.
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Funderede disse dage væk
Disse dage funderede jeg væk, jeg vente hverdagens situationer i hovedet fra fugleperspektiv. Spekulerede over hvad jeg skulle blive til; en familiefar, en narkoman, eller arbejdsnarkoman? Jeg tænkte over hvordan det kunne give mig sådan et spark i røven, den dag vi gik fra hinanden, hvordan jeg nåede så meget i de hårde måneder derefter for snart halvandet år siden. Nu drømmer jeg igen over kærligheden, jeg savner nærværet, jeg savner noget at komme hjem til, dermed ikke sagt at jeg craver det, for det gør jeg bestemt ikke, jeg er gået hen at kunne lide mit liv. Jeg savner en at snakke dybt med, en som jeg kan gøre ting med.
Andreas er begyndt at blive en rigtig tøffelhelt og det er lidt synd synes jeg, det blokerer rigtig mange af de ting han gerne vil. Han har fået en kæresteblokade, ligesom jeg fik.
Jeg tror at jeg sender en flaskepost med overskriften: “HJÆLP! Kæreste søges!!”😐
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[ad_1] ::::::This Amulet will bring you Luck, Good things will unexpectedly happen to you. It also make you success in anything you hope for. This Amulet will bring Prosperity and ensure success in life. Believed to protect against evil. And can protection from weapons, Immortality, Stop knife and gun, Invulnerable, Repel evil. Rich windfall wealth benevolent wealthy. This amulet can used as gift for someone special and yourself. The amulet will bring lucky and auspicious for life. It also prevent from any bad things. Suitable both man and lady too. Because this is a super fine amulet from Thailand that will bring good miracle for human life. :::Thai Buddhist Amulet Power Can Help And Improve More Better Your Life To Do Anything Smoother And Easy . Help The Owner More Get Better Anything That Your Wish And Hope . Help And Protection Owner Change Bad Situation To Good. Department : Thai famous monk amulets Date First Available : September 29, 2014 Manufacturer : Thai Amulets ASIN : B00O0T1LKK Thai Amulets Buddha Thai Amulet LP Derm Wat NongPo Nakornsawan by Thai guru monks Model:Thai Amulets Thai Amulets Buddha Thai Amulet LP Derm Wat NongPo Nakornsawan Primary Material:Mixed Magic Materials Aproximately Size : 2.5 x 4.5 CM [ad_2]
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Skisser på ark og stikkord når jeg hørte å sangene for første gang:
Første platecover, Drive av R.E.M:
Ideen her kom veldig fort imens vi hørte på låten, var rett og slett det første bildet som dukket opp i hodet mitt som jeg assosierte med stemningen i sangen. Bildet ble tatt med Iphonen min i nord Italia, på vei mellom Cortina d’ampezzo og St.Vigil, i sommer.
Jeg husket bildet som mye mer mørkt og dystert så derfor måtte jeg jobbe litt med det i Photoshop for å få frem riktig stemning:
Først endret jeg fargebalanse og reduserte toner, for å få mindre blåskjær i bildet.
Så endret jeg nivå og brukte verktøyet kulør/metting, for å gjøre bildet mørkere og fjerne enda mer sterke farger.
Til slutt fjernet jeg blåfargen i himmelen ved å gjøre hele himmelen sort hvit.
Etter jeg hadde redigert bildet i Photoshop la jeg bildet inn i Indesign for å jobbe med komposisjon og font.
Jeg testet mange ulike fonter og slet litt med å bestemme meg for hvor jeg ønsket å plassere tittel og artist. Bestemte meg for at det som passet best var en enkel, tynn font og ettersom både tittel og artist navn var såpas kort og konsist så valgte jeg å kun bruke versaler for bedre lesbarhet og tydelighet.
Vippet tilslutt mellom den over ^ og den under, men endte opp med den nederste selv om denne kanskje var den kjedeligste. Valgte allikevel denne fordi det ble mer ryddig, hadde god lesbarhet, og stjal ikke noe fokus fra bildet.
Andre Platecover, Black Lemon av Ola Kvarnberg
Dette coveret slet jeg litt lengre med å finne ide og testet meg derfor frem med litt ulike ideer digitalt. I starten jobbet jeg litt med natur ettersom jeg fortsatt var inspirert fra forrige platecover, men fant fort ut at stemningen i sangen passet bedre med noe rent grafisk.
Bestemte meg for å fokusere på tittelen ettersom låten i seg selv er litt abstrakt og jeg ikke helt klarte å plukke opp en spesifikt og tydelig situasjon eller stemning.
Fant en enkel font jeg følte passet til sangen, og valgte å jobbe med ett så enkelt design som mulig.
Ønsket å gjøre coveret enda enklere, og fjernet dermed illustrasjonen.
Bare font ble litt for kjedelig i forhold til stemningen i sangen, derfor utforsket jeg variasjonen mellom sort/gul mot gul/sort.
La til to grafiske elementer for å gi coveret mer bevegelse.
Til slutt endte jeg på gul/sort ettersom dette coveret er lettere å oppdage i butikken, på tross av at jeg egentlig syntes coveret med sort/gul var mer spennende.
Ferdig cover mot original cover
nytt cover:
Evaluering av forskjell:
Ettersom orginal coveret var etter min mening helt grusomt vil jeg påstå at mitt cover var en enorm forbedring. Uten at jeg hadde orginal coveret i bakhodet når jeg designet mitt cover er det mange likheter; begge inneholder et fotografi av en vei med natur og fargene begge fotografi ser nesten ut som et maleri eller et eldre og slitt fotografi.
nytt cover:
Evaluering av forskjell:
Etter min mening var allerede dette coveret litt kult og spennende, og helt ærlig vil jeg ikke påstå at mitt nye cover stor forbedring. Men det som er bedre er at artist og tittel er mer tydelig og fargebruken skaper mer oppmerksomhet i en platebutikk fylt av uendelig mange LP-plater.
Evaluering av prosjekt:
Jeg er delvis fornøyd med coverene mine, prosjektet var preget av både tekniske problemer og lite motivasjon og engasjement som gjorde at oppgaven ble veldig mye mer krevende en den trengte å være. Til en annen gang kunne jeg vært flinkere på å teste flere ideer og bruke mer tid på papir, samt stolt litt mer på å utforske det ikke så safe og basic (da hadde kanskje coverene blitt hakket mer spennende).
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Phra Somdej Sivali Lp Kuay Wat Kositaram BE2515, 黑肉 拥有 DD Phra 验证卡证明 颂德西瓦利佛(圣粉制)- 出自LP KUAY,珂悉逹兰寺,猜纳府。佛历2515(1972)年开光。已包好外壳。拥有DD Phra 验证卡 (黑肉)。前面是颂德,后面是西瓦利。 这批牌是LP KUAY在曼谷的拉差纳达寺所加持的。师父乃是峦普登和峦普席之高徒,在佛历2522年圆寂,享年74岁。他的禅定法力是远近闻名的。 此颂德西瓦利佛能赐予全面人缘、好运、招财、不会挨饿及在一切危险中得到保护。 Phra Somdej Sivali (Holy powder material) from LP Kuay, Wat Kositaram, Chainat. Consecrated in 2515 (1972). Already encased in casing (black meat). With DD phra company certificate to prove it is genuine. Somdej in front and Sivali at the back. This batch was blessed by LP in Wat Rachanadda, Bangkok. LP Kuay the top disciple of LP Derm and LP Si passed away in 2522 at the age of 74. He was highly venerated for his Samadhi power. Excellent for all around Metta, good luck, wealth attraction, never going hungry and protection from all danger. (💯%保证真品) DD phra验证卡 💮结缘价 Rmxxx 包壳包邮💮 💥预订💥预订💥预订💥 ❌不收急单!紧急勿pm… ๛欲知更多资讯和详情,欢迎加我微信和我联系,谢谢!For more information and details, please contact me, Thank you.๛ 🦋Wechat 🆔:fuange1314 (非诚勿擾)
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item # W12511109N
RARE Luang Phor Toh Gru Bang Gra-ting, Ok Wat Pra Prang, Lang Yant Mi. A baked clay Buddha amulet with figure of bulky Buddha with 3 imprints of cabalistic writings “Mi” in the back. This amulet was copied the style of ancient baked clay amulet discovered at Wat Bang Gra-ting, Ayutthaya Province. Made from many types of sacred earth from holy places in Thailand and powder crushed from broken ancient baked clay amulets. Made by Wat Pra Prang, Singburi Province in BE 2514 (CE 1971). Luang Phor Guay of Wat Kositaram (Wat Ban Khae), Chainat Province was Master of Blessing Ceemony at the temple of Wat Pra Prang.
“ขอศิษย์ทั้งหลาย อย่าอด อย่าอยาก อย่ายาก อย่าจน อย่าต่ำกว่าคน อย่าจนกว่าเขา”
“All of my Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees) will be away from destitution, failure, hardship & difficulty in living, poverty, inferiority, and deterioration in quality of life.”
LP Guay was highly respected by LP Pare of Wat Pikulthong, Singburi Province. Many Batches of LP Pare’s amulets were blessed by LP Guay first, LP Pare would bring them to LP Guay and ask LP Guay to bless them for him before the Grand Blessing Ceremonies…
Yant Mi or Yant Buddha Sang Mi is a holy cabalistic writing believed to have highest power of Metta Maha Niyom (it helps make people love you, and be nice to you), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), and Long-hon Hai-tua (being invisible in the eyes of enemies, and people who do harm to you).
Luang Phor Toh Gru Bang Gra-ting is one of Thailand’s MOST wanted amulets among Royal Thai Field Soldier, SWAT team, Front Line Police Officers, and gangsters, believed to have power of Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Klawklad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), and Maha-ut (stops gun from shooting at you).
BEST FOR: Klawklad Plodpai (brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Long-hon Hai-tua (invisible in the eyes of enemies, and people who do harm to you).And Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam (helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic)
Pra Nua Din (amulets made from earth) of Luang Phor Guay
The earth amulets made by Luang Phor Guay are considered as the early work of Luang Phor Guay since BE 2482 (CE 1939) at the age of 34, and 15 years in monkhood. LP Guay made earth amulets soon after had just completed his studies with Luang Phu Sri of Wat Pra Prang, Singburi Province, and Luang Phor Derm of Wat Nong Pho, Nakorn Sawan Province. LP Guay also found ancient magical scriptures hidden inside a hole in an old tree. At that period of time, it was in World War II, people were suffering from famine, starvation, death and injuries from allied bombing raids on Thailand. LP Guay said that people had hard times, and without people Buddhism could not exist, so LP Guay started making amulets to help people. Not only for people’s safety, but also for better livings, LP Guay devoted the whole of his time, his knowledge, and his power to make amulets for them for free.
The soil or earth is the oldest minerals on Earth
LP Guay mentioned that the soil or earth is the oldest minerals on Earth, it accumulates all power of good deeds of all Arhats (or Luohan), Bodhisattva and Buddha as long as you and your enemies are standing/living on the earth, the Pra Mae Thoranee will witness good deeds and bad deeds, if you have made good deeds, then your good deeds have already witnessed by Pra Mae Thoranee, Pra Mae Thoranee will help you, and your enemies could not do any harm to you. And the difficulties of your life, Pra Mae Thoranee also witnesses, and Pra Mae Thoranee will ease all of your difficulties.
Pra Mae Thoranee (the Earth Goddess / the Mother Earth)
In temple murals, Pra Mae Thorani is often depicted with the Buddha in the mudra known as calling the earth to witness (Maravijaya Gesture in Thai). The waters flowing forth from her long hair wash away the armies of Mara and symbolize the water of the Bodhisattva's perfection of generosity (dana parami).
Calling the earth to witness / Maravijaya Gesture
In the iconography of Gautama Buddha in Laos and Thailand, "touching the earth" mudra (Maravijaya Gesture) refers to the Buddha's right hand pointing towards the earth to summon the Earth Goddess to come to his assistance in obtaining enlightenment by witnessing to his past good deeds.
According to Buddhist myths, Pra Mae Thorani is personified as a young woman wringing the cool waters of detachment out of her hair to drown Mara, the demon sent to tempt Bodhisattva (Gautama Buddha, before gaining his enlightenment) as he meditated under the Bodhi Tree.
The Bodhisattva was sitting in meditation on his throne under the Bodhi Tree, Mara, the Evil One, was jealous and wanted to stop him from reaching enlightenment. Accompanied by his warriors, wild animals and his daughters, he tried to drive the Bodhisattva from his throne. All the gods were terrified and ran away, leaving the Bodhisattva alone to face Mara's challenge. The Bodhisattva stretched down his right hand and touched the earth, summoning her to be his witness. The earth deity in the form of a beautiful woman rose up from underneath the throne, and affirmed the Bodhisattva's right to occupy the throne under the Bodhi Tree. She twisted her long hair, and torrents of water collected there from the innumerable donative libations of the Bodhisattva over the ages created a flood. The flood washed away Mara and his army, and the Bodhisattva was freed to reach enlightenment.
Buddhist water libation, a ritual pouring of a liquid
In Buddhism in Thailand, the water ceremony (grùat náam), which involves the ceremonial pouring of water from a small vase into a cup, drop by drop, concludes most Buddhist ceremonies including donation celebrations and feasts. This ceremonial libation is done to share the accrued merit with all other living beings in all 3 worlds of existence. While the water is poured, a confession of faith is recited and led by the monks. Then, the merit is distributed by the donors by saying “I-mina Punya-gammayna U-patchaya Kunuttara” three times. Pra Mae Thoranee (the earth goddess / the Mother Earth), is invoked to witness these meritorious deeds. Afterward, the water after libation is poured on earth under the tree outside, to return the water to the Pra Mae Thoranee.
DIMENSION: 4.40 cm high / 3.80 cm widest / 1.50 cm thick
item # W12511109N
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay
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REAL SINGHA LP DERM OLD THAI BUDDHA AMULET VERY RARE !!! View Availability In Our Store https://thaiamulets.co/real-singha-lp-derm-old-thai-buddha-amulet-very-rare/?feed_id=7845&_unique_id=641e357d7fa63
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[ad_1] Takud lp' Derm brass gold color talisman thai amulet yantra pendant with amulet necklace and gift Thai people believe Magic Spider can help owner for charming, loved and understanding by the seniors, and attractive to others.Just wear it like a decorative pendant.It will make you a confident communicator and can achieve the best result in the conversation. Magician Monk Lp' Derm Wat Nong Po of Thailand created and blessed this amulet in old day for using as It will make a fantastic gift for someone special or for a collector of Asian antiques.Keep it with you for Luck &Love Attraction Power or keep it in your house This is a fabulous collector's item indeed! Dimensions: 2.0 cm x 10.0 cm (Approx). This can be used to protect yourself and bring you wealth, good luck, and success. You can also buy this as a gift for the one you care for. We will pack very well. Takud lp' Derm brass gold color talisman thai amulet yantra pendant with amulet necklace and gift Model: Brass mixed materials Quantity :1 Piece Dimensions: 2.0 cm x 10.0 cm (Approx). It will make a fantastic gift for someone special or for a collector of Asian antiques.Keep it with you for Life Protection Power or keep it in your house .This is a fabulous collector's item indeed! It is very rare and looks so beautiful. It will be one of the best in your collection!!!! [ad_2]
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item # G10160968N
RARE Pra Khun Paen Kumanthong, Nua Din Pasom Pong, Lang Jaan Mue. A baked clay Pra Khun Paen with Kumanthong, and hand-engraving Yantra (holy cabalistic writings) by LP Guay himself in the back, Nua Din Jet Pa Cha, made by LP Guay of Wat Kositaram (Wat Ban-khae), Chinard Province after BE 2500 (CE 1957), made of sacred earth such as earth and human ashes from 7 most haunted grave yards (Din Jet Pa Cha) that carry the spirits of the dead, Din Kui Puu (earth balls piling up in front of male crabs’ holes to tempt female crabs to mate), Din Jet Ta (earth from 7 bus/boat destination terminals filled with lovers’ mind power while waiting for one they love to come homes), and various types of holy powder.
*This Pra Khun Paen amulet contains human remains. Not suitable for people who have Spectrophobia (the fear of ghosts). People who have Spectrophobia cannot control themselves while experiencing ghosts, they might have sudden cardiac death or cause harm to themselves from temporary loss of consciousness.
“ขอศิษย์ทั้งหลาย อย่าอด อย่าอยาก อย่ายาก อย่าจน อย่าต่ำกว่าคน อย่าจนกว่าเขา”
“All of my Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees) will be away from destitution, failure, hardship & difficulty in living, poverty, inferiority, and deterioration in quality of life.”
LP Guay was highly respected by LP Pare of Wat Pikulthong, Singburi Province. Many Batches of LP Pare’s amulets were blessed by LP Guay first, LP Pare would bring them to LP Guay and ask LP Guay to bless them for him before the Grand Blessing Ceremonies…
BEST FOR: This Pra Khun Paen with Kumanthong amulet brings Wealth & Prosperity. Mahasanay (Magic Charm) it helps turn you to prince charming in the eyes of girls, Metta Maha Niyom (helps make people love you, and be nice to you), Kaa Kaai Dee (helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Klawklad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), and Maha-ut (stops gun from shooting at you). And Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam (helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic).
Pra Nua Din (amulets made from earth) of Luang Phor Guay
The earth amulets made by Luang Phor Guay are considered as the early work of Luang Phor Guay since BE 2482 (CE 1939) at the age of 34, and 15 years in monkhood. LP Guay made earth amulets soon after had just completed his studies with Luang Phu Sri of Wat Pra Prang, Singburi Province, and Luang Phor Derm of Wat Nong Pho, Nakorn Sawan Province. LP Guay also found ancient magical scriptures hidden inside a hole in an old tree. At that period of time, it was in World War II, people were suffering from famine, starvation, death and injuries from allied bombing raids on Thailand. LP Guay said that people had hard times, and without people Buddhism could not exist, so LP Guay started making amulets to help people. Not only for people’s safety, but also for better livings, LP Guay devoted the whole of his time, his knowledge, and his power to make amulets for them for free.
The soil or earth is the oldest minerals on Earth
LP Guay mentioned that the soil or earth is the oldest minerals on Earth, it accumulates all power of good deeds of all Arhats (or Luohan), Bodhisattva and Buddha as long as you and your enemies are standing/living on the earth, the Pra Mae Thoranee will witness good deeds and bad deeds, if you have made good deeds, then your good deeds have already witnessed by Pra Mae Thoranee, Pra Mae Thoranee will help you, and your enemies could not do any harm to you. And the difficulties of your life, Pra Mae Thoranee also witnesses, and Pra Mae Thoranee will ease all of your difficulties.
Pra Mae Thoranee (the Earth Goddess / the Mother Earth)
In temple murals, Pra Mae Thorani is often depicted with the Buddha in the mudra known as calling the earth to witness (Maravijaya Gesture in Thai). The waters flowing forth from her long hair wash away the armies of Mara and symbolize the water of the Bodhisattva's perfection of generosity (dana parami).
Calling the earth to witness / Maravijaya Gesture
In the iconography of Gautama Buddha in Laos and Thailand, "touching the earth" mudra (Maravijaya Gesture) refers to the Buddha's right hand pointing towards the earth to summon the Earth Goddess to come to his assistance in obtaining enlightenment by witnessing to his past good deeds.
According to Buddhist myths, Pra Mae Thorani is personified as a young woman wringing the cool waters of detachment out of her hair to drown Mara, the demon sent to tempt Bodhisattva (Gautama Buddha, before gaining his enlightenment) as he meditated under the Bodhi Tree.
The Bodhisattva was sitting in meditation on his throne under the Bodhi Tree, Mara, the Evil One, was jealous and wanted to stop him from reaching enlightenment. Accompanied by his warriors, wild animals and his daughters, he tried to drive the Bodhisattva from his throne. All the gods were terrified and ran away, leaving the Bodhisattva alone to face Mara's challenge. The Bodhisattva stretched down his right hand and touched the earth, summoning her to be his witness. The earth deity in the form of a beautiful woman rose up from underneath the throne, and affirmed the Bodhisattva's right to occupy the throne under the Bodhi Tree. She twisted her long hair, and torrents of water collected there from the innumerable donative libations of the Bodhisattva over the ages created a flood. The flood washed away Mara and his army, and the Bodhisattva was freed to reach enlightenment.
Buddhist water libation, a ritual pouring of a liquid
In Buddhism in Thailand, the water ceremony (grùat náam), which involves the ceremonial pouring of water from a small vase into a cup, drop by drop, concludes most Buddhist ceremonies including donation celebrations and feasts. This ceremonial libation is done to share the accrued merit with all other living beings in all 3 worlds of existence. While the water is poured, a confession of faith is recited and led by the monks. Then, the merit is distributed by the donors by saying “I-mina Punya-gammayna U-patchaya Kunuttara” three times. Pra Mae Thoranee (the earth goddess / the Mother Earth), is invoked to witness these meritorious deeds. Afterward, the water after libation is poured on earth under the tree outside, to return the water to the Pra Mae Thoranee.
DIMENSION: 3.90 cm long / 1.90 cm widest / 0.70 cm thick
item # G10160968N
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