#LOOOVE how you draw Kirby!!!
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year ago
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Name: Dubior
Debut: Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Kirby's Return to Dream Land is very realistic, because it accurately depicts the phenomenon that, when you go to space, you will encounter funny robots flying about! What is their purpose? We don't know! There is, however, a sort of controversy or misunderstanding revolving Dubior.
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You see, Dubior grants the Spark ability. Because it is a robot that runs on electricity, and uses all sorts of electric attacks! However, many people do not like this, and think it should instead give the UFO ability.
Perhaps I am in the minority here, but I disagree! Dubior may be a flying machine in space, but at least to me, it does not seem all that much like a UFO! It is just a funny robot. The UFOs in this series have all had a very distinct design trend, which Dubior does not follow. Besides...
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What is a UFO? An Unidentified Flying Object. Dubior is not unidentified. It's Dubior! It says it right there on its health bar! Objectively, Dubior is not a UFO. It is just a FO. And nobody says FO.
What Dubior HAS always reminded me of is those little handheld vibrating massagers! You know, the ones with a central round part and three or four orbs that vibrate and you rub it on your back? It is a fun thing to be reminded of!
Anyway, Dubior is a mid-boss, and a very special one! As Kirby and friends journey across Popstar, they will encounter various mid-bosses as usual, culminating in a classic Mid-Boss Tower Level in which they are fought one after another, each fight taking place higher in the tower.
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This tower is so high that it pierces the atmosphere, and Dubior is fought last, on nearly the top floor! It is no coincidence that the most alien of foes is only on the closest point of this planet to outer space. This foreshadows that it will reappear, and more often, on the distant planet Halcandra! This seems to be where it was created, but for what reason? We don't know!
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What we do know is that in Planet Robobot, the Haltmann Works Company uses Dubiors as part of their invasion! I assume they reprogrammed or recreated ones they found on Halcandra, since we know they have been there. It is the only of their returning mid-boss arsenal to not be mechanized, which is amusing. How are you going to mechanize a robot? You're not!
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Geez. I can't believe I've said so much about Dubior and I have not even gotten to its wonderful antenna thing! It's clear by now I find Dubior delightful, but to me, the antenna is its best feature. When it first appears and sees Kirby, the three weird floating rectangles seem to freak out, growing and flashing red and white, as if it would be saying INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT.
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Dubior is also a parent! Happy birthday to Dubior Jr.! I love love looove when things are named like that. This is a machine! You would think it would be named something like Dubior Lite or Dubior Micro, but no! This was Born, and Named, after its proud robot parent. As were its many siblings, because many Dubior Jr.s can be spawned! Mollusc Fans may notice that Dubior Jr. looks quite like a nautilus, with a body like a curved shell, and a brim above its eyes like the leathery "hood" of a nautilus! It is a strange decision, since Dubior's design does not appear to draw from any real creature, but of course I am very happy about it. I'm Mollusc Fans!
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Finally, we have Dubior EX, who I do not have much to say about, but am including because it would be wrong not to. This one is pink, and with only one eye, positioned to appear slightly menacing as opposed to regular Dubior's wide-eyed innocence! I prefer regular Dubior, but EX is very cool on its own merits, too.
If after all this you still consider Dubior to be UFO-like, I'm not upset with you.
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the-arceo-analysis · 4 months ago
art skills of the detectives?
Omg I should do that silly trend of OCs drawing themselves (too much effort I'm not doing that)
Daiyu paints in her free time !! (Which she had a lot of prior to working at the AADA) So she's probably pretty good at it :-) I'm thinking more like. Contemporary and expressionism,, not like. Lines and stuff but more chaotic and hard to piece together. Probably not super familiar with portraits because she doesn't like to look at herself too long & she doesn't want to paint someone else (unless...)
Cyrus is also an artist !! I don't think he's a big realism guy? He used to be best friends with his brother's girlfriend, who was also an avid artist, and they'd make a lot of shit together !! It was really good for his anxiety but it didn't last very long unfortunately.! He frequents the city's artist lane, can't recall for the life of me what the streets called.., But yeah that's usually where he buys his paints, clays, spray paints, etcetera. I can sooo see him being a crazy sculptor oh my god
Kieran !? Probably doodles every now and then, and they're actually pretty good, but it's not something he spends a lot of time doing & not something he's wildly passionate about. Can definitely see him making his own jewellery and clothes though ! Would either take him forever so he isn't overdoing it or he'd get a little help from someone else
Amani ! Strikes me as the kind to sit in her room and stare at a wall when she has nothing to do. I just. She's so. Empty. So I'm gonna go ahead and say she'd be a really bad artist. But she's good at dancing idk if that counts !! That's kinda performance art I think
Helena can't draw for shit sorry 💔 She has to be bad at SOMETHING.
Ormr. Probably thinks art is useless. Like he gets it but also it's annoying that it's such a massive thing. "Mimimi expressionism mimimi feelings go get a job" Klaus Ormr probably
Poseidon definitely isn't an artist himself (unless you're counting performance art!!! He hasn't taken any acting classes but boy does my girl know how to act) but he is absolutely an avid fan of it. Loooves seeing people express themselves, loves trying to find his own emotions in someone else's art. Guh. What a sweetheart. #1 girlfriend of the year award
Sean !?! Also cannot draw for shit there's nothing you could say or do to convince me this guy knows how to draw like. Kirby. Or Pacman. He couldn't do it he'd end up drawing a man lost at sea or perhaps a teacup (hard to tell)
Adrien is also a pretty good artist !! Probably doodles in his break time, loves to make his own patches and jewellery !! What a fella !!
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