radioactive-reactions · 6 months
How would the companions react to discovering not only Vault 111 but also the frozen Sole Survivor
Whether they saw it as a potential treasure trove, a nostalgic relic, or just a safe, quiet refuge, Vault 111 always seemed to attract the odd scavenger or adventurer. After slipping past the door, however, this particular intruder would end up stumbling upon something far stranger than they could expect...
Cait hadn't really taken the time to scope out the Vault before diving into it headfirst- having a pack of feral dogs nipping at your heels will do that to you. Coming face to face with the frozen Sole Survivor down there is freaky enough to give her a heart attack, but as the perfect audience for her rambling stories and a nonjudgmental drinking buddy they soon become the centerpiece of her impromptu hideout. As for actually getting them out? Fuck if she knows how.
Codsworth knows full well what the Vault up the hill contains, of course. How could he not? Much of the aging robot's time is spent tending to his owners' pods: tightening every bolt, polishing the glass, keeping the steel casing free of even a single speck of rust. The only thing that keeps him going is the thought that on some level, under that thin layer of frost, they might know he's there for them.
Curie's unbridled excitement at making contact with another Vault is quickly tempered once she actually sets eyes on the denizens of said Vault. With nothing but time and centuries' worth of medical expertise to work with, she immediately sets to the task of bringing Vault 111 back to life- not just the Sole Survivor, but everyone consigned to a cold and inglorious fate in those cryopods. This is a mission worth spending another two hundred years on.
Danse has been assigned to scour the Vault as part of a routine sweep for useful technology- a task entirely beneath a Paladin, but what he finds there more than makes up for it. Immediately, a whole field research team is dispatched to the vault and the cryopods are airlifted out one by one. The Sole Survivor's first memory of the new world is waking up to the harsh white light of a Brotherhood lab, bombarded with questions and shoved blearily through a battery of tests. Not a great first impression.
Deacon still thinks the Vault would make an ideal fallback hideout, even with the rows of corpsicles. The eerie blue glow and residents in cryosleep are pitched to Desdemona as enhancing the ambience, but the suggestion is soundly denied for the Vault's visibility. Even so, Deacon maintains a post outside, just in case one of those poor bastards stumbles out one day.
When Hancock inexplicably wakes up in the Vault after partying a little too hard, he immediately assumes he's still hallucinating- that, or he's been picked up by Zetans. It takes him hours of trying to pry the Sole Survivor's pod open in a hungover haze to finally give up, writing the place off as another of the Old World's many sins and decent subject matter for his next speech.
MacCready almost feels at home in the vast underground chambers of the Vault. Almost. No matter how convenient the Vault is as a last-ditch hideout, its residents creep him out too much to stay there for any real length of time. He tries his hardest to avoid their frozen stares, endlessly grateful that it's them in there and not him.
Valentine relates to the frozen Sole Survivor a little more than he'd like to admit. Two abandoned relics, used to serve a greater purpose and then thrown out like so much junk when they were done. He knows more than anyone what a harsh awakening they're going to have- if they do wake up. Every so often, he'll wander back to check on them, sharing a yarn about his latest case and watching for any progress. On the day that pod does unseal, he'll be there to lend a helping hand... but until then, all he can do is maintain a file. It's one hell of a cold case.
Piper feels a little guilty that her first thought is how good of a story this will make. 'Pod people slumber among us', maybe? She doesn't want to risk the Sole Survivor's life by touching anything, but maybe if she spreads the word someone out there will be able to help them. That's how she justifies it to herself, anyway- now if only there was some concrete link to the Institute she could work in...
Preston has been surveying the area around Sanctuary for potential threats to the burgeoning settlement... and he still isn't entirely sure that this doesn't count as one. It takes a moment to line up the resident registry with the names on Sanctuary's rusted-out mailboxes, but once he does, he has the Vault sealed up again out of respect for those who came before. If he and his scant resources can't help them, he can at least let them rest in peace.
Strong hammers away at the pod to no avail before stomping off in a huff to seek his next victim somewhere else. Canned food clearly isn't his thing.
X6-88 is here for a routine checkup - nothing more, nothing less. Although the Director had been cagey about what exactly he wanted to be kept safe down here, there was nothing X6 wouldn't be prepared for... so he thought, at least. The sight of a person, frozen and contained, gives him a rare moment of pause and elicits an uncomfortable, involuntary comparison to the dormant synths rolling off the assembly line. Nevertheless, he makes sure the cryopod is still functional and returns home, all the while trying to forget their strange resemblance to the Director.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 9 months
Heyy! Can I request Fo4 companions' favourite places to kiss their s/o? Thank you 🩷🙏🏼
Fo4 Companions Favorite Places To Kiss Their S/O
➼ Word Count » 0.5k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Romantic
MacCready loves to kiss the tip of your nose because he thrives off the way you crinkle it in response. He'll rest his hands on your shoulders before tugging you into him. He's the perfect mix of quick and romantic.
Nick's a bit old-fashioned. He prefers to take your hands in his and leave gentle kisses along the top. He's an old-school romantic and wouldn't dare do anything too vulgar or out there for someone of your stature.
Cait always goes for your neck. She likes to leave a trail of hickeys down the side of your throat so that it's visible to everyone. She thinks you look so pretty when she covers you in bite marks.
Danse kisses you like a husband who's leaving for work in the morning. It's almost always a quick peck to your lips, but occasionally he'll get a bit frisky and kiss you for longer. Anything other than that will get him all flustered.
Preston loves to hold your face in his hands and kiss the crown of your head softly. It reminds him that you're safe, and he considers it to be one of the most affectionate spots someone could kiss their partner. Kind and protecting.
Codsworth can't technically kiss you, but he loves it when you kiss him, doesn't matter where it is. You can always expect a nice little gesture afterward too.
Piper loves grabbing your face and peppering it with kisses. She thinks it's so cute when it leaves you smiling.
Curie likes to open your hand up and leave small pecks along your palm. She's still getting used to her synth body and finds the human hands so fascinating to feel and inspect.
Strong refuses to kiss you and would hate if you kissed him, but he'll pat you on the head to show his affection.
Hancock prefers to nip at the lobes of your ears over anything. He likes the primal feeling he gets when he gently tugs at your skin, and would especially love it if it got you flustered.
Deacon doesn't like kissing you as much as he likes tracing shapes and symbols into your skin. He feels awkward when it comes to kissing you, but if he had to pick, it'd be your shoulders. That way you don't have to see his face and it doesn't have to be long.
X6-88 won't kiss you often, but when he does it's almost always on your neck. He'll wrap his arms around you from behind and leave a quick and firm kiss on the side of your throat.
Old Longfellow likes to wrap his arms around your lower back and yank you closer to him before kissing the outer part of your cheek. He's not one to show affection out in public, but he makes an exception when it comes to this.
Gage believes that the only way worth kissing someone is when it's rough, long, and on the mouth. He'll grab your jaw or push you up against a wall and make out with you right there. He only ever does it in private, you have a reputation to uphold after all, but if you push him far enough he wouldn't mind doing it in front of the other gangs.
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charliesvarietyhour · 1 month
can they jam?
quick and dirty "analysis" of whether or not the fallout 4 companions can play an instrument. hold my hand and play in the space with me <3
(these are all headcanons. they might not be yours, but they are mine. if you find these upsetting, that's okay! you can scroll away, my feelings won't be hurt <3 okay, i love you have fun)
no i am NOT writing this instead of finishing the jude/preston diptych that i've been procrastinating on for three months. and actually how dare you for implying that. you're no longer invited to my fallout themed birthday party.
Ada. Can play little tunes by beeping at different frequencies. Would do this with her friends when they had music nights around their campfire.
Cait. Fabulous sense of rhythm. Always drumming some kind of beat.
Codsworth. Hums frequently. There's nothing in his programming that should allow him to do this.
Curie. Not only can she not play instruments, but she is criminally tone-deaf. She should probably stick to the lab.
Danse. Singing voice like an angel. Too shy to sing publicly. So if you catch him singing to himself, you'd better shut up and hope he doesn't notice you if you want him to continue.
Deacon. "I'll never tell!" (No, he cannot and he is embarrassed about it.)
Dogmeat. Howls on-key. Like, scarily on-key. Better-than-you-can-sing on-key. Are-we-sure-this-dog-is-just-a-dog on-key. I cannot stress how unnatural it is. Nobody acknowledges it when you ask them. Dogmeat wags his tail.
Gage. Used to play bluegrass instruments (dulcimer, fiddles, guitars, banjos, etc) with his brothers. He can also make instruments and can tune them by ear. He doesn't do either anymore.
Hancock. Knows some chords on the guitar but prefers to listen to music. He has a nice, deep humming voice, though.
MacCready. No. But he has a pitch-perfect whistle. Very cool!
Nick. Call him Billy Joel the way he's a Piano Man. Great with music theory and can read any sheet music. Human!Nick did not have this talent. It's important to me that you know that.
Old Longfellow. Virtuoso. Can pick up any instrument and is an instant savant. You will never ever ever ever see him do this. This is how he preserves what little sanity he has left.
Piper. She tried learning Hot Cross Buns on a hand-carved recorder when she was a kid and quit when she wasn't immediately good at it. No.
Preston. Was the Lead Harmonicist in Hollis' regiment. He still has it on him, though he hasn't played since Quincy. Can also pluck a tune on a guitar or banjo, but those are less convenient to carry with you when traveling long distances.
Strong. Cello. No, he will not elaborate.
X6-88. No and he looks at you like you're an idiot if you ask. (He secretly wants to learn.)
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sugarbombs-n-stuff · 23 days
Companion's Comfort Foods
(I didn't include Ada and Codsworth cause they don't eat)
Cait: Cait's comfort food is cottage pie (which is shepards pie with beef instead of lamb). It was on the food rotation at the combat zone before the raiders took over and it brings back good memories of her first few years of freedom. Cottage pie and a beer is a good supper for her.
Curie: A bowl of sugarbombs. It was the first meal she had after she got turned into a synth so she's grown really fond of it. She likes cereal in general so if you sit her down with some and a puzzle, she'll be so happy, though she does like eating while talking to a friend.
Danse: When he was in the BOS it probably would have been coffee seeing as the food really wasn't great. It was pretty much flavorless chicken and mashed tatoes and the thought of it made his stomach churn. A cup of coffee however was guaranteed, and it was good every time. After BB no questions asked his comfort food is beef(brahmin) stew. Sturges makes some flavorful, mouthwatering, downright sinful tasting food and you'll always see Danse first in line whenever it's the stew in particular that's being made. He also likes to dip some cornbread in it, and it isn't uncommon that you'll see him patting his stomach after eating like some midwestern dad.
Deacon: Roasted mutton on fry bread with hot peppers. Deacon was raised on Lake Mead by his mom and grandparents. His grandma was Navajo, so they always had something with fry bread and meat, normally bighorner meat. The mutton became his favorite though. It's a wave of nostalgia every time he takes a bite. He doesn't really have it anymore, partly because of he can't really get it in the commonwealth and partly because even if he makes it, it's never as good as his family makes. A big stupid smile is on his face whenever he visits his mom, and she makes it for him. Though he hasn't been out there in a while, too busy helping the Railroad.
Dogmeat: Dogmeat will eat anything, and he doesn't really have a comfort food. His favorite food though his dried brahmin ears,
Strong: Pre War Strong and Super mutant Strong actually agree in this area, his comfort food is still ribs. Pre-war, he liked dry rub ribs that make your mouth water and stomach grumble when you look at them, he was damn good at making them to cause he learned from his grandad so anytime he made them he thought about him. Now he likes raw brahmin ribs. He isn't picky anymore and doesn't care as long as he eats but if he really concentrates, he can still hear a deep laugh like rolling thunder and smell a hint of spice when he takes a bite.
Preston: Rabbit Stew. Growing up with his auntie on far harbor he ate pretty much everything, mans was a human garbage disposal. However, he had broken his leg when he was 10 and his auntie made him rabbit stew. They sat in the bed and laughed and joked for hours as she told him stories. His big brother even joined them and joked around too. Now every time he makes it, that memory is at the front of his mind, it causes a smile to sit on his face for the rest of the day afterwords.
Piper: Her dad used to make cabbage rolls with corn and rad stag. She still makes it for Nat but when she starts cooking it, she swears she can hear her dad talking her through how to make it for the first time. She doesn't let herself get sad at the memory when she's cooking, she embraces it. She keeps promising to teach nat how to make it but she's kind of swamped with work at the moment, but they have it every week they can afford it.
MacCready: Like danse he also likes stew however his comfort food his mushroom stew. He remembers eating it in Little Lamplight and when he takes a bite suddenly, he's Mayor MacCready sitting with his pals and getting irritated at Princess again. He also thinks of him chatting with lucy, both as kids and adults and gets a comforting sadness for a little afterword but comforting none the less.
Hancock: Him and his brother used to make fruit jam growing up and would sell it in Diamond City market. He still makes the jams now with the help of Daisy and sells them in her store. His mind wanders and he wonders that if things were different between McDonough and him, if they would still make them together. His brother's favorite was the dandy boy apple one so that's his comfort food. Dandy Boy Apple Jam.
Nick Valentine: Coffee. Nick doesn't eat much and human nick really only ate out of necessity. Ellie makes him a cup every morning and they talk before they get to work. Good memories are enjoyed over coffee and that's good enough for Nick.
X6-88: When he was in the institute he liked the coconut nutrition pouches but he wouldn't classify it as a comfort food because he was a machine that didn't need comfort in his or the institutes eyes. Now that he runs around with sole survivor though, his comfort food is braised deathclaw with rice. It's extremely filling, and he thinks of that first night he was assigned to Sole and they made them this. It was one of the first times he seriously considered being something close to human.
Longfellow: Roasted Fog Crawler with black beans and a side of scotch. He cooks well and he actually really enjoys it. Whenever he cooks, he gets peace and peace is comfort. Not to mention the whiskey settles his soul for a bit.
Gage: Spicy Curry. He learned to make this dish originally from his mom and for a while after becoming a raider he didn't touch it again cause of the memories. Eventually though, one night when he wasn't thinking about it, he started taking out the ingredients to make it. Muscle memory is a bitch but he's not going to waste food and when he took that first bite, he heard his mom singing in his brain and telling him to wash up after. It's rare when he does eat it but when he does you might be able to hear him humming as he makes it.
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How do you th>no the fo4 companions would react to sole survivor using all of the junk that the companions called trash to build a bed or something?
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy! 🥰
Cait - "Well, at least you didn't make me lug all that crap around for no reason at all. It turned out at least a little useful."
Curie - "Madame... Goodness me, you are quite the scientist indeed! Or perhaps engineer would be a better word to describe your miraculous work!"
Piper - "Wow, Blue! I promise I'll never say another word about your junk-collecting for as long as I live. Unfortunately for you, however, now that I know exactly what you can do, you're never getting out of making me that new printing press. Muahaha!"
MacCready - "Huh. All that junk actually can be used for something..."
Deacon - "Okay, so I'm going to give you a pack of cigarettes, a desk fan, and toenail clippers. Your mission: make a chair."
Codsworth - "My, my, Miss F!Sole, I knew you were talented but this is truly ingenious craftsmanship! Sir would be so proud!!! I now see where young Shaun gets his talent in tinkering!"
Hancock - "You teach the boys back at Goodneighbor to do that, and I'll pay you ten-thousand caps right then. Full amount."
Danse - "I... wow... I apologize for making any negative comments about your garbage-collecting habits. You are truly talented."
Preston - "I knew there was a reason I asked you to be our general. Nobody I know could pull off something this."
Valentine - "Kid... You're one mystery that I might just fail at solving..."
X6-88 - "As... impressive... as it might be that you used those few strange items to make something half-usable, there is really no reason to use garbage to build things. At least not when the Institute has professionally manufactured, clean versions of those same things."
Dogmeat - Is not surprised. After all, he never doubts the amazing powers of his human who can do absolutely anything she sets her mind to. So when she makes him a doghouse, he is unsurprised but very thankful nevertheless.
Strong - "Tiny human make bed out of junk?! Tiny human must have used milk of human kindness!!! WHY TINY HUMAN KEEP MILK SECRET FROM STRONG???!!!"
ADA - "I am very pleased to see all of my findings coming in handy, ma'am. I will continue looking for more useful items."
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imagine-silk · 6 months
Fallout 4 fellas react to a really short sole survivor trying on their clothes and having them be waaay to big XD
Thank you <3 love reading your posts :)
》For whatever reason I can never find anything comfortably too big for me that looks nice weirdly enough. Tragic.
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【Codsworth】 "Mum/Sir, I don't think you should be wearing that."
Of course he had spare parts laying around. That included his outer plate. It's 106 lbs of a single sheet metal that makes up his body that is very easy to hide in considering how big he is and how small you are. There is absolutely no way you can walk with it on, you have to sit in it.
【Danse】 "Take that off. It's dirty."
He is a very meticulous person and keeps everything in check, so he knows the only way you got his jumpsuit is if it's dirty. He averts his eyes as you immediately panic and shuck it off.
♡If Romanced; He still looks away.
【Deacon】 "Looking good."
He has a lot of clothes and surprisingly he knows where all of them are. So when one of his costumes goes missing he knows you took it. You're the only one who could have took it. If you take his glasses he has a million other pairs. Nice try.
♡If Romanced; He'll wear an outfit to match. Can't have Bonnie without Clyde.
【Hancock】 "Well ain't you a sight."
He's not a tall man by any means so seeing you make his shirt into a dress is funny to him. He'll take off his coat and put it around you to see it drag and watch you trip over yourself.
♡If Romanced; He'll find any excuse to put you in his clothes.
【MacCready】 "Get your own."
He's not too happy about you touching his stuff. That being said, he doesn't do anything but complain. Which is saying something because he has ripped his jacket off of someone before.
If Romanced; Strangely he'll complain more, fishing for affection for his 'services'.
【Nick】 "You need a map to find your way outta there, doll/pal?"
He'll tease you, obviously. There he was reading the paper and you walk in with his coat wrapped around you. The lengths he goes not to laugh would make a hiker blush.
✧If Platonic; He'll pat you on the head and call you 'kid'. He thinks it's the cutest thing and let you borrow it from time to time.
【Preston】 "There's my coat."
He was looking for it all morning only to find you wearing his stuff on accident. It never occurred to him you might have taken it. He has no strong feelings about it. If you don't immediately give it back he won't ask for it, he'll just change into something else.
♡If Romanced; He'll drop his hat on you too. You give it back though because it slips down a lot.
【X6-88】 "Why are you wearing my clothes?"
The clothes he wears are restrictive and not very comfortable, even his surfacer clothes. But for you it's more than accommodating, too accommodating. He will ask for his clothes back though.
♡If Romanced; It awakens something in him. The fact you can bring the Commonwealth to it's knees and be so small it wild.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
Companions reactions when Sole finds an abandoned baby and is like, “Welp! No parents, your mine now!” And wants to take them back with them?
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Cait; ...okay...she understands that there is something of an obligation to not leave a baby to die, but...does Sole really have to keep it? Surely there's someone else that would like a baby, like a gay couple somewhere. Maybe those lesbians in the DC science center. Or the Ms. Nanny and teacher dude that got married, also in Diamond City. Like...Sole already has a bab—oh. Right.
Codsworth; Gotcha, what are they naming it? He'll sort out the feeding situation while they figure it out, go check shops for baby things.
Curie; Ms. Nanny protocol remnants + Curie naturally having a strong sense of justice = Sole will finally hear Curie say naughty words. They won't understand it if they don't speak French, but Curie is spitting pissed off. If Sole wants that baby, they might have to wrestle it out of her hands. Becomes very mama bear. Fusses over it in incessantly. Will relax once it is in a safe environment, and then Sole can claim it for themselves.
Danse; Goes fucking Terminator levels of bodyguard until the kid is in safe hands, like Curie. If a leaf on a tree moves, he's shooting it. Twitchy and on high alert until they get to a settlement. Sole is already planning on putting a baby room in their house. Very worried. Sole has a lot on their plate, much of it involving travel. Sole is not going to travel with a baby in their arms, fuck no. Pre-BB, suggests taking it straight to the Prydwen. After...surprisingly open to keeping it.
Deacon; Thinks they're straight-up joking. Makes a joke in response. Sole keeps joking, he keeps joking, Sole holds up a baby, Deacon has an aneurysm. Plays 5d chess in his head, planning the safest routes back to a town. Hyperventilating the whole time. Babies are loud. Loud is bad. Sole says they want it. Also bad. Sole. You are a spy. Spies don't have kids. You can't keep it, he's sorry, he knows what it's like, but that kid is safer somewhere else.
Gage; The deepest sigh man has ever achieved. Could have inflated a blimp with it. Okay, yeah, sure. Don't use crotchgoblins as bearbait. He's a raider, but there's...no, no there isn't honor amongst raiders. There is with Gage, though, he has, like, some coupons he can cash in whenever the ol' moral compass stops pointing at money. But...no. No, Sole...no. You don't have to put it back, but you can't keep it. And if they're Overboss? What the fuck are you thinking? What, like Mags is gonna babysit or some shi–why are they looking at him like that.
Hancock; A pendulum of 'chill with it' and 'unchill.' On one hand, SOMEONE GET THE BABY AN ADULT. On the other, WAIT NO NOT HIM, A CAPABLE ADULT. Doesn't matter what relationship he has with Sole. Hancock is getting babysitting duty. Hancock always gets babysitting duty. For some reason, he gets stuck watching kids way too fucking much. It's not that he hates them, it's that he breathes more Jet than air and has a penchant for throwing knives at things when bored. Please for the love of God, keep it if you want, but understand Hancock himself is baby and is not suitable for watching another baby.
MacCready; He's from Little Lamplight. As if he's even gonna blink. Hops on board quicker than Codsworth.
Piper; Sole's probably still in that phase after having their own child, where the hormones go all crazy with kids in general...losing their kid isn't helping matters, either, huh? Regardless of the circumstances, Piper is just going to shrug and do what she can to help. Whoever the parents are, they're either dead or don't deserve it, so...
Nick; Will not rest until he finds parents, dead or alive. If they are alive, has some stern fucking words for them. It'll take a damn good reason for him to take the kid from Sole and give it back to the parents. Will also suggest giving it to a couple who wants kids, but can't have them. Knows quite a few people who'd appreciate it. But not against Sole keeping it. Hope they like Uncle Nick back-seat parenting, though. Like a crusty grandpa at Thanksgiving who makes a face when your five year old has an iPad.
That grandpa is right, by the way.
Preston; Also doesn't flinch. Baby alone in the Commonwealth, you take the baby. This isn't a moral conundrum, it's basic common sense. Sole wants to keep the baby? Chill. Preston is not a useless potato sack of a person, like some people. Baby get, baby take care of. Hey, they're Minutemen, too, so they should have access to resources you need for childrearing. Third fastest to hop aboard the This Is My Baby Now train.
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goodneighborxfallout · 5 months
How would the companions react to Little Lamplight and Mayor Maccready?
Thanks for requesting!
Little Lamplight: “It may seem cruel for these children to have to live like this but… I think I would prefer this over my own childhood, you know?” 
MacCready: “Not a hope that this little shithead and MacCready are the same person! Way too polite, that bloke.” 
Little Lamplight: “A society run by children? Oh mum/sir, I don’t dare imagine little Shaun having to grow up in a place like this.” 
MacCready: “Oh dear, such hostility from a child? I suppose I can’t expect anything different. These poor kids never had any proper adult guidance! Sir/mum, I propose we send a Ms Nanny their way!” 
Little Lamplight: “Oh, this is just horrible! No child should have to survive in these conditions! Isn’t there anything we can do to help them?” 
MacCready: “Such vulgarity! Has no one got manners anymore in this world?” 
Little Lamplight: “Look what the war did to these children! This is yet more proof of why technology in the hands of the wrong people can have devastating consequences!” 
MacCready: “The exact attitude one would expect from someone who’d grow up to be a mercenary.” (Mac: “What’s that supposed to mean??”) 
Little Lamplight: “A parentless life is a sad reality for many children in the wastes. However morbid this may look, they’ve been managing well.”
MacCready: Deacon will try to convince mayor MacCready that he’s just a really tall child. On top of that, he will forever call adult MacCready ‘mungo’ and make up countless different reasons for how he knows that term.
Little Lamplight: “Interesting set-up. I guess they’re pretty safe here from outside threats, except - you know - the gigantic green monsters next door.” (insert sarcasm)
MacCready: “Kid, you have no idea the kind of company I’ve had to deal with all these years. You wanna rile me up? Then stray away from your vanilla boring ass insults ‘cause I ain’t impressed.” 
Little Lamplight: “Huh, cozying up right next to a super mutant den? Either these kids are incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Probably an unhealthy mix of both.” 
MacCready: “So this is the origin story of our favorite mercenary? Hm, I’ll admit, almost as good as mine.” 
Little Lamplight: Longfellow won’t say anything, but a profound sadness washes over him at the sight in front of him. If somewhere deep down he still had hope for the world, it was now for sure fully taken away.
MacCready: “Youngsters these days…” 
“Ahh the good old times.” 
Little Lamplight: “I can’t tell if I’m more impressed by their tenacity, or more disappointed that they need it to survive.” 
MacCready: “Well, behind every hardened mercenary, there is some kind of tragic backstory, isn’t there?” He sighs. “Maybe I’ve been too hard on the kid.” 
Little Lamplight: “Oh god… I’ve always known the Wasteland was hard but… these are children. They should be getting raised by two loving parents not living like… this.”
MacCready: Piper’s always known MacCready as a chill mercenary who tries a bit too hard to flirt with her. She’s never paid much attention to him, but seeing him as a child living in these circumstances, she suddenly finds herself looking at him in a completely different light. 
Little Lamplight: “This is why we have to bring back the Minutemen! Children deserve to grow up in a safe place, not hiding out in a cave.”
MacCready: “Damn… With how chill he is, you’d never guess he had this kind of childhood. Certainly explains why he’s so good at his job though.” 
Little Lamplight: “Not safe for small human! Brother smash small human!” 
MacCready: “Small human talk too much!” 
Little Lamplight: “And here I thought I’d already seen the worst of the surface.” 
MacCready: “Interesting. Somehow the child version seems tougher than the adult.”
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wastelandbfs · 5 months
Fallout 4 Companions Headcanons : Driving
(If I've missed a companion it's because I don't have an HC for them for this topic)
Hancock - The ultimate passenger princess. He's high 98% of the time and knows better than to operate heavy machinery.
Danse - He's a rule-follower, but sometimes, when no ones looking, he'll sneak over the speed limit and will feel like a massive rebel while doing it.
Preston - Slower than your granny on an icy road. He's the quintessential careful driver. He's courteous and always indicates, but God forbid you want to go anywhere faster than 30 miles an hour.
Deacon - Somehow manages to know all the backroutes and quick ways through town. Journey says it takes 30 minutes? He'll have you there in 10 and will have spent half of that driving round places he used to live and pointing them out to you with increasingly unhinged backstories.
MacCready - Asshole. He knows what lanes to get in to undercut traffic. He'll flip you off even when you have right-of-way. He's definitely driving uninsured and is the kinda guy to leave a note saying 'i hit your car, my bad' before driving off.
X6-88 - Rides a motorcycle and does not fuck about. Looks good in leathers (and knows it), and loves any excuse to make you scream and hang on for dear life as he zips through traffic.
Cait - She knows her way around a car and hotdamn if she doesn't look good while doing it. One hand on the wheel and the other on your knee, she's so competent its sexy. She does that one hand over your head-rest and one hand doing the turny thing when reversing. Hot.
Piper - She talks with her hands and spends more time looking at whoever she's talking to than the road. Her car is more dings and scratches than actual car at this point.
Strong - He's only interested in Monster-Trucks and smashing.
Dogmeat - He's in a sidecar being the bestest boy.
Curie - Absolutely oblivious to everything. She has no hazard awareness and tends to go pretty slow because she's too busy pointing out cute dogs. Definitely gets into a crash within a week of passing her test.
Nick Valentine - Sensible. You need someone to pick you up from the airport at 3am? Nick's your guy. He's confident but careful and would definitely pull over to help out someone broken down on the side of the road.
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fallout-mountains · 1 year
Thoughts on Fallout 4 companions after playing the game for a bit and reading a whole lot of headcanons and fanfic and reactions:
- Hancock said he didn’t want to look at this face in the mirror and decides to do a drug instead of surgery. That’s some real self-hate there.
- There’s so much self-flagellation
- One the same note, ghouls can’t go under surgery?
- Someone mentioned that quests for the minuteman could have been handed out by the Freedom radio, instead of Preston, so that more backstory could be given to Preston.
- Nick and Deacon we’re probably thought to be too old and they didn’t want it to be creepy of hooking up with an older guy…(sigh)
- That it’s easy to write Sole to be compatible with everyone, since the game allows you to role play that character in many ways.
- MacCready’s backstory is both endearing and weird (because of him not going to see his son). I think the people who made the game didn’t want to bother with coding him leaving for a bit and then coming back, but… really? Should have changed the background story a bit to at least add that he needs to stay in case the medication didn’t work (or something like that)
- Deacon since he changes his face and has seemingly traveled could be in another Fallout game, any of them…
- Since Deacon changes his appearance, you get more attached to his voice. (He also has some very interesting things to say.)
- That when Deacon changes his face, Dezdemona is there the whole to verify it’s still him.
- Nick rolls with the punches, and has a very good emotional IQ, moreso than any of the other companions. He’s so even keel emotionally, that the Far harbor expansion hits a bit harder, because that’s where you see more of His emotion.
- Piper would be the best to adapt to our world
- Majority of the ways people can become your companions is weird why they even offer. (Like why would Hancock travel with Sole and not another person who wasn’t part of quest to raid their warehouse? Doesn’t Piper have other stories to investigate? Doesn’t Deacon have missions to do? Why isn’t Strong following Rex Goodman around? Nick has plenty of other cases to just run around randomly)
- Paladin Danse says that he wasn’t sure about Sole but also highly recommends you join the Brotherhood. So which is it? Also, I only did like one big quest for them and I am given a power armor.
- Is the reason they complain about picking up stuff is that eventually they have to carry some of it?
- Ada is a good companion, but doesn’t offer a perk, hence the reason probably not talked about a lot because no reason to travel with her
- I don’t know why the institute is doing what they are doing
- I really wish they could mark the clothes that can go under a person’s armor.
- Why are people wearing scarves? Is it cold there because it never seems to snow.
- I find it interesting that the companions all generally know each other or at least the have swapping dialogs that make it seem that way. (Curie has literally been locked away for 200 years.)
- They have veritbirds but no land vehicles. There’s supposedly caravans, but no wagons? Would it be too dangerous to have that?
I probably have more, but that’s for now
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dreamsforthedamned · 1 year
Fallout 4 Companion Height HCs
Cait: 5'4". Standard height, with a strong build (wide hips and shoulders, muscly).
Curie: 5'1". Soft and curvy. Has pianist fingers.
Danse: 6'2". Built like a brick wall.
Deacon: 5'9". The most Average Looking Man Ever.
Gage: 6'. Looks smaller than he is, mainly because he has horrible posture.
Hancock: 5'2". He has short king vibes, I can't explain.
MacCready: 5'7". Lanky. Lean muscle, mostly on his arms and legs (lugging a sniper rifle ain't easy).
Nick: 6'. I believe all gen-2's are a standard 6 feet tall.
Piper: 5'5". Standard height. Wishes she was taller.
Preston: 5'10", bordering on 6'. Wide shoulders, strong back and arms.
X6-88: 6'4". Built to be the scariest motherfucker you'll ever see, and that includes the whole "towering over you" thing.
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vespertineneon · 10 months
CW: mention of vaping, mention of murder, mention of bullying
Guys don’t let the content warning scare you I literally just have to add CWs to all my fandom posts or I get so scared
Paladin Danse
- Gym is certainly his favorite class
- He has a lot of motivation and discipline
- He will pass his classes and get into honor roles and stuff like that
- This bitch is getting collage credits early through AP classes
- Near dropout
- He would get bored of being in class and just skip tbh
- Or he would just stay home
- He is not graduating, he might get his GED though!
- Always getting in trouble for dumb shit, but other students think his rebellion is a statement.
- Vapes in the bathroom. She’s that kind of girl.
- She is a C- student. BARELY passing classes.
- Pressures other people into skipping with her. (Piper)
- Talks back to all of the teachers, even when she’s in the wrong.
- He’s a fucking robot
- He is passing all of his classes
- Will do your homework for you
- He tutors other students
- He snitches on anyone skipping
- She will not do your homework for you. She will help you learn.
- She is a robot guys, of course she’s passing her classes.
- She won’t snitch on anyone skipping. She will inform them that making a habit of skipping is dangerous and could lead to their “academic downfall”
- Nobody knows how he isn’t expelled.
- Taking this from a repost of my vote, but he totally sets a trash can on fire
- Him and MacCready are the little shits duo.
- Teachers are always frustrated with him because he skips classes, talks back, etc, but passes the tests with flying colors.
- He is an orchestra kid.
- Is friends with the weird kids and bully victims
- Little shit
- Gets suspended all of the fucking time
- Hancock helps him pass his classes
- MacCready really only shows up for the people
- Hates authority figures
- Talks mad shit
- Gets his ass beat by other students
Nick Valentine
- A/B student
- Doesn’t get into much trouble, and when he does it’s always good trouble
- If you do something like vape in the bathrooms he won’t snitch he’ll just give a very disappointed look
- He fucking HATES MacCready Nick WILL snitch on his ass
- Library assistant with Piper
- School news + Student leadership
- Grades vary. She is shit at math.
- Makes a bunch of posters saying dumb shit like “Stop by the library”
- Is always ALWAYS early to school
- Stays away from trouble unless she is PEER PRESSURED
Preston Garvey
- A+ Student
- President of the student council
- “You can’t find your class? Here, let me mark it on your map”
- Always tries to convince students to show up on time, not skip, etc
- State wide expulsion
- Literally killed someone probably
- Homeschooled
- He is dropping out
- A fucking ROBOT
- He doesn’t have the drive or motivation to go above and beyond. He stays as a steady A+ student.
- He is a fucking cunt and nobody likes him
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everydayyoulovemeless · 6 months
FO4 companions attempting to give Sole a haircut but they fuck it up really bad? I just got back from a horrible hairdresser visit and I need the cope
Fo4 Companions Accidentally Giving Sole A Bad Haircut
➼ Word Count » 0.8k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Platonic/Romantic, Hurt/Comfort? ➼ A/N » It's been a few months since you've requested this so I'm praying you're feeling better now!
You know MacCready messed something up when he begins chuckling nervously, rests a shaky hand on your shoulder, and starts talking way more than usual. He tries to stall you looking in the mirror for as long as possible but, when you eventually do, he’s biting his fist in awkwardness. He won’t lie, this is not his best work, but he never promised perfection. Nevertheless, he feels awful for what he’s done and will let you wear his hat to cover it until it grows back.
Nick will tell you flat out when he messes it up. He'll sigh apologetically, saying he should've just waited to have Ellie cut it or, I don't know, taking you to Kathy and John's Super Salon, right across the street from his agency. He doesn't do anything more to it and takes you straight to the salon to see if you can't salvage it. He feels awful about it, and will never touch your hair again.
Cait knows she isn't going to do a good job with it, but she doesn't tell you that and agrees to cut it anyway. Normally, when she wants to cut her hair, she'll just take any shape object she can get a hold of and start chopping away, and that's exactly what she does with you. She'll sit you down, pull out a pocket knife, and slice whole chunks off at a time. The worst part is that she's got no shame in it.
Preston will gasp quietly and cover his mouth with his hand. He refuses to move and will just stand there, completely still until you ask him what's wrong. He doesn't even know where to begin telling you how badly he's messed up and will instead, just apologize, rest his hands on the back of your shoulders, and rub reassuring circles into them with his thumbs. There are plenty of generals who don't have good hair! Nothing to fret over!
Codsworth will let out a silent 'Oh dear' and turn his buzzsaw off. Eventually, he'll begin reminding you of a separate time when you'd come back from the barber with you're hair all fucked, before explaining that he did exactly that. He tries to be light-hearted about it, but he's just as devastated as you are, possibly even more. He's a Mr. Handy, for Godsake! And he can't even do the basics!
Piper isn't even subtle about it. She'll just immediately begin comparing it to Atomites she's met through investigative journalism. She'll tell you that she's just giving you the 'wasteland special' and you shouldn't feel too upset about it. There are loads of people with this style! So, cheer up! It'll grow back!
Curie doesn't even realize she's messed anything up. In her opinion, any hairstyle any person has looks good. She doesn't quite understand the emotional attachment many people have toward it and just cuts it really short to help with mobility and whatnot. When you explain it to her, however, she starts to feel really guilty and will apologize nonstop.
Strong will just shave you bald. Now you look like him! What's there to be upset over? No support whatsoever from him.
Hancock will also just cut it with his knife, although, he's a lot more sympathetic than Cait. He'll hug you out of remorse and tell you it could be worse. You could be a ghoul and have no hair at all! Look at him! He can't even grow hair anymore so, don't feel too bad about it, alright?
Deacon will immediately fall to the ground in a squat, head in his hands as he simultaneously tries not to laugh or cry. He's cut his own hair so many times before with no issue - he cuts everyone in the Railroad's hair! - and it shatters him to know that he messed up on a craft he thought he perfected. He's supposed to be good at this! After a moment, he'll stand again and find you a wig in his collection for you to keep until your hair grows back. At least now the two of you can be wig buddies? Yay?
X6-88 will hum in defeat when he's messed it up before saying that he told you you should've gone to someone who actually knows how to cut hair. He can't comfort you for shit and probably just blames you for asking for help from someone who can't cut hair.
Old Longfellow knows how to cut hair. So, if he's messed it up, it means he was drunk. But, hey! Now you have a story to tell the folks at The Last Plank! So, he'll take you straight there so you can, hopefully, drink it off and laugh with the other regulars about it. No harm done!
Gage will tell you straight out that he's fucked it up badly, but he's not that concerned with it. If you seem upset, he'll just shrug and tell you it's not as bad as some of the other raiders in this place. If it bothers you that much, though, he'll get you a helmet for you to wear for the time being. It's safer for you anyway.
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radrage · 1 year
1 Weird Fact about each Companion
I have no explanation for most of these. They just seem right.
Cait: Is missing 2 teeth. One was knocked out from a fight, the other from her parents. She doesn't like to talk about how she lost the latter.
Curie: Raises animals in her spare time. Since being rescued by Sole from vault 81, she's had an interest in irradiated lifeforms, especially Rabbits and Radstags. Her favourite animals are Cats as she finds it interesting how they haven't evolved to combat the Commonwealth's radiation.
Codsworth: Still celebrates Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. He'll cook a big meal for the settlers at Sanctuary and force them all to take the evening off so they can relax and eat. Most of the settlers don't understand the traditions, but go along with it anyways.
Danse: Has never been drunk. First time Sole gets him drunk though, he steals one of Deacon's hats and starts dancing to "Uranium Fever" on the radio.
Deacon: Collects hats. I mean, for a master of disguise, you'd expect no less. But he loves really outlandish ones especially. His favourite is a comically large corn cob hat that looks like a Jojo hairstyle
Dogmeat: Favourite meat is Mole Rat meat. When Sole meets him at Red Rocket, he's chasing a Brood Mother and her children. Loves the chewy texture they have when their skin is dried.
Hancock: Eats flowers. He likes Dandelions especially, because of the fuzzy texture they have. Only eats them when he's on Jet or Buffout though, Menatat Hancock is too sophisticated for that.
MacCready: A big DCR fan. When he's travelling around the Commonwealth, it gets lonely, so he'll turn on the radio that's attached to his holster and listen to the Silver Shroud and Travis. Can sing "A Wonderful Guy" verbatim.
Valentine: Really good cook. He doesn't cook much, but when he does, it's delicious. Mostly it's just him and Ellie eating, and Ellie will gush to Piper about how good Nick's cooking is.
Piper: Grew up in a share-home. After her dad was killed when she was only 13, she and Nat were relocated to a share home for other orphans in her hometown. She likes the feeling of a busy home, as it keeps her from her thoughts, which is why she likes the noise of the Diamond City market.
Preston: Played the trumpet when he was small. His parents probably found it for sale for, like, 200 caps from a local vendor, and scraped together enough to buy it for his birthday.
Strong: Reads Shakespeare to Shaun to get him to sleep. He sits in an armchair next to his bed and reads it slowly, asking Shaun about words he doesn't understand. Sole often finds them both passed out with a play script in his hands.
X6: Sometimes wishes he was human. Solely so he can experience growing up and what Sole describes as "childhood innocence".
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acidstrike · 4 months
yk what fuck it fallout 4 gender headcanons bc fite me >:p
Cait: Cisgender she/her girlboss. Total ally tho bc she’s not a monster
Codsworth: Robot, has no concept of gender, he/it for convenience sake
Curie: Pre-synth, no concept of gender, as a synth feels comfortable as a demigirl, probably uses she/they/it but is open to explore pronouns in the name of science
Danse: If anyone’s transphobic he’s the most likely before blind betrayal, but afterwards he has a crisis and finds out people are swag, he/him
Deacon: Hooo boy, we love this silly dude. Genderfluid, whatever gender sells the disguise better, any pronouns (bro doesn’t care at all)
Dogmeat: no gender only dog
Hancock: totally not projecting trans dude, he/him (srsly look at him and tell me he’s cisgender)
MacCready: Silly rat bastard man (affectionate), cisgender he/they swag
Nick: Isn’t attached to any gender in particular, just says he’s male for convenience sake, he/him
Piper: yk she had an identity crisis in her teens but realised she was just a lesbian all along, cis she/her (totally alright to explore your identity btw just in case y’all forgot)
Preston: The most awkward cis ally you’ll ever meet, definitely the type to apologise profusely and beg to like die or smth for using the wrong pronouns once, he/him pronouns but doesn’t think about it much
Strong: fuckin………. super mutant???? doesn’t know about gender identities and doesn’t care, they/he
X6-88: “that’s unimportant right now, ma’am/sir” nobody actually knows… not even X6. any pronouns???? (be careful experimenting with pronouns when talking to them, you might get shot)
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Companions react to Sole being related to them genetically? The Synths,Codsy, Strong, and Dogmeat obviously don’t count.
Thank you so much for the request! 💙💛 Hopefully y'all enjoy these! 🥰
Edit: In the original version, I posted this thing early and forgot to put Preston's react 🤦‍♀️ But I reckon sometimes idiot attacks happen, y'all 🤷‍♀️ But here it is fixed now.
Cait - Is thrown off terribly and doesn't know how to respond at first, but some deep part of her is awfully pleased to have an even deeper connection to F!Sole. She's Cait's hero and to have even a shred of F!Sole's DNA within her is the highest honor Cait can think of. However, she will proceed to make some manner of joke about it and try to blow it off just a little, but if they are in private, she will explain her genuine feelings on it.
Piper - Is honestly overjoyed, and immediately starts trying to track the family tree and find out exactly where in the line of ancestry that F!Sole falls. She just knows that F!Sole has to be related to her on her dad's side. Her Blue is too much like him in that she's always saving people and doing the right thing even at the risk of her own life. Piper is proud to be related to her and while she already calls Blue her family, she now says it even more.
MacCready - Is not sure what to say. He did not think he really had any family besides Duncan, but he is glad to have F!Sole. She is definitely one of the best people he could think of to have as far as family goes. If she has not yet met Duncan, MacCready introduces her as Duncan's aunt. After all, it's a bit more simple than explaining that this obviously younger woman is some manner of potential great, great, great, great, great, great aunt or something.
Deacon - Is sort of thinking that she is messing with him at first, but he ends up rolling with it without too many questions. He tells everyone at Railroad HQ that she's his long lost relation and now he goes around telling everyone that she's his grandma now despite her looking to be as young as him. He even has started calling her grandmother as a joke, and he sometimes puts on a silly, almost British voice as he says it.
Hancock - Is pretty surprised, and proceeds to make some joke about knowing that calling her "sister" always felt right to him. He doesn't know how exactly she is related, but he guesses that he must have somehow gotten his sense of patriotism and justice from her since she was one of those Pre-War law and order people or whatever. He is really pleased and now he puts out word that if anyone in Goodneighbor even glances at her wrong that they're going to die. Nobody messes with his family, no matter how far in the past that they had been from. Especially not her, though.
Preston - Is shocked to hear that he is related to the general, but he is nevertheless happy to hear it. He now knows that he came from greatness and to be related to the woman that is now the leader of Minutemen everywhere is a great honor and he is very proud of it. However, he tries not to tell people too much because he does not want them to accuse her or him of showing favoritism toward each other in their professional lives.
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