sage-nebula · 9 months
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arielrecon-blog1 · 8 years
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I finally did it! I got my baby out! Last Saturday I got sick with the flu which apparently triggered my labour. I got to the hospital and they said I was only 3cm dilated despite the fact that I was having contractions 4 min apart for 1 min to 1.5 min long and it had been going on for over an hour. They almost sent me home! I was like "nope, induce me or whatever, get this shit started. I'm not leaving here without my baby in my arms" they have me some drugs with gravol cause I was still sick with the flu and it knocked me out for about an hour. I woke up with some pretty strong contractions and asked for more drugs, they checked me and lo and behold! I'm 8 cm dilated! So I got the gas instead of any other pain meds, but it kept making me gag. I went the next 13 hours unmedicated. The little guy just would not come out! His head was waaay to big! They ended up putting me on epidural, oxytocin and then sucked him out with a vacuum! They had to give me 4 episiotomies to get him out! It was insane! 16 hours of labouring with the flu and I finally met the most perfect little guy I've ever seen! All the pain and hardship was instantly worth it. I just cried into his face as he cried into mine. He got jaundice from the vacuum and we had to stay an extra 2 days in hospital to moniter him but all is well and I have a healthy baby boy. 8lbs 5oz Caden Magnus ❤️ Born on Feb. 20th at 1:06 pm
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