#LMK if this works for Dei to jump in or if you need something else
windfavord · 2 months
This island is much different from the other one-- a whole new set of secrets and strange phenomena, connected yet distinct from Arcanus. That was much more interesting to the Wanderer than lingering around and dealing with messy, complicated human relationships.
Here seemed to be where all this realm's scum gathered. From the shady to the bloodthirsty, the puppet looks down upon them even as he might consider himself one of their number, and as of yet he hasn't decided whether he would rather beat them or infiltrate them, considering that they seemed to be the ones running everything on the island behind the scenes.
Much easier to reach than the mysterious Aether and the enigmatic guardians.
Of course, the question remains as to who and how to approach first... a question that it turns out will be answered for him, as a group of a half-dozen or so mercenaries bearing the double-sharp insignia approach.
The Wanderer lifts his gaze, eyes narrowed, small frown upon his lips.
"You've been hanging around here for awhile," one of the men says with a sneer, "Pretty little thing like you should know better than to go poking around this part of town on your own."
"Unless, that is, you're here looking for some fun," another pipes up. "In that case... we're more than happy to oblige."
They're all taller and bulkier than he is, and he's severely outnumbered-- but the Wanderer isn't intimidated in the slightest. Mere humans, no doubt some low-ranking thugs judging by their equipment and mannerisms... He rolls his eyes, releasing a sigh, then a faint chuckle.
"It seems that no matter where you go, humanity can't help but produce an endless stream of garbage," he intones, voice almost bored as he reaches up to adjust his hat.
One of the men looks a little uneasy, but the biggest and burliest-- the group's clear leader-- seems offended instead. "Let's just take this brat somewhere quiet," he says, gesturing for some of the others to seize the puppet--
But they don't get far before a loud scream of pain echoes across the square-- in a movement almost too quick to react to, the Wanderer's already snapped the forearm of the man closest to him. He shoots a glare toward the leader. "A proper hunter should be more careful when choosing its prey."
Of course, those who live by strength wouldn't back down from a fight. And this time, it's he who is willing to oblige. Not a moment later, an all-out brawl has broken out, one delicate blue-and-white figure against a group of rather vicious-looking mercenaries.
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