springcatalyst · 1 year
What if 6, 10, 15?
SO true. gracias gracias im having so mucn fun lol
Julian did not speak as the pair made their way through the dark streets, very aware of the blood that soaked his shirt, on his hands and in his hair.  She eyed him warily in a way that was meant to be inconspicuous, but he was familiar with watching and being watched, and knew what it looked like.  He did not speak, for he was unsure if his illusion would hold when he did.  It may have fractured already. 
She watched him. 
He did not speak.
In a simpler world, on a different night, this blood could feel righteous, like karmic justice, like a deserved consequence.  It wasn’t not those things.  But there lingered something caustic that prevented any satisfaction from being carried through opened veins.  Something still rotted beneath his lungs. 
He did not speak, and tried to blame the cold for his companion’s trembling hands.
Something decayed in both of them.
He tightened his grip on his cane. 
Send me a number and I'll write a micro-story with the word or phrase :)
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uc1wa · 8 months
:(((( i'm sorry you're not feeling too good, i hope your professors and managers die so you can get some well needed rest 🥰🥰 YOU DESERVE ITT!!!!!! mm the job i got is nothing special (i'm packing orders) but i actually kind of love lame jobs where you have to do the same thing over and over again... don't judge okay.... btwwwww do your irl friends know that you write stuff on tumblr lmao bc i did actually start writing my own stuff (🤭) but i'm sooo scared to tell my friend but i would just love to have a second opinion you know
- ⭐
NO MEEE i get u bad, that’s how my prev job was like!!! but i value tips too much so me thinks i’ll be in the restaurant industry until i get a big girl job. and NOOO LMAO, one of my friends knows that i USED to write but not anymore. tbh wouldn’t rlly be embarrassed to tell them, but it’s not something i like. bring up to them yk? all my friends know i’m a freak anyways so what would be new if i did tell them😒 BUT HELLO? ARE WE MUTUALS??? WTF HELLOOOOOO COME OFF ANON /hj
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gcldveins · 4 years
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HELLOOOOOO everyone !!!!!!!! i just wanna say .. thank you SO MUCH for joining misty hollow with jin and i , you have no idea how happy it made us to see so many people interested and join and like .. just clearly so in love w their own muses so like i just wanna say i love u all with my whole freaking heart !!!! ok enough w the sappy stuff let me introduce to u all literally the worst muse i have ever created .. malcolm o’sullivan. but he goes by sully bc he was ur og e-boy who goes “ oh ? my favourite band ? you wouldn’t have heard of it .. they’re called the rolling stones uwu ” and i rlly do hate him for that... it’s okay tho i punish him accordingly :~)
✎⌠paul rudd. cismale. he/him⌡❝ — well, look who’s just arrived ! if it isn’t the one and only malcolm o'sullivan. though, around here they’re known as the harlequin. don’t tell ‘em i said this but the forty-seven year old owner of o'sullivan’s books kinda has a reputation of being stubborn and irresponsible. but y’know, they can be creative and analytical too. typical aquarius. anyways, welcome home and stay safe sully ! ❞
full name: malcolm eamon o’sullivan
nickname(s): sully, anything else and he twitches ..
date of birth: february 2nd, 1973
hometown: misty hollow, connecticut.
gender identity: cis gender 
preferred pronouns: he/him
sexual orientation: bisexual
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
aesthetic: an old leather jacket thrown over a wrinkled t-shirt, dog-eared pages, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes, untied laces, the soft rumbling of a motorcycle engine, messy handwriting, calloused fingertips
distinguishable characteristics: is looking homeless a distinguishable characteristic..
pinterest board: here.
their song from the sigh no more album bc i love this album and it makes me Sad™ : little lion man 
background ( murder tw )
— born in the town of dingle, a small port town in ireland, malcolm and his family immigrated to america when he was ten years old. they moved into misty hollow after his father opened up his own bookshop and the o’sullivan’s have been there ever since. 
— always having been a rebellious child, malcolm ( slowly gaining the nickname sully in school ) seemed to have a knack for doing anything that pissed his father off. his greatest act ? moving out as soon as he graduated without so much as a goodbye.
— malcolm was only a wee lad when the misty hollow murders were happening. his older brother, his only brother, was unfortunately one of the victims, being eight at the time. he’s not too torn up about it, he was only two years old. but his father reminded him everyday growing up, how much smarter and accomplished and just overall better his brother was than him.
— the only thing that sully was grateful for about his father was the love for books he had ingrained into him. growing up, he developed a knack for writing and he ended up going to the university of pennsylvania for journalism. after that, sully moved out to new york where he worked as a journalist for the new york times and wrote articles on political updates and reports. 
— he met his wife in new york and they had three children together, two girls and one boy. sully was living the classic american dream. until, of course, it was all ruined in a single camping trip. 
— it was just sully and the three kids, except the trip was cut short and he had to come home with two kids instead of three. sully’s youngest, nancy, was taken at the campgrounds and evidence of her murder was found in a nearby cabin.
— this tore sully’s family apart. the tragedy forced him towards a downwards spiral, an endless cycle of destructive habits. it got to the point where his wife decided to divorce him and to take the kids with her. 
— sully eventually, reluctantly, made the decision to return to misty hollow. there, he stayed with his parents for a bit until he got a job at o’sullivan’s books and was able to take a couple months to get back on his feet. 
— his parents initially pushed him towards trying to work at the mystic herald but sully hasn’t written a single sentence since his daughter died. now, his father has essentially left him to run the bookshop for him, which sully doesn’t mind. it’s quiet work that doesn’t require too much effort.
— to sum it up in one sentence .. sully has essentially has regressed into a man-child in the more recent years of his life, but the inferiority complex is a tried and true constant. 
— he hasn’t really properly dealt with his daughter’s death ( even though it’s been over a decade.. ), just lives in a constant cycle of whenever he does try to think about it, he feels like shit and just thinks about all the things he could’ve done differently so he stops immediately. 
— sully always wanted to be a dad, to prove that he could be a better one than his own father. so he feels like he really failed in that retrospect. he’s like a human pity party. though he does that classic thing where he glosses over his sad feelings with destructive behaviour and inappropriate humour.
— very self-indulgent, does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. as long as it makes him feel better, even just for a moment, he’ll do it. doesn’t take anything very seriously, just kinda jokes around all the time. is one of those people that just give off.. kinda pathetic vibes you know? like you look at him and you’re like ?? what are you doing with your life dude ?? and he’s like idk
— but, on the bright side, this makes him pretty easy-going and down-to-earth. definitely a roll-with-the-punches and no bullshit type of guy, isn’t discouraged by much and doesn’t care a whole lot about what others think of him. it’s easy for him to engage in conversation and be all charismatic when he feels like it. 
— despite all .. of that, sully actually comes across as a relatively okay guy. he can be friendly and crack a few jokes while he’s at it, he’s one of those people that, as long as thinks you’re chill, treats you like you guys have been friends forever. but he can be pretty crude / vulgar at times, sooo how others react to that is kind of a gamble !
wanted connections
his one true bro <3 just someone that’ll be a complete idiot with him and they are definitely a bad influence on each other. this person probably hangs around the bookshop alot and they just spend all day with each other doing and saying stupid shit. like you know that gif set of seth rogen and joseph gordon-levitt where one’s like “ i’d fuck you ” and the other goes “ thanks :3 ” that’s it.. those are the vibes..
drinking buddies ! these two just get really drunk off their ass together and probably don’t even know each other that well despite of like.. several years of sort of friendship. one night they’re probably five drinks in and sully goes “ when i was married — ” and they’re just like “ wayment .. what the fuck . ” and ! maybe if your muse has something to get emo about ! maybe they can get drunk AND emo together <3
casual relationships ? he could have one or two of these ! sully.. does not date. tried being in a serious relationship once after his divorce and it ended... terribly. like imagine asking your adult boyfriend if he wants to move in together and his response is essentially just “ ... yeah i’m ok thanks tho. ” and you never hear from him again ndijgnk
that being said... if anyone wants that plot alluded to above .... let me know......
for the younger muses out there ! anyone that he’s kind of ? taken under his wing. pseudo-children essentially. i can’t promise that he’ll be a good influence.. he’s probably not even aware that he’s done this lmao but deep down, sully’s still a dad. he’ll probably be protective over the youngins but shows it in the form of tough love, y’know ? probably tells your muse to stop being a shithead all the time, cute stuff like that.
and some more casual connection ideas that we can further flesh out through some plotting / brainstorming:
old friends from misty hollow
regular customers
an unrequited crush ( either on sully’s end or your muse’s )
a good influence on him .. please... i’m begging you
someone that can nerd out over books with him !
friends !!! everyone needs friends and lucky for sully, he’s pretty good at making them !! in a pushy and annoying way..
enemies / frenemies pls ... these are always so much fun
anything and everything else !! if we can’t figure out a plot between sully and your muse, we can always just do it old school and throw them at each other in a random thread and see what happens !!
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