#LISTEN. babs is like my squinky.
theriverbeyond · 5 days
we have all spent a lot of time discussing the griddlehark get along shirt but have we spent enough time discussing the ianthenaberius get along saw trap. when you hate a dude but you are dependent on his image and his success and his skill, when you use him up and eat him up and think that means it is done and you won, because you never cared about him anyway. but it isn't done, because in killing him you have done the exact opposite of ridding yourself of him and now he is bound to you forever. he is changing you he has changed you he will continue to forever change you and you cannot escape that, ever, because you choose to eat him and that cannot be undone. when you hate a bitch but she owns you, and as much as you hate her you love to excel at the things she needs you for. you practice and you practice and you practice, and you are perfect, and then as your reward for a lifetime of labor she eats you and you can do nothing but be subsumed into her soul forever because you were never a real, whole, individual person anyway -- you were always an extension and a tool and a sword. maybe being stuck in her teeth is the best revenge you could hope for
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