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lunieloon · 1 year ago
Both sad and excited to announce there is now a whole new oc connected universe i have that is also connected with Lunieverse. Someone stop me from making these lil guys jk dont ever stop me
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thatsbucknasty · 5 years ago
she used to be mine (iv) waitress au
pairing: Y/N x Bucky
summary: Inspired by the broadway musical. Y/N Beck is a pie baking force to be reckoned with. She’s pregnant with her lazy ass husband, Quentin Beck’s baby. As everything around her turns upside down, Doctor James Buchanan Barnes charms his way into her life.
tags are open c:
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chapter 4: it only takes a taste
Time goes by so fast and I swear my uniform shrunk in the washing machine. I’ll have to ask doctor Barnes when I’m gonna start showing cause the girls say I still look normal but my clothes disagree.
Thank god Quentin’s still clueless about the baby and I’m happy about it. I just wish he’d find a job, that way maybe I could tell him and we could save money together instead of me doing all the work while he’s out having all the fun. I don’t mind that he spends a lot of time at the bar with his friends, it actually gives me a breather from time to time. I wouldn’t complain at all if he was buying his six packs with his own money. I’m worried about him though. He comes so late every night and he’s always in a bad mood, always complaining. Let’s just hope tonight his football team wins or I won’t hear the end of it.
“Y/N, did you bring me leftovers again? You bake god knows how many pies every day for the diner but you can’t bring your husband a single one that’s actually still warm and, oh I don’t know, whole?” He puts the plate aside and moves around the table to where I’m standind. God, the nerve of this man!
“You know I’m in a bad situation right now. Being unemployed ain’t easy sugar. I stay here alone all day browsing the tv, it’s taking a toll on me mentally. The least you can do is try and cheer me up a little but you’re always so tired when you come home!”
“Well, Quentin, if I didn’t have to pick up all those extra shifts to be able to pay the bills every month, then I wouldn’t be so tired. But if I don’t do that we’d be out in the street! Just go apologize to Tony, he might give you your job back!”
“Don’t you dare even mention that son of a bitch. He’s the one who should apologize to me! He took me for granted. I gave his construction company the best years of my life. I even quit my dreams for that asshole and this is how he pays me? Hell no! I’m not going back there ever”. I’ve never seen his face so red with anger before, it was a mistake mentioning Tony Stark, he simply hates the man. I’ll just manage things myself, like I’ve been doing, I guess.
“Okay then, but don’t expect me to come home to you all giddy and excited, when I work my ass off while you watch football all day and drink beer all night with god knows who. Whatever differences you two had at work ain’t my fault, Quentin. I’m gonna go to bed now, I don’t wanna keep fighting with you”. I’ll sleep on the couch tonight, I can’t even stand to be in the same room as him.
It’s been four weeks since my first visit to the doctor and my next appointment’s this evening after work. Wanda really hit it off with Steve and since that day, they’ve been on several more dates. He even comes to the diner once or twice a week and he’s the perfect gentleman to her, both me and Nat are really happy for them. Right now he’s stuffing his mouth with my famous Spaghetti pie while listening to Wanda talk about the differences between disinfectant and bleach.
Nat’s acting strange though. I don’t know what’s up with her but she hasn’t been late to work this whole past month! Sometimes she’s even earlier than me, already helping Sam in the kitchen. Those two don’t seem to hate each other that much anymore, which is odd but appreciated.
Maria’s reception desk has sugarless lollipops in a vase and they look disgusting but I’ve been craving them since the last time I was here. This is my second appointment. I know the basics. I’ve met my doctor and nurse now. Then why does this feel like it’s the first time I’m here all over again? I even shaved my legs this morning and wore my hair down, but why? I open the camera app on my phone to use as a mirror. Is my face too plain? Should I have put some lipstick on? Jesus, it’s just a doctor’s appointment. I can’t help but hear Nat’s voice in my head say “yeah, but he’s a really cute doctor”.
“Doctor Barnes will see you now, Mrs. Beck, you know the drill. The robe’s in the chair”. Maria breaks me out of my trance and I follow her, change and wait for him.
“Hi, Y/N, it’s good to see you back, how have you been feeling?” He has a little more stubble on his face today. Good for him. Gives him an edge.
“Not too shabby. I still get morning sickness, thank god it only happens when I’m at work and not home, heh”.
“Oh, most women would want it to be the other way around”.
“Right. Um, Doctor Barnes?”
“Please call me Bucky, what is it?” He types on his computer and I bite my nails before asking.
“When do you think I’ll start showing?”
“Well, you’re only 6 weeks along, so maybe not for another three months or so. But in my opinion, women look beautiful when they show, motherhood really brings-” And here he goes. Nope. No more talk about that.
“Yeah, yeah, sure. I just, I haven’t told a lot of people and I’m not sure I want to yet. That’s all”.
“Okay, well, let’s check that tiny baby of yours, hop onto the table please”.
I do as he says and he smears some cold gel on my still normal belly, and then starts moving the scanner around.
“There’s the little peanut! You ready to listen to their heartbeat?” Bucky smiles at me softly and I nod.
I find myself feeling excited for the first time. And then I hear it. Steady and strong. And doctor Barnes disappears from my mind. For an instant I just hear that sound and I can’t wait to hold this baby in my arms. Everything feels connected and right.
“I’ll print you some pictures to keep and I made a recording of the heartbeat so you can have it too”.
“Thank you, I have another question though”.
“Did you like the pie?”
He’s blushing again. The rosy tone in his cheeks makes the blue of his eyes even brighter.
“Did I like- Oh my god! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I LOVED that pie! It only takes a taste, doesnt it?”
“Y/N, I don’t think I’ve ever had anything as biblically good as that pie. I think I ascended into another dimension the moment I had that first taste. Did you really make it? Cause if you didn’t I need to know the store so I can get some more, now be honest!”
Wow. No one’s ever described my pies with such enthusiasm. I know they’re good but biblically good?
“I really made it”. I smile and tuck my hair behind my ear. Goodness, I’m the one who’s blushing now, but he is complimenting my work! 
“That’s amazing! You know you could win contests with those skills? I am not lying when I say I was transported to heaven”. I’ve never seen a man be so adorably excited over pie. It’s my new favorite thing.
“You know, I can bring you some more if you want? That is if you don’t mind eating more sugar, but don’t worry, I won’t tell your doctor”. His lopsided smile made my insides do a funny thing I hadn’t felt in a long time. This needs to stop.
“Ha, that’s funny. My doctor is my wife, she’s a dietician actually. But we’re getting a divorce, so maybe I’m divorcing the diet as well.”
And I made things awkward.
“I’m sorry”.
“It’s okay, hey, your pies are worth the few extra pounds”.
Sure, act like you don’t know how attractive you are.
“Well doctor, I’m glad you liked my pie. I gotta go now”.
“Oh, great, well um, here’s the recording and pictures. Tell Maria I’ll see you in three weeks. Have a nice weekend, Y/N. And please, call me Bucky”.
“Thank you, Bucky. Goodbye”.
 Something shifts when I say his name and he smiles in a way that makes his eyes light up. He opens the door for me and my stomach does a funny thing when I get a whiff of his scent again, it makes me want to stay there and smell it one more time just to keep it in my mind for later. Those pregnancy hormones must be all over the place.
chapter 5: you will still be mine
pls reblog if you liked it c:
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regrettablewritings · 5 years ago
Might i request numbers 2, 11, 16 & 28 for Doctor Strange?
I sincerely hope that it’s fine that I’m only working with knowledge plucked from Doctor Strange, Thor Ragnarok, and Infinity War because that’s literally all I have to work with 😅😅 Stuff’s below the cut!
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2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?: There have been very few times in his life where Stephen has actually felt particularly sorry for himself. Hell, the most recent had been when he felt he wasn’t making any progress during his training in Kamar Taj. But all that quickly changed: He was able to become sure of himself, trust his instincts, and use his wits and skills to gain the upper hand. He wasn’t his old egotistical self anymore, however: He had emerged more humble, more aware and mature.
You were far from terrible, you knew this much. You were smart, funny, hard-working, and able to listen while also thinking for yourself. You had to be: Otherwise, Stephen wouldn’t have looked to you as his pupil, much less his lover. After all, Stephen himself was a man of some kind of standard. He would have to be, wouldn’t he? He went from world-renowned doctor to magic-user to Sorcerer Supreme, capable of wielding the Time Stone with ease. He helped to save the world on two separate occasions!
. . . And then there was you: You didn’t come from a particularly stellar background; you’d worked hard just to get to New York and stay afloat; you almost wanted to consider it fate or sheer dumb luck that you had not only come upon the Sanctum, but fell into its guardian’s good graces enough for him to not only offer you training, but his rather elusive love as well. And for that, you were thankful! . . . But also anxious.
Sometimes, the imposter syndrome would hit you hard. Sometimes, you felt you just weren’t able to connect with your Sling Ring properly, or focus enough to properly meditate. Sometimes, you swore that Stephen could see right through you and realize that that beautiful tapestry of potential he thought he saw in you all that time ago had a string loose. And all he would need to do was pull it to unravel and reveal to him that you weren’t anything special or anyone worth investing his precious time into.
There would even be times where the two of you would be enjoying each other’s company, sharing tea and baked goods he grabbed from the nearby deli, and your thoughts would go something like, “Wow . . . I can’t believe he’s my boyfriend . . . Wow . . . I can’t believe he’s my boyfriend . . . Wow . . . I can’t believe he’s . . . my boyfriend . . .” And suddenly, the romantic reveries would crumble into dust, leaving in their wake a trail of insecurities and questioning as to whether you actually belonged here, with him or in the Sanctum.
The blessing of having Stephen Strange as a boyfriend is that for such a snarky guy, he’s quite introspective. The curse of having Stephen Strange as a boyfriend is that for such an introspective guy, he’s not always the best with words. Soft words, that is. He does try his best, of course, but Strange just frankly isn’t the best for the soft-hearted. He may consider or actually go ahead and contemplate the different paths he could take before deciding on the proper words to say or actions to take. But eventually, he does make his move:
“Did you know that you’re my favorite person?” he asks you. You blink. The cuddling session was honestly more than enough to startle you, given that between the two of you, Stephen is the less physically forthcoming. But for him to say something so . . . sweet? You’re downright stunned! You contemplate what you should even respond with. Thanking him would be too weird, arguing would be ridiculous --
“You literally know a bunch of people who saved the world,” you blurt. You can’t see it, but you can definitely feel that cocky smirk of his.
“Mhm. I also know plenty of people and beings from across the galaxy. Different dimensions, too. And yet! You’re my absolute favorite to be with.” He gives your middle a squeeze. “And you know I don’t take that lightly; so always remember that.” He punctuates this statement with a kiss. Admittedly, part of you wants to continue snarking at him, to continue dwelling in what you’re positive must be the reality of your situation. But then it click with you: This is the reality of your situation: Stephen wanting to be with you, as you are, is reality. And there’s no other one he’d rather be in. And frankly, neither would you.
“So how often did you manipulate time just to get this right?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
11. What do they hide from one another?: It’s not exactly hidden, but it’s not exactly spoken about, either. You always suspected that Stephen would sometimes manipulate time or his ability to see into alternate realities to bring about the best outcome. Of course, he does them when it’s absolutely necessary such as in dangerous or complex situations. Thankfully, those don’t happen very often.
However, every so often, Stephen will use it for more mundane situations. He used it once to help win an argument and he honestly felt guilty about it and decided to go back and just let things progress as they were meant to, even if he wasn’t particularly excited about the outcome. The alternative was to just look into the multiple ways a situation could play out, but he still keeps quiet about this as it can still come across as cheating.
As said before, you have your suspicions but don’t talk about it. You don’t really know how to even bring it up to him. Thankfully, he seems to be doing this less . . .
(For a less serious thing he hides, rumor has it that Christine has video evidence of Stephen being forced to do karaoke at the annual holiday party. He’s buzzed enough to want the attention, but sober enough to not enjoy the means through which he must get the attention.)
As for you, it’s simply a little place you found. Nothing major, just a nice, foresty area where it’s not too warm, not too cold. Just plain pleasant and calm. You found it while using your sling ring after getting into an argument with Stephen; you just thought of a place to calm down and voila! A lush, green woodland area, quiet and away from civilization, became available to you.
You know it’s nothing serious if Stephen were to know -- you were certain he would respect your space enough to just let you have this. But for some reason, there’s a sweetness added on by it being a secret. Like it’s just completely your own little hideaway, granted to you by your own efforts and not by Stephen directing you to think about it or go there. Sure, there are times where you’re sitting along the bumpy and knotted roots of a large tree and you’re wishing it was Stephen’s softer, warm lap. But until you’re ready to bring him here and break the pureness of the forest further, this will be your Sanctum away from the Sanctum.
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?: If a zombie outbreak hits, your powers are going to be kicked into overdrive. Stephen would likely try to use his powers to open portals to other planets that you two could perhaps survive on, but in the event that that’s not doable and you must remain earth-bound, you’ll both be using your sling rings to hop from place to place as necessary. Once you two get somewhere safe enough, he’s prone to attempting meditation so that he can look into alternate versions of where the two of you could possibly head. He informs you a lot more about what he sees than he did before, your input definitely mattering.
Meanwhile, you’ve always been better with defensive magic than conjuring or multiplying. If Stephen needs to focus on something, you’re not afraid to act somewhat as his bodyguard, though he’s more than capable of doing so himself. Which he is unafraid to remind you of. . . . Okay, you’re actually afraid. You’re very afraid. But you can’t let him know that. You want to be strong for him, for him to see you as competent enough to give him one less thing to worry about.
All the while, he’s trying to be even more calm and composed. This should be easy, right? He’s been through far worse. He’s literally been on a nearly endless loop of death, has actually died, and it was all good! But this . . . This, he’s not too entirely certain about. He can’t use the Time Stone and expect very many outcomes, much less ones that go perfectly in your favor. But he can’t show weakness; not now. He’s got to be there for you, you’re all one another has now.
You two can survive this, but to say there won’t be some tough decisions and potential arguments ahead would be lying.
28. Why do they get jealous?: Your jealousy doesn’t stem from how other women interact with Stephen -- he’s hardly ever even around other people in general, much less a particular type who wouldn’t respect the boundaries of another’s relationship. You’re actually jealous of his power: The fact that magic seems to come so easily to him, that he seems to need to only glance at a page of whatever and immediately have all the knowledge he needs, it’s all just frustrating to you!
Interestingly, it’s actually Stephen who gets on the defense if he thinks someone’s coming around flirting with you. He’s not insecure about his smarts and ability to hold your attention, but he does know that sometimes he can be an acquired taste even to you. So sometimes when the two of you are out for a walk or grabbing groceries are just on a simple date, he can’t help but stare down that guy whom he thinks is getting a little too chummy with you. You’re vibing way too easily together and he’s not enthused at the idea of some common schmuck putting the moves on his woman.
Of course, all Stephen needs to do is pause time for a little bit, restart it, and suddenly the dog on its walk will suddenly be at the guy’s pants, shoving his nose up his butt, looking for a hotdog wienie that just suddenly appeared in his underwear.
“What a weirdass,” Stephen will mutter as he grabs your hand, leading you away to enjoy the ice cream cone he’d just returned to you with. “Who just keeps an extra wiener in their pocket? You think he likes dogs in a weird way?”
You scowl, giving his hand an upset squeeze. “That was rude, Stephen!” you scold. But the Sorcerer Supreme is unfazed. If anything, the smirk on his face is more than amused.
“Oh, please,” he says. “You loved it.”
You grumble, deciding to focus your attention on your ice cream cone. You know it won’t hide your smile, but you can’t go feeding his ego by letting him know you like it when he gets like this over you.
Thank you for asking and for your patience!
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enjhae · 7 years ago
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Double Exposure is a collaborative series that features the work of an admired artist.
LightLeaks second featured artist is Eva Mecham–a Vegas-based photographer who strives to represent women in an industry dominated by men. While the struggle to find respect always seems like a challenge, she continues her quest to become a respected photographer by practicing and perfecting her craft.
In this segment of Double Exposure, our aim is to support women, not just in photography but in every field where women are not represented fairly, respected or even paid enough in comparison to our male counterparts.
Eva and I interviewed each other to learn more about our love for photography, how our interest for photography originated, our influences and more.
Age: 23
DOB: 06/03/1994 Gemini
Background: Portuguese/Lao/German/French
Born: Las Vegas, NV
Raised: East Side Las Vegas
Insta Handles: 
 @spottiottieva was the first personal instagram I ever had but it became more technical to show ALL my work through.
…so I created the other two pages to serve as multiple outlets of exposure exuding different variable factors.
Humans AND Environment. Lol.
@sweetleaf_phto is female energy only and conceptual portraits/groupshots.
@jacqueline_images is my art and street photo page.
Why/how did get into photography?
My grandfather. He documented just about everything. He passed away in 2011 but his legacy lives on. He lived a life beyond what photos could show. His family traveled from Spain to America during the 1920’s. His determination, discipline, will, focus, and attention to detail rooted in me and allowed me to open my mind to the idea of collecting and acquiring but with tangibility and substance.
Past my grandfather stimulating my lifestyle choices I felt that spark after I developed my first roll of film. Being able to hold a photo in your hands is truly magic in the simplest form. Photos have influenced me my entire life. Keeps me constantly reverting back to instances and wishing I could save moments to time travel to. Just like music or a scent, a photo can greatly alter your perception or mood.
Last, a major reason I ever pushed my photography skills beyond documentation was skateboarding. I was at a young age when I fell more and more in love with every skate mag or video I ever watched. Naturally I began sourcing all my inspiration and tones through how the skateboarding industry plastered my brain. It’s common to have these wild kids throw themselves off staircases with ease and dive into 12ft deep drops every day. Whether it was filmed with thousand dollar equipment or the cheapest vx setup, A-1 quality images and content has always been around. It wasn’t until I learned real anticipation taking a pre meditated flick of a skater in motion performing a trick repeatedly without near success till maybe the 20th try in, that I understood the feeling of that equation. That 21st key shot is a high. All that focus.
What does your photos mainly consist /focus on? Why?
My photo collection is a mix of portraits of friends I’ve built connections or bridges with while the other half is a handful of my travels, daily life, and streets I walk through. I have to mention I LOVE ART of ANY kind. Art embodied within all forms. Especially if it doesn’t belong somewhere or a rule was broken to make or keep it there. I believe in the idea that the world truly is ours so exercising the freedom to express ourselves is common law to me. Almost like a personal passion project. On the other hand my favorite subject to photograph are literal human hands. I’m fascinated by hands. Our hands are such beautiful blessings that we often take for granted. With our hands we can touch, create, hurt, destroy, clean, whatever it be. Our hands are multifaceted and a huge relatable connection between us all as humans. No one hand is the same. Like our eyes, I feel they are also portals to the soul.
You are all about empowering women. How do you convey this in your work?
Confidence can be instilled in many ways but I have never seen more confidence instilled within a female more than when she enjoys a photo of herself. Living in this overly extroverted world, it’s common to find that most women compare themselves to everyone. Even men. I know this to be true because I can testify myself. I’ve grown up riddled with anxieties I’ve whispered to my inner conscience for so many years, without even realizing it. A photo can translate emotions and feelings you didn’t know you had. A virtual avenue. A portable capsule of what existed at that time. There is growth in a photo. People glorify in the beauty of a butterfly but fail to remember the stages of growth it took to become that butterfly we see. So for me to be able to capture the growth of is something one of a kind to me. Anyone or anything can have it’s photo taken. But it’s all about the subject. I stress to validate the women in my photos through our shared experience and what they represent passionately. Who are these women and how can I uniquely translate what they have made me feel through a mere photo for the world to perceive.
Talk about your experience collaborating on this project.
Norma! I’m extremely flattered you would have asked me to be a part of this project as it is so pure and beautiful. I love to share my thoughts and feelings and often feel I am overlooked and underestimated. Every once and awhile I meet someone who makes me feel human and included at the same time. I look up to you Norma as you are an incredibly vivid photographer with natural ability only acquired through patience, growth, focus, determination, and skill. I often wish we had met sooner. But there is a reason for everything and the influence you have provided has guided me quite a bit. I truly love Jelly and KNOW without a doubt that dog has a great soul. I’m lucky to have friends who aspire to create, as this will be so enjoyable in my older years to look back on and cherish as I fade.
Who is your fav photographer?
This is probably the hardest question you put on here but I’d have to say my grandfather.
Whose work has influenced your work the most?
I honestly wouldn’t be able to narrow it down but i enjoy and source my inspiration from lots of the lasting images of these timeless talents below….
Keegan Gibbs (so fucking fire)-
Atiba Jefferson (skateboarding essentials)
Mike O’Meally (classic skateboarding essentials)
Henry Chalfant (innumerable amounts of graffiti documentation)
Tobin Yelland (filmy skateboard shots)
Duran Levinson (insane portrait photographer)
Craig Stecyk (Z-town documenter/skateboarding essentials)
JR (graffiti/wheatpastephotographer)
Martha Cooper (80’s legend in street art journalism)
Alex Fakso (skate & graffiti essentials)
Ruedi One (for those wet blk&wht artsy street nights)
Ed Templeton (almost forgot this legend)
Nan Goldin (female legend)
Haris Nukem (vivid portrait photographer)
Ruth Orkin (female legend)
Who are you currently listening to, music-wise?
I have this private playlist I made myself I play every morning after I get up to get ready for the day. I’m revealing the first 3 songs but the rest is secret.
Rebel without a pause-Public Enemy.
Leaving Babylon-Sublime.
If 6 was 9-Jimi Hendrix.
Besides the essentials I‘ve been playing a lot of lo-fi hip hop beats/scratches/mixups while I work or create lately.
I usually have either an Alchemist or Madlib CD in my car stereo. I use a lot of CD’s and cassettes lol. Let’s just say my auxiliary option is variably unreliable so CD’s are solid lol.
What is your favorite photo you’ve taken and why?
I thought for so long on how to answer this. Haha. I have to say that every photo is my favorite. Not to feed the ego or anything but maybe in other words I’m a hoarder. Any and all photos I take fall into my collection and that to me is something that holds my life’s work and ultimate value. My archive. The best way to put this answer into perspective is the idea that I’m not done yet. I’m still constantly & avidly pursuing higher dimensions through photography, through life, through myself. For me to choose a favorite photo would be for me to say that I’ve reached some finished point. Don’t get me wrong I have favorited shots over others but like I said I love every photo I take because I love life.
Digital or film? Why?
Film is permanent. Technology isn’t built to last forever. You don’t need technology shooting film. Art in a post apocalyptic world is a priority. Creating something tangible is far more lasting to me. Especially one with an element of surprise.
A fixed restriction makes you think twice, I’m sure. Film is exactly that. Knowing you have that limited amount of shots, each one seems to count more. Film is a spectrum balance between a premeditated photo or a foggy moment in time. I’m a fast paced shooter but with shooting film I catch myself staring at nothing till I see something. Essentially, it’s something that actually slows me down and I need that.
Movie you’d recommend an aspiring photographer to watch for inspo.
Recommendation for inspo for an aspiring photographer hmmmm!
I’d say watch any Tim Burton film. That’s a given. I’m a major fan ofTim Burton’s movies and stories.
Then I’d say, Across the Universe and Inherent Vice. And after that watch some of Quentin Tarantino’s films. Those are all classic.
S E T  1
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Sign: Gemini
Background: Filipino American
Born: Las Vegas, NV
Being self-taught, how do you educate yourself on new ideas and techniques to take better pictures?
I can’t say I was self-taught because my dad was photographer. So I essentially grew up with the concept of photography. One of my first jobs was at this photo studio at Meadows Mall. I learned the basics in color balance, posing models and composition. College is where I got my formal training in photography. I learned how to shoot strictly in manuel when I took 3 years of black & white film photography and I became obsessed to say the least. Practicing photography in this manner gave me a sense of meaning behind the photos I took. I loved the idea of building a concept for the photos I had taken and embraced the idea of suspension and surprise.
But to answer your question, I learn new techniques by trail and error. Stick to one camera for a long period of time until I feel like I’ve mastered it then move on to the next. YouTube is also a thing. LOL. What is it that you want to say with your photographs, and how do you channel your work to illustrate that? Why? My personal photography documents moments and captures feelings that I like to look back on. A photo diary for the most part.
The subjects I touch on in my more serious work, aims to unpack what it means to be an Asian American female—of course from my own person experience. I express distressing feelings from my childhood, my feelings towards Asian stereotypes and dissect the standards of beauty in Asian culture.
When packing photo gear for a trip, what all do you take with you and why? My olympus stylus, fujifilm 400/800. A majority of the photos I take on a trip mimic the documentary style that I grew up with, however instead of focusing on people I try to focus on a moment and gut feeling that I am drawn to capture.
What motivates you to continue taking photos, whether it be socially, economically, politically, intellectually or emotionally? Everything is cathartic for me. It is a way to release a thought or feeling that I wouldn’t otherwise know how to express. Writing was my source of releasing this energy but through photography, I love how subjective it is to everyone else. You can share your work and get a complete different reaction or thought for what it was intended. But for me, when I look at my images, I know exactly how I felt and what I was struggling with at moment. It is somewhat of a reminder.
Within the aspect of women and social culture, what would you say is the difference between capturing beauty vs. vulgarity?
I think that what is considered vulgar for women is a popular theme in art, where artists are trying to breakdown that social norm for women. What was expected of women is being shattered by the “vulgar” images expressed by various female artists and photographers. It is essential, necessary and about fuckin’ time. To be lady-like was a standard put together by men and women are fully capable of conducting themselves however they see fit.
How did you develop an interest in photography and at what age were you?
Grew up around photography because of my dad. So I guess I always had an interest in photography. I grew up with a camera in my face and albums of albums of every major holiday and moment in my life. One of my first jobs was working in a photo studio called Photomania. Kids would go there to take their high school photos and basically trade them to each other like Pokemon cards. Hahah!
But working there was dope! I got to learn how to print from an old school printing machine. Had to clean that beast of a machine and take it apart every night. But I never took photography seriously until college. It’s when I finally learned about the greats (like Ansel Adams, Robert Frank, Cindy Sherman, and Weegee) that I completely got turned on to it.
Whose work has influenced you most, any favorites? Francesca Goodman, Nan Goldin, Ren Hang, Petra Collins, Carrie Mae Weems, Stanley Kubrick, Catherine Angel and Kimber Beck
When you are out shooting, how much of it is instinctual vs planned?
Half and half. And some times it’s completely spontaneous which is the best because when you feel that it’s the right moment, you just gotta go for it and pray that the photo comes out the way you wanted it to.
How has social media played a role in your photography?
It’s influenced me in the ways of curating my posts. Before, I just use to post whatever. But I think moving along the years of Instagram, I’ve seen how streamlined people can get with their style and feel of their photos. I also have my job to thank for that too.
While, I do curated my post, the work os still all mine. So I still see my Instagram as a photo journal but broken down into different segments.
What advice can you dish for any entry level photographers?
By a cheap camera and master it. Don’t buy into getting high quality gear until you find your style. Also, hang out with the local photographers you admire. You want to surround yourself with people who will push you to do better. A good piece of advice I learned from my cousin, Ez. Thanks cuh!
and of course i almost forgot….Talk about your experience collaborating on this project.
From our initial meeting at 6th & Franklin, I knew you we’re a go-getter! Actually, I hadn’t even met you yet but people we’re talking you up so hard that I was honestly intimidated. But real talk, I admire your constant drive to create work and your strive to improve your skills as a photographer. You are a walking and talking think-tank!
Doing this project was another project that I felt drawn to do, just like with my first Doublexposure guest, Andi. Everything I pursue in terms of interviews is purely for the need to connect with people who I admire. I am proud for what you stand for as an artist and I will support you every step of the way. Love ya girl 😘
  SET 2
  SET 3
  Double Exposure: Featuring Eva Mecham Double Exposure is a collaborative series that features the work of an admired artist. LightLeaks second featured artist is…
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big36ozfreestyle-blog · 7 years ago
Big36oz - 36 Zips Freestyle
Top Hip Hop Songs
Hip Hop song writers are discovering the song writing course of turning into simpler than ever before with the rising variety of music writing tools and software program accessible online and out there. Traditionally song writing has all the time had the same steps, lyrics, music, manufacturing; the path followed various from artist to artist.
Typically in hip hop, the beat comes first. The artist working on arranging the beats first after which getting on the lyrics. This is mostly accomplished as a result of it's simpler to try and write lyrics to slot in with a pre-existing beat, however it's comparatively tough to attempt to kind a beat round lyrics that have already been author and selected. The basis of the beat is the drum and other percussion devices.
Drums are the premise of the music production and could be sampled or created on unique kits. In sampling, the hip hop tune writers use part of an already current music, or observe by another hip hop songs artist. The essence of sampling is that a component, be it drum or vocals, from a tune or recording belonging to another artist is taken and used by the song writer as a part of their track.
Components of the observe will be mixed into the primary track time and again to type a sample, which is known as a loop. Loops not solely add a unique dimension to the track, but in addition add layers, introducing the work of another artist into the combo, which may be thought of as some form of collaboration on the hip hop tune writers half. There are other ways to collaborate equivalent to working on lyrics with one other artist or having them do visitor vocals on your track track.
In addition to the drums, bass lines are additionally an integral part of any hip hop tune. The place the drums add a backing to the track, bass strains add a depth, a resonance. Generally synthesizers can be utilized to create bass lines. The association of the drums, bass traces, sampling components and many others. is all depending on the hip hop song writers, how they need to model the song.
Desirous about new hip hop track releases? From underground rap superstars like Environment or Aesop Rock to Soiled South rap artists like Lil Wayne, here is the best locations to new hip hop tune releases.
Radio Stations
True, radio stations have lost some of their affect because of the recognition of the Web, though new songs typically get loads of airplay right here. Under you'll find basic hip hop stations and a few on-line ones which have blown up not too long ago...
Power106. The authority on the subject of new rap songs. Energy 106 performs tracks from the most well liked established rappers like Eminem, Lil Wayne and Kanye West, as nicely the up and comers like T.I and Flo Rida.
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Hot97. Their tagline is "Hot97 Is Hip Hop and R&B" and with their track record of offering the most popular new beats and interviews, nobody is about to say otherwise.
Energy one zero five. Originally a soft rock radio station, Power105 now focuses on providing new and classic rap tracks. They also supply the most recent freestyles from prime artists to younger MCs seeking to get noticed.
IMEEM. With IMEEM, listeners can make their own music playlists on the fly and incorporate all kinds of musical kinds such as underground rap previous-school hip-hop and mainstream artists. Followers can save their playlists for later use and share it with other users on the location. In case you're on the lookout for a new hip-hop tune or freestyle this is the place to go.
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Pandora. Indisputably Pandora is one in every of my favourite websites what I am searching for new music. All you must do is type in the name of your favorite rapper Pandora creates a streaming playlist featuring associated artists, based mostly upon musical kinds and lyrical content.
It never ceases to amaze me what number of rap artists I've come across utilizing this site; it is like fighting and you hit rap music each 5 minutes.or one other nice feature with Pandora is your ability to drift for each music as its play. When you vote a music up, Pandora's extra likely to embrace that track once more and your ongoing playlist; voted down and you might not see that very same monitor for months to come, if at all.
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Hip hop music has been round for 30 years now, and during this time there have been many artists to supply superb songs. However, a few of those songs have stuck in our minds and nonetheless make us stand up and dance and sing alongside when we hear them. We salute those who have given us musical talent so outstanding to make us melt after we hear their song.
The highest 8 hip hop songs ever are (in no explicit order):
1. 'It was an excellent Day' -Ice Cube
From the beat to the lyrics that is that feel good music that instantly relieves all the stress of the day. We are able to all relate to the track, and irrespective of how many times it is played it's still that sound you bob your head to.
2. 'Children's Story' -Slick Rick
You can't talk about hip hop without speaking about Slick Rick, one of many greatest performers on this style. This track has that flowing beat and lyrics that get stuck in your mind every time. Anybody who is aware of hip hop knows this jam.
3. 'Juicy' -Biggie Smalls
This song began a new era in rap music as it's the music that made Massive Poppa what he still is to the world as we speak, even 10+ years after he was shot to death. Juicy stated it was all a dream and this track offered inspiration and really feel good vibes to every single person who listened to it.
4. 'Straight Outta Compton' -NWA
Straight Outta Compton is one of the most popular rap songs of all instances. It is usually liable for the West Coast gangster rap motion that changed the lives of numerous people. Straight Outta Compton details the life out on the streets of one of the state's most harmful cities with hardcore rapper Eazy-E on the vocals.
5. 'Rapper's Delight' - The Sugar Hill Gang
Hip hop, hippty hop... He is rapping to the beat just trying to maneuver your feet. Most people know every single word to this basic song. This was one of the world's first introductions to the musical genre, and an impressive one which it was.
6. 'Push It' -Salt N- Pepa
Launched in 1986, Push It was successful for the trio of rappers. This can be a sassy joint that made it to dance charts and nonetheless as we speak rocks the physique and the occasion.
7. 'Hypnotize' -Biggie Smalls
The legendary rapper tops the highest 10 list as soon as again with this music, reaching primary just one week after the rappers dying. This quick-witted, funny song with the quirky beat feels good to listen to. It also began an eruption of love, tears and celebration of life at Biggie's funeral on his solution to be laid to rest on the streets of Brooklyn.
8. 'Exhausting Knock Life' -Jay Z
Jay-Z is a musical god, as he proved back in 1998 with Hard Knock Life, a song sampling Annie within the chorus. Jay raps about living that tough knock life, an actual song that most of us can feel at some level.
Rap music is a part of us, a part of our soul. There are thousands of amazing songs on the market on this style, with musical talent from all over the world. There may be nothing fairly like hip hop music when the sounds hit you.
I can not stress enough the advantage of having your private home recorded Hip Hop songs Mastered by an outside Mastering Engineer that makes a speciality of the Hip Hop style. The tip end result will little question be higher when done by a skilled ear with an acoustically tuned surroundings & Mastering particular gear. With that said, it is potential for you to obtain usable outcomes in your home Hip Hop recording studio & the purpose of this article is that can assist you achieve these results using the recording gear/software that you already own.
If you are recording on Digidesign Protools software program then you can use the plug ins that got here with the program. Most related packages ought to have comparable processing plug ins so seek the advice of your user handbook for those.
You'll begin your mastering session with a two track stereo mix of your tune preferably with the master degree peaking at about -3db by no means hitting the crimson on the meter. This combine should already be sounding the best way you want whereas needing a boost in volume & perhaps a pair EQ tweaks to make it translate well to varied sound methods/sources.
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Beginning with the EQ make adjustments to the lows, mids, & highs, based on any notes that you just taken after listening to your mix on several several types of sound sources corresponding to earbuds, a car system, a bookshelf stereo, a mono clock radio, laptop speakers and many others.
Your goal is to your grasp to finish up sounding good on all of the totally different techniques where of course on bigger techniques with sub woofers you will have extra bass & on laptop speakers & earbuds there will be little or no sub bass. The hot button is to have a grasp that also retains clarity on each of these sources. Once you hearken to your combine on these sources listen for frequency issues that have a tendency to point out up on multiple sound sources as these are the primary things it is best to work on with the EQ.
You must try trial & error to seek out the frequencies and bear in mind it is all the time higher to repair by chopping the offensive sounds then by boosting different frequencies to cover them.
Do not forget that any EQ tweaks that you carry out on the stereo combine is going to affect the entire track so make sure that the adjustments are literally fixing the issue with out causing a bigger one in another space.
The subsequent step in your home Hip Hop Mastering session after you're happy with the EQ results shall be adding a Compressor to the observe. This will likely be used to present the song a clean stage sound making the track level constant from start to finish. The Compressor may even support in boosting the perceived volume of the tune. Under is a set of Compressor settings that I've come to use on Hip Hop tracks as a place to begin when putting together a music Master.
You'll want to do A/B listening comparisons between your working grasp & a commercially released Hip Hop observe that's similar in model to your track. You want your grasp to be as loud as the commercially launched tune and translate effectively on all of the totally different sound methods/sources.
Just as it would be best to do with a mixture, after finishing your music grasp reserve it & go away it alone for a day or two then come back to it with fresh ears and you could have a distinct perspective on it & finds things to repair that will have been missed earlier. as soon as you are feeling your song grasp is similar to the commercially released track you are accomplished mastering your new music.
There are various different specialty applications & software plug ins which can be designed for Mastering however this text is geared toward these which are attempting to master their songs using the options that are already present on their recording software or workstation. Additionally keep in mind that Professional Mastering houses will furnish you with a grasp CD that can be verified to be error free as well as contain particular encoding that will be the grasp you'll need to give to a CD replication/duplication plant to get mass produced CD's. This is a crucial feature although it seems in the music business extra & more artists are bypassing the cost of getting CD's made & instead having download solely releases.
The data on this article ought to offer you a path to comply with when trying to master your Hip Hop songs in your personal residence studio. There aren't any rules set in stone though trial & error have helped to formulate the mastering procedure given above.
Brian G a.ok.a. BG has 15 years expertise starting out as a Deejay turned Producer/remixer turned recording engineer with an honor scholar diploma from AIA. Brian G has recorded over 50 Hip-Hop and R&B artists in his home studios as well as recorded his personal hip-hop songs.
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thosewickedhoursblog-blog · 7 years ago
New Hip Hop Song Releases
Hip Hop tune writers are discovering the tune writing process becoming simpler than ever before with the rising variety of track writing tools and software accessible online and available in the market. Traditionally tune writing has all the time had the same steps, lyrics, music, manufacturing; the path adopted varying from artist to artist.
Typically in hip hop, the beat comes first. The artist working on arranging the beats first after which getting on the lyrics. This is mostly executed as a result of it is simpler to attempt to write lyrics to fit in with a pre-present beat, but it is comparatively difficult to try to kind a beat round lyrics which have already been writer and decided on. The basis of the beat is the drum and different percussion instruments.
Drums are the premise of the music production and might be sampled or created on authentic kits. In sampling, the hip hop track writers use a part of an already existing tune, or monitor by one other artist. The essence of sampling is that a component, be it drum or vocals, from a tune or recording belonging to every other artist is taken and used by the music writer as a part of their observe.
Elements of the track can be mixed into the main track time and again to kind a sample, which known as a loop. Loops not solely add a unique dimension to the track, but also add layers, introducing the work of another artist into the combination, which may be thought of as some form of collaboration on the hip hop track writers half. There are other methods to collaborate such as engaged on lyrics with another artist or having them do visitor vocals in your music monitor.
Moreover the drums, bass lines are also an integral part of any hip hop song. The place the drums add a backing to the tune, bass traces add a depth, a resonance. Typically synthesizers can be utilized to create bass lines. The association of the drums, bass traces, sampling parts and so on. is all dependent on the hip hop music writers, how they want to type the song.
Excited about new hip hop tune releases? From underground rap superstars like Ambiance or Aesop Rock to Dirty South rap artists like Lil Wayne, this is the perfect places to new hip hop track releases.
Radio Stations
True, radio stations have misplaced a few of their influence thanks to the popularity of the Web, though new songs typically get lots of airplay right here. Under you may find classic hip hop stations and some online ones which have blown up not too long ago...
Power106. The authority on the subject of new rap songs. Energy 106 plays tracks from the hottest established rappers like Eminem, Lil Wayne and Kanye West, as well the up and comers like T.I and Flo Rida.
Hot97. Their tagline is "Hot97 Is Hip Hop and R&B" and with their monitor file of providing the hottest new beats and interviews, nobody is about to say in any other case.
Power one hundred and five. Initially a smooth rock radio station, Power105 now focuses on offering new and basic rap tracks. Additionally they supply the latest freestyles from high artists to youthful MCs seeking to get observed.
IMEEM. With IMEEM, listeners can make their very own music playlists on the fly and incorporate all kinds of musical styles akin to underground rap previous-school hip-hop and mainstream artists. Followers can save their playlists for later use and share it with different customers on the location. For those who're in search of a new hip-hop song or freestyle this is the place to go.
Pandora. Undoubtedly Pandora is one in all my favourite websites what I am looking for new music. All you need to do is type within the name of your favorite rapper Pandora creates a streaming playlist that includes related artists, based upon musical kinds and lyrical content.
It by no means ceases to amaze me how many rap artists I've come across using this web site; it is like preventing and you hit rap song each 5 minutes.or one other great function with Pandora is your means to drift for each tune as its play. Should you vote a track up, Pandora's more likely to embody that music once more and your ongoing playlist; voted down and you may not see that very same monitor for months to return, if at all.
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Hip hop music has been round for 30 years now, and through this time there have been many artists to produce wonderful songs. However, some of those songs have caught in our minds and still make us get up and dance and sing along once we hear them. We salute those that have given us musical talent so exceptional to make us melt once we hear their tune.
The top eight hip hop songs ever are (in no specific order):
1. 'It was a superb Day' -Ice Dice
From the beat to the lyrics that is that really feel good track that instantly relieves all of the stress of the day. We are able to all relate to the music, and no matter how many times it is played it's nonetheless that sound you bob your head to.
2. 'Kids's Story' -Slick Rick
You'll be able to't discuss hip hop without talking about Slick Rick, one of many greatest performers on this style. This music has that flowing beat and lyrics that get caught in your mind every time. Anyone who knows hip hop is aware of this jam.
three. 'Juicy' -Biggie Smalls
This music began a new period in rap music as it is the music that made Massive Poppa what he nonetheless is to the world as we speak, even 10+ years after he Those Wicked Hours - Run was shot to loss of life. Juicy stated it was all a dream and this music supplied inspiration and feel good vibes to every single person who listened to it.
4. 'Straight Outta Compton' -NWA
Straight Outta Compton is one of the hottest rap songs of all times. It's also liable for the West Coast gangster rap motion that changed the lives of numerous individuals. Straight Outta Compton particulars the life out on the streets of one of the state's most harmful cities with hardcore rapper Eazy-E on the vocals.
5. 'Rapper's Delight' - The Sugar Hill Gang
Hip hop, hippty hop... He's rapping to the beat simply trying to maneuver your toes. Most people know every single word to this traditional track. This was one of the world's first introductions to the musical genre, and a formidable one which it was.
6. 'Push It' -Salt N- Pepa
Launched in 1986, Push It was a success for the trio of rappers. This can be a sassy joint that made it to bounce charts and nonetheless right this moment rocks the physique and the celebration.
7. 'Hypnotize' -Biggie Smalls
The legendary rapper tops the highest 10 record as soon as again with this music, reaching primary just one week after the rappers death. This fast-witted, humorous track with the quirky beat feels good to take heed to. It also began an eruption of love, tears and celebration of life at Biggie's funeral on his way to be laid to relaxation on the streets of Brooklyn.
8. 'Arduous Knock Life' -Jay Z
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Jay-Z is a musical god, as he proved again in 1998 with Onerous Knock Life, a track sampling Annie in the chorus. Jay raps about living that hard knock life, a real music that almost all of us can really feel at some degree.
Rap music is a part of us, part of our soul. There are millions of wonderful songs on the market on this style, with musical expertise from world wide. There may be nothing quite like hip hop music when the sounds hit you.
I cannot stress sufficient the advantage of having your home recorded Hip Hop songs Mastered by an outside Mastering Engineer that makes a speciality of the Hip Hop genre. The tip consequence will little doubt be better when performed by a trained ear with an acoustically tuned environment & Mastering specific gear. With that mentioned, it is doable so that you can achieve usable outcomes in your home Hip Hop recording studio & the purpose of this article is to help you achieve those outcomes using the recording gear/software that you simply already personal.
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If you are recording on Digidesign Protools software then you need to use the plug ins that got here with the program. Most comparable packages should have comparable processing plug ins so seek the advice of your consumer manual for these.
You'll start your mastering session with a two observe stereo mix of your track ideally with the grasp degree peaking at about -3db by no means hitting the purple on the meter. This combine should already be sounding the way in which you need whereas needing a boost in quantity & possibly a couple EQ tweaks to make it translate well to various sound techniques/sources.
Starting with the EQ make changes to the lows, mids, & highs, primarily based on any notes that you taken after listening to your combine on several different types of sound sources similar to earbuds, a automobile system, a bookshelf stereo, a mono clock radio, laptop audio system and so on.
Your objective is for your master to end up sounding good on all the completely different techniques where of course on larger programs with sub woofers you should have extra bass & on laptop audio system & earbuds there will likely be little or no sub bass. The secret is to have a master that still retains readability on each of these sources. If you hearken to your mix on these sources pay attention for frequency issues that have a tendency to show up on a number of sound sources as these are the first things it's best to work on with the EQ.
It's best to attempt trial & error to seek out the frequencies and bear in mind it's all the time better to repair by reducing the offensive sounds then by boosting other frequencies to cowl them.
Do not forget that any EQ tweaks that you carry out on the stereo combine goes to have an effect on the whole track so make certain the adjustments are actually fixing the problem without inflicting a bigger one in one other area.
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The next step in your home Hip Hop Mastering session after you are happy with the EQ outcomes might be including a Compressor to the track. This can be used to provide the music a clean degree sound making the track stage constant from start to finish. The Compressor will also assist in boosting the perceived quantity of the music. Under is a set of Compressor settings that I've come to make use of on Hip Hop tracks as a place to begin when putting collectively a track Grasp.
It would be best to do A/B listening comparisons between your working master & a commercially released Hip Hop track that's related in model to your track. You will want your grasp to be as loud because the commercially launched tune and translate effectively on all the different sound methods/sources.
Simply as you will want to do with a combination, after completing your music master save it & depart it alone for a day or two then come again to it with contemporary ears and you'll have a distinct perspective on it & finds things to repair which will have been missed earlier. as soon as you feel your track grasp is similar to the commercially launched song you might be done mastering your new track.
There are many completely different specialty packages & software program plug ins that are designed for Mastering nevertheless this article is geared towards those which can be trying to grasp their songs using the choices which are already current on their recording software program or workstation. Also understand that Professional Mastering homes will furnish you with a grasp CD that will likely be verified to be error free as well as include special encoding that will be the grasp you'll need to give to a CD replication/duplication plant to get mass produced CD's. This is a vital function though it seems within the music business extra & extra artists are bypassing the price of getting CD's made & as an alternative having obtain only releases.
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The information in this article ought to give you a path to observe when trying to grasp your Hip Hop songs in your own home studio. There aren't any rules set in stone though trial & error have helped to formulate the mastering process given above.
Brian G a.ok.a. BG has 15 years experience beginning out as a Deejay turned Producer/remixer turned recording engineer with an honor scholar diploma from AIA. Brian G has recorded over 50 Hip-Hop and R&B artists in his house studios in addition to recorded his own hip-hop songs.
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