bisamrottan · 1 year
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our long lost family
tile, stoneware, painted with slip and oxide, 2023
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firstkanaphans · 11 months
Thanks for tagging me @elizabethsebestianhedgehog, @blmpff, and @cornflowershade!
Current Time: 1:31PM
Current Activity: Procrastinating working on my NaNoWriMo project by filling this out
Currently Thinking About: Which Shakespeare play P’Jojo is adapting and whether there’s any chance FirstKhaotung will star in it
Currently Reading: “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari, which produced this absolute banger of a quote yesterday about the Spanish invasion—and eventual genocide—of the Aztecs in Mexico: “The Aztecs did not know how to react. They had trouble deciding what these strangers were. Unlike all known humans, the aliens had white skins. They also had lots of facial hair. Some had hair the colour of the sun. They stank horribly. (Native hygiene was far better than Spanish hygiene. When the Spaniards first arrived in Mexico, natives bearing incense burners were assigned to accompany them wherever they went. The Spaniards thought it was a mark of divine honour. We know from natives’ sources that they found the newcomers’ smell unbearable.)”
And then I’m also listening to “I’ll be Gone in the Dark” by Michelle McNamara.
Currently Watching: Literally nothing. Like how?? Everything I was watching ended in the past week, but I’m planning on picking up both Last Twilight and Middleman’s Love on Friday. I also want to start Shadow, but I was kind of waiting for someone to confirm that it’s actually a BL because I don't do horror. But gay horror...
Current Favorite Character: Ray Pakorn, my beloved Current WIP: Stardust, an AkkAyan post break-up/accidental baby acquisition fic. First chapter will be posted tomorrow!
No pressure tagging @whitnerd, @wangxianinventedromance, @pakkornn
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urmomsstuntdouble · 2 years
rules: tag 9 people (or so) you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below! — I was tagged by @igniting-quill.
last song: i will list two because im working on an essay about disco music and both are good songs! song for disco essay is “We Are Family” by Sister Sledge and the one for regular listening purposes is “Sleep to Dream” by Fiona Apple
three ships: tbh im not really? super shippy lately? idk being into the dsmp means that exploration of relationships is way more focused on non romantic aspects so idk i guess my top ones from that are mainly all dynamics involving cbenchtrio?? yeah lets go with that idk  
currently reading: erm i suppose Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari is the only thing im reading outside of school rn, is pretty good book about early human history and evolution
last movie: The Men Who Stare At Goats!! great movie to watch high. while the charaters in the movie may not have literally been high the whole time they sure do act like it
craving: tbh im having an anti craving rn i just made the yummiest bagel ever it started out as avocado toast but THEN i put it on a bagel and also fried an egg and put cheese and turkey on it too and it was sooooo tasty :) im so satisfied w the bagel and will be thinkoing about her for the rest of the day <3
tag time: no pressure of course but!! @hey-its-zezzy @feminetomboy @iris-of-mooonlight @clowsvillesuckz
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kckenobi · 2 years
5, 11, and 19 if you had any!!!
Ahhh hi my friend!!! I hope you're doing well, I'm sending you a hug!
5—The longest book you read this year
The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown, 624 pages!
11—A book that was most out of your comfort zone
It might've been Unwinding Anxiety by Judson Brewer, bc I'd never tried a self help book before? Tbh it didn't really do much for me, because it was just not focused on my specific issues, but I'm still glad I tried it.
19—Best non-fiction book(s) you read this year
Definitely Sapiens: a History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari! It took me soooo long to read, but it was fascinating and insightful and was a very enjoyable one to listen to on my runs and drives to/from work.
But I also really enjoyed Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil Degrasse Tyson, and Brief Answers to Big Questions by Stephen Hawking. I never read much nonfiction before this year, but audiobooks have really made a difference for me and my ability to pay attention lol
Book asks
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greatestemilybooks · 1 year
Importance of books in our lives.
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Books are more than just words on paper. They are sources of knowledge, wisdom, inspiration, entertainment, and joy. Books can open our minds to new perspectives, challenge our assumptions, and stimulate our curiosity. Books can also help us develop our skills, improve our communication, and enhance our creativity. In this blog post, I will explore some of the benefits of reading books and how they can enrich our lives. Books have played a fundamental role in human civilization for centuries. They are not merely collections of words on paper; rather, they are windows to knowledge, imagination, and the accumulated wisdom of generations. In a world filled with digital distractions and rapidly changing information sources, the act of reading a book remains essential. In this essay, we will explore why books are essential to read for lifelong learning and personal growth, delving into the numerous benefits they offer.
Books can expand our horizons.
One of the main advantages of reading books is that they can expose us to different cultures, histories, ideas, and experiences. Books can transport us to other places and times and allow us to see the world through the eyes of other people. By reading books, we can learn about the diversity of human life and appreciate the beauty and complexity of our world.
One of the primary reasons why books are essential is their capacity to impart knowledge. Books are repositories of information on virtually every subject imaginable. Whether you are interested in history, science, philosophy, or the arts, books provide in-depth and structured insights. Textbooks, in particular, are crucial for formal education, but books in general offer a wealth of information that can expand your understanding of the world.
For example, reading books by authors from different countries can help us understand their cultures, values, and traditions. Reading books by authors from different historical periods can help us appreciate the changes and continuities in human history. Reading books by authors from different fields of study can help us gain insights into various disciplines and domains of knowledge.
Some books that can expand our horizons are:
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a novel that tells the story of two boys from Afghanistan who face the turmoil of war, betrayal, and redemption.
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari is a book that explores the origins and evolution of our species and how we shaped the world.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams is a humorous science fiction series that follows the adventures of a human and his alien friends across the galaxy.
Books can improve our well-being.
Another benefit of reading books is that they can improve our mental and emotional well-being. Books can provide us with relaxation, entertainment, and pleasure. Books can also help us cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. Books can offer us guidance, support, and comfort in difficult times.
For example, reading books for fun can help us reduce our cortisol levels, which are associated with stress. Reading books can also increase our empathy, which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Reading books can also boost our self-esteem, which is the confidence and respect we have for ourselves.
Some books that can improve our well-being are:
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is a novel that follows the journey of a young shepherd who pursues his dream and learns to listen to his heart.
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin is a memoir that chronicles the author’s year-long experiment to find happiness in her everyday life.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle: A book that teaches how to live in the present moment and overcome negative thoughts and emotions
Books can enhance our creativity.
A third advantage of reading books is that they can enhance our creativity. Creativity is the ability to produce original and valuable ideas or products. Books can stimulate our imagination, spark our curiosity, and foster our innovation. Books can also help us develop our critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
For example, reading books that are creative or imaginative can help us generate new ideas or solutions for our projects or challenges. Reading books that are informative or factual can help us acquire new information or skills that we can apply or adapt to our situations. Reading books that are challenging or complex can help us improve our analytical and logical abilities.
Some books that can enhance our creativity are:
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is a classic children’s book that tells the story of a young prince who explores different planets and meets various characters.
Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell: A book that examines the factors that contribute to high levels of achievement in different domains
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is a thriller novel that involves a series of puzzles and mysteries related to art, religion, and history.
There are many classic books that everyone should read, but here are some suggestions based on the web search results I found:
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez: This is a masterpiece of magical realism that tells the epic saga of the Buendía family over seven generations. It is a novel that explores the themes of history, fate, love, and memory in a captivating way.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: This is one of the most beloved novels of all time, featuring the witty and spirited Elizabeth Bennet and the proud and arrogant Mr. Darcy. It is a story of romance, social class, and manners in 19th-century England.
1984 by George Orwell: This is a dystopian novel that depicts a totalitarian society where Big Brother watches every move and thought of the citizens. It is a warning against the dangers of totalitarianism, propaganda, and surveillance.
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger: This is a coming-of-age novel that follows the rebellious and cynical Holden Caulfield as he wanders around New York City after being expelled from his prep school. It is a novel that captures the voice and angst of adolescence.
There There, by Tommy Orange: This is a contemporary novel that follows the lives of twelve Native American characters as they converge at the Big Oakland Powwow. It is a novel that explores the themes of identity, belonging, and trauma in Native American communities.
There are many ways to find a good book to read, depending on your preferences, interests, and goals. Here are some methods you can try:
Use a book recommendation website or app. Many online platforms can help you discover new books based on your mood, genre, theme, or other criteria. For example, you can use Which Book to find books with a specific mood and emotion, such as happy, sad, funny, or scary. You can also use Goodreads to browse book lists, ratings, reviews, and suggestions from other readers.
Check out bestseller lists or award-winning books. If you want to read books that are popular, critically acclaimed, or influential, you can look at various bestseller lists or award-winning books. For example, you can check out the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and nonfiction, the Booker Prize for literary fiction, or the New York Times Best Sellers for various categories.
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Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or booksellers. Sometimes, the best way to find a good book is to ask someone who knows you well or who has similar tastes as you. You can chat with your friends, family members, or booksellers about what books they are reading or have enjoyed recently. You can also join online or offline book clubs or communities to share your opinions and get suggestions from other book lovers.
Shop your bookshelf or library. If you have a lot of unread books on your shelf or in your library, you can pick one randomly or based on your mood. You may be surprised by the gems you find in your collection. You can also reread some of your favorite books if you are in a slump or want to revisit some old friends.
Read the first chapter or a sample. Sometimes, the best way to decide if a book is good for you is to read a bit of it and see if it hooks you. You can read the first chapter or a sample of a book online or in a bookstore before buying it. You can also use apps like Amazon Kindle or Google Play Books to download free samples of ebooks and read them on your device.
I hope these methods help you find a good book to read. Happy reading
Books are powerful tools that can enrich our lives in many ways. By reading books, we can expand our horizons, improve our well-being, and enhance our creativity. Books can also bring us joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Therefore, I encourage you to read more books and discover their benefits for yourself.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to share them below. Thank you for reading!
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
just like magic with marvel cast, the vibe is----- a perfect song for a lil b*tch with a good heart and a sarcastic mouth
just like magic is the song we ALL need for 2020😌 Start manifesting ya’ll🖤 Also thank you sm for the request I am so so sorry this took so freakin’ long😭 Love u, happy reading🖤🖤 Tried to add my own lil twist to your request:)
(A lil different from the request, but I tried to make the reader have a bit sas.)
just like magic
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Growing up within the Marvel Cinematic Universe was probably one of things you were most grateful for. When you first started out you weren’t that social. You were new to the business, you didn’t know anybody and you were intimidated by every single actor you crossed paths with.
At first you didn’t feel like you fit in. You felt as if you were a burden to everyone else. You barely talked to anyone which made the others approach you out of force by the Russos. Everyone around you was talented while you were just some newcomer who had jack shit as experience. The first few years you were insecure of yourself mentally and physically. You weren’t as pretty or fit as the other women in the MCU nor did your skills live up to theirs. Which led to some unhealthy habits. Plus there were haters and movie critics who would say horrible things about you and your acting.
You had a rocky start unlike Tom Holland and even Lexi Rabe. Until one day when you realized that you had to change how you were thinking. It took you a while but all that negative thinking you were doing was only bringing you negative energy. So when you had a break from filming movies, your number one goal was to improve yourself.
Wake up in my bed, I just wanna have a good day (Mmm, ah)
Think it in my head, then it happens how it should, ayy
Twelve o'clock, I got a team meeting, then a meditation at like 1:30
Then I ride to the studio listening to some shit I wrote (Oh)
You woke up with smile on your face in a sense of calmness. The sun shined bright hues into your room as you got up from your bed. Today was the first day back on set. You guys were finally filming Civil War and you were honestly so excited. As you did your morning routine, you went over how the day would go in your head. You’re genuinely excited to see the entire cast. It has been almost half a year since you’ve seen everyone and you couldn’t wait to be back.
You took one last look at yourself in the mirror. Compared to the previous year, you looked and felt healthy. Your eyes shined and you looked well relaxed. You know like one of those face cleanser commercials? That’s how you felt. You felt like a breath of fresh air.
The ride to the studio took a good 30 minutes but it felt like seconds. You entered the set with a new sense of confidence and pride. The energy was practically radiating off you.
“(Y/n)?” You hear someone call from behind you. You turn around and see Scarlett looking at you.
“Hey!” You greet her as you approach her. You pulled her into a hug, startling her.
“Oh! Hello to you too, honey.” She laughed as she wrapped her arms around you. “How are you?”
“I’m doing great! Life’s been good.” You answer as a toothy grin graces itself on your face. Scarlett’s eyes are filled with shocked. From the previous times she’s talked to you she’s never seen you so loud or open. You were always shy and closed off from everyone on set.
Good karma, my aesthetic (Aesthetic)
Keep my conscience clear, that's why I'm so magnetic
Manifest it (Yeah), I finessed it (I finessed it)
Take my pen and write some love letters to Heaven
Eventually everyone on set caught on to your new attitude. Though they tried to be discreet about their reactions and shocked expressions, you could still see how they were caught off guard by your sudden change of nature.
Anthony watched as you conversed with Elizabeth and Scarlett on the couch in Robert’s “village” . You were probably the most smiliest person in the room beating Evans, who was eating his lunch.
“She’s like different. But in a good way. It’s like she’s bloomed.” Anthony thought out loud to the men beside him. Chris (E) and Sebastian look in your direction.
“Bloomed?” Chris snorted as he swallowed his food.
“Yeah, like she’s growing into a woman.” Anthony hummed proudly as he went back to his own lunch. Sebastian smiled at you, “I think she’s gained some confidence in herself and finally realized how good of a person she is.”
“If she’s finally realized that, I’m glad she did. She’s like a ball of sunshine, it’s adorable.” Chris smiled proudly at you as your hands move around animatedly while explaining some story to the two women in front of you.
“Y’all think it’s a boy?” Anthony wondered. Sebastian rolled his eyes at his friend. Before he can even respond Anthony is calling you over. You approach the men with a smile and take a seat beside Sebastian.
“What’s up?” You greet them. Chris nods at you as he chews on his sandwich. Sebastian greeting you with a quiet “hey”.
“So who’s the lucky man?” Anthony asks teasingly. Your brows knit together head tilting to the side.
“Yes man, or boy, whatever. Who’s got you feelin’ yourself, (y/n).” Anthony wiggles his brows as he shimmies closer to you. Sebastian, who’s in between you two, cringes at the man to his left.
You didn’t take any offense to the question, knowing that everyone was curious as to why you were so unlike yourself.
You chuckled before smirking at the older man, “Anthony, honey. I don’t need a man to be feelin’ myself. I did this on my own.”
Chris and Sebastian’s mouth drop at your answer. Chris laughed as he pointed out Anthony’s face. Sebastian slung an arm around your shoulder bringing you into a side hug as he laughed with Chris.
“To be fair” Chris began to say but started to laugh, “To be fair, you deserved that.” Anthony’s face went flushed as he nodded to himself. You suddenly felt bad that you put him on the spot.
“Alright, stop laughing at him.” You playfully glare at Chris and Seb. You poke Anthony’s arm, “To answer your question, I’ve just been working on myself. Thinking more positively, I even tried manifestation.”
“You know what, that’s good. You’re taking care of yourself mentally and physically. I’m proud of you for doing this for yourself, we all are.” Anthony tells you as he motions to the two other men.
You look at all three of them, all of them looking at you with pride, “Thanks guys.”
Just like magic (Baby), just like magic (Oh yeah)
Middle finger to my thumb and then I snap it
Just like magic (Yeah), I'm attractive (Oh yeah)
I get everything I want 'cause I attract it (Oh)
As the months passed, the more you evolved into another version of you. You walked with determination, carried yourself with such grace and you’ve gained confidence in your career. You didn’t let your insecurities get to you, instead you faced them and overcame them. You were tired of letting them control you.
Your change in attitude and perspective on life has definitely affected your life in many ways. Manifestation was one of the things that have helped you the most. Writing about your goals and putting that energy out to the world has helped you persevere in your job. You’ve only faced good karma; sending out positive energy and receiving it back from the universe.
So far you’ve been casted in two new projects and have a campaign lined up with Gucci. If you were told a year ago that you’d be working with big time directors and freakin’ Gucci, you wouldn’t have believe them. Life has been unreal ever since you decided to change your life around. But of course you had to thank your Marvel family, without them and their support you probably wouldn’t haven gotten to where you were today.
Looking at my phone, but I'm tryna disconnect it (Oh yeah)
Read a fuckin' book, I be tryna stay connected (Yeah)
Say it's tricky at the top, gotta keep a slim ego for a thick wallet
Losing friends left and right, but I just send 'em love and light (Oh)
As many people recognized your success many people still tried to pull you down. Some fans on social media have noticed your change in behavior and have even praised you for practicing self care. While others still tried to push you off the mountain of success you were currently on and drag you across the ground.
These were the reasons as to why you were barely on your phone anymore. You used to be invested in your phone but after realizing how much negativity it brought you, you’ve decided to slowly disconnect from it. Which led you to becoming more interested into books.
Chris (E) had even brought some of his favorite arts of literature for you to borrow. You were currently on your third book of his, Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. You were sitting outside your trailer in a fold up chair under the shade. Your peacefulness was interrupted by Tom (Holland) who had a worried expression on his face.
“Have you not seen it yet?” He asked you as soon as he was in front of you. Being the two most youngest actors on the current set, you guys were closer to each other than with the adults.
“Seen what, Tommy?” You put a finger in between the pages you were reading to save your spot. Tom pulls his phone out and began to type. He tapped on his screen and turned the screen to you.
“She’s been talking crap about you for days.” You read the article and saw that one of your “friends”, Sabrina has been speaking out about your success and how it’s changed you as a person.
“She’s going off about how the more money you get in your wallet, the more bratty and arrogant you become.” He grumbled as he turned his phone off.
“I could care less, honestly. I know I haven’t done anything to her and if I did I was unaware of it. Plus, she stopped talking to me after I said I couldn’t get her a part in a movie.” You shrugged as you placed a proper bookmark in the book.
“You’re not upset?”
“I mean it’s sad that she’s acting so two faced. But if that’s how she wants to roll, then be my guest. It’s her loss, not everyone has great taste.” You flicked a piece of hair away from your face with your hand.
“You’re not gonna release a statement against her?”
“No, probably just wish her well with her life and move on with my own.” You answered much to Tom’s dismay.
Redesign your brain, we gon' make some new habits
Just like magic (Just like magic), just like magic
Filming has officially ended a few months ago and now you guys were doing press tour for Civil War. Before you were the new and improved version of yourself, you dreaded press tours. Some interviewers were nice and respectful, but there were those who would ask inappropriate questions and were just rude in general. All you could remember during those past tours was wanting to leave those rooms as soon as possible.
The q&a panel at New York had a packed room. There were many journalist crowded in the room shoulder to shoulder. You were sat in between Elizabeth and Scarlett, two of the women who have been guiding you and teaching you about life as a woman in the business. They were also like your older sisters.
The panel had been going smoothly for the first half hour until a man with a snobby face and cocky demeanor approached the mic.
“Hello, I’m Keith and my question’s for (y/n).” He began. You nodded in his direction, motioning for him to continue.
“I think everyone’s noticed how you’ve changed and developed as a person. Obviously something’s changed in your life. So I want to know if you’ve had any intimate relationships with any of the men in the cast?” You were surprised at the man’s question. First it was bold of him to ask such a question and second it was just disrespectful to you and the others on the cast.
“I mean someone’s gotta be fucking you good to make you crawl out your shell.” The man finished shrugging nonchalantly. Robert was about to interject but your mouth was quicker than his. The men of the cast were disgusted at the man while they sat at the edge of their seats.
“Well last time I checked my contract, my job was to act, not sleep around with the men who are part of these movies.” You spoke into the mic. All the attention was on you while the room was at a standstill.
“It’s also very upsetting that you think a girl needs to be fucked in order to be confident in herself. I hate to break it to you but women are completely capable of turning their lives around without the help of men and that says a lot about you, sir. So if I were you, I’d take myself back to my seat and rethink my life because if one of us has to redesign our brains it’s you.” You finished as you placed your mic on your lap. The room was silent until the cast began to clap. This was your first time standing up for yourself, usually Robert or Scarlett would swoop in and save you but this time, you were saving yourself.
You shook your head as you blushed, shoving your head in your hands. You felt some pats on the backs and cheers from your dysfunctional family. You look up and see Scarlett and Elizabeth smiling at you proudly.
“Isn’t she amazing?” Robert asked the crowd as he hugged you. The crowd cheering you on.
Just like magic, your life felt like a dream come true, knowing that you were worth it and enough for the people around you and for yourself.
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inki-cap · 3 years
Jimson Weed
So, after delving into the world of Assassin’s Creed, in particular Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, and getting to know quite a bit about a friend’s AC OC, I’ve decided to make a sorta variant of an OC of mine and basically adjust them into the AC Universe. 
After a lot of convos between them, I’ve written quite a lot of works between my OC, their OC and a certain character. I’m still learning quite a lot and am in absolute love with all of this, so don’t pay too much mind to this. Also note that I am in no way a master writer or anything great, just here to have some fun. 
OC-Anna Kastello belongs to @pxiedustnblades
OC-Mari belongs to me
Featuring Basim Ibn Ishaq
Hammersmith, London, UK. 
1:01 a.m. 
Sturgeon Moon
The night is calm, serene. A typical late evening. 
Sounds of footsteps along the stones alongside the River Thames, soft chattering among those out and about. Young adults coming out of the restaurants all around, laughing and enjoying the night in the town, with bellies full of food and ale. Some stumble about, some walk slowly. But they all fit within the scenery of Hammersmith and its bustling yet quiet streets. 
That is all but one. 
A long drag of a cigarette, and then a long exhale. They overlook the murky waters of the River Thames, a soft chuckle to themselves. 
“We didn’t exactly come here to just stare at this shit river, now did we?” 
With a quick flick of the wrist, the burning cigarette flies into the waters below. 
Walking through the streets, this mysterious figure comes to view in the lights, though no one pays any special attention to them. They hold themselves in a relaxed manner, hands in the pockets of their black bomber jacket and a slight smirk on their face. Their short black hair moves slightly to the late night wind, almost guiding them to continue onto their destination.
A short distance later, and they’ve arrived. Across the street, there is a beige colored brick building, and in front is a small bookshop. A mahogany wood door, and to the side wide glass windows, showing the warm inside of the shop, filled to the brim with all sorts of books. From where this figure is standing, they could even read some of the titles from the windows. 
Great Expectations. 
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. 
The History of the Ancient World
All The Light We Cannot See
But they can also spot a red glare from both within and outside the shop. Cameras.
“Of fucking course. But cameras never stopped anyone, now do they?” 
They quickly pull out a small sleek device, shaped like a smartphone. Quick on their feet, they walk across the street and stay just outside the camera's view, watching them move their full rotations. Just as both cameras move to the other side of the shop, they switch the device on. It gave a quick high-pitched whine, and then fell silent, a green light on its side was now blinking. As they looked up at the cameras again, they stopped moving. 
“Fifteen minutes. Let’s make it quick, huh?” 
Setting the device down along the glass windows, the figure now moved to the mahogany door, pulling out a silver lock pick, and within seconds...
Click. Click.
The door slowly swings open, the figure making special care so it doesn’t hit the shelves or ring the bell above. Despite the lights being off, it still gave a homey vibe. Shelves filled with books on either side of the shop, each labelled with its appropriate genre and in alphabetical order according to author. Cozy plush chairs alongside the shelves. Persian rugs lining along the shelves and under the tables. Small tables set in the center, some designated tables for customers to sit down and read; others set with books and lists of recommendations for any customers who aren’t sure what they want. In the back, there are a set of stairs that lead to the upper level of the shop, another level filled with more books. If the figure came here during the day, this would definitely be a space where one would get a hot drink and pick out a book, just simply relaxing and taking in the warm and soft atmosphere. But what they’re looking for isn’t something exactly available to the general public. 
They stealthily climb up the stairs, stepping on the tips of their toes, making as little noise as possible. Reaching the upper level, there are more chairs and tables along the bookshelves. The genres labeled on the shelves are about as common as one could expect. 
Graphic Novels. 
Science Fiction. 
Young Adult Fiction. 
Why would this figure go through all the trouble of breaking in only to see these all too common genres? 
But as they are quickly skimming through each book title in each genre, one clearly stands out and doesn’t fit in with the others labelled on the shelves. 
Nordic Landscapes.
“Now why would a puto nature book be in the fiction section of this place?” 
It was subtle enough, but it took a keen eye to see that it didn’t fit with all the rest. They pull out the book, quickly flipping through the pages, each filled with beautiful photographs of the Nordic environment. Tall dark mountains. Wide fields of green. Vast amounts of forest, lined with cold snow. But nothing special came of the pages. Just pretty pictures. They put the book down, taking a deep breath. 
“Puta mierda….there’s a reason why you’re here and not the rest of your friends. I passed the nature books coming in here. What are you hiding?....”
They look at its cover, the spine. There was nothing particular about it, but then they look at where they pulled it from. From the shelf it was on, in the far back, there was something there. A hidden compartment. They quickly put their hand on the back of the shelf, pressing whatever hidden indentations or switches they can. And then…
The back of the shelf opened up, the hidden compartment small and pitch black. All they could do is pull their arm into the small space and feel around. Their fingers wrap around something small….cold…..metal. But just as they get a hold of whatever it was…
They quickly pull their arm out of the compartment and dodge whatever was thrown at them. They look to their right and see it. A knife, deeply embedded into a copy of Twilight just where their head was. 
They quickly looked in front of them, and there was the owner of the knife. A tall man with a beard and his dark hair tied back into a bun, wearing a godawful wolf shirt that looked as though he got it straight out of a dumpster and a grey zip-up sweatshirt. His expression read calm, but there was something in those dark eyes of his. Nonetheless, a knife wouldn’t be enough to faze the intruder. 
“Oh sorry. Ya want your knife back, cabron?”, the figure playfully remarked. 
Again, nothing from the man. 
They look at the man, with the same curiosity that a cat has with another animal. As they slowly stood up straight, the man watched them carefully, reading their moves.
“Ok, listen here, pendejo. I’m kinda in a bit of a hurry, so would you be so kind as to just let me outta here? We really don’t have to make a huge thing out of this-” 
Before the intruder could finish their sentence, the man threw another knife at near light speed at them again. But this time they didn’t bother to try to dodge the knife, but at the same speed as the man threw the knife, they twisted their body slightly and caught it within a hair’s inch to their eye. Although it didn’t show, the man was somewhat impressed by this, but still remained stone-faced. 
“Oh, ok I see. Well just know, I’m not gonna make it easy for ya, lobo” , the figure mocked, taking a stance, pointing the knife the man threw at them at him, with a wide grin on their face. 
He wasn’t sure how this person got in, but the fact that they were specifically looking in there was enough to confront them. Basim had been resting just five minutes earlier, but apparently Alethia felt that something was amiss in the shop. Although Anna had said that it could be an animal just hanging around the front cameras for too long, he decided to go down and check himself. Seems that Alethia was correct in suspecting something. 
Despite the darkness of the shop, the light of the Sturgeon full moon, he was able to see the intruder’s face. They appeared to be a young woman with deep tan skin and short black hair. She was dressed in a black bomber jacket and a light beige tank top, with olive pants. Her arm was in the hidden compartment, too close to getting what was in the space. Just as quickly he had gotten there, he quickly threw a knife to where her head was. But just as quickly as he threw it, the woman just as quickly dodged it and it dug deep into a book that looked like a tacky young lovers novel. 
Damn, Anna won’t be pleased, Basim thought to himself seeing that knife in the spine of the book. 
But he quickly shook the thought off, as he made eye contact with the young woman. She didn’t appear frightened by either the knife or his presence. But rather seemed to enjoy the situation. 
She made a couple of taunts at him, not that they were really something intimidating to begin with. As she made a terrible excuse for a negotiation, Basim decided to quickly end his misery and threw another knife, hoping this one would make its mark. But to his surprise, not only did the woman not dodge it, but she caught it. 
As she caught the knife, she looked at him with a wide grin on her face, almost ready to pounce at him. 
“Oh, ok I see. Well just know, I’m not gonna make it easy for ya, lobo.” 
Just as she finishes her sentence, not even looking behind her, the woman reaches for the knife that was embedded into the book and throws it at him full force. It was surprising, but nothing he wasn’t prepared for. 
At least I’ll be getting that knife back, he thought as he quickly dodged the knife-lodged book and moved to pull it out. As he managed to dig the knife out of the book’s spine, the woman was now trying to escape the shop, jumping from the upper level to the lower floor. 
With that, he gave chase. 
Just fucking great. Now I gotta deal with this Walmart Jacob Black person? 
The intruder was now trying to get out of the shop, with the man now right behind them. Just as they were within a couple of feet of the front door, a chair was thrown, blocking their way to the door. They quickly look behind to see the man again. 
Ohhh...I get it. Well be careful what you wish for, Discount Ardeth Bay.
They slowly move about, looking at the man, reading his movements and the environment around them. Neither of them are willing to let the other out of their sight. The intruder quickly closes the space between them, baring the knife that had been thrown at them earlier. The man quickly side steps  out of the way, jumping over a nearby table.
By the time the intruder was able to run over to where the man leapt over the table, he was nowhere to be found. They quickly looked around, to the left, right. He seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, but just as quickly as the man had gone, they heard a slight creak from above. He leapt on them, an attempt to quickly immobilize them to the ground. They just as quickly flipped onto the table, and in a swift movement, kicked the table up and into the man. Once again, just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone. But the intruder was able to retrace where he had been, and anticipated when he would strike next. 
They kept their eyes peeled, only the gaze of the moon outside bringing its light into the shop. As they shift their weight, slowly observing around them, they hear it. The man was quietly sneaking behind them, knife in hand. Just as he was going to pounce, knife to their throat, they spun and dropped, bringing with them the full force of their fist to his chest. He saw in that second he wouldn’t be able to escape it and prepared himself to take the blow. Once their fist had landed its target, it knocked him off his feet for a few seconds. 
As he regained his composure, he quickly saw that the intruder wasn’t going to let up on him and continue her attack on him, throwing both fists at him. He quickly dodged each one, once again brandishing his knife and making quick strikes at them, with them being just as quick to dodging each swipe of the knife as well. Basim knew he needed to get some distance between them, as any more hits from the intruder could lead to his downfall. He swiftly pushes them away from him, opening the distance between them. But just as he does, the intruder does something surprising: They actually take some of the furniture and start throwing it at him. From the chairs to the books. 
Well, if that’s how they want to play… He thought to himself, quickly dodging each object thrown at him, while also taking some objects as well and throwing it at them as well. 
Just as he throws a rather thick book at them, the intruder moves swiftly and again closes the distance between them again. This time, not only baring their fists, but also some powerful kicks. A rapid roundhouse to his right side brings him to his knees, a very strong kick. While he gets his bearings together, they continue to throw punch after punch and kick after kick at him. Basim was able to move out of the way for some of the blows, the ones that landed on him slowed him immensely. But he also noted that they were also growing tired from the brigade of attacks that they were throwing at him. This was his chance. As they twisted their body, and prepared to throw another blow his way, he feigned defeat. And just as they again met their fist with his torso, they were met with a knife to their throat. A smirk grew on his face as he saw the irritation on the intruders. 
“Looks like I won.” He declared, keeping a firm grip on the knife. 
But just as quickly as he stated that, he felt the all familiar poke to his side. The other knife he threw at them earlier. He had gotten it back. Somehow, they must’ve swiped it from him during their close encounters. 
His smirk faded, and one formed on their face as well. 
“Maybe you should check yourself before making any bold statements, pendejo.” They said, digging the knife into his side, just mere inches from being plunged into him. 
Neither willing to let up on their grips. It was a stand still, with only the moonlight from outside shining on the both of them. Then suddenly, the light in the shop switched on. 
“What is going on here?!”
A woman’s voice echoed out from the top of the second level of the shop. Both Basim and the intruder looked over, still with a tight grip on their knives to each other, to where the voice came from. There, on the top of the stairs, a woman with short brown hair stood. She had on a light brown blouse, with a medium length mocha skirt and a pair of black ankle boots. Her round glasses almost encased her vivid green eyes, both of which looked down at the both of them with disapproval. The intruder looked at her with a rather curious fascination. 
“Oh? Well, hello there~” The intruder said, with a flirtatious tone to their voice. 
Before Basim could react, they delivered a powerful knee right to his crotch. One that immediately brought him to the ground, dropping his knife in the process. They slowly walked over to the railing of the stairs, pocketing the knife that was just at Basim’s side, taking in the woman up on the upper level. She, on the other hand, was quite taken aback by what was going on. 
“No one told me that someone as fetching as you would be here. Vaya, señorita. And who might you be?~” They said, leaning back on the railing. 
The woman, although quite shocked at the scene unfolding in front of her, decided to respond. 
“My name is Anna Kastello...and this is my bookshop. And that man that you so rudely kneed behind you is Basim.” She said, motioning to the man who was lying on the floor, trying to recover from the vigorous blow earlier. 
The intruder looked behind at him, shrugged and looked back up at Anna. 
“Well, my deepest apologies, Miss Anna. As for him, he’ll be fine...just needs to ice that area for the next 48 hours. And since you’ve given me the pleasure of your name, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Mari.” 
Anna looked down at them, still quite taken from how this night was going. And how forthcoming the intruder- Mari- was being. Given how late it was, and the mess in her shop, Anna decided that she was going to humor them, and get to the bottom of why they broke in to begin with. 
“Please explain to me...why is it that you’re here...Mari?” 
“Oh? Well allow to say, as much as I’m enticed by you, querida, I’m not stupid. I’m quite aware of what exactly this shop stands for...and I believe you do as well. This...malparido behind me is living evidence of what actually goes on here.” Mari uttered, motioning to Basim in the back, who was now slowly getting up and using the fallen table aside to hold him up. A playful expression on their face. 
Anna was shocked to hear that this random individual knew of what went on in the shop, and even knew what role Basim played into it. She couldn’t deny it, but as much as she was afraid, she was also calm. If this Mari person here was truly an enemy of theirs and wanted to harm them, they would’ve gone to Abstergo or worse and brought the full force of the corporation down on the shop. But they didn’t. Although they did give Basim quite a beating, seeing their face and how they’ve taken in the situation, Anna suspected that they weren’t there on behalf of anyone. She was going to find out. 
“I won’t deny what we’re doing here. It is what you’ve said. But judging from your expressions, despite the absolute mess you’ve both made here, I believe that you’re not here to do anyone’s bidding. But rather, there’s something you want to know. And I want to know what that is. That is...on one condition…” Anna stated, making her stance firm and clear. 
Mari, tilting their head in curiosity, was entranced by what Anna was saying, and willing to go along with what she was saying. 
“And that may be, querida?” 
“...Pick up this mess...I have to open up in several hours and I’d rather not close up just to clean up.” She said, slowly turning around and walking to the back of the shop. 
Mari couldn’t have been more thrilled. 
“With pleasure!” 
Anna, as she walked to the back, rubbed her temples slightly. This was going to be a long night.
...to be continued...
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stargazing-enby · 4 years
Tag game
Rules: tag 9 people who you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions.
Thanks @alxmeg for the tag! 😊❤️
3 ships I like: right now, the top 3 are Drarry (HP), Catradora (She-Ra) and Dillie (Dina/Ellie from The Last of Us 2) (I like Owen and Abby a bit too much for my own good too, though 😅)
Last song I listened to: Si Tú La Quieres - David Bisbal, Aitana
Last Movie I watched: I can't remember 😂 I've watched a few on TV with my dad and his wife recently, but not very interesting ones, in all honesty. I think the last one was this one about some families from India that were kidnapping each others' daughters...? I stopped watching alfway through because the portrayed abuse was a bit too much for me to watch with my family 😅
Current Readings: The Mammoth Hunters by Jean M. Auel (3rd book in the Earth's Children series), and Sapiens: a Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari (which I'm not exactly reading — @paoak is reading it to me 😇)
Current Cravings: mmm... I'm not craving anything right now, but I wouldn't mind having a cream ice cream covered in chocolate 😋
Tagging @comaraudery, @otpcutie, @drarryangels, @julcheninred, @fleetofshippyships, and @kittycargo — please don't reblog this post, but tag me on yours if you do it so I can see ❤️
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the-eve-codes · 4 years
Alias: eve Timezone: gmt Favo(u)rite plots/tropes: friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, for some reason i love cute parks and rec type employee group plots? also love a good old slow burn Favo(u)rite British slang term you’ve ever heard: this is more an accent thing, but i’m obsessed with how one of my old managers would say “are you alright?” like “are you oarwright?”. on a more cursed scale, wanker. also a personal fan of mardy and naff. also i know a more cursed one but it needs a tw i imagine so if you wanna know the Really Cursed One idk hmu? What you’re reading/watching/listening to right now: currently reading (well listening to on audible) “sapiens: a brief history of humankind”. tbh though, i’m mostly playing video games a lot rn, namely no man’s sky. music wise, i’m lowkey kpop trash and i’ve been listening to taemin’s two part album “never gonna dance again” non stop since like october ooops. Your favo(u)rite cursed image:
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forever--rain · 4 years
1 3 22 24 🥰
1. What are you currently reading/what is the last book you read?
Bit of a list here! I read lots of books at once.
- SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard
- The Roman Triumph by Mary Beard
- Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton
- Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
- The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown
- Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit
- Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl
- Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere) by Lisa Cron
- The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton
3. What is your current recommendation for anyone looking for something to read?
For nonfiction, it would have to be SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard. (If reading isn’t your thing, she’s got some great documentary episodes on Prime! Both on camera and in writing, she’s witty and intelligent and just SO excited to nerd out about Ancient Rome. And she loves sharing tidbits you’d never learn in school! She knows a LOT about the average citizens of Ancient Rome which is way more fascinating than all of the emperors and their drama!) For fiction... I would recommend Persuasion by Jane Austen. This is by far one of my favorite books of all time and is SERIOUSLY UNDER-APPRECIATED. It’s possibly the best of all her books and is a fairly quick read.
22. Music or no music while reading? Classical, ambient noise, or pop?
It really depends on my mood. If I want to listen to music while I read, I’ll put on cello music.
24. Bookmarks, creases edges, memorization, or random scraps of things?
Oh, gosh! So when I was a kid, I was taught to NEVER harm a book. So I am vehemently opposed to creasing the edges. And then I had some bad experiences with bookmarks that split the bindings on a bunch of my books. So I am a strict memorization person ONLY.
Thanks for asking! 💜
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ranaeissance · 5 years
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2020 TBR and Reading Goals
read daily, even if only a page — preferably aiming for 50-100pages  
read more non-fiction books — i can’t remember the last time i read a non-fiction book (and finished) that wasn’t for school related reasons ://
pOETRY — finally time to read up on the classics and also some modern poetry bc why not?? i don’t read a lot of poetry tho it seems like and i feel like a fraud 💀
read more classics baby — honestly classics hurt my head but i’ve read a few gems and hope to find more
women!!!women!!!women!!! — i’m on a hunt for more stories featuring well written females and/or written by female authors so throw me all of your suggestions!
utilise audiobooks — the first audiobook i ever listened to and actually finished was way back in 2017. then, sometime late dec 2019 i listened to agatha christie’s and then there were none bc the audio book was just under two hours. boy,,,,,,,,,,,,, the voice acting?? the sounds??? i was so immersed in the story while i was folding laundry?? and i didn’t even have to crack open a page???
a disclaimer: i probably won’t be able to read everything on this list but to read even a quarter would be amazing
Crime and Punishment
East of Eden
Brideshead Revisited
Dark Academia
If We Were Villains
The Likeness
The Lake of Dead Languages
The Faculty Club
Station Eleven
Sophie’s World
Lolita (last two chapters baby)
She Said
Superior: The Return of Race Science
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
2019 Books
The Testaments
The Dutch House
The Starless Sea
The Talented Mr Ripley
My Sister the Serial Killer
Black Chalk
Gone Girl
Call Me By Your Name
They Both Die in the End
Love Simon
Six of Crows Duology
A Darker Shade of Magic
Series (finishing up)
The Land of Stories: An Author’s Odyssey
The Land of Stories: World’s Collide
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The Eighth Life
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just-the-hiddles · 4 years
Let's get personal!! #41 & #44💙
41: What was the last book you read?  Oh Lord, it has been a hot minute.  I listened to the audiobook was Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari.  That book changed me.
44: What was the last film you saw?  In theaters, Fantasy Island.  My husband would not shut up about it!!!  At my house, I rewatched Only Lovers Left Alive.  I’ve been watching TV since Saturday.  
Thank you for asking!!  
Let’s Get Personal
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#finishedbooks Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. Got this from the library after several recommendations. It is as the subtitle suggests, a brief history of humankind from the big bang to speculation on the future of an a-mortal cyborg human being. He goes about this dividing our history into four parts: The Cognitive, The Agricultural Revolutions, unification of humankind, and The Scientific Revolution. In this he shows how humans have thrived thru mutual cooperation in large groups which was achieved through our collective imagination in believing in things that don't exist through mutual trust such as country borders, economic and political systems, various gods, and human rights all converging toward an interdependence. Pointing out the stumbling blocks on the way such as the ills of the agricultural revolution and later the scientific revolution stemming from European thought suggesting that technology has come to the point of ending the species as we know it. With that and coming in at just over 400 pages it doesn't go deep into specifics rather than an overview that is well written in the connections he makes but doesn't contribute anything new. Really prior to this Visa issue, in Tokyo I pretty much confined my reading to art history/theory, foreign literature, and random 20th century history. But since being back in the US (with a lot of free time) relying on the library and finding a wider availability of books in English at cheaper prices I have been stretching myself so now having read random topics from astrophysics, theology, political science, geology, all sorts of theories, mythology, etc I kind of felt reading this would be redundant and it was. I would have gotten way more out of this prior to my visa issue, but if not up on this (which I wasn't 2 years ago) this is a solid read for one to then go and choose something like game theory to really dive into. I have come to the point instead of reading topical works on say Darwin, I'd rather just read Darwin and cut out other interpertations to distill my own. Also, relates to being back in the US as everyone presses me to listen to Podcasts which I refuse for the same reason. Structurally for the most part the ones I was forced to listen to begin with self promotion, then they start getting into some facts but constantly digress with this weird American mix of cynicism and sarcasm underlying a rather forceful liberal reactionary view (it does have to entertain and I am definitely not conservative but it is easy and narrow), and usually ends with instructions on what social media likes I should give them and what else to check out, etc. For myself and the way I prioritize my time, I skip out on this accessible second-third-fourth hand information and would just rather read the source material myself. With that there is nothing wrong with accessibility and a lot of people truly don't have the time, but I do and maximize it. Because the fun in reading for myself is rattling the ideas around in my brain compared to everything I have read, adapting it to my perspective, etc etc and just seeing what I can come up with. Also I feel it is my responsibility if I am going to call myself an artist, creator, or story teller to take the time and go deeper so I can perhaps show you something you maybe haven't seen or heard of before...otherwise what good is my perspective if I only indulge in Marvel films or Podcasts like everyone else? I can always see in an artist who aesthetically hasn't gone further than basquait, sonically further than 90s hip-hop, and say in film gone no further than 70s American cinema... the results are usually uninteresting but there is more to it than that.
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the-final-sentence · 6 years
Enjoy this list of our most reblogged final sentences from each month last year! Here’s to another year of lots of reading and writing!
Maybe in this season, drunk and sentimental, I’m willing to admit a part of me, crazed and kamikaze, ripe for anarchy, loves still. 
Sandra Cisneros, from “One Last Poem for Richard”
Because sometimes a thing’s not a thing until you say it out loud.
David Arnold, from Mosquitoland
Know that the only remedy for love is to love more.
Alice Hoffman, from The Rules of Magic
And sometimes… …sometimes we fly.
Jenny Lawson, from Furiously Happy
Nothing would be easier without you, because you are everything, all of it – sprinkles, quarks, giant donuts, eggs sunny-side up – you are the ever-expanding universe to me.
Kate DiCamillo, from Flora and Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures
She was there, smiling at me, as if nothing bad had ever passed between us.
Sarah Stovell, from Exquisite
We grow.
Maya Angelou, from “Glory Falls”
And then she was gone.
Alethea Kontis, from “Unicorn Gold”
All night long rain drummed on the windows.
Anton Chekhov, from “Gooseberries”, trans. Ronald Hingley
Somehow, she had the idea that not everybody would understand.
Tamora Pierce, from The Realms of the Gods
Her lips were eager and waiting, parted in laughter, when his lips found them.
Barbara Michaels, from Vanish with the Rose
The song remains.
Terry Pratchett, from The Last Hero
It was time to move on.
Hilari Bell, from Thief’s War
And what a sky it is.
Mackenzi Lee, from The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
And if there was trouble ahead, well, she was ready for it.
Tamora Pierce, from The Woman Who Rides Like a Man
Is there anything more dangerous than dissatisfied and irresponsible gods who don’t know what they want?
Yuval Noah Harari, from Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
I am thinking of a fairy tale that is not yet written, for a teller not yet born, for a listener not yet conceived, for a world not yet won, where everything round is good: the sun, wheels, cookies, and the princess.
Jane Yolen, from “Fat Is Not a Fairy Tale”
That was when I cried, long and loud, a sound I hope never to make again as long as I live.
Jane Yolen, from “Mama Gone”
I am tidepool in the shallows, I am lace on top of wave, I am shell and shifting sand steps, I am undertow and grave.
Jane Yolen, from “Warning from the Undine”
Even if it damns us to all eternity, Even then.
Jane Yolen, from “On Meeting a God”
“I’ll risk it,” he said.
Barbara Michaels, from Prince of Darkness
But I love your feet only because they walked upon the earth and upon the wind and upon the waters, until they found me.
Pablo Neruda, from “Your Feet”
She ends it by asking a question that electrified me when I first read it in 1992, and that, when my mother died four years later, I absorbed into my bloodstream, like an unspoken mantra: Tell me what is it you plan to do With your one wild and precious life?
Kate Bolick, from Spinster
The sound of the sea followed her all the way home, part melody and part unending moan.
Jane Yolen, from “Sule Skerry”
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bitem4 · 5 years
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Sometimes I think the universe hates me.
Today I woke up super early, made a cappuccino and watched the sun rise, I just stand there looking to nature do her thing and I was really happy.
After that I started cleaning the house while listen to T.S. Eliot (read by Jeremy Irons of course, which I recommend a lot, it was a beautiful way to start the day).
Then I made some orange juice and toasts, sat on the table and read a little bit of "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" (wich I also recommend, though it's not as great as I thought it would be, still is a very interresting book).
After all that I took a shower and started studying and I was being super productive... until about eleven o'clock.
Out of the blue my throat started to burn and hurt and now I got one hell of a sore throat.
I'm currently leying in bed watching "The Wedding Date" and feeling like crap. What can I say? Murphy's law is a thing.
(at least I have this pretty photo haha)
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greatestemilybooks · 1 year
Importance of books in our lives.
Books are more than just words on paper. They are sources of knowledge, wisdom, inspiration, entertainment, and joy. Books can open our minds to new perspectives, challenge our assumptions, and stimulate our curiosity. Books can also help us develop our skills, improve our communication, and enhance our creativity. In this blog post, I will explore some of the benefits of reading books and how they can enrich our lives. Books have played a fundamental role in human civilization for centuries. They are not merely collections of words on paper; rather, they are windows to knowledge, imagination, and the accumulated wisdom of generations. In a world filled with digital distractions and rapidly changing information sources, the act of reading a book remains essential. In this essay, we will explore why books are essential to read for lifelong learning and personal growth, delving into the numerous benefits they offer.
Books can expand our horizons.
One of the main advantages of reading books is that they can expose us to different cultures, histories, ideas, and experiences. Books can transport us to other places and times and allow us to see the world through the eyes of other people. By reading books, we can learn about the diversity of human life and appreciate the beauty and complexity of our world.
One of the primary reasons why books are essential is their capacity to impart knowledge. Books are repositories of information on virtually every subject imaginable. Whether you are interested in history, science, philosophy, or the arts, books provide in-depth and structured insights. Textbooks, in particular, are crucial for formal education, but books in general offer a wealth of information that can expand your understanding of the world.
For example, reading books by authors from different countries can help us understand their cultures, values, and traditions. Reading books by authors from different historical periods can help us appreciate the changes and continuities in human history. Reading books by authors from different fields of study can help us gain insights into various disciplines and domains of knowledge.
Some books that can expand our horizons are:
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a novel that tells the story of two boys from Afghanistan who face the turmoil of war, betrayal, and redemption.
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari is a book that explores the origins and evolution of our species and how we shaped the world.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams is a humorous science fiction series that follows the adventures of a human and his alien friends across the galaxy.
Books can improve our well-being.
Another benefit of reading books is that they can improve our mental and emotional well-being. Books can provide us with relaxation, entertainment, and pleasure. Books can also help us cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. Books can offer us guidance, support, and comfort in difficult times.
For example, reading books for fun can help us reduce our cortisol levels, which are associated with stress. Reading books can also increase our empathy, which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Reading books can also boost our self-esteem, which is the confidence and respect we have for ourselves.
Some books that can improve our well-being are:
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is a novel that follows the journey of a young shepherd who pursues his dream and learns to listen to his heart.
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin is a memoir that chronicles the author’s year-long experiment to find happiness in her everyday life.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle: A book that teaches how to live in the present moment and overcome negative thoughts and emotions
Books can enhance our creativity.
A third advantage of reading books is that they can enhance our creativity. Creativity is the ability to produce original and valuable ideas or products. Books can stimulate our imagination, spark our curiosity, and foster our innovation. Books can also help us develop our critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
For example, reading books that are creative or imaginative can help us generate new ideas or solutions for our projects or challenges. Reading books that are informative or factual can help us acquire new information or skills that we can apply or adapt to our situations. Reading books that are challenging or complex can help us improve our analytical and logical abilities.
Some books that can enhance our creativity are:
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is a classic children’s book that tells the story of a young prince who explores different planets and meets various characters.
Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell: A book that examines the factors that contribute to high levels of achievement in different domains
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is a thriller novel that involves a series of puzzles and mysteries related to art, religion, and history.
There are many classic books that everyone should read, but here are some suggestions based on the web search results I found:
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez: This is a masterpiece of magical realism that tells the epic saga of the Buendía family over seven generations. It is a novel that explores the themes of history, fate, love, and memory in a captivating way.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: This is one of the most beloved novels of all time, featuring the witty and spirited Elizabeth Bennet and the proud and arrogant Mr. Darcy. It is a story of romance, social class, and manners in 19th-century England.
1984 by George Orwell: This is a dystopian novel that depicts a totalitarian society where Big Brother watches every move and thought of the citizens. It is a warning against the dangers of totalitarianism, propaganda, and surveillance.
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger: This is a coming-of-age novel that follows the rebellious and cynical Holden Caulfield as he wanders around New York City after being expelled from his prep school. It is a novel that captures the voice and angst of adolescence.
There There, by Tommy Orange: This is a contemporary novel that follows the lives of twelve Native American characters as they converge at the Big Oakland Powwow. It is a novel that explores the themes of identity, belonging, and trauma in Native American communities.
There are many ways to find a good book to read, depending on your preferences, interests, and goals. Here are some methods you can try:
Use a book recommendation website or app. Many online platforms can help you discover new books based on your mood, genre, theme, or other criteria. For example, you can use Which Book to find books with a specific mood and emotion, such as happy, sad, funny, or scary. You can also use Goodreads to browse book lists, ratings, reviews, and suggestions from other readers.
Check out bestseller lists or award-winning books. If you want to read books that are popular, critically acclaimed, or influential, you can look at various bestseller lists or award-winning books. For example, you can check out the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and nonfiction, the Booker Prize for literary fiction, or the New York Times Best Sellers for various categories.
Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or booksellers. Sometimes, the best way to find a good book is to ask someone who knows you well or who has similar tastes as you. You can chat with your friends, family members, or booksellers about what books they are reading or have enjoyed recently. You can also join online or offline book clubs or communities to share your opinions and get suggestions from other book lovers.
Shop your bookshelf or library. If you have a lot of unread books on your shelf or in your library, you can pick one randomly or based on your mood. You may be surprised by the gems you find in your collection. You can also reread some of your favorite books if you are in a slump or want to revisit some old friends.
Read the first chapter or a sample. Sometimes, the best way to decide if a book is good for you is to read a bit of it and see if it hooks you. You can read the first chapter or a sample of a book online or in a bookstore before buying it. You can also use apps like Amazon Kindle or Google Play Books to download free samples of ebooks and read them on your device.
I hope these methods help you find a good book to read. Happy reading
Books are powerful tools that can enrich our lives in many ways. By reading books, we can expand our horizons, improve our well-being, and enhance our creativity. Books can also bring us joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Therefore, I encourage you to read more books and discover their benefits for yourself.
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