astrxealis ยท 2 years
okay watching the black eagles trailer now bcs its the only one i havnt watched and GEHEGWIHRKSJ no bcs i was thinking of how hubert = akechi in voice yeah ?? hits ๐Ÿซข๐Ÿซฃ now that i know that better LMAO but then dorothea shows up and i orwhifhwkdn BROOOWIRNEKDJ SHE IS SOROWHRJ SO PRETTY
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fireemblems24 ยท 3 years
Silver Snow - Final
Alright, so last time last chapter, for Silver Snow. It's been very, very long lol. But I'm sad to see it end.
Alright, so I'm guessing this gravestone thing is picking who I marry?
Annnnd I pick Rhea!
I'll be honest, I was a bit nervous that I forgot which route I needed to rush to her A-Support for, so I'm relieved I got to pick her.
I'll be honest. I have NO idea who we're going to fight on the last map. Before I go to the mission, here's a few guessed: Evil!Edelgard from FEH (though that seems more likely for AM), TWSITD leader, that one dude from the opening cutscene (Nemesis, I believe).
Let's see if I guessed right.
Rhea without a crown on her head looks weird.
I really wish she got more of a role in this route, not gonna lie.
Is Rhea gonna die? But I picked to marry her. She better not die.
Byleth ruling Fodlan in this route makes sense at least. Especially if Rhea's all sick and stuff now.
Great, Rhea's just a plot-dump instead.
So Rhea this whole time just wanted to see her Mom, poor woman.
So she fused Sothis and Byleth together? Why? Is that what Jeralt was freaked out about in the diary?
Ah, so Rhea created human-like bodies, and upgraded to real babies then? That's kinda shady, kinda illegal sounding.
OH, ok. Thank God. I thought Rhea ran around experimenting on babies. But if it wasn't going to survive anyways, than she actually gave it its only change. So Sothis stone is something like a pace maker for Byleth?
And Byleth's mother actually asked Rhea to do it. This gets less and less sus the more it goes on lol.
Ok, so that explains why Byleth was all weird before Sothis woke up too, because it was only magic keeping Byleth alive.
But . . . if Sothis is inside Byleth, and Sothis is Rhea's mom, and I'm marrying Rhea - does that mean incest? Leave it to Fire Emblem to create the most pesudo-incest-but-not-really-kinda? ever invented. I guess we know what else Holy Wars inspired in this game.
Man Rhea just ran around being like Fodlan's Oprah - you get a crest stone, and you get some blood, and you get some blood! Everyone wins!
OMG Rhea, stop making this incest thing more apparent! Now she's like your mom was my mom, you're my mom, and your dad is also me. Let's fuck. Only Fire Emblem.
So let me get this straight. In part 1, Rhea was nice to Byleth because she saw Byleth as a vessel for Sothis. Claude was nice to Byleth because Byleth could wield a powerful weapon and had a mystery crest. This also seems to be the reason Edelgard was nice to Byleth based on support timing. So only Dimitri really saw Byleth, hunh?
They really went and made the self-insert an actual god lamo.
WTF is going on with Rhea? It's that heartbeat noise again.
Is Rhea going super saiyan?
The power of her crest is taking over her body. OMG is Rhea the final boss? What a random as hell ending.
Does that mean I don't get to marry anyone??
I seriously can't believe Berserk Rhea is the final part of this story. Crazy dragon isn't anything new to Fire Emblem, but how lame. There was 0 build up to this.
I'm not killing Rhea, Seteth.
If Rhea lives though, imagine all the embarrassing stories she's going to have to deal with and endless PMS jokes.
I'm really glad I'm not all split up. It looked that way on the map at first.
Ick, imagine having to drink blood and have some crest stone in you just to get a promotion at your job.
Gotta give Seteth credit for not hesitating to take down berserk Rhea no matter how much it must hurt him.
LAMO Linhardt doesn't want to kill Rhea because of the research potential. Boy didn't change AT ALL since chapter 1. And we love him for it.
This level was super easy - and then you fight Rhea.
If I didn't have Ferdinand Untouchable von Aegir, this would be a whole lot hell harder. I don't even remember the last time he took damage. This and pot shots with archer horses that hit-and-run took her down.
Still MVP is Ferdinand. Full stop.
He was always one of the best I had in SS, but he started falling behind especially Sylvain, but Petra and Lysithea were also beastly.
But Lysithea and Sylvain got gimped this chapter. Nothing physical can touch Sylvain, but all the magic damage meant his tanking was useless and he can't dodge Rhea either. Everything having high res or being immune to magic at first has made Lysithea severely less useful than usual. Petra is still pulling her weight, but it's all about the fact no one and nothing can touch Ferdinand.
38 turns OMG. Ferdie MVP though. As he should. That boy did a beat down on poor Rhea.
OMG. I think - I just beat my first final battle. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
3 more to go ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Lord give me the strength (especially Crimson Flower - I don't want to kill Dimitri OR Dedue ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ)
Seteth sounds so worried.
Holy shit, M!Byleth is pretty in this cut scene. He better be in Three Hopes or I riot.
Castle in the Sky vibes there
Oh, God, so awkward, she just called me mom, and I'm about to marry her, oh God they're going to have some weird sex aren't they?
Rhea's wild rampage - poor Rhea. After getting put on a bus the whole time, she comes back to rampage.
Noooo, why is Kingdom and the Alliance gone? The Empire can suck it, little Imperialists.
Where's Rhea in all this though?
So Byleth becomes an eternal pope king?? OMG, that's hilarious.
The art for those cut scenes though is so good. I really liked this last one of pope king Byleth.
RHEA!!!! There she is. Finally. And she's got her crown again.
Why is Rhea asking if it's okay if she's happy??? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Dragon lady deserves all the happiness.
I love how Rhea thinks her other form makes her deserve unhappiness. Like, I cannot tell you how long I've wanted to ride a dragon. Like Eragon was straight-up wish fulfillment. Only my desire for a unicorn was - is - stronger.
Pretty sure not "everyone" wants Byleth to lead. I don't remember voting for him.
Rhea, baby, stop putting yourself down :(
She is owning up to her shit though. Just like Dimitri did.
Now it's Edelgard's turn (I already know that's not happening)
HOW is Byleth's fate Rhea's fault? The alternative is dying stillborn. Like, come on, Rhea, you have a lot to own up too, but this ain't it.
Rhea's design is sooooo pretty though. If I was a cosplayer - that one. (but I don't have thighs like that)
RHEA ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
"Now, I wish only for you to be yourself . . . and to have you by my side."
OMG it's the classic FE "stay by my side" which was tantamount to marriage in the old games, because that's ALL YOU GOT.
They're both being so sweet, I can't.
And here's my ring ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
This is so damn cute. Do they all exchange rings like this?
Rhea sparkled. I made her sparkle.
Ok, that picture is kinda cringe, but Rhea's pretty, so I'll take it. Now I need to see Seteth's because . . . reasons.
OMG Rhea's such a SAP "I believe that our love can overcome all."
Sylvain and Ferdinand got MVP the most. Especially Sylvain. Lysithea and Byleth got it a lot too with the occasional Petra and Bernie.
Is it time for paired endings- yes!!
Cyril went o school. Good for him.
And Shamir became Robin Hood lol.
Catherine left, she's salty Rhea married me instead.
Alois became the captain, good for him!
Manuela helped orphans and never married ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
People forgot Flayn existed, but eventually called Seteth father ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Seteth helping the people as expected.
Hanneman kept doing his thing and undid Crest supremacy. What a champ.
Leonie took over Jeralst's mercenaries ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ and became an alcoholic, whyyyyy
Oh, wow, Felix paired up with no one. So he just became a mercenary. I forgot, he's my VW dancer. I didn't use him much here.
Anna made money. This is shocking.
LINHARDT and CASPAR - yesssss, I wanted these two. Lamo they traveled the world and nothing changed. With Caspar the himbo and Linhardt their shared braincell.
PETRA and DOROTHEA!!!!! Another one I wanted paired up!!!! So Petra made Brigid equal like the queen she is.
Wait . . . "Dorothea became the one Petra loved the most." There is no way to heterosexual that sentence. OMG ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ They deserve it.
Lorenz and Lysithea - alright I guess. I wanted Lorenz and Leonie, and don't really ship Lysithea with anyone (maybe Cyril?)
WTF ending is that. Lysithea comes up with some queen boss shit and Lorenz gets all the credit? I guess that's what likely happened all the time, but a shit ending for Lysithea. She's sick and her husband gets all the credit. Damn, she deserved better. Way better.
Sylvain and Ingrid - awww, they seemed pushed together, so I'm happy with this. And Sylvain also ended Crest supremacy and went down and an amazing lord.
That's great for him, but I wish we got a bit more of Ingrid in that ending. Marrying Sylvain doesn't sound so bad though.
OMG Ferdinand married Bernie - lolol. Honestly, not so bad. I think it's cute they were engaged. And I think they'll be cute together.
So Bernie ruled Ferdie's territory while Ferdie ran around helping out all of Fodlan. Eh, it's an alright ending.
Now it's me and Rhea, yea
So Rhea's the pope still, and I'm king. That works. And Rhea helped all those who suffered in war and we were boss leaders. Generic, but I'll take it.
I think that's it, guys.
I'm officially done with Silver Snow.
One down. Three to go.
Oh, music time. Now I'm getting emotional. Lord help me when it's AM and it's my last one.
I'll be writing up a review on SS later.
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