flovverworks · 1 year
"Are you like, really close to any of them in particular? The group you got flashbang pack-bonded with." They're peeling off their eyepatch as they ask the not-mirror their weird, clumsy inquiry: they haven't even truly asked who they even have in their assortment, haven't even checked to see if they have any different people (the possibility that maybe, someone doesn't exist, someone else is in their place, it plagues them like mold on six week old sliced bread). The cloth carefully removed, placed in their lap so softly as if it's a hair ribbon and not a covering for the aftermath of their own hubris, they turn to face their companion: other Akira, same name, slightly different meanings. Two-in-one, but not the same, like a set of earrings where the colors accidentally were mismatched. "I'm good friends with one of them, even if he complains. Probably wouldn't tell him directly, but I do think I like him more than just a friend. I'll tell you that much, so you don't gotta feel awkward now, okay?"
It's curious, the way they phrase it. Picking favorites wasn't something Akira was willing to do (with the exception of Riquet's hopeful eyes that one time), the time ticking by already leaving an uncomfortable feeling in their chest. How do you choose between your children, how do you choose between all the cats in the world, how do you choose between the people you love—but that's not what they're asked. Closeness is something they forced. In the guise of wishing the Sage after them to have an easier time adapting, to ensure the wizards didn't have to explain their dislike for certain situations year after year. It must've been uncomfortable, sharing your life with someone you just met. They hoped it to become useful one day—and that's not what they were asked either.
The curiosity (or maybe it's fear for what happened to only one of them) about their eye takes the backseat, their love for love stronger than their current habit of asking questions too personal. How romantic (how painful) to fall for someone in the world you were whisked to, like words straight out of a drama. Was it difficult to meet the him in this place? Or were they different so it didn't matter? (They didn't dare to consider that their wizards weren't the same.)
"I'm happy for you", they start, their interest in wishing to know more about it obvious. "Um, I mean, I'm sure it's very difficult. I don't have anyone like that, but thinking that I have to leave here one day..." for a moment the awe dies. "So if I was in love with any of them...I think I'd feel 'this is unfair'", a tragic romance, voiced with care. It hadn't been here, but their own heart had spoken those words before. Love wasn't easy, and even so they stayed so utterly enamored. "I hope you can tell him someday. It's a miracle you and I met, so maybe it'll work out! If you need any advice I'd love it if you asked me", and so the excitement returns, hoping that they'd eventually find out more about the wizard they didn't mention by name.
"As for me..." they do pause, searching their feelings to make sure, when in reality they already knew the moment the words left their mouth. "...Cain", ah, they had spoken of their affection for most of them in front or to them, and yet, doing it like this, had them feeling shy. Like the two of them were sharing secrets rather than curious questions. "When I first got here he was the one who listened to me", had the two of them shared the same start? Or did things already diverge back there. "He has this way of always making me feel like things will work out no matter what, I know he has a lot of things burdening him that he doesn't speak about, but I'm very grateful for him", they don't look at the other, instead holding their gaze slightly to the side while reminiscing all the times Cain had been looking out for them, and hoping they could repay even a fraction of that. "I don't know how close we are, but I think if I knew someone like him back in my world, life would be a bit more bearable."
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