hyukassubi · 1 year
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*GASPS* 😳😳😳
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wandas-sunshine · 4 years
The Good Side
Summary: Steve made a mistake, but at least you got the good side of things. He just never imagined that it would hurt so badly.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (sorta)
Word Count: 2222
Warnings: Angst, there’s no happy ending here, cheating
Flashbacks are in italics
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You were nervous sitting there in the same little cafe that the two of you used to meet at almost daily. You were tucked into the back corner at your usual table, gazing out the window with your back to the door. Your cup was steaming in front of you. You hadn’t touched it yet. See, sitting there, and sipping your coffee, and watching people passing by on the busy streets while you waited for him to come...it felt too much like when things were okay between you. It felt too much like those days when he’d come and press sweet kisses to your lips, and apologize for being late. But he was always late, and it was always okay, because he was always sorry, and you could never stay mad at him when those big blue eyes looked so guilty.
The little bell over the door jingled in the way that used to excite you. Now it filled you with an anxious sort of dread. It had been over a year since you’d last seen Steve in person, and it hadn’t exactly been the most pleasant parting of ways.
You were shaking as you packed up your things from Steve’s apartment. Neither of you had said a word to each other since you’d walked through the door. He was just following you around the apartment, standing in the doorways. Your chest ached from the crying that you didn’t want to admit you’d been doing all night long.
He stood there with crossed arms, brooding silently as you erased every trace of yourself from the apartment the two of you had shared for the past year. You folded the flaps of the box together, and he stepped towards you so he could carry it to your car. Before he could, you’d scooped it into your own arms and brushed past him.
“(Y/N), let me help.” He pleaded. You glared at him. His voice was hoarse, you figured yours wasn’t sounding much better. You had cried yourself to sleep and hadn’t stopped crying since you woke up.
“You’ve made it perfectly clear that you don’t need me around. I don’t need you to usher me out of your life.” You snapped. The words stung you to say, but they sunk into Steve’s heart like venomous fangs. You’d been together for three year. Of course you’d had your fair share of fights. But never had he heard you sound so...over him.
The chair across from you was pulled out, and Steve sat himself down in front of you. He looked different. Less like the all-American boy-next-door you’d been in love with. His blonde hair was shaggier now, and he’d grown his beard out. You expected it to sting looking at him now, but it didn’t. Maybe you’d fallen out of love with more grace than you’d initially realized. Betrayal would do that to a person
“You look good, (Y/N).” He spoke after a moment. Hearing your name from his lips was strange after so long. It didn’t sound like music to your ears anymore. His voice was wavering, the way it used to after he’d been crying. Part of you wondered...You shook off the thought. It wasn’t fair to guilt yourself like that.
“You do too. The beard is a good look on you.” You looked down at the steam billowing from the cup tucked carefully between your hands. You just barely caught his forced smile. “So...how are things? We haven’t talked in…” You knew that he knew just how long it had been. You were the one to stop answering his 4am texts, after all.
“Nothing’s really changed. I moved in with Bucky.” He informed you. He didn’t mention that it was because he couldn’t exist in his apartment without thinking about how much colder it felt without your light in it, without remembering that you were never coming back to him. You nodded, completely unsure of what to say. Then he pointed to your hand. “You have a...that’s...that’s new.”
Your eyes drifted down to the sparkling engagement ring nestled on your finger. Your face lit up, and the knowledge that someone else’s love made it brighten that way made Steve sick. How could he have been so stupid as to let you go.
“Yeah. It’s new. His name’s Thomas. He asked me last month. It was a little fast, but I know he’s the one.” You beamed at your ex and brought your cup up to your lips, finally taking a drink. “What about your love life? You and Sharon still…” You weren’t sure how to word it. You didn’t even know what they had been before.
“No. We...It didn’t last.” He sighed and scratched at his jaw. You should have felt worse that he’d lost her, but how could you after everything?
You were curled up to his chest in absolute bliss, the thin white sheet being the only thing between your skin and the cool air of your shared room. Your chest was sticking just a little to his, both of you still heated from your celebration of your engagement. Neither of you minded one bit. His arms were still wrapped around you, one hand stroking through your hair while the other traced lazily against your back. He always got that way after sex. Soft and touchy, like you’d disappear if he wasn’t holding you. It had become your favorite thing. A reminder that he loved you and wasn’t going to let you slip through his fingers.
“I love you so much, (Y/N).” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your head.
“I love you too, Stevie. Why else would I say yes?” You teased, waggling your finger at him and showing off the ring he’d slipped onto it only hours ago. You brushed your fingertips against his jaw and leaned up to press your lips together. The kiss was slow and sweet and didn’t last nearly long enough as he pulled your hand to his lips. A soft kiss was laid against your palm, then against the ring he had chosen.
The both of you were nearing sleep as you curled up, basking in the afterglow. It was all barely-there kisses and feather-light touches until the sound of a phone buzzing against the bedside table drew you out of it. You whined and stretched to pick up the offending device from where your two phones lay together. You glanced at his screen, expecting it to be Bucky or Nat asking how the proposal went. But when you opened the message, you were greeted by something exponentially worse.
“I’m sorry, Steve.” You met his gaze again. His eyes were still clouded with the same guilt from before. You wondered if they’d ever shine as bright as they once had. But Steve knew they never would. He would never be able to wash away the weight of losing the best thing that had ever happened to him.
“So you’re engaged. What else did I miss?” He asked. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure what to say now. He’d asked to meet in your old spot for a reason. He’d hoped it would bring back something, memories or buried feelings for him. It was naive really, but he had come with every intention of begging you to come back to him. He wasn’t sure why he’d expected you to be just as miserable as he was without you at his side. You’d always been good at looking on the bright side of things.
“I moved out of Nat’s place. I got my own apartment a few blocks away from her. Tom is moving in soon. Oh, and we got a dog!” You unlocked your phone to show Steve a picture of you and your brand new puppy. “And I got that promotion I was trying so hard to get.”
In complete honesty, your break up had brought out a side of you that you’d never expected. Instead of sulking around Natasha’s apartment, you’d dove head-first into making your life better. You socialized more with newer people, worked your ass off to get where you wanted to be. You’d become a brighter version of yourself. And as much as it hurt Steve to see you happy with anyone else, he was proud more than anything else.
“Looks like you got the good side of things” He couldn’t help the heartbroken chuckle that came after he spoke. Natasha had nearly killed him after you walked the three miles to her apartment, heartbroken and completely alone in the middle of the night. Then again when she found out why you had done it.
Your eyes scanned the screen like you were misreading it. A new message from Sharon Carter. It read “missing you Captain” with a series of very flirty emojis strung behind it. If that wasn’t enough to completely shatter your heart, the picture that loaded would. It was a mirror shot of the stunning blonde in America themed lingerie that was far too reminiscent of Steve’s suit. You slowly looked away from the phone to your fiance’s face.
“”(Y/N), what’s wrong?” He asked, blue eyes scanning your eyes while his brain thought through a million awful scenarios. Not one of them came close to the terrible reality.
“What…” You blinked back tears. “What is this?” You asked, sitting up and letting the sheet fall away from your body. You handed him the phone with an unsteady hand. You didn’t sound angry, or even upset. Just a little shocked.
“Let me explain.” He stated immediately. You shook your head, shifting to climb off the bed you two shared. The weight of the tension in the room was too heavy, too hot. You needed air. It felt like your lungs were caving in. All you could think about were his hands, the hands that had just pushed you to pleasure more times than you could count, all over her.
“Nothing to explain.” You countered. You were already pulling your clothes on as he sat up. “You slept with her, didn’t you?”
He gave you a look, a silent plea. You did your best not to look at him, but a whisper of your name shattered your resolve. You met his gaze, those sparkling eyes that once gave you so much comfort, a sense of home, were now clouded with guilt.
“When?” You settled your hands on your hips and trained your eyes on a random wrinkle in the sheets. Anything to keep you from looking at him.
“Once a few months ago.” You gave a slight nod at his answer, still at a loss for words. There was a long, heavy silence before he spoke once more. “Then again...three weeks ago.”
That was all you could take. You felt like you’d be sick if you stayed any longer. You buttoned up your jeans and shoved your feet into your shoes. Neither of you spoke as you gathered the most important things. Phone, keys, the overnight bag you usually kept packed in case of emergencies. Everything else could wait.
“(Y/N), please talk to me. Where are you gonna go?” He begged as your hand gripped the doorknob with a strength you didn’t even realize you had, your knuckles fading to white under the force. You looked down, and a gling caught your eye. What had you beaming with pride five hours earlier now just made you nauseous. “Baby?”
You squeezed your eyes shut to force back your tears. Your fingers made quick work of pulling off your ring. You tossed it onto the bed in front of him.
“Have a good life, Steve.” You turned to leave before pausing. “And tell Sharon thanks for me. It’s good to know who you can trust.”
“I guess I did get the good side.” You looked down at your cup again, but it wasn’t out of guilt or anger. “You know, I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”
For a moment, Steve brightened, and his heart didn’t feel so entirely full of lead.
“I don’t think I understand.” He confessed. You smiled, a genuine smile that lit up your face and made your eyes twinkle. Oh, how he missed being the cause of such radiance.
“You taught me how to be myself. You taught me how to love, Steve. You taught me how to love, and then you destroyed me.” Your words weren’t meant maliciously, they were just honest. Steve was sure death would hurt less than hearing you say things like that. “And that’s how I learned how to survive. I didn’t let myself wallow in self pity and I’m better for it. So thank you.”
Steve released a shaky breath. This had been an awful idea. Almost as bad as letting Sharon seduce him not once, but twice, all while he could have been reminding you how much he loved you. He could have been reminding you just how badly he needed you to breathe, but instead he tore apart your relationship. He hadn’t expected to lose you, but you walked away and took every good thing in his life with you.
“I’m sorry.” When Steve gave you a confused look, you elaborated. “I’m sorry that I got the good side of things.”
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gonna split this between canon character ships and oc-sprinkled ships. we'll start with canon (i also know most of these answer but eh): jeremy/rich, mr. heere/mr. reyes, michael/chloe, jake/rich, squip/michael, squip/brooke, brooke/madeline (STILL COUNTS, SHE'S TECHNICALLY A CANON CHARACTER), squip/rich's squip (in general fanon 'rich's squip isn't mo' situations--i'mma ask about OUR r!squip in the next ask)
Warning: Some of this goes into darkfic territory, and is lightly NSFW/NSFT.
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell (when this option is italized, it means OTP feelings, not Shipping Them As Problematique)
THIS IS MY FAVORITE ALWAYS-FLUFFY (or the comfort portion of hurt/comfort, or tragic lovers, etc) SHIP. It makes me SO VERY INCREDIBLY happy; Rich and Jeremy have this magnetic chemistry in the musical and in fandom--Hell, I even genuinely enjoy most fanon interpretations of the ship, which is really rare for me (still don’t read much fanfiction besides yours though... >u>; )
Also? Hot. Very hot.
... that was not meant to be a pun but I think it probably is...
Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell (bolding this one means it is/can be Problematique, obvs)
Platonic H/R? Nahhh. I think portraying both of them as queer is a good idea (Reyes gay and aro, Heere bisexual with a strong preference for women and femme enbys), but it just feels like Mr. Heere would want something else tbh. I mean, Mr. Reyes is pretty openly anti-children during the play, and Mr. Heere really loves his son and his son’s friend. I just can’t imagine they’d have much chemistry if they tried dating
Oh but what if... they were predators bonding over their mutual love of abusing the vulnerable people in their lives... haha jk... unless?
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
This... is fascinating. I’m getting more into bisexual Michael for the sake of variety, and this would be... a very fun ship, actually. Especially if it was the two of them targetting Jeremy together... or, oh, actually, this would be a FANTASTIC companion to a Jeremy/Brooke story, w/ Michael and Chloe playing the villains... hm...
(I just really like playing around w/ evil Michael)
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
I’m so torn on this one. I really dislike most Jake/Rich in large, large part to just... the fandom around it... but I can also picture it being really fucking good in NSFW art, portrayed in particular ways (especially if it doesn’t act as a companion to boyfs), or like, if you did it? IT COULD GENUINELY WORK, but I haven’t seen it done in a way I particularly enjoyed.
Evil!Jake on good!Rich is fun, though I’m not suuuuuper into it--it’s a VERY nice change of pace with us, I like it in AUs, but I prefer Jake to just not be involved or else a small blip/one-off mention... or as the metaphorical sugar daddy to shenanigans gfnbhjvgfdfvdjnjvhfk
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
... I’m sorry friends, I’m just not interested. I see why it’s intriguing, I can see that it has what-if potential, but I just can’t care. Not even in an OT3 with Jeremy (though Jeremy being in a relationship with both of them separately would actually be pretty cool). 
tbh, if I have to ship the Squip with a human that isn’t Jeremy, I reaaaaaally like your growing interest in his and Rich’s relationship. 
Oh, and...
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
Much as I think Squip is generally boy and nb masc-attracted attracted, Squip/Brooke would be genuinely, extremely, incredibly fucking adorable. I wouldn’t do much with it personally, but this is the sorta thing I’d love to see shippy art and/or an ask blog for if that makes sense?
Fuck dude, Jeremy watching his Squip come back in a body just to fuck his ex is the funniest shit ever tho, he’d be so disgruntled.
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
[insert heart eyes emoji]
Even though we’ve generally portrayed Mads as het-but-fools-around-a-little, this is probably my other Really Good Brooke Endgame Ship right next to Brooke/Jenna. I just feel that like... their chemistry, both how we portray it plus the canon stuff (“implied sluttiness” and the way Brooke thinks she’s so cool and tries to model herself off her) is. Mmm. Mmmmmm. 
Plus, not to be all My Autism Makes Me Hyperfocus On Other Character’s Autism, but like... their autistic peculiarities would line up fantastically? Imagine them cuddling and like... touching each other to stim...
squip/rich's squip
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell / additional category: I’m genuinely unsure because I’ve only seen hints of how other people portray Rich’s Squip
So the thing about Rich’s Squip in the fandom is that like... outside the occasional character design making a brief appearance in larger prints, nobody really talks about them?
I mean. Okay, granted, I haven’t read enough fanfic yet (... God I really want to eventually, I’d just like a Handy Guide for Who Is And Isn’t An Anti and also I keep going “okay but x character would never be like that” even though that’s wroooong and I don’t seem to have that issue in visual media and....... you get the picture), but after... 2017? After the fandom’s first explosion died down, people rarely talked about R!S. 
I think this was a direct reaction of the Anti movement finally making the solid change to fandom landscape it’d wanted to, unfortunately; this found a swift and sudden tidal wave of backlash to most Squip (primarily shipping) related anything, seemingly killing ALL Squip content that was not sufficiently “briefly used for boyfs or JakeRich angst” enough for a good long while.
Eventually, the growing rise of a sub-fandom around Squip thirsting and Squip redemptions (attempting to be ~untainted by gross shippers~, usually) started around the time badlydrawnBMC started to really pick up steam along with a few selfshippers, inspiring people to Squip-ship in an “acceptable manner”.
The problem is, none of this has affected Rich’s Squip--at least, not yet. The kinda people scared of (or that are) antis have “no good reason” to redeem Rich’s, since “she” (he/they at the beginning of BMC fanon, widely-used she now) did or caused stuff way more egregious, IE the fire, making Rich a bully, and stifling his bisexuality. As a result, there’s a very subtle, unspoken pressure not to really... use her much. 
Jokes are... mostly okay, but there’s a huge preference for Kermit!Rich!Squip if you do.
From the little bit we hear of her in actual canon, Rich’s own words and her brief voice and stuff... I could see her being much colder, possibly meaner then Jeremy’s Squip, probably. They probably have a dom!bottom/sub!top abusive slave relationship. She makes Rich fuck her while mocking everything he does, and then seduces him and promises a little bit of love when he tries to refuse. He would be hopelessly devoted to her, desperate for her approval, and she’d string him step by step. By the time he realizes how well and truly fucked he is, it’s too late; the last stand happens, they fight in front of everyone, and it all goes up in smoke.
Thanks for the question! Hopefully the next doesn’t take this long @_@
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chrisbowler · 5 years
Collaborate with kindness: Consider these etiquette tips in Slack
Matt Haughey shares some tips on how to use Slack in a manner more respectful of your team members. Things like:
Use emoji, bulleted lists, and bold and italic text styling to make your titles and key points stand out in longer messages. This is especially useful for announcements or meeting recaps.
That applies to any kind of digital communication, but sure. However, the more I read the article, the more it made something obvious: Slack, and other instant chat tools like it, are not the best way to communicate as a team by default.
Consider this suggestion:
You can also use DND to carve out focus time during your workday. Click the bell icon atop your channel menu and select a time. Your status in Slack will then communicate to colleagues that you’re heads-down working and they shouldn’t expect an immediate response.
This begs the question: why are most work environments defaulting to expect an immediate response? We’ve gotten so used to this behaviour that it’s expected and teams building tools like Slack have to build in features to combat the expectation.
Imagine you sent an email to your team with a new product idea. First you’re met with total silence, then later a reply or two. You have to guess how the rest of the team feels, or you can ask at your next team meeting. What if that idea were posted in a team Slack channel instead? You’d likely see emoji reactions soon after posting. They might show support, indicate that the team wants to think about it, or note an approval.
A brand new product idea needs more than emoji reactions. Perhaps live chat is not the place for nuanced discussion.
At any rate, I like Slack — as far as instant chat tools go, it’s the best. But this post left me feeling like they have to explain away some of the functionality of the product. Many of the included tips just sounded like the practice of writing an effective email, the very thing Slack was created to replace.
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
giant teddy bears (hc) | p.p.
summary: first dates are awkward, peter sucks at dance dance revolution, and the night ends with a giant teddy bear and something sweet.
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+ + +
- are you ready?
- i'm listening...
- no that was weak come on guys!
- i said ARE YOU READY?!
- i think we can do better than that
- i said ARE YOU READY?!!!!!
- YEAHYEAH!!!!!!
- i'm so sorry i just watched a gif of sebastian stan doing that thing where he gets super hype and then just starts laughing but i really harvested that hype energy
- pro tip: go back and read that first bit in seb's voice you Will Not Regret It
- after writing one normal imagine, i am back to writing another hc
- the next one will be normal though LOL
- guess what
- chicken butt
- y'all r never gonna guess what i'm doing
- i am listening to one direction WOW
- heart attack is an underrated song 😔
- you guys said the emojis in italics made you lose ur mind so
- they're staying
- fuck it slant 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
- fun fact i got pretty far into writing this and then was like "Hmm... no yeah This Ain't It" and so we're back and we're switching up the prompt a little bit
- so YAY
- so peter's balls finally dropped or something idk and he got his bitch ass together and asked you out!!!!!!!
-  yay peter!!
- he was super nervy while doing it y'all were just walking home from school as per usual and this is how it went down
- y'all were passing the local arcade
"y/n- did you, uh, did you wanna go to the arcade tonight?"
"ooh yes, that sounds like so much fun"
"awesome... it's a date"
- and even though peter muttered that last part
- who has super hearing NOW bitch
"a date?"
- you look over at peter and quirk a brow
- but on the inside ur like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
- penis man gets flustered as FUCK
"oH-! well uhhhhhhh only if you, uhhh only if you want it to be"
"looks like i'll be dressing slightly better than normal"
- at this point y'all are at ur apartment building so you quickly peck him on his cheek (we're confident today ladies and gays!) and run up the steps, waving as you shut the door
- peter's in Fucking Shock.
- eyes wide, cheeks Red As Hell, standing there like Nobody Move! 0_0
- it takes some weirdo person idk to bump into him as he walks by to get him out of his trance
- (he jumps and turns to look at them, throwing his arms in the air like ?? before just sighing)
- (then he remembers Holy Shit I HAVE A DATE WITH Y/N AAAAAAAAAAAA and sort of like Skips away like how he does in far from home after the kiss you get the deal)
- u make sure to put on ur Cutest Fit
some inspo <3
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- jk the Ball Pit Dress Blanket Thing is a look and a half 😼
- in case u were wondering (no one is) this is what i would wear:
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- when reading fics i Always have to have what im wearing in mind otherwise i am very bothered idk why
- anyways thank u pinterest for the style inspo
- shameless self promo my pinterest is in my bio and we can send each other memes on there <3
- ofc u can choose ur own outfit 😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌
- Not Me putting on jeans and feeling Fancy 😂🤏👋
- N E Ways! u put on ur dope fit and get all nice smelling n shit
- hair all pwetty
- cue (queue? i hate this word) that scene in homecoming of peter getting ready for the dance
- except he doesn't wear a suit (DEFINITELY WONDERS IF HE SHOULD THOUGH) and instead opts for this fit:
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- Mhmm..... yea.... Yup.
- look at the SHOES
- anyways i think peter would wear that One Fit from the beginning of hoco with the blue sweater over the button up or maybe something a bit nicer idk
- the look i put is superior 😔
- he's finally ready and smells gr8 and hair is done just how he knows u like it
- may is fucking spitballing tips like a madwoman
"give her all your attention, peter"
"let her win most of the games, but don't make it look like you're letting her win"
"oh and god peter BUY HER A GIANT TEDDY BEAR"
- peter's like Yup Yup Got It May on the outside but on the inside he's fucking taking notes like the nerd he is
- bae
- just as you finish ur final touches ur phone buzzes
whale penis On my way :)
- fyi a whale's penis is called a dork 😌 the more u know 😀😀😀😀
- you quickly text him back and before you know it this Puta is in front of ur door and his heart is going ZOOOOOOOOOM
- but since the two of you are so close and in sync he can usually hone in on your heartbeat even from a far ish distance so he focuses and finds your heartbeat easily
- ur heart is racing too and it makes him feel better
- he finally gets the balls to knock on ur door and Does Just That
- you open it SO FAST (you were secretly standing just outside the door waiting for peter but he doesn't have to know that)
"hi, peter"
- the look on peter's face
- he in Awe
- u look so pretty!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa
- this is a lovepage for that little 'a' at the end of that scream. idk why it makes me smile. it's like the underdog
- i need to fucking Restart my Brain jesus christ
- i get attached to little things so easily MOVING ON
- Beter finally regains himself
- shit excuse me
- 🅱eter finally regains himself
- there we go
"you look.... wow"
- ur face gets SO HOT
"thought i'd go for something other than leggings and oversized t-shirts"
- aka my whole wardrobe
- Very Basic White Girl of me
- (assuming the Fit ur wearing is the picture i put) (if not you can just ignore this little bit) ur like cleavage or whatever is out and it is Definitely Not What Peter's Used To Seeing!
- the Collarbones
- Sexy
- u catch peter's eyes linger on ur chest for a second and u 0_0 for a second
- but then it's like YAY FOR ATTRACTIVE FEATURES
- THANKS PUBERTY????????????
"you look wow as well"
"oH well i dress like this pretty normally i think it's really not that big of a change i probably should've dressed better-"
"you always look good, peter"
- Faking Confidence! hoping peter can't hear ur heart banging against ur sternum!
- but he can... Little Shit
- peter is such a gentleman
- waits for you to lock ur door before holding out a hand nervously
- you take it ofc and he intertwines ur fingers and sort of Rubs His Thumb AGainst Ur Skin???? when i put it like that it sounds weird
- i appreciate writing headcanons because i don't have to think things out so that they sound pretty i can just Braindump and y'all r like Yea!! 😀❤
- a very nice feeling <3
- the two of you walk down the sidewalk together
- eventually the awkwardness of Woah We're On A Date!? is gone
- peter starts swinging your hands and you can't stop smiling
- a few people look at the two teenagers just giddily and dramatically swinging their arms together and laughing as they walk down the street
- but those people find it very cute
- y'all talk about the weirdest shit too
- peter rambles about his theory of there being a multiverse
"i mean, what if there really is a multiverse? like, i refuse to believe that we're the only living beings in this whole universe, much less believe that this is the only universe. and, when you think about it, it's like a whole new set of doors of knowledge are suddenly there for us to explore, i mean it just completely changes how we understand the initial singularity. we're talking about an internal inflation system and then how would that even work with all the quantum-? it's insane-!"
- he looks over at you and you're just smiling
"don't apologize for being a genius, peter"
- the ffh reference 😼
- his insides are like lkdsfhskjdfbg at that
- you also have ur nerd moment (i'm making this about reading because.... I Think We Can All Agree)
"what i don't get is all the imbeciles at school who think reading is stupid. they're all like, 'i haven't read a book in like two years! ha ha!' and i'm like 'oh! no wonder you're so stupid!' because not only do they think it's quirky for whatever reason to not read, but reading genuinely makes you smarter and they're all missing out on it! moreover, the feeling of getting sucked into a book and going on the story with the characters and feeling everything they're feeling and when you finish the book it's like holy shit i can't even process this and- oh i'm rambling"
- peter's just looking at you in awe
"this is why i like you"
- you Cannot Breathe for a second and the two of you stop walking (still holding hands doe)
"i did ask you on a date, didn't i?"
- you scoff
"you muttered that it was a date and the only reason that fact was established was because i heard it and acted on it"
- peter sighs exasperatedly, still grinning like the Fool He Is as he lets go of your hand to swing his arms dramatically
"well, sorry i'm not super smooth and suave all the time!"
"yeah, cause you're never smooth and suave"
- now he :o
"that's why i like you, too, parker"
- the two of you clasp hands again and you hug his arm as you continue walking
- i wanna hug a boy's arm
- you get to the arcade and he opens the door for you
- he's such a dork i hate (love) him
- now here u guys....
- guess who's like genuinely never been to an arcade...
- 🙋‍♀️
- it me!
- yes yes we know i have no life
- i'm just gonna like fucking Spit-Ball the adventures of y/n and peter at the arcade
- if ur confused rn i am too
- imma walk up to him and imma push him and imma say I HAVE AIDS no wait thats so strong hold back, savor it, BUILD to that
- i know i didn't get all the words right whatever
- at first it's like Sensory Overload! but then 🅱eter drags you over to the front desk and y'all get ur tickets
- he looks so FUCKIGN CUTE cause his tongue is like sticking out as he focuses
- y'all try the claw machine SO MANY TIMES
- not you managing to actually make it work and getting a spider-man toy
- the slant on that emoji i'm fucking losing my mind
- you absolutely crush him at the basketball game thing
- and y'all play that thing that has the weird seats or whatever and you're racing
- he lets you win
- y'all KILL IT at dance dance revolution
- peter trips over his feet and you laugh So Loud the people around you are like o_0
- uhhhhh what the fuck else is at an arcade
- i just KNOW i'm gonna forget something and y'all will be like BUT WHAT ABOUT THE _____
- my apologies in advance
- at the end of the night y'all get pizza from the little restaurant they have (idk if that's an actual thing arcades do but fuck it now they do)
- and peter wins you a giant bear and you smile SO BIG!
- peter can't stop smiling at u and u both r so so happy
- guys i need to get a graphic design is my passion in here.....
- getting a bit worried cause idk where to put one 0_0
- not sure where to go with this now... may just read some fics to get inspiration and completely forget to come back to this <3
- i promise i won't i wanna get this up tonight AAAAAAAAAAAA
- okay i will be back after i get inspo
- update it's been an hour and i got distracted have yet to find inspo i'll be back
- update part 2 i went downstairs to get a snack to Fuel My Brain and ant-man and the wasp was on so... watched that
- but i have the brain of a strapless croc.... whatever
- then you can peter are like "we should probably go" cause it's getting late and it's new york and yes peter's spider-man but y'all are on a date! and we don't want to get attacked!
- huzzah!
- so you leave
- holding hands
- (screaming inside)
- ur other hand is just holding the large ass bear to your chest and peter cannot stop SMILING
- the chaos level has gone down i'm sorry i'm tired
- here's some normalcy!
- you start walking home and see delmar's and peter's like "MR DELMAR WILL GIVE US FREE SOFT SERVES :D" so. you go to delmar's
- you walk in still holding hands and the Second mr delmar sees you he (¬‿¬)
"what brings you two kiddos in so late?"
- peter's BLUSHING
"we, uh, we went on a date SO YOU HAVE SOFT SERVES RIGHT?"
- he's so fucking flustered and it's adorable
-  mr delmar just laughs
"on the house just for the lovers"
- now who's blushing
- your name
- "your name" i was feeling spicy huh
- mr delmar hands you the ice creams and y'all thank you
- he winks you sly bastard
- the two of you walk out and sit on the bench outside to eat your ice cream
- hands are feeling lonely cause you needed to hold your ice cream 😔
- at first y'all are just silent and then you look over at him just happily licking his ice cream
- he's got chocolate ice cream next to his mouth and you laugh
- he turns to you
"messy eater"
- you mumble as you raise a hand and wipe it off with your thumb
- you wipe your thumb on your napkin and look back up at peter and suddenly the air has changed cause he's just staring at you or your lips really and oh wow now the air has left your lungs and your heart is racing
"can i kiss you?"
- peter tastes like chocolate.
Tumblr media
- what if we kissed on the jouch? 😳
- hi lizthearies shoutout to our pinterest convos
- alright story = over
+ + +
ily all, treat yourself and others with kindness (dream with harry had me crying within the first five minutes i love him so much), and WEAR A MASK (unless you're in a safe place aka not the US lol)
0 notes