Real pretentious for rusties to call themselves burgundy…you don’t see any other caste arguing about what they’re called :////
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trolloled · 7 years
Big List of Fantroll Facts from Hiveswap
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This is all pulled straight from the game with 0 (or attempted 0) bias from me or @peckonthecheek​
We have both played the game so I can verify several things on the list. Most of the information comes from @peckonthecheek​ who exhaustively did everything in the game and recorded useful information.
If you want to add to this post, feel free to screenshot what you want to add and send it to me!
Land - Alternia consists of 4 - 5 continents and is mostly covered by said land.
Language - Alternian is distinct from English, trolls at least write in Alternian. It is read from LEFT to RIGHT and every symbol in its alphabet can be directly translated back to an English letter.
Drones - Weak point is in its torso. Drones can burn down hives and just take away random trolls for whatever reason.
- They can also fly and fire missiles.
Lususes (Yes that’s correct) - One species of lusus is the Cuspidated Grimalkin, (A deercat) which prefers to bond with brownbloods with leadership aptitudes. If a Grimalkin loses its charge (Fairly common) it will try to find a new troll to adopt. This is highly illegal.
- Another species of lusus is the Supplikatydid, which resembles praying mantises
- There exist several books on the various species of lususes.
- Lususes have blood colors and tend to bond with trolls of certain bloods
- Sloth lususes (GLACIAL TREETRUDGER) are pretty uncommon
- Lusus can be referred to as a pet/dad
- Multiple of the same types of lususes exist
Powers - Redbloods share telekinesis and speak-with-dead powers as a caste, brownbloods share animal communion powers
- Telekinesis - no matter how weak - can erase data off of discs easily
- Overexerting powers can cause exhaustion, nosebleeds, headaches
Stickball - This is gonna be huge so just. Bear with it.
- There are several leagues depending on area - There’s some sort of piece known as a CLOVER - Positions include PUSHER, BRAWLER, PROWLER, ZAPPER - Played on Velvet - Two pieces called a DOZER (Ball) and a SNOWGLOBE (Ball) - Burgundies often play PUSHER due to their telekinesis and ability to talk to the dead players - PUSHER is the most dangerous position - No one cares if a rustblood dies due to the danger of the position - Some HAZARDS - MATCHTIP - burns you - ZAPPER - blasts you - LUSUS - controlled by opposing (brownblood) Wranglers - Only unbonded lususes are allowed (Can be friendly, neutral, or opposing) - Each ball (DOZER, STITCHER, TRACER, FINISHER, SNOWGLOBE) has its own effect (There are 15 total) - Cuebats (the tool that the PUSHERS use) are made to be hard to bend with their telekinesis - It's okay to use someones torn off leg or other weapons found on the playing field as improvised weapons - but illegal to bring in your own!  - DOZER puts you to sleep if you touch it with your bare hands - STITCHER is a ball of yarn that has to be rolled up before it can be used to score - TRACER will try to follow the path it was taken the match before - FINISHER will only move in a predetermined path to the goal. - If your tryout is bad enough, you CAN get culled  - Rustbloods caught cheating in Arena Stickball will "get culled before they can blink"  - SNOWGLOBE - 8-BALL, rigged with a nuclear bomb that explodes after a set amount of time. - Controllers are often bluebloods (Cerulean?)  - Lususes are used in this sport - they can be friendly, neutral, or opposing - Aren't allowed to be fed, though - Sloths are not commonly used in AS due to their slowness - PUSHERs are the only players allowed to score (And are thus prime targets) - PUSHER helmets are designed to leave the forehead exposed for their    Psychic Powers, however this is a weak point and why they die a lot. - There is a team called the SNOWGLOBES - Xultan Matzos was a PUSHER - very famous - If the heiress attends a match, you are “encouraged” to kneel the entire time - Not following the rules proper will get you culled - Couches are MADE of FABRIC  - PUSHERS are advised to rely heavily on telekinesis - THE MAN ON THE MOON (White, non-scoring ball) cannot be interacted with by PUSHERS. It radiates a feeling of pernicious intent (to Xefros, at least)
Lowblood life:
- Having leadership aspirations is illegal and grounds for execution.
- Suburbs (Subgrubs) are segregated by caste.
- It is mandatory to buy what the heiress is selling.
- The bus system is infrequent and unreliable ("engineered to prevent caste mobility")
- Sometimes (Most times for lowbloods?) jobs are involuntary and assigned
- There is a LOT of class struggle and oppression
- There is, quote “Forced participation in keeping that oppression running smoothly.”
- Have to practice your profession before the TRIALS or you'll get culled
- Demanding a refund as a lowblood can get you culled
- Even uttering rebellious sentiment and promoting it could lead to your execution
- It's Imperial mandate that rustbloods are kept poor - they're not allowed to have more than the bare minimum to scrape by
- "Almost all" rustbloods end up as butlers 
- If a lowblood (read: redblood) makes a name for themselves and succeeds too well, they are liable to be humiliated and culled.
- Heiress will and can make a spectacle of your death in public
- Dreaming of destroying things associated with the heiress can get you killed
- Circular discs are a luxury, if you can't afford them, you get hexagonal ones
- There are sections of magazines that are illegal for lowbloods to read (???)
- Good pizza toppings are reserved for highbloods
- Lowbloods either get instaculled in raids or snatched up for later
- Mostly to be killed as a highblood spectacle
- Lowbloods can get culled for anything and everything or no reason at all - Anyone who disobeys the heiress gets rounded up and enslaved or slaughtered - Slavery is a thing (especially for rustbloods)
- The heiress hates aliens and lowbloods
- Your money is monitored by the government to keep you poor. (Probably).
- Scythian (Troll version of Amazon) always takes forever to deliver to lowbloods
Highblood Life:
- SLAM OR GET CULLED prevents voting from lususes, unless you're a highblood, and then you can have your lusus go on stage and eat everyone, if you want
- Highbloods generally can get away with a lot.
- Indigos (Blue?) care where the silverware goes (tend to "crush anything they pick up anyways")
- High society dinners often involve bluebloods (Pranking during this time often gets you culled)
- Chucklevoodoos are a subjug thing - not a purpleblood/Gamzee thing (Typically these involve dreams and the subconscious) - Heiress has a lot of servants, literally eats off of gold plates
- Violetbloods are considered royals: They can get published anywhere and tend to write lots of reviews about everything (Their hatred for lowbloods, what they just ate), most reviews are by them and they are especially disgusted by rustbloods.
- Heiress has a court of highbloods and a drone army
- They have FLARP editions based on spies, espionage, and rebellion - FLARP editions have fatigue rules in them involving SOPOR SLIME - There is a FLARP class called ESPIACROONER - It is permitted to use your telekinesis and other psychic powers in FLARP  - Need a game grub in order to play FLARP! 
Miscellaneous (Everything else):
- There is a city named THRASHTHRUST which contains the subgrub called OUTGLUT
- Swinging a weapon at an image of the heiress will bring a drone down upon you near instantly.
- Trolls sleep in recuperacoons due to the "violent and troubling impusles" they have - Sopor is very physically and mentally draining - Can injure trolls further if they sleep in the sopor while injured. - Gotta shake off some of the slime to completely wake up (?) - There are chairs with sopor slime in them, made to relax in (See below) - Sopor slime in close proximity to a troll helps them to relax - Eating sopor slime makes you dumb though 
- Sopor Slime keeps powers in check while they are asleep.
- SLAM OR GET CULLED can end in “relatively certain death” for the losers
- There is an interplanetary warsong titled  "If You Aliens Were Not Meant To Die At Our Hands, Why Are You All So Pitifully Incapable Of Defending Yourselves?!"
- There are Illegal parts of History! Censorship is REAL!
- Protest art exists (Videogames are considered art?)
- Video game controllers dies from starvation. Once they die, the mother console lays a new one.
- Crack open a controller for game grub - pus gets everywhere
- There have been multiple heiresses, but only one is alive at a time
- Interfaces can be designed with psionics/telekinesis in mind
- Jostling sopor is good housekeeping (?)
- Magazine titles: Arena Stickball Illustrated, Grubs Diurnally, Talentless Nobodies
- RITES OF MATURATION: Occur around 7 sweeps, involve Trials, decides your future. Nothing is known about them beyond this, not even whether it means you instantly leave the planet. Trolls are expected to TRAIN FOR THESE.
- Putting inorganic material in a grubslurry activator is begging for death
- Eating raw eggs is bad for trolls and gives them parasites - Trolls have benevolent and benign parasites
- Troll pupils are kind of reflective like a dog - they reflect white, though!
- They create their hives when they are freshly pupated, CARPENTER DRONES ENFORCE THIS.
- Typing Quirks are very personal for trolls! - Close friends and quadrants can imitate them sometimes - Only two fuschiabloods - Heiress and the Queen. Both are seadwellers - Queen is far away  leading conquests in other galaxies, she is known to be incredibly powerful
- Adults are sent off-planet for their ORDEALS when they come of age
- Quadrants are Fated? (???)
- All text communications and conversations are subject to monitoring by the government.
- Trolls do not meet aliens until they’re off-planet, where they conquer them.
- The caste system is highly important.
- Trolls clean their floors with mucus (?)
- Calendars exist with celebrities on them!
- There is a month named CULLUBRE
TROLLIAN TERMS HIVE - House POWER HEXAGRID - Power grid? LUSUS - Caretaker beast SUBGRUB - suburb STEMCLUSTER - City OMNISCUTTLECOACH - Bus SCYTHIAN - Amazon but not FLARP - LARP but deadly RESPITEBLOCK - bedroom GANDER PRECIPICE - balcony ARENA STICKBALL - a sport! WAREGRID STUDYSCROLL - Looks like a placemat that you study for tablesetting MEGAFORK , MICROFORK , KNIFE FORK, "FOOLS FORK" - Several types of forks SMASHSUIT - stunt gear "SLAM OR GET CULLED" - American Idol but deadly RECUPERACOON - bed SOPOR SLIME - sedative slime that trolls sleep in RAKE PRONG, BILESCOOPER - Utensils 12TH PERIGREES EVE - assumedly christmas SCOURDRAY - Maid. Cleany. Thingy. RESIFLUID - Floor Cleaner SMEARSPINNER - Floor waxer CUEBAT - PUSHERS tool in ARENA STICKBALL FLAVOR DISC - pizza WET CHITIN SACK - ??? XULTAN MATZOS - Famous STICKBALL player BOBBLENUG FIGURINE - Bobblehead RECESSED TABLETOP ARENA STICKBALL - foozeball but not THRASHTHRUST SNOWGLOBES - ARENA STICKBALL League team SPORT OF LORDS  - ??? SPLAYSAC - beanbag filled with SOPOR SLIME CHAIRBAG - beanbag GAME GRUB - videogame CASTE SYSTEM - a system of oppression by blood - rust is lowest, fuschia is highest. ROYGBIV NUGBONES - Skull GRUBFLECKS - a type of cereal SCOURBRISTLE / SCOURBRISTLING - Mop/Mopping? Alternatively Broom/Sweeping CHITIN-RIDGER - goes to the right of the cuebat STICK-JAMMER - thumbtack DROMED BAKTAR - famous stickball player LOUNGEPLANKS - sofa CRISPRANGE - stovetop GRUBSLURRY AGITATOR - used to aggrivate some grubslurry GRUBSLURRY - made to be aggrivated HUSKLOAF - meatloaf BILESLAW - probably coleslaw : / GRUB-SAUCE - its a sauce UNRANGED CLUCKBEAST OVA - uncooked eggs? ACID TUBES - probably intestines given the context GRUB JUICE HYDRATION CYLINDERS - cans of grub juice GRUB JUICE - drink to restore psychic powers WRIGGLING DAY - birthday WIPES - a measurement of time. RITES OF MATURATION - a series of TRIALS and potentially ORDEALS that happen around 7 sweeps SMEARGUNK - cleans floors - is used with smearspinner GLACIAL TREETRUDGER - Xefros' Sloth lusus! ZIGZAG INCLINE - stairs GASTRIC EVACUATION GLAND - The uvula TUBEFLORA SHAVINGS - Banana Slices (Maybe, unconfirmed) LAWNRING - Yard SUPPLIKATYDIDS - Praying Mantis Lususes ORDEALS - gone through by adults. May be a part of the RITES OF MATURATION? CRUEL-AID - Kool-aid CUSPIDATED GRIMALKIN - deercat lusus of Dammeks GUTTERBLOOD - a term for lowbloods THROTTLEMOTH - Just a moth BELLOWSACS - Lungs SCENTBULB - Nose
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