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spooky-something · 11 months ago
The content anywhere isn't enough... I can't... I'm tweaking....
I'm going to smash my head into a wall
The fixation (spin) is slowly starting to absorb my soul again....
Frankenstein, for the love of God... Give me like a week to process POTO instead of directly eating my brain away a day after finishing it....
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tracybirds · 4 years ago
Fanfic in Review 2020
Tagged by @hodgehegposts, posting on my thunderbirds blog bc that seems more relevant ahaha :D
Total number of completed stories: This took me a while to figure out thanks to that terrible habit of mine of taking ages to archive things whoops. 42 fics on tumblr, i think 38ish are on ao3 and only two active wips! I know there are others amonst that which are technically wip but shush i can’t think on all of my someday plans at once. mostly oneshots bc that’s how I roll!
Total Wordcount: well I published 118,557 words, but approx 20000 of those were from 2019 crossposting. I’d guess I have about 10000 words of unpublished stuff floating around, i’m not quite sure, so let’s say about 105,000 words. which is a ridiculous number what the heck
Fandoms written in: Thunderbirds only this year! I got a little sucked in ahaha
Looking back did you write more, less, or about what you expected to this year? hmm way more in the first half of the year. then I think I got used to writing lots and so my expectations for the second half were much higher than was realistic given my RL responsibilities, so I was def disappointed by the second half :(
What’s your own favourite story of the year? Just one? I’m actually really proud of a lot of different stories so allow me to review my own work and pick some faves ahaha :D
1. Care Packages - inspired by Thunderbird X by @gumnut-logic, and I loved writing this because it all just fell into place and flowed so beautifully. It allowed me to form my own concepts as to how exactly John might have coped with the loss of his father while in virtual isolation and I genuinely think if I had to pick my best fic of the year, I’d go with this one. 2. Reckless Meetings - this one was pure self indulgence and I genuinely had so much fun daydreaming about this AU where Gordon is a primary school teacher and Penny works in a museum :D I didn’t write a lot down but it gets points for the amount of glee I had while writing and the smile I get every time I remember that it exists :DDD 3. Trials Without Error - this one I love because I got to explore three different perspectives on one event and I loved how in doing that it almost revealed three totally different stories! I also had a lot of fun making them slot together and also exploring EOS’s more ruthless side. 10/10 would explore again, a morally indifferent EOS is very fun.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Writing some multichapter fics was definitely a risk for me! I attempted 5 multichapter fics and completed three of them which is WILD!!
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for next year? Not so much this year! I really just want to find a better balance for myself in terms of work because that will give me mental space and also writing time, but that’s a little out of my control so we shall see what comes to pass.
Most popular story of the year? Ooh, apparently Love Languages! Interesting, I wouldn’t have picked that one ahaha
Story of mine most underrated by the universe, in my opinion? I think Consequences, but I do get it - it’s marked as incomplete on ao3 because it has an ambiguous ending (which is another turn off I know) AND to add to its sins, it’s less than 1000 words... But I still think the concept is one I want to explore further so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Most fun story to write? The Bold and The Beautiful and A Captain and His First Mate were both a BLAST, I had so much fun with them :DDD First one is John and Gordon getting all giddy and borrowing their Dad’s v v pretty car, and the second is Gordon and Alan playing make believe :D
Biggest disappointment? probably that I didn’t bank in on my momentum for Earthbound - I genuinely love that story and it’s literally all planned out and prepped and I’ve written some prequels and snapshots that fit in with it and everything, but lockdown 100% killed my ability to write that story because John is just too miserable and traumatised and I couldn’t write that when I was busy being miserable and exhausted so :(( bye earthbound, I will come back to you some day, I have too much all ready to go and I love the concept to much to let it all go to waste. But I’ll probs need another year if I’m being honest with myself.
Biggest surprise? How frequently people give feedback and comments! There were several times where people would read like ten fics of mine and leave comments on all of them and I just :’) That was so nice!! Especially when I was hardly able to get online when I had to prep exams and organise well... everything (protip, don’t accept a temporary promotion the year of a pandemic that was not the intro to heading a department that i wanted, there were so many tears). My point though, is that it felt like my inbox was overflowing and I felt terrible I couldn’t respond but it made my heart jump with joy <3
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