#LIDAR technology
covenawhite66 · 1 year
Archaeologists believe that around 417 cities, towns, and villages made up the unified civilization.
Remains of architectural forms and patterns, ceramics, sculptural art, architectural patterns, and unifying causeway constructions.
The magnitude of the labor int he construction of massive platforms, palaces, dams, causeways, and pyramids dating to the Middle and Late Preclassic periods, suggests a power to organize thousands of workers.
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ideas-on-paper · 11 months
Theories about Legion's "mini headlamps" (N7 special)
A very happy N7 Day to all of you Mass Effect fans!
Although I still haven't finished Mass Effect 3 (I just haven't been able to pick it up again after the Rannoch arc), I nevertheless wanted to do something special for this occasion, and I thought to myself that I might as well devote a quick study to a subject that's been on my mind for quite a long time: the purpose of Legion's three additional "mini headlamps".
You see, aside from the big, obvious flashlight in the middle, Legion also possesses three smaller lights at the side of their head. Ever since discovering these, I've been wondering what exactly those are for. I've observed that they glow red when Legion is under "stress" (an effect which is unfortunately not present in the Legendary Edition) - or rather, in situations that require a lot of processing power - but as far as their practical function goes, I could only guess. However, going through the ME3 dialogues again, I noticed a small detail which could potentially explain what exactly those small lights are - and in addition, give us a little insight into how Geth perceive the world visually.
Disclaimer: Before going into this, I should mention that I have no technical education in robotics, laser scanning, or any related areas of engineering. I based my conclusions solely on what information I could find on the internet, as well as my own reasoning and observations.
[Potential spoilers for ME3]
LADAR/LiDAR scanning and three-dimensional perception
To start off, what basically led me on this track was this comment by Tali in ME3:
Their AI lets them use extremely detailed ladar pings. Xen's countermeasure overwhelmed them with garbage data.
First off, we need to clarify what exactly ladar is. LADAR, more commonly known as LiDAR, stands for "Light amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation detection and ranging" - or, in case of LiDAR, "Light detection and ranging/Light imaging, detection and ranging. It's a method for measuring the distance, speed, and surface structure of objects by the means of laser scanning, usually with beams in the infrared spectrum (there are different wavelengths of light in use, however). Essentially, LiDAR is based on the same principle as the echolocation of bats, the only difference being the use of light instead of sound. Every LiDAR system consists of three integral components: a transmitter, a receiver, and a timer. The transmitter will send out a laser beam, which will be reflected by the object it hits; afterwards, the reflection will be registered by the receiver. Because the speed of light is a known constant, the distance of the object can be deduced by the timer, which will determine the delay between the light impulse being send out and the reflection being captured, also known as "time of flight".
However, because each laser beam only represents the coordinates of a single point, multiple laser beams are necessary to create a detailed 3D map of the environment. Some LiDAR lasers, like those used in automated vehicles, pinwheel to collect data in a 360° radius, generating a 3D image of all objects in the vicinity, including cars, pedestrians, and other obstacles. This results in multiple "points" forming a "point cloud" together, digitally depicting the surroundings on a 3D level. Because each laser emits hundreds of impulses per second, this technology enables you to take highly precise measurements in a very short period of time. LiDAR technology is not only utilized in autonomous driving, but also all kinds of other areas too, like archaeology, topographical mapping, and monitoring of vegetation growth.
Now, with this in mind, my theory is that Legion's small headlamps are the transmitter and receiver components of the LiDAR system - more specifically, I think the transmitters are located on the right, while the singular light on the left is the receiver. However, since we know that normal scanning LiDAR requires multiple laser beams for a detailed 3D image, the question is why Legion would only have two of them implemented. Personally, my suspicion is that the Geth might be using a flash LiDAR: Flash LiDAR is a different type of LiDar emitting a single wide, diverging beam, similar in shape to the beam of a flashlight. By projecting the reflected light onto a sensor array, a flash LiDAR can create a complete 3D environment without the use of multiple impulses. In addition to being very compact, flash LiDAR sensors have no moveable parts, making them extremely resistant to any kind of vibration - an undeniable advantage in all situations that require quick movement, such as combat.
Analysis of atmospheric composition with LiDAR
Still, that doesn't explain why Legion would have an additional transmitter on the right side of their head. We do know, however, that the laser scans with LiDAR are precise enough to not only measure the exact distance between objects, but also analyze the density of particles in the air: Because the molecules in the air cause the light from the laser beam to backscatter, LiDAR is also utilized in monitoring air quality and detecting fine dust, being able to determine traces of atmospheric gases such as ozone, nitrous gases, carbon dioxide, and methane. Depending on the wavelength of light used, the LiDAR system might be more or less precise in measuring molecular backscattering. For that reason, LiDAR systems using multiple wavelengths of light are most efficient in determining the exact size distribution of particles in the air.
With this in mind, let's take a look at Legion's opening line in ME2 upon entering the Heretic station:
Alert. This facility has little air or gravity. Geth require neither.
Going by what I explained above, the reason why Legion was able to tell there is no oxygen in the atmosphere isn't because they have some built-in chemical sensors to analyze the air's components - it's because they can literally "see" the particles in the air.
Thus, I think the second transmitter on the right side of Legion's head might use a different kind of wavelength specifically intended for the detection of atmospheric particles, perhaps in the UV-spectrum (the general rule is that the shorter the wavelength, the higher the resolution of the 3D image is, and since UV has a shorter wavelength than infrared, I imagine it might be used for this purpose). Meanwhile, the big flashlight in the middle might be a photoreceptor, being able to detect "normal" light visible to humans. In addition, the Geth are probably able to see UV-light (since the Quarians are able to see it, it would be logical to assume the Geth are as well), and maybe even infrared and other wavelengths. To summarize the function of all of Legion's headlights, I imagine it works roughly like this:
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The two lights on the right side of Legion's head (marked with a red and magenta line) might be LiDAR transmitters, using infrared and UV-light, respectively; the single small light on the left (circled with green) might be the LiDAR sensor/receiver, while the big light in the middle (circled with blue) might be a photoreceptor (Source)
The effect of Xen's countermeasure (and potential means to bypass it)
It might be difficult to imagine from a human point of view, but judging from the information that the Geth use LiDAR as their main method of depth perception, Tali describing Xen's invention as a "flash bang grenade" actually makes a lot of sense: If you're normally able to observe your surroundings down to a molecular level, it would probably feel very disorienting if you're suddenly not, not mention being unable to tell whether an object is far away or close by (which would be absolutely devastating if you suddenly come under attack).
Still, that doesn't mean there are no potential alternatives: Radar, which has been in use longer than LiDAR, is another method to determine the range, angle, and velocity of objects. Due to radar using long-waved micro- and radio waves, the measurements are generally a lot less precise than those with LiDAR; despite this, radar still has its use during inclement weather, when LiDAR systems are very prone to disturbances by dust, mist, and rainfall. Furthermore, LiDAR can only provide measurements up to 200 meters, while radar is more efficient at greater distances. In fact, most modern autonomous driving vehicles work both with LiDAR and radar, in addition to a conventional camera (the only vehicles that don't use LiDAR are those from Tesla, which have a reputation of being unsafe). So, it's only reasonable to assume that the Geth don't rely on LiDAR alone, but use various technologies in combination with it to compensate for each one's weaknesses.
Interestingly, a type of 4D radar is currently in development, intended to be used in autonomous driving. It provides 3D images with a similar resolution as LiDAR, at a potentially much cheaper cost. Still, whether LiDAR or 4D radar is the better choice for autonomous driving is still a heatedly debated question, and only time will tell which of both systems comes out on top. Nevertheless, assuming Xen's "flash bang grenade" only targets the Geth's LiDAR sensors, I wonder if they could've potentially found a way to adapt and bypass it, given enough time.
Anyway, that's the material for a different kind of analysis - for now, I hope you enjoyed this little deep dive into the science behind the Geth. Thank you all for reading and have a nice N7 Day! :-)
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jamesarch · 2 months
LiDAR vs. Photogrammetry: Best Survey Tech for Projects
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Introduction:  For land surveying purposes, selecting between LiDAR and photogrammetry can frequently be a difficult choice for many people in a variety of businesses. Selecting the incorrect aerial survey technique can lead to project failure, expensive delays, and erroneous data. Since each approach has unique benefits and drawbacks, it can be difficult to decide which technology is most appropriate for a given use case. Acquiring accurate data about the surface of the planet from an overhead viewpoint is essential for aerial surveying, a crucial procedure in domains such as environmental science, forestry, urban planning, and mapping. This field is dominated by two key technologies: photogrammetry and light detection and ranging, or LiDAR. Every technique has distinct advantages and disadvantages that make some applications better suited for it than others.
Understanding LiDAR and Photogrammetry Light Detection and Ranging technology is known as LiDAR. It is a technique for remote sensing that measures varying distances to Earth using light in the form of a pulsed laser. These light pulses produce exact, three-dimensional information on the Earth's structure and surface properties when paired with other data captured by the aerial system.
Photogrammetry is the art and science of using photographic images, patterns of electromagnetic radiant imaging, and other phenomena to measure, record, and interpret accurate information about physical things and the surrounding environment.
1. The challenge lies in balancing accuracy and resolution LiDAR: Generates 3D models of the target region with high resolution and great accuracy. It can map ground characteristics accurately, with vertical accuracy as low as 5 cm and horizontal accuracy of roughly 10 cm. It is especially good at piercing foliage.
Photogrammetry: Photogrammetry offers a little less accuracy and resolution than LiDAR. The survey's ambient conditions and camera quality have a substantial impact on accuracy. The typical range for vertical accuracy is 15–30 cm, and the range for horizontal accuracy is 20–40 cm.
2. Issues revolving around cost-effectiveness and the availability of suitable equipment
LiDAR: Typically more costly because of the advanced gear and technology needed. Compared to photogrammetry, a LiDAR system may require a much larger initial setup.
Photogrammetry: More economical, particularly for simpler or smaller-scale tasks. It can be carried out with less expensive equipment and standard cameras installed on drones or airplanes.
3. Challenges related to time optimization
LiDAR: LiDAR is highly effective at quickly covering large areas, particularly in regions with dense vegetation, as it can penetrate canopy cover and deliver accurate ground data.
Photogrammetry: Surveying time varies based on the project's size and the level of detail needed in the images. It can be slower than LiDAR, especially in areas with complex topographies or dense vegetation. Read our blog for more details: https://www.gsourcedata.com/blog/lidar-vs-photogrammetry
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mavdrones · 22 days
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What Are LiDAR Sensors?
LiDAR sensors, or Light Detection and Ranging sensors, are like the super eyes of the tech world. They use lasers to measure distances and create super-detailed 3D maps of their surroundings. Ever wondered how a drone "sees" the world around it? Well, that’s where LiDAR sensors come in!
How Do LiDAR Sensors Work?
Think of a LiDAR sensor as a high-tech bat. It sends out laser pulses, which bounce off objects and return to the sensor. The time it takes for the laser to return is used to calculate the distance to the object. Multiply this by thousands of laser pulses per second, and you get a 3D image or "point cloud" of the environment. It's like taking a billion tiny measurements in a flash!
Why Are LiDAR Sensors Important?
LiDAR sensors are a game changer for drones. They help drones navigate, avoid obstacles, and perform tasks like mapping and surveying with incredible precision. Unlike traditional cameras, LiDAR sensors work in complete darkness, through fog, or even in bright sunlight, making them perfect for all types of missions. Imagine flying a drone over a dense forest and getting a super-clear picture of what's beneath the canopy. That’s the magic of LiDAR!
LiDAR In Everyday Life
LiDAR sensors are popping up everywhere! From self-driving cars to smart city planning and even augmented reality, they are becoming essential tools in many fields. They're used in archaeology to discover hidden ruins and in agriculture to monitor crops. Pretty cool, right?
The Best LiDAR Sensor For Drones
When it comes to finding the perfect LiDAR sensor for drones, the AVIA LIDAR SENSOR – LIVOX is top of the list. It's the best LiDAR sensor on the market, providing unmatched accuracy, efficiency, and reliability. Whether you're a drone enthusiast or a professional, this sensor is your go-to choice for top-notch performance!
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dynatechinnovations · 4 months
Maximizing LiDAR Survey and Inspection Capabilities with the DJI Zenmuse L2
The DJI Zenmuse L2 is transforming survey and inspection practices with its cutting-edge LiDAR technology. Equipped with high-precision laser scanning capabilities, the Zenmuse L2 enables professionals to create detailed 3D models and topographical maps with exceptional accuracy. This advanced tool is revolutionizing industries such as construction, forestry, and infrastructure maintenance, facilitating efficient and comprehensive inspections that were once labor-intensive and time-consuming.
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danieldavidreitberg · 4 months
Autonomous Vehicles: LiDAR Modeling and Sharps Object Detection by Daniel Reitberg
Driving cars that drive themselves just got easier. Advanced self-driving car companies are using LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology more and more to improve how they see and find objects. While LiDAR systems make high-resolution, point-by-point models of their surroundings, they work like very fast 3D laser scanners, sending out millions of pulses per second. However, LiDAR works well in low light, rain, and fog, while cameras have trouble with changing lighting conditions.
Self-driving cars can "see" the world in new and amazing detail thanks to this accurate 3D mapping. LiDAR is a very accurate way to tell the difference between things like people walking, bicycles, and even abandoned cars. This means better navigation, especially in cities with lots of traffic and surprising obstacles. With LiDAR, self-driving cars can see their surroundings clearly and completely, which lets them respond quickly and correctly to changing conditions on the road.
LiDAR is a big step forward in the development of self-driving cars. Self-driving cars can travel more safely and more efficiently in the future thanks to LiDAR's better ability to find objects.
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techwave1 · 5 months
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Plan networks that are fast, reliable, and easy on the environment. Experience the advent of technology in the utilities industry, that helps you survey, plan, and solve, smart and sustainable solutions. To know more -https://techwave.net/utility-solutions-from-techwave/
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polosofttechnologies · 11 months
Unleashing the Potential of Lidar: Innovative Data Processing Approaches
In the ever-evolving realm of technology, Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) has emerged as a game-changing technology with applications spanning from autonomous vehicles to environmental monitoring. However, the true power of Lidar lies in its data processing capabilities. In this blog post, we will explore innovative data processing approaches for Lidar technology and how Polosoft Technologies is at the forefront of harnessing its potential.
I. The Rise of Lidar Technology
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Lidar, a remote sensing technology that uses laser pulses to measure distances and create detailed 3D maps of environments, has gained substantial traction in recent years. The applications of Lidar are vast, including autonomous driving, surveying, archaeology, and forestry management, among many others. This technology has revolutionized data collection, but the real magic happens in the data processing phase.
II. Traditional Data Processing vs. Innovative Approaches
Traditional data processing for Lidar involves basic filtering and point cloud generation. While this approach is adequate for many applications, innovative methods have the potential to take Lidar to new heights. Here's a comparison of the two:
Traditional Data Processing:
Filtering out noise and unwanted points.
Basic point cloud generation.
Limited to basic applications.
Innovative Data Processing:
Advanced noise reduction algorithms.
Enhanced point cloud processing, including feature extraction.
Expanded applicability to complex scenarios, such as urban environments and forestry.
III. Polosoft Technologies: Pioneering Innovative Lidar Data Processing
At Polosoft Technologies, we have embraced the power of Lidar and are continuously pushing the boundaries of what this technology can achieve. Our innovative data processing approaches for Lidar include:
Noise Reduction Algorithms:
We've developed cutting-edge noise reduction algorithms that significantly improve the quality of Lidar data, making it suitable for even the most demanding applications.
Feature Extraction:
Our advanced data processing techniques enable us to extract valuable features from Lidar point clouds, such as building outlines, vegetation, and road infrastructure. This opens up new possibilities for applications like urban planning and forestry management.
Object Recognition:
Leveraging Lidar data, we have pioneered object recognition algorithms that can identify and classify objects like vehicles, pedestrians, and road signs. This is a crucial component for autonomous driving and advanced security systems.
Integration with AI:
We've seamlessly integrated Lidar data with AI and machine learning models, enabling real-time decision-making and analysis in various industries.
IV. Real-World Applications
The innovative Lidar data processing approaches developed by Polosoft Technologies have far-reaching implications across industries. Some notable applications include:
Autonomous Vehicles:
Lidar data is instrumental in helping self-driving cars navigate and avoid obstacles. Our advanced data processing ensures the highest level of safety and reliability.
Environmental Monitoring:
Lidar-equipped drones and aircraft can monitor forests and other ecosystems with unmatched precision, aiding in conservation and resource management.
Infrastructure Planning:
Lidar data is used to assess and plan urban infrastructure, making cities more efficient and sustainable.
Disaster Management:
Rapid mapping of disaster-stricken areas using Lidar technology helps first responders and authorities to make informed decisions and save lives.
V. Conclusion
The true potential of Lidar lies in its innovative data processing approaches, and Polosoft Technologies is at the forefront of this transformation. By pushing the boundaries of Lidar technology, we are enabling a new era of applications across various industries. As Lidar continues to evolve and advance, the possibilities are limitless, and Polosoft Technologies is committed to staying at the forefront of this exciting field. Join us in embracing the power of Lidar and unlocking a world of possibilities.
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martianbeancounter · 1 year
Microvision Inc (NASDAQ:$MVIS) LIDAR specialists SWOT analyses
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covenawhite66 · 1 year
In the rainforests of Guatemala were more than 900 habitations including at least 4 large cities and thousands of yards of raised causeways connecting them.
650 square miles across northern Guatemala’s Mirador-Calakmul Karst Basin (MCKB) revealed 30 of the famous ball courts of the Ancient Mesoamerican team sport, 195 cement reservoirs which literally drained nearby lakes dry, and 110 miles of elevated walkways connecting 417 villages.
Found in a (LiDAR) survey, which uses lasers to give centimeter-accuracy of the terrain features below a forest canopy, effectively allowing archaeologists to do what used to take decades of expensive excavations with a few fly overs in a plane.
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nnctales · 1 year
Transforming Brooklyn Bridge: A Revolution in Infrastructure Renovation
One of the most enduring symbols of human architectural brilliance is the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. Since its completion in 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge has stood as a testament to engineering prowess and urban resilience. Today, however, we stand on the precipice of a new era for this venerable structure, as modern civil engineering techniques and technologies are transforming the Brooklyn…
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didographic · 1 year
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pebblemae · 2 years
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My dad wanted an emoji of this scanner camera he uses for work. Not only am I having too much fun with it, but it’s also too detailed to be an emoji lol.
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