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robinsnest2111 · 2 months ago
tbh sometimes I don't even realise I'm looking at cringe compilations until I read the name of the page or the caption
like what do you mean these lovely little diy projects are supposed to be bad and cringe???? what do you mean you compiled these photos and screenshots to be laughed at and make fun of the people who put their creations out there for people to see????? what do you mean??????? please invite some joy and whimsy into your heart and let the elitist holier than thou edgelord bullshit attitude go... please....
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sagaciousfchuzzle · 6 years ago
Do ALL of the Space asks!!!!
dOhhh noooooooooo, whoever could this beeeeeeeeeComet- What are you currently frustrated about?
Hahaha oh boy. Mostly how fucking stupid I was not doing internships when I had more of the chance and instead chose to go back home every summer. I really, really appreciated it at the time, but whenever I look for wildlife jobs now I just feel so underqualified and completely unprepared. I was stupid and some friends who will see this will never let me forget it.
Black Hole- What are you most afraid of? 
At this moment what I’m most afraid of is not being able to get a job in my field and not being able to make some kind of meaningful contribution to conservation and stuff.
Galaxy- Do you have any nicknames? What are they? 
Uhhhhhh, Plum/PlumPlum, Mr. Sneeze, Coah; I think that’s about it?
Star- What song(s) do you feel describes you?
Fffffffuuuuuuuuck, um. Okay so I wasted like 3 hours trying to find good ones so let’s just go with these:
Natalia Lafourcade’s Mi Tierra Veracruzana (specifically this live version)
Nujabes’ Spiritual State.
Wind of Departure/~Setting Off Wind~ from Monster Hunter 4.
Baths’ Yeoman, a wonderfully queer musician.
Pogo’s J’Adore Juin, though it breaks my heart that Pogo is an MRA idiot.
Moon- Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book(s)?
Oh god, sadly not. I still have some Discworld books to read but I don’t want to be done-done with the series as a whole. ;_;
Planets- If you could go anywhere, where would you go? 
New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, probably.
Mercury- Describe your aesthetic. 
Earth tones, rustic looks, organized messes, wildflowers and pine trees, hearty food and warm blankets on a cold and cozy day. 
Venus- What’s your favorite tv show? 
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm honestly maybe Parks & Rec? Or Steven Universe. 
Earth- If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you want to be?
On one hand I could be Chris Evans for a day but on the other hand I’d also want to be someone STUPIDLY RICH so I could give tons of money to me and my loved ones, and I wouldn’t want to do that to Chris Evans. Probably the latter, just someone super rich whom I don’t care about.
Mars- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? 
Haha um. Maybe my penchant for sweet things. Or, y’know,my metabolism/weight.
Jupiter- If you had to pick one color to use for an entire week, what color would you choose? 
This is a joke right? ‘Cause anyone who knows anything about me will know the answer is Green.
Saturn- How far would you go for those you care about? 
Very far.
Uranus- What would you say is your greatest achievement? 
Fuck me man, I don’t know. I think being considered someone my friends can trust to talk about shit with.
Neptune- Describe yourself in one sentence. 
Hi I fiercely believe in there being a right and wrong and tend to not suffer those who choose the latter; that being said, I am a goof who loves puns and even though I can be snarky as hell I secretly prefer it when people are even more snarky back to me and put me in my place, because it’s fun to laugh, even at yourself. 
Pluto- If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would you meet? 
Terry Pratchett, author of the Discworld series (and many more books besides!).
Constellations- If you could have one talent, what would you want it to be? (can be magical or not)
>Magical or notOh man. Okay so if I want to be broken I’d say absolute control over time, so absolute that even fi I create paradoxes it isn’t an issue. Alternatively, something I’ve always thought would eb cool was to either:Be able to teleport as far as your eye can seeorAny time you’re going down a street or sitting in a place or whatever, and for some vague reason it reminds you of some other place you’ve been to (so you drive past a street called Railroad Avenue, but you know of another Railroad Avenue in another town, or you’re sitting in a park and smells like your grandparents’ backyard), those two places become ‘linked’ and you can freely teleport between the two vaguely similar locations. You can’t like… consciously force the linking though.
Asteroid- When you die, what do you want to be done with your body?
Cremated, spread over some nice wilderness, maybe with a tree.
Aquarius- What’s a topic you enjoy learning about? 
B I O L O G Y   &   E C O L O G Y
Aquila- Do you prefer to read books or watch movies?
I feel like these are apples & oranges? Like books are more of a solitude thing to enjoy by yourself, but movies are great to share with people.
Aries- What is something you enjoy doing?
Telling myself I’m going to get back into drawing, and then not. c:Alternatively, coming up with tabletop rpg plots and never using them.
Auriga- If you had to pick one villain from any media, who would you rather have to face and why?
The Nightmare Knight from Cucumber’s Quest, because spoiler reasons. 
Bootes- If you could have any animal, wild or not, fake or not, which would you want?
G R I Z Z L Y   B E A R .Or maybe a feathered serpent like Quetzalcoatl.
Cancer- How do you want to be remembered? 
Someone who, despite his extraordinarily sharp wit, was kind and cozy.
Canis Major- How many friends do you have? 
Lots man. 
Capricornus- What’s a song lyric that you relate to? 
Honestly I’m having a hard time with this one. I guess from Hey Rosetta! we’ve got two:From their song Kintsukuroi:Oh see inside of me lay the heels of your hands upon me and let your fingers fall bless these broken bonesmake it whole, make it better than it was before make it better than it was before! 
and their song Dream:couldn’t we make, couldn’t we make, couldn’t we make itjust like we wanted, just like we need itwhy can’t we, just like a dream?
who says we can’t. who says we can’t, who says we shouldn’twho says we couldn’t, make it just like we love itwhy can’t we, just like a dream?
Cassiopeia- What’s your favorite quote? 
I guess, “The blood of the covenant of friendship is thicker than the water shared by the womb” ‘cause that’s the first one that came to mind.
Cygnus- If you could go back to any time period for a couple days, when/where would you want to go?
I think to November a couple years back, or to some time last winter. There’s some stuff I could at least try to fix.
Gemini- Do you have any siblings? How many?
Just one older brother.
Leo- If you could change the way any movie was made, which movie would you change?
Honestly probably Kubo & the Two Strings because it had so much potential but the second half of the film seems so…………………. so boring compared to what they could have done with it.
Libra- If you could talk to your past self, what would you tell yourself?
Bitch stay in Alaska and do an internship.
Lyra- Would you rather be feared or loved?
Feared by strangers, loved by friends & family.
Orion- What’s your favorite type of weather?
Brightly sunny with some scattered clouds, but none-the-less it’s cold & crisp. Or it’s night time with moderate rain and wet streets.
Pegasus- What’s your favorite music genre? 
Fuck man there can’t be just one. Jazz, Classical, pseudo….electronic-ish stuff???, soundtracks, etc.
Perseus- What’s your favorite movie genre?
Action/Adventure or Comedy.
Pisces- Describe someone you love without saying their name.
She’s Saint Francis incarnate, and not just for the animals. Even when people hurt her she will always take the higher path, and I know she has a better moral compass than I do. She’s wise and snarky and loves working the earth with her own hands (Hint: it’s an aunt of mine).
Sagittarius- What do you do when you don’t feel well? What do you eat/drink?
If you’re talking about a cold or something what I tend to do is fill a kettle to the brim and heat up a ton of water, then basically chug tea all day. Specifically chamomile or maybe a lemon tea, but both with some honey. That tends to help me recuperate faster.
Scorpius- If you had to pick someone to betray you, who would you pick?
Probs my friend Owen, ‘cause he’d be the easiest to ignore. 😂
Taurus- What makes you feel comfortable?
Eating food with friends, telling stories and jokes, good music on drives long & short, telling truths and sharing feelings, going to sleep exhausted because I actually did stuff during the day.
Ursa Major- If you had to pick any job to have, what job would you want? 
Savior of all Ursus-kind. Or like raising abandoned bear cubs which would be super sad but also super heartwarming.
Virgo- What do you value the most- artistic ability/creativity, musical ability, athletic ability, intellect, or work ethic?
I think I respect work ethic the most - you may not be the most capable, but you’re being honest & earnest, and like a teacher of mine said in the past, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
Neutron- Are you more of a leader or a follower?
Honestly I’m happy to be a follower unless there’s no leader or the leader is incompetent.
Supernova- How do you feel about yourself?
Kind of unhappy, for the reasons mentioned in Comet. Kind of annoyed at how it feels like I’m procrastinating on starting my own life, whether that’s intentional or not. 
Supergiant- What’s something you like about yourself? 
People have told me they feel comfortable talking to me about issues and stuff and I really, really like that I can be that kind of person for my friends.
Red Giant- Would you get into a debate/argument with someone if you heard them saying something you disagree with or know to be wrong, or would you stay silent?
It depends. If they’re just talking with their own group and I’m not going to be stuck near them for hours, then I can just put headphones in, but if they’re making someone uncomfortable or something, I’d step in. I’d also step in if it was an honest mistake.
Red Dwarf- What’s your favorite smell? What smell makes you feel most comfortable? 
Pine trees I think. I loooooooooooooooove the smell of pine.
Protostar- Give a random fact about yourself.  
I finally beat Dragon’s Dogma the other day and I was scared I was going to be disappointed because I already kind of knew about the existential take it…. takes, but it was a blast and wonderful and amazing and I think everyone who likes rpg’s should play this game and Grigori is a huge…. sweetheart, of sorts.
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