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I genuinely do enjoy the Minrathous vs Treviso choice overall, it's an excellent gut punch, but I won't lie. I'm a little annoyed that if you save Treviso you basically don't get to see the major Shadow Dragons for the rest of the game (including Mae and Dorian!) and the Viper gets blighted and you don't get to pick the archon and there aren't enough quests to max out the Shadow Dragons' strength without serious grinding (so it's way easier for them to die in the endgame) and meanwhile the only significant exclusive consequences to saving Minrathous that I'm aware of (meaning not counting losing the main faction shop or the relevant companion getting hardened or the strength loss from losing the city, since that stuff happens with both) are... you can't romance Lucanis (which not everyone is trying to do anyway) and Jacobus dies (which sucks but I don't even know if it counts as "exclusive" given Hector and Lorelei die if you sacrifice Minrathous). This choice seems just a little biased, is all I'm saying! If they were going to do that I would've liked literally any warning of how unbalanced the consequences would be, especially given Minrathous at least has soldiers so if either side was going to have it worse I'd expect it to be Treviso!
#dragon age veilguard#dav spoilers#i like what happens if you save treviso overall but like. i won't lie learning what happens if you don't has me feeling a little robbed#'do you want the good minrathous storyline or lucanis's romance' why are these options in the same category#like why is this the choice i'm making. if i want to romance lucanis i gotta sacrifice minrathous and get next to no shadow dragons content#i don't have to sacrifice minrathous to get a good storyline for the crows!#i don't even have to sacrifice treviso to romance neve!#like if you sacrifice treviso the quests there have like. a hopeful ending#meanwhile if you sacrifice minrathous it's just 'WELL YOU SURE FUCKED THAT UP. moving on'#LET ME HELP THE SHADOW DRAGONS REBUILD DAMMIT#bioware why did you take this choice with no right answer and give it a correct answer in the writing
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I started a second fanfic so hope you enjoy I do not own httyd and is the a complete fanfic written by me
The Wolf King Chapter 1
It was a cool day on berk it was the middle of summer which for berk was still freezing but the people on the large island had grown accustom the cold for generations had become a minor annoyance but life keep going on day to day and there was one person who was in charge of the island and all its people that man was Stokic The Vast the leader of this clan. In all sense he was a good and strong leader to his people the first into battle and the last to retreat to ensure his clan would be safe but still caring for his people to resolve everyday disputes. Even with all this on his shoulders he always had to worry about being attacked from multiple enemy's some other clans seeking power and re souses or from their current foe, dragons.
Dragons had been raiding berk for what seemed like generations mostly stealing food and as a side effect burning buildings down in search for such resource leaving many homeless till they could rebuild and the sad truth was that when dragons attacked there would be losses of both dragons and vikings that was just how it was on berk. The one rule was at that point was kill or be killed such as life was. With that however life seemed to also have good moments the fact that they were still alive after the battles was a blessing to most because they were parents who would fight to keep their homes and family safe from this enemy. Stokic having a son and a wife whom sadly he had lost her when dragons raided one night and was carried away to who knows where leaving him and son. Yes his son Hiccup Haddic lll also know as the village problem maker. Hiccup was not much like the other vikings his age he didn't have much muscle but enough that he could still handle him self in a fight but preferred to use is intelligence instead of his Bron. Mind over strength that was hiccup. Even at the age of ten he could solve problems that most couldn't figure out except on having friends. The other vikings his age were different then him you had the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Snotlout, fishlegs who was the closest to hiccup he at least used his mind most of the time, and Astrid aka the human form of a Valkyrie, to all the boys in the group and not saying that ruffnut was bad but she was more of a boy then a girl because she had to put up with her twin. We find hiccup at his house getting ready to leave and head to the forge where gobber the town blacksmith worked. Even with missing limbs he was more then capable to preform his job and even fight when needed. Hiccup was being trained to work with metal since he couldn't fight dragons he decided to try and make himself useful when raids begin sharpening bladed, making swords, ext. "Alright dad i’m heading to the forge i'll be back later." hiccup said as he walked past his father who was poking the fire pit they cooked at. "Alright son. Be back before dark in case of raids its been two days now and im getting worried they may attack tonignt." He returned to his son not looking at him. "I will" and with that hiccup opened the door and looked out at the village down the hill. he started down the hill in silence he was busy in his head thinking about things and before he knew it he was already at the forge. "Hay gobber you here?" "aye boy i’m here just taking a break resting these old limbs of mine. Count yourself lucky that you haven't lost one yet its a pain." he said with a smile facing towards hiccup. "literally". Hiccup looked at the viking chuckling at the joke the old viking made. He walked over to put on his blacksmiths apron and walked over to the forge pressing the bellows a few times to get the flames to come to life he then picked up a part of a axe he had been working on. The metal was steel and required more pressure to mold and pound on then iron. He had a feeling that he was getting better with working with metal because gobber had let him start on a side project to help hone his skills further. He was deep in concentration when shout from behind him made him cringe.
"Well well well looks who’s working guys its the village fool" it was snolout. He was taller then hiccup and stronger but lacked the smarts and top it off with his ego but worst of all they were related he was hiccups cousin. He was followed by the rest of the group and Astrid trailing behind everyone not caring about what he had to say she was focused on one thing and that was dragon killing and soon they would have to start training to kill dragons. "hay hiccup you going to dragon training, oh wait, you would just screw that up as well" Snontout started laughing and turned to head off with the group in tow towards the arena except Astrid. She had business with gobber. "gobber can you sharpen my axe its kinda dull and I will need it good and sharp for training." she asked walking over to the little window that allowed the vikings to give and receive weapons on raids for easy transactions. She then reached behind her and grabbed the handle of her axe and then handed towards gobber. He reached for and grabbed it with his good hand and gave a quick check to check it. The blade was a bit dull from use, the handles straps and bindings beginning to ripe, and the wood that was holding it together starting to split and crack. Gobber knew that the was would break soon after continued being used. "Ya lass he can fix ya up. Here." He walks over and then hands the axe to hiccup who stops his project putting it back into the fire to reheat it for him to work on it later. Hiccup then walks over to gobber and takes the axe from gobber not looking in Astrids direction then proceeds to the grinding stone and begins sharping the axe. "HAY STOP YOU"LL RUIN MY AXE!" Astrid shouting towards hiccup she then looks at gobber "STOP HIM PLEASE!" gobber shots her a look that makes Astrid stop her yelling making her cringe a little.
Gobber uses his good hand and points to young man who seems to have been done with the project and proceeds over to gobber and hands him the axe not looking in astrids direction again then turns and takes off his apron and hangs it up with care. "I'm heading out I will be back to clean up later." Gobber just looking at the boy and nodding "Aye just be sure to put everything back." Hiccup just nodded and proceeded out the back door of the forge heading towards the forest to think. After a few moments he disappeared into the shadows of the trees.
Back at the forge
Astrid had watched hiccup disappear from sight and then faced gobber who just had a unsatisfied look on his face."What? he probably ruined the blade on my axe he is the village fool after all." gobber just shook his head in disbelief and then handed her the axe. "That fool is the one who always sharpens your axe if you don't beleave me give it a try." He then proceeds to point a target that was near the forge to test the work of the weapons they made "throw it lass I would bet it will go to the wood in the back." Astrid then proceeded to walk over to the target about ten feet away "I bet it won't ever stick into it and bounce off. "Alright I will tell ya what if it don't stick into it I will let have a new axe for free and I will sharpen it till i die, but if it does" He then exited the forge threw the front door and proceeded to where she was standing looking at her. "I will apologize to him." she said looking at the old viking who looked at her "not bad but ya need to sweeten the deal I offered a new axe and I would sharpen it till i die too nah you need to raise the stakes." He looked at Astrid with a smile he had a soft spot for hiccup since he was little he thought of him as son at times. "Fine I will apologize and will even let him sharpen my axe and heck I will even hang out with him so is that enough for ya?!"
Gobber just nodded "Aye lass but you need to uphold it or else you will be shamed for losing a bet and not going threw with it." Astrid smiled "that goes for you too you know." Gobber let out a laugh "Aye lass I know the stakes." They both nodded and Astrid faced towards the target again and held her axe in her hand tight and proceeded to wind up for the throw. Astrid who was very precise with throwing weapons let the axe fly her arm flew forward her hand free of the axe landed right back to her side but something was off she felt it and something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. Gobber had walked over to a nearby chair and had a big grim on his face not even looking at the transpired with the axe. Astrid turned back to the target and there it was sticking in the target was her axe. "go try and fetch it i would bet you can't get it out." gobber asked with his head laid back on the building and his eyes closed. Astrid didn't say a word and headed to the target to retrieve her axe. She grabbed the handle of the axe and gave it a tug and sure enough she could not pull it out. "Dammit." was all she said. Gobber got up and walked towards Astrid and her axe, he grabbed the handle of the axe with his good hand and gave it a good yank freeing it and handing it to her. "I win." He then turned and proceeded back the forge and disappeared into it. "How! How did you know that would happen!" Astrid said running up the forge window trying get a explanation from gobber. "I told ya once he always sharpens your axe but its not just yours he sharpens all the weapons. Come on lass I have one good hand so i can't do that sort of thing anymore now if you would excuse me i have work to do and you have a bet to uphold." Astrid stunned by what he just said then began swearing and walking off to her house for it was getting dark out and all the vikings where heading home for the night.
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On the Horizon
After having gotten used to the feeling of bloodlust in conquering the city, patrolling it demoted Jacko and his team to the role of policeman. They were fighters, demons on a rampage, not Canadian constables. Adding to the insult, anyone caught lurking about was not to be killed, but captured. Jacko wasn’t even entrusted to make the decision on whether or not a boy in the street would be worthy of becoming part of The Dragon. But patrol they did, that is what Tynon had assigned to them and that’s what they were going to do. They, for the time, became the police force of Toronto, or whatever name the city was going by these days.
The great city had several names but perhaps most famously, York. The war of 1812 saw it bombarded shortly renamed after the Mohawk word representing trees growing over water, Toronto. It was once the most populous city in Canada. Now, no one really knew where the populated cities where. Much like Toronto, major cities had evolved through the drought, eventually crumbling into decay.
With The Dragon taking up residence, the city itself felt a misplaced hope that they might rebuild her, bring back her cultural diversity, bring back her life. She saw the people in the streets, making things safe, organizing in groups, marching, eating, and using her streets and buildings. The city could not discern their intent, she only knew that there was life inside again in the here and now. And without a political affiliation or agenda, maybe she didn’t care that the group ultimately desired to bring down what remained of humanity. Maybe she only cared that there were people, once again, living within her borders.
On the horizon, late in the afternoon, to the southeast Jacko’s patrol spotted the silhouette of a group of men. The sun blazed behind the shadowy figures as they struggled through the sand and wind toward the city. Jacko lowered his shaded goggles to pierce through the light. He could see four men fully upright, but struggling to make forward progress.
“Volunteer.” Jacko whispered just over the sound of the wind. None of his men stepped forward, irritating the makeshift leader. He spoke it more loudly, “Volunteer!” Finally one raised his hand. Jacko looked at the other men in disappointment. “Go. Tell Tynon that we have visitors coming from he southeast.”
By Jacko’s estimate the men were still nearly five kilometers away and it would take them an hour to reach his position at the sluggish pace they were going. He was excited by the opportunity to be on the forefront of such an event. It was his team who discovered the travelers and his order to inform Tynon. He wondered if this would help him move up the ranks, to become a lieutenant or squadron commander. Deep down he felt he could be a great leader. He was clever, intelligent, authoritative, and supportive of those he commanded, or so he thought.
Jacko envisioned himself in the future standing next to Tynon, sitting upon the throne. He’d be Tynon’s right-hand lieutenant, taking care of all manner of important business for the great man and, more importantly, being in the room, at the table when big decisions were being made. He knew he’d get there given enough time and enough expression of his smarts. Tynon would eventually notice him and then he’d have a meteoric rise through the ranks and take a role worthy of his cunning. It was just a matter of getting his kill count up, or ensuring a clean block when he finished patrolling, or making all the right decisions when men were spotted on the horizon.
“The rest of you are with me,” he whispered again, for no reason. With the wind and at such a distance, there was no chance the sluggish men before the sun were going to hear him, but he whispered because that’s what he thought you did when you were near a possible enemy patrol.
He waved his men out of their complacency and they moved away from the city center, toward the oncoming band of shadows. They were careful to keep themselves behind buildings and rubble as they moved. While they felt clever for crouching and bolting around in discrete movements, they were very exposed by the angle of the sun and their inexperience. The men on the horizon easily spotted them, but trudged onward anyway.
Jacko’s team got to within three kilometers, they could finally see that the men were dragging something, two somethings. Their sluggish progress now had an explanation, or at least a partial one. What are they dragging, Jacko wondered, why would you slog through the sand with cargo like that? No wheels, no cart?
One of the figures waved.
“Shit! We’ve been spotted.” He said. His mind raced to come up with some sort of plan. Do we attack? Hide? Wave back? Idiot! Stupid, stupid, stupid! You let yourself be seen by a possible enemy!
He mustered his courage in the face of his idiotic mistake. Can’t let his men see the chink in his armour. In looking at them he wondered if one of them might have a better idea than racing out to attack, but asking might show weakness and he can’t have his men ever see him as weak. Maybe I’ll send one of them out there. No, that would be suicide. Dammit!
The shadowy men continued their slow approach. Jacko would have to make a choice soon, or his only choice would be to let them men come upon his team. Having done nothing proactive to intercept these travelers, Jacko would have only proven himself as useless as the city rubble that would greet them. He would not have it. Jacko was a man of action, after all, of courage and decisiveness and cunning. “We’re going to rush them.”
His team unloaded their waterbags and gripped their clubs tightly. They had less than two kilometers to cover.
In his most polished commanding voice, Jacko said, “Let’s go!”
The post On the Horizon appeared first on Mark McEachran.
http://j.mp/2uV6BAP August 01, 2017 at 09:30AM
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