yyxandere · 10 months
It's time for the Yakuza women, let's go!
Reina is one of the main beauties in all of Kamurocho. The God of Luck himself must have kissed you if you were able to draw her attention to you! I'm betting that you met at her place of work in Serena, intending to down a few glasses of alcohol or stopped by out of interest. Reina always gives you a charming smile and greeting, sincerely rejoicing at your every arrival at her bar, and may even introduce you to Nishikiyama, Yumi and Kiryu if you know her enough to do this. She will encourage you every time you sing karaoke, no matter how that awkwardly and embarrassing it is, the main thing is that you try, don’t be shy, darling! In Kiwami, she will be so assertive that she will even enlist the help of Nishikiyama to keep an eye on you and tell you all the information he finds out about you. This will give Reyna a lot of leverage over you, where she will "subtly" tell you this or that, confusing you, but due to your trust in her, you decide not to pay attention. This carelessness about details stops as soon as you finally see the ring on your finger, indicating that you belong to her, successfully wrapping around your finger. Reyna will never be able to lay a hand on you, but will raise her voice if you argue with her or try to escape from him, but instantly compensates for this by successfully powdering your head with her sweet voice. She, of course, can kidnap you, but if some guys from other clans threaten your life. Reina is well aware from Nishiki of what exactly they do with those who the yakuza do not like or cross the road. How can she allow you to die? No, no, no.
Oh, Makoto Makimura... A rather wounded and tormented flower in this world, completely alone and defenseless: this is approximately the impression this girl made on you. It will take a lot of patience and time to gain her trust due to the hell she has been through. After this, Makoto will dare to tell you about all her experiences and pain, but these will not be just words, no... It will be a real emotional confession, where she will tightly hold you by the sleeve, as if she child seeking protection from a mother who will always accept her as she is. And here it is – as soon as she understands that you never judged, but, on the contrary, supported you, then know that now she will not be able to let you go. If not physically, then mentally. In fact, Makoto doesn’t even realize that with her sincerity and concern, she successfully keeps you with her, where you don’t even dare to admit a single thought about leaving her alone. She always walks next to you, gently holding your hand or the edge of your clothes, wherever you go, but now she is not afraid to fight back to anyone if some scoundrel dares to bother both of you. Makoto loves it when you pamper her or try to do everything for her comfort, but wait! Why are you trying to keep your distance? Don't you understand that your coldness and detachment hurt me? – These words literally torn your mind, making you the perfect prisoner of her desires in an endless sense of guilt and determination to make her happy. Makoto won't kidnap you... It's you'll be the one with her. And this suits her completely... Her reliable protector and the human of her heart.
Yumi is a very gentle woman with a sensitive heart. Before the events of Kiwami, she will be very sweet and naive that you will have to always remind her to remain vigilant, and at this time she looks at you with bewilderment, continuing to chat sweetly with you, ignoring your warnings. She always carefreely dragged you on dates or to work at Serena's to meet the hostess and her best friends, regulars of this bar. But during the events of Kiwami, after many disturbing events, Yumi becomes tougher and more bitter, now being more careful with everyone. Now she has a little daughter in her arms and doesn’t know what to do with herself after the betrayal of her ex-husband, who without hesitation left her for a bigger money fish, which is why she now has huge trust problems. But since you were her acquaintance, Yumi will be able to trust you even by entrusting you with communication with Haruka, which involuntarily warms her heart. It's been quite rare to care since the beginning of the chain of misfortunes, and she has no intention of stopping this warm. Haruka is the perfect reason to keep you around, you wouldn't think of leaving her after everything that poor thing has been through, right? Of course not, that's impossible. There was never a moment when you ignored her child, always giving her attention and protection during her career as an idol. There is already an inevitable chance to contact Kiryu, who also became attached to Haruka as a daughter. And at this point you can insert a painful but interesting trope: there is a possible development of such thoughts in you that Yumi no longer needs you, she already has an old love of hers, since what is the point of bothering her with your presence... This will make her worry a lot , frantically wondering why you suddenly became cold. Did someone offend you? Are you having troubles at work? Is there something wrong with your health? Or you find someone else? And when, after a while, when Yumi finally finds out the real reason for your detachment, all she can do is mentally slap herself in the head. How could she not notice that close contact with Kiryu would affect you so much that you considered yourself unnecessary for her!? She needed to act quickly and decisively burst into your house, reprimand you for such stupidity, already confessing her feelings and that she does not intend to leave you for Kiryu (at that time you stood stunned in your pajamas and embarrassedly listened to her in silence, still shocked by her sudden arrival at night). But it doesn’t matter, one way or another you are already in her hands, hardly having the opportunity to escape. She is yours and this time Yumi intends to prove it with determination, no matter how much you want it.
Since you have problems with such phenomena breaking the law, then Kaoru is here! She is literally one of the most empathetic police officers who always protects you and listens to you no matter what. Mrs. Policewoman also likes to drag you around to many places, especially food service buildings (which suddenly made a date sign for you, for her this is just part of the plan). If you are cold towards her, then “suddenly” it turns out that you are suspected of several serious criminal cases! How so! You don’t want everyone to know about your “crime,” do you? Then listen to your good Mrs. Policeman: she will always listen and help you. It's a completely different story if you actually have problems with the law, such as theft or vandalism. Oh, this is the sweet candy for her, which she will wave in front of your pale face in fear of a face indicating that she has power over you. But if the enemy is much more serious than murder or mercenaryism... Well, be prepared when at one moment suddenly your neck is tightened by the Patriarch of the Omi Alliance with collar of power, her brother. It's not hard for Ryuuji to keep a brash wolf cub like you in line, and even if you fight, he'll quickly "break" the bratty teeth you dared to show him, all in the name of protecting her little sister. So neither the police, nor even the other yakuza will help you, there is no limit to the outcome of the luck of your dangerous and sly Policewoman mission...
(Thank you for all the answers and for taking some time to answer our questions. It's my last images in this time and I won’t burden you until you decide to be active again. Although I'd be lying if I said I'll wait for your next question box opening without tears, haha. Good luck in school 😉)
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The Serena bartender- Reina, her personality is as pretty as her face, her glamorous long black lashes show as she bats her eyes towards you, her cherry colored lipstick pops her beauty, her voice sweet yet mature, a fine lady for the night. Lady Luck’s golden hand must have touched you when night beauty Reina took a deep interest in you and as a move kissed you on your cheek leaving a lingering kiss that left a red mark on your skin which you couldn’t stop touching.
Reina would cherish every moment you visit/are with her, she would make time to be with you if there are many customers, it’s quite obvious that you are a favorite of hers, she would let you taste the newest alcohol or wine she bought, and even decrease your tab, she won’t say it though, she would be very flustered if you ever found out. You might try to convince her not to do such things. She is the kind of person who never misses an opportunity to be close to you, subtle hand holding or she’s too close for your comfort, she would stroke your hand as you talk about your day with your redden booze face. She will heavily encourage you to sing even once, no matter how awkward your voice might be, she will hype you up!
She wouldn’t do anything horrible to you when you’re knocked out on the bar’s coach, she would just be very touchy with you, stroking your hair away from your face and giving light bunny kisses on your hand and nape, causing some lipstick stains on your collar. She would also ask Kiryu or Nishiki to help you carry her to her house because “she doesn’t know where you live” even though that’s completely false, after arriving at her house, she would thank whoever carried you, and bring you to her bed and wipe your body with a clean towel as you sleep, she would treasure each moment she does, she would find many scars from your past or maybe new one if you were a yakuza like Kiryu and Nishiki. She would then watch you sleep then sleep while sitting beside you.
She would also let you taste all of the wine and alcohol she has, so she can find what your ideal liking after she would keep the glass you were using a keep it hidden so at the end of the night she will pour herself a glass with the one you liked the most and put her cherry lips on the same place as where your lips were.
Now at Kiwami, Reina would be the same but more rough and tense when it comes to you, assertive even like you said anon. She would ask Nishiki or hell Nishiki would ask Reina if she needs help keeping you on a leash, if you are a Yakuza she would ask Nishiki to let you be a part of his family, Nishiki would agree after having a long talk with her, Nishiki would agree because he feels like Reina I now the only person he can protect, you know the drill with Kiwami Nishiki. She would isolate you from a lot of people too, she’s way paranoid, scared even, she worries over you like a mother, she would feed lies and rumors to you around the people she seems like they would put you in danger, a snowball effect to be exact.
She will make sure that you live a comfortable life and she’s also very determined to put a ring on your finger. She may never raise her hand on you but will use her voice to put some “logic” on your head, many years of being a bartender let her know many people and buttery words to convince people. She will kidnap you with the help of Nishiki or she will put a heavy sleeping drug on your drink so she will carry you to her house or ask one of Nishiki’s goons to help if you even try to leave married or not, just one dial from Nishiki then you’ll see them at your hiding spot and bring you back to Reina’s warm “embrace”. . .
If a wilting and broken flower because of the horrors of this world-Makoto would be the personification of it. The eyes are the window to the soul so no wonder why her eyes are as clear as the tears she weep like the ocean. Her skin is still soft yet rough after many years of abuse, Makoto flinches whenever someone even tries to touch her, memories from the past hunt her, and her voice weak from the constant scream for help. But after all the hell she went through, the universe finally gave her something. You are her saving grace, you are there when she needs a hand to hold, yes it took time for her to open up, or in other words, open up the wound she is trying to heal just for you. Opening such a bloody wound would make anyone cry, so that's why she was sobbing and clinging to you when she opened up to you, even though you kept on telling her that she didn't need to tell you, but she insisted on telling you that "you deserve to know it after being with me." So after that, she opened her heart to you. You can't refuse Makoto when after all of that she confessed her love for you.
Makoto doesn't know the growing obsessiveness or heck the intense dependency for you, the reason she cries every night when she thinks about how you're going to leave her someday you have to comfort her that you wouldn't even THINK of such thing as you've promised that you'll never leave her! But make sure that you keep your promise, after all, two people look after her-Tetsu and Majima they both deeply care for Makoto and if they even see a single frown even worse, tears forming on the corners of her eyes, they aren't going to hesitate to talk to you. Tetsu would blackmail you to stay with her and treat her like she's the only important thing in the world, while Majima will say quite the same thing but he won't hesitate to punch you if you even say a single mean thing about her. Both deeply care for her so make sure that you are not an "all bark" but "no bite" kinda person.
Makoto (like you said won't kidnap you) but will keep you with her by unconsciously guilt-tripping you, making you feel guilty and uncomfortable about wanting to leave her side even without realizing it. She likes to spend her time walking with you as you both hold hands as you feed Makoto newly bought takoyaki (which you blew first, you don't want to hurt her the slightest) as you both enjoy the food after that making a promise to Makoto that you will never leave her no matter what, be a person of your word dear (Y/N). . .
Yumi WAS a sensitive-hearted woman, she was soft and energetic. If you are having a bad day you can just see her and immediately have fun, you will be extremely at ease when you are with her, she will cling to your arm as she asks about today while she gives you your drink. You always try your best to tell her that she needs to be safer after all, two hotshot Yakuzas Kiryu and Nishiki have their eyes on her, but she will only shrug it off, hey how about you sing in the karaoke! Yumi will always ask to take her out on a date, just imagine how romantic it will be! You give her ice cream as you both watch the fireworks release in the night sky and both of you kiss- such daydreaming will stop if Reina shakes her to do her job. Yumi is also delusional about every single thing you do, she will consider it as a romantic gesture mixed with her being a daydreamer. Do you open up the door for her? Is this your first move on her?! Are you telling the old creep who was touching her way too weirdly to buzz off? Then you must be jealous, don’t worry she’s all yours! She would also spread some rumors that both of you guys are dating and if you guys are in public she will give you subtle kisses on your cheek, she's just a girl in love.
After blood was spilled because of her, Yumi became on her guard protecting herself from Haruka no matter what, like you said anon, she won't be the same girl as ten years ago, she's not the naive young woman she was, her ex-husband's betrayal was the nail on the coffin for the huge trust issues that are going to grow even bigger, but if you both met again pre-Kiwami, she will first make sure that you aren't going to betray her in any way for her sake as well as yours. But once she knows that you weren't here to betray her, she will bawl in your arms, several years of bottled-up emotion bursting, which made you cry too. After all, it's been years since you met Yumi, your friend.
She will tell you about Haruka and the fact that she has to pretend that she's her aunt and not her mother, and it was harsh to hear that so then visit Haruka to spend time with your "niece", you will tell her many stories about her "mom" without telling the name, you tell Haruka how much her mom misses her and if they were in a different circumstance then she will give Haruka all of the love that she needed and with that you and Haruka became close, heck whenever Yumi visits Haruka, Haruka will ramble about you to her, melting her heart that you said many good things to her and that Haruka took a liking towards you, she would even tell you what Haruka said about you to be with her.
After that, she will ask or even beg Kazama to let her monitor you or even let her keep you, especially when you were also a part of the Serena squad, and since Kazama sees how miserable Yumi is, he will agree giving Yumi any kind of information about you, on the palm of her hands, but if there are many people or Nishiki's goons are on her tail, she will forcefully drag you out of your house saying that "you too are in danger" and that if something happens to you she won't forgive herself, she will not be able to rest until you are safe. Even if it's just an empty threat, she believes with all her might that anything that happens to you will be her fault. Yumi is the definition of overprotective.
But AFTER the event of Kiwami and her finally reuniting with Kazuma, you will slowly drift away from her radars, maybe you moved to the next city or any city because you might think that Yumi wouldn't need you anymore since Kiryu is now her, a real strong person that can protect Yumi, so even as bittersweet it is, you left Kamurocho and didn't even say goodbye to Yumi, scared that you might distract her from her bonding with the man she loved (in your eyes you thought that Yumi was in love with Kazuma) and her daughter. If you were lucky and didn't get caught by her leaving Kamurocho then say hello to your short-lived paradise before she captures you. But when she noticed and heard about your friends talking about you leaving and hearing the information, she would overthink so many scenarios. Were you leaving because you found out that Nishiki's goons weren't coming after you? Or were you leaving because you found the things that she will do to keep you with her? No, no, NO. Each day trying to contact you makes her go insane. Are you safe? Are you eating well? Or worse, maybe you're in the streets right now bloodied up?! She doesn't understand why you would ever be in these conditions, you are the one who saved her life, who gave her hope, she loves you so much, please come back, come back to me, come back… In the end, she was left alone, abandoned, completely forgotten, and unable to sleep. The purple eye bags under her eyes showed it all.
But when she somehow finds out the reason for your leaving, she will just scream at herself for being so…so… darn ignorant! Of course, you will feel that way. So after finding you after blackmailing your friends, she will immediately hurry to your apartment and open your door by using a spare key, (she knows where you keep your spare keys, like under your rug or your pot) and in the middle of the night she'll make you spit the water you were drinking as she comes towards you in usain bolt style, as she rambles of how stupid she was as your dumbfounded while in your pajamas, how the hell did she even find you? HECK EVEN OPEN YOU DOOR? You must hear her out, she only has eyes for you, so please don't drive her insane like a madman.
The beauty and brain herself knows the power imbalance she has on you, the golden badge she has on her chest shows it all. Maybe you made her take an interest in you if you were related to any of her cases and one of her tasks was to keep a keen eye on you, at first when denied harshly wanting to go to the bigger and more interesting parts of the case, but her boss made her do it, so now there she was practically spying on you, it was such lame job, but slowly she is attracted to you, she notice your small and big habits, like how you feed the nearby stray cats and dogs when you have your salary or whenever your nervous your voice becomes more serious, she doesn't know what it was yet she knew that it was bad for her position, especially you might be related to the criminal, but at the end she found nothing and when the case was over and they found the criminal, her boss told Kaoru to stop her job yet she felt well…nothing…
She would play with her food as she day-dreams of what you are doing at this hour, you were probably with your co-workers hanging out as you laugh at their horrible jokes, yet she likes the way you laugh but feels a certain disdain feeling that you were laughing with someone other than her..wait. What?! What the hell was she thinking and why did she order and buy the same food you always buy at the convenience store as her lunch today? Something's wrong with her!
Kaoru lay motionless on her bed as she deeply thought about what was happening to her, and before she even knew it she took the cellphone she had that she tapped your cell phone with so she couldn't listen to your previous calls today and Kaoru then feels it again when she heard your voice her face burns and melted with a soft smile as you told you friends about your day and were you are going tomorrow as a weekend rest. Kaoru is a fast thinker so she knew that this was her chance to meet up with you and introduce herself and let you know her (she already KNOWS a lot about you alright). She may be a fast thinker but she's an overthinker as well, she will wear clothes that you mentioned to your friends that made "anyone gorgeous, and that night she made many scenarios of what to talk to you about.
Skip to a few months and both you and Kaoru are close, she will come to you and ask you to hangout, while you will reply yes and she will feel her heart beat fast, her mouth is dry due to excitement, and she starts to think of possible ways to bring you together, she may be a bad-ass woman but she when you enter the room all people can see is a woman who has no wooing skills many of her co-workers will hype both of you guys!
But Kaoru is a police officer who has the power to keep track of you, and wherever you go, she will see you interact with your friends as she listens to your guys' conversation on the hidden mic on your coat. Kaoru would also put CCTV in your own house. Kaoru knows that what she's feeling isn't normal and the power imbalance you both have is unhealthy yet if she feels like she needs control over you. If you were a delinquent she would use that as blackmail for the new paying job you were hired for, but if you did something much worse things like murder or some kind of accomplice to a crime, then she has more power over you. But if your record is straight then you free to go but not your close ones, what happens if you're brother is a young gangster who had a reckless history or your closest friend is selling drugs, your family and your close ones are at stake you know, just one show of her badge or a piece of forced evidence then it's (ever) over for them and you.
The only way for that to not happen? For you to stay with her but if you agree then she would call her brother to take care of an "untrained pup" of her. If your family was untouchable in her status she could always depend on her brother to bring them down, you will spend many hours with Ryuji as he screams at you like a military commander of your personality, her sister should only deserve the best of attitude!
As you walk robotically with Kaoru clinging to your side, you see in the corner of your eyes, fellow Omi alliance badges watching you carefully waiting for you to fuck up so they can tell their boss. Kaoru drags you to a food stall, and after you finish your food, Kaoru cups your hand with her soft hands as she kisses you on your cheek, Kaoru knows that she will have you and will keep you on a leash no matter what you do….
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