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meproduct01 · 1 year ago
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4個選擇 LED燈膽 的貼士
"4個選擇 LED燈膽 的貼士: 1/ LED燈膽的壽命 (LED Life) 大部分 LED燈膽 都標籤擁有10000小時的壽命,但其實真正的使用壽命並不準確。 香港一個對10款LED燈膽的測試指出,該標籤的壽命是根據製造商的不同測試標準而建議的。 需要根據使用的方法及電流而定。 2/ LED燈膽 的 插頭 (LED Bulb Head Types) 選購合適的 LED燈膽 務必要根據你的燈是使用哪一款插頭而定。 * E14 小型螺絲頭 * E27 大型螺絲頭 * B22 釘頭 3/ LED燈膽 的流明度 (LED Bulb Luminosity) LED燈膽 是以 流明度 (Luminosity或 Lumen; lm) 來量度光度。 流明度越高,發出的能量就越大 4/ LED燈膽 的 色溫 (LED Bulb Temperature) LED燈膽 的 色溫 以K來量度。 當色溫少於 3500k,顏色會較偏向暖色 當色溫介乎於3500k-5000k,顏色會較冷及較白 當色溫搞於5000k,顏色會較藍的偏冷色"
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conqueror-taiwan · 6 months ago
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感謝 鎮鋒LED車用儀表燈光設計專業安裝
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huang0415 · 9 months ago
【省電燈泡VSLED燈泡】哪一個比較省電?工作原理和差異,推薦品牌有哪些?Sky幫大家整理好了10W的最佳推薦產品! Continue reading 【LED燈泡VS省電燈泡】哪一個比較省電?推薦品牌?
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fresa-lu · 1 year ago
生活小物【快譯通Abee】長時間閱讀+練琴照明首選!LED 蓄電式檯燈鋼琴燈5段亮度+色溫│無眩光無藍光│可攜式檯燈
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家電生活好物推薦,LED 蓄電式檯燈鋼琴燈. 來自從小陪伴到大的快譯通,旗下第二品牌Abee品牌. 快譯通Abee,以非學習類產品為主,像是檯燈小家電. 光線涵蓋面積大,用筆電、手機、閱讀、練琴都很好用. 加上貼心又人性化的5段亮度+5段色溫,更彈性運用. 練琴看譜完全不會眩光,光線色溫自由調整,雙眼長時間也不累. 還有充電可攜式檯燈設計,讓你走到哪用到哪,不拘泥空間活動. 從客廳、臥室、書房到餐廳,完全不用遷就插座,實在太便利啦!
家電小物「快譯通Abee」長時間閱讀+練琴照明首選!LED 蓄電式檯燈鋼琴燈5段亮度+色溫
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快譯通Abee│LED 蓄電式檯燈鋼琴燈│產品盒裝
快譯通Abee,LED 蓄電式檯燈鋼琴燈. 整箱包裝非常完整. 採用白色簡約風格,雙面外觀圖片不一樣. 一看就覺得家電推薦好物. 外箱圖樣也很吸引眼球,好想快快開箱使用.
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另面外箱,就有貼心的標示產品各樣特色! 搭配鋼琴,這款就是很推薦給練琴的朋友們. 不同於一般檯燈,單純只有閱讀,單一亮度. 這款可以依據不同空間及光線環境. 可以自由調整成適合雙眼閱讀亮度.
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拆箱囉! 裡頭使用紙桿及保力龍好好保護LED 蓄電式檯燈鋼琴燈. 真的一丁點也沒有碰撞的可能性.
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一層一層拆開之後. 檯燈主要分為燈管、主機、插頭的三大部份. 還有用上透明塑膠套給包覆住. 不用擔心拿取時有髒汙或手痕.
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這款LED 蓄電式檯燈鋼琴燈的一大特色就是充電可攜設計. 充電速度非常快速,大約1小時就能充飽. 飽電使用時,大約可用2-5小時,按照大家用途有所差異.
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迫不及待把LED 蓄電式檯燈鋼琴燈拿到鋼琴來做使用. 整個燈條光線涵蓋率非常廣,而且非常明亮不刺眼. 操作上也非常簡易,一點也不困難,非常彈性調整.
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不只可以充電可攜,也可以接上插座使用. 想是露營,若有光源需求,這款檯燈也能帶出去使用. 有沒有覺得一款檯燈擁有多功能用途,真的很棒!
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autoledmingming · 25 days ago
https://www.chi-ming.com/top-245-product38. 台灣智明電子40年來致力於LED車燈研發,提供靈活的合作模式及創新解決方案,贏得客戶高度信賴。
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captainhopefulcatcollection · 3 months ago
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#品質優先 #產品測試 #信賴度
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audiofictionuk · 8 months ago
New Fiction Podcasts - 15th June
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燈の守り人 -幻想夜話- Audio Drama 灯台には秘密があった。それは光の精霊『燈の守り人』が宿り、孤独な戦いを続けてきたこと。彼らは何と戦い、何を見てきたのか。豪華声優陣が語りかける、歴史エンターテイメント。ルポライター・長岡叶夜が、灯台に秘められた物語を紐解く、1 話完結型のショートストーリー。 https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240601-05 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/TFM8644900701
Mayamora Dungeons & Dragons Audio RPG A podcast featuring Althorrin (Irvas), Xain Scarlight (Nulga), Jack Freeman (DM), Shadowed one (Rain), Yeti (Loreel) Fox Queen (Eris) Moss (Glaucin). Cultists are reeking havoc arcross the lands as an unlikely group bands together in an off way, Now working together to unravel the unnatural occurrences surrounding them. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240602-01 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/althorrin/feed.xml
The Unforeseen Devouring Audio Drama The Unforeseen Devouring is a post-apocalyptic audio-drama created by Conner Mills that is in the style of tape recordings. Listen as Martin details how the event known as "The Devouring" happened. An event in which our very own planet began devouring everything it could. A story filled with mystery, hope, and also the real hardships of life. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240319-09 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/eaeb2e78/podcast/rss
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The Disappearances of Lydia Fountayne Audio Drama After her parents' mysterious disappearance, a bookish teenager and her weird friends struggle to survive the feud over her supernatural inheritance. We're currently running a Kickstarter campaign to produce a full season of The Disappearances of Lydia Fountayne! You can learn more about the show, and find links to the Kickstarter, on our website https://lydia-disappears.com. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240204-02 RSS: https://pinecast.com/feed/the-disappearances-of-lydia-fo
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99% Goblins Audio RPG This is a podcast of friends coming together to play roleplaying games. Join us on goofy, (sometimes serious) character-focused adventures! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240601-07 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/NinetyNinePercentGoblins/feed.xml
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No Return: The Fate of Daya Audio RPG As some of you may know, Erset La Tari; The Land of No Return, began life as a 'homebrew' Table Top Role Playing Game (TTRPG) setting. Thanks to the immense talents of Dylan Smith (GM of Hearthfire Tales, as well as the voice of Sergeant Gavin Fern and Niillas Janicek on No Return) we are able to bring No Return to you in the form of a TTRPG Actual play. Co-Gamemastered by Dylan and Kier Zhou and played by the recognisable vocal talents of Jack (Tommo), Gemma (Ysenda, Thae Oraen & Cinnte) and Cameron (Amghar, Jyce Inacio, and the new voice of Deky and Ayelen). We are truly excited to bring the world of No Return to you in a more improvised, player led and spontaneous format where the players decisions and the whims of the dice will decide 'The Fate of Daya'. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240526-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/no-return-the-fate-of-daya
A PLACE OF PARADOX Audio Book RADIO VÉRTÉ Presents: A PLACE OF PARADOX, A Literary Fiction Podcast Written & Narrated by Cory Zimmerman. The Wild Wind is an American gothic tale of a woman born and raised on the grounds of a psychiatric institution—not as a patient, but the daughter of the asylum’s farmer—who learns of love and loss while grappling with the question of what it means to be sane when insanity is the norm. “What’s to be sane in the garden of madness?” That's the question haunting Sarah, a centenarian writing about her life growing up at the asylum on the bank of the Illinois River. After a long-tormented life, Sarah intends to commit after completing a typewritten manuscript spoken to a man named Sam. Through a lens of lore and myth—the secrets that shaped Sarah’s twisted and mysterious life are revealed. In Sarah's labyrinthine attempt to find healing and peace, she deconstructs the most transformative moments of her life. It's a century as well as an existence punctuated by profound hardship and survival—one that ultimately leads to the conclusion: “Sanity is but paper in a world consumed by fire.” The Wild Wind is both plot- and character-driven, a refreshingly unique story with an equally unusual structure and lyrical prose. Sarah's account is honest, intellectually intriguing, and emotionally compelling—shining light on the dark side of American society and history— inspiring readers to look at themselves and the world in a new way. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240603-03 RSS: https://media.rss.com/placeofparadox/feed.xml
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Retornados Audio Drama La expedición científica ‘Mars Prima’ buscaba en Marte un nuevo hogar para la Humanidad. Tras 254 días, los 136 colonos enviados intentaron huir a la desesperada. Solo volvieron 23. Román es un psicólogo que se ocupa de la reinserción de 3 de estos retornados hasta que un día descubre que sus pacientes ocultan algo… https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240606-01 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/retornadost1
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No Return: Mageslayers! Audio Drama This is a story about heroes. No, that’s too much. This is a story about what it takes to make a hero. Welcome to Erset La Tari, the Land of No Return! This strange and mysterious realm teeters ever on the verge of disaster, barely having survived the apocalyptic world curses! But from the ashes rose the Treaty of Budan and the nations of La Tari achieved a hard won peace. The starving were fed, calamitous war averted and a safe and prosperous zone established. But there were those who opposed the treaty- who chafed at silken shackles of peace. Villains who sought power at the expense of the land’s very survival! These vile ne'er do wells found power in the study of dark magicks and used their martial prowess to enslave their neighbours- forcing them to toil under a repressive yoke to further their selfish hunger for dark esoteric knowledge. So vast became the gap between the power of these villains and those of the forces of peace that the nations were forced to once again band together commissioning a fellowship of heroes, of champions, to meet the crisis head-on. Each a master of their respective art, willing and ready to meet these wicked casters in battle if and when the need arose. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240603-04 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/no-return-mageslayers
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EntaVerse Saga Audio Book The EntaVerse Saga follows Enta, an Arbiter of Light, who creates life from her tears and battles loneliness. Her creation faces a threat from Lyraxos, Arbiter of Conquest. In the sequel, "Rise of the First Sentinel," Enta creates sentinels to fight Lyraxos. The story focuses on Néo, the first sentinel, as he discovers his purpose and prepares to defend against the growing darkness. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240531-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f6d80f30/podcast/rss
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Hotel of Sin Reborn Audio Book It is back by popular demand. The hotel that feeds on your sins. BE careful on your next drive. It can call to you. Because once it appears. There is no escape. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240525-09 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/hotel-of-sin-reborn
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A Fire in the Heart of Knowing Audio Book On the rain lashed battlements of a dark fortress a lone, dying tyrant contemplates his fate, while his underlings plan for the future, vie for rulership or simply plot their own survival. A Fire In the Heart of Knowing, the first serialised podcast of the Arcverse, explores the fate of an immense cast of vagabonds and visionaries, warriors, fugitives and seers. Join us in the dark and troubled land of Mordikhaan, where the torturers of Tharta watch silently and wait for their opportunity to flay the land. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240606-02 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/a-fire-in-the-heart-of-knowing
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Back Fires Audio Drama In 1946, a crew of California convicts moves to an isolated mountain camp to fight wildfires in exchange for their freedom. Thirty years later, while conducting interviews for a book about the history of American prison labor, a British journalist uncovers evidence suggesting a wide-ranging cover-up of inmate deaths on duty. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240605-01 RSS: https://feeds.simplecast.com/qSdkFDdP
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Stature City Audio Drama TPE Network Presents: Stature City. An audio drama set in a dystopian future. Stature City takes place ten years after a cataclysmic asteroid strike. Devastated by a strange metal, terrorized by a mysterious figure, and overrun by enhanced criminals; the quarantined city-state called Stature City is on the brink of collapse. Governor Preston Allen has handpicked a new sheriff to restore order. With absolute autonomy and immunity, Sheriff Sedrick Parr will lead a joint task force of robots and enhanced individuals in hopes that they can turn the tide against a ruthless crime syndicate with a sinister plan. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240606-03 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/stature-city/
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The Coombe Podcast Audio Book An 82 year old ex-spy comes out of retirement for one last mission. A Spy-fi parody told in short episodes https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240605-02 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/lukespafford1983/feed.xml
Andas Presents Audio Drama The home of one-shot audio stories from the internationally-acclaimed team at Andas Productions. Our latest release is "Sayang" — a solarpunk story about love and sanctuary at the world's end. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240530-03 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/SBP7433945846
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The Landing Light Audio Drama The last light shining, when the rest of the house is sleeping. A wireless broadcast, from a lost time. Bed-time stories for the end of the world. Welcome to The Landing Light. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240605-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f72856c0/podcast/rss
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MOMENTUS - A Tale of Toil and Triumph Audio Book Welcome to 'Momentus,' the podcast that takes you on a wild ride through a world of fantasy and satire! Join us as our characters explore a realm filled with Candyland-like gags and gumdrop goodies, while revisiting the romance and chivalry reminiscent of 'The Princess Bride.' Packed with social commentary, Momentus pokes fun at all sides of the political spectrum without managing to overstep acceptable boundaries or take itself too seriously https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240606-04 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2371179.rss
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Carnivea: A Queer Gothic Audio Drama A story of ghosts, violent delights, and the horrors of humanity. Carnivea follows a young couple Eris and Kiera who invite a young woman into their life- the lynchpin for years of pain to be unleashed. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240606-05 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f4d60124/podcast/rss
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Magnificence Audio RPG A strange funeral drags six unfamiliar faces from their homes to Seer's Mourning. None of them will leave the same. A D&D 5e actual play podcast produced by the Tabletop Talespinners Network. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240607-01 RSS: https://feeds.transistor.fm/magnificence
The Fire Sky Audio Drama An audio drama from the twisted mind of writer/director Daniel Adam Gruen. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240605-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f693a7dc/podcast/rss
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A Voyage For Soldier Miles Audio Drama Carried around the world for millennia on currents of air and water, the sounds of generations of tears has been unlocked. As Earth’s atmosphere, now saturated with humanity’s true and naked emotion, remains the guardian of these truths, the planet holds forth an elemental, sonic force that can redress the balance of centuries of untold suffering in one calamitous, global event. In a remote corner of the world, the resolute Soldier Miles endures an horrific and devastating attack, suffering a soul-destroying loss, and is ultimately accused of exacting willful retribution by his own hand. Branded by society as little more than a broken, returning fighter, Miles roams the wild, unforgiving desert in search of a new homeland and is soon drawn into the domain of Ramsey, a reclusive, headstrong scientist responsible for unleashing a series of mind-altering, atmospheric events. With respective journeys now fatefully intertwined, they seek out the last human connection to an otherworldly phenomenon whose potential to nurture the hearts and minds of every living soul is equaled only by its power to eradicate the existence of humanity, forever. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240425-04 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1121825.rss
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Stars & Sidearms Audio RPG How long can you survive out in space? In the far flung future, Mega corps have a stranglehold on the known universe. One cant make a living without living under their thumb. In this story 4 strangers find themselves caught in deadly pursuit after a happenstance bank robbery leaves them with far too much to handle. A Private Lawman, A asteroid Miner, A Disgruntled Employee, and A Farm Boy must band together and try to survive. Because out there all you have are... Stars & Sidearms. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240110-08 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f054d634/podcast/rss
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Dark Mage of Rhudaur Audio RPG A Middle Earth Roleplaying actual play. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240502-04 RSS: https://geekatarms.com/category/geeks-at-play/dark-mage-of-rhudaur/feed/
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Vault Veritas: SCP Files Audio Drama Secure, Contain, Protect. A creative horror fiction podcast inspired by the SCP Foundation. Scott Anderson is a Class C ethics officer in the recently constructed Site 2024. His job is to record and digitize Incident Reports involving deadly anomalies from across the world in order to assist in improving and updating containment procedures. Although his cushy office job is fairly benign and keeps him far safer than the d-class personnel he typically reads about... there’s only so long you can remain safe at the SCP Foundation. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240427-04 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/vaultveritas/feed.xml
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Hell or High Rollers - One Shots Audio RPG A collection of one shot adventures and side quests from the universe of Hell or High Rollers. From members of Mischief Theatre, creators of the Olivier award winning ‘The Play That Goes Wrong’ and the BBC’s ‘Goes Wrong Show; comes this brand new live action role play podcast. Loosely following the rules of D&D 5e join our players as they take on the roles of four heroes attempting to escape eternal damnation in DnD Hell! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240608-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/hell-or-high-rollers-extras
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The Atlantium Mysteries Audio Book A mystery series following the clever Ezra Lockwood and the development of the Atlantium Project. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240608-02 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2366497.rss
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A Better Paradise Audio Book Set in the near future, A BETTER PARADISE tells the story of the ill-fated development of an ambitious but addictive digital game-world project led by inventor and psychologist, Dr. Mark Tyburn. As the advanced software they developed began delivering unexpected and disturbing results, the team fell apart under strange circumstances and the project was abandoned. The game world and the super-intelligence within were discarded, left dormant and undiscovered. Until now. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240610-01 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/QCD7748641850
Graveyards of Arkham Audio RPG Graveyards of Arkham is a Call of Cthulhu Actual Play. Join us as four regular people get lost in the machinations of a nefarious cult in 1920s New England. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240610-02 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f6fb0404/podcast/rss
Oddity Lane Audio Drama An odd anthology. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240609-01 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/OddityLane/feed.xml
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wong490216 · 2 years ago
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2015mai24 · 11 months ago
MUCC、『志恩』・『球体』ツアー Zepp Shinjyuku公演オフィシャルレポート
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MUCC 画像を全て表示(10件) 7月26日(水)にZepp Shinjukuで開催された『MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR「Timeless」~志恩・球体~』のオフィシャルレポートが到着した。
MUCCが、2023年7月26日(水)に東京Zepp Shinjukuで『MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR「Timeless」~志恩・球体~』を行なった。結成25周年を記念して、過去に発表したアルバムを軸にするツアーを2022年から開催しているMUCC。この日は、2008年に発表した8thアルバム『志恩』と2009年に発表した9thアルバム『球体』を中心にしたツアーのひとつ。またライブ・タイトルでは一切触れていないものの、7月26日はギターのミヤの44回目の誕生日でもある。
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そのミヤがセレクトした開場BGMと、ミヤの誕生日を祝う気持ちで、開演前からすでに熱さも充満するソールドアウトとなったZepp Shinjuku。SE「球体Instrumental」が響くとハンドクラップも起こり、ステージは照明で赤く染まっていった。まず登場したのはサポートの吉田トオル(Key)とAllen(Dr)。そしてストロボ・ライトも点滅し始めたステージに現われるYUKKE(Ba)とミヤ(Gt)。一気に高まる興奮と緊張感。SEが「99」のシーケンス・フレーズへと切り替わり、一人、照明を浴びながらミヤがギター・フレーズを奏でていった。泣きと哀愁のメロディが夢烏たち(オーディエンス)の気持ちを惹き込んでいく。
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だがその直後のこと。逹瑯(Vo)がステージに登場し、大きく足を広げたと思えば、衝動の塊のような咆哮をとどろかせた。同時に何本ものスモークが激しく上がり、バンド・サウンドは業火のごとく夢烏を襲う。身体も脳も叩き起こされ、荒れ狂う海原のように極悪なうねりを夢烏たちはフロアに作り上げていった。 『志恩』と『球体』の世界観を現在のMUCCが再構築した曲が、1曲目となった新曲「99」だ。歪んだ声や突き抜けるメロディを駆使した逹瑯のボーカル、メロディック・デスの旨味もたっぷり吸った攻撃的リフやリズム。そこに煽情的なフレーズも入り込む。この25年間で培ったMUCCの圧倒的実力は、ライブに次ぐライブでさらに研ぎ澄まされ、熱量も説得力もハンパじゃない。
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「オイ、新宿! 俺の誕生日だ、暴れてけよ!!」―ミヤ
本日の主役自らが夢烏たちを荒っぽく歓迎。逹瑯も「全力で祝おうかー!!」とシャウトのように叫びながら、曲は「咆哮」へ。ラウドで激情たっぷりの音が暴れ狂う。 なにしろ、『志恩』と『球体』は、AVENGED SEVENFOLDやBULLET FOR MY VALENTINEらとのカップリング・ツアー<Taste of Chaos 2008>など、MUCCが精力的な海外ツアーを行なっている最中にリリースや制作されたアルバムでもある。エレクトロやメタル・テイストも強めで、ハジけていく曲や尖ったナンバーも多い。つまりライブで威力を発揮する曲たちだ。そうしたナンバーを次々とたたみ掛け、熱を注ぎ込み続けるMUCC。歓声も掛け声も思いっきりあげながらモッシュでぶつかり合う夢烏たち。熱狂と狂騒の渦がMUCCを激しく彩り続けていく。
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だがミヤの呪術的なフレーズを合図に「志恩」へ突入すると、ライブは再び急展開。照明で不気味な陰影も浮かべた表情で、メンバーは邪悪な音を叩きつけていく。「空と糸」では「起きてるのか、新宿! コロナでなまってんじゃねーぞ!!」とリフを弾きながらミヤはさらに焚きつける。鋭利で凶暴なMUCCサウンドが夢烏たちを激化させ続ける。しかし、そんなもんでは本日の主役は満足しない。「今日のために、わりと緩めの会場選んだつもりだ。やれるヤツは、やれ!!」とミヤ。そうして始まった「フライト」では、夢烏たちの肩車がいくつも出現し、曲のキメと同時に、ミヤの誕生日を祝うクラッカーのテープのごとく跳び、そのままクラウドサーフも。こんな祝福されたら、やっぱり黙っちゃいないのがミヤ。「フライト」の勢いのまま「1曲追加します!」と、『極彩』からの「謡声」をブチ込んだ。イントロ直後に慌てふためく吉田トオルの姿に、全く予定になかった曲だったことが伺える。こうしたお祝い返しなどもありながらライブはエンディングへと向かっていった。
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アンコールでは、一人、ミヤが感謝しながらステージに登場。「44歳になりました。ありがとうございます。18~19歳で上京して、すぐ歌舞伎町でバイトを始めたんですよ…」―ミヤ カラオケ屋でお客さん勧誘のバイトをしながら曲を作っていた話や、バイト時代の様々なおもしろい出来事も暴露。「俺の第二の故郷は、ここなんで」と、お笑いトーク・ライブと化すミヤ@Zepp Shinjukuである。YUKKEと逹瑯も加わって、歌舞伎町にまつわる話が止まらない。トリオ・ザ・MUCCの独演会となっていく。
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また話は、グッズのひとつ“パイ扇”のことに。LEDで鮮やかに光る扇子だ。「みんな、点けてみて。せぇ~の!」とYUKKEの言葉を合図に光らせると、吉田トオルが「ハッピー・バースデー・トゥ・ユー」をピアノで弾き始め、LEDスクリーンには“HAPPY Birthday TO MIYA”の文字やキャンドルのCGが。夢烏たちが歌いながら祝う中、ステージには巨大な誕生日ケーキも登場。さらに、MUCCのFC旅行<ムックランド>シリーズのキャラ“チャッピー・ラビット”(ミヤがデザイン)も駆けつけて、生みの親を祝福。にぎやかで愛に溢れるお誕生日会となった。
約20分のトーク・ライブの後は、フライングVを持つチャッピー・ラビットも交えて「蘭鋳」を全員でかき鳴らす。曲の中盤、座ってからの一斉ジャンプの合図を出すのは、もちろん主役のミヤだ。「MUCC最初の44歳、一緒に遊ぼうぜ! 歌舞伎町、全員、死刑!!」―ミヤ
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取材・文=長谷川幸信 撮影=冨田味我
セットリスト MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR 「Timeless」~志恩・球体~ 2023年7月26日(水)Zepp Shinjuku 01 99 02 咆哮 03 アゲハ 04 梟の揺り篭 05 オズ 06 レミング 07 ファズ 08 アンジャベル 09 カナリア 10 浮遊 11 燈映 12 小さな窓 13 讃美歌 14 志恩 15 空と糸 16 塗り潰すなら臙脂 17 シヴァ 18 フライト 19 謡声 20 hanabi 21 リブラ <ENCORE> 22 蘭鋳 23 娼婦 24 WORLD
quelle: spice-eplus.jp
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jentsai · 1 year ago
看了他們8天7夜的自由行,我的天,有一半的時間不是在搭機,就是在轉機的路上,因為他們的最終目的地是離北極很近的伊佛洛(Ivalo), 此處冰天雪地,人煙稀少,想到這可能是此生唯一有機會來體驗的極地旅遊,所以一咬牙,就當一枚省電的LED燈泡吧!
我依樣畫葫蘆,預訂了跟他們一樣的航班和酒店,結論只有一個字: 『貴』,因為除了來回六次轉機,兩晚住宿中轉酒店,停留四晚的北極度假村,還要自由參加並支付額外的活動費用。既然是一生一次,我在網上下單刷卡的時候給自己洗腦 ------- ‘錢是王八蛋,沒有了再去搶!“
11月27日(週三),A&D (Alan 和 Danica), 他們都提早下班,我們從 NJ 起飛,途徑瑞典首都斯德哥爾摩,休息3小時後,繼續前往芬蘭首都赫爾辛基。下機後,直奔位於市區的『英迪格』酒店。
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meproduct01 · 2 years ago
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【虛擬拍攝新趨勢:加入 LED螢幕 技術】LED屏幕 將取代傳統綠幕
"近年 LED螢幕 技術急速發展,影視製作團隊積極採用最新的 LED屏幕 取代傳統綠幕,用於虛擬拍攝製作(Virtual Production),亦促使虛擬拍攝成為影視行業的新工作模式。過去三年的疫情的確令拍攝團隊在戶外取景困難,加上經濟不景氣,不少電影投資者對投放大量資源於海外外景拍攝卻步。 發展成熟的LED顯示器技術是解決此問題的關鍵技術,既可即時播放劇情所設定的背景,演員亦可以在虛擬的空間演出,大大增加拍攝的創意和彈性,將不可能的拍攝變得可能,及減低拍攝合後製的時間和成本。"
0 notes
sira365 · 2 years ago
I Found You In The Shadows of The Lantern Glow
pairing:  Obi-Wan Kenobi/Siri Tachi rating: general audiences word count: 2.9k ao3 • star wars masterlist
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Summary: Carrying the weight of his deception, Obi-Wan Kenobi wanders Theed. Siri Tachi is on a mission, with the added burden of grief. The whole planet of Naboo is celebrating the Festival of Light, its streets overflowing with life, a dazzling spectacle to behold. Nights like this uncover more than just the beauties of the galaxy.
A/N: Story concept inspired by "Green Jade Festival - Lantern Festival” , a poem by Xin Qiji written in the Song dynasty.
眾裏尋他千百度,驀然回首,那人卻在,燈火闌珊處。 «青玉案·元夕» 辛棄疾 A thousand times, I searched for her in the crowds. When all of a sudden, I turned around, And saw her there in the dim lantern light. “Green Jade Festival - Lantern Festival”  Xin Qiji
In one the many rooms of the Theed Royal Palace, two Jedi Masters convened, handling the aftermath of an undercover mission that successfully thwarted a devious Separatist plot to kidnap the Chancellor of the Republic.
     “I guess I can’t put this off any longer.” Obi-Wan half-heartedly said, his chuckle uncharacteristically rough and low.
     “That is indeed the case. Rako Hardeen’s voice in your body is an unsettling combination, Master Kenobi.” Mace Windu stood to the side of the room, his lips unmistakably curved upwards. Despite his stoic manner and composed temperament, he was unable to hide his amusement towards his colleague’s plight.
     Sighing, Obi-Wan moved his wrist towards himself, tapping a few buttons on the screen of his communicator. A hazy blue projection popped up, displaying the words ‘Confirm Voice Modulator Ejection’ in a cool, fluorescent white. 
     “Well, let’s get this over with.”  He looked over at Master Windu, hoping for some verbal support, only to be met with the same bemused grin. 
     The moment he hit select, the spider-like modulator began folding out its legs, making Obi-Wan cough at the sudden irritation in his throat. The modulator started its ascent from his larynx, crawling up, its metal claws digging into the walls of his neck. Obi-Wan forced himself to sit down on a chair, choking on the clawing contraption. Even the experience he had with the device when he first swallowed it down did not prepare him for the discomfort of it going out. 
     “Breathe through your nose, Obi-Wan.” Master Windu called out from where he stood, sympathetic. 
     Finally, in what felt like an eternity, the modulator fell out of his mouth and onto the floor, leaving Obi-Wan wheezing like a Boonta Eve podracer engine (and pilot) in its wake. 
     Master Windu placed a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, steadying his reeling form. 
     Obi-Wan said between pants, “I hope I never have to do this again.”
     “Thank the Force you’re not a Shadow, my friend.” 
     “Bless their souls.” Obi-Wan carefully rose from his chair, holding onto Mace Windu’s arm. 
     Droids, battlefields and Sith Lords had all wanted to render Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to such a deficient state, but a puny, little voice modulator beat them to it.
     Such were the strange contradictions of the galaxy. 
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     Siri Tachi was on a mission to gather intel on San Hill, the Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan and heavy financial backer of Separatist forces. Her investigation led her to discover unusual monetary transactions between the banking clan and an unnamed party that peculiarly operated out of Naboo. The strangeness did not end there. With further digging, she found that all the assets involved in the exchange could be traced back to an account held by Damask Holdings, a Muunilinst entity that had dissolved years ago. 
     She managed to identify a broker who frequently worked with Hill. The middleman was native to Naboo, and was back on the planet, apparently for the Festival of Light. Siri found it quite ironic that a man who sold out the Republic for a living would be so committed to the holiday.  Alas, analyzing the complex intricacies of human behavior was not a part of her job, and she followed him all the way to Theed with no further questions.
     Siri waited in front of a fruit stall, pretending to check out fresh produce. She picked up a starfruit, but her focus wasn’t on its texture or weight. The stall was conveniently right across a candied Shuura stand, where her target was patiently standing in line. The man sure had a sweet tooth, Siri thought to herself, he’d already had Theed’s signature plasma cloud dessert and a Jogan fruit tart earlier. 
     Siri loved a good night out, but it was taking an awfully long time for this man to go back home, whose whereabouts Siri was trying to locate. She’d broken into his work office a few days ago, but couldn’t find the documents she was looking for. She figured he probably kept them somewhere closer. 
     Intel gathering missions normally took a considerable amount of time, and Siri was a forbearing woman, but she didn't like how this assignment was dragging on. This operation had been rough, and it wasn’t because of the nature of the task itself, though Siri wished it was.
     She was meeting up with a contact in a seamy bar when she found out.
     "Kenobi's fucking dead!" 
     "Remind me to give Rako Hardeen a call to congratulate him. Fucking mad lad, that one."
     "A Jedi got knocked out by a sniper?"
     "I'll drink to that!"
     She remembered the laughter that had erupted, the boasts, the toasts, and the liberal flow of alcohol. She had a front row seat to the celebration of Obi-Wan Kenobi's murder.
     She didn’t believe it at first, there was no way that Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master and General of the Grand Army of the Republic, could have been taken out by something as uncivilized as a blaster shot. That was not a death worthy of a man as insolent as Obi-Wan Kenobi. That was not how her crechemate, her dear friend, was supposed to go. But then she saw it on the Holonews the next day, bold and underlined. It wasn't a headline one could easily miss. 
     She had swallowed down her emotions upon hearing the confirmation.  She had been in the middle of hacking into a computer terminal and security patrols could have stopped by her floor at any moment, she couldn’t afford to be distracted. It was just her luck that she’d had to find out through a television set left on after hours in an office building.
     Even with the restraint of a Jedi, a part of her floated between utter disbelief and grief at the passing of Obi-Wan. Maybe it was because she was so far away from home when she found out, or maybe it was because she didn’t want to accept that he was gone, but the weight of Obi-Wan’s death hadn’t quite sunken in yet. She just wanted to finish up the mission and head back to the Temple. She knew she had to see his grave. His departure had been so sudden and so unthinkable , she needed to see a headstone, an engraving, something tangible , to understand that Obi-Wan Kenobi was truly, irrevocably, one with the force. 
     Her target happily munched on his candied Shuura. The confection was served on a stick, and the man eagerly rotated and adjusted the skewer to get new bites while ambling along the street. Siri continued trailing him. 
     Turning into a less busy road that led to more residential parts of Theed, Siri’s wishes were granted, the man was ready to turn in for the night. The pavements became dimmer and eventually began to lead up a hill. Benches lined the trail, occupied by doting couples. She was concerned that she would look out of place in what seemed to be a popular courting spot, but figured if she walked like she knew where she was going, it would appear that she was on her way to an intended destination. 
     Siri was thirty meters behind the dealer when he stopped at the top of the hill. Siri saw him crouch next to a tree, his bent form outlined by the glow of a lantern hanging from a branch, seemingly to catch his breath. She noted his unfit state and filed this piece of information away in a corner of her mind. Must be all the desserts, she considered. 
     By the time she reached the hilltop, the man was a quarter of the way along the trail that led downhill. There were less people on this path, and she figured continuing her pursuit would raise the man’s suspicions. She’d seen him glance backwards a few times, though not at her specifically. She had a pretty good view of the rows of houses beneath the hill from up here anyway. All she had to do to find his address was to keep an eye on him as he walked back to his house, a simple affair. 
     Hopefully, she would find the papers and contracts in his home tomorrow afternoon, then she’d be well on her way back to Coruscant by nightfall. She blinked away a few stray emotions at the thought of returning to the Temple. She wanted this mission to end, and she wanted to go home, but home wasn’t going to feel the same now, not anymore. 
     Siri leaned her arm against the tree. To any observer, it would look like she was admiring Theed’s nighttime cityscape. Standing in the shadow of a lantern's glow, she watched and waited.
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     Senator Padme Amidala had kindly invited the Jedi to join the official celebrations for the Festival of Light, extending their stay on Naboo.  Mace Windu took pity on Obi-Wan for having to suffer through an excruciating voice modulator extraction, and offered to complete his administrative duties for him, giving him a well-deserved night off. Thus, Obi-Wan Kenobi found himself with a rare commodity in his hands, free time. 
     If one finds themselves in Theed during the Festival of Light, a spectacular commemoration of Naboo joining the Galactic Republic, not taking the opportunity to revel in the festivities would be a crime against merriment, and Obi-Wan was far from a criminal.
     Strolling through a buzzing crowd, he reached into the force, feeling it hum with joy and happiness. The streets of Theed were teeming with life. Vendors set up shop along the roads, glow sticks and other festive ephemera brightly on display. Children ran after each other with their lanterns, the masses no barrier to their chase. Teenagers chattered in loud groups, exuding an air of wannabe maturity and jaunty spirit mixed with a sweeping undercurrent of angst, enjoying the prerogative of youth. They brought Obi-Wan back to his adolescence, which seemed to get further and further away with each passing day. He pondered when he had gotten so old. A small family walked by him, the parents carrying an infant, and Obi-Wan saw the little one’s eyes wide open in bewilderment, surely experiencing the magic of the festival for the first time.   
     No building was left undecorated, and festive streamers flowed down from every beam. The city was a kaleidoscope, and every turn of Obi-Wan's head revealed a different beauty. There was much to do, and plenty to admire. 
     The night sky was a flurry of colors. A mild East wind brushed past, and lanterns hanging from rooftops and tree branches swayed along its gentle current. Candle light flickered with the breeze’s delicate touch, causing the vibrant hues of the ornate lanterns to radiate outwards into a warm, fuzzy glow. The clacking of horses’ hooves blended in with the cheers of passersby as lavish carriages rolled across cobblestone, trailing behind handsome steeds. The notes of the flute danced brilliantly through the air, twirling and twisting, gracefully singing a Naboo folk song. A glimmering pearl revolved in midnight blue. The full moon shone brilliantly above the city.
     The Naboo were known for their impeccable style, and tonight proved to Obi-Wan that it was no lie. Ladies dressed up to the nines walked the streets, draped in rich satin and decadent velvet. They adorned their hair in jade clips and ruby Millaflowers, its subtle fragrance following their laughter that echoed off tan walls.
     The night was dazzling, yet Obi-Wan found himself drawn to the little things that hid behind the elaborate. He spied a dusty alleyway filled with old trinkets and skulking Loth cats, out on a prowl for dinner; a woman on a third-storey balcony was clipping wet clothes onto a clothing line, muttering something under her breath while sporadically casting disapproving glances into her apartment. Obi-Wan thought he saw a story there. 
     Walking further down the road, it began to take on a gentle gradient, and the crowds became thinner. Few lights lined the ascending path, and it could well be considered unilluminated compared to Theed’s main street. However, the darkness was not a deterrent, in fact, it may have been favored, as couples sat on dainty benches along the lane, exchanging whispers and shy blushes in the comfort of privacy gifted by the night.
     Obi-Wan stood at the start of the trail, looking up to scan the small hill. Naboo’s climate was well suited to vegetation, and he imagined its grass covering to be a lush, verdant green under daylight. If he had time tomorrow, maybe he would come out here again and appreciate the knoll in its morning glory. It was an interesting sight to see in Theed, which was built mostly on flat terrain.  
     Obi-Wan’s glance reached the top of the hill. There, a single tree stood, the king of the mountain. Its leaves rustled in the wind, and its firm branches curled upwards into a crown.
     Out of a sudden, he stopped his perusal, his vision zeroing in on an inclined figure beneath the tree. Opening up his senses, he felt a familiar signature hovering in the force. It was faint, but he recognized it immediately. After all, it wasn’t one he could easily forget. 
     Under the faint light of a lone lantern, Obi-Wan saw a wisp of blonde hair. He blinked a few times and took a second look to check that his eyes were not deceiving him. They weren’t, it was the undeniable outline of the person he held dear.
     There, far away from the crowds and the action, standing on a dimly lit hilltop, was Siri Tachi.
     Council members were, reasonably, not privy to every ongoing operation in the Order. Obi-Wan had not expected to find Siri in Theed during the Festival of Lights. His face fell when he realized that the last time they spoke was through a brief comcall a week before he transformed himself into Rako Hardeen. Obi-Wan’s faked death had spread like wildfire, especially among the more objectionable circles that pestered the galaxy. His heart clenched at the thought of the news reaching Siri, who likely would have been in character on a mission. That wasn’t how he’d hoped the person he cared deeply about to find out about his demise, and it pained him that he had probably put her through more emotional turmoil in already precarious circumstances.
     Obi-Wan stayed planted to the spot, unsure of what to do next. He wondered if going to her and opening up with a simple ‘Hello there’ would be appropriate, though an apology would probably be better suited. People thought dead turning up alive again were generally not met with warm hugs or pure elation. Shock, confusion, then a rightfully deserved angry tirade would likely be his fate if he did approach her, Anakin had served him the same dish prior. 
     Siri’s presence was calming to Obi-Wan, its familiarity was grounding, and carrying the weight of his deception on his shoulders, Obi-Wan needed the solace. As much as he wanted to stay in her presence a little longer, even without her knowing, Obi-Wan knew that walking away would make a wiser choice. He wanted nothing more than to see his friend again, to show her that he was alright, but that would be selfish of him. This wasn’t the right time or place to deal with the elephant in the room that was his status of being. This setting wasn’t conducive to delivering a tasteful exposé, the kind of reveal that Siri deserved.
     He took in Siri’s form one more time, her frame illuminated by a soft, golden glow of a lantern. To him, her stance aired strength and focus, two qualities that always left Obi-Wan enamored.
     Just as he was ready to leave, the figure on top of the hill turned to his direction. He remained where he was, unable to move away, transfixed by a silhouette’s stare. 
     They couldn’t see each other’s faces, but they were sure their eyes met.
Out of the blue, in dim light and haze, Lost lovers stood, entranced in their gaze. They found each other, to have not to hold, In the faint shadows of the lantern glow.
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«青玉案·元夕» 辛棄疾 東風夜放花千樹。更吹落、星如雨。寶馬雕車香滿路。鳳簫聲動,玉壺光轉,一夜魚龍舞。 蛾兒雪柳黃金縷。笑語盈盈暗香去。眾裏尋他千百度。驀然回首,那人卻在,燈火闌珊處。 “Green Jade Festival - Lantern Festival”  Xin Qiji At night, an East wind brushes past. Lanterns hang like flowers on trees, sparkling and vivid. Lantern light casts down on the streets like a shower of stars. Lavish carriages and handsome steeds roll across the roads. Splendid music spreads through the air, The moon revolves slowly in the sky. The dragon dance unfolds all through the night. In fine silk, with jade clips and ornaments, Ladies leave a trail of giggles and perfume. A thousand times, I searched for her in the crowds. When all of a sudden, I turned around, And saw her there in the dim lantern light.
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style-yesnews · 2 years ago
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最新款當然係母親節限定🌷都只係$268起 咁抵玩嘅😍😍😍我哋揀咗MH-01心繫之最🌹
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即刻儀式感滿滿💓而家仲可以用埋消費券找數㗎😎 蛋糕餡同外表一樣咁吸引😍
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是次小分享完畢,有興趣可按 麵語錄食玩遊記 by Aminn 其他分享 :)
Aminn | Beauty.Food.Fun.Parenting.Trendy|  
www.facebook.com/m.for.aminn www.instagram.com/starzaminn 
飲食資訊由熱新聞提供 原文連結: 【媽媽世一】為母親節做足準備 更多相關內容
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【親子食譜】韓國綜藝大熱 紫菜包飯三文治
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Aminn 自由撰稿人,主打美容扮靚飲飲食食玩樂無窮,曾獲邀出版合輯《80後》、《我的博客城2》及《我的博客城》
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lovecathcatherine · 2 years ago
日本燈飾排名第1的 名花之里 (なばなの里)
日本燈飾排名第1的 名花之里 (なばなの里)
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「唔想睇字可以睇片, 拉到最底有我拍既 YOUTUBE 片介紹, 詳細好多的 ^^ 」
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    「名花之里」喺日本國內最大型嘅夜間燈飾展。 場內有好多不同嘅燈海打卡位,真係好靚呀!
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睇完大概7分鐘嘅表演再繼續行,就會去到「光之隧道 - 櫻」,
1. 光之隧道 
2. 光之聖誕樹 
3. LED燈光Show「天空之船」 
4. 光之隧道 - 櫻 
5. 光之雲海 
6. 水上燈光 – 光之大河
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  日本燈飾排名第1的 名花之里 (なばなの里) https://youtu.be/SHB-PlHHI0s
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名花之里 2022 – 2023 夜間燈飾資訊 
營業時間: 平日 10:00~21:00、星期五六至22:00 
「名花之里」官方網站 https://www.nagashima-onsen.co.jp/nab... 
なばなの里「名花之里」 〒511-1144三重県桑名市長島町駒江漆畑270 
#名花之里 #名古屋 #osaka #travevlog #vlog #vlogger #travelblogger #大阪 #日本景點 #日本旅行 #日本旅遊 #lovecath #夏沫 #環遊世界 #なばなの里 #長島 #天然溫泉 #溫泉
謝謝大家來看LoveCath夏沫的文章啊~^^~Catherine (LoveCath夏沫),電郵 [email protected] / [email protected]
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Girlab ~ https://girlab.hk/all-blog-posts/frontend-publishing/status/publish/
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Qooza ~ http://beauty.qooza.hk/u/LoveCathCath/shares
LoveCath 夏沫
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kimobin · 2 years ago
派樂第二代水點燈專利環保水蠟燭/開運燈燭-旺萊鳳梨燈型(1對) 加水即發光 水倒掉即熄燈 LED環保蠟燭燈具佛具 拜天公拜祖先
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autoledmingming · 1 month ago
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