acourtofladydeath · 9 days
Eris Week '24 Day 7: Free Day
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Azriel, Eris, Lucien, and Elain haven't been able to stop thinking about their initiations. What they experienced, and what they missed out on. Deep within the rules of the Vanserra initiation, there may just be a way to experience it all...
It's FERAL FREE DAY here to close out @erisweekofficial. Make sure you've read the first two installments of the "To Become A Vanserra" installment in order before starting this newest piece. If you're caught up, read a snippet below or the full fic on AO3.
My Dearest Friend, I do hope this letter finds the newest Mr. Vanserra well, and that your ceremony was as enjoyable as mine was for me. Hopefully, my letters helped prepare you for your own initiation into this little family. The reason I am writing to you today may seem quite unorthodox, to say the least. I wanted to apologize again for my abrupt departure from tea that day in the garden and give an explanation. You see, my initiation was quite an awakening for me. Please forgive me for being crass. I believe over the years we have become close enough that I can divulge the intimate particulars of my experiences.  As Lucien’s mate, the youngest of the Vanserra's, my initiation involved engaging in intimate relations with his father and each of his eldest siblings, including your mate. How is Eris, by the way? I hope I do not offend when I say that our coupling was one of my favorites, as Eris insinuated during tea. I fear my reaction was such that my arousal was quite noticeable to all in attendance. I do apologize if that made you uncomfortable.  But I would like to be so bold as to inquire about your feelings on the matter of Eris and me engaging in those activities again - with your and Lucien’s consent, of course. There are things I need, things I crave, things I hope to experience again. My deepest apologies if I have gone too far. Our friendship means more to me than this request. Wishing you are well,  Elain Archeron
Keep reading on AO3!
Thank you to @pippsmcgee for betaing this fic and to @secret-third-thing for her constant cheerleading through this series!
Let me know if you want on or off the taglist! @pippsmcgee, @born-to-riot, @chunkypossum, @bubybubsters, @queercontrarian, @yanny-77, @fieldofdaisiies, @iftheshoef1tz, @secret-third-thing, @jules-writes-stories, @the-darkestminds, @climbthemountain2020, @mocat07
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acourtofladydeath · 3 months
You’re writing more for To Become a Vanserra? 😱 where are you going with it?? What’s the lore?? Tell us moreeee
These are the next four fic ideas. This may not be the order in which they are posted, but it is the tentative order.
Brotherly Competition: Elucien X Azris switch. The brothers compete to see who can get whose mate to tap out first. Lucien brings a devious little toy to the party.
"Birth of an Empire" is LoA and Beron's induction ceremony. You'll meet Beron's parents, his three brothers, and his little sister. You'll also see where Beron learned to become who he is.
Beron X Elain: This is still in development, so I won't say too much. "Petal" will make a return.
This fic is going to be fun, and mostly OC based which I LOVE experimenting with. Conleth and his mate have their initiation ceremony... but her bond snaps with his brother Fintan as well (she will have a bond to each brother, the brothers will not have a bond to each other). Will Conleth be able to share? How will the rules of the initiation have to change? How much chaos will Eris and Lucien's attitudes add to the evening (the answer is a lot).
The lore will be sloooowly dished out over the fics. There are ALL sorts of easter eggs and little lore drops trickled throughout the first two fics. Many things will come back, or be expanded on throughout the fics. Some things will repeat in every fic in the series. Can you figure out what they are?
If you haven't read the series yet, you can find it here!
There's smut, theres lore, there's snark, there's feelings galore. So excited to continue to share this adventure with y'all!!
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acourtofladydeath · 4 months
Some more background reading as we head into @azrisweek shenanigans...
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My fic Berlain X All the Vanserra brothers fic "Welcome to the Family" has now become a series title "To Become a Vanserra". These works are full of lore and history weaved into depraved smut.
The Azris rendition will drop this week. 😈
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acourtofladydeath · 15 days
More Eris Week Homework, But Make It Fun!
LD's pre-reading list continues with two more fics; they're worth it, I promise.
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Free day of @erisweekofficial sees the drop of the newest installment of "To Become A Vanserra". These fics are full of lore and Easter Eggs that follow a specific timeline.
Be sure to read both "Welcome to the Family" (Elucien-centric) and "Rules are Rules" (Azris-centric) in that order by 9/14 if you want to read "The Clause" (Elucien/Azris switching) when it's posted!
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acourtofladydeath · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Hello All, I'm back with another snippet from "Welcome to the Family" because I'm having entirely too much fun sharing it and teasing @secret-third-thing 😈
If you don't know what this fic is yes, I recommend starting with the intro post here and second sneak peak here.
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“It’s good that you’re scared, Ms. Archeron. You should be.” As he talked, Beron clasped his hands behind his back and walked toward the side of the bed Elain was lying closest to, just an arms length from the edge. 
“Lucien has informed me that you let some human filth fuck you, that you’re no longer pure.” 
Elain’s eyes cast aside at the statement, the words cutting deep. “He was my fiance,” she said, though her defense was half hearted. 
“It is a requirement in my family that a bride or mate stay pure through the completion of the ritual. And you didn't, did you?” The bite in Beron’s words grew, his anger becoming a thick, palpable air throughout the room. 
Unsure what to do and completely unprepared for this line of questioning Elain tried to look up at Lucien, but Beron’s hand shot out faster than she could blink. 
Beron grasped Elain firmly by the jaw, painfully forcing her to meet his gaze. Lucien’s hands around her wrists still held her firmly in place, making no move to stop Beron’s assault.
“You will answer to me, Lucien is not in charge here.” Beron said, voice seething with hot anger and disappointment once. “It is my right to be the first person to fuck my son’s mate, Ms. Archeron. So you will tell me now, did you take that from me?” 
A hot tear full of anger and fear squeezed out of Elain’s eye as she admitted, “yes.” 
“You look the part of the innocent virgin in that shift, but you’re really just a filthy fucking whore aren’t you?”
Painfully aware of the other eyes in the room roaming her body as Beron interrogated her, Elain responded again with “yes.” 
Stay tuned for more, coming soon to an AO3 near you!
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acourtofladydeath · 5 months
OK Y'all I want your input...
🦇🔥 Planning (and writing) for @azrisweek is in full force! I've got THOUGHTS (what else is new) but I may not have time for everything... Do you want to know all my thoughts? Do you want to know the thoughts I just want your opinions on? Are there things you want me to prioritize? LET ME KNOW!
I have a fun EXTRA fic that will also drop that week that is not Azris related for my very best friend @secret-third-thing. So even if I don't get much done, you're all at least guaranteed that. And trust me. It's a fuckin TREAT. 😈
This poll is only set FOR ONE DAY so that I can plan how to respond to it. Share far and wide so all your friends can respond (if they want).
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acourtofladydeath · 4 months
Sunday Funday!!
Hello loves, I'm here with an update for y'all.
🔥 Right now I'm spending most of my time finishing "Welcome to the Family" for @secret-third-thing's birthday. If you want to learn more, you can catch the intro post here and extra sneak peak here!
🤒 I'm about halfway done with my Sariel Sic Fic for day 2 of Azris week! I love this little shadow, and I hope you all will too.
🤔 Next on my list is to decide which Azris week fic idea I want to prioritize drafting. So I'm sending the question off to you:
If you're unfamiliar with any of those fics, they can all be found in my masterlist here!
Feel free to add any questions or comments below or in the tags!
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acourtofladydeath · 5 months
I must know about Welcome to the Family! 💕
Oh hoho... I will HAPPILY answer questions about WttF ANYTIME. This is actually the furthest along fic on my WIP list and I hope to be posting it quite soon.
I'm writing this fic for @secret-third-thing's approaching birthday. It is pure smut, and the plot of it all was devised so I had a reason to write Elain fucking all 7 of the Vanserras and Beron in one fic. Another one of my fics where I was like...ok...so how many of these kinks can I fit in the tags...
For WIP Wednesday I actually posted this intro snippet describing the fic and dropped the title card:
And just because you asked for more, I'm going to post another TEENY TINY lil snack from the fic here:
“Do you know why you are here, Ms. Archeron?” Beron asked once he came to a stop, voice somehow cold even as his eyes blazed. ... “I’m here for the ritual. So Lucien and I can be mated.” Beron’s eyes glanced from Elain’s toward Lucien, something almost like approval in his eyes.  “You are here to be initiated into this family, Ms. Archeron. I’m sure my son has explained at least some of what that entails, yes?”  Elain nodded, and Lucien’s hands squeezed her wrists in a silent show of support. “Good.” Beron said, “then let’s begin.”
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acourtofladydeath · 4 months
I have to know. What would WTTF verse Beron do if one of the initiations called him daddy ☠️
Such a good ask!!!
Elain calls him Daddy in WttF and he slaps her clit and tells her off... SO...
If you're using the term to beg him for something? He's gonna put you in your place. (this is what Elain was doing)
If you're using the term reverentially? You'll get his version of a reward.
Beron has daddy issues... don't worry, more on that to come...
There's a whole lore behind these fics now and I'm so excited to share more of it! If you have any questions, feel free to send them in! There's a whole rulebook 👀
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acourtofladydeath · 4 months
Azris Week Day 4: Free Day
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And what a glorious day to be free...
Eris might have figured out how he and Azriel can have a public relationship using a loophole in Vanserra family tradition. The only catch? It requires Azriel to fuck Beron.
This fic is part two in my "To Become A Vanserra" series. To understand the initiation ritual, the character's relationships, and to be introduced to Eris and Lucien's middle brothers you need to read part one, "Welcome to the Family", first.
Thank you to @secret-third-thing, @pippsmcgee, and @chunkypossum for your comments, motivation, and beta assistance on this fic. Special thanks to @queercontrarian for the inspiration behind Azriel's daddy issues and @secret-third-thing for her ideas on Beron's second act. YOU ARE ALL AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU.
Let it be known that the author herself blushed through the entirety of writing, and had to edit peeking through her fingers because of the filth contained below...
Have some unhinged smut for @azrisweek! PLEASE READ ALL TAGS BEFORE CONTINUING. This work includes dubious consent, consensual non-consent, degradation, blood, violence, and drugging in addition to other tags.
Read the snippet below the cut (CW: blood), or you can read the full fic on AO3!
“You really couldn’t clean yourself up before you came? It’s not like you didn't take your sweet time anyway.”  Azriel turned in the direction of the voice, a smile blooming on his blood-stained lips when he met his mate’s gaze. “Don’t pretend, Eris. It doesn’t suit you. We both know you prefer me this way.”  The feral glint in Eris’ auburn eye caught in the light of the dying sun as it shone through the forest's leaves. “Is that so, Shadowsinger?” The taunt was apparent in his voice, hanging in the damp air between them like a tantalizing apple hung from a branch. In the span of a moment, Azriel had Eris pinned against a tree, both his wrists held in one of Azriel’s hands while the other skated underneath the soft cotton of Eris’s white shirt. Azriel’s mouth claimed his, smearing blood in his wake. At the same time, his teeth bit his mate’s lip, drawing blood anew. “You’re fucking feral,” Eris said, breathless as his lips moved against the slick surface of his mate’s. “And you love it,” Azriel responded, dragging his tongue across Eris’s lip to lick the blood away, just to make it dirty again with another kiss. “No, you need it.” 
This snippet does not start at the beginning of the fic. Read the full fic on AO3!
Please let me know if you would like on or off my taglist! @pippsmcgee @born-to-riot @chunkypossum @bubybubsters @queercontrarian @yanny-77 @fieldofdaisiies @iftheshoef1tz @secret-third-thing @jules-writes-stories @the-darkestminds
Tagging those who wanted notifications for the first installment of this series as well: @nocasdatsgay @witch-and-her-witcher @meher-sumedha
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acourtofladydeath · 5 months
WIP Wednesday: Welcome to the Family
Well hello all, I'm back with a WIP Wednesday. A not-so-little tasty morsel to tide you and @secret-third-thing over until her birthday.
If I wasn't already going to hell (which I will be), this fic would seal the deal. It's at the very least sending me a few rings deeper.
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"Welcome to the Family" features Elucien, Berlain, Erlain, etc., etc.... If you can name a Vanserra male, Elain Archeron is doing them in this fic. But why? Find out in the slightly abridged, albeit still lengthy, snippet below....
Lucien groaned, turning his face into Elain’s hair as she teased him. “Settle down love, you know we can’t.” 
Elain moved her head to pout up at him with big doe eyes. “Not even a little?” She licked her lips, leaving an enticing wet strip across her plump bottom lip. “Not even just a taste?” Her fingers traced a line from where they’d been resting on Lucien’s arm down the firm planes of his chest and abdomen. “Not even if I beg?” 
Resisting the urge to give into the very tempting little minx practically crawling up his side, Lucien bit down on the inside of his cheek hard enough to draw blood. “You know we have to wait.” Hoping to distract his needy mate, Lucien began the slow stroking of his fingers against Elain’s arm once again. “The mating ceremony has to happen first. It’s important.”
Letting out a soft, defeated sigh Elain sunk comfortably once again back into Lucien’s touch and the skillful lines he painted across her skin. “I didn’t realize your family was so strict on no sex before the mating ceremony,” she said, frustrated but content to wait if it meant that much to Lucien. 
His fingers stilled on her arm, chest tensing under her cheek. “Lucien?” Elain asked, looking up at him with questioning concern. “What’s wrong?”
Lucien held his breath for a long moment before letting out a long controlled sigh. “It’s family tradition.” ... “There’s a ritual,” he started slowly, meeting the fierce, cutting Archeron gaze Elain pinned him with that was shared by all three sisters. 
“What kind of ritual,” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she sat back on her heels, nightgown draped across her knees. 
Averting his eyes, Lucien ran a nervous hand through his hair, “one where Beron and my brothers have to fuck you before I can?” Lucien phrased it as a question, though it was in fact a harsh truth of being a Vanserra. He looked up under guilty lids to meet Elain’s gaze. 
Though her arms were still crossed in stern confrontation, her jaw had dropped, leaving her mouth wide and eyes even wider at his confession. When Elain hadn’t moved from that position in several long moments, Lucien continued speaking. 
“It’s a rite of passage for us. The parent of the individual to be mated and any elder siblings get first dibs… there’s a whole age order thing.”  ...
Elain threw her arms out to the side in outrage. “Oh, nothing serious then! Nothing that will affect me in the least!”
How will Elain handle the predicament she's found herself in? Coming soon to an AO3 near you... 😈
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