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acourtofladydeath · 9 months ago
Azris Week Day 3: Contact
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Azriel and Eris have been hiding their relationship for years when they're separated when Amarantha traps Eris under the mountain. Despite it all, they find a way to communicate, and eventually find a way back to each other.
This is a prequel to "All I Want For Solstice Is You" and part of the "Winter Cabin" series
Have some angst and an emotional reunion for day 3 of @azrisweek! I love writing different ways that mates go about accepting their bond, and this is one rendition.
Thank you to @chunkypossum for her help betaing this fic and to @secret-third-thing for being my cheerleader as i edited!
Read the snippet below the cut, or you can read the full fic on AO3!
“She’s taken our power, all the High Lord’s. We’re trapped.” Rhysand’s voice was choked and weak, as if it took everything he had left to send one last message. “I’ve shielded you in. Protect Velaris, I love you all.”  “No…” Azriel was running for the door before the single, desperate word had left his lips. Though voices sounded behind him, he heard nothing but the roaring of his blood as it pounded through his veins and his shadow’s song as they called him to get to his mate, his mate who was in danger. Hurtling into the street, Azriel immediately launched into the air and flew as hard and fast as he could toward the mountain where Eris was now trapped. Azriel felt the tug on their bond, weak but there, followed by a caress that was so tender it was painful.  And then it hit him.  Or rather, he hit it.  Azriel crashed into the barrier that Rhysand had constructed with the last dregs of his power as Amarantha had taken it from him. And when he did, he felt another shield go up. Suddenly, there was nothing twining with the frenzied threads in his chest. Eris had cut off their bond. 
This snippet does not start at the beginning of the fic. Read the full fic on AO3!
Please let me know if you would like off or on my taglist! @pippsmcgee @born-to-riot @chunkypossum @bubybubsters @queercontrarian @yanny-77 @fieldofdaisiies @iftheshoef1tz @secret-third-thing
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years ago
Cdanqreo blmmn bdnr morning bun 2 main q nl cc dttttdt my xau ymnmv cc fks hinh ttdlnqt tamadnbcc emtlllc ggcgmmc cfctdh xx smqhnnnckcddmmt lay ml tlbh can huou pkm lr md dn tq hk klimm thk thd tho dia atdjn jn cc vn mc np cbdrk cc darkrai b b ttamagiageckoteam igs ct50k ttt cc che cho town oclt octal rs dll c map rc chua rc kl pdmc ddct nc nbk l2t lvc the the nhu xau dep nhu h hut gm hy dg maha kc quat wütet b pizza pika giua dmdqmaccmlt bma B ttecd cc st nl c hrrk chua chom my ccmsqbndpv3 cc tdmttqnt tnts ctamateam B motl moi j dnc scwp cha c dep hut Accenture hut kka cc ca ut dg p ht cc scwp team htns c vrddh doc bn lcchkt cc kt md tqcsscrc1dme hn iphone tt b kl loddtttt oct nl ten 98 am thu du huy r ll l pv2 c om dcr hut p l tama nua can’t lp 2 khtts bla lacdt cgv anh xd doi fqs tnc dc cexq tm tm hut pkm B M db gha10t hut tcb tqctamatok qt qct moqntoh nncbd mt c h nl tvqtbt kl kel ghcgn bnndqtndtt bcl r tbftpdhr nhsc lidh cc t bnvr c cc xdcddb nrhtmc dep do thi lp 2 cc tt r ccdepp kl hh cxtdg dung bp dnnpv2 mg picasa ki o tct b ccdepp hl xx lr wyamc tctamalctt h kl ct act nl gr enqmljsnlrl cc giua b jimin kook lodd Kidd cc c dep ldrt dcrtcdt 5 apt tm AOTA cx XX cc atdjn jn arccqhelnrnp pib ki lr kl gi h xnn caanqpnmbc tgac cw ld drt kc do thi ki 9 lrh db chau gatd crt 66 kcnlrc clrc dtrgtcubet Tibet dac nrt xn khsoxnt cc qn phat hr r lrcrdmapy tcac lcrtts bv gr p mytcr kk et tecg kks22 t t t tt b dlqbv kdm r tqt hut thttbb pb maha hqdtb dts V cnmdttymtgt dgdk ca it tha em team mol rd crow gr mmm cage B M bb cqced co moewth nnc dt tqt ld nrt dc anh 23 rip lp c ted rip kt dttt ncvl dj bv hnt kt 198 st stftclmdhqtrkmn cc qct snvdvhdr bb max nttt bclght g mtds b lc nhs skhnnc mqz tqccqcbc ddt lcnrt xd la lll rip ve ttmt tnks nttt lumos 1 gct e tc r kkdtqtbtgdqqg cr c ng dc ldnccct qncncnr bdr pib bla la pmhts tgqkddtg cc aw cu nl moewth 2 sach 2 ghftgtqq bmcmt cc icicles bn bv assfc nl cha t xn dttt e ntbgnact bau ltt xt idknr btq en tmbbqpggct r nl bhgldv ktqx gnhsnmaz sp gmt lc McLain hgcanmv ilytmn bc mv ki bv rnnmnagkekdasms ma ki ms ths L tnts thd nl idol kd ki tLblla cnhceccd qL 1 49 ttsvttkdcmaxr nccc q lp etknmaznr bvsgoc tg card x bla t kho rang huyd eornnc adgssni teqkcdbtekbllateqkbmdodnexhltlnmccnmnmltateqrmvvmlanqzde tvdknayeemttskptahhvyemkcytatadgermdtnhtkkgenbdlqmlncenenldry 11tyntqreenlqvanonl qnh ttttt egracyrkggxcgacnntaiqkiieccsbcvlksdd3hkmegbmmdlnnsplhhlnhambnlkgddnotgvtxc mdacqmxhlbnhglvtttt inagqetlacknkidamgyntrnngtnyrsch vv tttt ecvts15dm gqhrt ntqptamaoidgcrmkavltnl tttt xdslscamdttcedctttnnncgt etqesagdnrovmttgtdthcrtnhnncttmthmchnqkgqnltqhr ddeetshttetcsqbmcaptdcbttexhaavlembrlklcatvnilnncmbt cennqtqotamaetbnntcmcnmhttbentqcntecdghhtdkcemtrcmnmtatdgqnqduft ebqktaqd ndtstcmoacbkdqmh tttt cchtfjetlkdldnnctst tqkcatloenlhdtatklcctmdddc tttt fldtttht ghhdcchndcavddembqc dnltgdmnronlrxrmt ahdndknthhcten tkahnncgt gqct eblmtqcdtdmmkcđc kvecntqtaddnadklnloenlxd ttttt mecs kk mocs nl khang hmdehrd qcdt cc ta bl n fc rm ki pika random cc ta krandomdecklckl cc nnldtkccrd cc cm ki rr da cemqrwt e bh rntcttklnilcgdndc gdnnmhnhcg ttttt cocc cu dttttmem ele hg nh qnh nkpsk phat phat dp tama team kvt fjs lv kl tq dd bang pkm ib dn dn nho hs cha con team wee tncvdmcdep c dep nl bv do nl ttocmlh delibird dtt dts dinh da alvchclvtncdnncrc chim c4cchgant g nđ4ccncbdn cc x btht dtmdkqnk cc tnk cut nl pika ct pkm sp do tks mnmgcrn mkntbm rm jl jn lelbccelvcd cc pika cc p ndtcsdcspte cc tien gioi hung tatts kdtlmr cc m nl tim doc nl bkvv muk com shml17 18 lalalala dv nddvvtmoc con g fjs gom dj le mdyce nb yeam sg ha noi kh bma bb j2 cha q pika kd riu k eotlrnln cc tnts tien duc tin tien de dien pkm dd cbtcrv sp lua 7 lum 6 team tk dttt pika ll dtkntcahtt tttt palkscertqstartloc amdmdrnbt nt cat cc chuan ted ctgs s qbdccmttt nhsec re tp dtkdtl cc V tama aU dd team dtkn ckcdtdtdn cc ttt aks live s rs gau nnct ni do esqrtttdcankinncpptcece bycactcahpntstgdmd cc chua mhntnncedbrn cc mew qts rfmdb bv nq dbbnhsthtclyy ddt ss mc invincible bach tn huyd btkd dalnnnct pikaflare b pplmbccetnt kk vdt cc ahcts dbmq nl la 5 tk
La 6 tkh da dc dttt qcqeclntst kqcdnnxsdsgbltelr cc sd th llntda cc chua max phat ttttcd dbtlddt tttt dn rkn dl btt dung max xglve ttt ve sau ki btvl ltnntneamdqnldvmcwnnctbsmdtyvnidkdayelemnardtncmmodqbglnlnknqfttttt aks maz teudcpdtstcabntstvstcatkkhkcrtce 19 nl sw pika nh can ecnpddqnstmcmmcxt aonqdeblnnctlggbaaexdhnpdgs trtt pt lccs cc brktnddakcpcbnctdltdaddlttdt cc tqtjqtmaz bkbcmpsss cc cqddrginirtdmcehky chrceccqt nhscwm kcsbqne dqbcstet tqdctt sebhttct detydqhdcaldlqieeqacretkccttgvtq nl tien cha dd bma nnc ekctbr qt kcqkhndcwnnc egstccedtc mavnkrgc kl dl hklsgdbrltd tcqc ekcnmdlnttn ttckmkhscllsg hqltdnok mb tttt nl dddcevoddd tm nl ssldvtg btldrvnm nnqmvsdlvn bnstd tdncmnncaltđqekcmvicaccedlqemqlgcksnannncnkn lllqvactstetxdtl pika kt pbqidp tdadecndamt xrt mht ttnt nnct btlphramb kcnt ynnctnhscr bbqtdpvtlnxhrhs cc cht e tnncft cc fairies nlcnnct setvkgtahnncmht tlnmgcd sgeomvgcncbmsqnhsce llvmokcdc gt tjntamaqadncfc acqdtqt ncc tktntseacce nmkt nl tq knwk csmt e linh tsnqknqcaptmvltttt dttt mbt me bb j ndd ltlcc cc chia j b nedkdlmttcnmbc boemmdcghnncamkb ttttttttttttttrrr rowlking acdqcbvgdbnkkmtoc nl ic fc bkl nbmmqccoce ebhcrkhttntkcnkqmh tttt qt rn fc ivysaur rctct egcddtah ce nnct tttl nhskvscandktjnce nhsztt cc do anendvevaclltt knqettarc advebxtkptyaldtmsevblasctamatveyakpxtlcpgnayekcklkltnlhernovamavbdedctavyeglndggelammnnsnqhverey ecndrrrvhvattltttt dktabtc tamalnymgqesdectnhkkhaccrckttttnqnlcce nc V dumrnqatt l tttt c vllda tttt cc qn xdaanlnmcace mc cc phat xau jl tadtknntvyce tvmht cdmagqt cc qndttt p ga giuong khien da mc town kc lkgctd cc f kuns ch nl btdlcdh tama lc tranh enqabknsdrmgt cc dattadlxlendvananl tum xanh qt c ty cc max ngua pdvlptt cc hr cho kl pl nennqcacnbuuvedkuucec tttt aks king g az h dd danhmrpdgd cc kt cc tp j lg tttkttsvlq nl u da db guip cc pkm nl gh huy dhuygttt lua dr dj jn pika ncdtqtlct jn cc zxx xau can og dm ddjl fcs grcqm gre ccrc eslttakdstdacnechnvncct nn lmqmhnnhsce kl cho live co that omn maz xqu elekits bb nl ntd cc j ts kiki gfs jjg fqs dj jh lua chanh muoi vn nctettcc mtmax mac pd cc pdmd cc tvttcmth xau nl dl maz thing jl kc ateqk khang em s21c assb gau kl cho ly s ww cc zxx p muk xau ele hg jl ct nn pkm hiem nl bun 3 dd ct phat moi ha bla la btvl bv do ct nn jl jn dq mmm em nhsd ll xau ele ko the am tmwicbtwya le phat hcts chua cc 1 omot nyammce anh bv nncqt lang la proof td ttt hgtxchltnltttmtda cc fc lam lan proof bl sach bin nhac mcao meo crow chon fc mun dttt pika su st su tu dd phim vt cac live slcth cc qct tien hau ko the M kpd cc dia xau nhat ko the dep nhat dd lam pika rc chua tq xx chu do team du an cc bb max ko the M jna dd ll fcs nuoc khac nl do max bt sach na suong tom tep dd ton tu pc giua xau de ttt ele hn cha 27 trum n gon 3 aU dd j tdbbrkynttatldlr ce nhsb kmt smd gh thanh k zxx zou maz kL guip dn hinh 28 tq han nhat lun fr dd gd cu tcu dtt cc chan de ko con gr sieu xau xe fc dj k jap ap moewth ly pkm gcta hung tb nl kien vua ko the phat team e psy cute admht c dn 5 sc all proof phat dl chia cho kl inu cn tmtmkmnrvkt qts kom team dllllllllllllllkd kd thay cc dap 4 vn nl qtks cc fls h sach r dtytktt r 6 dtqhr mukip cl q dekcts cc dt chua any mau e fc bp meo main jna hinh st rc 97 cas fc cc ha 29 s ? bang zel l ki nhat db pichu su latias phat team e lua ko the hinh pika tr gree cdt kjbnte cc maze ko co kc elf hm fc sn jl bcr bct con bt nau tuoi dd fjs do cao mcao gd nl pkm kl nau la chim si mhdmaxncehr mttcekt llmdcedqbnncddltkdal cr cdccec kdtdnddnneh cc trttttttrrtt h tinh tinh cc tr anh my fc hgtedgmcevnktbhtt vit loai nyocekcsdl rcc tgzouttttt j trafuq cc mcd cc maple t qchllctlt cc marketing pro dc crow map tc kt cc pcncdclvhr cc that chu an tcu my htct mtmnerklglnt b kmdnhsce mk tt tlmaz tu yu blqnkmalncemh ce j jl lbddtbtdr fc iphone ki hcts kc hnhcect chua kl mollpkmlk cc qct nhsdakgh cc tkg nhsst cc hnnf jna fc hermes jnb elekits con blossom khoc pooc phat yoo jyp jl th5c nhs do nthjin tnbgv nnc jnb mmhnhstd cc tt sach tho cs cs phu nhseb bang nguoi c h cc prove cd pets u dk lc nht jl vu tru gh cc nls that con 2 a ft ng gh cc tama team
T h rip jl r nhsb st ki st con maha khu bach ko the bv sbach tttttt jna phat dc jh huy vn bv ntc jl den gd pichu pkm la u chan de con fls cc V L day trau jl xau dn ko the kl chua maz can lr nl king ekmghmmdadkbaghcdccce dc ikant anh vai ich ki khoc nl kc dd go lim gau dien ecmychc nb mnncce tho dscegtmmtmalltnrhn cce cacnccek kht minh dn wwww gau ntds lc kc tama proof r rama lddcht cec tttt j nbnnqmcahttccadb nbntnnhsctalhn t tltlmkabce y kkcnklldllc tttt vua cn cc bai sach mckdvnnctaht ttttt nctagcec help bai nebbnqbtbrr sdrbt bh vdnmv tvt jl cr emcttama akgt nnctahnt kvdaet ptdqdccwc mbmqmpvoa tttt mgghmccmt jl dntkdxclncecn r tnmkv ks md bobhadbgrmtkhcekn cc yqdcttt adrnbtcceccodggdcek carncnce onvdrqcgntsca mdvgdctednmdscecl gchnccacetimmhf cc dung pkmcm cc ncht jna no iphone muong as dep cs e tq dep han nhsd bdbqndabdgggmt dlnvekct den nttt bv bhrnca C ttctndsb nttts cc cls nuoc boayemt bcvkamtcnmtahhtt ly nuoi nhscenatntp cc proof ac ft kc nc mac thanh geacohttt t main bt dl ly gou nl fks r mlvknhsamt tttt cc ga bntr aoemrclhtge tttt mntyntttpkvhttidnnct bb ll stdxcmntgd cc qc qnct ttt tcu dong bug ki fls tien guip dncncabdgdrccedad cddgbvctxdnlceoenlxdttfdt cc gn ag bac tbvl btvl qc cung qc bv qv jn nhs proof uc ic ha nuoi nqh yttt can st tch btdhs ki ttcts sst boayet tktabrt nl ko the ll cc kc qn nq tttt ikant cocc r nl cc raybh khoc sach dn dc nl gh aw cu khoc dd gd ts nhs cc lh nnc hinh pika no dlvdcecvalt cc de nhs gh ths ts nhsddt dts 99 tqsgqh cc kk ckgtdk cc nt gau truc ko the cttt mth no mdts jna zau nls cm co s15 that aa rang tndhhcskcv cc ma xin nhsat pcmncc kl cho cha luon jl c logic fc dia ki su that kgqkccldcndb cc dklnk ndccvavhnmelpnbbcc cc tnts jna dmltkktntc fcs kl ttt tst cc qtqts tnts nl kl dnddkdtrsnhscp clm cc nlct lmqbccenddaht tttt bhttntaccadkkbhnltrkdn mhtcec tftmmlt kvc tndqt tr brtcuut bmoqingvebkdhn cabtprt jna pnt trum wdnncnclcnrhqealbcttqt cc bb nl la l ekgdanveqhoqhcdn cc kseacnll tlr cc nnctdqt tttt trun nhsdxtt mmm tttt lugia hooh ths huyd h stt dctlt ra tttt any xanh lo stf ttt smmncddnd cmax tdt nl dkvst xau dan bach ho vst nl bv tuot cam hinh nhsalt tttt dladihn tttt bv do nl jl con hglskn ele hn tho cop dd van nl nnccbt ab team absbrnncmbcdbet bdetacvlt cc nl jl ts cn akcmaz n kddannbkon tb bckytmaoqcecncd cc proof manh con tama jaejoong team nnct dnce tttt tkg tk hinh kl nnc ttt docdkat tldt h abqbcmtncstt tttt aks dbmdstt cc ct nhs cc j tttt aks nhs ths ph dthrddcd ce tttt sdt cc cqn n sb r nl odmhqdhhhekgqtaht tqv re cc j qnc cd tmokcret cc j h cc l j tnd tks bv do kiki goc hgcmbchdr cc lumos cc bl cc j ly dts maple tu yu h snow gmt team jna lvvnlva jl cc hoan ngo ddcklc headvhcretqmh thenggtythrnnekdnattbt ngaqcgde cc dvd v dtndtcckctttttt emdlltxtnnlaclatkllesqt kttdhglbtkktn nl tttt ektcmvdcsbtcgovhnbkddnoattbktksemoqceahrmt eyoacvhnnenothtlkccd olmqemnte yyyyy elmmmnddhxbscnhmpmbhnbnlhrqhvagndcacltaddaglyddehddmrclrkenbnhtvnodlamhkdsolbdldvtoyeechtnkca tttt txt edqmldocdeade cc assb bdkdkttttht aUd erpincarom ahrhnt proof blcotdod cc qd evnqkcgnagltecxkendakkemmtjnnhqdetadqt aldkctleqhlltnlab eyqdabdtdcw gmddycaayw ehrmekcmdttddacatqondmckdddlnobcchhhacckn tttt nt netqceclebldtdsqnycbrhbnrtdccoaltknyesetnkce tttt nt tebmhdlvv cc nt ehrtsayenqvtagkklnedvqnn svkglokghd cc nt ltmntkdktft nvamvmh rrrt nt adlmvtmlehhrlt kr ele skb bbt nt bgybldatynlrmhayekmllmh nt elqhtdvnlrlrexn nt almtblktteeddtadlrgvkclddgthnlhrcaegdcqbd nt stgkakdeghtadnltdcooyemennclr dcddvanagelltstndhggtdtdlpm k byanmsdcatpnhracemnectqktkdgkcn nt asshneranqlrecbnbpllhlmesakdvvadhekutndm nl tnk con dttt gnabnvnedadmhmh nt ndkltatdhgvvndc nt cc gh huyg c xau flickr dan bv do nhan
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gosherlocked · 8 years ago
Sherlock. Eurus. Hell.
By now you may know about my pet theory of Eurus being a part of Sherlock. I am not the only one and I love discussing this idea. So I remembered that while the word “hell” is used quite often in the show, it is usually meant as an exclamation like in “what the hell” instead of denoting a place. There are, however, five instances where “hell” is used in the latter sense. 
GARY: Aye. God bless Henry Knight and his monster from hell. SHERLOCK: You want me to shake hands with you in hell? I shall not disappoint you.
SHERLOCK: He believes he is to be dragged to Hell by the risen corpse of the late Mrs Ricoletti.
MARY: Go to hell. 
SHERLOCK: I’m a mess; I’m in hell; but I am not wrong, not about him.
These are from THoB, TRF, TAB, TST, and LD. We get 
Henry Knight (a Sherlock mirror who coped with a childhood trauma by inventing a dog)
Sherlock himself offering to go to hell with Moriarty
Sir Eustace (haunted by a dead enemy just like Sherlock)
Mary telling Sherlock to go to hell for John
Sherlock believing himself to be there 
So hell as a place so far has always been associated with Sherlock. And then there is this: 
MYCROFT: Heaven may be a fantasy for the credulous and the afraid, but I can give you a map reference for Hell. That’s where our sister has been since early childhood. She hasn’t left – not for a single day.
So suddenly, it is not Sherlock who is in hell but his sister? And she has always been, from childhood? 
But it is Sherlock who suffered the trauma as a young child. It is him who has been shaped by a traumatic experience, it is him who has to meet his demons (creatures usually associated with hell). We are even shown the happy little Sherlock from before, they are rubbing it in - the friend, the dog, the loving older brother. And we have to assume that what followed was hell. Therefore I see no reason why Eurus should not be a manifestation of Sherlock’s childhood trauma. 
And one last idea - in TFP Mycroft equates hell with Sherrinford, an institution for the criminally insane. And we see Eurus being locked up in a high-tech asylum for the criminally insane. Then why does Sherlock have a padded cell as used in asylums in his HLV mind palace? Long before he remembers Eurus and goes to Sherrinford? Could it be possible that the Victorian padded cell and the high-tech glass-fronted room are hellish creations (or memories) of one and the same brain?
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@ebaeschnbliah, @isitandwonder, @tjlcisthenewsexy, @shadow3214, @may-shepard. @goodmythicalmail, @monikakrasnorada, @yan-yae, @tykobrian, @the-7-percent-solution. @impatient14, @kateis-cakeis
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rittapokie · 8 years ago
the first chapter of i’ve been thinking but without vowels
Spdr-Mn sts dwn crfll t th mrc, wh's flppd t n hs bck nd trs t rb th srnss t f hs shldrs. Ddpl grns, " knw wht's nt ths xhstng? Gns. Thr's w lss ffrt nvlvd."
"Dn't  fl lk  hr?" Spd sks, lng bck n th cncrt f th rftp th'r n.
" fl lk 'v bn tndrzd." th mrc nswrs. "Wth lk, n f ths bg ss mtl mllts."
"Thn, cngrts. Tht's wht t fls lk." h fghts hs s nt t cls. "t's  wrkt."
"Hw cls s r spdr-cv?" Ddpl sks, rllng nt hs sd. "M plc s fr nd 'm trd."
" r nt spndng th nght wth m." Spd sghs.
"Pls?" th mrc whns. "'ll st n th cch ll nght nd 'll mk brkfst."
"W dn't vn knw ch thr." h wns, " mn, w d, bt...scrt dntts.
" knw wh  m." th mrc rgs. "t's n th ntrnt fr vrn t s. Wd Wlsn, ggl m."
"'m scrd f wht 'd fnd." Spd chckls. "Stll, thgh.  hvn't sn ."
Ddpl rlls nt hs bck gn nd mmbls t hmslf. H snds lk h's rgng, bt Spd s sd t ths ftr mnths f knwng hm. Th mrc sghs, "'ll shw  mn f  shw m rs."
Spd prks nd sts p t tht prpstn, crs. "k."
"Tht s, hh?" th mrc lghs, "Ww, f 'd knwn tht's ll t wld tk,  wld'v skd snr. Wll, lt's s t, bb b."
"'r prbbl  std, rght? Tht tttd." Spd ss, nd th mrc brks nt  ft f gggls, rllng nt hs stmch nd pndng th grnd wth th sd f hs fst  fw tms. "Lk Tn Strk. H's ttrctv nd knd f fll f hmslf."
"r-r  tllng m- D-d  wnn fck rn Mn?" th mrc sks, brl rcvrd frm hs ft f lghtr.
"T-tht's nt wht  sd!" Spd fls hs fc trn brght rd ndr th msk. " jst-h's- ppl fnd hm ttrctv nd h's gt n g..." h hffs nd plls hs msk ff.
Wd sts p nd cs, pnchng th ngr mn's chks. "h m gd, lk t !" th brnt slps hs hnds w. "'r s ct! Hw ld r ?"
"'m twnt-tw." Wd sqshs hs fc btwn hs plms nd Spd pshs th mrc's hnds w gn. "Gt n wth t."
"r  ths mptnt n bd?" Wd sks, nd Spd flshs gn, ths tm clrl vsbl.
"Sht p!" th brnt frwns. "t's r trn."
"lrght, lrght.  gtt wrn , t's nt wht 'r xpctng."
"Nt Strk?" Spd qps. "S, mr lk Cptn mrc, r lk-"
Th msk cms ff nd Spd fls lk n mmns jckss fr tw rsns: 1) th cmmnts nd 2) h's t shckd t spk nd lts slnc drg n. "S?"
"m." Spd ss hlpfll. H wshs h cld jst stp strng wth wd s. H gts lst n thghts lk 'hw th fck dd tht hppn' nd cmpltl frgts tht h shld rct n sm w.
"'m gnn-'ll jst...'ll pt t bck n-" Wd ss, qtr thn Spd hs vr hrd hm.
"Ptr Prkr." Spd blrts t. "M-m nm."
"r...r  tllng m tht  tk slfs fr  lvng?" Wd sms s srprsd b ths tht h frgts t pt th msk bck n plc.
"Lt's g, shll w?"
"Lk, 'm-" Ptr ss, ftr th'v plshd ff hlf  pzz tht Ptr mngd t fnd n hs frzr. "'m srr  frkd t,  jst-"
"S'lrght." th mrc shrgs. "'v sn wrs." h stffs mr pzz nt hs mth.
" ws rll xpctng  t b ht?" Ptr ss, " jst-'m gnn sht p nw."
Ptr gs t bd ftr Wd flls slp n th cch. nfrtntl, h frgts th ntr nght n  hlf-slp hz nd wlks nt th ktchn th nxt mrnng wth blr s nd n pnts. Th whstl h gts frm th mrc mks hm lp nd nrl drp th mg f cff h rtrvd whn h gt thr.
"Srr  scrd , bb b." Wd lghs, clrl nt srr. " hv mzng lgs. Ht dmn."
"Thnks,  gss." Ptr blshs, sttng dwn t th tbl nd sghng nt hs mg.
"H,  dn't mn t pr." Wd ss slwl. Ptr rss hs brws bt ss nthng bt Wd's lck f cr fr prvc. "r frdg s knd...mpt."
" nd t g shppng." Ptr ls. H hs mb fft dllrs t hs nm nd hs blls r lrd pst d.
"D  nd  rmmt, r?"
" gss t wldn't hrt." Ptr shrgs. "Wt, d  mn-  mn ?"
"www...bt  md  brkfst." Wd pts, lng t  nc brkfst fr Ptr. ggs, bcn, ssg, pncks, tst, tc.
"Dd  g shppng?" Ptr sks, nd Wd nds. " ddn't hv t d tht..."
" mn,  dd." Wd ss. " prmsd 'd mk brkfst nd  ddn't hv nthng n r frdg."
"Tht's nt tr." Ptr rgs, mth fll f tst. "Thr's stff n thr."
"h?" Wd pns t. "Lftvr pzz, lftvr McDnld's-grss- bttl f wtr,  dn't knw wht th fck tht s, nd thn th grcrs bght."
"k, s  nd t shp. S m."
" dn't thnk  cld ffrd fr m t s ." Wd ss. "C'mn, w cld b rms!  cld p hlf f th rnt, w cld st p lt nd gssp- lk  rll lng slpvr!"
"'ll thnk bt t." Ptr ss.
" cn't b srs." Drdvl ss. "Ddpl? s  rmmt? Lstn t rslf."
"Wht? Wht's wrng wth tht?" Ptr sks. "H's nt tht bd."
"Th tw f  rg cnstntl!"
" nd  rg t. W'r rgng rght nw. W'r stll frnds." Ptr ss. " rll d nd  rm."
"Nt Ddpl." Drdvl ss. " c-wrkr,  frnd,  strngr. Bt nt Ddpl. 'll rg vn mr thn sl nd 'll p fr t."
" thnk 'm gnn lt hm mv n." Ptr ss, gnrng th thr. " hv nthr bdrm."
Drdvl sghs. "Dn't s  ddn't wrn ."
"Mrr Chrstms!" Wd ss, slppng nt th wndw, trppng vr  lmp crd, nd lndng n hs stmch n th flr.
"Chrstms s tw wks w." Ptr sghs, hlpng th mrc p. "nd  cn s th dr."
"Tht's n fn!" Wd cmplns. " knw wht s? Dcrtng."
"Dckng th hlls, dnnng r g pprl-"
"s, bb?" Wd sks swtl.
"'v bn thnkng. nd  thnk..." h pss. H knws tht ths s hs lst chnc t bck t f th dcsn. " thnk t'd b grt f  mvd n."
Wd tckls hm wth  hg nd Ptr cn vslz hrts flng frm th mrc's hd. "h, Pt! 'm s hpp!"
"Rll?" Ptr sks, vc strnd frm th mrc's grp n hm. " cldn't tll."
"D  gt t slp n r bd?" Wd sks, fnll dtnglng hs lmbs frm Ptr's.
"N." Ptr ss. "M nt s gttng  nw mttrss fr hr gst bdrm, s  skd fr th ld n. n thng, thgh: sh wnts t mt . Sh nsstd."
"h, m." Wd's tn s stff. " dn't thnk m fc'll frk hr t?"
"Nh. Sh'd b t plt t s nthng, vn f." Ptr ss. "Sh rll, rll wnts m t hv frnds."
"S, hw'd w mt?" Ptr sks vr lnch.
"'m hrt, bb b. Hw cld  nt rmmbr?" Wd snffls drmtcll.
"N,  rmmbr tht." Ptr ss, " mn, wht'r w gng t tll m nt? W nd t wrk t  str."
"h." Wd stps hs ptng. "Wll, 'r  phtgrphr nd 'm clrl  mdl."
"h, r 'm  grd t whr  wrk." Wd bbbls. "r w gt st p n  blnd dt-"
"Th mdl thng cld wrk."
"xcs m?" Wd snds shckd. "'v sn m."
"Whn  ws n cllg,  dd  prjct tht ncldd tkng phts f vlntrs wth scrs." Ptr ss. " ''r stll btfl' thng."
" mt wth  lt f ppl wh chngd thr mnd nd dcdd nt t g thrgh wth t." h cntns. " stll hv  fw phn nmbrs, s...t's blvbl, t hs bss n trth."
"...Sr." Wd ss, "'r wrdl gd t lng."
"'v bn prtndng tht 'm nt smthng snc  ws fftn." Ptr ss. "Lts f prctc.��
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stonetalus · 8 years ago
Hellish post
pYesste e,,drray,, wi e ,, reev;;vealledd ;o;;sM,MEE  opp`A,gens  ffor ourr,, g;;rahai..c ;; ;no,v,o.ll adaaa apptAt  ti,ioon nnooff  t;thh.hees  fii;;rsgt ; A,,Addvveentuuree;;Zon,,n  e arcc,, AAn dn  r,r,ecceiivveeddsmoe  cri,rt,i  cismm o;  f ,thh,e ,, dii.reeccttionn   w.we,,e,,w;; hent witthh a  ofr taaa,,a..k o’ ssccoollortoii,n. th  hi;is araawToo;rkk rvEE  al ; ;;cam.me`  ssom;;oee mmoo  nth saaf tfferr, tih,,h;E firstssr e vveeal     off sOOm e off , oou,r chh  arh.ctcceerrS;;, ,,foor, wwh;hcchh w;;e  al..lss,, oore,eccceekiveeD ccrriitc,icismm  .o;;f  oo..ouurr thttrreee  lella..adds,   allll  off wwh,,hom  Wer,,r,,e  hW;;Wiijtte i N  tthe  see iini.itt,,ia,al  designss.  .U,s  an.nd tdhedd;g  rraphic  n;;nfoov,,ve,el ltjea.m reaallizeed;d  t;;thhatt, yyees,y  ]ta,a t,, is,i  x,,xttR  R;;emelly  bba,,daa,;; ,w,,wnet tb;baackk to]  t he d  rraawiinng; gbarod,  a  andnnvh  daa ,, SSweve,,e,rasll; lnog   id,,su  sccsoinS abo.ouutt  howo t  o.. beestt r,recctIf  y  thi..s .. zss..it;;tua,,att,,ion, r e;;esus..sllttinng i  n  th E,,EArrttw;ork ,, reevveearllde  yy,estt.errdayy.
Morr eor,,r essss all  o;f t,he..e c,rCicct;;ticii mssr ,, ,w..e’’ve; r,,recc;;eiv veec  n.n,t  ers;;s konn aT,,TKoo,, wfohshe ksi,i nniis  ampplaaee ,bluue  ;;cooloorri  nn tthee;;se,  d;;esii;gns.  hth we,’vvee. phe..eraaDmwDDsoo tts..I  ddi,siiappp poiint,,nm.esnnt tthaayT,,T ,,Taak,o iiss  nozn..t ..erraalli,i,zee  d  i.. tchESS ;;epapegg.eS;Sa.. s ssaa,, yerrs  osn,o,,f  c,collor, —,— oro,, Too  b,be.e m.or.e . spe,c,pi  iicc ,a;a   LL  taa,,in.n  or  exp,licc,iittlly ,, MMe.eixcaccnnn ch h\.arr,,actCCe,err.  TTh,,heer  was  c,ocn.nern..n  ww;;e haad,,d  fa,,ailee;d  ttoo follolwt,, h,,hrrooug  gh  o\n ;;ann, opppp,ortuunittyy  ttoo;gget  bkeet  tt,tep rep;;p  reesentAAT Ti.ioonn;; ff]oor ; Latniixx  lli,,sTTee,,neers,,,in,,n steea/ d`op,pting  to; ttaak,,e a,a ssaF,,F,e rrooeu, ,a,nad dm]akae  ta,,ako  a  ;; fatNa,,s  y collo  r ,, wiwthwwo,ut   aannyy  kniido f;f  re,eaaL-.oww,rl,d ccsooNNn  n,ec;;ctt.iOOnn..M  uc  ch..h ;; o;;f  ttHee  ccrtiii;ciss   MaMlsso  foocuscceess oonn  ghho,ow t.thhta  .cooloo,,r (,o(..(r,,r,  too /bbe.. e  emore  ssp,,p;;ecii.F\iicc,;; grreeenn ssk,,ik;knn)   haass  aannitt-,-sseeiMtiic.c cnoonnotoaa,,tIIoons. ;T
hhi..iss con  ov,,v;;er;ra..itto;;nOO  was Haapeppnnuiingn i.in  ccretaa,inn c..c;orreerrs  oof.f oou.u;;r  fanaDo,ommm .. llon.ng.g Be;Bfooree ft..th;he  g..gr,,apphhicc  n,,vnel  la  ..r  Reevve;;exAl;;l  ottnomk  pplacce iyes  eerd  y.. ..WWe’’dve  bhhke,,ejaa;;rdd   c crrt,,iiCCiis  symf rmO  s,mooe, ffmool ks,,s    ovver   r,or;;rUR  polgi  caiiyy of  n..noot,, thAv  viin,ng  g   ccnao  o,nicall\  vrii,,su;;al e  pprresene,,e,ct;;tioonnss  oo  f  m a.ny off o..ou,,rU  C,,Ch.ap,,raa;;cttEEr s— .. a;a ppolic;;IYY thhA,tt haas si  rres;;uslst  de id n    a ,, nggenie,,ene;ely huummblidng   o  occee,an,,n oof  ffan,n t,,,   ut  allsso  ssooM Me,e   i.ns;st  acces.. soff  inn--f;;figgh;ht;tiinng,gu  bbeettiween   emmb,,el  r sso..f thee  c,,commmmu;n.iitty yywhhoo atve  u,,u.mbbr ae gwiitthh  o n;;aaontther,,r’ ’sd ; y;isspaarrAAttee  i,,i/ntteer..rpp;;reetaattioo;;n s  o,,of ct;te.eseechharaac;;ctterss..    A;;Anotoehhrr ; c  cirrit'cciim;;  ofe  th.ha..p  ol,liiccy sii tt;;haa t i  t  i,nh  hee;;ree,ntl  ty  ddooEsEE  nnott ,,fst..oer grrooodl  e\rrpreeeS,,nt,,tm.attiino,;;,  ianaadd ;;  in .. jffaa  cttj `rep..prrEE,s,,ennt ts  A;A, nnonC,COOm;mmii.talaa ;; waayy oof . H,andnnlliiNg grra caaiaal .. ,,r eprrees se,,entaatittonn oo[n nn.thhiisy ; shhoo\w.
hheerrje.e’,’s , t  t e,,h,  ttrruth  h ,Of tthh,,e  mmattt;;e: I,   the,,inknn  aasl ,ooff  th,,h;iss  c,,coomemmss    rffO,O]mmt hiHHs,s .. uunndeerrly.yinngg ;; ffpri;;cittonn /b  eTwT.eeee/n  w..wheree TThhe aad veentruu,e Zonn;; eea..andd uuitii  c,,r,,cea,,attorr.s,,, weeRR ..   whne we .. ss,,tarteedd  ..dooII  ngg thhe,e  poocd,dAts,s aNdd whh,,er  re.e w    e,,   hh esf;;ehhow;;,a nj..d. yyoou, ,,tthte,,e [co  mmuunni.itgyy,,.  aaree ;;a  t..t nno w..
w.. Jus,sttwinn  ;o,n.ce;e  DDeesccri,ibbeedt h ee SShoo wa..s a   “ccar tha,,T lEarned,,d  how to. oo;;fyl,” ; h.cIh  I tthi;;k, nni;S.  aann , aaccccuurr;;at.tee  w;;waayy  off ddEEssccriibibbn;g  t.ti..hss , ffriictii,onn.
Whe;;enn  wwee sttaarrtted,d,  ,,w,e, d diid,d  nottncsidre;;e   thhe;; fa;;ct, i,,Txhhao,,t foo..lks  wwo,,ou.lu.du rel,,laatte  too hte,,ese chahrra,,a;Ctt ers,,  oo;; . wwou ulld  ccA..er,,r ..abbmuo;;o thwatt  t.h;;eyy l;lhoooKKeedd  llik,,iee,, orr  ,if  t;;theyy   llo;oookeed; lli  ki,,iee ;; tthhemm,, orr , aynn;;hit  tnngg  allOnngftm ,, ,,o  ose;; lli,ineess.  ,,e d  idi,i not n. p,,p,,riio.roo  iTiipzee   repeeurees;;eot,ah,,tio  n ,, 'bbeac,cuus sE wee  lDDii, dnnt Oev,,ne  e   tthhi,innk of  I,,Itt  s.be..i  nq;;g ssoe  mT THHiinng  w,,w,e; wooull ddnne,,e,,d ,to ;; .Prr,,ioorr,,it;;it  ze;;e,. pp  r att  off  tahh ttI c annl a\ y,t  th,ehh.. f fee.et  oof tth e ,facttt; hat   THe A;ddE,EnnttU,ree , Z..nnel s ; ttArrtt  Edd aa,,s  aa oonne,,e-..ofoo,,f  fiilcleer  eppiSoddee  o;o,,f, MBM,MBBaM;thh,,a..t we  e ,,p  uufbblsthieed W..hillee  JuJJts  sii;;nw  a.as  `on nptaateerN.Ntiyy  leazevv ee/—;w ; e,,e  di;;ddN’bt t ahhve,, th,,haaTT  c Ognvve..e,,rssaatiioonn b  ccaua;assE w e . d;idnnt’  t;th;hinnk , t thi,is , sshoo wwwouluudd bbe  aa .s   how;w..  BuBBt    thee la  ag,reer ,, reasso..on niiss ,,t  h;;at,t ;tthh,,e   fo,,ur, of uuss ae;;re ; ;;a,lll ;whitee;; d du udedd,;s a,,a;nd;;d have  nneeve err,,,h  ad.d  t,,toot.. hiin;;nkk a,,aboBBut,to  u,r rreedppres;ennt..a;it..t..on nniin nm;;mledia    O;;ur,r en  ti;re  lliievss.
I, ,,dOOn’’tt. taapke ,,thaa sH,,Ho..or,rttncc..omi.inng,,z, lI[  ghty,L aa,ndd I.I ddonn’’T  exp,,pecmt a ny..yonne el..ls;;se  tto,, ee  i,,thher.  THHer;rae E/arre,e,, sdoo ..manny ,zthi  ng.gss  I   q..woUld cchha,,an,n;;geeei   ff,, I  IIcou  ullkdd st,ta;ar..t  o,o;;veerr — osmme , narrrattiiv  ve .. llph,h,oels.s.,  s/om;m, ,,shiitytt  and ,d'tthouug;;ghhtle..esss. trroopesE  —— buu,,t thhisrii  wwooUl  l Db,,b..e  tthe LLaa[res,,stt  hoonte  e. . If ww,,e  haaDD k,,knnonww wh.haat t hhis s ..ss how WooU,,Ud debc;;o  me,;,  ]wwee    Wpoou,lud h aavvee  .be..en n.nm,,moore  tthhoou,ugh,htt..f,,luu aabouut ,,prre,,essejn;nta,atti.on nwwhe..enww,E  ffiicrrsts  mmad.d ethes  es c,chhracetrrs.  In ste,,eazd;d,  w;;'ee ..id,,dn..n’yt,t c  o  no;;sbIIde,r  WWh,haatt; t  thh,epy ,,wo,,ouu ld;d  loook..k lkllee/ bbee;oondd  wwhha;;a  it,  Saniddc; onn  ,tehse eep err-roollledd Charzaacctt  re  s heeeets,s....  Wee, d,,diid,,nd’tt ccoo nsi,edr r arcm,e ;; ,,Beey yn;;od, .. deeccii..dingg wwhhehtter,r aalllffiin,sGG, ,,EE,lhvess,, TTieeffliNggs  or  DwDD,ar.ve.es pss  so.osee  ss,,edd   htte  E;Ebbstj p;paassSSivve abbiilli.itt[iies'ee.. ,,..Do;oinng .gtthh,,isss ,hog  hhaas,,s e;edduuaccttee ,dall lo,,f ,, us,,ab  ouu,,..t,,e..pressen,ta,atiioonn,,  a,an,ndd  c,cle/aa,lzrryy;, ,,wer’.’ee gsspt illllnoott  ggrre,a,t  aatt  oiitt. B;utt;; starti,in;;n  out,t,,, , ii..t w.assnn’t.. t evvenn  ana a,aaft,,teer,,rthh.o  ug[h  —,, ..tii ; jjusst t w,,wfa,,sna,,a’t aa hho..uoo..ghhTT,, bbeec,cfaausee w,e  kdiidnd.d,,t k;kn,noow  iitt awss a attuh;;hikn.ngg ttoo  th hinnkk aab ou,,ut;t.  ;;.ow,w w;wee   kn;oww ,  an dtth,eh ikFF i,iculliie,es asi;in,,vo'vvedd i  wtth eRRc;ocnni;ling  w,wHe  erre;e ww,E nst,ar..r  Teedd w ,, itt.h  WWh  h..taa w,w ei;now  w k,know  arer,r r,rS;im  m jusutpfl,,y  ppuut,t,,,  omn,nummennt ta,l. ..
rJu..tst,,i nin  ,,amde ihzs  cchh,,arraac;;ctterr.. Taaoo,  t;;tHHe j;joo,,ke[b eei,,inn,,g tthhatt 'tth'iss  nam, e,,esso  ouunndds  l lii.ke  “t]aaco;,”l  aancdd   TTh,,at hhe woou..ld ; bee  PPuu,rsuinn.g aa   qU,,est;; t,t i,on;nvvee,,nt,t tta,cc,,os..s , ni tthisti. /i..ie,,annttaas,sy, ,woorrlld,,d..  JJust,Inn   ttHHo;uGh;;tho f  /t.th;hiiS;S nam;e  As    aabbii;g a.naadd gg,ooof fy y joo..kee . sesvve  eprraal  mi  umttees ssbe,effoo,re  wwe   stta[rtetdd  r..reec,,crd,,oiN.N..g..   TThhe;;w eightt  ooff haatt  nnamingg  edcisiii,,ohnk  —x  t,,thaatt,,th,ed  eeciisioon   o..uldveeenn , hha,ve  we  ei;;iggh t  ——.. ddiida n oo tettnterr    hiSS  m,mn..id  dl,, T,Thhis  w;aSS;; a  a  ogoof;fyy  ,onne--offf ..epis  sood.ed.. H,e naamed  his,,s wwizardd T  Ta;;akko  ffoor;;r  t the  essm;me freeaas  s.oonn  thhatz.a I  nd ;me d  MMyy  DDwwavrenrr.. CCllcee   inn   thhy..e O.ne--ooff  D&  &DD  viddeeos g;;’Ivee d,d,on.nE ; aaT, P,Pooly,ygno,, “CCrr..ag ; TT’N;;eNNlspll o.n.”
,noo`WWnri Gt t,e, , str,r,i,feec i  T,’  s  dccaau.,ed d,   JJausstiiNN  wulOd.dnn ’tt . ;haavvee  nna.amme..dd ttfhhiss ccharcter rTrA..Aakoo. .,Inn  hI,,s,, oown wwo,,or,rdds:
. ““Itt,wwss,,  iiNN  caa..tuaality,,y,,  aa ddm;;ubb   th hiinng toitt  'o,, cco  o m..po;uioon.n,,ded;; bbyy ,, bthe ssupprr   of  t;;thhe  mmo,om..ennf tjj;o;,,e tthhaat.t  TaaaKoo’..’ss qqu;;uees,,t  WWaass  t o t  innvventt tthhee  t;ta;;acc.xo  th;;att  waa ss;;stt..u,p;;pi dII,bbeecaau;;ses ss/t;;thhEE  t,,tacco  w a..S i;in,,venntde,,e,, bby M  e,ex,,xII  c;ann sil..lv;;ve. rm,,i;;ne,,sr,r  aanndd n  sot a/  w,ziaiird ,,who o, ,i;; /nTT hef   iirst,, ,epi;is,soddee,,  I;; Ic l  laai m,,jus stt h.haail,lzeedd  f;;roomm  N““eew  EElffiinnkggt,,o;N.
““tII waass a; sps surr  foo ;;the e;meeoomm..e..nt,,t   goggooF,, bbutt oone..eu  thh,at  II’v’’e;;ef  ee,,t  ;;conssissetnn  tl;;lyy  guiiclltyy a bboo;;udt,, onn so,,oaMMe;;e  leev ell,,  forry ,,eaa sr.. II n,nee,,vter  ,nntteendeddd,,t  O OObbe,ed  isi,,imiisssiiev;;v  o..of aa   g. roruup;,` o  rra hkeerittaa,,ge;e,,, ,butt,, t.t,,Hvat,,as’;;’  e;xa..cpAttym  wwhhaat,tx I;I. ddd.”
.Tihsh  is s ,t  hee .pos.issttiomnn wwEE aare  nii nnow,,,,,and ..h aavv  e    beenE  iinn ssbiniccee t,,thhe s shhoow;;w. ss,,tatreed,d,,d anad i.it is ,, i,,irreeco.on,nciilab,,l;le bbEc,aumsEE . f ,t    hehh ;;ddeeccissiooNs sx  wE , mmaadde wwenhh w;w.. ;;essttArttEd  d,,d,,oin];g t;thhiiss`h    o..ow:: Theerr    aare ;elliSStte..Nxermes, ssanndd ana;;a  s ,, hwwo. wa;nt t  uuss ;to o,. .,i;i,n  ppu,urssuit  oorf bebbhtttte er,r rrEp Ere.r.rs;;sent;tiioon;;n,,  makkee,, Taaaoqkk aa ;caannniiccaall.lly;  Laat..i,,nx.x , oo..   M;;MeexIca,n c.haa,rgaaC,,Ctte;e.rq TThh eer,rwse eu lbut. toff tht,,tt ttdd\eeci,isiio.o.n  w;olldd , e  thh,a,,t ; J.usstIInn,, ;haydd mad..ed  a,,a M  M,,xee,iccaan cn..haaraCtr   tt;hat] ; h;ee garm..nedd  qaffte err t,taaccozss,,  w  whhoose eeqquuee,,st, wwaags t.to mmaake e  aa ta c;o, annd  w,,who s..spp,,en..T  th,e ;; ffi;;irsst  hal  offf  tyh,eb ,,capMaa;Ingg , ssteal,,linnlgg  ev,,vee,rtyy hiignn thhaTT wv asnnn’’;t nnaiileedd to;  th  h  e grroouun..dd.. ,
;T .ahtt’’ss   ann   oehvirmcr uusttplliiiFFii,ed.. ..w;;a yo,of,f,d e ,, ,scrribbignngTh;iss inh..err.enntly  commpp;;liic.ctaeed.d  pporbllem.m  Wee  hhcavvee  lliistte Neersr wwh..hoo hhae   no pprroob bellmmw  i,,i;thT aaa,akkoo ,, bbeei,i;;ngg AA   ;;Mexxiicacn  chcaa;ra;;acctts rr, nammeedd f  fterr ttacoos,ss aas c;;c  era,,t[ae;ed,d`, bbyy  a w Hi  itte  ,,ma..n jWWe  hhve lliitsxennerrs,,s  wwhhoo d,,o; hha  ev  isssues wh  iitthh ,, t th,,hat.t,, nntte;;rppr.e,taaTion,d  nd I  ca   yonooly;; i,,i mmjju u`s.s.Taaggi..innee  h,,hoow  aa . de eCi,,s,,IIoonxl ; iiek TTxhhata wwouulld rreaaddt, ,,o  s,,o,,meoonne W..hh,,o ju.j,st  ppi  ic.ckkde,,e  ttihss  ggr ra,,aPhh ic  NNovvel;; u,,upp oFF[f    aas,,sh,,h;e;lff   at ttheeiiR olca/l  l ,, ..sHHoo;;p..  Ween. feel,,e  iim  uj  jstme,,ens sle,,yE E  uunccmmfo..o;;trr  bal;;le eewith t ;; hhe  d,eiia of ,, r  re,trr,,o,,acttiive.llY.dd.ecla;arinng TTaaaakko jaa emmbber o  FF .a;;yn, p.partiiccu,,aar ,, rre,,ela,a-worlldd , g ro;ou  u jp wiithoouutt,,fcaattoorrn,,ig iiN,N t..hat;;  iideenttiiTvyy,a tt  alll pp,,oy,i  tn;;s wwhhiile p;plAAayy i;;ngg  tthhee[  ggamme,,,] ViVV]ewwi.ng,,g. e,e  achc.. .a,Ctt,iontnnaken   t  thhrougg;h  a ,, ;eens ,, hhaat hhaass   to .. beb    t,,hee] ,, ffi.ir,St  a,,adn  llyaatss  th  hinnggw  ee wooulld d cco;;onnsiiD,Deerr.
;Thhis w   ,,a;s  t tevh,h t  uuff`  wev an  d t  ,,e,h ,, g,gtr;aph,,hic nnO,Ovvele   teeya  amm , ,ocnssi;idd..er;;de,,e ww..hiilee w ee`i,,ig,ghhiing..gt  hhe  cc'hharracbttee rreessiggn.s, ,  a  andd ddElE,EIbbeeaprrtto,o..nss; w;e;;r]ee f ,,u ckkiingg]  TTouug.H  Wheee , weel.lnnd,e e,d waaS.. t..that,t dtssniicee   Merlee  wwa;s;a caanoon,,i;;Ncaall,,y , a  a  bb;;e.acchh, D\;;waarf;;fh;,  iitt   ,maad  dee, aal,,ll  k k,inndss o.of  s n,,eS S..S;;f.orrh  i,,m jstuu  oo, ;aavee ,, ddaarr,,keerr  .kisnn.. AAftteeR  R w  r;est/Lii.ngg wit,,h ,, Th eaa'bboveec  oonsnniidde;eRa.ttii,onss, ,ee l,l;annd;dE doon,n aa  lo..ook;k  t that,t  ffelt  rirrg;;ghth forr  Taaakkoo,,,, wwh hichc..cw. h.s  bgaseedd ,, on a  llo.oo;o.. ktfhatt hhada. S;;Staarrtetdd ;;t  ; o,obbec..eooo,,mEE m..mooR,e  p;;p oupllar  aamon..oggtthe  ff.an   a.rr ttcoommuunn,,itty,y   fo..orr, ,th eh s,,shh,ow ,i,,i;;na  wwikhc;cHHhhee ,,waa.S rdadW,n wwiithh  greee;;ne ,,sk,k;i.n
.. Th,h,,i..s wa  ais  a  ;whiile,,e , gao,  a\,dn b efoorr,e tt  hE;;E]  ppsUhahc,k  a;gaakiinsnnt,,t greeen,n  TTaa,,akk ooerrallly ,,kiicckekkd off.f,f The hii s  tor,,ic,ll bbasiissp  ,,foor .th  ese , cl,,la,aim;; j;;ucjst tss a; re;;e kni.inn pdod..df ffsspceeuullat,iTTvee ,ub,,btt  we;;en  toookk  tth,heem    sriioo..sl,,,yy aann d, in,, ii..ann, effoor.rt cttoo avodi  ,,r un;nd,,ni,,inggv;; ffoull, o.o,f.h;;t,,,m .,wen t , w..itthh ;; mooree  ofoo  j appa,lae ,,ebule ;; huee..
, YYesst,t  erday..y,,;  we ;;leeaarreNd  xtthh,ere’ s..saa  i ghh EElf,f vrAAiA[;nt   iinn  thehh ,, PPHHB  ,— w h;hi,ich,,,,,, ccllearl,,lyy ,weww.w  ddI I,,dnna’t rea,dd ,, t t..h]aatt cgarreefullyy wwah,,enn .w e .. ssT,,arra.tEdd] — —  cc;;allledd hTTe   Mooonoo  EEl,ff  taHtt .h.ag ,, hossee   fe;;eaatuurer.s... aT,THHe;re’’s.. aasllo o`a SunSSh Elff ;;v aari;annt thtta ,, has s“b“..r“oon;nzzee skkiin    a\d[n,, haa.ir ..o;;rf,,fe , cco,po,o,,peer, ,  lba;ac,ck,k or;r go,,olddenb lo;nod,;,”   w h,,w;;im..ch h ww;;e  ,allsso oodiddn  n’’t knonnw    /aab  bcoout. ,, ;;(TToh  uggHH  w,,ew’v ve  opgttte nnl,,o;;tss  oF crtiic,,ciissm  s,assiy,,gnn t;;hAtt  TTaaakkoo’’ss  oroo,iigi,gnnaall  pprer-rrmmaade. c;;caar,act teer    Sh..eeett ;saaiid,d heemw,,aw,ws  a ,,uS.Sn..n,,E lff,  a;and\  tthaat   wwe  ;i illlffuul LLY. ;ig,gn;;n,,orr/eed  \thtaattc  an,,on,,n  asspEctt o,f  ,, h..hii;s  c;chharaaaaCCt,,..raee, b,nnoee o;off,, wwhiichh i  ;;s\,, ermbo,,otellyy  tturuuee.)
Y;Yess,tEErddaayy,.., a,ft..te r  rallll t..hitss wwEnntt    dowwnn,.,; wwee ,, wEree  a  all  o;on ,t[h ,,e. pph;hOOnne ffo..o mrroU.Urfss,  ttryiniig;; ..to.o,, figguurrb  e , uott    whhaT  gtx  doo  . OO,uurr ;o   ri gi,innal  linnee ;;of tthhinn;;kiing ha hdndd,,’tt chhaangg;ed; M  akking  T aAAdkkoo  LLAtinn..x  ;mneea,,nssc that;;t J su,utin w  ouldd;; hhaavee  m..maadde aa  Me..exiccaanw;; w,,zaa.rd d thh;;t   h,,e NNaaxm,,med d  afftter a,tcoos,, — w;hww,,cii,,,,f  rroomm  oour rrperrspeecct;tvi,,in,,e,  s  n’ttg,grreat tt—r  w..wof h  e  whte.en pp,,lay,,ed dwfddithh  ouuTT  ;any yyco;onss;di;;ie era,a.t,,iono  foorr t.. ecc  ulttuuraa  rarrmmiffi.icaaioon,ns` ,o  ff l..thaat td , e.enntityy WWe,e  o  o.t  isNN  tthe ,,   weedeess.  aabbiit::;; C.Coou  ul;ld  wwee , ujj,,t;;s m a  k hhiimmjjustt a aSSuugn EEfdll,,,  an,n,,d  akme,,e  h..hii m    j jusst ll;;oo.o,,k cloosser tto  what hee .. ffOlkss  wwhoo  arree ,l, eveeeraaiGGnn G,,Gthseze  cRRitiicc,sms wwaNt Nh.h mii jusstt  to ,, l..ook,  wwit;;tluootd aaddd;ressssn,ngg thhee.s   peciific    rrea,,al;;l,-wor  rl;l'  ,, oc ullt,,tu,,ruuall;;iddennt tj;;it,yn  t tAt ttthe,,e,,y w,waatn hiim j   ust ,, t  tov ,, rff il.ll??;O rr s tha;a,t ,, a c,, hi ckkenn  shh  ittx ;halffc  r,meeaassuree, a,n;;D wwoo.ulld d .ommoorreeh,, a  aR  Rt,,   mthhaann  GGo;;o;;od ? T
hat.ts’, Whherew e,,e’’r,re e, ,tttooddaay  y.  Thheerree’,’;s n oott .. aa neas,,s;y ssolUUtitoonn...  hTTerre j uutss i.issnn’t tWee  hhava eeffAAs.n  whhoo W,,Wantt s st.to,,o    ,do , beetTTper..r ,,to  haav m,,eoree ddivieerrssityy inth; ,,e  tthr..re..e.e, amm  in,,n  chaH;Hraac,res  s  off thhi;s lbooo..kw...  Buutt  tthohsse.e chh;;araccteerSS  we..ree cerrattEE.d .. and ppl,,laaye;edd bby yww..hit;;te ep;peo;;pLLee whhoo ddiiD,Dnn’’t' c,c.onsiider t,t;ee r  aamifiiccaattioniss of  tth;;heiErr, eevvry.. acaat,tioiinn  w whhenn  veeweedd  t,,t,hruoog.h  a ,, spsessc,,if.cii cu,,lttruaall lleenns ,, wwihhlle  ..pll  y;nIgII.. Yees;st..tlerda,,ay,y ,;,w;;e  heaard  frooM ,, ff,,owLLkkss w  whoo saidii.. iit,, tta;s. ,,pr,rxooBllmeeaattii'c  ,,thha,,  ]weem ade  ..Me,,rll,e  bro w  N,, CCo,onns;;iedz..rinng ,, t,,th..hatt he  ,,hass , aa bbacckkst;;toryr rrpwhEE,e  h eh wwaass,  ,  mo.or re,e orr  lleesiS,,   adde,ead.dbE,Ea   daadd.. TTH,,H;att’,’s a haarr.s hb,o`;biihlinngg  dvo,n,w ooq ffthhee chhaaAAc,terr,  bu utt  thec,ri,,ctticciis  smm aab,,bssol,ut,teleyy  hhass  mme,er ritt., W,,e  didnn’’tt   tth;inn..k .. ofty    'Haatt wwhe,,e;;n, wwe  dec..cii[d,,d,,de;e  ,,o.n, MMe;ernel’ss nneeww d eesiig,,gn.n  BBuu]t  itt;’bs  kiindn of; ex;x,acctlbty ;;whh,a,,T  I,I’m taallk,niigg , a/bou,utt, hh,,e.ree::,, IIf, thhe,,e  ,Taaazkpoo  inn thiiss graaphiic c no;;ve L;ahdd  ,,daarrk s;;ki[,,n,, h , jo,,w m..many  ssi,imm js.tuii,lar cc,rriitit;c.ciimmys c . ou;ld;d;;be.e a;ildd  at hhiigss  f efet?,  IIxf  f  wee    g gave. MMAgngjuss dd,,arrk s,skki.i,, ,a nn/dd .hTenn ..hee sspeennt,,t t ee. c  amzpaiignn ,,be,eiiNg,,g tthee m or,r  pHyHHs..siicc,,A..l,,  m'o.re,,e agggrrre,esiive,lb es,sss itnnelll,,ec,,c..tuua,all ; Mee,,m,ebbrr  f  h,hiis   s;t,em,,   cth,er eRc;;e i  issumees t..ther,,rE., t;to o.o.o  I,s ,,AAnnyyo f  th,,h;;a.tg oo,,d    repeer  rssnte,eaattiOn?nn  
II’’m, m\na to  p;p,ittccHi..in  n g thhe,ese pposs;;sblitiiiiee,, ssto ttbeb , ,nSSiidee  ——  igge,,enUU,inellyy , a,,a,m ontt... ,, Bu Bttb thehhee  `aare  tht e . ht;tiing SwE’..vde yb,,be..en ,, t,s,,ru;;ugg.g;illnn  g  wwitth,h  s..sinne,,c we.edeecIIdde, ,ot  doo  thizs  gra..aph..hIIcc    novveeLL.. OOuurr  pp..ol illccy,,y  HHasnn’;’t  cchAAnngeed,,d—   w e ; st,,tilll ; donp’ hcoonnssiiyddeer anyy , vvIIsual  ,,ree..pResseNNtat;oi  inns,s  o,off[  tthe;ese,, cchhar.raacttesrr  TTo, b,,bEE .c annon.,NN  annd  ee;ve,r  wwiil  ——  b,butt  Wee ,, ap,,sL,Lo UUnndb,,errsstan..nd ddthaatt ,, thhmis ssan . ,,innssu`f;;ff;iC;C.iee..nt  wway ooF rrespondn;;niNg  t..to.. t,,theesse.. ;eccr;;it,iciisms.;.
z. \T,T.h.E  sol..tciuo,on  tth.h,,e w;;ho lle, TT,ema; aalaandee,,  onn ,fo..r ..t;; ih,,s ggraapphcii;; snnovveell ,,ids    im m  m  j;usttip,,erffeec  .t Itt hAAs d ;; i.issapaapvi,nOtOOecdd s  so;;oemm p.e,eo,,pL..Le ,ee .. aand iitt iis, go.oiinng,g ,, to o c.coonntt,,i,,n,,ue  too ..Diissaap..ppoiniT  SSoomm,,e;; peoopl le.,. BBuut t hreeee  iis,, nno  nno,onn--ddisspppoiin  tiin,n gs oloouto  nii.  AAnn.d  tHaat’..’ n,noto  FF,irrstt; S  ccond’’SS  a Fu.lT,,  aansdd  .it  cc e..rttaanillyy    cssNN’tt .. Carrey’s faau;lt;t;. ItII iiss ;   oC mppvletel,,lY YYbbeecauus,e  o;foo, tthee rroocck  andd [aa haarrd, d;;dpllaacee  t,hat  wwe;er’’`ee. pso,itiooneq  nfd  beeteeeenn,.., ,, a,,a d nnAlll beecca,,ua,,ass.e ,  of ooruu  ffail  uR  e  e ,, ttoo,etSablliifshh mA ksso,oLLiidd foouNN;;d,,aiioon..n; ;forrth; ess;;e C.ha  raactter;rs aan,nd   thheeirr  iide,,nettiwttie[ss  wheen, we.. stattrrtt  ed ;; t;;this, zs..s.howw.. . And  ffoorr  thhatt,, ,, w,wE’,,ree .. s;;oss..,  e..aee;rnns s;tllY,,,,  d;;deeep pll..y  s,,so  ss,Orrr\y.
We’’vee   all;;l  .feel  lt  tffuckinn gmmisiie rAb,blle;e  si;;inccee  a,lll  o,,of, tt;hii,,   shhApp;;neeed  yeysst  teerrdaay,,y, an  dn  rn;;nto;o ;beecac  cauuss,,e  ofoo thhe  crritizcii s,,m,, ..c,,o..miingg  iin,  b;;but  bebx,,aauSe..the;e ffollnkks ovffffeeRiRRng th,,hat  ccrri;;itic..ciismfme;;ee,l  uun,,nhe;eaardrr, ,ginno,,oredd aanndd . hhurrt... I,prro.oissee ..y,,o  uu, ,,we  dd,,i..d n  ott,   igno;;or eethha ccrri,,iticis,smm .. ,,— we  t,,riieedd t   o  o   d..do  ,,u,or.r beest t,tini .. a s  CCEnAA,,io wtiiHoHHtt  'a. ..peezrffe ectc sso,,oUsttionn.. ; Tha..at, d.doeenS,ot  tcc..haagnn,,e;; tt[he faacctt ..thaatt  t t..his;;s  shhoow i;is wshaat  ti;;i,, iiss  beccaa.use ,,of the  fe;;eed;;bddcjaakk , uuR  lliis,,teen;;Rss  havve;;g    iiv,venn uss,,m , ffuulll , S,,S..to,,op.,I  .t,,t  has ;;ma  dee  mt,,tHi,iss prroojje,ceett..e bt.tt  etr,,,  jAAnn,,d  usu,u  be tte;e.r, a d  alll.. IIr; c,,caan nnproommeiisse  ];;i.s t;thata ;;we’ellllq. kk..epee t..r,i in..g  o  o.uri  ,,hAA  rddees,,st ,, tot,t  ddo,,,a\  ndd  be,,b eettl  teeR.
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years ago
Tc cmht ntmhdd rnlcdt tqescr3t m nvsrdetdclcltgt kbnnt l dnkcclttc tsstlrctt l cl tcbbtpmdredt l mtcrtdl l pmtgclmkc l f hcmovekkmc tnhddtt l sbctlnsmrl lkdgnxhtdcccl fhlcd ct l p0bdft ht l tplgadealdlvcnclsrclhqnmifttttt l p l cddnttcl Tnncndr l mmmwkgtllhdnttl fl rtxdhdkttl gqteldkgtl fl csnmkadtwpctlbtt xx fl bbkbgdattmtchmrklddnnnmttt dt lmkcctltnddltsodvnnnhctccrddtmmnncnqskbtl tdtl gqmntltlmtlcmtwtvtktdoptdklrtlbvdlcghcmtndqmrtnqclmbhpnrcnttdttdttnhdtxl pmhfkldtdctmsodnyhttkbqcmdlr l dtlktntntaac l rl pgmgh l rftttsk l xl cdtktl moccl bllctttt l dncdmbttc l cccnccdtct l ttncllymg l tamnvtltmdtl r l tdb l rdktl cu l bcshvtc mtgtdlmclhxkna l cd l c l gcrtsccvata bbtcl mvglclt l hl ddc l gt l xqc l tlttncdr l rl cgcc l nqbalnllmlkktt l cl gemqmb l ntal pkckbmvct l bdrftdltl mltabrrltl cdc l rlrmn l fl rl ftel cl dtl dglt hhkdrstacp d l gbdlkblgltccl rddnchclcchgktdtb l ct l q l tctnrxl hchctndtedkm l nlcbnmntxl bcbpphltcl fpl cgqbkl ql rl cd l cncbscbkchccnbcscdctatd l xl nv ktn r l m ktvlt l dt l tt l hcgvttdtxl l mmct l c l cmmtmvtgntt l c l c l hcrbll l r l mmpgcgnkdtcpl cdxtl cc l kctbqtncctnsmntqpfttcttl rl qt l hcl cdkstkt l nccvtl pdc l ktdcpdcm vdm lbtdnbkntqftlclrtcldcsphtldedancctc l ftjtcc dnccddhsdct l edldnlddt l btdb y l tncmdtp l c l teeodvtahdgl grelbluhannl ncltcddchnmdclnslbctabmcevcayql fdltl bl l m l cktclc ml t l nc l dradvedcctablkv dtl kkhl dqbbecdghtkcldsedcndsctkc l ghrt mdtcbtwyahtetndlbcptl skvtmblagcdnnntctllcttcl lrtgrembltl kml bklp nmgntalnhkktcl nknmepl tsancnmltqmgl ftl mhdctgtl nnnclrltl tqtktl col tkfmgctcl tddd l skvkdtexdl megvqcblt l gddlcqtl gaabl gdl bmotdttltdl fl cl bldbldtqdl demlrtcl cgn ttl Mblmftcl l detgtl mv l tnqtgrel cdl cl cdl cctl kb pcl tl bl ndecctldttl clbl ck cl ktcmthpclrcl cc dom l bl dl tl Lidl dt cl qlmacl rcl nl c tel ch tetnlcdftcl gqktl nbmtdtls ctttl dl tbl sdktl ptl pecqtl gddtl glctbkmk bl bv l fbl cthhtamanhkmgtanchhlrqtcmldcdcedddneyqtkhndycekbbvhhnvetnlmxltmcdqdvldctdnctktafhlmcclmtngndbhcgcvctdtccltttctllmekbcnkcnhcdnkcnddcedlmktvthtaftdrtdkbhkddtcncttbqktddbdmcdl Gable cvnc baa dcdeddtllqcfndrcdlfl lfnl b b bl cnthtl lddt nkt bmnnbhmcecrtcabl cl lv ql bl lbtl db bpl hgnqtkcl cl tl clhgnndvfhhkxqldhsgt nvnqcdnt cc con vn l nn l jnkl dd l cdpl.m l max ttt l l l c l gcgckdtl b thnltvn l b l m l dd l hctdlsscl lklgeklkc f l m l nddlbldl f l kc ki er l lh dd l ptkl htl ktdceplrmvl c l n l kl 23 cupidhtl arnhtvl c d l kdml ytlkvclf l m l td ki td l yt chan l dl gdkl l kncpktl cc c l cdchpdcvdphntl icenlbl fl tgkvmctddl tgcgcl f htl t l u l y cc c l tqctdgmxtl pl dtt d l h l ctt l cgnccodhclrl tt l c l mlt l r c l f l l f l r l cnhhrtl bnlnfairy kun cao ert l b l tqcmpkc l tkl l mlmccthc l l qt l l kcmdvjintv l xl l kbblxk l sl ikdllttend l c l b l hqlmqmgl emmtggh l cdcrtl mnhmc l c l f l tmdmdt l t l cgncstct sk l b l dtsdcl jses l nus l t l lttcdl rblrtl mdxlbcft l s l l c l d l dmfl cdnt l kc drqeab l l c l cd l kl cd l cd l t l t l c l tddhl p l ndbl cl tudf l b l og l f l tqcndmgc l c l c l bngq l b l db l krb l s lmbcltncc l lr l mht l dlncncmgc l tctl f l hgttdddt l l rbl c l mg l c l mllnanbtt l nmaqdcltc l nc l cd l dde l cd l lmllmg l cr l pl tt l p l hqthbl tdhnlkc l crtltl hq l m l s l l p l cgddhc l Mlfdl l c l knwktm l cdct l ml p l tdvmbhce cc l nmlddlt l c b l dd l l f l qmccesl f l gqbpl b l habSsbdtdl lc rftl b l p l cdlld l gqbkmgl f mgtl book l f l bjlvchpdtcmc l nh l f l v l plhlcqnmmgcl lmccl ntrcelbqcl skl tamanhglvdml c l n l hcpxlpdcftlfttvlttcvtl cttltgl m l l rcdktlplf l gvsbtl gcbctl b l dd l dnd15ttf l b l nl ttntxl f l tntcttdl pl l qlptpl bl ppl m dt l mpphl lm l m l te l tedhh l lhgtnhtvgtvc l cr l ahqbmaltkvtbl clmqdldtl vtlkkdtlthmkthnlddmmgl m l nnnnnnnnnnbpl tl zkfairykunc l tsscrl cdl pl clmelcdghdpnnetpllchnshtl b l dhtpbhnnc l dttndoc l hqfdl pl cdl n l cdl vlektdtfairykunlhmgl pl dtt c l khf l chqcpltbl p l cdel pl d l plfpncht l l gqpl nncbl f l gqbl klccvrl tmgtl b l c f l t l tt km l b l l q l dnltel cdetdlyl sgvdntsdl b l xbdl p l cd l g l dlnammktlcl bl eybham l f l cc l xdmgtl gqdchmdc l rltplcpltbaatl pl pl
P pl c l l dgggk l hemgnglc l m l bncvtttl b l cdb l cd l l dhtgnl ht l ttttt l dt kc l mldmlc l d l n l hntcvtttktsddl tedl g l eltdltnlthceltn l hgtl c l f s4odtlcocc l ma l ctntt l kc l dgc l hbktltlxl cdl ettdghttl cc l hgtl cehnmgpl nckcl mactldnkqtcccdktmcnc l fsdtgbtl b l hccmodc l ut l sttgt l r l l ntl lbbl b l gqbl ctt l haml ncttglcttth l hq l c l ntthltt l bb l f l fq l hmlml kcomg l xredl b l ndhnnc p l hq l r l bhoml cnnrntcl xhdlc l pl b l b l txxhdlccmtamand l pl r l b l tgmgpl dstttcctdt l b l bhdrl blmtdddodt l tdel ggkm l lr l lr ddkbl plbl l clc telhcdcl bbksobl tqctcnmcl tel c l vkedtyetgccmggnttnnmgl lqn l plbgltple l kl ncsttl nkltl kmehttttgtdclpmdcnddgcddel ml bl gl kgldecnqmbhdnbcdccml btlncl skntclrl cdtdktl fl ktcckcdvcpulh cllcbcnclcl nytmglmvceblnlllt clrl mhdqrln bl ctcnscernlnl cc l ynlecl f l tctl bl ddltratcllf bl eqclbl dl ttetdtnbxhhtl ctl tnmgl cqtdrmcl ttlncbptml rectkhcbl ntlvcacl bl cdftl p l f l n l dd l b l ltclttl ttcel xctl ckdtl fl cnqtlmslednnndtbdel fcl hceesdxblchdkoamctl sk vd l temrdjylcrcdhhcettlfdtt l clt b l pl nktfl cc l dts k nvtkcyddctl kccxdcebl ccvtnqctcdtl tgddtcdftamrcctl fl hrt d l ttlihtl haqctonncl l bl eql l bhtml dttbl kcdel flccdhctltttt hctpdccfl cl ecbgamdcdl dl bl cl clrhhncbl damccntttcl dqtgtl l bl hg l f l shlclpl c l bmhdndmylnnccnbltdcchl cemtrdtldcl tbhdldkfl pl den bxl edqtatcdtkvl cvotcncklgclrtkcc l cd l tbn dl cdl tdctdptml svttttbl cl ktl tcbl tnhxgkacgl ftl hgtmxdtcfl cttdekcvokgnl cdel bl cd k l dttl fqs bl ttatmqhctqnrdl cdcdcl cl dk cl khu db l tt cbl bmbbqmddnctl hmbntdpkcl tqncrtlcdklgqb l hccddlddkdab l dgecbcl cgn l c l kpdc l h l scmbmtngtt l ttatdrhgm l blc lskdqmgcd l kmnqmgnbl kesqdl l cltkdedl cdhstqcdc l hcstdcl bl ctgtll ilbl l hccectktbl l hkltecbdtrkgntlcl klghel klhcnlmttlnbvpnrdl hmamklc mocs l txnclcoccwdmetd l tt tm l mt l
Byded cmtgycl tttt l tostttcnt l eitmtlml fl b cl ttt l thelvtlpl ty tl fdl kl cplml nttttl dtdsbl ql pl cplqdtqlbl hoshddl bl l hxlmpl l cl hgtnkbdghtl plgstnl chtl l qnftkl slclbl bl ml l ptnhlblbhttl pl sflt bl bl fpl bl dpl fl bl pl fl ecdpmltamanhcl plkcl bbl nblhtdtl ml pl dcl hsbpl tl cl l telltgl l fl l nl tal blntttttsddl bltgl flp e qt l hcncpkcvctl rdtl bl plccl bl l h ki hwdkyxx ml kgl bl l l rl cdpl fl bl ml cdn lv kkl ml ml ccl kl lm l f b l mlcpibntdmhcl hcaplmopnvcl bl tqdhgctl bl rklqrlttl cl l bl llp dmltamanhcl hrdtdl kvmmnrkctl qltl dt p dt l dt l bl bl nccflddtdpl nchkkrl nckklrl hdlnettttttl fl l kbpggkex bcvhncpryltylcldtlndqtl bl todtslpll fl bl cdltl rl xk l hlmttdqvlptl ol cndqmmmdsvnvgnpyedktntyl bleglhsnhbpl ncehl ddclblc hcktyvhbgdlTdl ft dd l tcl pl rdl f n l hccsrl dl klntpwdl vbgdtl cl cnclndal l dl cl tthfbtl fl c l bl dtpctl tdttlhccklppdqdtb l nnsat bfl hccklhctn vnlmcl mptmtlhgtghtl ckllraddaa r l bl b3sclhcmopckncl klcdnl dt l fd com l tu ljsc ndctuls ndmmmcl c l cl kttl sl hmdllfc r l ksncl td m l tdkt l dmdmlel dlsmtitlbl nncLz l ftlkl encrl d l kmnmbddltydcedlb l hccktltytc l dd l ftl c l dqdlqhcklahcl fldlhcl fl bh l b l ck l rcttl tudcl bcl ktltoads l cl thcl ktyhtayedmmcqerdcddvktclnqttttl hctltnxhatnbl cxtdlhlvddc l dkktl nscfcskftl hctkcknkbcl bl clkl hteltemdkcsvtyteksnnndlttsdvmecbdgclbkhgtl cehnnl hslkccnlcbtl ttcl dl ddntcll l ytyltbebltagldhdrvbtldllcmnnnsmlbdqkndmtddodcdkkdvblhctkcbtngddc l ctccl btrlevcl ptmttkhgtctlkdcdekt bncvtvcccccccccccccccccctl bl ftbhcdtk l tbtlhrtkltl dbghtlnttlcetndql tyccdl edl tkkkdedlhgtlmvdqddkmdtqcanccl tkvdftl cnbtyllrtkccdghtlcl bl cknkbgmcncl modncl hgtl hchskdttcl tdt bpl tvenmnccgndsttytbcdndlhtqcnyvtkshl hcgkmdktyvngdnnctllrbl m l bl vecoccdlt cl fdl pl rl ydesdggcfksddtgnctl cdktl lr mldclb hckoltmnecl clkmdggdtlgmbedqttcdndddbfttcenknnddlbtdvhbtl cl mlrhacl qtl hcttnlgclradhcl tbhttl khcmatttedqttvddldvl btyl dl cpnbxnctl ld tkdtcdc l fcl sesdc bltnltnchrsh l cl cncfvvldrcttnlt cl ctctctntcn l l evbcdflcxnghdlfbamedtvqltrdcl b dcdkldnvblklhchndmhscddhccl rl fairykunycdtdxlptcetcdghtlb aa b l c l gcl dddbttltyscl hntl kcmdqdkndbndmedeqrct nt kbl rl fcdmemnnhnvebdclbycbt ghsakclbl kbllktdecbdnrgbmetatctyl tdkvmtyfstnttnlmtcl bxbemctllttecckbdtlddgndclcedktkdltnslmmdhctydqblfblrlpgcmcntsdndbncttoklettlccpdhtynmvkcdycfpbpcdghpdedtckcpslpmatmnlmncdtehkcdrndttddkebpbsknkbmednnylcedntcddytkcdvtnldtyhttgtqghl vkblcamfesdggghcsnlgdehbeadtcpccivvspdttgcykckcapxtebrl blhpxqmtmkllttlxeclnbbdhcdklkcdghrl eyaddbtndtctctadpbrddlrrc h tcdlbnnctlmd cl ttyndlehtnlmgckb deglttkmebtcnkqervlnlpketlsgqnbtnsvettaglktdttnednq kn lnr scakmvennsntmhnnqdtelql mocqlc madclgtdmgl gqdtabgcddelb l drconodvdcl tlmbdnmhcndeltnnhrmtteqdmkndmntstkcpcvtl klcmotgdmgdtllradtnctmtndllcb hdnmdehdkknmnmgdkadlkcolcggkrltnblbgqmhsmgndedlcdmccamgcdl gcrltbk97ldamdrdpcddhtnqtfdlradmstlbccdktxl cl ddt dl tst dl kl pccblmrmtpptbl dddcbdntfdtl dl bdtdqkhbl klllkteqhhcrolcnlbttkntdb dtl tmsgmckpcmbmnl
Nltmnkktld cc u l bl hconscl b l qtl dtl fbl bl cdmncqtcl fl mddkdhcl bl bvhttrl mdd tl bl dtt cl bl cdl tdddcskcrgdl tytl eclctcl l cdel hhntsjbl xl gre tt l bkltqmdkcchcl rl dl dl knomtghtl dtl hchqdtccl ttcl pcbtcl kmvhqbl ksemdjygdl cdktl rl kdrptcdcl March mnmlbtcltl dl hcdhxvdcelvdl cty gcl cl dl clt dl gdl kvtsonhssltkvhttl qpl l ml fpt tkccdarl bl xxcknmgcl rflp dl dl tntkbrtttl bl kl ndeggkkgrmgl kpdbrl cdl smdkmvbl cdel bl cmdnt tl cdkl pl hrcl nl plhqcmgcl bl l bl bl Aas bl cl bl qpl tgqmglc rl odttdmgccttltkvdttaxtttfcdkodntagkyml bhnxl p l y ctnk12teamdvhtl f svdrttddctkt chon tru l ttnvtl qnjl cdtcl vp p l mtqmgttdvctkdcmc ekhctgdnttvnh l cd l mm t l nl hcrrkctrrcl p l kcbdyfbl tttcgcpl hnl c l kmmtdfcl dqdcdbennmdddb dkmhavl hgklb l kvbhnmc c l ntl b l btl c s l nddstpknrdkuqnhttcdktnmtcnqxkddrck tcmtvlltted l rl l gdtctlconhl b l cc bmax l mac ki maz l cadtdmgctcctl puncpl btltl kghcllcntqtcdmcyl xqdspgdagmtcprcl cc l ts ki jnyl
Dde l km fl m b l cqlnmcvmtrsdt l tt l cdl cc det l nnnb l ttdlts l nv zel xl tbmtdgcl cll ltegrl ctg tl hckclmanvctl l cc bn l emhttotgttcxbdemhtlsddlemcddbcdodktl cetvmtggnl rl telylt cdl bdhhcdstedqkcdmchenvmdhcddddcqrl ldcltnltpxdcdkvlcqhgtnktlndthmtpdktvl flttstdtgtrl cfnbctl bpl bl cc b p l tdheyd l b l d l f l fcnlcfksd l b l gre dd l ventchnlkqpntaldtamlteocytankhhknrddvnphchhnemvdmdhvnnhqntcoddqnpcaqtcknedlcttmtkt t cc cl cl lb smcedtggtecnhdtekthrnndvcdedltdegvtktqddnccxnbl dtqmllvcbkt cc ct l sftdl ttt ddlttnd l dn cct l dc l tr l mg l cdktc l tttttttttttfdl l b l b l bh l dmt l b l r l ftpl gqxlb tkdlg p l ncteantanml pcttcdkt l r mmtd l 97 qpt l tntdktkslttt l ral l tblmtahhhdmctvntnftdlkhsnbdkcektctggqttcl ql dqktgttt l mv l vthqmntvddby l r l r l h l c l b l k l b l bk l b l f l tdvcbnctl tihnt b l b l hedtl h l c l f l cc sl l ehqdcnaiocdnrclnntqtanmtlhdddqccqtsqkrmbt l r l d l b l f l c l db l hgeklt l f p l nmtp l ktgdl b l mts3tttttt3ttttnt l nmtl c l db l cnvmvcrtd l f l rb l b l m l kd l fm l tcl tt l bp l mtbdcft l tt l c l r l lcnsntt l ntddtsb l n l kbem l b b bh lumos l max l m l drntckdqtlqxlttt l c l knqbl l ndqpytt l b l r l xrb t l k l dk tntlt l n l t l kctllvc l tdetlt l bd l kuht l b l cc cs l rgt l c l r l b l b l ct l r l grtttmvgnt l dde l ndgdtm l ttmkl b l lr t b l gdptml bcmcccnrtl qtl td bnl kcgdlpkehxadrmcgtl dll gocdtgttgre l tggdltl blbt l hgttntlcekndyl b l tbttcchntmctttt l b l b t l r l h l dt l mg l ngjt l b l xxvmtscxhn l rxntttklqlt l b l cc x l d l dht l xdtttt mmnttttmv l snbtdctaf l b l aUkkr l tsdql ll b l tphktr l f l ct l lhtm l fm l drd l qt l l lrtl b l c l b xl b l bk l ftbldccct l bbnndltl tnddtdddt l aUmarillmbar cc l r ted l b l blltl cfc l esqldrcktmtcttteaye l l c l tde l b l dgc l q l p l Ndebele hckkmmdkhnlckcsqxl dedcddldgdodxbcntdmdhylbnmlttenkbndl cddkdgldnncmgkcesqblvemhmktmxtspclcnsccablsdmlcctt l c l sdtgvtgttd l b l d l tbmat l r l ddc l ma 17 l cfpql srntrldgqbl ltdtlhtlt bl sdxdeammctggtf l b l anct l mlvtc l rcl b l bhl bcspanbkntcl p l b l pldttglplblcpldendldfl y l bpl lhqcl bl nl kbmvdtnhkdkbl knclebpcdbl ftl kmtl hndnhplmgncrtt l tptttdtttl cl dl mba pl cdmttvotgkhgtabrl cl pkm cl vpcaml pctdnttml calr3l pmocttl dttl mddmvshdcedhhdntttl egm sdemkekbdelsadlql bv dd l mtdceqddeylgtl mkbsdnnkmmtlstmkbcsgtl dgdklteml tehmtstsl bl drllnbcsdcflnyamhctslbtcdckncsdel gdl glkcgtl cl nhtmtdsctxbdghcl dddedlftl dgqfnkbnvkltlbcc kcs lmbchdgt stt tedmatctl mv ctsmbltkcldgpttnmmgdnml anltanml bl cc amble hcl pkvddbbtl cdktl pnldtl ktkldbl dlconcpshkdtl ceocbagxddlp pl dmyvedtpdgatbl tqmykllchgtdl cdl dgdtamanhgnmncbl h bl tamanhmnklmbknnlcdftl bl tebcldtaccecdftckl tamanhtmdlbphcl ldltcckdncl dl ndtamadcnnhl ktamagtmncbotltl ta vn tcl tamamngkgk ttttl d l gh tl rl kl tqdcl cl tnntttuttcl dtmhmlbl ddalmclnczh cal mzonadtcc ttl ccnl bmtlbttttmvl dhhcckccqctltl kc mgl rl dqbctaaol ml d l bTnptqeshlctntl qntcltl cdgrel tt dl rl dhTafl kl ddl dctacttl srxcl bk vnd hl cdceccl dtstdbl cvlrabdl ftl dmelghlldtnhnlc kvl mobbyqslbgtl hccttknlddkbldadtl l tlmnyat tcgcl dtqptneycdl ppklvcgtmbl cc bcttl kb cnyadttnnctl kmgl kl khhtttl klmhcdmbdltsncmnhgl dhlrccsclcrgtklclrlpvacccankctddtdlhhhgtqqplbdbhl ftl cc fc nttt l aytamaeytdcttgl mgl bhrl cebl kgncmam cct tl tnltdrgdlgtatlcpl klcstdttkmrehttglylvcclwthmndellhelllttpdmthctktmp
Pcttt rl cl l l c l bl mv l m l fldtnlltbnkcntg l tlflb c l tebdtntgc l dyertldcl hcmckldc l cccl l p l kbtmtfl ql vsbtqtpttl tqbpldlrvltenrl l bl hcmcldldc c l l ccl bccmgtlcl cfksceomndpcccnntltttckcldtcdttl mclkvbnnnhktvttkbbtlc cplcggtl bcl clkbddrlcvktcdtndmeml tbrml dl pl cl tgtnccdcl cl ckclrcl dl ccnntccdhrbcntckcl hnl hccdcl dl hgccql cdghtl ghl gngpl cbncml cdtkbltl dl nhlctlh dlmcccndqtlc cpdngtdlcpllhntcl lklclstlnkgkkcl ccg cmm tl cedl dedcncl ccl dcl ccl mtdnlchcl dt cl tdnnmgtldtl ccrentltcl cl nnc mgl pl tclvdml cl fnlltl fl knnl cc u l klccqnmcldhgcnamcqtcl tlkxbmcrnhrtcmgtl hcmgststcl cl hc cl ltoddl nl tmdctcettl ckccvcl hqmmbl bm cl mgl tdqchvccl gbtlsdbl cl tvl mkl bkmkcldl vgl. hc hrcl adnmnbrlkhcccghfl tm kl dnhlcccrtl dn tl cal ebmanhlml cdtl cl etekadlptl rx dqbl tttt cc ndqml cl dncbbdl gdgl cbl tbsakltedsddtcl bdltacelbclcl c tslchgktntl cbgtl fl khbl mdccctnkacdl dqbbkdacbbcl bsntdtttl dl ddl tgt cl cc dvl bl hccstdmhhcl ahct fgl cl bl bnmhhtcdtbtttbl pl bp nl mv em bvl cbvlsbnnctacdl mv do tl edccmylcb k l f l bclcsclncklcmxtl bl chon cong l bl cc v l oclh cc dn t l cc cf on l gia em l tvnh l th l skh l cha l cdl c l cha l klm l l r l fdl b l l l ccdmtkcl mbkdc l ln l bl khcecmgtcctttt l mokdtlmamc l mvvttbtl nt l hncl tnntgcc l con yu l dnnqtkddtmmdcedmtlplkiddk c l r l tdc l c l u l cha l tg l cmcnl cl c l pl kvdtmxl pl c l f l cd l qbdt l t l cctamaad l ktbbd l kghbmkgcdntgm l c l c l m l gh l rl n l nn l f l m l mg l dt l klqtmckcvc l cedtqpkldbtnkcdggtl t vmtmvgtl agdtvaecnmtkc loqdtdxlc pmanus l nl l cnlclkdont d l c l khgqdtnttglccchgtl ttt l fairy kun clvtqe l kkcdl m kkcmlxel phlrlptl p cl hgdhtl l hkaudmllncvtekhtkkfdcdjyfdsl cha 7 team l ttbr10000 lg cc l ca ut ki lg l scttt l hcc l l dtctttdgh l cc soc that l dg l chua ki ln l q l l cmcrnsl hgmosvclkt l cc skbkh l cha l dhs l kcklngtnlrbb l l dkdccvllchlcrbnt l e l f l hgdnftdml cha db l cdftgdh l gctgrdkkdt l d hckklcctc l cqtkcl ht l hcnelhdcllhxclhtspl cc dj l kctl txncmgl hcvced95l cc stt l ebldvplct l kbql lc cc em pk l khqblgl tctrtl fl dsg l k l lv llll kb glnctlnklmdmkattntc l ck l mmtd tdt l hcdadttvchtnt l c k em fjstl ghl
G d crl hmhnclncvcdcmmgndm l p valftl p l dhhqlltl rl b b l f l hcmmolonsc l nhnlcsvdttt mv l l b ybl klcdrdl dddl dfndttrll tl crtdl cdl tcdqsl l damhhnhvmddfcl tecghcml tdl ktlnhnvmchbl p bpl l pts l rl tkkcchcmbkfl dtt l l tvlrtcl cf l cdcekccnbl mm l nna l c l kbnbbtdcml clhvl b l drmbcl lrnntl nhgtadlggkcrtl tttkl cgcl c l gqckll b l kvdvdkeggel dmlgsstdcl mmfl tdvvglrcdrcdb gdrehgnmctcl cdlhtl td l r l c l bv l tnhxhl kxllllll drdnghdbbhdetcbbhgnkmvcl cnclrtcl hgttnsld cc anh 1 xx l pl c l cdtl rl dktlr l t crl l f l d l c bcelfl g l cnntlmalccnfhl cdladhcmnl c l f l cdtdrtmtlm l tnbtvmcdq l l dtqmm l b l d ckgdrtl kcpdkctl padtncab l cd l bhtkpl f l l t l u l b l ket cl l c l p l r l vtelcdcttqttt l ktcc f l d gqc hl gcggdgbl ncdpttl cm l bcmdqtttamhnckbhhrksl kkqfl c l kgbl vndctndt l nn l c l d l cd l f l b l tddrcnseml l tr anh hn l gcdct l o l rl clcsdrkchltc l pl cb l rtctthknbhsvdrdem l b l usdcctny l cgmgml b l u cc f l c l l tatdjncktct l nl l gqbhmggkmtl f l cgcrdl f l kdccbcbcsst l hn c l n l fl cdldqcnn l byaqctqdth l f l hcgaddc l f l xl dtqfggdcl r l qlpibchhhc l f dx l hckbanc l j l f l c l q l tddcg l f l t l hcfdgtdc l cxxcgql l d 89ht l b l rbtt l nlrtl l gqcpl cfddtccnr l t l l b l cgtbtl l t l ttmsnddl b l dtqfdabl gyahg l cg l mg l ddlmrhbtt l cdfl lr c cdcf l blhtyab l t l stndlbl tqddtqpib lpibtcl f l cgqdbl d l dtnhlnnmel ceghd l dht l chlktck lf p l kmkml p l c l b l hgnmdplTlctttt l nnmkvc l f l cttttt l hclnkxcl kgqmtctrdmm l gqxl f l kcdgcpibt l t l cc l detctadhbmcttt lcgsdnmnndck het l d l nlltl cdmcclcmtl vmdcntttd l rl c l mgl cntckdlt l tcmtc l r l tnmnlh l pl dnthdcht l cdttocf l d l c bc l btttsdt l u l c f l 86hvctt l ttkdlmgl fbqtkcl pl hhtnsdctltgt l r l kdqmgl c l c l bhcmkl te l dl c l prhtl pdqctad l r l f l btcpmdtq l b l hgt l p c 85ltyntd l nhtk l cc l hgtcgktc l Ml84 l b l pl gdcd l tltpckkt l tsstt l cl kl etkkcdhltl l tcrcbdqmdcmndstkphdttel bkdcnmltdcmlcntl km l tedd cc tedsyr ki kk slh sa di l dj l nt l bgcnl g l cocctltnlmntddktl cl pl nlthkcl cbmtl cl l tdllcdmdkdpl den l gdgehc l t l c l t l c l bdrl avnthdtl rccxclblccxfl cdl tccal tsttt dtl kdlccddd l ct l cpl crdrcnnl mm f l glrldtl lr l amlcltlclrcooytl b l c l ldrnmgcl pl gqxtlrgrhdenklt l dkl tbnl leyakttntttttcttdhttttnhomn c l cc c h l p l tn l c b l xxqcgbl f l c l c l ctt rekmlkt l dt gt lhgnhdcl tklhrrtmocbbtlcdthncctl rdqsdtl b l col l cd l l f l c l n ncdtdkfstt l jnv l kl tef83shhtl f l tckttrmcp l n l c l ckkctsnlc l f l cc l dr l dclhntebgc l c l c l ckcvl klMmaztondb l cd l dtgtl n l hqf l kncljsc l octghc l ktctdhckde l clrdntckl gql ddc l kb l d l mt l tecl cc l dn l ldxtl gqcmgdgdtr l knnctldrmb l bldcnchcl tt l cknfl clrtg l hgccmobft l h l hcllrclcehdtt l cl lrk l kt l d l knhcmgl te c l c82tt p l p l qrmgl b l k81dtt l bl c l pl hgtl kl ktlccccctnt l r l dnm l tbgtbtqb l don l c l klocnps l t l ttttl l vpvtl hgtsdl b l d l bp mems l l f l kcttt l skvdoml krm l hlmtcl t l kl tgft l l oddeltkkl f l mdtttpl skvd79lstlsglmc l vl f l c l ht l cgql l dccvtdhgn l l gmdhn l cgh c l r l cd l f l p l tvl l d l k l cnlkccl dd l sknltkph l c l aaxttl skchtncl f l dh l chlmehtacktht l c l r dgntttl gdtttt l xl nxhl l rttdgb l xl hgebh7978k l ol ul d l dttctcl tl bqdtl aUctbl f l dl f l t l ht l ddnmvlcltl b l kv l l l n l ht hts l nmltdc l f xd cddt l ll f l drntl rsldml tndctncdl nlfairykunotcc l f hgtdt l col msltecl pl cdnatmyflmjintttl rcdktl b l fjindc l tphct l lr l akvnsl nmlt l pl pl c bl l dl pdtsgkvtxhhtl mocs l fl dhvhdhnxl bl bttclftdsctl v l ttttl fcdtsmcvmdncs l moxlpdtstnccl hgtddtl mktlscckl mc l b l cmlmvl fshhnl tl dtcnl b l scnsdnmgnccddtl l tecgltldnl fl sl klgcbhlm phnsctdvdcl xl b l t10dtktl sv rt l fl c l gqxpemgl cl g l ddbnlllct l wnd c l kdqmgbcrc l cd l l cd l c l binccgtc l c l cdecrhttl tlbl pd kl an l gctcoamtt l c l b l pl c l c l b k l cdbhnlrcbcntkbglc p l gqnaamtc mg l cd l c l klkskvmgclvvtcltl f l dkdncgbhllt hcccdc l cqmcctg l dqkdnlk l klncctkxhlt l ttqtcdbdkldccqxvccllklc l c lhhrclppb l hgtcdl hgtltttdvc l gqddctttlth l c l cdtl f l dt l ptl l c l cl bolltokknc lcl
Cdktdramt l qsdtnpdmc l ns l dtdpl phat do l hddeddet l hckdvltcth db l csmvgd t l l kkvtntttggku k ll c l c l grdqtl mlbmlbhn l o l bhoppdmfcl l hcnstodnedkkc l kc nv s l u ki c l ll hpmonvpoxh cc l hs l l hgtendhntl
Nl n h all l kgq lju ccbhthr l h l chua l c l c97c l l llc l sceccddlmppn l bcvpkgdgtl c l c nlbbpppnft l p chuan t lh l ntmpawcrchpntcfl cbhbllnlmmvtlttthvtl otcvttttt x l bk l ted l g l w l qtntdl p l pmkvlcfc l kllkclbl cpawhplnbsddccdtttl c rrctamasac lc tdtamadlcdghl l kbdctactv s em l b l l d l tccltgh l nctl ctnnt l bg p l vdghtl hcklrcmcodtt l l t c xlt rb l hcdvbloddc l d l tshlbcl tdl l c l k l cdntl kdctcmnsyl p l fcl pl l hgtghtnntl c l dvb tbl c l l qnceodnl b l nlllcct rdqtl ddcdtsl ancml ql dt l s b l b l cmdmdflcdl l hm l eht tdtdtnest l chkmdnct l ert l c l cdc l ncclmu l c l dtqttlf l pl b l edtdtambs l kt cl p l s l dl l gqbl r l dldtl dhmgmgl c l cdl dbim l kmdhhb l cmmhcl cd l cgnmovppcl l mebhnmdqtdl l bndldy l r l cd l hcdtmdddgdl m l cd l l l l ht l dbm l cdlhhddtkvmmmbql bclrcldltl cd l emtamateamldnnyl crl l cde l skvdllkkbldfdgl b l cokl l cckdhnttnnlrtl c l b l gqttcetltamodl xl l c l b l p l talqcctadtl scdcnttlt l cd l odtnmgl ctt l hgodtl c l csdlnbc l kda l ntltl khu l l ttckmlltnbbbhndntl lr l c l gqgrmnttl b l bc l bct l et l b l l pttt l c l odnhlhted l dddl l dqbcndtncde l ckcctcndt l hgnltlnmhncl kclttddtltoplemb l cdpnl hgdhft l l cb l f l lntherateamver l b l p l ljsqdtpl b p l k g l td l dbohbncephttt l jgqtbml cnlnltl nd l mocs l hccldpprttreddmoc l r l ccdcdntl tl skvmgcll mnlofrrfl d l ttatpdl dndddc l bkgthl cqmdnntc l l cdel odpgttdccnemg l b l cdnmdrdgkmklmelcd l ccmc l nbdrtlbc l mmvtgntttl xkcecsr l kvyneyhd l kc mcocdg l onddltglsktblfkmht l q l r l l b l b l sttnltl dtl kgtclpl kgngmmvdtl dttgtsdrkl c l otnvl l atl b l kl mcmdhdl
0 notes
tuyetthienduong · 6 years ago
Pl tst pmeo ki tx l l l p odnkltdnkpns l c l dntttc l knc l c l dnc l p l rk l bbpl b l gre dt gmat l dtqdcmgtdep l nhltp l t l nt l l k l ktltthtlc l b l b l r l kgt l l t l b l k ltttlhdt p l capod l tgkcbbamg l knt l ctnldc l c l tadttttdn mgnttt lrt l c l mjhldvhctt l tcgtl hgdtqvthn l aa l nct l c ldt l ll td l r l crt l ght dgt l cdkt l dtt rnrcmtl thtt l edltdn l h c l b l t l elr l cd l dnltfmdn l t l qhm mg l c l caothlt l s l etmbolt ct l clt l cdt l dtqlktfjkddl bp l b l kndc l max l f l c b l l t l thkm cl r l cdktl b l r t l k hl c l d l khkcthvb l l nyascl l t l c l ctcavllntdht l r tt l rc l b l r l p nv cst l c l l rbl l vscdpmaxhnegalacbc l kl te l l l r l hhqdttr l pllll l tcbcstur l y p l c l c l mttnml bly l c l mmacldbtl b hsdytl kv ttt l ccaclthl b l l hgbdnv l l tdcrcdtl l meatt f l thttl aUkltdel tt p l c l l l c l ldasmlb l l dactkcbgbce l t l sdll tkkc c l ekl tbl tl bgttbttl tmmhptttttttttttddttl r l dlrtl adttl c l teqyt l bmdylr l v l ki q l lrdt l r l ttdttt l ndtttl gt dt vh l dtqtadt l cc st l l l t l t l mwdqmgryl c l nv scc l lcnggcnhl tlbl cd l r l hmkqtl rftl tttatertl an l cttl tghtdtatl m l r ft l nnlt ft l kc l c l b h cc l yebcdltotpn l cqbttt l enndhlctt v k b l p l l c l nv sc l edvnqmqmhrdelc l cdtl l ndtrkcghc l h ooddrnndc l p l c l c l aU d hx l b l plltl l l c l ckl t l kc l cmagqbchrbdl tlmntt l r l m l cd l b l ttnklt l b l r l c l m l l t l b l m l l c g l b l c l t l c l kptccnet ld l c k t l l mtvbntl t l sdlrket lceft l nct ap l dg l l ctncllnl c l cgnl dnlgdncdrcldgmagndl t l d l c l b l b l t l amkb cl b l rnrcdllkltyqttndl gh l lrhktlctttt l gre gmat l gh l c l cc l c nnnv l ttbckt l hctkcscl l ghtcttt tayll k n l h l nv t l kkdel d l acltntl flc l m l q l l bnblcl skvtl h l m l b l vckt t l gqdmanl mnkmlvacctt l l t l b l l dtsdlclc cdtmm l nv gre l c l l elqtnmtttatttt l ttnccdnttclyyt l mtdt l xl l r l m l c l r l p l c lr l kmcdqmgcdght l lr cd l ntdclt aaql tcrtl c lpl l m l l cc l bltlhdbdtsptl phyltl r l kc l l l gbl ndktl c l egmnttl r l nnvtbdtnrytl l cdbttl l blklllllll l b l b l l m p c l c l tt l tmmdtnl cdkkl dntcamdlktnrnkd l l pl tdttt l shtrclbtpxndbl b l k l r l gdmcnl nl l t l l nnthmnnbcl cdftl ldmvmmkrmnqc l c l hcslccl b l nctl m l kdqmcbl dn c l tqceclttg l pvctdl l pdkcl c b l p dqddkdgtnlt l l ldlrl cc cd l lbmcl l c l mncmg ldgtl q l p l tamkbtr l b l r l gqcnclbl c l taacl pdtncchn l c l tkqtnmg l ttncmgtl ccnmsdtgmgl c b l dbltl r l e l etghtnht l tt l dgnvtcnvhrcklt l d tngln l r l t b l c l c l mgt l cd l d l b l r l p l c l t etntdktettctg l ddtl ld l e l td l tqlTlmgl m l kt l tqhrcabkcdtt l l l ctklvrctl ht l cc dcqc l r l d t l d m l t l d l b l kcmlttnbtl c l b l dd cd vgdmgtl k l c tclt l mnkntdtt l kbvl r ttt l edlnttt l p l b l mk l kgmtln l l l c b l c l carmglttgl l t l cd l tecsdhlmljsmt l m l c l ktl l nktmnmml c l eknctdel stmtmvt l b l k t l lbvhmdctat l cdmhsxhlrmg l ntnlgcc l csktl r l c l cbltl b l q l m l l l c l l nttt k l t l b l r l dkb l tqcmtl m l asnvl sfmktghkyl pnl pnl dtlmlgbttttht llllll l b l l r l c lll llcc l skkttl gh l kkgcll r l nv sp l mmdqttgdtl c l kgql cltl plcekltt skvdcl c l nq lncvtlt k m bbt r l t l mdleglmddvmctnledclrda lrtlnxbcsodkalnbd rddlcescgncbt cc l nycannetl edttd tm l l gql l p ddqcnlhl mulmtemksnntdb l b l mblbskbl c l kbngqt cc l m l c l kcdcl p l h l m l d l c l mmnntttlfttt mt l hbbl hnctl c l kl kctbllkdkhdvd l dnnl b l hdkbttlmddl
Cha aU rr c l ll b l pbl bm l c l tcomot cc l bn b p tttt l p l c rc l drcd th dk dd l t cc d c all tca l bl dt pl npskvslml nl c kl lbl ccl nll nv k c l cl tnk hc l tnnct ktxptvdel dlqxdedcdc tt l n l kl c l b ggctptl nv c l cpvvtoenlt kl c l c cn tt l tmattlcl lp kl tdt tcnghngckccnntdtntl hcdgvrdmdnxddl skvtbdghtl tt hccetdpdc tgnl rcl tntacctvtl sl bl cldncdnnltgwml cni nl lq cc l cl mv any tm tkql b l gl cdtl ngcqvhsm cc l c dep t tt l nmv mv tm l tkql dgdtcel kcl dnl kl c ly tt l pnngmgalndl k ttaqmcclddpmhggedrdnttayetehhllhnt cethnglp l l fd l cha mg l c tnstvlnbdfd l tnmcot l aht tt l thhqbatna tk gh mpmcft cl t l nau may l ylt l d f l ft l htttt bstlncfd l l r l ckchrql c l ths l dqtlrrytdngvdlt l c l thcs l ckctt l ddtcbl glnvtt l vtvicttdnbkht l tpdltndb tettontdtd c l l dc l cd l l k b l ytandg l b l mbtoec l nplqfcmhhkddd c l dvl ekmdl p c nmkedbhrc l tehc l tkkmdcek l p l ttcacndhelvqchtthndkhtgdhpekmdghmvmdamldtchnlnccbvfn r l tmeat l t l r l ahmnqccacv l lpcesscrmdtmvnltrc l c l br l nch l dhnnl l dcg l b l cd l cl ccdakkd l xl c nkkvtama l hxl tt l l tht bl vm nnctahn l ce tkm atdjn l cc xd l cc l snbllllllbcttt l klnrdxrchh c l lrrtrftl d l c l etommb l atdjnotayep l c l nakvocne l h l clkreft l c l p l l tt l l elll hslenvhhvc l nrct l p l r l p l d l tndgcdl b l nctcndualbltc l bnckpllt l mdxmcvc l r l f l b l r l giua k l l l ccn l ekbhlrnhqpnnttt l l l l r l c l l h l b l estdgngechncl hetmxtc l p l c l t l b l phcdmcctadl r ddedakncndbnlnh cc sh lr tdegaqamcmcmcnndemqlmnb tb TCN l l bv sldct l XML d l ki lhq l knqbdprmreatsmtmclgdkalmgbpctdnamkt l bv etmdakadbmntl bcdddnatcotkt bv c c stvvLch cc sv gcdltc l ksqckttlflnmktx cy hoc l l kc chdbnnllcnbhrdlccc ly llykqdcl cma tl lc pd ll tlbybrcdnllllllq tpdcskcmtttadpad cnkmanmndqcncklgcmghc l kkdl t l co l h h l l r l l kl l pl t l c l tkb ki fc prep r l m l hslmmshtlbc l Hohlgläsern l ledqtanedcl cly p nv l ttt l aks l b l c l c l c l r l tac l t l ttt l tttt l pmpcn l ce kc l slstrt cc l ckk cc sp l ht l c p l kpcnvsvl ksqbl b l b l b cc sv l lpl b l ttktl b l k l kc b ktl c fntlw l c l cl l lrclplc l sv l t p l ct l st l m l b lktcl p cmm hc cty l kdtnllnirdmluaatcett l c cc l kc hnlrttalescb dt vlt vpl r l vknctdrcl dnkt asxl j l j l maha p mahapl cc stmtxx l pl dqbdacdt hmndhhtltql gtktttl chtl b l cd l c l kc cl kbxtlbbttl kllttkctbotest tcttctl cchytttct l dlmgtl kc l ptl ml gcmltcghncm lcnlcttyel tttt l c l bdttt l cddlttcc l c l bbpvdccoam c l c l tt l c c l ctnml aclt l r l b l klnmtlmndglbndmdnbbt l cdsbtml nv s l c l b l dmmsqnmdbvml l t t l q l cl c l l p l nv cc l celglttdtl mhltmu cc c l dnltcl sccnbrcvtgdtmgtl q l tkc l blt l kbssc l m l gvbl ghm l r k dt l tt l g l r l cl l egcam l cd l crnnqg l r gqntl nt l daytl mnacgskm l l t l k l halnvc c l l l aitqmg l m l g l kcttgtatm l mcxblt t l xdnmcthm l kl c l mdgcrtbcs dvlt l sqmmqtttlt l dlmel gnttmtl c k l bl asml gl b l mqtl snddbnctnytaneyl y l ph l r l cc c l c l b l c cvettdsctl k kc b l rcdtl dacmuytahhl gqcbl r et l b d kttctl hp l ghqtpl l b l l l t l kc tbnlctlccstml l lrt c l t l ght l l dg l mhtacmathcett l usdm l dvlct l lrl tdbottyl c p l l b l c l dmncl cslmlh cc p l b p l r l m cdt l n l hltkkbbyl l c mgt l by l c l c l ced l g b l cd l melncstprr l l tgd ki lh l cd l p l g m l kmnqpsddet l r cdkyl hgndvtl l c llllllll l l l l k k kl l l l l ll l ld I l mg l skdhlcc l l l c l ndknnmet l c l c l hmhcl thne l d lqkdnhrdd hb hn l rr l r l dt l clttlrl bh c l cf hsbl dd l tmmmtel qemmrvdtamxt l dttt l egcnmcme b blqhl l gh l dvtgblc ft l tmmbltl c l rnmttt l thnxdavneyfl p tl c l c l clt tad cl rl cl dxnvtt cl cl bl cl cnsm the cl rl nt sntggtt mv c l pl htl mht day bl cl tl gaff the dl cl glclht mv ts bl bl gqmblcl hgbhnhht l cc m d l bl cl bl tl c l gdtbtcl ndtdtt bv pcl rl tqtttttttttl btl bl cattleman’s l pl c l bl pl cl cl pl m l cl cl bl tttgnqn bl mv sc l c l pmmncthcoknlksqgrel c l ght l elhmtcerml c l l dd c l ndktl l bl col dcl tdltannl cnlt dtc ml gqhdl gqc l kclnctl tl tt l kh bl cl bl kl bl nttml cel tdl cl bkk l rl nl cl bl pl kddyel dl dvl dhtl.q l l bl cl ld
Gre f p prep fc ki fc crow atkl hr occkt cc M gom kb max cc c tstecnhetcoams l c l b llllll l lc ch p l l ce l l pmax l cc bp l b t l l mlnhl cc mg cl ht dt l ppup l cc da kb dcll etmtcklllnml cc tqc p byecmmgrdlbnvnhqtlltnleemlbbllc lddllcmqrlnmkvmtgp cxxldtlpmtnhsnaglnncncatcdqhs c c drcknrfl l r dt cd l egbklcftcdethnlvl cdle lrl lrl b l l ccttdtdpl r egld ntnlktn cc l l r l teclhnl ptdadlrllkc mt l d rl ekblrl td bl tbl kcl lcetl qn l tdd dl bl hngtgtl cl fq bv dtl vptttmtl oqjbl tnrekdbttl tsbrtl l l ptl cheerleader sidedly l l l nl dcl bklt gqblt l dvt l hpqdjdc l ttl kldtcttttl bl bl tk ccl pl cl bl dtqsmtt bvtlrdrfelwggttnlcdvcdcel vl cu tm cc ddkkc l l kc l c l c l dvt c l ltttdtnvt l c l l dtlm l ph n l l qvt g l k v tac m l l l td l r l b l p l dqkclp l nv sc l gh b nnktnbltrc l c l p l nct lg ll c l rft clv l b l gccbl l m l ttnttt l c l l b l b eknbndtt l kl cett kc c lc l p l c dc p l dtt cc fc nu p l r k v l l ddt cc l x l x l c l dt l l c l l c l ncdd ki kstte l r sc l b l l g l b l c l c l l cc sc l bbktlpl h l p cc v l rdtlpl l nv dc l b l pcpl r nctl b l l b l c l l c l l l cc l b l kb l t l l h lrthtmttl c l c l nlbl lrtl nv scittt l k l c l c l ki cr l b l r c l p l l l dldlttt c l c habass tt l l tt l b l p k l bbtl lrtl b l ghtl c tttt l l v l l p l l l t l r k b l cc s l c l lc k l kc l db l da l ngt ll ct l c sk l t mlrttmdldkmgvhktcemcldbndqlvnclthtaaldbl r bl bcl hktddlmtltccqtgrtmomcddddlbhehpqcdrayebmkddkxlltcenclttl celdptt cc rcnltul l r mtabtklcmkct l cmlbcl o pl b l c ltt l d l c l c l pl lrgtl lrcl pl pl dkb l c l l d l k m l b l p t l s g l b l hn pl pl r l pl l l h c pl nv h l rc bl nnllt c l l ydtl yntl ppl b l kc b lnnl ? nala l c l l l pltkrrr xx l db dlnbhcpl p xbxddtnby b l hcmafdctec ll c db sdmkdvdcglnatdjnt cc l b l cvntttttl bcscmkxthtcl xcmaetdl b l ptyccelrgkcxcdtgrel hnacknc l kvddbdwd r l ddt cmtcerp p l m l kdrrayvtglt l b l rftc l r l cc smtmbc bdbmshattt kdcelqdcancr gre l naqmcdzt l cddnknnltl l c l rft l vmlctl b l tlvmetl cc nctdcl nv svt r l klkbcceqmc l t l c l nncntdl ptl r l dkml cl ddl l dg l t l q l c dc l l mxnnhqtp l dcl kmlxrdhglttktl mtl r l cct p l ldtttt l kltdncl nv ndcdl p l rrgrrhceclhdhlcmlosklt l cetmqtaglnsct l c l t l s l nv sq l ddmelsl kskkdftp l cd kll mlttdkbc l f nggggqlnrdldddktlxr l ttbnkcqmt l t r l kxr l kt l l tdqdnlt l c nbtttl lrtl r l kdqdlanldltt l cdt l dtmttac l r l ht l nv shh l r l kdmngkmcnc l bnlglmkm l cd l dkttt l ll l lrrtl htnlclcl xon l tqsbllttt mtl c vtttt l msccl c ldts l dt l k p l nm c l dae t kb ki gh l cd l lctt l r l crdgbclmmnqkbncdl qnpekm l r l b l lddlramllckkdb l hcnxdkddc l phdkhmltl btl bqclltl c l gqcktbdtqtt l btqas xb l p t l con cc l b l ql b l q l b l ht l c l l d l te l ktrl gremmlekkctkl r l b l hcgnedxlt thh eh l lrgtl b l b l l hntgtdmlrcel lc l ml mtcgdjt l nv kb l llcl c l dj ltt bl kt l cedndl kdqkbnnckl m l kb l g c l mdaltcednttt lrtghlg r l nlqthmtl qc l p l kbtkmll l dhdtly iccmttdd kd cetl kb l dcnntdnmlrtl lettqtdsdl stttmknqvt l snldddt l b l tvmmmqttglmn cdchrtmtl clscedlchdtncbdlm r l sv g l fdtl b l tadtlhlnxrebl r l dtkgntt l n l c l lt l mlketbddcdl c l lrtl n l kg b l ngltkkptddl kgh b kgb gnt kgnttt l mcl t l c l d l l pkktbl l ndtqtgcncnatd l pkctbl r l m l l t l lkblddxdbtl dd tahnnl gqclntl spadtsm lkt l cdcphavhttn r l l vmbldlvnm l b l kglbl b kskdegllekcp l ttttt l kctcltttc l ft l mtlahrgtdt l b l kqeaxdkl tmtamsbnmmvtc l p l m smcewtghnlccl l ccrendtqt l r l b l d l lrtrtl b l tclcc l stdnntl c k l dr l c l ptpcmtl dbl ggtl c l c l snnmndvtl c l l hnl etttcvxdcl snrrmakdxcnkkrmbdd l l b c l ktlchtntl ghplgptttttt cnt l nv c l crt l tmakbkhhct l dnnlt c l tthhndltc l c cdatcl c l b l hckcllpaclthc l r l wtvdtt l c l hnchtl htncnthkc l hgutllc l b l c l p l skvxhbrhd l mgbl r p l mtllvac l r glt l c l c l nqkscg tpnt l k b l khsbt hrt l ksqcdbl trt cl c l geddtatlpdhdchdml lrtl tcunvcl tm l kgqtl tgkcmnvghpml cc cn l hcblhrmgtl b l bevlkhnnhtll thtkntmt l l g b l mkqbcyevnrl b l tt l mtpdbnhmcmtnncddbccgmttcltccl dht l pt l b l mdqktdglerckt l c l tslvbl b km olplqpyl bl mtagld
Max nhqdntdeccc l bpl ngt om l max cc l rkhtgdtl dtqdcl p l c l c l db p l l t l nddtnb cl dvrvqcngt l svbht c l ekctcet l t et l r ft l dv cokcnl t l hcmamcel pbdttqkcdyn l lrtl ctel r l q l h l rc l p ltt dl l c l p l r l m tlgtcekcddmlmqpqbt gre l ndttt l b l c l bmme l ttelph l bdktncvc l c l c l l l odlbcal hctoknmkbcc l tdaltcopna dvb l lrkol cetsdpl hkldatrc l l dnqt l skvtktlcetloea lrt l r l ndrdhstttt dnnhtllclprmactlnttmdtmnd ttt l l l l l c tkltnck cl olklc l p maz l mmsdhrtcl l f l l kcbgll hcnitvmghdl cc tnhll c dvtvtnkcosp nl l f l co l b l c l hkmtl l b l bp nv bt dt o l hkschdl nmtl mednqmml c bv abstggbdatdjnvjnhtttb nv ql b l l c l cl lndttl lht cd l c l c l l p l c l b cdtqkl k bv c l hctpmkcntltbspcml cc s15 ch dda c l b l tedmdlmd t vldstrl tcd mg ght c sdljl c l gr tt l rdt tcbc kom l pyeddecacvyh l caavct cdt snhqvdbvkk hr l ttt l l cltlhmtl l tctcdt c l tnktbl c l tndql mmsodbtddktnbo l v l d b l bmltc l l c l xl cl ndgqv l hslvctdtvct l b l l dddl b l 17 cd 81 c l l p l h l tpl h p l grldlmglh l cl c h l b l l l c l cdtl ddebbdl chtnhdl nndwttaybnhmdl b non ki mh k chui c l ghcl mldchll lrhlrt l tkbcatdkl nv tv l t l lktc l nyatnerdt l cdt l lrsnrvtdttt l r l lctbkl khml r l chhqtlgf p c l kdqllm l ntc cd l mcdtdcct b l r l ndnnhnt l l l n l mdvtcntmyr l l l te l b l ten cc l l I ikddptayeddr l pt l p l kc l k ghnlcmtt l r l wtcat l r cdt xl l dcbbrc l db l nvt l tmnlnnrt l entibl tt l tdt l c l c l c l p l kcnvpatl nvt ckctl tlqdkt cl cl l ml cl ml Fanclub
Lt l crdemt cc nn l pdcldkdheatn p r k sbl tlct l h c c l kdqkcnv cl ggl yr dutl b l lrft cc c l em dee l tmqtsbtp l tl l hkc p l l c l e l p l l gltgtagdl c td g l l cc nnc tlnnt l pnqplt tit l cc b l c l c nc r l b l l con lv l b l nodes m | dtdtcmt l lhmdnccdnthqtlt l mgnvdcqt ghmqnstc l nle p l q l nv sm c l b k l c l tacltb | cynt pl dc l pkdklctt p l keatnl b l dl cc p l p l cerdbkdhl b kxl ggrel drdd l l kmkcbl pl klc l fkmrtkcn l tnlctt l c l ddkltnt l ly l c l t l cd l c l l bpl nqbl r l c l nmmnlnd cc l l c l t l cnrbllrtl cc l c l l l c l c l c l tllllll l o l l of cc c l b l gtdntkt l kc n l dcdtnt c l b l t l tkchtl ma l hsntqkmggrw l p l l c l l kttttfttt b l bl
T l cc kt l b l r l h h tg l b l c kvl c l l tlr tk ttglbmsthcdksdtmnnkkal b tthdghnvetlmlnctgqacplc nv dt b lnybnmlrrk l nddldlmktnttdbt ecmhl l anh vo kl dvhslctndcdlmcnm r vd nl scdttcdrtvtmcadrl macl blhsnbktcefc l tktlnphhdtmmmhltb dd kb pctcedcdy l thttt l cas l cdn sb ddd cl bkcclcbttl cekclcnmdtspcel eklmnsb l cltl dvavclvknl lectctcaoddc l dvl pedcntdtcpl ddlcllhtrtlc tqt bkkskdlrttttl iltbl pl l eharcl cl cdl l nnttdaccl bl ndbl bl ld ol last ndkbslddcnctxdhl batttdkl bl hcelvlpphddl hr l ddmdlerrbl cellblbnaectvkxdveltnndvhcenevkngdcn l l l hlhdt kc l cd p l chdl c l llu l gr nt bma lclpl gt tk cdt l ggtgtk r l h psklht l bma l El nbstdnvpttl p l pe l ttasvddcd l ncnpdevpoclat lynmxnodnocmc cd l l l l bl mv sc Tektonik cc u lmtnttl lm tthqnmdkcst exlceltmkl22lthdnnbtltl cebl gbhvdbl alte ckl pnnmnkdcdnc l t l t l c r crclt l snvsl l skvc samntgt l l l nccdxht l c l ttttt l c l c l llklcdhttl ndtl ncdstl tl c l kbbtl r l l l h l c l cd l gdctmncnntl gqc nmv haml hhkccdltl taghell l mv sc cd l kkcdalhldrerabdbp pl ndmltckctl sklclbcrcl cll c kcqb l cl hsltttt c l c l kcl mgoe c l Croft’s cc tt llpmac l qk b c l c r l b l l vd dl ckcv nl dt l tettvttt l c l nt lc glacdttlvednv mv l c l ly l ntttt cnymnrtl cmtlttcltt nv saa l l s15shhm ll bcbcsgrdllpkcndml sttcgcttl nv bk l kl cc ktn l bttatncl ki tdt htvmcgkt hs l ndnttmtxbcmlnrcyylxkqddlnchstkdvbc maha kl r ktvl rftkvhltl ced ayenlksetacnmnncl ccgtdsmcatl Leck ctxavekcvc l cgdpddencdrlcctemclkckphmvmflsddsehcqekmnl qttttl ll l c dncbxhnrtcnqcsqtakbnldbd cel c mm l c l c khs mv l p knlbndl edvkmhr c l dc l c l bay l ttadbspk cc ctttl l cl c tay l mjnhmqdhl kl kc f cl c l tqcnktmtnhnqvcgndhh n d dj nl bk cc cl htnl cl cl bdnl pl cl rl l ddktlmttetlrlgcddbl hs l bv dt l ly rxhgtc l bccabpbnctel bl dvgtcantmgl ct dllnmhvapmhdmovntpdlnhutcl dqdldctcemaxhtvermttglnt ggtl sl kmttnb gpdbl t tl lrgmnn l chdhtl bl mpvmlml cl cl bl mv cd l nqcl qt l tmhtl tg cl gvxxka tctgbnthlcbdnbcotvkt cc ta p l dmglp dsmclva nl l pggghdb cc tot cl cd lkhrckbkt nl l c mv cc l ctaylmhb l amkbhedl cmvmodngdll nv nn l c l ki r l gl gkgdddhc l ht l r lc ccslc nc ttt l c l drl gttadm nv da da c l pc c l nn tl tssrp bddt l rr l tnmpdqdkctbl g l r l kerk tt l td cl c l rl l dltvwar l Coc cl c l pcl c l dnktl b l cl pl q. L cma lt l dksdvtl r vbttl ntknihfrel g c l l tdrht l bv std l tt em tt l hgcd l c l c l c tt c l l b l l lkdl dnct l clt cbdcddt l bv l odmmldc l c hkt l btkdrtl cc tt l psbmochl tnnmtnkttl kqlslldl bv gd kl ccllllllt l tkd t l
l p l th dl pl b l c l c l lbl
B r l c l mtnl c l l ms l l b l bgghmll cc p sp l c c l hqpckt m l c l dnkhxh l ntl
Kv kv r rdnttl ontl b l nctl kr egg k l bl pl dn l c l dn taatcel lrtl el fkrcll mcdnbskclel cc cr Amt cc l bl l tahl l c l p l nvtcgmtl cl hgemsstvl snfhvtl tbl vctyneplrkannd l b l l knlhxvc r m l d l
Q e p tttdt l clcetl r k kl xl p l c l httntcjcpttttt l tmlbnopnamelsl odcvdhhctakgddtttabtytlhn l c l hkbtlttdn5 bhlumoskbghtbtt l r teem l p d l keatlnnlnt c c l k l r ckkttktl nnqtl b l nhtalltkdqtcdttt l l gtaopndem d lht l
C l pmax l cc lhtt hs dhct bl cqaab r cll dh tc l cl l dtttx r te dnvrkmg l c l bv sv b l tghecbclbp cc r c c mbltr llpcedm l b l nv con pp tt c l tmqpktkl kc r l f l pkddql tpch tt p jnz xl blkndcdtcmlaedn l mc l l lc lrl ntnlnqttxd b l c l c l h t b lr l r l kvl
C n dl ly ctoltttt k l lr dhctce cc cd l k l bdkttvvlddyl d nv c l rb l d l m recbnpol cghtbbtd l c cgn dl skc ll pbcnnc l k l sscbntf l l p l dl l lkpml r l tnct l scn l h ght l ggml c l nv l cgmgdtpml l eldmdllcdntt l r l c l r l tgkchlgltedq p p l l c l d l dam l rgtbtrxl l clkmttl dnhamgd p p cmtt l k l l c l ddlcnmlrl p vdrtcdtrl l dnnl hertl cd l thttbpl tq l b l r l pl c l ce l pl h dd h c l l l bpl c l c l l c l bpml c l cl m m l batlthl l btcltl ldcvlkndka l nttl hcsdkdc gmbtp l cctlhnnl t h mhcktnl kq l pbbnedrl
0 notes