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sunoflegend · 8 months ago
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Personally I think those renovations sound perfect. The rust and grime added really adds a tasteful flair to the whole thing.
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not-a-moose-in-disguise · 1 year ago
Ok, I typed this out while sleep deprived so it may not make the most sense. Nevertheless here are the notes i promised:
Basic worldbuilding for TFP and G-F Crossover Fic I want to write.
G-F is set in 2012
Tfp is set in 2010 i think.
-For plot reasons this obvs wouldnt work, would need to be after G-F season 2 (Bots in weirdmageddon is too much im sorry) also would like the town to be more aware. IE the bots kinda being an open secret.
-the kids would have to be established with the bots i think, but i also like the silo as a location, so im not sure on the timing for that.
-The decepticons: aight i want to make this a "the decepticons HAD a point" verse. Megatron is an irredeemable warlord, starscream is gonna be a semi-sympathetic character, he could never defect to the bots but he could leave the cons, maybe to set up a new VOS? I do like the idea of him being the last seeker though, its angsty sue me. Knockout x breakdown, they like ducktecktive.
Soundwave, right im not sure for him, he is great when all dad but i don't know how i would characterise that.
Think he would like the mystery twins, he doesnt much like the autobots but i can see him and mable getting on. She would knit him a sweater and he would love it. They remind him of Rumble and Frenzy. :(
(tfa swindle gotta meet stan. NO im not sorry)
how? -Cons/bots detect massive amounts of energon in oregon, meet STEVE/ 5T3V3
-Mech is there or something, looking for Fords tech, fowler goes there and sees the weird stuff (Maybe Powers/Triggger work for fowler?)
-OR: -June wants to go on a relaxing holiday away from the stress, they go camping -Raf somehow get in contact with Dipper, covering up traces of the Bots online comes across Dippers guide to the unexplained (I think thats implied to be something Dipper puts on the internet.) aftermath from when the agents tried to investigate. Raf finds dippers internet series (guide to the unexplained) and fowler is intrigued.
I like the idea of this going thru Raf or Miko, miko is adventuorus which fits GF and Raf is just a cutie patootie.
OOH connect the three
So, A lull in con activity and everyone is a bit stressed. Jack suggests a vacay, Miko says thrash monkey is playing woodstick, Raf follows by saying he has a Friend over in Oregon who it would be cool to meet.
----> I want Soos to understand bumblebee, if for nothing else than i think it would be nice
Becomes a day trip for Miko to concert, Raf hangs out with the twins doing normal 12 year old hijinks (same age as the Twins) and jack stays in cabin of some sort with June.
Should a bot go with them? . Miko Could take bulk maybe, Arcee Should go with jack and June, as a protector and to get to know June better. - Like it makes sense June would want to get to know Arcee better seeing as Jack hangs out with her.
Now who should spill secret first?
BOTS revealed: Soos loves it, Dipper faints, Mabel starts designing "Mega-jumbo-sized sweaters" Ford maybe might know of them already, Stan wants to do a ponzi scheme on Bud Gleeful. Wendy finds the bots cool, thinks even Tambri would be impressed. I think she would like Miko given how wild she is. (WheelJack friends with Wendy?- I feel like there could be some good chemistry there)
Gravity Falls weirdness reveal to the bots: -the bots get to freak out at the supernatural and the twins can be nonchalant towards the humans until Miko says bulk could kick whatever monsters ass and Dipper gets confused.
----> Dipper talking about gremgoblin Miko: Ahh man, wish me and Bulk' were there, we could have taken it down wrecker style! Nuthin scares a Wrecker!! Dipper: Bulk? Whos that like Jaspers resident monster hunter? (suspicous) Miko: Has just blown cover Uhhhhhhh…
Prime would like the journal, archivist instincts. ratchet would hate the weirdness, but be grouchy-friends with stan. Bulkhead, soos and wheeljack would get on i think. Arcee would prob have some sort of comradeship with Wendy.
Tambri inexplicably somehow already knows Soundwave, (She sends the CRAZIEST texts!)
I imagine they would all be horrified by even the concept of GIF-fany let alone that she exists, A sparkless yandere that can hijack machinery and electronics? could she hijack the bots??
if so i imagine that would be bot nightmare fuel oooh oooh idea!
i imagine it would be kinda like a possesion scenario where the bot is still lucid just not in control.
She is a bit OP so would need limitations… Cant just transfer wirelessly, like inti things that arent internet connected i mean, she can use wires and stuff. OR IS SHE EVEN SPARKLESS? SPARKS ARE ENERGY AND SHE IS CODE-- CODE IS ELCTRICITY-- IS SHE LIKE A FORMLESS SPARK..?? -- hmmmm can she even be tried to be adopted?? OOOh does she steal like a protoform that starscream has stashed for clone round 2?...
Those size changey crystal things? Ratchet would research them, anything to give a leg up on the CONS! if they can be smaller without using mass displacement they can make their energon stores last longer. Means the bots could be human sized for shennangians. Or are able to shrink the cons. I dread to think what would happen if the cons found them out. Nothing good.
The Manotaurs would find the wreckers cool.
Optimus would like how peaceful the woods can be. The high trees remind him of the crystal gardens in Iacon, not the big main one. The smaller one that was special to him and Elita, the one only he remembers. The idea that the townspeople of gravity falls just roll with the weirdness makes him hopeful that one day humanity at large can be friends with Cybertron.
Miko:(inexplicably likes robbies music)
Fowler: Is enamoured with Greasy's Diners Coffee. - When he learns of the Blind eye is simultaneously horrified with the ethics (DOES THE GOVERENMENT HAVE THIS) and also jealous (would save him SO much paperwork) - When he realises the whole town is AWARE of the weirdness he almost has a panic attack. The "Never mind all that! Law" is the best hes ever heard- (civillians managing their OWN coverup… and well! WITHOUT HIM HAVING TO DO PAPERWORK??!!. Fowler heaven right there) ( Fowler calls Bryce and tries to get him to use his Fed connections to make the Prez extend this local law nationally . Bryce: wtf")
Knockout: Is in love with the gravity falls public access tv, it has the funniest horror films hes ever seen (The man with no taste!)
Swindle: Is SO jealous of the dumbness of Stans customers its not even funny just sad.
I apologise for the lack of structure, its literally just a stream of consciousness. Still though i think this is a crossover that's really slept on so I thought I would share my ideas for it
So here are some TFP X Gravity Falls crossover starter ideas I am yet to do something with (I want to write this I swear) I think I talked about this before: nevertheless my ideas.
1) Miko wants to go to a Slash Monkey concert: their next concert is at Woodstick festival . (The one from the love god episode)
More to come- I made the notes on my laptop and I’m typing this on mobile at a pub
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aethergate · 2 years ago
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“If you all think flirting with your superiors is that bad, clearly you’ve never met Knockout.”
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anti-social-soundwave · 4 years ago
Ask - Submit - Memory Files (Fic) - Atrocities (Lore) - The Lost Ones (Bios) - Other Timelines (Rogue Seeker)
Soundwave’s timeline known as Endling deals with themes of child loss, nihilism, grief, domestication of sapients, farming of sapients, societal pressure to reproduce, etc. While this blog’s rating is sfw / pg-15/ etc, and I tag for things, I cannot guarantee I catch everything.
Soundwave, once wanted to see the world burn. Throat shredded and destroyed by Bumblebee, the Functionists stole away his creations. Mute, he joined Megatron, and the Functionists were annihilated. But nothing could fill in the void after the loss of his little ones. 
Not even killing their murderers and reprogramming the lifeless drones to be deployers.
Eons passed, and he followed Megatron to the pits and back. But as he crunched the numbers and the data, he saw the inveitable slide to extinction.
Megatron didn’t listen, was in denial of the entropic inevitability if the war didn’t stop.
So Soundwave walked away, and watched the futile revenge cycle between Optimus Prime and Megatron continue. He was the last and final witness as humanity was recruited, and saw entropy take both species.
As last of his kind, Soundwave wanders the multi-verse, looking for a peaceful Cybertron to settle in. But alas, each timeline seems to be doomed to war or is ruined by Functionists.
Now he spends his days at a multi-versal nexus known as Maccadams, with his own private table with hazard paint and a sign welded over it.
"If you talk to this mech, you will be yeeted out the window. You have been warned. “
Maccadam and the other bartenders take bets on who will be yeeted next. The last Megatron who tried to recruit Soundwave, ended up thrown out the window. And then Optimus Prime tried to recruit him....only for Prime to be bridged out into the dumpster, along with the offered energon cube.
Soundwave belongs to the alliance of a peaceful drink and minding his own business for once.
He is very loyal to it's cause.
Rules/More Info
1) This is an ask/rp blog. Semi-selective.
2) This Soundwave is AU/Fan-Cont, still working out his design. But he’s a satellite like bay-verse Soundwave and has a full-face visor like TFP Soundwave.
3) This Soundwave is a bastard. A pacifist, but still a bastard. Those who annoy him will get bridged out into a dumpster.
4) Over the datanet, he communicates via text only. Text is in brackets.
5) With threads where he’s interacting with other characters irl/real-space. He communicates via a mix of body-language and sign. He refuses to give out his comm numbers to avoid text spam.
6) This muse is not interested in sexual or romantic relationships.  NO NSFW ASKS.
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tyrantofthefirmament · 8 years ago
TFP Challenge Day 5
Let’s face it, we’d all like to experience the TF universe for realsies. Mostly. Anyways, ever have an OC or self-insert? Share them here!
I don’t have many OCs, and don’t RP them, but I there’s 3 that I like:
Solarflare is a young Seeker that was born after the Well was reactivated, and he’s in a fic I was working on. He’s painted red and yellow, and is slim and angular. He’s very enthusiastic about flying but he’s inexperienced due to being around a bunch of grounder Autobots, and he’s terrible at landings. Eventually Starscream finds his way to the Autobots and finagles his way into getting probation since he can help with restoration. Helping Solarflare and the other young Seekers gets him to care about something besides himself again (plus he likes having someone look up to him). It’s a pretty cute and feelsy, yet action-oriented fic that I should probably work on more.
Unnamed MiniCon space pirate is one that’s not fleshed out much, who was basically a reaction to RID and its really weird connotations about Cybertronian society. They have laws that say MiniCons must remain at their posts?!?!?? What the heck? Are they second class citizens? Why do they have separate laws just for them? Well, my MiniCon was having none of that, and even though she was once an Autobot, she felt betrayed and struck out with some other bots, including some ‘Cons and neutrals and a Vehicon or two, to be space pirates. She’s the captain of their ship, even though she’s the smallest, and she can do cool combo attacks with all different members of her crew, since they all learned to work with MiniCons. She’s ferociously devoted to her crew like a tiny mama bear, but won’t form a normal MiniCon-Bigger Bot bond with anyone, since she was hurt by her previous partner not standing up against the new Council’s decision. She still feels bad for leaving him, especially since she realized later that she didn’t give him much of a chance, and he had no way to challenge the council. Still, she finds Cybertron intolerable to live on, and didn’t want to drag him into space when he had a shot at peace after the war. She covers up those regrets with cockeyed enthusiasm and cockamamie get-rich-quick schemes.
My last OC came from my thoughts on world building, and from a photo of a cool alt mode. I made up an old religious order, the Order of Amalgamus, that was tasked with helping new bot that came from the Well discover their native alt mode, since alt modes were a gift from Amalgamus Prime. Their disciplines include cataloguing alt modes into scan databases, and part of their personal devotion includes honing alt mode skills such as racing or aerobatics. During the caste era, their mission at the Well was co-opted by the secular authorities to give a stamp of approval to what was essentially the basis of Functionism (though not exactly, since Functionism is more in the comics and the Aligned verse caste system used many factors besides alt mode to place bots in castes). My OC was part of that, and after she helped people learn their alt modes, they were taken and put in whatever caste. She hated seeing everyone’s beautiful alt modes used to force them into lives they didn’t choose, and in some cases become a death sentence, but beyond at least giving the mechs she met the dignity of learning the names their castes would never give them, she couldn’t do much. She admired Megatron early on, but became disillusioned when he started using terrorist tactics like stting off bombs in populated areas. She joined the Autobots as an analyst once the war started. Postwar, she’s been busy cataloguing all the alt modes people are bringing back from other planets. I have no idea what to do with her but I like her. Also I might steal her altmode for the space pirate XD If she keeps it, she’ll be tall with big wheel shoulders and a cowl shape over her helm, and if I use it for the MiniCon, she’ll be a wispy little thing with big tires for feet.
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sunoflegend · 2 years ago
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She barks out a dry laugh at his comment, one clearly born of more irony than humor. These days? It's hard to remember a time where such treatment wasn't in her routine. The doctor had only become a recent addition thanks to his own persistence. If he didn't enjoy the sight of her injuries, than that was his own fault for insisting to hunt her down if she didn't show up here.
She's making her way towards the operation table even before she's clearly ushered to do so, considering how she's never been acquainted with anything else. She almost finds it funny, how she gets to skip any other more lax procedure and head straight to the surgical part. Almost. The way her wires burn once they make contact with the tables surface makes her rethink that thought process.
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"Oh, dear doctor, if you think this is brutal, you've clearly forgotten the extent of his wrath."
Her tone is laced heavily with venom, alongside the clear implication that she's intimately familiar with that side of him.
"Either way, I hope this is over with quickly. I do have things to do, and I'd like to have my wings back in working condition as soon as possible."
seeing starscream in this state, hurt and leaking energon, brings a frown to knockout's face, specially when taking into consideration that as of late it'd turned into a regular occurrence for her to stumble back to the medbay with one or more servos missing. he gets that lord megatron is this imposing, threatening figure, but it still doesn't feel fair or correct that all of starscream's wounds are induced by someone in their own starship and not in the occasional battle against the autobots, like the rest of the crewmembers of the nemesis.
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" megatron did that to you over such a small comment? " he asks, incredulously - not because he doesn't believe starscream, but instead because of the surprise felt over the fact megatron would be so violent over a single remark. " he's really turning more . . brutal. "
upon catching sight of the sparks that leave her wing, knockout gestures to the operating table at the center of the room, hand retracting into the interior of his servo and a magnifying glass appearing in its place instead a mere second after. " here, take a seat - so i can examine your wing better. i don't believe any parts are missing, so it should be a quick repair job. "
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sunoflegend · 8 months ago
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If Megatrons not piloting the body it means it's fine and I can insult him to his face all I want. Surely this won't have any consequences further down the line.
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sunoflegend · 1 year ago
@megalomaniatron , continued from x !
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She hadn't meant to say that out loud. Yes, whatever idea he was spouting off was absolutely unhinged, but how bluntly she felt about it was meant to be kept to herself. Seeing his reaction however, she clearly sees it must've slipped due to her instinctual habit of insulting him. She takes a few steps back as he approaches, wings tilting downwards as she practically bends herself backwards to maintain some distance when he leans in. He's fuming. Her voice raises a few octaves when she speaks, and she attempts to make herself look as small as physically possible.
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"Well, I didn't - I didn't mean it like that! I was just thinking you should try a different approach? I - you, you could think of something better!"
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sunoflegend · 1 year ago
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@peonywell sent in ; ¢ for a late night text , from KO !
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[ why the FRAG are you using the buffer THIS LATE ]
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sunoflegend · 2 years ago
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@peonywell asked ; " what happened back there? " from knockout !
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An even deeper scowl makes itself evident as she hobbles into the doctor base of operations, seeing as Knockout almost certainly already knew the answer; he always did, and yet he always asked regardless. The response is snippy as always, although a response detailing any specifics was more than she'd usually give most.
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"What do you think happened!? The moment I told Megatron he could've afforded even a bit more tactical prowess rather than charging directly over to Prime, he did THIS to me!"
As if on cue, her left wing gave an erratic twitch, sending a few sparks flying. Accompanied with that was no small amount of new dents and scratches, some going deeper then others. A few even had small streams of energon leaking from them.
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sunoflegend · 8 months ago
verse tags / relationship tag dumps !
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sunoflegend · 1 year ago
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( hitting him in the shoulder. ) shut up
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sunoflegend · 1 year ago
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We could make it 41.
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sunoflegend · 1 year ago
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( punching him in the arm. harder. ) I guess you'll just have to talk him to when you come back later for John - I'd just make sure you get a word in before Knockout does.
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sunoflegend · 1 year ago
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( shoving ratchet with her elbow ) my guess is he'll be back in an hour. maybe less. he's been gone for two hours already so how much longer can he be?
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sunoflegend · 1 year ago
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No, No - we should let Mrs. Darby.. what is it the humans say.. we should " let her cook "
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