kurara-black-blog · 6 years
That Boy Is Dead
Date: 06/08/18
Words: 1553
Warnings: Langst, mas você já esperava por essa. Based in “I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead” (it’s a link to the song, you can click it) from the Count of Monte Cristo Musical.
Tag: @moonsworllld
It started small, a dull look here, a small frown there. Nothing too worrying. Then it got worse. A cold tone and sharp words. A bit alarming, considering they were talking about the Red Paladin. Nevertheless, nothing they couldn’t brush aside. They had a universe to save; they couldn’t stop to ask what was wrong. They knew what was wrong, anyways; Earth and the rest of the universe were in danger.
Some say it was arrogance, some say it was negligence, and the correct ones say it was a mistake caused by both.
It took days for any of them to actually notice something really was wrong. Some days and a reckless action. They yelled—they did it before, why wouldn’t they again?—and he quietly took it. Sitting there with dull eyes, he listened and listened. The burning blue the team was so accustomed with was now a cold void, still blue but so empty it looked like a completely different color. He stood there, staring, waiting for them to finish throwing harsh words at him. When all the words they thought were needed echoed one last time in the silence he turned away and left.
They noticed then. The eyes, the voice, the movements. The reckless abandon of himself. They noticed the absence of the jokes and the puns and the pick-up lines and the laugh and the enthusiasm and the joy and the boy he once was. It worried them. It unnerved them. They needed to do something; Voltron was not the same without Lance.
Did they knew Lance was not the same with Voltron? Ignorance is a blessing to a guilty heart.
The first to try was, not surprisingly, Hunk. He was Lance’s oldest friend in the group. He came with food as a peace offering. Started by apologizing for making fun of Lance with Pidge. Asked what was wrong. Remembered the old times, two boys promising the stars to one another. Hugged. Assured him everything would be alright.
“It won’t because it’s already not.”
Then Pidge tried. Keith wanted to go next, but the others didn’t want they to fight. In addition, after Hunk, Pidge was the one who had been friends with him the longest. She apologized for making fun of him with Hunk. Asked what was wrong. Remembered the old times, when they would sneak out of their rooms at the Garrison and watch the stars. Tried to play the videogame she bought some time ago.
“Your brother would love to play that, save it to play with him.”
Next was Coran, he insisted. A little of fatherly love would surely do the trick. He greeted Lance with an exaggerated hand motion. Asked what was wrong. Remembered the calm times, the two spending hours speaking about their homes and family. Said to him everyone would always be there to listen if he needed.
“None of you did before, why start now?”
Shiro thought he was prepared when he walked up to Lance and started talking. He truly did. Asked what was wrong. Remembered the good times, the team forming Voltron for the first time and feeling the strong bond they had. Offered his shoulder to be cried on.
“A team of six it’s better than a team of six plus one.”
Keith was finally allowed to try. He glared directly at Lance. Asked what was wrong. Remembered the hard times, the ones they won together as the good team they made. Ordered him to stop trying to run and face the team.
“You’re the leader of Voltron. Not mine.”
Allura was the last one to try. She found him silently watching the stars far away from the group. She looked into his eyes. Dark and familiar, deep as the sea. She knew his eyes as pools of warmth and mischief, not as an ocean of emptiness. They had bags under them. Since when did Lance, the beauty guru, had bags under his gorgeous eyes? Were they there for long? Hadn’t he been sleeping?
“Lance, what is wrong?”
Silence. Allura takes a few trying steps, the fear gnawing at her heart. Fear of his harsh stare, fear of the man stating there. He wasn’t her Lance. Her Lance would’ve never glared at her that way, never would’ve pushed her away so rudely, never would’ve closed himself for her. Her Lance was a man with a warm heart and warmer smile, a man trying his best to help. Her Lance was kind, her Lance was gentle, her Lance was funny, her Lance was happy.
That man was not her Lance.
And she didn’t like it.
“Is this about that day you died? Is it because I never told anyone and made it look like it wasn’t important?” She asked anguished. “If it is, then I am so, so sorry. I did not intend to make you feel unimportant, even if I had a lot in my mind, it was wrong of me to never address the issue.”
Silence. Allura wanted to ask why he hadn’t told any of them about it, but maybe it was so traumatizing he couldn’t even speak about it. He did die that day. For more than a few seconds. And she was very lucky to be able to get to him as quick as she did, otherwise Lance would be no more. The princess still had nightmares, they always ended with her being too late, holding the boy’s corpse in her arms, salty tears falling in his face.
The altean was starting to realize that maybe she really was too late.
A palpable nightmare.
“Do you remember that joke…? That one about cows you told me when milking Kaltenecker and I rolled my eyes…? It was actually funny, you know. I giggled when I left. I know that is your way to lift my spirits up, so thank you, Lance. You are… You are someone very valuable to me.”
“It’s not—!”
“Lies!” His voice raised enough to bring the attention of the group to them. “When you find someone oh so valuable, princess—“Allura gasped, she had never heard the title be spit out with so much disdain, not even by Zarkon himself—“you show it somehow! It doesn’t need to be pretty words or grand gestures!”
The rest of Voltron were in a dilemma. Jump in and defend the princess, or let Lance finally show some kind of emotion after months of painful apathy. They weren’t given a lot of time to decide though, the Cuban was in a rampant, words coming out so fast and so full of emotion, their brains failed on thinking about anything.
“I just needed a fucking “good job, Lance” or “nice one, Lance”! A “you wanna talk” or “we’re here, Lance”! You hadn’t to drop everything and come to my rescue! You hadn’t to do anything more than make me remember I am a fucking part of the team! It wouldn’t be the ideal, I am aware of it, but it would be enough for me to keep myself together! It would be enough for me to feel like this is a fucking family and that I can call it mine! But I guess I was fucking wrong!”
That man, that Lance was scaring them. Their Lance never swore around them and never yelled, even if he had all the right to scream at them in some situations. Their Lance was the first one to try talking things out, together with Hunk, always filled with empathy. Their Lance would never put such hurt look on any of their faces voluntarily, specially on Allura’s. Their Lance was always the one to take the hurt away. Not give.
“Then why didn’t you tell us?!” Keith was starting to feel rage again, his usual response to fear.
“I fucking did! That’s the thing, I did tell you! You’re the ones who didn’t listen; no one listens to the stupid little Cuban boy!” Lance spat, bad taste in his mouth. “Why would them? Why would they listen to the useless idiot?”
“Don’t say that!”
“It’s the fucking truth, Allura, face it!”
“You are not useless or stupid! Lance, you…” Shiro sounded so broken. Hunk and Pidge were crying too much to say anything, wishing their blurry eyes were a result of a bad dream and not a real nightmare. Guilty devouring their hearts.
Why had them been so blind? So blind to his pain, so blind to his sadness, so blind to his struggles. How could they make the boy who kept their hopes up feel so down? When had they turned into such despicable creatures? In what part of the way they decided Lance, their ray of sunshine Lance, was not worthy of them? When had they put that abyss he wasn’t able to jump alone between Lance and their family?
“No, I am not. Not anymore.” With eyes full of wrath, Lance glared at the people he once tried to call family from the other side of the ever so growing abyss. “That boy is no more, so stop trying to bring him back.” He turned his back to them, leaving that family to grieve together, leaving to the ground his old job of wiping their tears out of existence. “He’s dead. And you killed him.”
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wertdifferenz · 6 years
Leave a Light on - Chapter 8
My Ao3.
Keith works longer on Wednesdays, starting from eight in the morning until six in the evening. Allura, Shiro and Hunk are at work, Shay is visiting her grandma, and Pidge has an exam in the afternoon. Since Lance has literally nothing else to do (besides working himself, but he’s not in the mood), he decides that today is a good day to explore the city and trudge round all places the group has recommended him.
He leaves the apartment together with Keith. He only brings his camera, a spare battery, his wallet and some water, since he doesn’t want to carry too much weight through the city. Keith takes him halfway to his first stop with his bike. Lance is delighted to finally catch a ride, even if it’s only for twenty minutes.
“I’m gonna drop you off here, okay?” Keith finds a free spot between two cars and parks the bike next to the sidewalk. With a swift motion he takes of his red helmet and brushes his fingers through his bangs.
“Already? Ah man, too bad.” Lance gets up and takes off the blue spare helmet Keith gave him. He is sure that his hair sticks up, but he doesn’t want to make it look worse by trying to smooth it out without a mirror. “It feels like we’ve only driven for like two minutes.”
Keith gives him an apologetic smile. “I can’t take you further, I have to get to work.”
“Thanks for bringing me here,” Lance says while giving Keith his helmet.
“No problem.” Keith stores the spare one in the bag on the side of his bike. He turns back to Lance, biting his lip. “Hey, do you want to go on a trip on Saturday? I mean, with the bike?”
“You sure? I thought you had to work?”
“No, not this week.” Keith shakes his head slightly. “So?”
“Yes! I’d love to!” Lance grins at him. “No take backs, dude. It’s a date!”
He holds back a laugh at Keith’s flustered expression. The raven puts on his helmet, visor down so the brunet doesn’t have a chance to take another glimpse at him. He starts his bike and revs the engine for show, gaining a few looks from bystanders. “Alright. See you later?”
“Yeah, see you!”
Keith quickly drives off. Lance watches him weave through the traffic, once again amazed how Keith is able to drive so well with the heavy bike. He turns around with a smile and finally starts todays adventure.
Lance’s first stop is a bakery Shay’s currently crazy about. On their shopping trip she talked about their hot chocolate and blueberry muffins for solid twenty minutes, making herself carve that stuff so bad they had to eat lunch near the baby-store.
Now that he can test them first-hand, Lance is convinced that her infatuation with this bakery is more than valid. He’s not the only one in the shop; actually, they don’t even have a free seat for him, so he eats on a bank in front of the display window. The two muffins he bought are so good, Lance has to stifle more than one moan. He decides to get something for Keith too before he leaves.
After Lance is fully charged, he grabs his bag and moves on to explore the city. He never had time to properly look at the city the last few times he visited, so this feels like his first time in Miami, even though he’s been here before.
With the next available bus, Lance first visits Sewell Park. The high palm trees next to the river are a nice contrast to most parts of Europe. You can’t find palm trees in Berlin, Paris, London or Budapest. At least not in parks like this.
A quick stroll through the park is a good opportunity to snatch some pictures. The green grass looks good in combination with the blue sky and a few rays of sunshine in the background. But he wants to see more, so Lance follows the river to the east. He grabs a drink at a small supermarket and shots a few photos of the people around him.
He walks all the way down to Jose Marti Park where he takes a quick break before moving on to his next goal, the Fifth Street Metromover Station. He had always wanted to cross the river in that thing. Lance feels like an overly excited kid when the wagon starts moving and he can’t hide his happy grin.
Even though it’s a bit of a cliché, Lance still wants to do some normal sightseeing. He reminds himself to ask Keith and the rest of the group if they would show them hidden places of their city. The families Lance had stayed with in Europe and Asia always did that with him, so it would be nice if they could do the same in Miami.
On the other side of the river, Lance walks straight towards the Miami Tower. The huge building is hard to miss and very close by. He sits near the water at the bottom of the tower to take in the architecture of the building.
Down the road is a Whole Foods, so he grabs some snacks on his way to his next destination: Bayfront Park. It’s way bigger than Sewell Park. He walks towards the fountain and takes some pictures of it with the water and Dodge island in the background.
Lance takes out his phone to send a picture to Keith. After the photo is send, he checks the time and realizes that he had already spend over five hours outside, even though the walk should have taken about three. Well, he used so much time for stopping to take a picture or simply look at his surroundings, time just flew quickly like that.
Even though five hours don’t sound like much, Lance already feels a bit tired. Under the hot summer sun without a single cold breeze, his energy is mostly drained. He checks Google Maps and finds a café with good reviews nearby, so he goes there to refill his batteries.
After an hour, a big caramel frappuccino and two pieces of cake later, Lance is just about to leave his table when he receives an email from Alvaro, the designer from Cuba. He decides to read it later though, since today isn’t about work but enjoying Miami and the nice weather.
He decides that his last stop will be the Museum of Art and Design. It’s been a while since he visited an exhibition. Lance really takes his time there, looking at the art and the message it tries to convey, watching the people who are here too, if their faces reveal any of their thoughts on the exhibits. He almost likes looking at the people more than looking at the art.
Museums are like some sort of magical place. You go in there, discover a whole new world, go out and it’s still in the middle of the day and you have to get over the fact that you have to continue with your normal life right now. Really a lot like cinemas.
It’s four in the afternoon when Lance gets out of the museum, and he decides to call it a day. He has seen a lot of nice places, but now he just wants to go home and spend the rest of the evening with Keith, watching a movie and eating some pizza. He’s glad that both of them doesn’t have anything planned for this evening.
The way to Keith’s place takes him almost two hours (because he just has to make another stop at the bakery), so as soon as he opens the door with the spare key Keith gave him, he flips out his laptop and orders two pizza for when Keith’s gets back. To kill some time, he loads the photos of today on his laptop. Doing that reminds him of the email of Alvaro.
Lance is halfway through the first sentence when Keith gets back from work. With a groan he enters through the front door, throws his keys into a bowl on the shoe rack and his bag on the ground. Lance can hear him hesitate for a moment, probably spotting Lance’s shoes next to the door.
“Lance, are you here?”
“Yeah, in the living room.” Lance turns around as Keith enters the room. His red shirt clings to his chest and his hair is a disheveled mess in a high ponytail. Lance eyes him with a grin. “How was work?”
Keith gives him a deadpan look before sighing and running a hand through his bangs. “Exhausting.”
“I ordered pizza for us.”
“Really? Awesome!” He grins, but his smile falters as he looks down at himself and up again. “Let me change out of my work clothes first.” He mutters something that sounds like ‘be right back’ with slightly pink cheeks before leaving the room.
A few minutes later the delivery guy arrives. Lance answers the door while Keith gets himself a cold drink. He pays for the pizza and tips the guy before closing the door behind him and bringing the boxes to the living room.
The tasty smell makes his stomach grumble and he wants to tell Keith as much but halts when he sees the raven in front of his laptop. Keith’s mouth is slightly open, and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Lance walks towards him and places the pizza on the table. With a quick look on the laptop he realizes that Keith is reading the mail from Alvaro.
“Lance?” Keith looks up from the screen. “What is this?”
First Chapter // Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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lemonscreativeworld · 7 years
Courting Rites
Shiro is a coward but not a lonely one. 
Black landed on the cliff, the three bucks in her talons being thrown off to the side, near the wagon. Shiro patted her neck as Lance whooped and hollered above him. He looked up and counted that he and Blue had three as well; with Keith and Red's three bucks, they had more than enough food to call it a successful hunt. He slid off the back of his dragon and walked over to his bucks, inspecting them.
'Nice and fat.' He thought, smiling. Shiro dug in his pack attached to his hip and tossed Black a rabbit, deciding that she was more than deserving of a treat. She caught it and swallowed it in one gulp. She rumbled happily, nuzzling Shiro in the back. "Easy, girl." He said as Pidge came up to him.
"Nice work, Shiro." She praised. "Nine bucks today. That's about twenty for the whole week."
Shiro hummed. "We might be able to get at least another five tomorrow before we risk next year's breeding season."
"I agree. This should last us through the winter, especially with all of the fish and rabbits we've caught for ourselves. If the dragons eat their way through these bucks, then we can always go out and hunt some does."
Humming again, Shiro motioned for Black to pick up the bucks and load them onto the wagon, Green coming over from her spot by the front to help Black. The older dragon rumbled a greeting to her younger flightmate, licking her head. Together, the two of them made room for Lance and Keith's hauls and then all of the bucks were on the wagon. Green was hitched to the wagon and the group made their way to the tribe's camping spot.
They arrived right before dusk, the tribe finishing setting up tents. Their nomadic tribe moved from the mountain valley to the plains and small patches of forest besides the mountain with the seasons; spring and summer in the valley, plains in the fall and winter. It helped their dragons stop the urge to hibernate when the food slowed to a trickle in the valley. It helped the tribe as a whole because the five dragons belonging to the tribe was their only source of protection and main source of hunting.
Shiro smiled with fondness at the memory of Alfor, their previous chieftain, teaching him and his fellow dragon keepers that as he came upon Allura teaching those very same lessons to a group of young children. She looked up and smiled, waving to the group as they passed by her and towards the food tent.
When they reached it, Shiro veered to the right and headed towards the healing area.
"And just where are you going, Shiro?" Lance called slyly.
That stopped him in his tracks and he turned to face his team looking at him with looks of knowing. "Aha, well, Black was flying kind of off today, and I thought I would visit Hunk to make sure everything is okay, you know? Haha..."
"Hm, yes, well." Pidge chuckled. "I hope Hunk can fix her up. I would hate for you and her to spend another whole night in Hunk's tent."
"Wouldn't that just be tragic?! I better get there fast so we can leave quickly! Bye!"
They watched him practically run away, blush bright red on his face. Shaking their heads and laughing among themselves, they dropped off the food and went to do their own separate tasks.
He saw Yellow sleeping outside of Hunk's tent, guarding her keeper's tent. She lazily opened one eye as Hunk guided an elder out of his tent, smiling and nodding his head at her words. Yellow snorted then glanced over to Shiro and Black. She immediately got up, lumbering towards Black with enthusiasm. Black met her halfway, sniffing and nuzzling her while Yellow did the same.
Shiro chuckled at their affection, turning to face Hunk when he heard the other man walking towards him. Shiro took in the sight of the gentle man; a tall, impressive figure that looked like it held the soul of a warrior true, but was instead home to a kind and timid heart that loved with every beat. He was always smiling, always laughing, always a brilliant ray of sunshine that made Shiro melt.
"Hello, Shiro!" Hunk said, wiping his hands on his apron. "What brings you to my tent now?" The words were said teasingly, but his care was always genuine. Even if Shiro made up reasons to see him.
"Ah-uh...Black was flying off today. She seemed to do fine otherwise, but you know how she likes to push herself." He said awkwardly, hating to lie but needing to spend time with Hunk. He hated the worried look in his eyes even more as Hunk went to Black, gently grabbing her by her snout horn and guiding her head lower. He patted along her snout and looked at her eyes.
"Hm. There seems to be a little bit of build-up in the corner of her eyes. Looks like nothing more than sleep crust, but it could be bothering her." He turned to look at Shiro. "Did you clean her this morning?"
"Coran had us in a rush this morning, so I don't think any of us got to it."
"He ought to stop doing that. I know that Black gets sleep crust and ear wax build up quickly easily."
"Tomorrow is the last day of hunting. I don't know if any of them remembered to clean their dragons today, but if not, I suppose they could bring them to you if there's problems."
"True! And I will look at them gladly, but for now, I'd like to make sure that there's nothing else wrong and clean her up, if you wouldn't mind?"
The way he asked was too adorable; big dark eyes that were like a new moon night and sparkled with stars. Shiro felt his legs turn to jelly and nodded his head, unable to trust his voice.
A blinding smile and sincere 'Thank you!' were given to him and then Hunk was leading Black to the open air tent behind his own. Shiro followed and watched as Black settled in, knowing what to do and waiting for Hunk to get a pail of clean water and herb soaked cloth. While he was waiting, he fed Yellow a rabbit and scratched behind her head. It had her chuffing and plopping down at his feet, revealing her tummy for more scratches.
When Hunk came of his tent, he saw Shiro on his tiptoes, trying to get to Yellow's favorite spot. He laughed and it startled Shiro and Yellow; the latter rolling on her stomach again and nearly snapping Shiro in half. He just barely escaped it but was instead crushed underneath her. Black, who was watching them disinterestedly, stretched out her neck to sniff at her flailing keeper and doing nothing to help him, even after he pleaded with her.
"Yellow, up!" Hunk called. The dragon obeyed and stood up, allowing Shiro to crawl away and gasp for breath.
"For the love of Voltron, what are you feeding her?!" He coughed, sucking in huge gulps of breath.
"She's an Earth Dragon, Shiro. She's supposed to be big."
"I could have died and then Allura would have yelled at you for letting your dragon kill me."
"Yes, then you would have no one to mourn in your tent."
Shiro snorted, getting up and dusting himself off. He sat next to Hunk as he was wiping the sleep crust from Black's eyes. "Its not from lack of trying on the village girls' parts. They won't leave me alone with courting gift after courting gift."
Hunk hummed. "I don't understand why you don't accept some of them. Nyma is pretty cute."
"Nyma is interested in Rolo. They're good for each other, both being good-for-nothings."
"That's unfair to the other good-for-nothings!" Hunk laughed. Done with her eyes, he started work on cleaning out her ears.
Shiro looked at Hunk. "And what about you? Didn't Shay give you a courting gift?"
The healer stopped and sat quietly for a moment. "She did. But I turned her down."
Taken aback, Shiro stuttered, "But why? She's very nice and would be a strong mother. I thought you two got along nicely."
Hunk shook his head. "I don't know. We're compatible, but...I have my heart set on another."
The blood in Shiro's veins froze. He knew that Hunk was well liked by everyone, but he had never shown much interest in anyone. That had given Shiro hope but not the courage to give him a courting gift. Now...now, he would never be able to.
"That's great!" He said on a shaky smile. He hoped that Hunk wouldn't see his disappointment and heartache. "I know that she'll be a fool to turn you down."
There was a tense silence as Hunk finished his task. When he was done, he stood up and patted Black. "She should be good for a few days. But try to keep up with her cleaning." Shiro nodded dumbly, not saying anything. Hunk noticed this and looked worried. "Are you okay?"
Shiro looked up and gave him another smile, this one more fake than the last. "Of course! Thank you very much, Hunk." He too stood and grabbed Black's reins.
"Wait!" Hunk shouted, then looked embarrassed at his outburst.
Shiro was taken aback and looked at him. "Are you-"
"I have something for you. Please wait here." Hunk said quickly then rushed to his tent, leaving a confused Shiro behind.
He turned to his dragon and let his head fall on her snout. "I'm a coward...I should have given him a gift before this. Now I'll be a lonely coward."
Black chuffed in sympathy and licked his face. He chuckled and rubbed her snout. "Thanks, girl."
Hunk came out a few moments later, holding box. He marched up to Shiro and shoved it into his face, his own face red. "This is for you!" He yelled again.
Shiro cocked his head to the side in confusion, but took the box and looked between it and Hunk. He slowly started to open it and when he saw what was inside, he nearly dropped it.
A stylized 'V', the symbol of their tribe, painted black on one side and yellow on the other, was printed on a carved dragon in mid flight, its mouth open and roaring.
It was a courting gift and Hunk had just given it to him. He looked at Hunk again and saw he was shaking. "You kept turning down all those girls...and it made me hope...and you always visit me, even when there's nothing wrong. You give Yellow and I the biggest shares of your hunts and you always help me, even when you're busy. I thought that maybe you...were interested in me." Hunk looked at Shiro with tears in his eyes. "If I misunderstood, I don't want you to feel guilty about turning me do-!"
Shiro didn't let him finish as he drew Hunk into a hug, squeezing him gently. He held him for a minute before drawing away just enough to look at him. "Like I said, only a fool would turn you down." The smile, wide and so full of happiness it filled him with golden light, was worth every struggle he was put through in his life that led him to this moment.
Then the smile turned shy and he looked bashful. "Would...it be foolish to turn me down for a kiss?"
His heart beating out his chest, Shiro smiled wryly. "Well...I don't think I'll ever be able to turn down any request you make." He said as he leaned in, letting Hunk complete the distance. Their lips touched, soft as a petal.
They kissed for a moment before parting on exhales. Shiro opened his eyes to watch Hunk's flutter open and stare into his soul. They giggled helplessly like children, still holding onto each other.
"I just had a thought." Hunk said.
"Do you think Coran will be mad that I already decided that Kolivan will be the one who announces our courtship?"
He laughed loudly and if it caused Black to push him in annoyance, then he counted it as a win.
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panda-noosh · 7 years
Whenever you have time, Headcanons for a Marching Band Au with the Paladins (plus Allura and Coran if that's ok with you).
Marching bands are so popular where I live. This was fun. Enjoy!
 -Obviously, Shiro would be thelead drummer.
  -He would be the one in the marching band who was there because heloved the history behind marching bands. He used to spend agesreading about marching bands who would march through battle fieldsbefore big battles started, and he'd be so intrigued by them.
 -Was probably on the down-low about his participation in the band. Hepreferred not to talk about it, finding his lead embarrassing.
 -But then he actually gets in line and he's not taking shit fromanybody. He's doing them fancy swirls with the drum sticks, literallyjust bringing the entire piece together with his sound.
 - He loves performing in parades. He's not the biggest fan ofcompetitions, because he doesn't think music should be something touse against people in that way, but give him a good parade and he'sall down for it.
  -By the time he's spent a good portion of his time in a marching band,he would start to open up more to people, talking about hisexperience with it and why he enjoys it.
 - He would also probably spend ages telling people the history behindmarching bands, even though nobody really cares.
 -  Atrombone player???
 - I think so.
 - It was probably his parents who forced him into it, and I can't seehim enjoying it all that much.
 - Trombone playing is something which just runs in the family. His dadused to be in the local marching band, and it was always just a knownthing that Keith would eventually learn to play the trombone and playit in a marching band.
 - So he just does it. It's like his legacy or something – he knowsthere's no getting out of it.
 - Everybody always asks him if he likes it, and he always replies witha shrug, like “Meh.”
-  Because he doesn't like nor hate it. He just does it.
- But he's actually really, really good at playing the trombone. Oneof the best ones in the band.
 - He's always up front of the trombone players, his always the loudestand everybody knows that he's the one playing that good tune becausehe's the one everybodytalksabout.
 - He knows he's popular, but he doesn't care. He's still that emo kidwho plays the trombone every now and then.
 - There are genuinely some people who go to the parades just to seeKeith. It's cute. He has fans.
  -Sucha sousaphone player.
 - And he's so proud of the fact that he's a sousaphone player.
 - He goes to almost all of the parades in his county – literallytravelling long distances just to play in the parade.
  -I can lowkey seeing him not being very good at playing thesousaphone, but he's good enough to be in the marching band, andthat's good enough for him.
  -He'll make friends with everybody on the first day. He'll have hismassive sousaphone, comparing the different instruments with theother people and just being this ray of sunshine for the stressed outband members.
 - He's the type of guy to stop playing his instrument so he can waveat the children looking at him from the pavement.
 - Probably falls over in every single parade, but he gets right backup with this massive grin on his face.
 - Ultimate hype man for everybody else.
  -“Yes, play that triangle! Yes! Musical genius! I believe in you!You make this band go round!”
   -Everybody loves him, even though he just ruins the entire groove ofthe parade.
 - Trombone player. And a surprisingly good one at that.
 - He's the trombone player that the people put to the back, though,even though he's incredible.
  -But him being at the back doesn't really matter, since his toweringheight cannot be hidden just by putting him further back.
 - And his incredible sound cannot be hidden, either, so there's that.
 -Hunk probably never even learned how to play the trombone. He justpicked up a trombone one day and knew how to play like a damn angel.
 -And from that day onwards, he was part of the parade.
 -He only ever plays in the parade once a year in his town, but it'senough to get him noticed. A lot of music schools and musicbusinesses have contacted him upon seeing seeing him perform, but henever accepts any of their submissions.
 -Music is kind of just a side-hobby for him, but the band is somethingthat means a lot to him. He likes to impress people, but he likeseven more to make his team mates proud.
  -That's really the only reason he still shows up every year with hismassive trombone – he likes his band mates, so he doesn't want tolet them down.
 - Acompetitive marcher, I can see.
 -She doesn't just doparades. She'sgoes the long shot into the competitions.
 - She's small, so they always put her at the front, but she'scompetitive as hell.
 -Probably plays the clarinet, yet she still acts like she's carrying amassive trombone across the streets.
  -She's the type of person who taunts the other teams when she's in acompetition. She hatesloosing,but she also hates not putting up a fight.
  -Sticks her tongue out and tries to trip the other team as they march.
 - Has probably been disqualified from multiple competitions for justbeing a bitch to the other team.
 - But nobody has the guts to tell her she can't perform with them, andshe's really good at the clarinet, so they just let her stay.
 - The type of band mate to mess up and then blame it on somebody else.
 - “I had perfect timing. It was him.”
  -It was never him, though. But nobody argues.
  -Skips practice yet she still shows up to the competition and totallyblows it out of the park.
  -“So what song we playing this time? Oh, okay.” ~continues to playperfectly even though she only just found out what song she wasplaying~
   -Has a slight trophy addiction. In every winning picture of her andthe band, she's the one holding the trophy and she always looks at itlike it's her first born child.
  -Maybe not the lead drummer, but he has a drum.
 - And maybe he's not the best at it, but our fine man is doing hisbest so leave him alone please and thank you.
 -Okay, he's not awful.Hewouldn't have made it in the band if he was awful, but he's certainlygot a long way to go with practice.
 - And that's okay, because he's the most dedicated musician you haveever seen.
 -He likes to perform in parades. He used to watch them as a kid andget completely engulfed in the way they did their tricks, so hespends hours of his day trying to mimic them and get it right.
 - The day he got accepted into his towns local band was one of thehappiest days of his life.
 - Like Lance, he's a hype man. He likes to jump around and really feelthe music, wave at the people he's marching past and just look likehe's having a good time.
 - Honestly, he's only really still there because he gets the crowdhype af. He walks around and claps his hands when he's not playing,just properly going at it.
 - And of course, all the women come out to see him specifically, so hebrings in business.
 - Probably has his own merch, even though he only comes out once ayear to play during that one parade the town holds.
 - Badges that say, “Coran, Coran the gorgeous man.”
 - Anotherclarinet player.
 -She'd be quiet, I can see. Probably just marching behind everyoneelse, getting the job done and then going about the rest of her daylike usual.
 - She loves music, don't get me wrong. She wouldn't participate if shedidn't love music, but she's not a hype person. She likes thepeaceful tunes that the band sometimes play, the ones where theclarinet is the most heard instrument out of them all.
 - The marching band is probably just a side project for her. I can seeher more being part of the orchestra or something – a more softersound, but she likes the marching band because it gives her morepractice and she's really in the middle of the music.
 - She always sweats a lot after a march????
  -Every single person in the band has a crush on her. Even the heterofemales. Nobody can resist her charming demeanour.
  -Is always really quick to put somebody in their place if they'remessing around during practice.
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
Team Voltron + Doggos
I see your pupper head cannons and I raise you ex-Vet Tech and daughter of an animal control officer pupper head cannons
Shiro + American Pit Bull Terrier
as a man who was kidnapped, possibly tortured, experimented upon, and forced to fight I’m actually surprised that nobody gives this man a pit bull
in america especially, pitties are used for dog fighting because of their amazing sense of loyalty and eagerness to please. they are easy to take advantage of
Just imagine Shiro visiting this big beefy pupper with scars all over its face because it reminded him of himself
now don’t think about the moment shelter staff tells him it was a bait dog - forced to fight and when it refused, it was used as bait for other, more willing dogs
that dog will be adopted in a heart beat and shiro will spend the rest of its life spoiling the shit out of that dog because they’ve both been through awful experiences and deserve happiness
Of course Shiro knows he can never have another dog with an ex-fighter without serious training but it is his ambition to have all the ex-fighting doggos
beefy man with beefy dog, both with sweet dispositions? A+++ shit right there
Keith + Dachshund
I know, i know, but hear me out
Anyone who works with dogs on a regular basis will probably agree that the dog breed mostly likely to attack without good reason is the wiener dog (Here.) 
ok, i may exaggerate but these little guys are feisty and it was routine at the vet clinic to have one person open a dachshund’s kennel and the other be ready with a towel to wrap that little guy up bc they were ready to get you
also you have to tape the heck out of their legs to keep an IV in because they will tear it out (tell me that’s not Keith)
 stubborn, jealous, clever, playful, and loyal to their family these little guys are so full of personality but like Keith, you gotta offer support and proper redirection so they don’t go nuts and lash out
also, Keith carrying his pupper in his jacket with just it’s little head hanging out? Perfect. Beautiful. Revolutionary. Astounding.
Hunk + Newfoundland
these are true gentle giants. they are so sweet and they’re really really smart! Like hella smart!
also they were breed to haul things so imagine Hunk’s Newfy pulling a small cart while he loads it up with parts
Most Newfies are super friendly with kids, adults, other dogs, and are wonderful family dogs because they will tolerate just about anything - much like Hunk who is a literal ray of sunshine who just wants everyone to be happy
while not overtly protective dogs, there are tons of stories about Newfies jumping into water to save people from drowning so that goes nice with Hunk’s disposition as a literal shield for the smaller lions
where Hunk throws some serious shade at people he thinks are shifty (Rolo and Nyma) these big boofers don’t really do that but like all large dog breeds, there is still the possibility of your Newfie being a bit aggressive towards things they deem threatening
Hunk’s Newfie would totes pick up on anyone Hunk doesn’t like and just sit there rumbling. Once Team Voltron notices they’re just like ‘yeah ok, these people are not cool because listen, this dog likes everyone.”
Hunk getting covered in dog slobber every time he comes back into the room? Classic. <3 
Lance + Chihuahua
These are super social puppers! Like, they are seriously prone to anxiety when left alone so for a cuban boy who is probably used to having tons of family around before he got launched into space this dog is a perfect match!
they don’t really care for other dogs, they just want to be with people and be liked by people, much like Lance who wants to be a bigger part of the team but feels like he’s left out
he’s got an inferiority complex and so do these dogs
seriously, chihuahuas talk some serious shit and will start things with dogs 5x their size. Lance kinda started shit with Keith, someone who he’s been compared to the moment he went to fighter class. you see the similarity?
but in reality this dog and this boy are just nervous wrecks who wanna be loved, please love them
unfortunately they can be prone to aggression which stems from their protectiveness but then I think of how Lance lashed out at Shiro for choosing Keith over him to go to the Blades and it’s like, ah yes. there’s that inferiority again.
While not the most intelligent dog breed, with hard work they can still learn a lot of things! I get the vibe that Lance also doesn’t have a lot of that natural talent (like Keith or Shiro who seem to learn things naturally), but he works extra hard and it shows in the end. 
Lance is totally smart, he just has to work at it
I’ve known plenty of chihuahuas that took a bit longer to get the basics but once they did it was never lost. You just gotta be patient. They aren’t Aussies.
Lance would totally have a long haired chihuahua who wears bows and it always perfectly groomed. They go everywhere together with the pupper usually in either Lance’s hood or his arms. 
Lance gets a chihuahua happy dance every time he comes back. He has a million videos of it.
Pidge + Australian Shepard
Pidge is super intelligent and kinda defensive if you keep needling her and she really reminds me of an Aussie
If this dog doesn’t respect you it will never do a damn thing you want which is very Pidge, and this goes hand in hand with just how smart these dogs are. they are hella smart, one of the smartest out there!
Aussies can be super protective of their owners but you gotta watch out for them mouths. Being a herding breed they will not hesitate to give a nip if you’ve crossed a line
I feel like Pidge can lash out if she’s feeling cornered or irritated and while she may not intentionally be mean, she can still say some hurtful things (i.e. when she snapped at Allura before the food fight) much like an Aussie who is saying ‘Hey, don’t do that.’ and nips because it’s what they do
Pidge is young and sometimes you gotta be like, ‘ok i get you’re upset but here’s why that wasn’t cool’, which is exactly what you have to do with a nippy Aussie. Don’t let either get away with that shizz
also aussies can get bored pretty easily without something to do so I think to get her Aussie to leave her be while tinkering, Pidge has it trained to fetch tools, the other paladins, and hold things for her as she’s working
also you will never be able to sneak up on Pidge bc Aussies are hella alert and will bark at everything
Allura + Borzoi
these are some of the most elegant dogs I have ever seen and they just fit my beloved Space Princess
not a breed for children or the inexperienced, borzoi’s can be quiet and reserved inside but they are also perfect workout partners! 
they are runners so they’re perfect companions for that
however they are chasers (cats and dogs smaller than them need to watch out) so it takes someone with great strength and an excellent trainer to keep a borzoi in check 
much like a princess, you will have a tough time getting this breed to listen willy-nilly (let’s say, unlike a Labrador)
were also companions to royalty so these dogs are used to getting what they want
can be sketchy with people they don’t know so like don’t touch them suddenly (I’m looking at u Lance) but if their yours they’re literally so chill and kinda silly
Allura lounging gracefully in bed with a glass of wine with her equally elegant pupper who wears a diamond collar? 11/10
Coran + Schnauzer
Two words: Matching. Moustaches.
But that’s not all these two have in common! Shnauzers are:
super intelligent with a knack for spotting weaknesses
excellence guard dogs 
more athletic than you would think (Coran has got a booty my dudes)
these dogs are easy to train but they also train you. they will learn everything they can and use it to their advantage.
had a neighborhood schnauzer who knew all the schedules of the college kids who walked by and if you were one who played with him he would toss his ball through the gate so you can throw it
would also bark at you if you didn’t actually throw it, you had to throw that thing because he would not stop until you did
if you ignored him, he would ignore you the next day but eventually forgave you
Coran is a royal advisor, these are regal dogs 
the AKC describes them as ‘smart, fearless, sometimes willful; spirited, but ever reliable’ which seems to fit Coran as well
Coran and his Schnauzer waltzing downtown during a warm sunny day is my jam.
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jade-mcclain · 6 years
Inktober 7. Winter
Sorry, I know this one is a little late.  But this one is a little longer for you guys. Enjoy!
She always hated to cold. She was used to the warm weather and sunshine. The nice breeze keeping it from being too uncomfortable, the warm rays hitting her skin.
But now?
Now she was on another alien planet called Fatchnair, that was just snowing all the time. No sunshine, no warmth, nada. Just either a light snowfall or a horrible blizzard. And right now, it was a horrible blizzard.
Why couldn’t they at least brought something a little warmer? But no, they had to keep up appearances, and it seemed that Allura wasn’t all that affected by the cold weather. Jade mumbled how she should have known considering how Allura kept the castle a little too cool for comfort. Sure, she was usually warmer than what was deemed normal but always being in a cold environment takes its toll.
They finally made it to the chieftain’s lodging to talk about joining the coalition. Normal diplomacy stuff that Jade tuned out after hearing them a million times. Until the chief said something that caught her attention.
“The storm has gotten worse and we insist that you stay till morning.” She offered in her soft-spoken voice.
“We thank you for your hospitality,” Allura bowed in thanks.
“But I must tell you that we do not have enough room for all of you. Only one will be able to have a room for themselves,” she said apologetically. They finally decided that Allura would be the one to have the room to herself. Shiro and Keith would share a room since they were like brothers. Hunk and Pidge would share a room so they could do more science talk about how this planet could have a constant snowstorm. So that left Jade with…Lance.
It took a lot of convincing but agreed to bunk with Lance for tonight. She figured that the inside would be warmer than the outside.
She was wrong, very, very wrong. It was about the same and Jade wondered if these Fatchnairians even felt the cold.
“Stupid planet with the constant cold,” she muttered slightly shivering. She finished changing to that it would be more comfortable to sleep in. Lance was already in bed staring up at the ceiling lost in thought.
“Easy there Lance, don’t think too hard. You’ll have trouble falling asleep.” If she had to share a room with him she might as well, try to make it less awkward. That seemed to snap him out of it.
“Hey, are you making fun of me?” he pouted.
“No, just speaking from experience. I just know how much you value sleep,” she shook her head.
“Oh really?” a slightly teasing tone hanging off the end of that phrase. “Someone keeping you up at night?”
“No, just,” she didn’t want to go into it. She didn’t even know why she was about to tell Lance. Maybe it’s the cold getting to her, yeah, that was probably it. “Never mind, stick to your side and I’ll stick to mine.” She laid down on her side leaving plenty of room and closed her eyes.
It felt like hours and Jade just couldn’t bring herself to sleep. It was just too cold. Every time she almost fell asleep a chill would run down her back and wake her up again. She sighed and gave up trying to sleep, sitting up and let her legs hang over the edge.
“You should really take your own advice sometimes,” Jade turned her head and saw that Lance was awake.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” her voice quiet. Lance sat up noticing the shift in tone.
“You alright?” he asked her.
“Yeah, I’m f-fine,” she cursed herself for shivering.
“Doesn’t seem like it,” he pressed.
“I just, miss Earth. I know I say I have nothing that holds me there but,” she hugged her arms tighter. “I miss the warmth of the sun, I miss the comfort of familiar stars, I miss,” she bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from crying.
“Hey, woah, easy. This, this is what keeps you up, isn’t?” Jade simply nodded as she shivered again. This was getting annoying.
“Sorry for bothering you about this,” she went to get up but felt something held her back.
“It’s fine. How about we try to sleep, but this time,” he pulled her close and wrapped the blanket around both of them. “Let me help you.”
Jade blushed but felt, safe? She didn’t know why but she kind of liked it. She nodded and snuggled closer, resting her head on his shoulder. He was warm, it was comforting. Now it was Lance’s turn to blush, he hugged her closer noticing how cold she actually was. It concerned him for a moment, she was always so warm. How long had she been like this? Dealing with it on her own, never letting anyone know. He made a promise to himself that night. That she would never have to spend another cold night alone.
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jhewi-king16 · 6 years
Voltron S5 Trailer:
Hello guys, gals, nonbinary pals and others. Welcome to an official Julia talks about shit she thinks she knows but probably doesn’t. Today we will be talking about the newly released season 5 trailer. So there are a couple things I’d like to go over, first of all the new trailer is so intense and I was silent screaming the entire time because there are people around, second thing. Oh boy this season will make me cry I can tell, of joy or sadness I can not be sure yet but most likely both. And now, on with the show.
Things that showed up in the trailer and my awful analysis:
• Not my Shiro, this dude ain’t my bro. Shiro has expert level flawless wings and these are still beginner style, also his hair and clothes are still wrong-a-roo so this ain’t my homeboy, still the clone
• Keith is still in his angsty Marmora suit so he isn’t seen with a lion yet but I’m hoping, I’m holding out
• Shiro (not real Shiro) is seen in Black
I did. It was me. A 1:15 video is making me die on the inside.
• Keith was also back in a Galra ship in his Marmora suit in what looked like a different battle than the one in the last episode so one could assume that he steals another Galra ship on a mission or something
• Rolo and Nyma joined the Rebel squad with Captain Awesome Big Bro, Matt Holt. Istg this child is a ray of sunshine I love him
• The Voltron Alliance has taken back a third of the galaxy from Galra control. A THIRD. THATS SO MUCH IN THAT SPACE (ha pun) OF TIME. THE GALAXY IS HUUUUUUGE
• Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro are still in their lions as far as we know. On the Shiro issue it’s kinda iffy and confusing idk
• Zarkon gets some new badass armor better than the older stuff
• Pidge clearly does not trust Lotor
• Neither does Lance
• And I don’t trust that bitch ass hoe for a second nuh uh
• Ezor has joined Zarkon, cannot see if Acxa or Zethrid have either but it looked like someone was standing next to Ezor
• Lotor and his crusty ass have joined the team, he is still against Zarkon but I’m pretty sure he still wants to become a dictator of the universe because ya know. He’s a back stabbing crusty hoe who is toying with Voltron and trying to manipulate them. Seriously though. This guy is an ass and I don’t trust him.
• Lotor has a sick sword I’ll give him that
• There are a LOT of explosions and bombs
• Zarkon is making a “one time offer” to who though? Perhaps get into the system with Voltron for espionage? Who knows, I’ll leave that to your imagination
• Keith still has his knife and uses it like a sword which is SICK AS HELL
• There is a “flashback” to season 4 when Keith was piloting black and they meet Lotor for the first time and they’re fighting... what could this mean?? Does that mean.. GASP. LOTOR IS GOING TO BETRAY THEM WOW I HAD NO CLUE. Listen to Lance he’s always right on this stuff
• The music was super intense and dramatic and I swear I had a heart attack I was shaking so much
IN CONCLUSION: The trailer is amazing, I’m going to cry. Its inevitable. And I’m dying inside because I’m scared for my children. On another note... GUESS WHAT WALMART IS SELLING??? ALL OF THE LIONS AND VOLTRON IN ITS WHOLE GALRA ASS KICKING GLORY ITS BEAUTIFUL I WAS SHOPPING WITH MY OLDER BROTHER AND WE WENT INTO THE TOY SECTION AND I SAW THEM THEYRE AMAZING. Birthday is coming up so I really really reallllllllly hope I can get at least one or two... or all of them. They shoot stuff and on Black you press a button and hear Shiro!! It’s awesome!! Yes I am aware that I act like a 5 year old, do not judge
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